Author Topic: Great Greed  (Read 1532 times)

Lord Ephraim

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Great Greed
« on: December 19, 2007, 08:00:56 AM »
The best stat topic of all time!

Great Greed is a solo RPG with no speed stat; all fights are duels, and both Sam (the hero) and the enemy act at the same time. Only healing spells have initiative.

Asleep: Target loses the next turn. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on.
Frozen: Same as Asleep.
Falling: Same as Asleep.
Stunned: Same as Asleep.
Dazed: Same as Asleep.
Burning: Target receives 30 extra damage the next turn, but can still act. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on.
Blinded: Lowers accuracy the next turn. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on. Most overpowered status ever.
Poison: Target loses 10 point of damage at the end of every turn. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on.
Wrapping: Cannot cast spell next turn. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on.

Now, the fun part.

Sierra Sam

HP: 617
MP: 400

Yaaaaa! : Physical Attack. 100
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 180
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 250

Dodge: Take single digit damage from any kind of attack this round.

Spells: Note, spells always hit and do fixed damage, unless the target is dodging. End game enemies tend to have a ton of status immunities, number in parenthesis are against the enemies of the zone where the spells are acquired.

Flame 1 (5MPs): 20 damage, inflicts burning status with a 0% hit rate. (90%)
Flame 2 (5MPs): 35 damage, inflicts burning status with a 0% hit rate. (90%)
Flame 3 (5MPs): 80 damage, inflicts burning status with a 0% hit rate. (90%)
Flame 4 (5MPs): 140 damage, inflicts burning status with a 0% hit rate. (90%)
Freeze 1 (7MPs): 25 damage, inflicts frozen status with a 0% hit rate. (40%)
Freeze 2 (7MPs): 45 damage, inflicts frozen status with a 0% hit rate. (40%)
Freeze 3 (7MPs): 100 damage, inflicts frozen status with a 0% hit rate. (40%)
Freeze 4 (7MPs): 170 damage, inflicts frozen status with a 0% hit rate. (40%)
Bolt 1 (9MPs): 30 damage.
Bolt 2 (9MPs): 60 damage.
Bolt 3 (9MPs): 120 damage.
Bolt 4 (9MPs): 200 damage.

Speed (9MPs): Raises accuracy.
Power (10MPs): Raises physical attack power.
Guard (10MPs): Raises physical defense drastically. Takes 110 less damage.
Block: Deflects the next spell used by the enemy. It only works on usable spells (= not enemy only spells, like Poison)

Zap 1 (10MPs): Instant Death. 70%
Zap 2 (20MPs): Instant Death. 60% (Don't. Ask.)
Sleep (5MPs): Inflicts asleep status. 0% (That's just the spell sucking, though)
Flash (5MPs): Inflicts blinded status. 0% (30%)
Push (7MPs): Inflicts falling status. 30%
Silence (5MPs): Inflicts wrapping status. 80%
Drain (5MPs): Lowers attack power. Works on bosses. 40%
Weaken (5MPs): Lowers physical defense. Works on bosses. 30%
Slow (5MPs): Lowers accuracy. Works on bosses. 60%

Heal (2MPs): Heals 50 HPs.
Heal 2 (4MPs): Heal 100 HPs.
Heal 3 (8MPs): Heal 180 HPs.
Heal 4 (16MPs): Full healing.

Tactics: Master tactician skills. He can lead armies.

Comments: Full healing with an enormous pool of MPs, Decent ID, awesome Guard spell (He's a multi-hitters slayer), anti magical against PCs (Both Silence and Block), lots of ways to do damage. Excellent Heavy.

And now, every boss in the game! They're considered status immune, unless stated otherwise. Attacks listed in paranthesis are attacks the hero can't afford to use. Being strong/weak against one element means taking around one third more/less damage against that element.

"Ha. What a disguise to call it Happy Factory."

HP: 60
Attack: 20
Can be hit by every status at that point.

Sam: Level 7, HP: 61, MP: 50
Yaaaaa!: 11
Flame 1: 25 + 30 damage on the next turn

Comments: Light. Dies in two rounds, 3HKO at best, no tricks.

"Making the Happy Factory to bring you a better life."

HP: 300
Attack: 20
Sleep: 40% accuracy.
Freeze 1: 25. Never inflicted frozen status against Sam.
Bolt 1: 30
Vulnerable to Sleep. Halves Fire.

Sam: Level 8, HP: 72, MP: 62
Yaaaaa!: 20
(Freeze 1: 25)

Comments: Taking his HPs literally, he's quite durable. Actually, I have no idea of how I'd treat boss HPs myself. In any case, with nothing but 3HKO damage and abmysal status, he's a Middle.

Wif Worm

HP: 4095
Attack: 264

Sam: Level 9, HP: 80 MP: 73
Everything misses against him.

Comments: Plot boss.

"I am Major Nikninja. I won't let the likes of you bother me."

HP: 450
Attack: 30
Freeze 1: 25. Again, it doesn't inflict frozen.
Vulnerable to Push.

Sam: Level 11, HP: 93, MP: 93
Yaaaaa!: 24
Freeze 2: 45

Comments: Quite weaker than Crabby. Still a low Middle thanks to the durability, I guess.

Wif Worm

HP: 200
Physical: 0
Magic immunity.

Sam: Level 11, HP: 93, MP: 93
Yaaaaa!: 65


"Since you saw Bio-Haze's mine, I can't let you leave."

HP: 600
Poison: Inflicts Poison. ~80%
Power: Raises power. Doesn't stack and lasts for the duration of the fight.
Attack: 33
Attack, after Power: 60
Dodge: Same as Sam's. Receives low damage from the next attack.
Vulnerable to Push. Weak against Ice.
(At low HPs, he will do nothing but spam physical attacks.)

Sam: Level 12, HP: 101, MP: 103
Yaaaaa!: 27
Freeze 2: 58

Comments: In game, he more or less forces you to use items or overlevel! In the DL, he's... weaker, though still decent. Low Heavy. 2HKO damage after Power, and solid durability.

"Who is the one that interrupts my work." (Notice how bosses are nearly all the same? Too bad that they often only have around 3 lines. Oh well)

HP: 850
Attack: 46
Poison 2: Inflicts Stunned status, 80%
Weak against Ice, strong against Lightning, halves Fire. Vulnerable to Push.

Sam: Level 17, HP: 154, MP: 139
Yaaaaa!: 24
Yaaaaa! after Power: 42
(Freeze 2: 58)
Heal 1: Heals 50 HPs. Only usable near death.

Comments: Look, it's Sara! Low damage dealers hate his healing... He tends to win turns with Poison 2 most of the time, but yeesh. Above average Middle.

"Are, are you sure he wants me?"

HP: 270
Attack: 30
Dodge: Same as Sam. Takes very low damage this turn.
Stong against Fire and Ice, weak against Lightning.

Sam: Level 19, HP: 182, MP: 169
Yaaaaa!: 48
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 90
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 115
Bolt 2: 77

Comments: You know a boss is bad when you can win against it using only normal attacks. Light. Very fun to abuse in game, after one Weaken, her attacks become as strong as Wif Worm's.

"They are an apple for grace, a peach for beauty and a walnut for wisdom. With those three types of fruit, I will make you a beautiful costume."

HP: 1300
Attack: 17
Defend: Takes 1/2-1/3 of normal damage this round.
Fire 2: 80
Weak against Lighning.

Sam: Level 22, HP: 232, MP: 193
Yaaaaa!: 25
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 64
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 103
Bolt 2: 101

Comments: The giant lobster of doom really sucks in game, since he dislikes using Fire 2. In the DL... Like every other, good durability, unspectacular 3HKO damage. He really dislikes Fire Protection, too. Middle.


"It was easy because I was trusted."

HP: 1400
Power: Increases attack power.
Attack: 50
Attack after Power: 103
Strong against Fire and Ice, weak against Lightning. He is randomly inflicted with the "falling" status

Sam: Level 23, HP: 248, MP: 199
Yaaaaa!: ~40
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 60
(Bolt 2: 77)
(Freeze 3: 69)
Citrus, a helper, sometimes attack him for 25 damage.

Comments: Similar to the other bosses. Average PC damage after Power... Blah. Classical kickass defenses and boss immunities, but not exactly impressive. Middle. Lobsters should be better than that, damnit. (Why he is called Shrimp, I wonder)


"Wuuu. Who are those guys?"

HP: Unlimited
Attack: 0
Dodge: Same as Sam's. Takes very low damage this round.
Thunder 1: 60
Attack Magic Immunity. Vulnerable to Zap.

Sam: Level 26, HP: 300, MP: 225
Yaaaaa!: 6
Yaaaaa!, after Power or Weaken: 50
Yaaaaa!, after Power and Weaken: 110

Comments: Totally rad. Godlike. Now that's a true spoiler. SO2 Leon beats him, Zophar does not.

"If you put your heart into it, you could become a great ruler that even surpasses Bio-Haz."

HP: 1700
Shove: 130
Cancel: Dispels positive and negative stat downs on everyone.
Halves Fire and Ice. He has noticeable evade; he dodges around 1/3 of Sam's physical attacks.

Sam: Level 28, HP: 337, MP: 247
Yaaaaa!: 50
Yaaaaa!, after Power or Weaken: 100
Bolt 3: 120
Sometimes Microwave will attack with a level 2 spell. She tends to be intelligent and cast Bolt 2 instead of the other. (60)

Comments: Quite good, though a lot like other GG bosses in the DL. High Middle.

"Are you going to get in there with your shirt on?"

HP: 900
Attack: 1 (Varies between 0 and 4, 0 most of the time)
Dodge: Takes low damage this turn.
Flee: Runs away.

Sam: Level 29, HP: 356, MP:252
Yaaaaa!: 90

Comments: And Great Greed spawns another awesome boss. Run for your lives, Lickick has come. You've got to love the 356HKO damage. Puny.

Dust Ball/Thyme
"The world of Greene is the trash dump for this plan."

HP: 1948
Dodge: Takes low damage this turn.
Drain: Lowers Sam' attack. Enough to make it completely useless. (0 damage) 60%
Attack: 0
Flame 4: 140
Freeze 4: 170
Bolt 4: 200 (Usable below 500 HPs)
Very strong against attack magic. (Takes about 1/4 of the base damage) Vulnerable to Push and Silence. Enough evade to dodge 1/5 of Sam's attacks.

Sam: Level 34, HP: 452, MP: 298
Yaaaaa!: 47
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 120
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 180

Comments: Uber tank. Drain makes him antiphysical, and he resists attack magic by a lot. However, anyone who nulls both fire and ice or has permanent Silence owns him. (Well, they might not be able to do any damage) I'd say that Drain works on bosses, since Sam's does. Heavy/Godlike.

"I have to pay off an old score from royal refuse."

HP: 2000
Attack: 125
Shove: 235 (Only usable at very low HPs)
Cancel: Dispels positive and negative stat downs on everyone.
Strong against magic. Vulnerable to Flash and Push. Enough evade to dodge 1/4 of Sam's attacks.

Sam: Level 37, HP: 512, MP: 321
Yaaaaa!: 58
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 128
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 180

Comments: GG boss #47. Middle.

"You are trying to go to Bio-Haz's castle? I will not let you!"

HP: 830
Attack: 30
No way: Does nothing.
Vulnerable to Zap, Sleep and Push. Weak to Lightning.

Sam: Level 38, HP: 532, MP: 332
Yaaaaa!: 105
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 160
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 220
Bolt 4: 259.

Comments: And just when I thought that there were no scrub bosses left, DICEY COMES TO THE RESCUE! Puny.

"You! How did you get in!"

HP: 1500
Attack: 120
Freeze 4: 170
Guard: Raises physical defense. (Only takes 6 damage from Yaaaaa!)
Halves Fire and Lightning. Very Weak against Ice (Takes 2/3 more damage) Vulnerable to Push.

Sam: Level 40, HP: 575, MP 361
Yaaaaa!: 70
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 130
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 200
Freeze 4: 288
Heal 2: Heal 100 HPs.

Comments: Low durability for a GG boss, but antiphysical. Mm... Low Middle.

Bio-Hazard Harry
"It seems that we have a great gap in our values."

First form

Halves attack magic.

Power: Raises Attack power.
Speed: Raises accuracy.
Attack: 170
Attack after Power: ~300
Dodge: Takes low damage this round.
Flame 4: 140
Freeze 4: 170
Bolt 4: 200
Confuse: Inflicts Dazed status. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on. Good chance of working.

Sam: Level 42, HP: 617, MP: 400
Yaaaaa!: 70
Yaaaaa! after Weaken or Power: 155
Yaaaaa! after Weaken and Power: 230
Sometimes Candy will cast the equivalent of the Guard spell on Sam.

Second form

HP: 4000
Halves attack magic.

Power: Raises Attack power.
Speed: Raises accuracy.
Guard: Raises defense. It's pretty much Anti-Weaken, so he takes around 80 less damage from physicals.
Attack: 200
Attack after Power: 340
Dodge: Takes low damage this round.
Flame 4: 140
Freeze 4: 170
Bolt 4: 200
Heal 2 (Usable at low HPs): Heals 100 HPs.
Confuse: Inflicts Dazed status. Has a ~30% chance of lasting one more turn, then 30% of lasting another turn, and so on. Worked 3 times out of 3, but it's probably not 100%.
Cancel: Dispels positive and negative stat downs on everyone.

Sam: Level 42, HP: 617, MP: 400
Yaaaaa!: 40
Yaaaaa! after Power or Weaken: 125
Yaaaaa! after Power and Weaken: 200
Sometimes Citrus will attack him for 40 damage.

Comments: With a name like Bio-Hazard Harry, what rank can you except but Godlike??? Terrific durability, an excellent stat boosting game, a dispelling move, (It probably won't help him much, though) game best damage, and other options.