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Messages - Fenrir

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Woah woah, wait a second. I bought a new shirt in 2000 too!

Dragon Age: I know what's the absolute worst thing about this game compared to Mass Effect!
You can't be a douchebag!
In adventure games and wRPGs, unless you're really drawn into the game and the problems of its world, the amount of fun you're having is DIRECTLY proportional to how much of a dick you are. Being a nice guy is cool the first few times, but it becomes very repetitive fast. Finish some guy's quest perfectly, the guy's happy and gives you something, etc. There's no interesting writing in it, no particular fun, and after the 100th time no feeling of accomplishment anymore. Being a douche is often a lot more varied: Steal an unconscious man's gear before helping him, put poison in someone's drink, blackmail people, sell a kid to slavery, lie about being a doctor then do a half assed job and ask to get paid for it, punch a journalist because you've had enough of her disingenous assertions, etc.

In Dragon Age, every NPC has an approval rating. Be a dick to someone and the game will like you less. This affects combat performance and whether or not they stay in your team, so this is a big deal.  The game has given hundred opportunities to mock Alistair, and I can't use them!! There seems to be a lot of quests you can miss if you're being too much of a dick, too. Which makes sense, but it's no fun.
Fortunately, you can use a team of assholes then not care about being a douche to NPCs, but you still have to be very nice to those team members of your team in private conversations. And that's not enough.

Gray Matter (360, PC)

The main character, a young magician named Sam, gets lost on the trip to London and finds herself near Oxford. She's broke and doesn't know where she'll sleep. Eventually she finds a big manor. A young woman, who claims to be the new assistant to the doctor living inside, is about to enter the manor, but she seems terrified by the manor. The heroine quickly scares the hell out of her then take her place.

Wow. Way to be a douche at the very start of a game. Great job.

Turns out the pay is good enough and living in the manor is nice. Sam stays there for a while, assisting Dr Styles, who lost his wife a few years ago but who's now trying to contact her in any way he can, thinking that her ghost might still in the manor. Sam's first job is to find 6 students to work on brain activities. Then the weird stuff starts happening.

Sam's a very nice girl overall, but she's a magician; the nature of the game implies that you'll perform a variety of tricks and deceptions on people throughout the whole game.

This is a standard serious adventure point and click game, but it's very hard to find one nowadays. The storyline is, as expected, intriguing and well written, though it never gets exceptional. Unexpected is how weird and kinda extravagant it turns out later on.
There's kind of a melancholy to the game, helped by the gorgeous still backgrounds and Oxford's architecture and style. Dr Styles (who's the main character in a few short chapters) is a broken man, his goals are desperate, and Sam's attempts to communicate with him often end badly.

Controls on the Xbox are strange. There's no pointing and clicking. Move the joystick and a wheel appears, highlighting the name of every item you can interact with. Simply select an item and your character will run to it and interact. This makes the game feel different and more accessible than every other game in the genre, as it completely eliminates pixel hunting. (and puzzles/enigmas aren't too hard) As far as I'm concerned, this is a step in the right direction (I hate being stuck in those games), but an awkward one.  There's no pixel hunting in the PC version either, you can press a button to see which items you can interact with. But you're not forced to use it if you like this sort of thing.

Hard game to dislike if you're semi-interested in it. PC version is better.

Discussion / Re: Question
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:31:17 PM »
Oh, right. Yep.

Discussion / Re: Question
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:02:10 PM »
They're worse or equal to boxed copies.
From what I've seen, basically, you can buy games one or two years after they're released, if they're popular they cost 30 euros (/Dollars, I'm assuming), if they're not they cost 20. The prices never go down. There are some sales sometimes, but that's only available for gold members. (I'm not one) There's never anything as crazy as Steam either.

They released Mass Effect 2 on the PS store at the same time as the release, and it was kind of a success. More than 10% of the sales were downloads, and the price was the same (60 dollars) so the profits were MUCH bigger per unit for Sony and Bioware. Hopefully they'll learn from this (and actually lower the prices some more... But I'm being optimistic. At least prices maybe wouldn't raise even with inflation)
Total ripoff compared to Steam obviously.

You need to get some info on him too. My reputation with him was abmysal at that point, something like -8, and it wasn't enough.
I knew that he congratulates you if you buy a ton of intel, so I didn't get any.

When you storm his house, you can go to a secret room if you know enough about him, then you learn about his secret daughter or something and you can taunt him about that. Then he maybe fights you. If I remember correctly. I need to try that out.

Being suave in the most inappropriate situations is the most fun I had with the game actually. You look like a complete moron if you try it with Alan Parker at the beginning.

Discussion / Re: Question
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:54:27 PM »
Thanks! I'll keep it in mind.
I'd buy a ton of games from Steam, but I like consoles more. I'm just waiting for Sony and Microsoft to inevitably copy Steam (Please?)

Discussion / Question
« on: March 10, 2011, 01:50:00 PM »
I'm not sure anyone will be able to answer that, but I might has well try.

I've been trying to help the videogame industry lately (I don't buy any used games anymore), but I was wondering: Does buying an unused videogame (from something like Amazon), three years after it was printed, help the developer? I have no idea how this all work.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: March 10, 2011, 07:53:16 AM »
"The picture of Leonard that Leonard finds in the envelope under his motel door shows him pointing at a bare spot on his chest. He tells Natalie that this spot is reserved for when he finds John G. Later, when Leonard is driving to the tattoo parlor, he thinks about his wife, and a flashback his shown in which he is lying in bed with his wife. The bare spot in this shot now contains: "I've done it."" Seen on IMDB
Glad you liked this anyhow.

Nolan has said he wanted to create a videogame based on Inception. No idea how this will turn out.

I haven't played Deus Ex, but it seems to be about choices that mostly affect gameplay while Alpha Protocol is about choices that mostly affect plot, so they're not really the same thing.

I agree with the good points and didn't care about the bad. (except for the overpowered bosses) This game's cool.

I'm going to 1000/1000 this even though this will take like 10 playthroughs. There's one achievement you can get if you can piss off an important character enough to get him to fight you, but I've screwed it up. one playthrough ruined.
By the way, I found SMGs to be as bad as shotguns. They eat ammo like crazy and don't do enough damage to compensate. Might just be hard mode though.

The zero punctuation review sums this up pretty well I think (like every zero punctuation review it is overly negative, of course)

You can't go wrong with this.

I don't think I had ever seen you bash a game before, Captain.
That must mean something.
You need to feed that plant the dead soul of enemies so she can give you bombs or else you can't damage the boss at all. Just play regular Streets of Rage instead.

Nier's character design is fine. He's an UOM.
But seriously, you didn't like the music?

I finished Leliana's Song (Another Dragon Age DLC)
This might be because I've largely ignored Leliana during the game so far, but I had no idea what was going on here. What am I doing? Who are these people? Why am I in a chantry all of a sudden? Who is that man and what is he doing in my team?
Then at the end Leliana doesn't kill her evil French arch rival because she's a good girl. Nevermind Leliana herself slaughtering of about thirty city guards right before.
The hardest battle in the game so far has been in this DLC: One dude and three dogs against your team. This took me about 40 retries, and then I just gave up and cheated by luring the enemies so that I could beat them two by two. Dogs > Dragons, it's official.

Ok I like doing those "game of the days". I could post them in their own topic, but they are seriously lackluster as reviews.

Game of the day:

Odin Sphere

Its funny how the most glaring example of "Good graphics, awful gameplay" is a 2D game on the PS2.

The whole game feels like an YS 1 cave:

Or alternatively, a bad Sonic clone, like Bubsy or Vectorman.

The point is, character sprites are big and action is fast paced. Sounds good, but you can't see in front of you. So you're going to be hit by attacks you haven't seen coming, all the time. You can't predict what enemies are going to do since you can't even see them. There's a very helpful mini-map on top of the screen, but after having played for 2 hours watching nothing but the mini map, I realized: This is stupid.

I'm not kidding:

Duct tape cardboard all over your TV/computer screen, then play Streets of Rage without ever going up or down for a similar experience. By the way you also need to feed souls to some plants to get fruit and thus level up, and everything about it is so badly done I don't want to talk about it.

The beat them all mechanics never feel alright, either. For example, everytime you attack, you deplete a power bar. Once it's completely emptied, you're stunned for a few seconds. You have to stand still to recover power. This is supposed to prevent button mashing, just like DRMs prevent piracy. There's also a BIG focus on enemies using status attacks on you, which is always fun in solo games.

I didn't play past 10 hours, but I heard that the game becomes very repetitive after that point, with the same dungeons and bosses over and over.

Jesus. I could appreciate this game's qualities, but playing is such a chore.

Dragon Age: Some kid gave me his grandfather's sword after I persuaded him that it will help in my glorious fight against the forces of evil. I immediately sold that shit to buy a gift for Shale: An amethyst. He liked it.

Whenever there's an active stat raising spell on a character, there's a big graphical effect. This means that 100% of the time there's a ridiculous big pink cloud following all of my characters, because of Song of Courage. This carries over in cutscenes, meaning that I can't take any of this game's cutscenes seriously anymore.
This would have been MUCH better in FF6: Blind your team -> sunglasses on everyone during the whole game. OR: Blind Strago, then solo the game with him. Ooooh yeah.

Finished the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC too. Nothing noteworthy about it, aside from the dog being named Barkspawn.

Game of the day:


Nier's the swan song of not-great people. Those guys focused on what they did best, and ignored the very obvious shortcomings.
Case in point, graphics. The ground textures are unacceptable:

But the game has breathtaking scenery, like in Aire village.

I had unreasonable expectations after the beginning - It was simply amazing. Gameplay was, if not great, extremely varied and fun (It's usually a God of War clone, but there's a lot of magic available, there are elements of bullet hell shooters, Diablo and text adventures), music was perfect, graphics were lovely, storyline was very intriguing and unusual, bosses were great, etc. There are three levels of difficulty, I appreciated the challenge in hard mode very much, while easy is a cakewalk, as this should be.

Unfortunately, Cavia has a tight budget and lacks good writers. The entire second half of the game is a Zelda like gather-the-crystals fetchquest made of nothing but recycled dungeons (granted, you can visit new areas in said recycled dungeons)
Only the final dungeon is new, but that's where the story can't keep its facade and goes downhill. Cavia is made of trolls (see the other topic), they didn't make a game around an awesome plot idea, they made a game around the idea of deleting all your saves at the end. (and then Square Enix had them stay reasonable about it, I guess)
The ending is riddled with RPG cliches, including a nonsensical betrayal. Devola and Popola... I hate you. All your music too. You can then replay the game to get other endings (which I did), but that doesn't wash away the sour taste in your mouth.

Still, it is the journey that matters in the end, and I prefer the strange little Nier to mediocre games... And average games. Actually, I prefer it to a lot of great games too. Try it out if you want something different. I'd give it something like a 7-8/10.

PS: Dragons are to Dragon Age what Boars are to this game.
This should have been named Boar Age instead.

General Chat / Re: Trolls!
« on: March 07, 2011, 03:23:36 AM »
"It's amusing that you think the biggest trolling in Nier is that the lead female character is actually a hermaphrodite.
You didn't even mention the part where it deletes all your Nier save files if you get Ending D."
While this sounds like the worst Cavia trolling ever on paper, I found that it was done tastefully in game. Your main character does the ultimate sacrifice, so does you, and at this point there's nothing to add. No need to keep saves (I did miss that one achievement though... Ahem)

"Except that would be awesome (unless the Robin was Jason Todd). A better analogy would be if you spent the rest of the game as Azrael or Spoiler."
Having controversial opinions is nice and all. I kind of like Unlimited Saga myself.
But Robin? Are you mad?

"It's not the only one, it's just one of the most notable. The Dishwasher, Civ Rev, f***ing Lexor 2, even The Orange Box has uneven achievements. And yes, it is serious business."
Ooh, I didn't know about that. I'll remember to never buy these! Bullet Witch seems to be particularly self aware with its 1 point achievement awarded for doing the most difficult thing in the game though.

"MGS2 had a lot of subtext about video games being bad and such, didn't it?"
I don't know, been ages since I've played it. I remember Raiden having only experienced combat training in videogames being shown in a bad light.
Hideo Kojima likes to break the fourth wall in general in his games; you need to check the game box to beat one boss in MGS1. It seems to be a way to break immersion and to tell its fanbase "This is just a videogame"

General Chat / Trolls!
« on: March 07, 2011, 01:36:22 AM »
What if game developers hated you?

Around 15 years ago, the anime series Evangelion ended. It was about giant robots. In the last episodes the series drops the giant robot part and basically tells its viewers "Stop being emo and go outside", from what I heard.
As Evangelion was crazy successful and watching fans go insane is fun, many game developers were surely inspired. I've seen this kind of stuff in a lot of games lately, mostly in Cavia's games (I need more examples, guys):


You've finished that game, the ending was bittersweet, with the main character and an annoying sidekick being the only surviving main characters. You now have access to different paths to unlock other, presumably more uplifting, endings.
Second ending: Everyone dies. Third ending: Everyone dies. Fourth ending: Giant babies devour everything, time gets stopped, in short everyone dies. Fifth ending: You get teleported out of nowhere to modern day Tokyo, play -the most difficult rhytm game ever- and then everyone dies. That's it.

Metal Gear Solid 2
Back when it was released, that game had massive hype. Everybody wanted to play as the badass war veteran Solid Snake again. Except you play with him for two hours, then he gets captured and you're forced to play as Raiden, a green brat with a clingy girlfriend. This is like a Batman videogame, where Batman gets captured immediately and you spend the rest of the game as Robin.


This is Kaine:
Kaine has impossible curves, almost no clothes and she follows you around. As a human male, you eventually get charmed during the course of the game. Unfortunately, you eventually realize that she's a hermaphrodite, or a man, or whatever, you don't even know but there's something wrong. Cavia made the videogame equivalent of waking up next to a tranny.

Chrono Cross

You bought this game because you liked Chrono Trigger. Well, the entire CT team got killed by in extremely anticlimatic ways. As a bonus, what they did during the entirety of CT only made things worse. WAIT! Developers nearly included Magus in the game! But they were too busy adding a mexican wrestler and a turnip instead.

Bullet Witch

The points you get when you win an Xbox achievement are always a multiple of 5; 5, 10, 15,20... This is done on purpose, it means you'll always have a nice round total gamer score.
Except with this game. There's a 99 points achievement you'll eventually get without even trying, and there's a 1 point achievement you can only get by finishing hard mode. Except it's too hard and you will never get it. You watch your gamer score: It's 23 474. You're annoyed.
This is a bigger deal than it sounds.

Divinity 2 Ego Draconis

The whole game you're led to believe that resurrecting Big Bad Guy's girlfriend will kill Big Bad Guy. Except it was a lie, Bad Guy's girlfriend traps you in a prison beyond time and space, end of game. (The expansion changed that, but it was released one year later)

I've always found developers trolling players absolutely hilarious, but it's often hard to tell whether it's intentional or not. Is XS3 trolling or are they serious?

All those years and I hadn't forgotten you, Doma. *sheds a tear*

Ammo wasn't much of an issue for me in ME2 even in insane mode, but I used a soldier. You can't just use  the sniper rifle all the time though.
Which makes me realize that insane mode Adept must be crazy hard because of the ammo system, on top of everything else!

Anyway I killed the damn dragon in Dragon Age.
The battle system issues are starting to get on my nerves.
Shale and Alistair have both the same A.I. setting, but Shale rushes on to fight enemies while Alistair stays close to my character.
My archer, sometimes takes like one freaking hour to shoot a single arrow when I'm controlling her, and I have no idea why.
Alistair sometimes just doesn't want to use the skills I tell him to use either.
It's a mess. Oh well. I was warned, PC version is better.

I guess I could use Shale's Stone Aura yeah, but I haven't gotten the other passive skills in that skill tree. Since I didn't consult guides, my skills are all over the place. This turned out well for Allistair (focused on sword+shield) and Morrigan (focused on Sleep/Horror/Waking Nightmare, ice spells and now healing), but not for Shale and the MC (useless rogue skills!)
I'll get a few levels and come back. Add Alistair as the ubertank and Morrigan asa pure healbot and this sounds like an alright plan.

Lego Harry Potter is perfect as a coop game even if you're not the target audience, if you have a girlfriend who's a HP fan, but I guess this is too specific. We... Even got all the achievements.

Rozalia: It's been a lot more than that, actually. Three years?

El Cid, if God bores you, switch to Dog!
You won't keep your allies for long anyway. (Not a spoiler) I loved Dean Domino, personally.

Dragon Age: I fought some dragon. It didn't end well. I tried everything, bombs, poison coating, traps... Nope. Reminds me of Firkraag: There's probably some good trick to beating this dragon, but right now I'm just getting chewed. Bombs are pretty awesome in this game, it's the first time they failed me.
I got betrayed in Orzamar, and I wasn't expecting it... :( Male dwarves are disgusting in this game. Their beards disappear into their bodies whenever they're talking. Ew.

Game of the day: Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga (360/PC)


Divinity 2: Ego Draconis was released in 2009 and got overall mixed reviews. (Bad sign, as PGs have higher scores than average. There's an even worse sign: It's a sequel to a game called Divine Divinity) Larian, the german developer, changed the engine, tweaked a ton of things, added an expansion and released the whole thing for a lower price. The game got a great reception and was a smash hit in Europe, and it's not hard to see why.

The game kind of works like a 3D Diablo. Solo character, you're chugging potions all the time, you have big skill trees and can specialize in whatever you want. It's an action game, as movement matters and you can dodge spells/arrows and the likes, but it's no Demon's Souls. You can't even block with a melee character, you can only dodge. You can also turn into a dragon, which is a nice distraction but not too important in the grand scheme of things.

Unlike Diablo clones, there's a big focus on writing and quests. As usual in the best WRPGs, there's a ton of different and interesting ways to finish quests. In this however, you can mindread anyone for an experience cost. It's pretty awesome and often gives worthwhile rewards. You can expose lies, learn of passwords and secret passages, get skill/stat boosts, listen to useless trivia, you name it. I actually just ended up mind reading everyone.

Unlike something like Dragon Age (Which is SERIOUS BUSINESS), Divinity 2 goes all out. You get the ability to turn into a dragon, kill ultra powerful mages and archdemons from beyond time and space, acquire an island early on with a big tower in the middle and some magic levitating  rocks on top of this, all in the beginning of the game.

I'd say that getting your own tower is the best part of the game; you have to choose between two alchemists/necromancers/smithies/trainers, and the ones you don't pick end up dying. The choices are never clear cut. (Arrogant and experienced alchemist or incompetent and desperate alchemist?)

There are definitely polish issues. Enemies never respawn until the expansion, so these large and beautiful landscapes feel extremely empty whenever you revisit. I believe that every female character has the same face; only hair and makeup make one differ from another. There's way too much action in the middle of the game, and way too much conversation in the expansion. Loot is generated randomly, and badly, so you never really care about treasure as much as you should. Fortunately, non RNGed powerful item sets scattered around the world are there to compensate for this.

Oh yeah, good graphics and lot of good humour too. Overall, it's really worth it. My favourite Xbox exclusive since ME2 isn't one anymore, easily worth something like a 9/10.

My archer had a rough beginning but got ridiculously powerful lategame. The final boss got 2HKOed.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:25:35 AM »
Yeah, I've seen it, I can't say it grabbed me as much though. I nearly don't remember anything about it.
Isn't The imaginarium of dr Parnassius similar too?

Haven't even heard about this game!
I really like the more serious posts. Great reads.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:59:13 AM »
I've seen a ton of movies at the theater last year, and pretty much stopped buying DVDs. The theater is a much better experience for about the same price or less if you go with someone, and a lot less expensive if you're alone. You can't watch it again, but from what I've seen most people don't rewatch movies aside from their top 10 or whatever.
Ghost Writer, Inception and Black Swan were the most impressive, I'd say. All top notch; The Prestige's excellent too, I really regret not having seen it at the theater back then. I bought that crazy poster, it was worth it:,7.jpg

Thanks a lot all. Yeah, life's good.
Tonfa, A Grandia LLG was part of the Fenrir summoning ritual. Good job. Are you going to do the same thing with Grandia 2? Please. (To be fair, Eye of Valmar would just infiniteturn your team, and he's early in the game)

Fenrir's Game of the day:

Resonance of Fate (PS3/360)

Picture a game that can only be played with a 1000 buttons controller. One button lets you jump, one lets you shave, one lets you clap your hands, etc. Now, enemies are attacking you at the same time, so you die a hell of a lot at the beginning. Eventually you realize that you can easily kill enemies by hitting the 345th button (throw gas at an enemy) and then the 876th button (put enemy on fire) You now do that for the rest of the game and win everything.
Resonance of Fate is this. It is complex and shallow. It is hard to learn, easy to master. Not many games are like this (There's this and Unlimited Saga, from the top of my head), for one good reason: This is stupid.
Plot is a mess. No one knows whatever the hell they wanted to do here.
I still really like this somehow, mostly thanks to the -ridiculous- gun customization. I had a gun that was supposed to shoot in front, upwards and behing (meaning right back at the poor guy who's using it) It's too bad you can't see your retarded guns in game. BTW you can dress up your characters.
100% guilty pleasure game. You can even play it around relatives, unlike something like a Gust game!

El Cid: Actually I'm playing DA on nightmare, not hard.
I'm already level 11, having finished most quests in Derenim and currently looking for the sacred urn. My team of choice is Allistair/Morigan/Shale. Shale was a good enough character to replace Machiavel the dog, which is a rare feat. Great job at preemptively picking a cool username, Shale the DL guy.
You know what's the best part about that game? The font. The font is beautiful, it makes you by itself want to every dialogue option and read the 1345 pages of the codex, by itself. Replace it with, say, the Wild Arms 2 font, and the game loses at the very least 3 points right away on a /10 scale. I'm not kidding.

Hi both of you!
I brought the dog back too.

Hi everyone.

First of all, sorry to Super for largely ignoring the very nice attempts to keep contact. It wasn't the right moment.

Good to be back. Lately, I've been lurking 'What games are you playing' here, because hey, it's still fun. I thought I'd change my life completely in a few years, but nope. It's way better that way, honestly. You should live your true nature, even if your true nature is playing videogames in ridiculous ways and talking about it. I've nearly perfectly completed a "Very Hard No Allies No Combat Ten Charisma No Stealing No Resets" challenge in Fallout New Vegas, and trust me, it is 100% retarded.

I got a 360 (and a Wii, but it's collecting dust) Honestly, I always thought that each generation of consoles was better than the last, and this time it's no different. While there's a distinct lack of JRPGs, everything else seems to have gotten better. Since I played JRPGs nearly exclusively before and still don't mind the change, it's a good sign. Plus, you can't go wrong with either the 360 or the PS3 since they're pretty much the same thing.
Achievements/trophies are very nice. 1000/1000ing a game is satisfying, fun, makes you try new things and makes the game last longer. Everything is good as long as you can manage to ignore the more ridiculous/stupid ones (like those in Nier and Assassin's Creed) and to never go achievement hunting for the sake of it.

I'll probably talk about other games later, but right now I'm playing Dragon Age, Ultimate Special Deluxe Edition.
The main character is an archer commoner rogue dwarfess, and she's absolutely awful in combat. In fact, I immediatly switch to whatever mage is in my party to nuke everything in every battle. The beginning was painful since I started on the highest difficulty setting, I had to restart the first boss battle about 10 times. The battle system is kind of an imprecise mess but the mechanics are very good. Overall: nothing too impressive, but it's fun.

Bioware knows how to write good games better than just about any other game developer, but romance in their games is always the same, and it's starting to get creepy. Flirt with a character for hours and hours, then: Sex! You get an achievement, and speaking to that character again is pretty much useless. Wow. It's unrealistic, and it makes romance look both idealized and awful at the same time.
A -much- better and realistic approach would be to have sex happen near the beginning of the relationship, -then- true love blossoms as both characters talk with each other for hours. Then maybe, oral sex. Then you get the achievement. Ok, nevermind about this whole thing.
By the way, I'm going for both Alistair and Leliana.

I've just burned through 3 DLCs; they're a complete joke in this game, especially compared to Dead Money in FO New Vegas and everything in ME2. Oh well, the Ultimate Edition makes me not care.

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