
Author Topic: The Legend of Ghost Lion (PC)  (Read 1678 times)


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The Legend of Ghost Lion (PC)
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:13:58 AM »
No one else is going to do it, so I figured I might as well having just beaten the game or something <_<;  Besides it was my first RPG, who better to do this?

Anyway, a bit of a description about the game.

Ghost Lion is a Solo RPG, which you play as a girl named Maria.  However, her skillset (outside of some items) consists entirely of summons, all of which have varying stats and such, so her stats aren't all average (her damage at least isn't)  You could alternativly take each Summon as a different PC, but...this causes issues given one of them can't even fight, and the curve would be wrecked as'll see what I mean.

Damage was tested on Efleet's, since they seem averagish for physical defense end game.

Here's what stats mean:
Courage: Same thing as HP
Dream: Same thing as MP
Power: Acts as both MP AND HP for the purposes of Summons (yes, the game is fucked up like that)


Courage: 670
Dream: 358

Whip (2): 160 damage
Aurora: Lowers all physical damage by about 70% (IOWs, 10 damage now does 3), and grants immunity to all Magic Damage.
Rope: Makes enemy unable to act, and all physical attacks have 100% hit rate.  Hit rate varies from enemy to enemy (some things its insanely high, others, while it cna hit, usually won't); seems to be about 40% or so on things that aren't extreme.
Call: Has a spirit come to aid Maria.  Calling takes up Maria's turn, HOWEVER, a spirit can act the turn it is summoned.  Maria can summon as many to the field as she wants, and she can resummon anything if it runs out of power, so long as she has the Dream (granted, costs are so stupidly low, she should never run out.)  Would list costs of the summons, but they're so small its pretty much negligible.

Her summons are...
Note: All Spirits can use the "Defend" Command, however it doens't seem to do anything (I think its suppose to redirect damage done to Maria to the Spirits, at least some of it, doesn't seem to work); this the only Spirit Move that doesn't cost power.
Note 2: Spirits tend to take more physical damage than Maria, about 2x damage, from my experience.

Fairly strong character. Aurora is a nasty defense buff, damage is solid, and under worst circumstances, is average durability (if you compare her to Spirits...umm...can we say UNGODLY TANK?), and Rope can help against Healers.  And that's to say nothing of how she can slowly summon an army of spirits on the enemy if given the turns, and Aurora will help that.  Possibly a low Godlike, but I might be being generous there.


Power: 184

Fight: 200 damage, uses 20 Power

This is Maria's best summon in...well, everyway, seeing as Elf doesn't translate all that well into the DL <.<


Power: 176

Dark: Lowers Physical accuracy to incredibly sad levels; seems enemies hit less than 20% of the time.  Accuracy varies a lot.  Costs 14 Power
Hold: Adds Hold Status.  Seems a bit more accurate than Rope, and yields the same effect. Costs 30 Power
S-Plate: Lowers physical damage by about 70%, costs 30 Power
M-Plate: Grants immunity to Magic, 20 Power
Return: Adds a status that randomly repels any damage back to the user about 25% of the time, 35 Power

Note: Unlike Physical summons, Elf will die if she can't afford her spell, and the move will be cancelled out, as opposed to the move being used successfully, THEN dying.

For a Spirit that's fairly useful in game, it doesn't do much in the DL; blame Rope and Aurora.


Power: 172

Fight: 40 damage, uses 20 Power

Yeah, fails at life, much like in game!


Power: 152

Fight: 120 damage, uses 20 power

One of the more durable Physical summons, not much else.  A random option for more damage or something if Moja is already out.  At least he's more useful than Halfling, so that might make VSM happy or something <_<


Power: 144

Fight: 140 damage, uses 20 Power

Better damage than the slug, but takes hits worse.  Similar uses or something.


Power: 128

Fight: 160 damage, uses 20 Power

...the game must really like hte concept of "Less Durability, More damage!"  Regardless, despite being a giant, he's less durable than an Elf...I think the game doesn't raise Power according to what level you are, but how many you got since it joined (which explains the Power Ratings.  Damage seems to be directly connected to your level though)


Power: 124

Fight: 135 damage, uses 20 Power

Worst physical Spirit so far...that isn't Halfling.  Worse than Giant and Wingman in everyway.


Power: 104

Crush: 45 damage, costs 35 Power
H-Storm: 65 damage, costs 40 Power, could be argued to be Fire elemental based on its description
Destroy: 100 damage, costs 50 Power
Thunder: 85 damage, costs 50 Power (is MT, if you wonder why Destroy > it), could be argued to be Lightning elemental
Ash: 150 damage, costs 80 Power.  Based on its description, could be argued to be Fire elemental.

Note: Like Elf, Gnome's are actual costs, and not just using up power, so yeah.  Also, all of Gnome's damage is clearly Magical, unlike the other Spirits.

Has damage just below Giant, but one shot of it before he becomes totally worthless.  To be fair, I got Gnome a bit late this file (Hope of Fragment wise), so he MIGHT actually have a bit more gas, but...yeah.


Power: 104

Fight: 11 damage, uses 20 Power

...if you thought Halfling was bad, then...yeah.  This thing fails beyond all reason.  Worse than Halfling in EVERYWAY.  Totally worthless, some Pen Ultimate Spirit <_<
Note: Like Gnome, Power might be a little low...but not saving him.


Power: 100

Fight: 110 damage, uses 20 Power

...I know, the concept of a Giant Frog as a summon rocks, but...face it, he's not that good.  Should have been better seeing as he's your last Spirit (granted, he exists purely for one fight, so its not suprising they didn't put any effort into him)

I would get Twana, but since he's not End game, I can't get his Power stat, nad lack a file with him on hand, so I can't even use Power based on that moment.  That, and his skillset is too large ;_;

Damage Averages!
NOTE: For Gnome, using Destroy, since Ash is less damage on average, and a pure finisher (Destroy can be used twice before he goes away, so its basically 200 damage over 3 turns, which is more than 150 damage over 2)

1. Moja 200
2t. Maria 160
2t. Giant 160
(Gnome's Ash 150)
4. Wingman 140
5. Dwarf 135
6. Hugeslug 120
7. Frog 110
8. Gnome 100
9. Halfling 40
10. Centaur 11
11. Elf 0
Average: 106
Average w/out Elf: 117

Normally I wouldn't factor something out of an average, but I might make an exception for Elf given it literally exists purely for Support.  Take this as you will.

One last comment: ALL Status, positive and Negative, is permanent.  So yes, Hold = WIN if it hits, and those defense buffs never wear off (besides Dispel of course)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 12:19:04 AM by Meeplelard »
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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