Author Topic: Naruto: Will of Inherited Fire (PCs)  (Read 1734 times)


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Naruto: Will of Inherited Fire (PCs)
« on: December 22, 2007, 03:45:48 AM »
NOTE: This game apparently *DID* come out in the US...on the DS.  Not sure what was changed between this japanese GBA version and the US version (names asside, naturally), but forewarning, THIS IS THE JAPANESE VERSION.

Yes, you should have seen this coming if you read the WGAYP topic. Anyway, Naruto RPG is oddly easy to interpret in the DL. Everyone has their own unique set of skills, sure some are shared (well, in Kawarimi's case, everyone but Lee learns it, but not the point) and all skills are learned via Levels, so no real interp issues on skills with the exception of 2 skills that belong to Naruto, that I'll note later.

Anyway, equipment...well, Equipment in Naruto splits into the following categories:
Damn near everything but Claws (Rock Lee unique) can be used by at least 2 characters, and Rare Stuff is pretty much always one of a kind, thus, no real qualms with what's legal and not, since everything is store bought. The exceptions of non storebought stuff are the Amano Habori (Naruto Unique), Kyuubi Kimono (Naruto unique), and Dragon's Claw (Rock Lee unique) for stuff that matters in the DL.

For Naruto's Battle system...well, things work like this:
"Generic" skills, which are basically stuff given to characters that they didn't have in the show, to make skillsets less boring in game, all have a charge time. However, most charge times are fairly short and don't really matter much. Unless noted otherwise, assume the charge time is negliglble.
The other is Personal Skills; most of these are the trademark attacks you see in the show (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu from Naruto, Sharingan from Sasuke, etc.) These are used in 2 manners in game. One is automatic, where they have a set charge time like the other moves, BUT no chance of failure. The other is Manual Mode, where you must input a command key sequence. If successful, you get the full use of the attack, if you fail within the time limit, the move does 33% less damage. Upside is, no move requires a charge time while in this mode. I personally assume Manual Mode since its both default, and none of the moves are actually difficult to pull off, so succeeding is reasonable.

Now, Personal skills also get stronger as you use them. I tested using Chidori to see the actual change in power, and the damage difference is negligble. I just took the actual attacks the way I used them in game as such, so note that some moves MIGHT be a little low, but not by an amount that matters much in the grand scheme of things (we're talking less than 5% damage.) For power up moves, they're estimates, and could be off; I think they wear off based on CT (the game is CTB system, mind) passed, but could be wrong.

Lastly, this game uses a Row System. Unlike most games, you default in the Back Row, so I took that as default. If you take front row...well, some physical attacks get 25% more damage; this basically just means, though, that Naruto's Turn 1 damage is less relativly than others, as most big damage is physical anyway, so its not a big deal relativly anyway.

Stats are taken when characters reach 130k EXP. Yes, this game has a level curve...more fucked up than usual (compare Naruto's level to Sasuke's if you want to see what I mean), so an EXP benchmark is required instead of usual "End game levels" I took 130k EXP since that's what Sasuke (highest EXP Character) ended up roughly at, end game.
HP: Lose these, you die
Chakra: Game's name for MP, no strings attached
Attack: Base for attack. I believe every 2 points of attack = 1 point of damage, for a basic physical.
Defense: Speaks for itself. Like attack, I think every 2 points of defense = 1 less damage taken (definatly subtraction system, since you can do 0 damage to high defense enemies, and such, with low attack PCs)
Speed: How fast you are. Note this value is NOT linear. As in, despite the speed difference, Rock Lee does not nearly triple turn Shikamaru; at best, its a 3/2 split, and that might be generous.
Ninjutsu: Supposedly, this value is the base for Magic attack, but most magic attacks suck, so...its effectivly worthless. Just throwing it out. Note the stat is not actually called Ninjutsu, but other names I saw were far lamer and boring, I just called it this to fit the show and such.
Magic Defense: The FAQ claims this is accuracy, but it seems to play no role on how often they hit things, however, characters seem to take more/less damage in the same spread as this stat, so I'm guessing that's what this REALLY is, so...yeah, naming it that. Near as I can tell, its straight subtraction (Naruto took about 250 less from Kakashi's Chidori than Lee, and that was the difference in this stat)

Status effects...
Charm: Target can't do any actions unless hit with a physical, or they pass a sanity check (about 50% chance), after which, they are paralyzed for about 3 turns.
Blind: Accuracy becomes incredibly bad...I'd say at least 25% of normal efficiency
Confusion: Inflicted attacks physically random things that are not itself. Wears off naturally over about 3 turns. Note the damage done is at severly reduced accuracy.
Paralysis: Target can't act for about 3 turns
Poison: Target loses 10% of his MHP in damage each turn
Sleep: Target can't act until they take damage.

The game also indicates the difference between a standard miss due to accuracy, and miss due to evasion. Accuracy failing is shown through a "Miss" appearing on the enemy. Evasion shows the overused "Character is replaced with Log" animation as though they are using a Kawarimi. Character's seem to have different evade rates, but I haven't formally tested it yet, and there's no stat that I can tell its based off of.

Lastly, a critical hit in this game happens extremely rarely outside of Byakkugan, Sharingan, or Kyuubi Chakra (Inner Sakura might boost it too, but hard to tell), so I didn't really factor those in much. A Critical hit is simply double the damage of a normal hit. Crit rates don't seem to matter much even boosted since optimal damage does not come from boosted moves (beyond Neji's move with the oversized name; though, doesn't seem to crit often enough anyway to matter)

Bolding = Best Initial Damage
Itallics = Best Raw damage besides strict damage boosting, and ignoring if said move requires a specific status (such as Chidori requiring Sharingan)

Uzumaki Naruto:
Level 60
HP: 475
Chakra: 496
Attack: 523
Defense: 442
Speed: 602
Ninjutsu: 143
Magic Deffense: 483

Muramasa (+82 Attack, doubles damage against humans)
Kyuubi's Kimono (+95 Defense)
Ryuurin Leggings (+50 Speed)

Note: Naruto can use Amano Habaori which has 34 more attack, and seems to do double damage against NON Human opponents.

Physical: 476
Shousenrin nan Maki: 100 Healing, 18 Chakra (Basing this off Sakura's version, since Naruto learns it level 77)
Kawarimi: Raises evasion by a lot (enemies almost never hit) for 3 to 4 turns, 5 chakra
Sexy no Jutsu: Charms non female opponents, 75%~ accuracy, 5 Chakra
Fart: Poisons enemies, 75%~ accuracy, 4 Chakra
Taiju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Makes Naruto's physicals hit 5x for decreased damage per hit for 5 turns.
Taiju Kage Bunshin Physical: 318*5 (1590)
Gama Dosu Sen: 500 damage, magical, 170 Chakra, Ignores Evade
Konbi Henge: 700 damage, magical, 200 Chakra, Ignores Evade
*Rasengan: 800 damage, magical, possibly wind elemental, 250 Chakra.
*Kyuubi's Chakra: Gives Naruto a status where he has unlimited Chakra, double speed, and gains about 10% damage. Seems to also boost Critical Hit rate to about 50%. Lasts about 10 turns.

*Both of these moves are gotten after game. Kyuubi Chakra, mind, is used in 2 fights in the normal game (plot fight with Haku, and can be gotten in scroll form (only usable on Naruto) for Gaara/Shukaku) Whether you allow these is up to you (Rasengan doesn't matter too much, but Kyuubi's Chakra DOES)

Comments: Ah, Naruto. The Loud mouthed hero of his own anime, who is incompetant unless things actually matter, then suddenly becomes your most reliable ally. So how does he fair? good he is sort of depends on if you allow his 2 after game skills. If you do...he's one hell of a nasty heavy, with a power up from hell, and high consistant damage. If you don', he still has game best stats in well...everything, making him a fast tank, and still has good damage though takes more time to get going. Also, Sexy No Jutsu is helpful for getting the time he needs to use his moves, as is having a non total fail poison status. Either way, he's probably Heavy (though After game skills make him a potential Godlike, but...nah, probably not)

Uchiha Sasuke:
Level 46
HP: 405
Chakra: 385
Attack: 394
Defense: 360
Speed: 451
Ninjutsu: 276
Magic Defense: 444

Muramasa (+82 attack, doubles damage against humans)
Ryuurin Kimono (+60 Defense)
Shadow Dancing Leggings (+65 Speed)

Physical: 300
Shoushen Yon no Maki: Full Healing, 8 Chakra, note this move has a bit of a charge time (not a really large one, but its definitely noticeable)
Katon, Ryuuka no Jutsu: 210 Fire elemental damage, Magical, 30 Chakra
Bunshin no Jutsu: Lowers physical damage by 75% (so you take 5 damage from what normally would do 20), seems to last about 3 to 4 turns 2 Chakra
Kawarimi: Raises evasion by a lot (enemies almost never hit) for 3 to 4 turns, 5 chakra
Shishi Rendan: 145 damage, physical, 55 Chakra
Shadow Fuuma Shuriken: 550, physical, 40 Chakra
Sharingan Dousatsu-gan: Raises Critical hit rate to about 25%, Adds Sharingan Status, 8 Chakra
Sharingan Seimin-gan: Confuses enemy, about 70% hit rate, raises Crit rate to about 25%, Adds Sharingan status, 12 Chakra
Sharingan Copy: If Sasuke is hit with a Single Target generic attack (physical, basic Justus, etc.), he will counter instantly with that move, doing identical damage if he has Sharingan Status, raises Crit Rate to about 25%, adds Sharingan Status, 20 Chakra
Note: After doing some testing with the Sharingan Copy it hits...very specific attacks only, as in a few basic physicals (NOT all), one of Gaara's techs, the generic Katon attack, and enemy Sasuke's Shishi Rendan are the only moves I've seen copied. So yeah, hard to say how this works.
Chidori: 420 Lightning elemental damage, Magical, 150 Chakra, requires Sharingan status

Comments: Well, for those who hate Sasuke, at least you can take pride in the fact that Sharingan sucks as a power up...even with Chidori factored in. Otherwise...he has some status, full healing, not bad on stats, and passable damage. Some defensive buffs don't hurt. Probably a High Middle of sorts.

Haruno Sakura:
Level 50
HP: 318
Chakra: 372
Attack: 276
Defense: 281
Speed: 389
Ninjutsu: 512
Magic Defense: 315

Ryuurin Sen (+70 Attack)
Ryuurin Kimono (+60 Defense)
Ryuurin Leggings (+50 Speed)

Physical: 117
Shoushen Yon no Maki: Full Healing, 8 Chakra, note this move has a bit of a charge time (not a really large one, but its definitaly noticeable)
Kai All: Heals all status, 6 Chakra
Bunshin no Jutsu: Lowers physical damage by 75% (so you take 5 damage from what normally would do 20), seems to last about 3 to 4 turns 2 Chakra
Kawarimi: Raises evasion by a lot (enemies almost never hit) for 3 to 4 turns, 5 chakra
Ouen no Jutsu: Doubles physical damage for about 3 turns, 6 Chakra
Komoroi Uta no Jutsu: Puts enemy to sleep, 70%~ accuracy
Inner Sakura Level 1: 120 * 3 (360), physical doubles Sakura's speed for 5 turns, 7 Chakra
Inner Sakura Level 2: 150 * 5 (750), physical, doubles Sakura's speed for 5 turns, 30 Chakra
Inner Sakura Level 3: Full HP and status healing, doubles Sakura's speed for 5 turns, 50 Chakra
Booby Trap: Lowers targets defense, hard to say how much this boosts damage, 3 Chakra
Kazzatsu Jizzai no Jutsu: Adds Seal status, 70%~ accuracy, 3 Chakra

Sakura has lesser healing spells that come off faster, but they don't heal nearly enough. Also has some elemental Jutsus, but they're pretty fail on damage.

Comments: For a character who exists to just be your needed female character in an anime, and doesn't do much besides inspire Naruto to fight indirectly...Sakura's suprisingly solid. Inner Sakura Level 2 is not only good damage, but gives her haste status, making up for her low speed. Combine that with buffs, some status, and healing, she's an annoying dueller to take down, possibly rivaling Naruto for game best. Granted, lacks durability, but Bunshin helps take care of that. Heavy

Rock Lee:
Level 60
HP: 422
Chakra: 220
Attack: 571
Defense: 395
Speed: 624
Ninjutsu: 219
Magic Defense: 296

Sanin Claw (+85 Attack, Double damage against Humans)
Kyouten Kimono (+50 Defense)
Shadow Dancing Leggings (+65 Speed)

Lee also has the Dragon's Claw, which is 10 points more attack (and possibly double damage against non human targets) than the Sanin Claw.

Physical: 506
Adolescent Fist: Doubles Lee's physical damage for about 6 turns, 1 Chakra
Openning the Gates: Doubles Lee's speed, and Lee takes 10% MHP damage a turn, can't be stacked with Adolescent Fist, 20 Chakra
Omote Renge: 170 damage, magical, 15 Chakra
Ura Renge: 300 damage, magical, requires Gates to be openned, 40 Chakra
Drunken Fist: Doubles Speed, Doubles physical damage, grants same boosts that Kawarimi and Bunshin give, does 999 damage, 0 Chakra!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMOGOMOG *SHOT*

Comments: If only he could access Drunken Fist, he'd be unstoppable <_<; Anyway, Lee is about as straight forward as a dueler as you'll get from Naruto. Game bets Speed, and can boost his physical with Adolscent Fist, and has good physical durability. Problems? Takes magic like Kongol, and has absolutely no variety, besides his buffs. Middle, I suppose, damage is so saved by his weapon and such.

Nara Shikamaru:
"How troublesome."
Level 53
HP: 379
Chakra: 332
Attack: 395
Defense: 299
Speed: 251
Ninjutsu: 542
Magic Defense: 454

Muramasa (+82 attack, doubles damage against humans)
Kyouten Kimono (+50 Defense)
Kyouten Leggins (+45 Speed)

Physical: 300
Shousenrin Yon no Maki: Full Healing, slightly noticeable charge time 36 Chakra (its MT, hence the Chakra Cost)
Kai All: Heals all status, 6 Chakra
Bunshin no Jutsu: Lowers physical damage by 75% (so you take 5 damage from what normally would do 20), seems to last about 3 to 4 turns 2 Chakra
Kawarimi: Raises evasion by a lot (enemies almost never hit) for 3 to 4 turns, 5 chakra
Kuyarami no Jutsu: Blinds opponent, ~70% accuracy, 3 Chakra
Kage Mane no Jutsu: Paralyzes Opponent, nearly 100% accuracy (have yet to see a successfully pulled off one miss), 4 Chakra
Nagare Un no Jutsu: Heals 220 HP, 10 Chakra (listing it since its instant, unlike his other move, and costs less)
Kage Naraku no Jutsu: Instant Death, ~70% accuracy, 7 Chakra

Comments: Well rounded skillset, at least, when it comes to status whoring, or needing the time to get some defensive buffs up. Damage fails though, so in slugfests, he'll HAVE to fight defensivly. game worst, and unlike Sakura, lacks anyway to compensate. Feels like a textbook Middle

Hyuuga Neji:
"It was your destiny!"
Level 49
HP: 364
Chakra: 293
Attack: 418
Defense: 284
Speed: 392
Ninjutsu: 378
Magic Defense: 399

Ryuurin Sen (+70 Attack)
Ryuurin Kimono (+60 Defense)
Ryuurin Leggings (+50 Speed)

Physical: 190
Shoushen Yon no Maki: Full Healing, 8 Chakra, note this move has a bit of a charge time (not a really large one, but its definitaly noticeable)
Kai All: Heals all status, 6 Chakra
Bunshin no Jutsu: Lowers physical damage by 75% (so you take 5 damage from what normally would do 20), seems to last about 3 to 4 turns 2 Chakra
Kawarimi: Raises evasion by a lot (enemies almost never hit) for 3 to 4 turns, 5 chakra
Ouen no Jutsu: Doubles physical damage for about 3 turns, 6 Chakra
Komoroi Uta no Jutsu: Puts enemy to sleep, 70%~ accuracy
Byakkugan: Raises Critical hit rate to about 25%, Adds Byakkugan Status, 8 Chakra
Tenketsu: 165 * 2 (330), physical, can critical, adds Seal status about 70% of the time, 15 Chakra, requires Byakkugan Status
Kaiten: It "Rebounds enemies attacks" but yet to figure out what this means, requires Byakkugan Status, 2 Chakra
8 Divination Sign, 64 Palms: 159 * 8 (954), physical, 18 Chakra, requires Byakkugan status

See the same note on Sakura about some Jutsus not listed for Neji.

Comments: Averagish stats all around, skillset is similar to Sakura's, only lacking the factor of haste and get go damage. Wish I knew what Kaiten did, though -_- Otherwise? Yeah, a worse Sakura, even if that makes no sense whatsoever. Middle

1. Naruto 475
2. Rock Lee 422
3. Sasuke 405
4. Shikamaru 379
5. Neji 364
6. Sakura 318
Average: 394

1. Naruto 442
2. Rock Lee 395
3. Sasuke 360
4. Shikamaru 299
5. Neji 284
6. Sakura 281
Average: 343

1. Rock Lee 624
2. Naruto 602
3. Sasuke 451
4. Neji 392
5. Sakura 388
6. Shikamaru 251
Average: 451

Magic Defense:
1. Naruto 483
2. Shikamaru 454
3. Sasuke 444
4. Neji 399
5. Sakura 315
6. Rock Lee 296
Average: 399

First turn damage:
(Naruto's Rasengan 800)
1. Sakura's Inner Sakura 2 750
2. Naruto's Konbe Henge 700
3. Sasuke's Shadow Fuuma Shuriken 570
4. Rock Lee's Physical 506
5. Shikamaru 300
6. Neji's Physical 190
Average: 418

Damage over 3 turns:
1. Naruto Taiju Kage Bunshin + Physical x2 3180
2. Sakura Ouen no Jutsu + Inner Sakura Level 2 x2 3000
3. Rock Lee Adolscent Fist + Physical x2 2024
4. Neji Byakkugan + 8 Divinations, 64 Palms x2 1908*
5. Sasuke Shadow Fuuma Shuriken x3 1710
6. Shikamaru Physical x3 900
Average: 2020
Average damage per turn: 673

*Neji can use Ouen no Jutsu instead of one attack and get the same damage, if that matters

Relative Physical Durabilities (lower = better):
1. Naruto 57.1%
2. Rock Lee 77.6%
3. Sasuke 91.4%
4. Shikamaru 124.0%
5. Neji 128.3%
6. Sakura 146.9%

Relative Magic Durabilities (lower = better):
1. Naruto 44.2%
2. Sasuke 68.9%
3. Shikamaru 70.7%
4. Neji 103.9%
5. Rock Lee 155.0%
6. Sakura 190.2%

Relative Speed's:
1. Rock Lee 117.6%
2. Naruto 115.5%
3. Sasuke 451 100%
4. Neji 93.2%
5. Sakura 92.7%
6. Shikamaru 74.6%

Note that I am NOT CERTAIN on this; I basically took their speed/average speed, then the square root of that, since the speed differences are clearly much small than the numbers imply; these numbers seem to be in the ballpark, and give you an idea of the different.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 03:47:57 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A