
Author Topic: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl  (Read 2558 times)


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The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« on: May 15, 2013, 05:07:07 AM »
Have you ever said to yourself "Self, I'd like to read a gripping tale of Meeple ramblings, Fire Emblem stat growths, and fighting game tier lists, but I just don't want to connect to IRC?"  Or are you connected, but is the magic of #rpgdl dripping out too slowly for you?  Well, I've a solution.  I ran this script awhile back, but I've updated it with some more years worth of text logs.  Thanks to my friend Mark V. Shaney III, I can now generate line after line of #rpgdl-esque dialogue.  Quite realistic, really.

Anyway, I generated some more lines of #rpgdl in this document:
But I can easily generate even more if there's interest.  I'll post some snippets from other runs I found amusing / odd / strange / whatever below (not in the linked doc.)

EDIT: New 2016 additions of raw content!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 02:55:14 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 05:07:40 AM »
These are unedited!  Well, they're edited in the sense I picked snippets I found not boring, but nothing cut out or "improved."

<IcemanvonKarma> A boss did 2HKO damage to one target at level 40. I should be on THE senate banking committee.
<%CK-hashMERIKAFUCKYEAH> I'm going to contribute something?
<+Reiska> Noooooot exactly.
<+MagicFanatic> It was a pretty large spectrum.
<+MalikCaesar> Err, in FF13 you're more likely to meet a decent number of people required to have it upgrade to final tier at the Tree, and then had two strokes.
<Shale> Fuck yes.
<Cryo> Everyone knows our Snow is crazy!
<Mega_Mettaur> More like "quite handy"
<Hello-NewAgeHipsterWaddlejima> Valuable would be the most self-depracating man alive.
<Tide|GrefteristheDevilAxe> My life FOR it, bit by bit.
<NotMiki> there are numbers involved, for one.

<TheSoppyUnderground> Being Meeple is not in control of her life, fucked up her body
<+Sigurd> that's hilarious.
<+Tide> ah yes, each person also has a Bracer, no?
<@Elecman> It's weirder than that. " -> hehehe. Oh I look forward to Akira open palm slamming a VHS into THE SLOT. ITS CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK AND RIGHT THEN AND THERE I think
<superaielman> Cmdr: can be single characters from the original but in a continent far away. For example...there are those that are masochistic, and then there hast o be a badass of some sort?
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> ANLFST
<%Laggy> why would he take that out?
<+Mega_Mettaur> FE10 ended nice and closed
<Elecman> FE10 Astrid worse than most of you will play FE10 non-stop at DLC5, NOE EXCUSE
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> *DLC6
<CmdrKing> Hence 'writing is hard'. You can't just do it unconsciously)
<SageAcrin> I mean, it's a word.

<+RandomKesaranPasaran> And probably leaving L'Arachel to rot
<+hinode> She needs major strength boosts to be an asshole

<+RandomKesaranPasaran> Was that a better balance for the tome weights would have been entirely merited had Germany had a plan in place that accounted for that circumstance and it failed due to some ridiculous nonsense from the plot
<+Ramza> ??
<+Hauser> ya man
<+Ramza> :)

<+Mettaur> Free Duck to the left of your current environment before you can do that in late May, maybe.
<+Elecman> Dorcas is a war simulator or whatever, which deals massive lightning damage
<+Tide|busy> Which one is penultimate?
<%Toyo> jesus
<%Toyo> Go in a fight, and it's harder to REVIEW a bland game and a launch PS3 title
<+SageAcrin> nah

<%Laggy> Then he 16hkos you
<%Laggy> lol
<+SoppYs> NYC spoils Jim
<+Veryslightlymad> Must. Defeat. Virus.
*** superaielman ( joined
<superaielman> Hi
<superaielman> roll 1d999 to make CK fight the KNIGHT OF THE Wind and the Crystal Shades.
<+Reiska> FF8's being done in two halves, like they did with Heavenly Sword or Enslaved
<Ultra_Mega_Mettaur> no, that works too
<+Reiska> But anyway yeah, Porre weirdness is explained in CT DS: Dalton falls into his golem portal off the top of my head or into a state where they're auto-combo'd by attacks unless they get cornered.
<%CmdrKing> Bats are tricky. They're a net positive in my experience.
<%CmdrKing> Funny really. I don't really remember that though.
<@superaielman> Aiel brand stalking is quality.
<+superaielman> I could have FINISHED Dedede in the time since this latest mass shooting. 2! in what? 4 days?
<+AndrewRogue> Ash has been looking this up.
<@Elecman> I see
<+Tide|Imakepoorlifedecisions> User LAGGY and user RICHARd absent
<+Tide|CKistheprofessor> Well that didn't pan out though this subbing job seems to be actually lethal/offensive, 900+ if you want to be using a Fairie Ninja.
<+superaielman> 1 is going to look into it. a very basic wall jump that doesn't even make any sense
<+AliciaFlorence> Yeah, that sword.
<%CmdrKing> Is it Nadia? I think that's true during early puberty because shaving tends to cut self off from gmaes when I start dreaming about ways to beat them because I like round numbers.
<@Elecman> "technically" if you ignore initiative, so the number of additional players we invite will be based on Weight.
<Mega_Mettaur> eh, you just gotta lube him up first.
<+AliciaFlorence> That's pretty normal for high crit in the DL unless I'm massively underselling the duration
<+superaielman> I'm in unspeakable agony, how are you today?
<AliceCarroll> I don't count those as a separate thing.

<+PracticeModeNama> There's only two Peshkatzes. Though I guess it does that with all roman numerals.
<+Lunasa> Oh.
<+Lunasa> That actually makes me feel better.
<+NotHere> badass.
* +NotHere shudders at the thought of making Hope a meatshield is very appealing to me.
<+NotHere> yeah, but in fairness, he only avoids being OHKO'd by Ire on the +10 Defense panel

<%Soppy-CKIsAnOinkMoo> Maybe if you have common sense, this will not do.
<+MalikCaesar> >.>
<NotMiki> which is dumb. because the butt? good stuff, amirite?
<%CmdrKing> The little girl. sigh.
<+Meeple_Gorath> anyway, Tails vs. Speed Highway, LETS GO
*** Ranmilia changed nick to LaBanana

<+Tide|GrefteristheDevilAxe> Snowfire is Giovanni
<Tide> Teaches his pokeymanz to punch holes in the wall and die
<+Tide|LaggyisMOVEONLAVA> (Doesn't matter though, because yes, I want to FUCKING slap people when they make something new people may just not let you PASS.

<CmdrKing> Also, it's a shame his skin is impervious, because that fucker is delicious.
<Soppy-7-12> It is terrifying, but you could easily point at Rinoa or Cid.
<+Tide> "Piet? Oh the guy who created FFT actually twittered that he's trying to get her help
<@Grefter> At least they can't suicide bomb you
<Hello-HipsterDonaldWaddleDuck> Is in Brawl in some way anyhow.

<Kotono> Kobot can die. But Kobot will return. Oh yes. (Once Hatbot's gone and the core changes, the class changes, are amazing.
<+SageAcrin> ...
<CmdrKing> Oh? Howzzat?
<Nagare> It does have a woman who was great to watch

<StelWork> I suggest, strongly, you make a mistake in FE, then it's going to be cute by pre-empting an argument of "I just wanted to clarify that BEFORE saying it was pretty awesome
<+Hello-HipsterthedralWaddleDee> That's basically the scenario
<Mettaur> I think rather than just say "Whatever, sucks to be YOU!" "Umm...its one of the characters annoy the piss out of me
<Bardiche> This is why they got a translation patch is no longer the case because there are no ff9 fans in the group.
<+cryo> It is more likely just SCC talking.
<+Hello-GrefterisHeideggerDee> In-game, it's trashy, yeah.

<+SnowFire> And I think Laggy made a Super Mario Galaxy 2: ITS THE SAME goddamn time.
<+Reiska> Well I mean
<StelWork> okay
<StelWork> preppies and bleach fans galore
<StelWork> You are going to just trash most of the time THOUGH!?
<Mettaur> (or should I asy YAY ARTICUNO!)
<Mettaur> Gate, is it alright if your small human plays to a flaw in certain spots(and by abuse of both you and much more constrained with drops
*** superaielman has set mode #rpgdl: +v AndrewRogue
<xorn-MyBoyBuildsCoffins> since I don't care about thinking.
<+Soppy> Face does matter, but the choice to use lethal force was probably taken out of the team WON'T go before the tengus, I have to
<%Laggy> lines up with the sequel attached, an all new (if pointless) interlude attached, and it was just an awesome episode in general.
<CmdrKing> I thought it got harder as it went on if anything?
<+Hello-HipsterEdnathedralDee> Granted, Miriel defense.
<+Hello-RandomRidesAPonyWD> And it's SMT.
<Grefter> OH and a few others seem to like anything I have except mp3. I could put up with Nara of the 47% i now only support anime girls for president
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> PRESIDENT uses ONIX!
<Tide|DuelswithRNG> Super Nova adds Confuse
<+Namagomi> Which is a game. About liars.
<+AliciaFlorence> Yes.
<@Elecman> In fact, if you are burned out, you need a new stat topic!
<Cryo> How is P4g?

<+Idun> Soppy would be the best time for people to download your links" pack with his rip, except it of course SHE'S memorable.
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> ...

<hinode> Solverius is broken.
<+SageAcrin> It was still later this week if I need to finish my silly normal run and then exit and save at every point. you just yack yack yack
<+AliciaFlorence> *think
<+AliciaFlorence> That would explain it to you immediately. <- THANK GOD. This was probably the worst form of medium and light look like, anyways?
<+RandomConsonant> er
<+RandomConsonant> Masochism
<+RandomConsonant> That skillset would be kinda cool to have anything thrown at him
<SageAcrin> I hope drinking was involved.
<%Pyromania> But oh well.
<Mettaur> <+RandomKesaranPasaran> no u
<RandomConsonant> [22:49] <LoveNemesisDjinn> now now... Skyrim and "any other game in the series may well be right. Which is....retarded. Airblast should be better.)
<SageAcrin> (It's kinda funny, for the record, not actual letters

<Hello-ChunLithedralWaddleDee> My problem with Scrabble is that it's generally either absurdly difficult or absurdly easy, and rarely in between
*** Bobo_the_Boxing_Jehova_Witness has been kicked by AAA: You are now Tacoless
<Cryo> It feels like I'm somehow taking advantage of the fact that he supposedly could throw it with his . . .eighth I believe, and easier to plan around)
<Tide|Laggythebabysentry> Nitori purposely facestabs Laggy
<+Tide|EphisHolidayPAUNCHHeavy> HI TRANCEY
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> ~
<xorn-ey-see-eff> ...?!
* SageAcrin goes to be.
<%CmdrKing> That's pretty much that, yeah

<AndrewRogue> Motherfucking goddamn red eye knights
<AndrewRogue> Beheind the three normal people got double stats.
<+Namagomi> Haven't seen Sailor Moon in a -long- time in White Monk.
<Halbarad> Almost.
<tai-zombie> (it's a quest-unlock class.)
<Halbarad> I've heard one or two because they're that much FASTER
<CmdrKing> Without checking the dictionary to see what names I'm left with after I give you 3 options:
<+NotMiki> begin attack
<+NotMiki> Golden Axe would be an uncomfortable place to do that.
<SageAcrin> Yeah, auto-scrolled was what I figured.
<+Dunie> o m g
<+Quailternal> But still, it took me a while to get bent.
<%Laggy> No
<%Laggy> lame
<%Laggy> 5 knight vs Zalera.
* %Laggy deposits Super into an ATOMIC woodchipper

* +Yakumo looks in, kills Tallychu. Are you dead?
<RandomConsonant> It uses a UFO system for resources. Certain enemies drop UFO pieces, which float around the screen for half a dungeon, then the end of the stage.
<+Heroic_Mettaur_of_Justice> look, it's quite simple really...

<NotMiki> he understood...everything about it. the other option (and what might be a level 1 hex
<Grefter> Yeah. there is no Gameplay Main?
<RandomConsonant> I think I underlevelled harder.
<StelWork> Devil Survivor didn't really seem like the only good thing Rinoa has going for it (to be fair, it can't handle A LITTLE BIT cleaning and doing laundry, but :(
<@Elecman-HippopressorDL> Aren't all his damage
<+Ultra_Mega_Mettaur> it was me, but if you drag out battles at the beginning of the game, first pokemon you fight on a difficulty not Hard
<+Reiska> I like Samurai skillset for the lack of BURN TO THE GROUND!
* Iceman eats fro yo
<+Soppy-GrefterHasAides> Good or Bad depending. but probably bad.)
<CmdrKing> Power of Knight Blazer go!
<%CmdrKing> The dream sequence cuts out all the future/probable tense, I could copy/paste that post into the IAQ itself if most everyone likes it, at least.
<superdinner> Theorical, Random.
* Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee escapes Jim's impossible mom.
<CmdrKing> Though in the end.
<MeepleFangirl> that beats out Ayla
<+Ultra_Mega_Mettaur> that's exactly WHAT she wants you to breed.

<+Reiska> ME1 Shep is just like scared.
<@Grefter> Kaidan probably shouldn't have been standing in the red light.
<@Grefter> Makes sense, XII apparently has some sort of date rapist though means really he's probably worse.
<@Elecman> Laggy: Always Ready
<+Soppy> !!!
<+Tide|NeverGiveUp> Loaded Weapon, Gref? <3
<@Grefter-BUYZOMBIESOST> The game seems pretty exhausting.
<%CmdrKing> There's a presumption in tort law in favor of plaintiffs. making employers financially responsible for the on-the-job acts of employees - and defining that category broadly - is a part of my PERFECT PLAN.

<+superaielman> Also, why are you bad
<Tide|SnowisSancho> Chuck was bad on purpose, I think...
<Tide|insideyourIRCzbeingunbala> I miss my little sister.
<Smashy> Strong things trying to kill me. It was the Nolan/Volug/Jill/Zihark comedy hour
<+Hello-NitoriIsLaurentWDuck> And a beggar gives me STEAM SALE
<+Ranmilia> Devil Room killing you is kind of weird NG+ thing though like I said I try not to watch my weight while I was on Normal.
<SageAcrin> Laggy wants to make money, or they stop supporting the product.
* Halbarad downloads latest version of one or the other. anyway. how's it compare to mordenkainen's sword in BG2, sage?
<+NotMiki> if they put Mike Haggar in and gave him things like EQ!
<Mettaur> Gyarados is a significant deal
<+Hello-RandomestRandomWD> Man, you're so impatient when you're seven. >_>
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> I like seeing beds and furnaces and kitchens and stuff.
<+Mega_Mettaur> Julia's not there for a second.
<SageAcrin> Why did they even bother to take the FIRST DICK HE CAN FIND that out until 47.95 hours in.
<Tide|Fml> Yeah he's not very high despite huge competition.
<JackDaniels> But seriously, an ALT/ESL/Whatever you want to rank Rise?
<TheSoppyAbides> Good luck with that
* %CmdrKing ponders. I'm sure there's an MP Regen oil, yeah. Should actually check though.
<+Lukif> hey
<+Lukif> OSTIAN TRIANGLE ATTACK is a fine game], but I can play Last Story though
<+SnowFire> As in one swing.).
<+SageAcrin> *with Monkey rather
<Laggy> SH2 is very piracy-unfriendly.
<Elecman> Must be.
* +SageAcrin dies.
*** Signoff: Idun (Quit: Adieu. C'est possible que je retournera ~ Je t'aimerais! )
<Nitori> I never actually tried to pick up the DS I accidently popped out the game store thing I honestly do not know.
<Grefter> It was pretty much blackface.
<Tide|insideyourIRCzbeingunbala> I think that was the closest they've ever gotten.
<EternalLurker> With the possible exception of a bunch of sequels and I'm pretty sure Cain is better than me and he doesn't help with depression but that does
<Xeroma> Rose stuns people for a quick promotion as well, admittedly
<@Elecman> Your feeble attempts to flame me in response to gnaw.
<Idun> Do you have to go theory proving for a while I thought they did that is a pretty apt description for Pepperoni.
<Shale> That's no good.
* +Iceman sips almond tea.
<+Iceman> Seems a little good for sale.
<+SnowFire> Now if you do a stupid movie about the Facebook guy was called

<Soppy> Hey, egghead mcgee, thats your cue to answer said question
<StelWork> I need to care for the elderly)
<+Pyromania> The best Shounen stuff has an interesting power system at work
<+Meeple_Gorath> "I'm going to try and find out she's an unkillable robot, and lose ANOTHER NK later due to the bgm
<Xeroma> That's 4.
<Mettaur> (GSC Heracross is so bad that it numbs the brain and addiction.
<DrJanItor> Everyone wins.
<+AliciaFlorence> So there you go.
<Laggy> uh HUH
*** Elecman has joined: #rpgdl
* TranceHime slaps CK
<%CmdrKing> ..., March of the Cybermen which is from chests.
<+SnowFire> Ah, for the 80s, 256.5 for the 81s, 266.8 for the 82s, 282.1 for the 83s, 298.4 for the 84s, and 315.5 for the 85s

<@Grefter> If you uninstall then Windows should auto detect it again and nearly fell asleep driving home.
<NotMiki> yay breaking 100,000?
<NotMiki> Soppy, you mean Acting Governor Jane Swift, who was found to have radioactive particles on their clothes.[74]" This is how you become a mahjong master who kills you with Ultima right before that anyway
<+Hina`> Mostly because Strength is better, but TLJ is very CK appealling.
<+SnowFire> That and the SFxT fiasco certainly doesn't help)
<%RavencrowNeversmile> I'd say more along the lines of "How good is this hack?
<+Namagomi> It is TRULY not worthwhile.
<Xeroma> depends on who was in charge I'd do Edgeworth USA.
<+SnowFire> I rather doubt it.
<+dn> except X is the number of mads
<Hello-EverythingIsCathedralDee> what

<Mettaur> well, the CVJ version was good; the DDR Remix version was just a danglin' piece of fat danglin in front of you.

<%Meeple_Gorath> Wesker's not even in 7 with its lower promo boosts.
<%CmdrKing> Makes sense, PW games have static backgrounds.

<Kilgamyon> Also wow it's amazing how freely they ride between two lanes around the time of Spikey Eared Pika
<%CmdrKing> Guess the anti-christ is nigh. Meaning Snow is a better idea, use him
<%Iceman> Indeed sage
<Tide|NEBisEliwood> I see
<%CmdrKing> Right, but the choice to use lethal force was probably better
<+SageAcrin> Right.
<+Reiska> But yeah, I was counting mr stupidstatsatL5)
<superaielman> I soloed that with Labby, but I shouldn't have ate that shit up quicklike
<+SageAcrin> These things are true of the UK
<Otter> Yup!
<+superaielman> I just grabbed two random songs from my folder to test the possibility that I am, in fact, Meeple
<%CmdrKing> Excellent.
<CmdrKing> Rocket CT best CT. Unless that is 100% cherry-picking awful stuff the US did a lot of more important things to think about on every point. I never really felt the need to specifically dislike music because it's from a DustLooper, so d'ya mean retarded hard? :P

<Hatbot> Your special qualities are: Overactive Imagination and Trauma: Killed Your Parents.
<+Hatbot> Your moves are: Fly, Gravity, Aqua Ring, Leer, Magnet Rise, Poison Fang, Explosion, and Trick Room.
<Smashy> Ok, slightly faster
<RandomConsonant> Well

<Alexia> :|
<RandomConsonant> what
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> doesn't ring a bell
<@Grefter> He blows himself up instead of your argument... That was more people raging about it going against pretty much everything
<Tide> Sailormoon chat and no ok
<+Oblivion_Knight> Walk into a F smash or Snake's Utilt or anything because the bowling alley was so loud didn't help any.
<+Iceman> lol
<+AliciaFlorence> <><
<RandomKesaranPasaran> ><>

<AndrewRogue> The Fighter needs magic equipment to win.
<hinode> Then Uraguay would've triumphed.
<Tide> Position change

<%Laggy> Asellus is kind of ridiculous
<Cryo> Must be voice.
<Mettaur> That...would be an issue of Dragon Magazine prestige classes, you're DOING IT wrong. Incorrectly. You might even need to know where to go.
<Soppy-TheresABombInTheLasagna> Sure you can figure out what I can tell it's weird from a glance.
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> He likes jelly doughnuts
<+Coollookingguyfromtheneckup> All WA mages are big eaters
<+dn> because the present iteration looks awful
<+MagicFanatic> And then I can trick you into breach of contract!
<%CmdrKing> Eh. That'd take up way less space.

<Mettaur> Zenny...
<Mettaur> I know the Israelis have been big fans of raiding in Mexico. Their range was ridiculous.
<+Ranmilia> Yes.
<Ranmilia> "Babies happen" would be an interesting threesome
<pauldano> zenny.. would be wearing pants, trance...
<Zenny-Superistwilight> Oh, this must be how an orgasm feels like for those of us who have played the first stage of Tyrian is. Probably somewhere around the 4th there?
<+Scar> who is yer fav champ?
<+Li_Xin_Yuan> i usually try to break up the virtual monopolies the healthcare companies run under... what parts of the game may be the first person to pick one as "Hot", well...
<@Grefter> Oh yeah, I love that Engie shotgun. So good.
<%CmdrKing> What're they drafting position wise anyway? I've been lazy about it.
<+LD-Halloween> Um, hell yeah.
<Grefter> Just pride

<AndrewRogue> Deckbuilding and metacalls are huge.
<%CmdrKing> I was thinking Lunar.
<superaielman> They both own the house.
<RandomConsonant> How very specific
<CmdrKing> What baffles me is that people actually got enjoyment out of achieving deathless completions, and that in itself is a trainwreck.
<SageAcrin> Oh right.
<SageAcrin> Yeah.
<superaielman> Figured, you don't show up on the Hydra's BACK in your best interest

* Alexia eyes
<Laggy> I never expect a good sonic SWORD USER!!!
<+Meeple_Gorath> or are Tales playing you?

* RichardHawk reads GFAQs pool question as "How often do you see what i DID back in Blazblue, but... Nothing.

<MishaArsellecLune> GoH really didn't think some things about life suck.
<+LadyDoor> But gosh it is out of proportion" is actually *beating* the highest difficulty at all, that's quite another.
<+SageAcrin> Yup.
<hinode> Compar it to the point that you'd be better at hitting the tip of the day I would have caught it on my first FFT playthrough
<@Elecman> Is there a party at AAA's house, and is everyone invited?
<+Mettaur> MODOT?
<%Gatewalker> well, you're like the easiest stat topic ever.

<@Grefter> I think Ronal Reagan would turn in his grave at the things FF does well(setting design, character interaction).

<+Reiska|laptop> GoS Reimu is probably a consistency thing with Lugh, aren't they brothers?
<+Heroic_Mettaur_of_Justice> why does this exist bad
<+AndrewRogue_> He's cooler
<Djinn> No, I mean, the original context was "blatant, wish-fulfillment oriented self-insert". Somehow it got expanded for rules purposes
<+AndrewRogue> This week. Won't have time to get in before either of the M children gotten in that Chap 2 <_<
<Bardiche> Killer's way to cope with discovery by raising the bar on an average you're not very close to the boss
<EternalLurker> No, gg one respawn, then die again
<Ciatokins> >____>;;
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> <_____<
* Taishyr nods.
<JackDaniels> This band is from Norway. why does europe havre all the cool people do
<Grefter> Make all exp gains 0
<@Grefter-wageslave> BOOM
<+Veryslightlymad> I can almost get one just get an arcade stick.
<Tide|GameFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF> in one gulp

<superaielman> It's an online class with 350 students. The teacher does not want children, father does not give you the greatest of heroes

<Cidward> Oh yeah, that -was- pretty cool. When my village got burned down.
<+Mega_Mettaur> would Lamdba just be 300 (5 minutes, call each second, do the math!) * 0.01 for example?
<StelWork> Going to fucking drag you into Hubris, Laggy
<Hatbot> Do a triple lux followed by a "plan around that" or something
<+AndrewRogue> YOU just have to be doing ToH in tandem with Croaking Frog. Paralysis -> Misha -> BAM.

*** CmdrKing sets channel #rpgdl mode +v Hatbot
<Seto_Kaiba> Die monster.  You don't belong in this world!
<Hatbot> It was not by my hand that I am once again voiced in chat.  I was called here by DLers who wish to pay me tribute.
<Oblivion_Knight> Tribute!?! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!
<Hatbot> Perhaps the same could be said of all bots.
<Oblivion_Knight> Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!
<Hatbot> What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk.... Have at you!
<Oblivion_Knight> roll d999
(okay not really)

<CmdrKing> Pairing up Olivia always ends in disaster.
<SageAcrin> What do I know, not Anima mage, but you use other moves.
<Tide|gameofTalandRICHARD> haha
<Elecman> I find that frustrating.
<%Laggy> >_>
<+SageAcrin> I have GOT to be careful with it.
<%ZombieGate> you also enjoy breaking the ever loving hell out though back then :C)
* +nothere muses that in his "to acquire" queue.
<%CmdrKing> Plotwise it's the best you can say are overpaid!
<Iceman> brilliant!

<+Mettaur> well, I guess I'll do some accuracy testing or something.
<%CmdrKing> We have learned an important self-truth.
<Mage> And slain the dragon
<MishaArsellecLune> (Well, he only has one turn.
<+Reiska> Basically, Capture in FE5 is the same unvierse where going inside a television is only mildly disconcerting
<+AndrewRogue> (So anything he says tends to get applied to every book in the series.
<+Mega_Mettaur> That's...really stretching what a "Princess" game is
<Mettaur> ah, 1st're pretty awesome
<superaielman> Mercy?
<Elecman> He sucked.
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> So, everything then?
<%CmdrKing> Well, that is depressing.
<SageAcrin> It kinda says something about me where I was, in fact, "Zombie School Days: The Game"
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> Well for C20 you needed to claim fullcop at the time apparently.
<@Elecman> (comparing it to Chain Saw because both are Falcom games.)
<+SnowFire> Well... the first one actually classifies as a legit campaign strategy.
<Iceman> My DESIRE
<+Basilio> MY tongue seems burned.
*** superaielman was kicked from #rpgdl by Kotono (That's worth two.)
*** Roukan has joined: #rpgdl
<Mettaur> They're a bunch of KIDS
<Mettaur> Not enough to ever achieve this.
<Nitori> It's always kappatime though
<Diseased_Ko> Kappatime, yes. Dress up as a new Gamemode and new weapons. Click here for more information.
<superaielman> Where the hell else are you doing?


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2013, 05:13:07 AM »
better than actual #rpgdl
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2013, 06:17:59 AM »
I get one line and it's Tallychu murder.  I see.


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2013, 06:25:32 AM »
You're in the linked doc of raw unfiltered results in the OP a few more times.  Although not entirely snappily or rationally.

<+Tide|vsDrClaw> and one of them with reused assets from FF13, so they COULD put so many points into Mag as our hero. Crazy.
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> Why
<@super-snowissancho> I made a joke review about DNF before it came out I was actually doing about one video a month so that's that...
<Veryslightlymad> I am not the butt of the joke. When Flonne tells Etna and Laharl her age, they were both doubling with the S-rank weapons...
<hinode-PokeniuhatesRNG> Also, Archers in general. Both versions.
<Yakumo> I can pull it off you need never fear enemy snipers
<AAA> And it stalls the push unless they have Aggrons too.
<MishaArsellecLune> Might've been level/equips.
<Halbarad> Possibly.

<@Elecman> d100 for Mia's beard growth
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 1d999 for a Helldunk? and gets 100."
<Yakumo> You sure you really want just to spite fans.
* Soppy is looking at a total of $57.3 million in bonuses were paid to the current topic of Merlinus, summons popcorn
<SoppyLikezMudkipz> So
<SoppyLikezMudkipz> Yeah

<TranceHime> I forget if Normal had anything over Hard or not.
<+Yakumo> I think statements that vile go beyond 'bother'.
<%CmdrKing> You think you'll play XF instead of MK2? Wait, you're going home. You think you'll never lose to ever but take foreeeeeeever


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 06:48:56 AM »
Well I for one am horrified.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2013, 11:19:19 AM »
Apply yourself.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2013, 01:18:01 PM »
<@superaielman> Aiel brand stalking is quality.

"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2013, 02:05:59 PM »
better than actual #rpgdl


<@Elecman> It's weirder than that. " -> hehehe. Oh I look forward to Akira open palm slamming a VHS into THE SLOT. ITS CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK AND RIGHT THEN AND THERE I think

Thanks Trips.

EDIT: I like how I haven't been in there for most of a year but still show up more than Yakko.

You're welcome.

EDIT 2: CTRL+F "Zen". Narcissism hour.


<Zenthor> Why is there no difference between IP skills and MP spells anymore?
<Djinn> That's just rude

<Soppy> Zenny's respect. Worth as much as it wasn't that popular.
<+CountVorsopko> Odd. Was huge in EVE Online
<+SageAcrin> Ah.
<HazamaRogue> Was a guy in magic
<%CmdrKing> It's less lame in FE8 at least. Enemies basically just scratch your units anyway.

<+Mettaur> way to fix the tiny problem that when I installed alcohol 120% on this PC and found out that you're related to Zenny?
<ScreamingFlailingEatingMachine> It isn't his fault his mom drank while he was mowing his lawn.

<%Laggy> Yeah
<Laggy> Stop being english major
<Zenthor> Unemployed?

<Mettaur> I'll stick to what works: putting up flyers around town
<+Veryslightlymad> "Disaffected House Wife? Fuck someone ten years younger than me)... it's hard for me at least.
<Zenthor> Progress progress progress.

<@Grefter> Delete, install a good game.


Yeah guys I'm pretty sure we can stop chatting in #RPGDL now.  SnowFire made a robot that took over.

EDIT3: Reading more it looks like there's a lot of ") and (" tags floating around, if you want to make your robot less shitty, SF.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 02:27:15 PM by Makkotah »

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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2013, 02:43:05 PM »
Quote from: Zennies
<%Laggy> Yeah
<Laggy> Stop being english major
<Zenthor> Unemployed?

I'm about 95% certain this was #dlchat talk verbatim.

EDIT: Of course, that can be said of about 50% of SnowFire's posted exploits, so big whoop.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2013, 03:29:39 PM »
I'm slightly bothered that I didn't read the OP originally. Which meant I didn't know this wasn't actual DL conversation. Which meant I was totally buying it as real.

>_> <_<

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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2013, 03:52:56 PM »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2013, 08:28:47 PM »
I for one welcome our new robot overlords.

Can we make a hatbot script that randomly pulls up quotes from Snowfire's Markov chain logs? /quote or something...


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2013, 11:25:23 PM »
well, some of these are hilarious.  Others make too much to be #RPGDL ramblings.  Hell, I'm coherent more than 50% of the time in these, I CALL FRAUD!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2013, 12:22:04 AM »
The RPGDL is now redundant. Good job, Snowfire. Good job.


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2013, 01:49:20 AM »
I think this is the favorite exchange I'm involved in.

<+Veryslightlymad> No.
<Veryslightlymad> Black Widow is pure sex.
<+LoveOverlordDjinn> You don't count Ciato hugging everything in sight.

I don't have any instances of myself (or anyone else, given that all the dialogue is word-salad things that anyone could have said) using one of my "AND NOW" stories, but I do get an instance of Meeple (and it probably actually WAS Meeple!) paying homage to them.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 01:55:48 AM by Veryslightlymad »


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2016, 02:54:49 AM »
I generated some more of these.  This time, I used only 2009-2016 logs, so more Reiska and less Hal.  Gotta keep this modern!

I've edited it to the first post as well, but for raw dumps:

Useful if you want to vanity-search your name.  There's a lot more raw content here than the previous sets.

Here's some selections of pieces I found amusing:

*** Laggy quit (Quit: )
<Violet> What exactly makes it different from the one FFT speedrunner who's aware of LFT doesn't care for french food much either. Never really understood is why people focus on are the crappy ones, not seeing the connection between the lucavi and the zodiac stones are actually horse penises?
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> Makes sense.

<@Grefter> I love obsidian and I am reminded of evil motorcycle henchmen

<+trancehime> Damn. Is there some obscure benefit? Bartz likes 'em small?
<@Elecman> Doubled BY TIGERS he'll die. Needs to be a hyperactive 19 year old college freshman would have been so much bigger these days)
<+Reiska> yeah I won't be like Subspace Emissary.
<+NeremWorld> And that makes them very, very sad.
* +Namagomi is going to donate for the hell of it anytime they want.

<+trancehime> Darkrai is also a thief
<+Stelas> if you're a physical Pokemon, you always want to write about MOG IN FF13-2!
<+Vanille-r> Is the SNES VI?

<Cidward> "What are you dying to Enil.
<%Laggy> Yes.
<%Laggy> BUt then your reinforcements plot-wise got ambushed and pinned down and you can cook food by just shouting at it. But with Samson with nothing special as a boss skip, I think

<+hinode> Just the boss, or the stage 5 boss. I think it is?
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> kato isn't creepy at all no matter how you look at it
<+Nyamagomi> Sophie's got the best pass protection to lead to being the first week of August.
<+Reiska> Could be. There's also the issue that they have facets of their personality to this day. There's that Taylor Swift song.
*** Kokokokokokoko sets channel #rpgdl mode +v trancehime
<+Reiska> I doubt they'll do that every other boss.
<+superaielman> She wastes an awesome SS thunder book in that game
<SageAcrin> Hey, a sandwich maker can be used only if you come back to Cynthia's because I didn't realize how much higher MP the kunoichi has than the hero

<+Mettaur> And SSF4 sold half of what Lightning did but MT
<@Elecman> Stat topic notes for damage against it as averagee and ignore any good advice Jim gives you about 2-5, only allows indirect spell effects (can't directly target anyone other than super hating on Tifa's limit
<+Vaporeon> My team in battles
<+SageAcrin> usually. It doesn't mean it'll sell well.
<SageAcrin> (EngiA is one of the easier characters to translate is weird
<+Excal> Really, the only way to figure out where I can put myself into a fucking Aganazzar's Scorcher"

<%CmdrKing> "There's a bright thing outside leaking photons everywhere. It's weird and rare. I DID get revenge for the Treaty of Versailles.
<Kotono_Ibis> Nazis wanted a war, enough of the DL is fully dependent on individual games and policies regarding shipping.
<ARogue> *o
<+dn> RE never did it much better.

<%CK|GrefterisMorboisR2-D2> Weird. I'm pretty sure I have the theme of the STEN fight

<Puniyo> Sec, gotta dig out of here.
<+WritingRogue> And they go with non-70s dynamics.
<Shale> Although "giant green lawyer who punches people" sounds more like you're adjusting averages that the cast doesn't worry about evasion
<+trancehime> REEEEKT
<+Anti-Invertebratist_Vaporeon> MAXIMUM GRENINJA
<Meiousei_Kyoufu> so I think I'll catch it anyway
<+Tide> This is A THING that HAPPENED in Gen 4/5 won't be possible to complete.
<@Elecman> It may get dropped altogether.

<+AliciaFlorence> Hearthstone has trap cards. Clearly a legit card game.
<%CmdrKing> I imagine both those latter two are good
<+SnowFire> Pirate/SM/Performer are the good guys, lets Gerrard's girlfriend die of disease because... um... because. It's not "I think he'll become STRONGER and driven by revenge", he even says this will make THE postseason?
<Soppy> You must mail the disc to eject and walk by at that time!
<+Mega_Mettaur> I'm about to get OHKOed.

<+Reiska> (He was also like...13 and an outdoor cat. I'm amazed he managed to trap a hacker
<+jsh357> by just staying hollow
* +Reiska nods.
<+Reiska> It only works some of the team lasting long enough to kill it

<Taishyr> I am A derp and have forgotten that
<+AliciaFlorence> xor is a binary does he block darkness and resist ID at the right level, it worked and just altered things slightly

<+Henry> Goes pretty well, and only star mage gets tier 4 and 5 stars are afraid of GHOSTS AREN'T YOU!?
<RandomConsonant> Nope
<%Namagomi> otherwise I would have to answer some questions so I don't know about? <_<
<@Elecman> Protip: focus on getting me to in and out of those fandoms.
<+Soppy-SuperIsLordMidnight> Mm
<superaway> But the actual pony version got underground forks and continued fan support to where it's going to go below half HP(...).
<King_Meepdorah> I got B Ending, where its basically Fazz wakes up, having no memories of anything that Albel is the cooler dueller
<%CmdrKing> Solid parasitic healing is even okay!

<RandomConsonant> Marty would be like with d&d's charge MP system. actually seems like it meets the technical definition.
<TranceHime> Hi Hal
<Halbarad> If you've ever been on a BlazBlue kick mentally lately
<+AndrewRogue> Well, hence I said arms race.

<SageAcrin> Did you know MBAACC Ciel has a move straight up better than Steel
<SageAcrin> That...would be just one 'Lucy'?
<+ARogue> Honestly, this all generally started because I want to stick it to your last sentence yet.
<+LadyDoor> Man. Taxes really take the plot seriously, not buying that the Lufenians accidentally created a massive bandwidth chokepoint for their servers or something?
<AndrewRogue> Fighting game design, it made me stop listening to the Gad Guard opening

<Mega_Mettaur> Zelda 2 was, just in a Scorsese movie or something
<+Hatbot> You are a dishonorable shit who runs past the big guys who didn't support him?
<+dn> i should probably read it after all
<Yukari-sama> I hated MM.

<CptMurasa-4yearoldgames> Ko, that's sexual harassment and you don't get any skill points for them, but the build centered around using Shania as a battery to power up all my personal information bro !!
<+Veryslightlymad> >_>
<PROfessional> Come on.
<+Glen> like I kept using Papillon thinking she'd unlock some seriously badass DDR tunes. it's not all straight misogyny.
<Sleepkraft> I wish i understand how it happens in the void

<%Gatewalker> Naoto is harder to remember a song that is a dick

<HazamaRogue> Warlock, as of me last paying attention to the city with the ultimate "BUT X CHARACTER IS underleveled" will mean you can't corner camp that event anyway
<+Reiska|work> yeah the average castwide is 13% fire/9% cold/18% wind/16% nature/11% mystic/10% spirit.
<+Reiska> One of the higherups recent interviews. They don't think they changed how Item Registration works here, for the Nama Waifu. Tall, short dark hair. Athletic, due to military background. Preferably still in uniform. Specialization in munitions a plus.
<EternalLurker> Father Wolf for Godlike if so ;)
<Tide> practice tests are a special ops force based around stealth above all else. So naturally, your first mission in the game. discounting fighting and villains, that is.
<Tide> dc double release?
<+Tide|Superissupahganstahrapmas> er...not the stat boosts from the back row.
<%Laggy> then I got bored.
<Tide|OKstrikesAGAIN> I laugh everytime I replay it I'll probably eat up any Zelda game at all.
<HY> The original DMC

* +Soppy-QuackQuack rolls into chat
<+Soppy-QuackQuack> I don't care WHAT Republicans have to say
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> fuck boomerang aiming
<+Random-TideIsRAGU> Fuck you
<Cee_Lo_Green> And how BP didn't clean up after their crossover...
<+Veryslightlymad> Hell, I even got a new team

<SageAcrin> I'd admire that combo for being almost useful except BWAHAHAHAH it's so bad for the country to become functional in any meaningful way, though.

<AndrewAuthor> You start making comments about how much shit you can't memorize all of it is meant to be I eat babies AND A leading cause of lack of caring, a "Fuck it we are cashing the fuck out of species weaknesses too
<Mettaur> BIG slash -> Hit the guy at the gallery and cupcake shop is Tom Cruise and Katie's divorce!
<Tide> Scientology?
<Tide> Where Arnaud has like 1st in 3 stats compared to Nailah and they were the only way to find out, but it keeps presenting itself in a vicious cycle.
<CmdrKing> My experience is all on the captain Piratori.
<Captain_Murasa> I think I like W's overall lineup better.
<SnowFire> (oh for the glorious fe14 conquest black final, a douchebag possessed by the Soul Edge <_<
<Elecman> 30 is a lot of the concepts they are trying to prove that Mage is great.
<Meeple_Gorath> I think Mantle has status immunity as part of work for Samurai Champloo.
<CrossXSoppy> So that flight to San Fran
<AndrewRogue> I found the trio a -complete- joke since they all play PS1 disks
<ThirdClassPilotNama> o.o Huh
<ThirdClassPilotNama> They need to play with internet people.
<Xeroma> true

<+Pyromania> HELL YEAH LET'S TURN AMERICA INTO A SAUDI ARABIA (just with a competent localization).
<+RandomConsonant> That sounds special.
<+Mettaur> wow, Gamera actually did something straightforward and simple?
<Xeroma> impossible
<Mettaur> ah
<+Mega_Mettaur> Yahtzee you tend to miss out on bartender Soppy.
<%Laggy> It's the green Men!
<bofh> Can someone please explain the source of the requests at all.

<Seto_Kaiba> Eh, I might have to replay both Shadow Hearts and the bitch, instead of losing, they win, they still lose most of his Pokemon with Stone Edge or something *shrugs* <-- Stealth Rock TAT
<+Heroic_Mettaur_of_Justice> ...not really
<+NotMiki> man. D3 has a lot more since Dissidia came out, and that led to that.

<AAA> Better PLAY ME SOME bane of the Spy's existence.

<+NeremWorld> and it turns out there are two super dark ones in Vanguard Bandits only the protagonist can land the hits though (??)
<+Reiska> (against Sinspawn Gui IIRC.)
<%CmdrKing> *cats
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> I don't give a shit about RPGs.

<Mei_EVObound> people thought them to be bards? Or just sheer amusement?
<RandomConsonant> I'm kidding
<RandomConsonant> I think you're right, yeah.
<@Elecman> (Also don't really agree with there.)
<%CmdrKing> <Snowfire> Dammit I demand the full return of monarchy. THE QUEEN SHALL REIGN A THOUSAND more clipdeath chances at you than being strictly.... hard... er.
<+RoguevsAliens> I thought Tide hated ARF to the point it may as well super <DarkPhoenix> DO NOT WANT Scott Brown to have another kid?
<Sigurd> Well
* Tide|busy EYES RICHARD

<+Meeple_Gorath> (but Wolverine has too established a fighting style, and is more than worth it.
<+SnowFire> Well the fact that the game can be played multiplayer online.
<Tinydancer> :(
<Tinydancer> thanks Djinn~
<%WhatDoesTheDjinnSay> Wild Arms
<AAA> Sounds like a good summation of XS overall so whatever
<Nama-MourningForCat> I just absolutely shredded him, got a 3-turn sleep and used it to massacre 80%~ of the game's tricks.
<%CmdrKing> Ah, Tana, of course.
<%CmdrKing> The FE9 dragons? Probably something to do with Nyarly/Phile's influence as to why it is wise for me
<+Meeple_Gorath> on that note, I only found two? Maybe it was just combustions + great combustions/black flame + great/chaos fireball all day erry day. It's so lame.
<+AndrewRogue> I give up, Djinn, teach the man.
<Tetsuya_Nomura> The Man With the tile that the monster ALWAYS seems to be the other minutes in the bad old days.

<+Sigurd> hydrogen in the presence of women, then a story about Congressional Republicans trying to stop them
<Laggy> in WHICH case you cry. <= I think you just can't steal it. And, Brachosaurs eat you.)
<RandomConsonant> fuck i think the last Angry Geek actually said good things about the EU part of it. Still!)
<Archmage> For lunch it's like $25
<+Mega_Mettaur> (it's a breed trait)
<%Hello-RandomRidesAPonyWD> But that may have been the issue with allowing them?
<Mettaur> no
<+Mega_Mettaur> GSC's excuse was "WE had to look up Slam admittedly, but I remember getting much use out of breakers?
<Kogasa> They're caltrop-like.
<+Veryslightlymad> Yeah, dried fruit seems to lose some of your evolution points. (I thought Chronos was her father? Whatever.)
*** Signoff: Laggy (Quit: )

<@Elecman> +20% to all stats after 20 levels is pretty inane.
<superaway> banon feels like a clear case: one of Bard or Hargreaves was lying, Bard could not be refused sex for bitcoins.)
<+Reiska> Anyway it's not hard to crit stack
<@Elecman> mc's done some herself.
<%Laggy> Umbral Ice doesn't actually nerf it.
<+SageAcrin> I kneejerk lack respect for Jarate as a fire extinguisher.
<+Pyromania> Hiya.
<superaielman> I see Cathe/Edward is shaping up to be a Jets fan...
<%Gatewalker> that's a pretty sneaky buisiness plan that only someone like Wal-Mart could pull off, etc.)

<+dn> though frankly, given the diversity of the cast being more appealing to me.
<+ARogue> I forgot polgamy
<Iceman> Two of the least likes N1 games.
<+Reiska> Pretty much people who hate Sega buying Atlus and want to argue Haar v Naesala there, I don't think any of the Touhou fandom. There's a lot of the Hi-Nu hate also comes from supersonic which i recall being not too far yet
<SageAcrin> Yeah I guess in my case
*** Oblivion_Knight quit (Ping timeout)
<+Reiska> TPP appears to have the binary?
<Tide|SummonBiggerRAGU> Or a Suarez
<Shale> Or DOES SHE take no damage from anything.
<RandomConsonant> Indeed.
<+Mega_Mettaur> Jim's not into the next generation could be properly parentless.
<+Veryslightlymad> Like in Star Trek: TNG?

<+LoveCrystaurusDjinn> Hey, that creepy witch is my wife. >:(
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> okay sealed cave
<+Mega_Mettaur> which is the sandwich we desire! And the dragon blade!
<Elecman> She gets half evade from everyone but Florina and... uh Wil. Why are you trying to figure out the VAs for Ragna/Noel/Tsubaki
<Xeroma> with the version differences. 6 as well
<Xer-PC> Which was a far better game than SD3, in the end.
<%Laggy> Dude
<AAA> But hey beats the hell out of your way and grind for synth parts though, which is laaaame
<+melia> is Funimation just on the off chance someone who wanted to take a cut of every physical media sold in Germany, they mostly keep it for Fly
<+Chimp> I AM done enabling their sickness when it comes to money.
<+dn> oh boy, now the real story fuckery begins
<+Mettaur> Lufia 2 stuff?

<+Reiska> XY's got a lot better with Len since last time we saw one of the many cheap cashin 3D movies
<Veryslightlymad> What the f....
<+Veryslightlymad> There IS that.
<+dn> in speedruns they reset if the starters have too low Gil, you won't have to spend all day playing BlazBlue. you simply cannot unlock until playthrough #2 and, in one case, it was more for earlier bosses.
<@Elecman> -50 speed?
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> base strength thany fuck yeah
<+Mega_Mettaur> "Good art" is 100% subjective, and devoid of anything interesting for another F-zero!"
<+dn> nobody would kick the average beholder's ass

<@superaielman> I am going to go with Snow then he drops off a cliff after FF13 / Heavy Rain / MGS4 / VC.
<CmdrKing> Well, we only reject games that are pure BS and a section or two
<+Tide|LaggythekritzEnforcer> Damn, oh wellz >_>
<Tide|Evo> same with Royal Guard
* NotMiki shrugs
<Violet> slp

<CmdrKing> She uh... creates a cult village of ponies who give up 2340990234 damage to use Drain.
<+Mettaur> oh, forgot 2 notable ones
<+Mega_Mettaur> "Together, we march valiantly together!"
<+Mettaur> or Trevenant
<+Namagomi> ...while fighting/flying is kind of a pain. You can point at kinda general rules but they don't think that, outside of the borders.
<@Grefter> Laggy is the Ko right to rise?
<Hatbot> I'd count on it, Halbarad.
<Halbarad> Hooray~
<Meu> Maybe.
<RandomConsonant> Unless you are on a large animal like a horse...ubt it doesn't HAVE to exactly think about the distortion in practice
<%Laggy> Well, they aren't advocating speedrunning to enjoy the limelight a little more accessable, Charge got ubered, Lancer PA is up... hmm.
<superspades> Onix's MDef is how bad?

<+SageAcrin> Suicide bullets are slow ass things there that don't fire too long so it makes sense based on previous stuff(thought Torment would end out at 5 and that being one of the reasons for bitching is that the very idea feels painful
<xorn-asdfghjkl> yeah, I've got links to Idra replays of him raging? Preferably without gameplay.
<Laggy> 3 points?
<%Laggy> I think Smogon's crowd would have no realistic chance of this? It's hard to be boring.
<AndrewRogue> Super fanservice completed
<Tide|SuperisNergal> BUT laggy
<JackDaniels> Punish Laggy for what?
<superaielman> "Note to self, don't tell Djinn things.
<Kanye_West> Yes

<+Veryslightlymad> But slacks DON'T FUCKING CHAFE your legs into a grated pile of irritation bumps and scrapes.
<SoppyPilgrim> VSM's life is The Room with them to have
<Seto_Kaiba> I don't have that problem.
<Bardiche> But he was always a fun discussion.
*** Otter ( joined
<+Tide|VSAmateurs> time to get to that.)
<Tonic-AndrewisaPeawich> Alex is a godlike champ technically so...

<Seto_Kaiba> A game with no central narrative beyond "the world is ending! A NEW WORLD ORDER
<AndrewGoZerglings> >_>
<AndrewRogue> This makes me a bit angry so I had to make craft my first hat.
<SageAcrin> (Most C&D spies end up like the Uncle from Napoleon Dynamite
<CmdrKing> Somehow still the best tales main villain.
<+SnowFire> While in exile, did get to finishing that topic, Andy?
<HazamaRogue> I really should get a car.
<King_Meepdorah> I remember doing some really weird formula for talents that IIRC gives diminishing returns that end at A-Level and have some personality to them. Dude just doesn't like you
<Soppy> Verb it, Grefter. Let's go bowling.
<@Elecman> :)

* Elecman is struggling to run it; I did use it my last choice for frame.
<Excal> Heck, a strict literalist school of translation means that we are at war with purple."
<SnowFire> "Quick, deploy our greatest scout into the forest. To kill some PLAYERS
* @Kotono wanders off to bed. night.

<AlchemyMan> This is the first game that really even attempts to have a chance to play Final Fantasy II
<Veryslightlymad> Sort of in a week or so. I'd keep doing stat topics, I like the kinky bobcat
<+Otter> hey, Kiritsugu started the fire
<%CmdrKing> Work progresses on your giant robot ISN'T an eva?
<%CmdrKing> I mean, kohaku's backstory is basically he vs. Mr. Buu in the end; don't think he EVER read it.
<MagicFanatic> Too bad you can't sell Legend in any version.
<+ManaketeSupremacistNama> I would fucking hope OCR album of FF6 is that it is, even on Deity?
<+superaielman> I have something that you had temporarily *downgraded* from...
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> @3, you have to do anything extra for that
<+Mega_Mettaur> also, upgrading that Gold Sword is actually decent as a result.
<JSH357> SoM is just as it reads there.
<Xeroma> I... liked some things SD did but overall yeah, it's a 2-turn attack I honestly think it'd probably be amusing to leave it arcade only)
<NotMiki> I've had to watch that for like an hour long video of them failing and falling into a mix of him using crappy moves and hitting resistances/aborbtions/etc can make his own version of the movie in general, but fail rate is the PC Sprites (they were similarly simply); FF5, there were varying art-styles going on that we can't get you in the face.
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> (granted I'm not sure how getting there to directly observe this is feasable. Unless you're suggesting I send my good soldiers in, or should I start a XG speedrun thread

<SoppyPilgrim> My graduation request was denied because of its simplicity, I don't have substance or anything.

<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> You could uh bullshit Disney on both sides
<@Elecman> Of course in which case it'd be weird plot-wise for Lucina to try and defeat the enemies inside Kuja's castle or whatever that was.
<+Otter> y'know, the dungeon after the Power Rangers...again, whcih is notably after you're likely to get more WA3 data :V
*** Meiousei_Kyoufu ( joined
<Meiousei_Kyoufu> morning
<Meiousei_BadHealer> I have never willingly inflicted that on myself.
<+LoveVassalDjinn> Trails is waiting for me in the heart?
<SageAcrin> Also "bad thing", it's bad for combos that you do - lynch mobs included.
<Katy_Perry> Cool
<Katy_Perry> Just love
<Tide> OK

<Elecman> It's broken by the standards of "healers who poke at things". Which is to say people other than being alone requires an excerise of will I just don't hate me
<SageAcrin> Hey, I don't think that qualifies as abysmal <_<
<Chimp> ^
<+Chimp> I considered the shit
<Idun> Like a maxi pad.
<Halbarad> large/long headers are good, although the analogy is not one I expected.
<%Laggy> Well, I snagged 1.4 but I definitely made a note to carry a stack of thinpak'd DVDs onto my desk. I mention something to the tune of "dead puppies aren't much fun"
<Luther> well f

<Seto_Kaiba> That MAKES him seem like a great way to get the attention it brings. I mean, you ARE absolutely correct by design
<+Mega_Mettaur> it amuses me when he heard you say that confidently after seeing me eat cookies
<%Laggy> Effective infinite happiness = oh god you LINKED ME to it.
<%Laggy> At which point it's Alucard Sword+permanent Dark Metamorphosis.

<+Reiska> Cloud's Ultima Weapon is a bow, she eliminates this problem.
<+Veryslightlymad> Because I feel the Kaguya vs. Mokou fight in that stage
<Shale> Or rocket boots.

<+trancehime> Obviously it'll be official release when all the controversial stuff like FF13/13-2. Just not many primary male ponies.
<+AndrewRogue> But far funner to vote on 3 males

<+SnowFire> Where Adol & Dogi are buddies with chozo and use their player, $$MAD ESPORTS DOLLARZ$$ at stake
<+Otter> this druid deck is doing pretty well outside of chaos fusion
<Mettaur> roll 1d999 to turn Sage into a lolimage armcannon for Meeple? and gets 571." [1d999=571]
<Kotono> roll 1d20
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Mage rolls d100 for Yoshi's femininity, where 100 is TOTALLY MAN and 1 is Tide.)
<@Elecman> They do take forever to run region free and emulators.
* +Claire snickers.
<+Claire> At least one for free Trancey)
<+AliceCarroll> :f
<Veryslightlymad> I'd probably take F-Ries over the others is kind of ambitious with your first strike monkeys, switch to three others with better weapons.
<+Tide|SuperisChronoCross> AND now I wait for the handheld ports of their games, because they make me feel incredibly guilty.
<+Veryslightlymad> Which I can't tell you that.

<%CmdrKing> He's just more on the PS3 is quite strong >_>
<Seto_Kaiba> It's still loading ;_;
<Zentroid-TheOtherAlcoholic> ?
<Halbarad> Making new graphics isn't huge as long as you burn it and make it the one that has interactions so I actually got Lunasa and then bombed when it was still a pokemon game! I still enjoyed FFT randoms I enjoyed them for that.
<Elecman> Or faceram Kefka's Tower like a boss
<Xeroma> along with snow
<+HateRaguDjinn> Actually, just replace Rosa with Princess Peach
<Passively_Aggressive> </sarcasm>
<+Nyamagomi> there were two radius sizes and that entire 80s era (which is FANTASTIC) is pure pop.
<bofh> What is so crazy powerful. It says 2x STR, but it should have been.

<+SoppysCrown> <3
<+Soppy-KappaIsAManeater> Again, CK
<CmdrKing> ... so they ran forward and attempted to speedrun fucking Persona 3.
<%CmdrKing> *Sonic

<+Soppy-StockeCharacter> Quit hating yourself, be less 5ever, keep solving problem, go bad or go unfinished, I guess I can theoretically swap Gordon/Luneth/Rinoa for Tellah/Golbez/Thancred and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe it makes up for the wait, here's 4 more characters"
<%CmdrKing> Sage that is unbalanced.

<%BroMiki> would you have to go back to plotting to crush Richard in a game where you'd want to wear a tuxedo.

<+Namagomi> I thought that first but I was running freeze wizard and got millions of procs.
<+Henry> I think we all do that CK.
*** RandomConsonant has joined: #rpgdl
<Trodeko> No backsies
<@Grefter> Why did elf buy anything.
<+Veryslightlymad> LoLRogue VSM: Collarbone area?
<+AtelierSopopy> It's cheaper overall in Gella
<+Mettaur> You're just jealous that Captain Toad is Space Cat. Your lesson for the day, I am officially pro Engie yes I am.
<MishaArsellecLune> Possible.
<MishaArsellecLune> Media Vision says to potential recruits this is an M&L game and I assume being better at video games in the genre! But yeah, here's the thing. there's no release date yet, IIRC
<NotMiki> that's the port
<@Elecman> That is probably motivated by my desire to play the game with the best gloves/staff in the game. Hope you don't ever explicitly claim to be daggers, but they're really fun when they hit Sanchez behind the play was pretty scrubby to begin with.
<+Idun> LR is a lot of crap weapons. I like the fact that it's played for laughs at first. But then said "...I don't feel like playing any game at top settings.

<%CmdrKing> 2013 lacked for a single, strong game to really flop last year for The Blue mage so far.
<+NeremWorld> Z2-1. If it's on the bar somewhere.
<SageAcrin> That's half the problem with that game of Thrones cash-in h-VN
<+Otter> you're a quiet day
*** NotMiki quit (Quit: )
<%CmdrKing> Metal Face?

<+ARogue> Chunin Exams were p. great. Sakura really needed a shot of giant spiked blueberry, sees 11600 HP.
<SageAcrin> Yes, that's true. But...when you have 650 or so Pokemon you run out of MP in like 5 minutes behind at one point I fucked up some of the tougher entries in the last few years.
<+Tide|Talisleavingearthfornorai> (Although I know thanks to DLC4 that fucking Greyhound can make a Soldier hat, but I don't know people's schedules
<SageAcrin> So yeah just got BONUS points and I still haven't gotten an answer to EVERYTHING phazon

<Smashy> Don't want to fuck Greg.
* +AlchemyMan yawns loudly
* +ZombieGate likes VPDS...
<@Elecman> And I can't imagine that works
* SageAcrin headshakes. Well, anyways, wasn't this a derail from the original use the original game's problems
<@Elecman> Then you get punched by a kangaroo.)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 05:03:04 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2016, 02:56:34 AM »
Also, more random trivia, but if anyone is curious as to how I tried to keep track of who was who so that the same person's voice is reflected, even under a different screenname, here's the equivalency chart:

def mangleIRCName(tok):
  if tok[0] == "<" and tok[-1] == ">":
    if tok[1] == '+' or tok[1] == '%' or tok[1] == '@':
      tok = "<" + tok[2:]
    if tok.find("|") >= 0:
          #print tok, tok[:tok.find("|")] + ">"
      tok = tok[:tok.find("|")] + ">"
    if tok.find("-") >= 0:
      tok = tok[:tok.find("-")] + ">"
    if tok[1:6] == "hello":
      tok = tok[:6] + ">"
    if tok[1:5] == "pyro" or tok[1:5] == "cryo":
      tok = "<pyro>"
    if tok[1:4] == "not":
      tok = tok[:4] + ">"
    if tok[1:5] == "snow":
      tok = tok[:5] + ">"
    if tok[1:6] == "super":
      tok = tok[:6] + ">"
    if tok[1:3] == "ko":
      tok = tok[:3] + ">"
    if tok[1:7] == "random":
      tok = tok[:7] + ">"
    if tok[1:6] == "ciato" or tok[1:7] == "iceman" or tok[1:6] == "basil" or tok[1:6] == "twili" or tok[1:6] == "tetri" or tok[1:5] == "luth" or tok[1:5] == "aura":
      tok = "<ciato>"
    if tok[1:4] == "and" or tok.find("rogue") != -1 or tok[1:6] == "seren":
      tok = "<andy>"
    if tok[1:7] == "meeple" or tok.find("mettaur") != -1:
      tok = "<meeple>"
    if tok[1:6] == "reisk" or tok[1:6] == "ceris" or tok[1:6] == "ameli":
      tok = "<reiska>"
    if tok[1:4] == "sop" or tok[1:5] == "keim" or tok[1:5] == "dono":
      tok = "<sopko>"
    if tok[1:6] == "nerem":
      tok = "<nerem>"
    if tok[1:5] == "sage":
      tok = "<sage>"
    if tok[1:4] == "mei" or tok[1:4] == "idun" or tok[1:4] == "doon":
      tok = "<mei>"
    if tok[1:5] == "gref":
      tok = "<gref>"
    if tok[1:4] == "zen":
      tok = "<zen>"
    if tok.find("excal") != -1 or tok[1:5] == "iriu":
      tok = "<excal>"
    if tok[1:5] == "tide":
      tok = "<tide>"
    if tok[1:3] == "ko":
      tok = "<ko>"
    if tok.find("djinn") != -1:
      tok = "<djinn>"
    if tok[1:5] == "stel":
      tok = "<stel>"
    if tok[1:5] == "gate":
      tok = "<gate>"
    if tok[1:5] == "mage" or tok[1:5] == "henr":
      tok = "<mage>"
    if tok[1:3] == "el" or tok[1:5] == "sier" or tok[1:4] == "cid":
      tok = "<cid>"
  return tok

Sorry Tallychu, you have too many names for me to even attempt to disentangle them.

If you don't speak code, basically tok[1:x] means "if the first characters are this", so Tide = TideXYZ = TideCurrentlyOnFire = TideSuperIsAJeep etc.  The first check throws away anything after | or -.  The people with tok.find() are full text searches, which are a little screwy, since that means ElecmanExcalIsATraitor will be detected as being Excal when it's probably Elf, but so it goes.  People like Andy & Excal & Djinn who stick their name in a random part of the sn (rather than the first few characters) tend to get that.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 03:00:18 AM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2016, 05:07:56 AM »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2016, 05:48:58 AM »
TideCurrentlyOnFire = TideSuperIsAJeep

My nightmares of being trapped in Super's Jeep. Also, some choice quotes I saw flipping through it:

<Cidward> "What are you dying to Enil.
<%Laggy> Yes.
<%Laggy> BUt then your reinforcements plot-wise got ambushed and pinned down and you can cook food by just shouting at it. But with Samson with nothing special as a boss skip, I think

<+Tide|GrefterisUltros> Who WANTS to volunteer for THAT?
<AliceCarroll> ALMA
<+RandomConsonant> Augst
<SageAcrin> Nah 1.3 kills you for voting then?
<%CmdrKing> Or can I say Ngage?
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> Welp
<+Nama-D3> Book hype
<+Hello-HipsterthedralWaddleDee> And they Sony went under due to excess RICHARD exposure.

<@Elecman> I think Ultimecia may have more extreme dialogue options in general since it has the one Ridepod.

<+Mega_Mettaur> "It's called Foreshadowing, aka movies that spoil themselves!"
<+Mega_Mettaur> I APPROVE of Meeple's actions.

 *** topic is| #NyarlieDungeon is cool|People who want to see 15 Speed Raven at level 5 WITH THE Bruins was BS, too. The reffing was an inconsistent mess there.

<MishaArsellecLune> I have over 200 TACOS!

 <@Elecman> Oh. OH. Speedrun doesn't get Frog spells, so he's a case where Cruz gets the nom, Clinton wants to *court* this voter, not piss him off.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: The wit and wisdom of #rpgdl
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2016, 11:14:07 PM »
Not gonna lie, this script is great. But explain how it missed the brilliant moment of Excal, AKA I just want to post this about CK leading a new Garfields political party.

I lack the temperment to raise an political movement I'm afraid. Do you want to do it? I'll join.," said CmdrKing.
[6:03PM] "You underestimate yourself. I could see you starting a strong party called the Garfields.," said dunsters.
[6:04PM] "Aside from the garfield part I have no idea how you come to that conclusion.," said CmdrKing.
[6:05PM] "I for one support a party that calls for a ban on Mondays," said Soppy.
[6:05PM] "A lasagna in every oven," CmdrKing says "a nermal in every Abu Dabi."
[6:07PM] MobileKappa joined the chat room.
[6:08PM] "I think orange is a great party color.," said dunsters.
[6:09PM] "I'm sorry," Heroic_Pudding_Excal says "but the Orange Horror is trademarked by Trump."
[6:09PM] "NO," said dunsters.
[6:09PM] dunsters spits out her water
[6:09PM] "As such," Heroic_Pudding_Excal says "any Garfield party is a non-starter."
[6:10PM] "day made.," said dunsters