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Messages - Jo'ou Ranbu

Pages: 1 ... 516 517 [518]
Writeup Graveyard / Rutee Katrea (vs. Cecile)
« on: December 21, 2007, 06:23:16 PM »
Another week, another gullible victim to exploit! Rutee is definitely on a run this time, and she shows no sign of exhaustion so far! Hell, this week's premier moron should make things even easier for Rutee - Cecile, the Buheduc gate guard, can be stupidly durable and evasive, alongside having a skirt under the armor, but dear god is she easily duped. She's just a freaking child, and Rutee should have no trouble conning her way into victory once again. Bloody Rose has issues hitting? No problemo: Atwight's Tidal Wave spell gets past the pesky durability and even hits Cecile's unimpressive magical resilience, and the girl's own spear stabs are handled by a couple castings of Cure as easily as anything else. This is the week of the thief, and Rutee will make sure she'll get all her earnings faster than a bullet train.

Tournaments / Re: Full Ranking Tournament: Round 2!!!, Week 1
« on: December 21, 2007, 06:15:34 AM »
Godlike41 Rika vs 109 Cyril: Snow, why on earth would Cyril OHKO? His best damage is physical. So yeah, Rika mocks with defence buffing then blitzes the dreaded WORD OF DEATH stage with Shift/Saner/whatever.

I always thought Wind of Destruction was magical. Well, that's entertaining!

Writeup Graveyard / Re: Season 40, Week 4
« on: December 21, 2007, 05:57:09 AM »
Rutee and Zophar.

Tournaments / Re: Full Ranking Tournament: Round 2!!!, Week 1
« on: December 21, 2007, 12:37:17 AM »

Rika vs Cyril - ... oh. I've been massively overselling Cyril in the past.
Jade vs Terra - I guess? Depends on how I see Rub for Jade, in fairness...


Raquel vs Barbarossa - So it is!
Suicune vs Miang - ID whoring!


Doc vs Pierre - Death.
Jane vs Zell - What Can You Do? hype actually works here. Fail.
Ace vs Rennac - I guess? Think Ace was kinda durable... could be wrong, though.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: December 19, 2007, 06:37:14 PM »
Sounds exactly the same as usual.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: December 19, 2007, 06:04:21 AM »
New forums, new avatar. Good excuse to join the FE10 fad, too.

Might as well live up to my (now defunct? ;_; ) custom rank.

I'm sure you noticed, but if you care, you can use the personal text space to put the title in regardless. I'm treating it as a personal unofficial rank thing, but hey.

Tournaments / Re: FIT S40 Playoffs.
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:17:54 AM »
Nash (Lunar1) vs Hahn (PS4): Resists the status, IDs before Nash does? Eh, maybe I'm underselling Nash's ID.

You're underselling Nash's status that don't get hit by Psy-Shield. Hahn's MDef isn't pesky enough to make Stone/Paralysis turn 3, and Hahn's own status is definitely turn two on Nash's MDef/speed combo. Not to mention Nash is most likely 3-2ing Hahn to boot.

Tournaments / Re: FIT S40 Playoffs.
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:52:11 AM »

Yuna (FFX) vs Ryu (BoF2) - hrhrhrhr.


Red (Saga) vs Surt (VP1) - 2HKOs after Might Reinforce and juuust doesn't get 2HKOed himself. His defense is pretty solid.
Neifirst (PS2) vs Garnet (FF9) - I'm kinda thinking Garnet's buffs just last too little to be of use here.


Yulie (WA4) Vs Beowulf (FFT) - Magical, mdef-hurt status against Yulie MDef, particularly after Protect. Yeah no, this fails.
Nash (Lunar1) vs Hahn (PS4) - Nash is fast, so Elim isn't turn one. His MDef wards off debuffs as well, and he probably 3-2s to boot. Just has more time to work his status.
Eileen (S1) vs Vahn (LoL1) - Copper Flesh.


Jayle (VP1) vs Kent (FE7) - Counters.
Futch (Suikos) vs Mia (Lunar1) - Futch can enjoy eating 3-2s all he wants with his godly Thunder Rune speed against Mia, and his physical damage sucks. Not sure if her equips cover Lightning resistance, which is probably the only factor that makes this not a total blowout (if it does, why are we even discussing the match? Futch 4HKOs at best then and Mia is so much faster).

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: December 18, 2007, 04:30:13 PM »
I didn't change my avatar! But, I guess, theoretically... erm. Eh, more Christmas Margatron.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 18, 2007, 04:29:27 PM »
New forums! Hooray!

Okay, do we get cookies?

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