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Messages - lmm

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Roleplay Mafia [Sign-Ups]
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:19:38 PM »
So count me in, unsurprisingly enough

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mafia
« on: August 29, 2011, 05:24:50 PM »
Yeah, count me in if it isn't dead, which I guess looks unlikely at this point

More than happy to take a king (or any other) role; at the same time it would be perfectly reasonable of the rest of you to disqualify me for inexperience. Other than that, obviously enough I'd prefer my king to be a good player; if we decide against random assignment, will do some more of this discussion-but-not-voting once the teams are clearer.

Count me in, this should be made to happen. Dislike the notion of splitting it as casual/serious because it gives a seemingly legitimate reason to disagree with someone else's playstyle, but if you're doing it I guess call me serious.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia Signups
« on: May 16, 2010, 01:29:07 PM »
How important is the flavour going to be? (Much as I shouldn't be even thinking of playing another game)

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu mafia: Confirmations
« on: April 16, 2010, 06:26:01 PM »
Slightly limited internet connectivity this weekend as I'm at my parents', but confirmed; will probably be setting up 'anonymous' account

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: April 10, 2010, 12:18:47 PM »
I like the idea a lot in principle; the movie reminded me just how good that series really is. Obv. it makes a perfectly good setting for vanilla mafia and that may ultimately be the best way of playing it, but a full-on variant game is a lot more interesting from a design point of view.
The problem is that variants need to be designed very carefully to be balanced (texas justice being the classic example, IIRC) and interesting to actually play. I'd say if you're doing something this different it probably needs to be open setup (so that everyone can check it over as much as possible before it starts). I would certainly be very interested in playing if you can come up with a good concrete idea for the setup (or I'd happily collaborate at the design stage if you like, but you probably have your own ideas. I'll certainly give my thoughts when you've got a more fleshed out setup plan, though)
In summary, I'm very much interested, but be very careful with the design, and get as many people to check through it as possible.

(Reminds me of an idea I've been gradually putting together for a fate/stay night variant game, with people playing in master/servant pairs. (Of course that's unlikely to see the light of day for a year or so, at the very least I'll wait until I've run a few vanilla games (which in turn will wait until I've played a decent number here)))

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:48:32 AM »
Roleplay game sounds like a very bad idea from here. Making the mechanics of the game dependent on subjective judging is a recipe for strife; people are going to get annoyed if they (rightly or wrongly) think they roleplayed well and were unfairly passed over. You simply can't judge how well someone is roleplaying from the outside, since you're never going to know the character as well as they themselves do; in fact I suspect this mechanic would lead to shallower and less interesting characters, because the motive is no longer to roleplay well but to play such that the judge thinks you're roleplaying well. So people will be playing to look like their character has consistent motivations, and generally trying to behave as expected, wheras the most interesting characters (IMO) are those who can surprise everyone, even their own players.

Good roleplaying is something everyone loves, but trying to encourage it mechanically almost always fails. I'd be very wary of trying to base mechanics on anything less objective than post restrictions.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu mafia sign-ups
« on: March 29, 2010, 04:16:10 PM »
Sure, the scalpel's sharp, but it's the man who's got to be sharper. My ol' man was the finest surgeon in Boston, never mind that that other feller could amputate twice as fast; Pa got it right, and there weren't nobody died on his table 'fore 'is time was due.

Me? Well, they say I got his hand, but I could never stand t'be cuttin' on folk. Think Pa was a little 'shamed of that, t'tell the truth, though he tried not to show it. Horses, though, I never had no problem with horses. They understands what I'm doin', y'see, better than folks do, crazy as that might sound. 'Course, city folks don't know one horse from another, even without them fancy motor cars they's makin' a fuss about nowadays. But, place like this, folks really appreciate a good horse, so after Pa died I sold up and headed for the country. Wound up here in Marbury, last town before the mountains. I like it here, it's... real peaceful like, and the folks're friendly without needin' t'... y'know, pry, the way city folks would.

Anyways, I gotta head up to Percy's farm. Feller wants me t' see about 'is cow.

Count me in, though I'll be away over Easter until the 5th or possibly 6th of April. Samuel Hargreaves, Veterinarian.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Signups
« on: March 06, 2010, 12:41:20 AM »
Hah, indeed. There was I assuming that a thread on the first page would still be live. Will hang around and sign up in the next signup thread, then.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Signups
« on: March 06, 2010, 12:30:06 AM »
2>3=>1>>4 here. I'd probably be in for any of them though, even 4, unless the french revolution game was going to overlap.

(Go figure I'm new and want to get started playing).

Forum Games / Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:40:53 AM »
Sounds cool. I'd love to be the Scarlet Pimpernel.

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