Author Topic: Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Sayajin (Full)  (Read 1738 times)


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Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Sayajin (Full)
« on: December 25, 2007, 06:46:04 PM »
Yes, I'm that insane to do this. Blame people in chat who told me to do this <.< Anyway, this game uses a weird card system...and well, physicals fail at life, so I'm not listing those. I'm going to wave the Card System in the DL since its an in game quirk used to balance out battles (otherwise it'd be "Spam Ki attacks -> Win!") as far as I'm concerned, and it doesn't really overpower any duellers more than restricting it.

Damage was taken against Freiza Stage 4 BEFORE transforming cause he's the only thing that:
A. Doesn't get OHKOed so I can actually see damage values (when an enemy dies in DBZ, it doesn't say damage done, just shows them die)
B. Goku actually fights end game so I can test damage.

Had to level Gohan, Tien, Chaou Tzu, Krillin and Yamcha to level 48 or otherwise, things would...get hectic (as in, that's when they can actualyl HURT Frieza). Damage's were based on Z level attacks for the sake of consistancy, since you can use cards to boost them to that level and no other level; lower level damage cards are merely linearly worse (Z is 8x as powerful as a Level 1 attack, IOWs) I tried to estimate damage based on Freiza with level 4 defense (average), but...yeah, doesn't always work out that way (I should have bought a bunch of Piccolo cards so it'd always be against level 1 defense, but whatever)

Anyway, what the stats mean!

HP: Lose this, die
Ki: DBZ's name for MP
Battle Power: Universal Stat for Defenses and Attacks. Also factors into evade too, near as I can tell

For speed, DBZ just uses "highest attack card goes first" and such, with no logical tie breaker near as I can tell. Anyway, here are the stats!

HP: 800
Ki: 189
Battle Power: 4999999

Special Attacks:
Invisible Shot: 90, 2 Ki
Energy Beam: 125, 4 Ki
Solar Flare: One turn Paralysis, 6 Ki
Kamehameha: 470, 8 Ki

HP: 710
Ki: 124
Battle Power: 1900000

Special Attacks:
Makoho: 75, 4 Ki
Special Beam Cannon: 150, 10 Ki

HP: 680
Ki: 150
Battle Power: 946200

Special Attacks:
Energy Beam: 30, 4 Ki
Masenko: 50, 15 Ki

HP: 650
Ki: 150
Battle Power: 945160

Special Attacks:
Kakusan Ha: 17 damage, 8 Ki (its MT in game, mind)
Solar Flare: 1 turn Paralysis, 6 Ki
Kamehameha: 25 damage, 8 Ki
Destructo Disc: 45, 12 Ki

HP: 668
Ki: 170
Battle Power: 928401

Special Attacks:
Energy Beam: 25, 4 Ki
Solar Flare: 1 turn Paralysis, 6 Ki
Tri Beam: 55, 20 Ki
Split Form: 50, 15 Ki, Cannot be dodged

Chaou Tzu:
HP: 600
Ki: 150
Battle Power: 782595

Special Attacks:
Dodon Beam: 12, 6 Ki
Super Skill: 1 turn paralysis, 6 Ki
Psycho Attack: 25, 16 Ki

HP: 620
Ki: 140
Battle Power: 925700

Special Abilities:
Kamehameha: 10 damage, 8 Ki
Spirit Bomb: 50 damage, 12 Ki

HP: 700
Ki: 194
Battle Power: 1174295

Special Attacks:
Invisible Fireball: 20, 2 Ki
Energy Beam: 40, 4 Ki
Blow Up: 25, 8 Ki (MT in game)
Destructo Disc: 50, 12 Ki
Galick Gun: 75, 20 Ki

Note: Vegita can randomly double act in battles, however, the 2nd move is typically a fail worthy one, given its almost always a physical or Invisible Fireball. Vegita also randomly decides to not attack though I throw that out since if he's fighting alone with no potential allies, this aspect wouldn't kick in.

Stat Comparisons!

1. Goku 800
2. Piccolo 710
3. Vegita 700
4. Gohan 680
5. Tien 668
6. Krillin 650
7. Yamcha 620
8. Chaou Tzu 600
Average: 678

Battle Power:
1. Goku 4999999
2. Piccolo 1900000
3. Vegita 1174295
4. Gohan 946200
5. Krillin 945160
6. Tien 928401
7. Yamcha 925700
8. Chaou Tzu 782595
Average: 1575293

1. Goku 470
2. Piccolo 150
3. Vegita 75
4. Tien 55
5t. Gohan 50
5t. Yamcha 50
7. Krillin 45
8. Chaou Tzu 25
Average: 115

Quick Character Rankings!!!

Goku: Godlike. Sounds fanboyism, yes, but well, look at his stats. Utterly ridiculous, and his damage is overkill. Don't think I need to justify this much <_<

Piccolo: Heavy. 2HKO damage, and above average defenses, pretty text book by Heavy standards

Everyone Else: Puny/Light. Yes, even Vegita falls here. Bad damage, and bad non HP stats, I don't need to justify this.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Sayajin (Full)
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 06:48:29 PM »

HP: 200
Battle Power: 1500
Average HP: 105
Average BP: 711
Attacks twice a turn

Physical: 35 damage
Energy Beam: 70 damage
Raditz, like all characters in the game, can "Fly towards the enemy" randomly after each attack, which does about 60. Seems to be about 20% chance of doing this. Raditz counters about 10% of the time too with a physical.

Comments: Ignoring Raditz' Damage immunity for the first part (2nd part, when Goku grabs him, he takes damage like a normal 1500 BP enemy, that has permanent paralysis, I just invoke Neclord Clause here), Raditz is quite mean. Good damage, attacks twice, if he counters or "Flies towards enemy" he pretty much murders anyway. Godlike

HP: 220
Battle Power: 4000
Average HP: 146
Average Battle Power: 1362

More or less, identical to Raditz, only he has an MT Ki at well.
He has about a 20% chance to counter attacks, and to Fly towards enemies.

Comments: A worse Raditz in every way. Same damage to more HP, and he doesn't double act. Middle

Ignoring Vegita's Boss form for now since its a bit head achey. For starters, Goku's Power level can vary this fight based on Kaioken and other various reasons (did he join against Nappa, for example), and 2ndly, whether you should factor in the other allies or not is in question, which can alter things drastically. Finally, there's Vegita's rarely used Oozaru form which...yeah...

SO, lets skip to the next "Godly" Boss

HP: 220
Battle Power: 18000
Average HP: 264
Average Battle Power: 5407

Physical: 50
Energy Beam: 165

Comments: Ass HP, though good 2HKO damage with his Energy Beam. Probably a High Middle, the HP really holds him back.

If you factor in the Vegita Card for this fight, Kui basically fails at life, on that note <.<

HP: 288
Battle Power: 22000
Average HP: 287
Average Battle Power: 6720
Attacks Twice a turn

Physical: 60
Energy Beam: 160
Eraser Cannon: 200
Fly Towards Enemy: 160, used randomly and such

Comments: Energy Cannon is excellent if you allow it to be used at will, and Energy Beam isn't bad either, nor is "Fly towards enemy" when that kicks in. The HP? Pathetic. Heavy

Only getting his Monster form, since his previous form is SHIT
HP: 320
Battle Power: 30,000
Average HP: 513
Average Battle Power: 35901
Attacks Twice

Physical: 6
Energy Beam: 20
Explosion: 20

Comments: Makes Evil Gaia look like a winning Godlike. What'd you expect? You get a huge amount of levels between him and Dodoria (you go through effectivly 3 dungeons, with a bit of an EXP jump, and THEN Guru gives you +3 levels by speaking to him, THEN you get Vegita on your team (whose flat out better than Zarbon), THEN you get an extra level from beating Zarbon's first form) Puny

Note: For some reason, the game LOWERS your Battle Power after Zarbon, this is why its worse for the Ginyu Force

HP: 296
Battle Power: 13500
Average HP: 518
Average Battle Power: 32105

FAILS. He does have Super Skill for 1 turn paralysis though!

Comments: The boss version of Magikarp, maybe? Not sure how else to explain him >.>

HP: 364
Battle Power: 65000
Average HP: 518
Average Battle Power: 32105
Attacks twice

Physical: 60
Energy Beam: 100
Eraser Cannon: 150
Explosion: 100

Comments: Attacking twice saves his damage some...but not enough, especially considering the HP. Light

Baata and Jeyce are basically just Clones of Recoom, with slightly different stats, it'd be redundant to add them too. So...yeah <_<;

I would also get Ginyu's stats, but...the nature of the fact that he fights Goku right before and that TOTALLY alters the rest of the fight after makes me not want to deal with him, so...yeah <_<; Just know that he has an auto win if you lower his HP to like 10 due to Change! >.>

HP: 1500-2000 (hard to say. The FAQ says 510, but that's HORRIBLY wrong since Freiza survived a total of 1000+ damage in one turn and had a fair chunck of his HP left)
Battle Power: 3555555
Attacks three times

Note: Not getting the earlier forms since they are just weaker versions of his final one.

Note: These damages are tested against Gohan w/ Guru Card (closest I could get to average), so yeah.
Physical: 60
Fly Towards Enemy: 120. Just like all other fly towards enemies, mind.
Ground Wave: 250
Energy Disc: 250, hits twice
Capture Ball: 1 Turn paralysis
Explosion: 150
Power Up: Makes him stronger, not sure by how much, be damned if I'm going to test.

Comments: I'll just say depends on what you consider AI and what you consider rules. It could vary A LOT based on that alone, unlike the other bosses who just kind of suck or rock regardless.

Super Sayajin Vegita
HP: Roughly equal to Freiza
Battle Power: 6000000
Attacks Three times

Physical: 60 damage
Fly to enemy: 120 damage, seems to have a high as hell chance of kicking in (at least 70%)
Syougeki: 90 damage
Energy Beam: 120
Explosion: 90 damage
Destructo Disc: 150 damage
Galick Gun: 200 damage

Comments: Probably Godlike. Good damage, since he attacks 3 times a turn, and fairly durable. What else would you expect from a Super Boss (well, fine, he's a joke in game since Goku + Guru Card = Win, but that's not the point!)

Yes, half assed job, I know, but <_<;
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A