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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 30, 2016, 08:29:57 AM »
"It's what we have in common. You must understand that facility with performance was a mandatory skill for advancement in our priesthood, and most of us were members of that selfsame priesthood.

"That said, it is not our sole talent, or even the best many of us possess. I myself am also a healer- though, Master Zhao is a true master of that skill- and a student of the Nightingale; perhaps you've heard of that particular art?

"Else, amongst us are teachers, emissaries, healers, apothecaries, craftsmen of various disciplines, predominantly fine woodwork; sailors, of course we are all sailors now- vintners, brewers, seamstresses, scribes, counsellors... I suppose much of what you would expect from those trained in temples. You can expect an uncommon conviction from us once the tasks are set. If our talents can be of use to you I would be happy to place them at your disposal, Lady Hakuhi."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:08:32 AM »
Why, her son's exploits as an officer of Xanafai's seafaring militia are remarkable enough to impress anyone, let alone his achievements since they left that wretched hive! Certainly, there's no reason to question his skills or courage! Lee snags a piece of battered carrot and turns to glance at her son as well.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 29, 2016, 07:30:47 AM »
"High priestesses occupying an instrumental rank did not. It was taboo, as total dedication to our god and his cause were intended to supersede earthly relations," replies Lee. "For those uninterested or incapable of reaching those lofty heights- lesser acolytes, commoners, and so on- marriage was common, albeit a touch melancholy. You could say it wasn't a priority of our order, but the celebratory hymns did need their occasion to shine so the practice did secure state sanction."

She looks a tad disgusted at the thought, almost losing interest in the food.

"People are people, after all. Everyone wants someone to love and hold close. Children were often separated from their parents where we are from, which I now believe weakened the institution of the family to an unacceptable degree. It's the pillar of human relationships which all others ought to be built around, don't you think, Lady Hakuhi? Without family, are we anything more than drifting leaves?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 29, 2016, 12:52:19 AM »
"Ah-! Dread spirits that consume the breath? What a dreadful menace," replies Lee, hand on her chest as if to shield it from such a thief's imminent attentions.

"My sympathies to the Kirin for existing alongside such creatures. At least they can ride away from such terrors."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:21:29 PM »
"Bluntness and honesty are masks in their own right," replies Lee, eyes sparkling a little. "The shortest mode of speech can hide a soul of the deepest passions, just as surely as an overuse of flowery verbiage can be used to conceal an absence of inward contemplation. I relish the struggle; there's nobody who's uninteresting in the world. To find someone a bore, uncouth or otherwise; why, 'tis the mark of the viewer, think ye not?

Lee nods to herself a little. "I shall engage in solicitations henceforth! Not wishing to deny the existence of our sorority, it is inn-keep and the dock-lord that I shall pay visitations to anon; I have decided. Now, might I indulge you tell me more of the four great clans I have heard of? Sounds it to me a tale of wooden crabs, iron cranes, jade chimera and golden manes!"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:35:29 AM »
"I fear you and I may have much in common," confides Lee. "Yet, then the only thing for it is to dive right in and play upon the excitement of our differences. Fear and desire are close relatives, I say. Attempt to cleave to the common ways and outsiders can only be marked for their inevitable failure to reach the mark. Accentuate the exotic and we may yet carve a place! True, the new becomes the old swiftly, but the first and second impressions weigh heavier than the tenth, you could say."

She sets her chopsticks down a moment. "Ah, in the spirit of proper dinners we should verily turn our talk to the topic of those townsfolk that tell terrific tales themselves to the teeming thousands. Who, pray tell, might seek a broadening of their horizons through my most personal effort to entertain?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:17:00 AM »
"You've not been there yourself, I take it?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:46:39 AM »
"I know what it's like to live in a reclusive world," muses Lee. "There is only self, and everything else is the not-self, a danger or menace that we treat like a dangerous beast. Unlike Suizasho, however, we had little choice but to trade for essentials, and indeed pay tribute to stronger neighbours from time to time. Necessity forces the child from home to seek their own path, and I suppose that your nation has yet to reach such a stage."

She sips slowly at the wine. "Truly, there are many who would envy your position. Yet you have no choice but to change things, do you? No choice but to succeed and prove your worth. Our worth.

"Allow me to suggest a simple beginning. My people have a large range of skills that might well foster local industry, and a number of homebodies besides who would be happy for a roof that doesn't sway with the waters. But I believe our greatest value to your cause will be- well, to do what we're best at! It is the nature of travelling minstrels to tell stories and pass on the news. To attract foreign wealth, I believe you must have people go out into the world and talk about Inaba. Songs tie the world together, and if you will forgive the lapse in poetry- it's how the ordinary people know of anything at all beyond their doorsteps.

"I would say that it's also necessary for people to go into your heartland and talk about the world..."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:15:07 AM »
"I would like to think we can help one another, shared blessings aside," replies Lee, unfamiliar with drinking from such tiny cups. Why not use a simple mug? She attempts to mirror Akeha's mode of consumption.

The food is easier to deal with. Lee was never a heavy eater, so slowing lifting up small portions and savoring them, one at a time, comes naturally. Some people might eat with a dignified restraint, but it's not hard to read Lee's mind as she takes in the exotic preperations and shudders with delight.

"Although I am unskilled and unwise in matters of commerce and trade, anyone can listen to a song and know have an idea of where it is going and if it is pleasing to the ears. The matter of foreign intercourse is not so difficult see when one paints in the broad strokes of the neophyte. Perhaps you might reveal to me the intricacies of your present phrase?

"After all, the port of Inaba occupies a crucial fragment of the Yellow River, where the occidental flats meet the oriental trees beneath a rich nation strongly rooted to historical grandeur. A noisy mingling of notes could ensue here to the betterment of all in every direction. And yet, I sense that the acoustics of the place and moment do not befit the song that could be sung. Before I add my colleagues to the list of players, perhaps you could tell me why this is so?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:45:57 AM »
"It would be a treat to sample your local beverages," replies Lee, seating herself in such a way that Tora will be forced to sit directly across from Akeha. "Plum wine, you say? We've never tried that; out west it is usually made from grapes," she explains.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 01:24:39 AM »
"Lady Hakuhi has invited us to dinner, and we could not possibly refuse our noble host," replies Lee, with the lightest of stresses that only a beleaguered son could understand.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 02:02:27 PM »
Lee blinks. "Your father must love you very much," she tells Akeha. "It would have taken courage to look beyond the stigma. The thought of a man with such resolve fills me with hope."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:54:21 PM »
"You mentioned that you might be forced to kill yourself," Lee says, sounding sad. "It must have been a grim time for you, whereas it was a moment of joy for me. I'm sorry you went through such trouble."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:44:20 PM »
"As you say."

Lee folds her hands together. "I've been this way for only a few short months. Exactly as long as our voyage, really. How about yourself?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:20:31 AM »
Lee turns from studying a bonfire that her followers had set up near the center of the gathering. A length of rope had been scrounged up from somewhere and lain around it in a wide circle, in preparation for one of their more flamboyant acts that never fails to build excitement among her hosts. With her back to the firelight, her hair glitters around her whilst her face is cast in shadow. Her light clothes from before have been exchanged for a golden robe more befitting a hierophant giving a sermon than a fun-loving dancer of the river.

"Of course! We would be honored," she replies, delighted by the proposition. "Tora, darling!" she calls, easily projecting her voice across the grounds and interrupting whatever nonsense he was planning to get up to.

"And Vol as well? He must be much more than a mere assistant to you," she muses, with a teasing smirk.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:37:20 AM »
Inwardly relieved, Lee lowers her fan for a moment. "I will pray for your success," she insists. "If you do not return swiftly, I shall come looking for you! So you must, as I am a poor huntress and would easily get lost," she adds.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:15:08 AM »
Lee snaps open her fan and covers her mouth. "From me, Master Zhao? I, ah, of course!" she says, momentarily flustered. "We can spare a little rice and some perishables. Fish, of course. I suppose we should make it into jerky before you go, but that would take some time... but of course I can take care of Zhenli. Though, he is more like to take care of me."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 04:53:43 AM »
Lee tuts to herself as she turns to Rishi. "I believe there is a misunderstanding present which I must correct," she states, clearly. "We are not refugees seeking to huddle away from the vicissitudes of life in the strong arms of a protector, nor beggars or the dispossessed in need of charity. We have much to offer. You are kind, but I must insist on repaying any debt incurred."

She snaps her fingers. "That is karma."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:36:01 AM »
Lee takes the arrival of another apparent Solar with only momentary poise.

"What a momentous occasion! I am honoured, blessed and charmed," she declares. "I see I was not the only one drawn to this town! Pray tell, how many more little suns might we mine from the rich vein of mankind beyond your misty port?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:36:39 AM »
"What is it?" singsongs Lee, standing up.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:16:29 AM »
Lee nods. "I think we can manage for now," she replies. "We will need permission to trade on the dock, of course, to secure supplies and advertise and so on, but aside from that..."

She rises, clasping her hands together. "It has been a pleasure. Until we talk again?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 07:20:47 AM »
Lee sets her instrument aside, and takes a moment to gather her thoughts. "I shall have the precise details compiled by Tora for you," she replies. "But first and foremost, I would like you to show me where my people could stay? I like for them to mingle, to get to know people better. We have slept under the stars in camps beyond the village wall before, and will do so again if need be, but I would like it if they could break bread with some of your countrymen, so we can learn a little more about one another."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 06:33:22 AM »
"I would not want to trouble you so soon after meeting," replies Lee. "But it is not in my nature to conceal what I know to be right for long. Still, there is a time and place for it, and I'm well aware there are those who would strike against me for what I am. We shall talk of this again in time."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 06:21:03 AM »
"Well, should those dozen Dragon-Blooded threaten your life, do not hesitate to call upon me. Whoever or wherever it is, if a Chosen is imperiled, I would help," insists Lee, setting aside her instrument. "We gladly accept your hospitality, and shall endeavour to return your trust."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:38:17 AM »
Lee scoffs. "I wonder. Even I, a humble priestess some only middling skill in the fighting arts... well, I was imbued with might enough to wound a god; what strength must you have, being well seasoned in violence? In the long of it, I seek for the Chosen to claim their rightful place in the world. I won't suffer to be called Anathema- no, I can wear that from those who don't know better or are my outright enemies, but to hear you address yourself by the term? We must have the confidence that we know better than to believe the lies of jealous men and lesser idols. I wish to fight against those lies and I wish to do so with your aid and support.

"Lady Hakuhi, I now believe with a certainty that I am meant to be here- that we are meant to be together. It is a bond we share beyond nations or personal creeds. We are the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. If you rule these lands as a steward and warrior, then please allow me to support you as a priestess and songstress, that I might contest lies with truth, and inequity with piety and a holy will."

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