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Messages - Glen Veil

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Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 5
« on: August 04, 2009, 07:13:09 AM »
Team Glen vs. Guy(L2), Guy(FE7), Guy (ToTA) and Guile –  It looks like only ToTA Guy is the only one on the dungeon team that is immune to status, so Jane uses Follow Me, Lilka does whatever, probably either buffs Raquel with Mageweapon or hits ToTA Guy with one of her spells, whichever does more, Cecilia who I see as having access to her Hi-Magic now then laughs and uses Hi-Prison to incapacitate the none ToTA Guy’s and Guile, and Raquel finishes by smiting ToTA Guy.

Team Glen vs. Kary, Killey (S5), Karin and Ken (P3) – This is a rather interesting fight, though the dungeon team really wishes they weren’t attacking right into Raquel’s strengths defensively.  Jane starts off with Follow Me, Lilka quickens Jane, which depending on speed respect lets her double, Cecilia disables Ken with Prison, Raquel then smacks Killey around.  Next turn the girls procede to cripple the dungeon team.
Alternatively if you don’t respect Jane as having over 2x average speed after quick and/or Raquel damage at this point, Raquel can defend after Janes intial Follow Me and just make the fire/physical oriented dungeon team completely tink on her defenses.  I would say most of the threat of this fight lies in Ken, but I’m fairly certain Cecilia can just status him out on her first turn.

Team Glen
vs. Alen, Alena and Alex –  They all seem to be vulnerable to status so Alena hits Raquel, Jane uses Follow Me, Lilka heals Raquel, then Cecilia just Hi-Prison’s all of them and laughs.

Team Glen
vs. Sara (BoF1), Serra, PC Sarah (S3), Sarah (ShF1) and Saradin – This fight is rather interesting, if S3 Sarah could get a turn I would imagine my team would probably die horribly, though I don’t think that actually happens.  Jane uses Follow Me, Lilka uses Mageweapon on Raquel to make sure she absolutely OHKO’s S3 Sarah, Cecilia then Hi-Prison’s everyone else minus BoF1 Sara.  After that the fight is relatively easy and simple.

*Full Heal
Team Glen vs. Nina1, Nina2, Nina3, Nina4 and Nina5 – I don’t think the Nina’s can do anything to stop Cecilia from getting off a Hi-Reflect thanks to Jane’s Follow Me, which kind of kills the Nina’s offense, and once that happens Lilka can keep Raquel up through their pathetic physicals while Cecilia simply Hypers Raquel a few times to the point that she simply ohko’s all the Nina’s at once with Evil Blossom through their stall games.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« on: August 01, 2009, 08:53:35 PM »
On the topic of someone who can help limit teams Tim would probably make a decent choice, FP shift could probably be interpreted as adding 1/4th to the rest of the teams limit bars if they have one, and would be balanced by Tims terrible speed and durability.

Also if anyone saw the post I deleted, I apologize.  Apparrently my immature twat of a step brother decided it would be funny to change my post while I had to go do a chore briefly.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:29:26 AM »
Vista and the emulator I've been using decided to stop cooperating with each other, so now since I'm feeling lazy about reinstalling/fixing it, I decided I'm going to amuse/torture myself by trying an all Gadgeteer challenge in WA XF level required classes only used when necessary, though I'm going to slightly cheese it and allow Labrynthia her base class OC.

It's been interesting so far, managed to complete both 1-2 and 1-3 by killing all the enemies.  Tony has game best damage right now(lol) and made a surprisingly good tank at the choke point in 1-3, though the level still took all 4 gems I had managed to buy, an inordinate amount of heal berries and all of Labrynthia's MP so now I'm right before 1-4 with ~6 heal berries in total and no money or gems. I foresee myself grinding for a bit to get enough cash to do the second part of 1-4.

I also noticed for the first time that Ragnar is present in Poliasha right after the townspeople are taken, which struck me as kinda interesting.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 4
« on: July 27, 2009, 11:42:05 PM »
Team Glen vs. Jude and Raquel – This fight is easy, it doesn’t even matter that both Jude and Raquel can immune Janes ID crit.  Jude is fast, but Raquel just laughs at his physical game, his multi target damage can’t crit and can’t ohko anyone, so if he tries Lilka just Mystics the Talisman which heals everyone, my Raquel is getting a quick from one of the girls which lets her splat the dungeon Raquel with an ITD crit since she has access to an ITD weapon by now.  Next turn is basically the same thing only this time Jude is the one going splat.

Team Glen
vs. Pikachu, Ho-oh and Lugia - This fight is just murder, Jane goes first and ID’s Lugia with her critical, Ho-oh can’t attack Raquel without triggering Red Zone, if Ho-oh attacks, Raquel brutally splatters Pikachu with something like 3x overkill crit, if it doesn’t then Cecilia OHKO’s Ho-oh with a break spell exploiting its 4x weakness, or if you don’t see that gets finished off by Jane next turn, Lilka just Heals Raquel from either Ho-oh or Pikachu, if Ho-oh decides to trigger Red Zone for some random reason Cecilia can also heal Raquel if you don’t see Lilka’s heals being full, though I’m pretty sure she does.

Team Glen vs. Ness and Poo – Jane ID Hax’s kills them both before either get a turn I think.

Team Glen vs. Alena, Brey (Borya), Cristo (Kiryl) and Ragnar  – Ugly fight for my team, and probably the hardest on my floor.  Alena kills Raquel, Jane ID’s Cristo, Lilka revives Raquel, Brey kills again, Cecilia Prison’s Alena, Ragnar probably wants to kill Jane, next turn Lilka revives Raquel, brey kills, Cecilia Prisons Ragnar, and after that Brey is stuck attacking a revive locked Raquel until the dungeon team finally bites it leaving my team in a mess if it weren’t for the:
*Full Heal
Team Glen vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus) – Bosses that generally have little durability vs Raquel getting to Follow Jane is not pretty.  The forth fight was worse than this one, and since my team got a full heal right before, this one shouldn’t be much of a problem.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: July 26, 2009, 08:21:29 PM »

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 3
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:18:02 AM »
Flash is a non stacking cast, though you probably respect Lulu evade more then I do, I see Raquel as pretty damn accurate, to the point that before flash she's hitting Lulu 50% of the time and Lulu can't really take physical hits.  Flash pushes her evade low enough that Raquel can hit her first turn.

But going off of your interpretation of Firefly, Cecilia doesn't want to revive after casting Reflect on herself, I don't see why she would waste MP doing that when it would just be cheaper for her resource wise to Status Out both Nina and Lula with non fatal statuses under the safety of reflect.

So lets say Nina uses Hold on Jane and then you let Lula do her double cast mayhem thing, Cecilia reflects herself after being quickened by Lilka.  Cecilia is now getting three turns to Nina1's two and double turning Lulu and is immune to all of their abilities.  Nina has no protection from Prison and cries to silence.  Since Lulu has a generally dangerous overdrive, Cecilia Silences Nina, and after that she simply has to hit Lulu with Prison, Sleep, or Confuse.  If you see prison as Petrify then that's out, but Lulu can't fully block Sleep or Confuse, confuse is kind of meh so Cecilia goes for sleep.  After that Cecilia just safely kills Lulu, and after that just revives everyone while they laugh at a worthless Nina who can't really do anything to stop them.

Granted it basically comes down to who hits first with a status between Cecilia and Lulu, but Lulu's accuracy is terrible, and going off of 50% id probably makes it a turn three thing.  Cecilia if you allow the sketchy sleep ward is turn 3 at worst, but is going twice as fast as Lulu thanks to Lilka's quick.  So after Cecilia cast reflect on herself Lulu has to kill Lilka and Raquel with Dual Cast Death or else she's getting POIZNED by Raquel and chipped by Lilka to the point that she outright dies before she can hit with a status weapon.  Next round Cecilia Silences Nina and gets her first turn at sleep on Lulu, Lulu counters by trying to status weapon Cecilia, next turn Cecilia gets sleep off on her double, after this Cecilia simply kills Lulu with 2-3 Blasts then revives Lilka, who physically attacks Nina once to build up fp then revives and heals everyone else while Cecilia defends to preserve the rest of her resources.  At worst I think it would take about a third? of Cecilia's resources for this time in the game, but I'm more inclined to think that's about a fifth or so, depending on ones Respect for Cecilia's MP.  Actually Cecilia could probably just go straight to killing Lulu after Nina gets silenced.  Depends on how long someone sees it taking Cecilia killing off Lulu with blast I guess.

Cecilia really isn't pressured when she's alone unless the opposing team can immune all of her statuses and/or have a good physical offense, of which Lulu and Nina can do neither.

So I'm pretty sure even under your interpretation of Firefly with Lulu getting to attack others after Jane gets hit by hold that my team should be able to get through that fight.

I do agree about Firefly though, I wasn't surprised at all when Neph changed it.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 3
« on: July 20, 2009, 11:20:27 PM »
Just figured I would clarify some things about some of Cecilia's spells/skillset real quick.

Cecilia has access two 16 different spells for level 1 black and white magic, the crest grid is 4x4 which gives a total of 16 options for each.  Once she gains access to lvl 2 spells she has a total of 64 spells she can cast.  Not including Randomizer spells.

Of her white magic, she does have Reflect as a level 1 spell, she learns Hi-Reflect as a level 2.

Suction acts just like Cecilia's Parasol when cast on someone, in that it absorbs a spell fully and converts it to MP.  It also has the unique property of healing the person that it was cast on if that person does not use MP as a resource(Rudy in game gains HP instead of MP when hit by a spell under suction since he uses bullets instead of MP).  It also happens to be one of the only buff spells WAo Cecilia casts that doesn't last the entire fight, though it still lasts ~5ish turns.

I'll see if I can find a video on youtube somewhere on someone using it to clarify further.  Also if you guys want I can put together a complete list of all of Cecilia's abilities, she starts out with some ridiculous lvl 1's >.>.  Other mages wish they had Multitarget slow along with 2 multi target statuses at level 1(sleep and silence).

Also about Lulu's evasion, Cecilia has access to Flash, which significantly reduces the enemy group's accuracy/evasion, so I doubt she can live long enough to get an overdrive when she becomes unable to avoid Raquel.

One last tidbit that I pointed out earlier in response to snow is that ACF defend is bad at reducing damage, yet apparently reduces the chance to be hit by statuses a good amount, which could make Hold a turn 2 status, I don't know exactly how the status chance is changed though so take that with a grain of salt <.<.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 3
« on: July 17, 2009, 12:27:28 AM »
Finally got around to commenting on my team.

Team Glen vs. Eiko, Garnet and Rydia)
Without What Can You Do: Jane defends to stop Garnet’s turn 1 ID, so Garnet probably opts to hit Jane with Ark since trying to berserk Jane just won’t pressure my team enough.  Lilka then heals Jane, Eiko hits Jane with Madeen or something, Cecilia statuses out Eiko since Eiko is the only one that can cure statuses and Cecilia can’t really ohko anyone.  Rydia finishes off Jane, Raquel kills Garnet, Lilka revives Jane, and then Cecilia heals Jane to full.  This leaves the dungeon team with an Eiko who is either asleep/prisoned/confused/silenced and Rydia to break through a full HP Jane.  If you see suction not being bypassed by Eiko's and Garnet's null reflect ability Cecilia can also cast that to make the fight much less dangerous.

With What Can You Do: Jane uses What can you do, this forces the other team to try a stall tactic since attacking Jane just makes them take damage instead. Garnet uses protect on herself.  Lilka cast quick on Raquel, Eiko cast protect on Rydia since casting protect on herself won’t stop getting statused out and to stop a Raquel ohko.  Since Eiko was forced to use protect to prevent Garnet from getting stuck in a revive lock, Cecilia statuses out Eiko, Rydia attacks Jane to use up a bullet, Raquel smacks Garnet. Round 2, Jane uses WCYD, Garnet heals, Lilka cast Mageweapon on Raquel, Cecilia dispels Garnets protect then Raquel OHKO’s.  At this point the summoner team basically loses.

The first fight definitely seems to be the hardest for my team,
Team Glen vs. Geddoe and Hugo- Jane defends, Hugo can’t quite ohko her, and can’t get off his ID before Cecilia casts reflect on Jane, Lilka heals Jane, Cecilia cast reflect, and from there the two suikoden characters struggle to KO Jane with their physicals through her insane evasion, which can quickly be raised to max by Cecilia while Lilka heals.  After Jane is essentially immune it’s just a matter of time before Geddoe and Hugo lose.

Team Glen vs. Lulu and Nina1 – this fight is a joke compared to the last two, Lulu is slow and Nina doesn’t have damage, Cecilia cast reflect on Jane even if she’s hit by Hold and my team just kinda smites them from there.  Lulu is not hitting Jane evasion with a ID weapon with her accuracy.

Team Glen vs. Demi and Wren – Jane doesn’t need WCYD for this, Jane defends and Lilka just heals her, Demi gets splattered by Cecilia hitting her with Spark with a Raquel Physical follow up.  They just don’t put a lot of pressure on my team, Cecilia can also Shield Jane if Demi and Wren have some sort of cover ability instead of blitzing with Raquel, it’s hard to out stall Lilka’s infinite healing resources.

Since Jane actually hasn’t needed to use WCYD that often yet if one does allow it, she can opt to use it once here to let Lilka and Cecilia get Jane’s defenses built up quicker, though it isn’t really needed.

Team Glen vs. Boss Magus and PC Magus – worst case is PC magus ID’s Jane, Lilka Revives, then Cecilia casts reflect on Jane, fight after that is easy.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 3
« on: July 15, 2009, 10:25:31 PM »
Edit on my comment about ACF defend. I did a bit of research and found this FAQ:, turns out ACF is kinda hard to calculate since it factors FP in, but one interesting thing it does do is lower the chances of being hit by status's.  What it basically means is Jane has ~ her normal durability at 0 FP and gains up to 50% reduction at max FP while defending with the firefly stone.  It does seem to put a large dent in Snowfire's worst case argument by making Garnets ID not turn one though.

I've kind of put off commenting on my team because I'm not sure if people allow Jane *What Can You Do?* yet.  If people see her as getting it then the floor becomes a complete joke as Jane does her best impression of WA4's Trump Card.  She gets that when she joins for the Volcanon Trap, and she doesn't have Follow Me yet, which since people say that is floor 4 makes me want to pin What Can You Do at floor 3.

I'll probably give a rundown for both an interp of her having access to what can you do and not having access to it.

In the meantime if you allow her WCYD, iirc, when she joins with this move she has enough Mp to use the ability a total of 9 times, or 2 times for 4 floors and then 1 time for some less threatening floor.

Quick summary if you allow What Can You Do?: Jane goes first off ridiculous speed and uses *What Can You Do?* -> Floor Makes everything Single target -> Firefly forces all the single target attacks at Jane -> *What can you do cancels the attack -> Cecilia/Raquel/Lilka wreck the other team since Jane is Invulnerable until she runs out of MP.

I'll have a better breakdown for both interps later.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 2
« on: July 01, 2009, 09:32:46 PM »
Team Glen vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES) – Fairly simple fight, Jane defends, which means she should be able to survive the damage from all three bosses,  Cecilia and Lilka can practically 1 round Kain due to his weakness, and Raquel should be able to finish him off.  Baigan dies next, Lilka can just heal Jane from now on, Cecilia can do staff whacks for lulz, and Raquel finishes off Baigan, Milon is just lol.

Team Glen vs. Booster – This fight basically goes Jane defends, gets shield stacked on her by Cecilia and Lilka with Lilka on heal duty, Raquel holds off on her turns until Jane is effectively physically immune, then all four girls pounds boss til dead.  Alternatively they could just revive spam Jane until the boss dies.  Lilka can also opt to buff Raquel’s attack until she can one round Booster, quite a few choices in how to go about this.

Team Glen vs. Scarmiglione (FF4 DS) – Jane defends as usual, Lilka heals her, Cecilia cast Light blow on Raquel to make the fight not take forever by allowing her to hit Scarm's weakness physically, and then basically chains quick on Raquel to counter that slow status counter which turns Raquel into a snail.  Fight takes a while since Cecilia and Lilka can't contribute any damage and after Raquel's first turn she's taking almost an eternity to get her next turn, but it shouldn't be very threatening since he can't get through a defending Jane, especially if she gets a few shields cast on her.

Team Glen vs. Kary – Fire 2’s damage is rather non threatening, Kary can use Hold on Jane to stop defend and probably kill her, but then she just gets revived, this pattern generally repeats until Kary dies.

Team Glen vs. Augus – The safest way to go about this fight is to have Jane defend so it absolutely takes Augus both his double turn boosted attacks to kill her. Lilka or Cecilia then revives her and then the other heals Jane to full.  On his non powered up turns Lilka can heal Jane and Cecilia can either opt to damage Augus or cast Shield on Jane, either way should be fine for handling the boss.  Raquel simply does what Raquel does best, smash the boss’s face in.

Had to stat topic Booster and Augus, bit of a fuzzy memory on FF4 also so feel free to yell at me if I got something wrong.

Edit: Changed comments to coincide with the correct form for Scarm >.>.

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 29, 2009, 10:24:49 PM »
Edited Shiba into my light Lizard theme team, figured I would give notice.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:40:41 AM »
Someone that might be interesting to rank would be Alexia from WAXF, with class access based on the dungeon floors.  Has an initiative gimmick, but afterwards is basically Raquel speed without intrude and worse damage.  The interesting thing is you can opt to generally put her in classes that don't suite her well and in the process turn her into a Bluelike who pretty much only dies to TC from WA4 by the time she gains access to the last set of classes.

If you price her at 4 points, someone who decides to try this is going to basically have to win with 7 points worth of people since at one point Alexia would have to spend time in the Excavator class for the bluelike skillset of doom to be foolproof.

Cool on the Sealstone being able to be changed between floors, this makes me regret putting Firefly on Jane less since I can just switch it to Raquel after Jane becomes useful >.>.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« on: June 25, 2009, 04:44:13 AM »
Figured I'll comment on my team at least, had to use stat topics for a fair bit so feel free to yell at me if I'm wrong on something >.>.

Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon –Easy enough fight, Lilka alone can keep Jane up, which means the rest of the characters can just spam physicals without wasting resources.

Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight- Fairly certain Jane goes first, so she can defend which should keep her from being OHKOed by Knight, Lilka simply spams heal, Cecilia could probably opt to use Prison on Knight if there’s too much pressure, which makes the entire fight considerably less threatening.

Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice- Let’s see, Jane doesn’t do much of anything here, not sure if provoke would work and make Alice attack instead of using Advent, if not, party will end up eating that since Alice is a hair faster than Cecilia, .  Lilka can cast quick on Raquel who I think then goes before Marle who she promptly OHKO’s…I think.  Cecilia uses Prison on Alice.  Lilka can heal the party up before Alice is shattered.  On a second glance this fight looks rather easy, Jane can simply defend, Lilka cast quick on Cecilia, who promptly Prison's Alice, Marle hits Jane with her physical doing minimal damage since she can't cure prison, and since Jane is defending, then gets OHKOed by Raquel, or finished off by Jane on her next next turn if Raquel fails to do so.

Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive
- This fight sucks pretty hard, neither Cecilia or Lilka have multitarget healing early on unless you allow mystic berries, but that would probably cheese the fight.  Jane is basically forced to defend so she doesn’t get koed by a crit Assault Dive boosted by Tarukaja, if Raquel’s poison work, Cecilia and Lilka could probably keep everyone up and just heal stall the boss to death, if not, probably a messy fight, not sure really.  If Cecilia and Lilka can manage to Quicken Lilka into doubling  the boss, Lilka can keep both her and Cecilia topped off to avoid being killed by a crit Assault Dive, and Cecilia can slowly kill the boss, Cecilia effectively kills Lich solo I think.

Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1) – As long as Cecilia survives the previous fight she can easily solo Lich with Suction I think, who said you need a Parasol to laugh at magic casting enemies?

Jane is pretty useless right now as expected, her ridiculous speed allowing her to defend before any damage starts happening though is rather useful for making up for her suspect durability at least *Begins Hyping WA series defend with firefly >.>*.

I'll try to comment on the other teams in a bit, need to do more stat topic digging.

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 22, 2009, 03:37:23 AM »
I thought I posted their rankings from the character rankings list, but I'll do so again just to be sure:

Character           Game    Rank   Division

Malik Benedict    (WA3)    4.73    Godlike
Cecilia                 (WA)     4.69    Godlike
Worker 8             (FFT)     4.40    Heavy

Probably a high heavy/low godlike, but I would err on the side of godlike.

Since it looks like theres only 3 light teams I guess I can throw in an extra team for that division.

Team Lizards

Ard        WA2   2.02        Light   
Liz         WA2   1.55        Light
Shiba       S3    3.05        Light

Edited for third lizard

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 52 rankings- making the final cut
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:33:55 AM »
Yeah, kinda a rando though on my part.  I feel kinda stupid for trying to compare chance on hit percentages to chance to use a move now that I think about it.  Kinda just randomly trying to come up with ideas to fairly nerf that form since people don't seem to like the other two that much.  I guess I'll just abstain on him then since I don't have a diverse enough library to know how many godlikes kill him before his third turn.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 52 rankings- making the final cut
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:06:10 AM »
Wild Arms V
1. Yes
2. Yes
Who to rank: The PCs, the Sentinels, Nightburn, Ice Queen Avril.  Abstain Volsung.

Persona 4
1. No
2. Yes
3. Abstain

Minor tweak.

Sums it up for me.  On Volsung, it's been a while since I played, from what I've read alot of people sort of force crit's for relevant characters according to their probablities of occurring, like someone who has a 33% chance of critting will crit on every third turn they take.  Since WA5 basically hands you every enemies skillset and the probability of it occuring per turn in game, it might be a good idea to figure his average chance per turn over the entire skillset and force his double much in the same way as crits and statuses and whatnot.  I'm decently certain that it's low enough that he wouldn't be doubling more then 1 out of 5 turns that way.  I wouldn't mind popping the game back in and figuring the mathy stuff out if this sounds like a decent idea when I get home tommorrow evening, I should have a save right before him.

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Wild Arms: XF
« on: June 19, 2009, 09:01:10 AM »
I was reading over this and just wanted to add one little correction to the stats.  Once VP reaches a number below the characters weight it drains 10% MaxHP per turn that character takes.  Probably not important but I figured I would throw that out there.

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 19, 2009, 06:32:08 AM »
Team LolSpoiled:

Malik Benedict                   4.73   Godlike
Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde   4.69   Godlike
Worker 8                           4.40   Heavy

Two magic spoilers and one physical spoiler, definitely godlike probably, pretty bad synergy though all things considered, minus the whole spoiling thing.

Tournaments / Re: The DL Tweak League: Noms
« on: June 08, 2009, 02:52:58 AM »
If Lilka with status and defense PS's is too good for heavy, you could try Tim with Raftina and a Talisman, with a variable level of HP Up or Defense PS's.  It basically allows Tim to heal by invincible spamming instead og getting outright heal locked, which gives him time to actually put out his damage.  Even with full HP Up used Tim would still only be at about 95% average PCHP,  and that's if you factor him being the only one to get the HP Up PS. So still OHKO bait for harder hitting heavies I think?  Also means he can generally null speed advantages once/if he gets his first turn since he can just invincible through doubles.

Would be a decent resource/tank type spoiler, hates buffers, status, and heavy hitters.

Alternatively I think the sheriff star has the same effect but would also boost Tim's speed so you could forgo the hp boost, generally just have him be more frail but in return spoil elements, both are kinda on the air of being a bit too good for heavy, but I'm kinda hoping Tim's craptastic HP pool would be the balancing factor.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: What games can you vote on?
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:45:57 AM »
Kinda limited right now, hopefully I can get a few more on this list sooner or later:

Can vote:

Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire 2
Dragon Quest VIII(*Partial, hated game so much I forced myself to forget most of it)
Final Fantasy IV(GBA)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX(*Partial, see DQ8 note)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Tales of Phantasia(SNES)
Wild Arms
Wild Arms 2
Wild Arms 3
Wild Arms 4
Wild Arms 5
Wild Arms: Alter Code F

I wouldn't mind giving this a try if it's still going on.

Cecilia(4)- Buff duty and skill set that makes all other pc's jealous
Raquel(3)- Kill stuff duty
Lilka(2)- Hi-Heal spam is a go, alternatively, Mystic Life Orb spam for heavy mt damage situations.
Jane(2)(Firefly Stone)-  "What can you do?" hype while forcing st characters to attack Jane?

I figure early game Jane gets to be the distraction with Firefly, removing potential focus from Lilka and Cecilia so they can get their buff game going.  Once Jane gets Follow Me the weakness of Ceci's and Lilka's quick spell being ST only is practically erased, since they can just quicken Jane and have her spam Follow Me for Raquel getting turns at Godlike Speeds = epic destruction.

Hopefully this is still going on so I don't look stupid posting this.

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