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Messages - Cotigo

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General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars! Re-branded for Maximum Profit
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:36:25 AM »
To be fair the subtitle could be used under almost anyone's avatar right now.


yes, i fully agree, Magmar SHOULD be president

General Chat / Re: Webcomic Recommendations
« on: January 21, 2017, 12:13:23 AM »
Today is a godawful tragedy.

The last page of Dr. McNinja has been posted.

If you never checked out it, now would be the time. The comics were always best read in chunks, and now all the chunks are there. Go read it.

General Chat / Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« on: January 20, 2017, 11:23:39 PM »
Alex: To be 100% clear, I'm far from a Rick Perry fanboy, and I don't doubt anything you said - a lot of Texas's success is for reasons that have nothing at all to do with Perry, and Texas's criminal underinvestment in education is a huge problem.  But that's, like, "speaking as a Democrat" territory.  I'm just saying that he's basically a vanilla Republican so I'm not gonna like everything, but whatever.  He wasn't actively scandalous as a governor.  Low bar, I know.

Trump's other noms are like "wtfno" (albeit, not unshocking for Trump).  As in, if I was a hypothetical Mitt Romney Republican, I'd weep for my party because these are not the best of the best for jobs that freaking demand the best of the best, drain the swamp from filthy Washington elites aside.  Nor are they even kinda sorta okay.  DeVos / Ross / Mnuchin / Pudzer are like some kind of evil Four Horseman of future incompetence and evil.  (Also, if you think Snowden would be a good pick for CIA, then you get my point!  As in, Pompeo isn't *incompetent* or anything, but just as Snowden would be like the leftiest possible pick, Pompeo is like the most archconservative hang-them-all pick you could grab, chillin' with Sessions on the extreme right wing.)

As far as bathroom bills go, yeah, I heard about that.  That said, they were never about economics, and sadly economic rationales aren't really crowd pleasers anyway.  "Transgender people are human too" is the only argument that's gonna work, and we'll see how that ends up.

You know when we're giving Trump credit for his Rick Perry nomination because it's a "low bar", that's exactly how this clusterfuck becomes normalized. Rick Perry is a terrible fucking choice. Stop grading Trump on a curve.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« on: January 05, 2017, 07:37:06 PM »
Father G is waaaaaaay too hard for that point in the game.

Lol get good at parrying, he's actually pretty easy. I had more of a hard time with Vicar Emilia than him for sure.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:11:13 AM »
Divinity is a game that I wish was all combat. The battles are fun but everything in between it is so trite that I can't bring myself to play it unless I'm playing co-op and making someone else do all of that for me.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:05:51 AM »
I was slightly more tickled by

Now you straight people carry your own reusable bags back to your Prius after comparing artisanal brands of sriracha mayonnaise. That is super gay.

Discussion / Re: 2016 games in review
« on: January 03, 2017, 03:30:08 PM »
I only hope that more games come out that mimic Ori's approach - the difficulty level of the individual platforming is fairly high, but respawning is cheap and harmless, so it's never frustrating.

I have some good news for you, then, because Ori is in fact mimicking a slew of other recent platformers with this exact approach, such as Rayman Origins/Legends and VVVVVV. I dunno if you'll enjoy them as much as Ori since they're not Metroidvanias but given your comments I'd certainly say they are worth a look. :)

Super Meat Boy's another good one, though probably the hardest of them.

So I don't really remember a whole lot from the beginning of the year because the world was literally figuratively and emotionally crumbling down around me for months and I probably just played FFRK and nothing else. That sounds right?

so basically that means the only games I played this year (aside from RK) in alphabetical AND chronological order:

Bloodbourne - Holy shit this game is amazing and sorely tempted me to get a PS4 just to get it.
Dark Souls 3 - Souls, plays like 1 with 2's mechanics plus more polish, very good, etc.
Overwatch - I was playing this like a job until grefter gifted me
Stardew Valley - not actually better than any of them else but I have a problem and the only problem is to farm some fucking Sweet Gem Berries so I can run them through my kegmaze to make them into wine so I can make numbers go up so I can farm MORE GODDAMN BERRIES while biding my time until my greenhouse is fixed

fuck guys i have a problem

General Chat / Re: What Games at you Playing 2017?
« on: January 01, 2017, 02:37:08 AM »

<3 NotMiki
(And Gref so he's not jealous)

I think I played Baroque more than Dark Souls. The game made me crazy.
I completed the whole baroque database.

Sting games (except Baroque) are funny because they have a ton of insane mechanics interfering with each other all the time and they're all kinda relevant. (except in Riviera because Riviera is piss easy)

FFT is kinda like that, but you soon figure out that you don't really need to give a fuck about stuff like Brave/Faith and zodiac signs, while Sting games throw in your face all the time (because of the ridiculous UI) that everything in this game matters.

I played Rondo of Swords for a short while but I wasn't ready for a Sting game at the time. I know Sting didn't make the game, but, here, let me just try adding a bunch of text with 10 different fonts on a random Rondo of Swords screenshot, and it instantly becomes a Sting game.

and something pointed out in response that tickled me

Fenrir can you make one for SaGa? Make sure to add lots of indecipherable icons that might be giving the player information!

(I unabashedly love these stupidly unintuitive RPGs, it is basically some kind of Stockholm addiction I think)

churky murky jive turkies

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:15:29 AM »
The locked door in the church at the top of the vertical drop room you're talking about requires the tissue item you get... either from the pardoner fight or after, I forget how exactly, and unlocks the secret boss fight. The other locked room in the area is the developer room you unlock after reaching 100% map exploration. The brick wall in the underwater section, if it is the one I'm thinking of, is just a shortcut to the save point to make the run up to the penguin dude fight quicker. You blow it up using the attacks of one of the enemies in the room adjacent to it, there's some sort of bomb enemy on that screen IIRC.

The conditions for the true ending are just that you upgraded your leaf after getting the wind box from the second to last area. If you didn't do that, you'd automatically get the bad ending after the final boss's second form.

I don't quite remember what NG+ actually does since the only NG+ style unlock I cared about was playing on Insane difficulty.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:36:56 PM »
Momodora 4: ...

Playing on Normal because I'm

The end of that sentence is actually "a fucking casual"

I only have a vague recollection of boss locations now but if you beat the pardoner you should be able to go from the first save point in the area straight down by jumping down a hole in one of the rooms. I thiiiiiiiiink it was a couple rooms left of the Exposition Witch, and I think I remember the platform you drop down the hole from being pretty obvious once you know what you're looking for. Following that path will get you to the next couple of bosses. You're kinda going backwards at this point but IIRC doing it this way should net you most of the shortcuts anyway.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:06:38 PM »
in what world is mustard that color

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: December 17, 2016, 12:51:48 PM »
"popcorn mixin is wrong"

"its ok hipstrs r doin it"

bamboozl'd again

because my company has decided to begin its miserable spiral into self-destruction. The business decisions made in the past 4 weeks ALONE are mind-boggling and absolutely counter-productive.


I'm less glad I HAVE to find a new job, but whatever. Ugh.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:44:09 PM »
I will say that I do understand why my female and gay friends enjoyed the scene of Cap holding a helicopter to a building, though. Chris Evan's got some glamour muscles. Also, the Spiderman cameo was pretty neat and helps let their first Spiderman movie not be another fucking rehash of his origin story (i didn't even see the second time Fox did it because jfc), so it wasn't all bad. Just... lol, that ending was so terrible.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:47:43 PM »
Overwatch:  So I picked a good time to become a Symmetra main.  The buffs are outstanding.  The portable shield is decent, the shield generator is good, but the best thing is the range increase on her primary fire.  She can actually lock onto people long enough to build a decent charge now.  I get so many play of the games by sneaking behind the enemy lines and wiping the entire team with primary fire.

I'm playing her in all games, offense and defense and it's working beautifully.

Yeah, I can't really run away from her as non-tracer characters anymore, and running into a previously mostly safe room near the spawn can turn into instadeath if all 6 turrets are trained on me. They definitely made her a worthwhile character whereas she was kinda crap and frankly a worse pick than Torbjorn before.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:44:24 PM »

...  Iunno.  Considering its status as one of the greatest games ever you would think it wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to get the full experience without just pirating the damn thing.

yeah I think I found yer problem

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:41:11 PM »
So, I watched Civil War finally.

Y'all (not just you guys but literally the whole internet) shittin me right? This movie is way worse than Age of Ultron, and I even realize in hindsight that Ultron was not very good. To be fair, the major fault is the same in both movies, making their characters do really stupid things less because it makes sense and more because they needed a plot point to happen. Stark making Vision after Ultron turned out to be a disaster (for almost no payoff, even in Civil War), Stark going all apeshit on the winter soldier after finding out that he killed his parents even though just seconds before he said in plain English that he knew his actions were due to brainwashing... Actually, it seems to be mostly Stark, which would be fine if the movie wasn't asking us to believe that he's a genius otherwise.

tl;dr: Was not entertained.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:20:38 AM »
I quit.

Anyone want my account (maybe to do some multi-player with Djinn?) Otherwise, I think it's stacked enough that I am going to see if I can sell it on some shady website that will steal my bank info.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:53:36 PM »
Symmetra is kinda meh right now (namely you really need all 6 turrets to be set up to be effective, but can only put up 3 at the start of the match. So, you either have to hope your teammates can hold the other team off while you wait for your sentries to charge, OR set up pretty far back meaning you won't really be helping your team until a couple minutes into the match), but I'm looking forward to playing her again after the update. In addition to fixing my problem with playing her, her new Shield Generator Ult is pretty exciting since it finally gives the large, empty side paths (particularly pointless on Volskaya Industries) a legitimate use other than blinking through them as Tracer or sneaking up on clumps of dudes as Junkrat.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: December 10, 2016, 09:00:29 AM »
so i realized that playing the game was more of a chore nowadays than anything and I just found out that I missed the FFX event because I just didn't want to play the game at all.

I think I'll play out through the end of the upcoming orbfest, and if my urge to play the game isn't reignited by said fests, I'll probably look into trying to sell my account since my account is OP. It'd be nice if I could monetize the last year and a half or so of obsession.

so uh is it the perfume that contributes to the issue here or is your reaction because of the sexist advertising? Kinda confused to what you're talking about

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