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Topics - Jo'ou Ranbu

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Writeup Graveyard / Lyon vs. Margarete Zelle (both inside)
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:38:14 AM »
Margie vs. Lyon

Oh, the life of a busy, beautiful secret spy is just -never- done. After being sent to assassinate a prince and a robot, Mata Hari finds herself having to deal with yet another royalty bishie. Not that she complains: unlike her yaoifiending buddies Deis and Opera, Margarete at least gets to have some decent eyecandy for the missions. Regardless, this one may be a bit tough, as she can't simply snipe him away: Margarete will actually have to open her bag of tricks (literally) and pull out some actual army weaponry to handle the mad prince of Grado. But that shouldn't be too tough with his horrible speed and not amazing durability. As soon as a good grenade shot frags him, miss Mata Hari will have a ticket straight to the finals - and maybe even to a championship!


Lyon vs. Margie

The mental struggle between the Demon King and the kind prince of Grado has taken a toll on his health and his sanity, but not to his ability to instill fear to Middles everywhere. So far, a flimsy princess and a snotty psychic kid dared to face the might of his dark magics and ingloriously fell. Now, a floozy who dares call herself a spy, carrying ridiculous props and a suitcase larger than herself, thinks she can get the best of the mighty prince? Even the Demon King would have to laugh at this mismatch. Unable to perform her one effective trick - the instant death of Snipe - on the resilient necromancer, Margarete will be an easy target to Naglfar's earth-devouring viciousness. A casting or two should handle this blonde idiot, and Lyon will once again reach the Middle finals!

Writeup Graveyard / Fou-Lu (vs. Magical Girl Cecilia)
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:09:10 AM »
More feeble mortals come to annoy the great Endless? And an accursed royal breed lass, to boot? Fou-Lu had his share of poor experiences with rulers, but this just has to be a sick practical joke. And the Dragon God honestly has never had the patience nor the good will to endure such depraved pranks. Cecilia's resolve may have gotten her to the semifinals, but her antics end here and now. A single Dark Wave should obliterate the princess of Adlehyde without fuss, and even being faster, there's more or less nothing she can do about it. Once again, the Endless has to teach mortals their place - it's getting to be quite a theme this season, and one that had better end soon.


Fou-Lu (BoF4) vs Marino (MMXCM)
Gilbert (SH3) vs Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde (WA)
Kyogre (PKMN) vs Royce (Lunar:SSSC)
Mewtwo (PKMN) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)


Pamela Ibis (MK) vs Maya Amano (Pers2)
Sasarai (S3) vs Billy Lee Black (XG)
Kanon (WA2) vs Tosh (AtLC)
Gau (FF6) vs Alys Brangwin (PS4)


Seifer Almasy (FF8) vs Max (SF1)
Oswin (FE7) vs Wiegraf Folles (FFT)
Lyon (FE8) vs Ivan (GS)
Margarete Zelle (SH1) vs Robo (CT)


Aisha (OB) vs Orcha (CC)
Garcia (FE8) vs Thomas (S3)
Black Wizard (FF1) vs Tim Rhymeless (WA2)
Chiepoo (S4) vs Chuck Preston (WA5)

Writeup Graveyard / Kanon (vs. Tosh)
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:09:15 AM »
This is a battle far more likely to get Kanon's blood pumping than the last waste of time. Instead of a glorified dog, the mechanic mercenary now faces a rebel swordmaster. Both stem from savage, unforgiving worlds where fighting is but a prerequisite for survival. Both are masterful at their physical powers, carrying unique, frightening power styles. However, Kanon has a distinct advantage over the samurai revolutionary: blistering speed. Against Tosh's surprisingly frail build, her Gats will easily ravage him before his brutal swordskills come into play. It's to be expected, after all: even Tosh's bloody background is nothing compared to the arid plains of Filgaia as a training field.

Writeup Graveyard / Mewtwo (vs. False Althena)
« on: December 05, 2009, 01:44:52 AM »
The time of dominance draws near for the great psychic Pokémon. Seems like the vain magician middle-aged ladies are just lining up to be slaughtered, though: first, Genevieve, now this mockery of a goddess that lacks even a true name, instead claiming someone else's moniker for its foolish desires. But the wiles of magic are all but wasted on Mewtwo: his heavy spell resistance and mental prowess can fend off even the dreaded Ray spell without fuss, and even Althena's quick spellcasting is no match for Mewtwo's knee-shattering swiftness. As soon as he puts up his Amnesia shields, Althena will be right where he wants her - that is to say, frightened and helpless.

Writeup Graveyard / Royce (vs. Kyogre)
« on: December 05, 2009, 01:11:34 AM »
Worthless curs! Won't these fools ever learn? Royce fears no mythical creatures! After making mincemeat of that dragon boy, they try to stop the Vile Tribe's pride and joy with a giant magical whale? A downgrade, to say with the kindest wording possible! Of course, Kyogre's water mastery could be a problem in a vacuum, as it means the creature is resistant to Royce's brutal fire magic, but she has equally brutal physical skills to solve that problem - and Kyogre isn't any less vulnerable to her Firebird than Ryu was. Having the sheer durability to endure Kyogre's Waterspout easily enough, Royce is bound to manage an easy victory! To the semifinals, Vile Tribe!

Writeup Graveyard / Fou-Lu (vs. Marinosauce)
« on: December 05, 2009, 12:56:34 AM »
The Endless looms the fields of this season's Godlike with a disapproving look. After dispatching a nameless fool, he steps in just to face another nobody - a thieving... Reploid? What is that? All he knows is that this Marino creature somehow reminds him of that lowly trashcan Ershin. And like a trashcan Fou-Lu shall treat this being. Her Mirage Dives can hardly scratch the great dragon deity's body, yet her frail build will dissolve under a Dark Wave - or Fou-Lu's physical attacks, really. Without the strength to endure a prolonged fight, Marino will easily give in to the fortitude of the great Fou-Lu, and he shall advance to the semifinals without even breaking a sweat. Poor, deluded mortals.


Kyogre (PKMN) vs Diekbeck (AtLs)
Ryu (BoF2) vs Royce (Lunar:SSSC)
Genevieve (VP1) vs Mewtwo (PKMN)
Miguel (CC) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)


Kanon (WA2) vs Kevin (SD3)
Mirage Koas (SO3) vs Tosh (AtLC)
Cloud Strife (FF7) vs Gau (FF6)
Alys Brangwin (PS4) vs Wakka (FFX)


Lyon (FE8) vs Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear (TotA)
Ivan (GS) vs Opera Vectra (SO2)
Margarete Zelle (SH1) vs Lance (Brig)
Mara/Manya (DQ4) vs Robo (CT)


Black Wizard (FF1) vs Solt (CC)
Tim Rhymeless (WA2) vs Llewelyn (VP1)
Chiepoo (S4) vs Gwyn (Lunar:EBC)
Josephine (S5) vs Chuck Preston (WA5)

Writeup Graveyard / Llewellyn (vs. Tim Rhymeless)
« on: November 28, 2009, 02:47:10 AM »
What could he possibly say? There are no words. No soliloquy could properly convey how much grief will the little Tim Rhymeless go through when facing up against one of the chosen warriors of Valhalla - sorrow he hardly needs given the myriad hardships the innocent channeller has gone through in his life. Yet, he stands, ready to suffer a sad demise against the former archer from Crell Monferaigne. Llewellyn, understanding Tim's burdens, won't back down from this fight - but he will try to make this as painless as possible. A single Layer Storm should put the little boy out of his misery, and the Einherjar shall not take pride in this - just lament the horrors of war. Hopefully, Lenneth will show some mercy and allow Tim the honor of being an Einherjar for this, though.

Writeup Graveyard / Royce (vs. Ryu the Master System 2)
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:38:41 PM »
Ohohohoho, but this is a treat. Not only Royce gets to stroll around the Godlike arena again, she even gets the opportunity to have fun with a rare piece of eye candy in the division? Ghaleon must've been rigging a few favors behind the scenes, as this is just heaven for the Vile Tribe sorceress. Ryu may have a very, very painful attack with his Kaiser Dragon breath, but it's also just only that one shot - and Royce is one of the sturdiest fighters in the League, that's for sure. Once she survives that one shot, the sorceress will have the fight won with a single Flamebird, which will entangle Ryu until his inglorious death. Roasted dragon seems like the dish of the day for Royce indeed!

Writeup Graveyard / Mewtwo (vs. Genevieve)
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:32:24 PM »
Foolish monkeys. Even when plagued by undeath, those humanoid idiots still insist on challenging Mewtwo's mental prowess. With a mind as advanced and sharp as his, the genetically engineered kitty can twist and tear apart flesh and consciousness alike with a single stare, and the feeble vampire sorceress Genevieve will have a taste of this gruesome power firsthand this season. Once a single Amnesia is up, Genevieve's indiscriminate spellcasting will be but a graze to Mewtwo, and his own Psychic waves will rip this floozy in half. Having both the physical and mental supremacy here, Mewtwo will teach Genevieve a thing or two about overwhelming might.

Writeup Graveyard / Wakka (vs. Alys Brangwin)
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:25:45 PM »
It's tough being back to Heavy, ya? But Wakka's gonna pick up that blitzball of his and bash some faces in with his professional throwing skills. Granted, it's not all that fun when he has to bruise a pretty girl's face with a ball, but then, Alys is such a -bitch- that it's bound to be more cathartic than troublesome anyway. And hey, Wakka only needs to hit one Triple Foul to have this in the palm of his hand, with that hunter silenced, blinded and asleep until the knockout blow. Of course, he needs to avoid one of those slicers slamming Death right into his throat first, but that shouldn't be so hard, right? After all, Wakka can't just toss the towel in the first quarter!

Writeup Graveyard / Kanon (vs. Toto - I mean Kevin)
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:16:59 PM »
Kanon is ready to rush into the barren wastelands once again to sever those who would get in her way. With Valeria blood in her veins and powerful metal tools at her disposal, miss Aisha Bernadette can make up for any crippling disability that may have befallen her in the past and prevail in the face of adversity. Of course, when your "adversity" is a giant mutt-boy who can't even properly spell such complex words like "bone" and "feet", you're unlikely to need more than a fetching stick. But Kanon won't sweat it: by simply unleashing her deadly Gats techniques, the mechanical assassin will dispatch the wolfboy Kevin as fast as she blazes into the arena.

Alright, time for another DS game stat topic - this time, one with Judy Garland for Heavy champ hype. Let's start with the mechanics mumbo-jumbo. Stats are taken at level 42 across the board, as those were the levels I beat Oz with. Test subjects for damage testing were the Snowy Apes in the last two areas of Yellow Brick Road (the game's last dungeon), since they are typeless and have pretty averagish defensive stats. Status odds were tested throughout the game and are mostly stable across the board, except for Falcon Swoop, which took a bit of a dive from 75% to 50% in the final dungeon due to a bunch of key enemies resisting it.


HP: The closer to zero these are, the higher the odds of Dorothy's house falling on your head are. The Wicked Witch of the East has a permanent zero on this stat.
MP: Use these for all your spellcasting and skill-using needs.
Attack (ATK): Affects the power of physical attacks and skills.
Magic (MAG): Affects the power of magical attacks and healing - might affect buff/debuff effects and such, but I can't be certain. Only Dorothy and Strawman have any use for this.
Defense (DEF): Affects how much damage you take from physical attacks.
Resistance (RES): Affects how much damage you take from magical attacks.
Accuracy (ACR): Affects how often you hit enemies. By endgame, even Tin Man very rarely misses, but the stat definitely makes a difference.
Agility (AGI): Affects how often you dodge enemy physicals. Oz evasion affects both basic physicals and physical skills. I put an eyeballed effective evasion percentage from casual observation.
Speed (SPD): Defines who goes first in battle and how many actions can a character get before enemies (Strawman consistently gets his second action before the first action of a Tin Man-level slow enemy, for instance, and Dorothy more or less gets all her actions before average enemies after Overclock).

Damage Formula

The estimated basic damage formula is (ATK-DEF/2)/2, swapping ATK and DEF for MAG and RES for magic attacks. This is what I used to figure the rough durability figures for the PCs. This formula is also tentative, so I could be wrong - particularly, you may want to take the mdur scores with a grain of salt, since the magic formula could be finickier. Thanks to Tal for bringing this up, regardless. WARNING: I used a 1x mult, which may not be terribly accurate to in-game (as I mention later on, very few single attacks even go above 110 damage, and enemies almost universally multi-act). If I do add a 2x mult and spread the damage per hit thinner, the durability figures are bound to change, but I'm not even 100% sure on this formula as is and I might botch it up horribly. Since lategame defense stats sorta dwindle anyway, I'm not particularly uncomfortable with keeping the 1x mult either. I'll make adjustments if others who played the game -do- feel it's necessary, however.

Ratio Mechanics

In Oz, you have four points to arrange your front row for the turn. Dorothy and Strawman spend one point, Lion spends two points and Tin Man spends three points. You cannot spend less than all four points unless it's absolutely impossible to do so (i.e. all PCs but Tin Man are dead. In this case, Tin Man can go by himself, spending only 3 ratio, but that spillover ratio doesn't get stored in any way). The characters can perform any actions they want within the turns given, and the arrangement can be done in any way you like as long as it doesn't go under or over 4 points: you can have two Strawman and Dorothy actions in a turn, have Strawman go three times and Dorothy go once, or you can have Dorothy hog all four actions in a turn. Every action after the first that a character gets in a turn has a speed penalty, so the actions don't all go at once - and your party cannot double their own party members. They -can- double enemies. Enemies also can double themselves besides being able to double your party (>__>) and they're bound by the same ratio system as your party. This may seem a bit dense, but it's actually fairly simple in-game.

Status Ailments

Poison: A poisoned character takes 20% mHP damage at the end of the turn (after all actions are taken). Lasts 3-6 turns. Various enemies inflict this.

Silence: A silenced character cannot use spells or physical skills. Various enemies inflict this.

Charm: A charmed character doesn't act. Delphi inflicts this.

Sleep: Enemies don't act while they're asleep. An enemy hit by a physical is woken up, but skips his turn. Magic spells don't wake up a sleeping character. Dorothy and various enemies can inflict this.

Confuse: Enemies become unable to use any attack besides their basic physical, also becoming unable to target their attacks (they may randomly attack other enemies or the party, but cannot target themselves). They also have a chance to not act at all while confused. The odds of spacing out seem to be roughly 33%. Gets undone by magical damage, but not by physical damage. Status spells don't affect it either. Strawman and various enemies can inflict this.

Fear: An enemy afflicted by fear can't act on his next turn. Only works if the character inflicting Fear is faster than the enemy. Basically, this is stun. Only Lion can inflict this status.

Critical Hits

A critical hit ignores defense and its damage roughly equals the character's attack stat. PCs seem to have varying crit rates - Dorothy and Strawman seem to have roughly a 5% crit rate, while Lion seems to have 10% and Tin Man seems to have 20% for a crit rate. This is just out of casual observation, though, and I could obviously be mistaken. This is just for a quick reference. Also, this is important: only basic physicals can crit.

Having that out of the way, let's get straight to the point: the PC cast!

Dorothy Gale

1x Ratio (gets four actions per turn)

HP: 237
MP: 147

Attack: 207 (120 base)
Magic: 343 (217 base)
Accuracy: 385 (235 base)
Defense: 289 (187 base)
Resistance: 341 (225 base)
Agility: 397 (237 base)
Speed: 349

Effective Evasion: 25%~


Weapon: Magic Cane (77 Attack, 126 Magic, 150 Accuracy)
Armor: Mystical Gown (112 Defense, 126 Resistance, 160 Agility)

Attacks and Skills

Physical: 72 damage. 148 under Power Boost. Deals 1.5x damage to ghost-type (gases, ghosts, undead) enemies.

Healing Hand: Heals 270~ HP to an ally. 4MP
Dream Land: Inflicts sleep status on an enemy group. 75%~ hit rate. Lasts 3-6 turns. 4 MP.
Overclock: Doubles the speed of the front row allies. Lasts 3-6 turns. 6 MP.
Cleanse: Cures all status ailments from an ally. 6 MP.
Heaven's Door: Revives an ally at 20% mHP. 10 MP.
Mirror Skin: Puts up a reflector that bounces off most enemy magic (a few special spells, like Oz's Sound Waves and Ju Kaku's Light Fall, don't get reflected). Reflects status and debuffing spells as well. Ally spells don't hit the reflector. Lasts 3 turns. 12 MP.
Power Boost: Raises an ally's physical damage. Lasts 3 turns. 14 MP.
Melt Down: Deals magical, non-elemental damage that's dependant on Dorothy's current HP at the time of casting, and also consumes half of her cHP. 405 at full HP, 342 at half HP, 264 at 1 HP. MT. 18 MP.

Comments: Um, wow. The skillset errs to the side of badass even in a vacuum, but once it sinks in that it's running off a character who acts four times per turn and has pretty solid speed to begin with, you realize the kind of monstrosity you have to face if the random little girl from Kansas crosses your path. Mages loathe Mirror Skin, the sleep-vulnerable loathe Dream Land and everybody loathes the combo of speed buffing with cheap full healing that she can use while still dishing out offense that can be buffed. Melt Down is expensive and risky, but Dorothy can use it with relative ease as a finisher, and it works as a backup if the enemy walls physicals. The big issue with Dorothy, though, is the physical durability. While it's not Yulie-level bad, she is rather vulnerable to good physical beatdowns and she has no real way to mitigate those long-term - the modest evasion can only go so far. On the other hand, the durability does -not- matter unless she's OHKOed, and doing that honestly could be a lot easier. Having no status immunities also hurts, particularly against those faster than her, but against the slower, she has Mirror Skin for magical status. All in all, I feel safe in calling her Heavy/Godlike. She's a little terror in Heavy, but the highest division is just too good at exploiting her lack of straight-up statistical dominance.


1x Ratio (gets four actions per turn)

Takes 2x damage from Fire attacks

HP: 250
MP: 86

Attack: 198 (129 base)
Magic: 316 (203 base)
Accuracy: 418 (254 base)
Defense: 248 (152 base)
Resistance: 298 (185 base)
Agility: 416 (252 base)
Speed: 392

Effective Evasion: 30%~


Weapon: Bolt Spear (69 Attack, 113 Magic, 164 Accuracy)
Armor: Stylish Hat (96 Defense, 113 Resistance, 164 Agility)

Attacks and Skills

Physical: 69 damage. 82 damage after Gnaw. Deals 1.5x damage to water-type (frogs, fish, jellyfish, penguins) enemies.

First Wind: Makes the target get the first action in the next turn. 2 MP.
Plunder: Steals an item and deals 54 physical damage (72 under Gnaw). Evadable. Deals 1.5x damage to water-type enemies. 2 MP.
Gnaw: Decreases defense of an enemy group. Perfect accuracy, works on bosses. Lasts 3-6 turns. 6 MP.
Tomato Bomb: Inflicts confuse status on a group. 75%~ hit rate. Lasts 3-6 turns. 4 MP.
Fox Hunt: Decreases the accuracy of an enemy group. Perfect accuracy, works on bosses. Raises Strawman's evade to effectively 75%~ or so (50%~ against the accurate). Lasts 3-6 turns. 4 MP.
Falcon Swoop: Inflicts instant death to an enemy. 50%~ accuracy. In-game, ghost-type enemies (which means undead and phantoms) immune this spell. 8 MP.
Purifying Wind: Dispels all positive and negative effects (all buffs and debuffs period) for all allies and enemies. 6 MP.
Pure Luck: Randomly picks a skill from Strawman's skillset and uses it. Besides those, there are three additional possibilities: doing absolutely nothing (that does what you think it does), Heavenly Dance, which is ST 340 magical damage, and Lucky Recovery, which is MT 80 HP healing. 3 MP.

Comments: Hey look ma, it's a fast bastard with turn two ID that acts four times a turn! That alone would make Strawman a Heavy, but that's really selling him short. Strawman is very much a strange twist on Arnaud, trading more powerful and varied debuffs (including the speed debuffing) for a stronger status game and better speed. Tomato Bomb and Fox Hunt synergize amazingly, shutting down mages and physical fighters alike really fast, and he only needs half his turn to get this going. Afterwards, he can just spam his ID safely until the enemy dies - or pelt him/her ingloriously with his mighty 16HKO a pop pitchfork thwacks. Buffers also find him a pain in the ass due to Dispel. But, really, you either immune both Confusion and ID at once or you OHKO him before he gets that annoying game of his going if you want to live. Doing the former is the most crucial - and most difficult, but the latter is sorta viable: Strawman sports game-worst durability on both fronts. And he -really- hopes he doesn't have to face decent fire damage he can't shut down, because that weakness is really pesky. Still, he's such a goddamned whore that I can't see him as anything else but a Heavy, probably on the high side - the two-fold status/spoiling game is just a pain in the ass against PCs. What's with Oz characters turning out to be badass duellers?

Writeup Graveyard / Irenes (vs. Garcia)
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:16:44 PM »
With an unfortunate accent and an even more unfortunate origin game, Irenes the mermaid just hasn't been much of a DL presence. However, she hopes to change this little problem by actually making a few waves in Light! That can't be this hard, right? After all, her magical harp and power over water... eh, who is she kidding. Irenes just wants to get this fight over with and blow off some steam over people picking on her accent. So, she will just bash her harp in the head of that Garcia fellow really, really hard until he faints. Given how her instrument is about twice the size of her head and Garcia is so slow that he'll get getting clonked twice for every motion of the mermaid, this should happen pretty fast. It's time to show some people how will mermaids rule the world by fear.

Writeup Graveyard / Ursulaman (vs. Maxman)
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:46:34 PM »
In spite of sharing a name with an unfortunately hideous Disney villain, Black Fang member Ursula is hardly a souless individual, and she knows fighting for the sake of people can involve a few ugly deeds. She hoped Max, a rebellion leader, could understand this - as he himself had to trample more than a few good men to topple the evil empire. However, it seems his lack of voice says otherwise, and they will be doomed to fight. But no matter - Ursula has the magical prowess necessary to handle this emotionless warrior. With a few castings of Elfire, easily bypassing Max's physical defenses, Ursula will subjugate him in a conflagration and go on ahead. It's an ugly little world after all, and Ursula places -her- survival above Max's, even if they're not so different.

Writeup Graveyard / Billy Lee Black (vs. Boomerang)
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:32:21 PM »
Since an unfortunate stint in Godlike and his subsequent return to Heavy, Billy Lee Black took it easy and put his singing guns to rest a while. However, the Blaze of Purity can only stay away from the heat of the battlefield for so long, and the presence of evildoers is more than enough of a call to urge the gunslinger back into the fray! The obsessive battler Boomerang may not be quite as foul as the other Metal Demons, but he's certainly just as vicious. As such, Billy will put all of his Goddess' blessings to good use against him: a Goddess Call will grant him the swiftness needed to outpace Boomy, and afterwards, his Godfather pistols will sing Boomerang's dirge as they cleanse him of his sins. The Blaze of Purity shall burn brightly in Heavy once again!

Writeup Graveyard / Marino (vs. Millennia)
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:23:30 PM »
Now the real fun starts! The lovable rogue Reploid Marino is ready to put up a good show this time after a very unkind DL debut against the goddess Myria. But hey, while she has to face -another- godlike entity this time around, Millennia is quite far removed from Myria. For starters, where Myria had nigh-insurmountable durability and velocity, the snarky devil Millennia is actually pretty squishy and slow. As such, Marino's Quicksilver and high-profile ninja skills will get to play! A few Mirage Dives will end Millennia pretty fast, that's for sure, and she won't even get the time to charge a Spellbinding Eye to stop Marino flat. The cool thief will win this, no problemo!


False Althena (L:EBC) vs. Brahms (VPs)


Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) vs. Lyon (S5)


Elhaym van Houten (XG) vs. Massimo (MMXCM)


Opera Vectra (SO2) vs. Cinnamon (MMXCM)

Writeup Graveyard / Opera Vectra (vs. Cinnamon)
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:38:36 AM »
Hyaaaaaaahahahahahahaha oh wait time to pretend Opera isn't punch-drunk. Well, the Tetragenes -did- waltz her way through this Light season, and she wasn't exactly sober either! Why bother, then, especially when her final opponent is a trainwreck of a fanservice moe robot thingy? No, seriously, a lolinurse? A freaking lolinurse? With kitty mittens and heart motiffs? Opera just found the motivation to calibrate her Kaleidoscope weapon and she didn't even need to sober up. Sure, she may have a creepy Iron Maiden Hyper Mode to try and drill the Tetragenes' brains out, but she can handle the heat with Healing Stars! And once -that-'s done, the meek little nursebot is screwed against Opera's high-powered Alpha on One shots. That was a cute run, but it's time for the adults to run the house, honey.

Writeup Graveyard / Elhaym van Houten (vs. Massimo)
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:25:00 AM »
As a seasoned Solaris officer, Elhaym certainly shouldn't be surprised at the prowess of sentient machines, even though that's superior technology to what she routinely deals with. However, it is quite a shocker to know that a supposedly advanced being such as Steel Massimo carries such a glaring... and, dare she say, -human- vulnerability. Besides his poor emotional defenses, the so-called Reploid Hero is entirely vulnerable to the enticing torpor of sleeping - and the Solarian's Lunar Rod weapon is as surefire as weapons come at dulling one's senses with slumber. And better: even though Elly herself isn't exactly physically fit or nimble, she does outpace the hulking machine enough to get the first drop. A single strike with her trusty weapon will disable Massimo - and once that happens, she has the fight at the palm of her hands. Cruel, but fool-proof.

Writeup Graveyard / Edward "Edge" Geraldine (vs. Lyon)
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:17:37 AM »
This season's like a karmic nightmare! Seriously, what's with Edge drawing all the violent Suikoden ladies this season? It makes dealing with Ho-oh look easy. But the DL's premier pervert's gotten too far to be stopped by a little bodyguard (even if she's -cuuuuute-. Better than Kasumi!). With his veritable ninja speed and deadly Cat Claws, all he needs to win is to put Lyon to sleep and pepper that silky skin with Fumas! It's a pity that he'll have to ruin that pretty face, though... but that's all in a day's work. As long as he doesn't get blasted by those deadly Twilight Rune spells, Edge the Whirlwind has nothing to fear!

Writeup Graveyard / False Althena (vs. Brahms - both inside)
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:13:05 AM »
Yes, yes, yes! Another finals match, and this time, there is no pesky lady murderer to keep the (false) Goddess Althena from achieving the ultimate Duelling League glory! Those fools will rue the day they put this beacon of beauty down! And her victim, the vampire lord Brahms, is a complete waste of time: magically frail and not nearly as fast as her mind-numbingly speedy Ray, he should take no more than a zap to obliterate! But this is fine - easy fights are all the better to keep Althena's strict beauty-keeping schedule feasible, as it should take seconds to deal with. It's time for this glorified corpse to feel what the true power of a (false) goddess is!

The savior of the oppressed has been through many struggles in the Duelling League, but his strength, championing the cause of the people, finally got him to the finals in the Godlike arena. And now, his deadly talons will feast on one last evildoer before accepting the ultimate honor - the execrable false avatar of the Goddess Althena. Brahms knows her weak point - a pathetic excuse for physical defense - and he will exploit this with his earth-shattering knuckle blows - a Bloody Curse should be more than enough to put this phony magician down for the count. The meek can count on their champion: Brahms, the Lord of the Undead, shall prevail!

Writeup Graveyard / Cinnamon (vs. Opera Vectra)
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:03:41 AM »
This is it! After a series of unfortunate battles, the little robot nurse that could has finally gotten to the Light finals, ready to take on any challenge this deranged arena may offer! Granted, she expected the great finals opponent to be... less of a complete trainwreck. Cinnamon never had to deal with a slightly depraved, unbalanced and clinically drunk being before, let alone -an alien-. Well, even if Opera Vectra has the power of booze and really big guns by her side, Cinnamon has the power of ultra-advanced technology to aid her! With a limitless supply of healing from her McGuffin core and mighty kitty gloves to slap the crazy out of this alien woman, Cinnamon can outlast anything - let alone Opera, who isn't all that competent. Cinnamon's so close to a Light championship that she can't give up now!

Writeup Graveyard / Massimo (vs. Elly van Houten)
« on: November 06, 2009, 04:02:38 PM »
It's time for CRITICAL! The steel hero of the masses may be glad to have come this far, but it's just as you'd expect for a mighty Reploid champion such as him! Sadly, once again he has to fight a fair lady (the third this season? Just cruel), but he's gotten used to it by now. And he has to keep his eyes open, as Elhaym van Houten employs dirty tricks in battle, like nearly unavoidable sleeping baton strikes. However, Steel Massimo has an answer to this: fortunately, Elly is about as slow as the great hero is, and Massimo can utterly trivialize the Solarian's repetitive trick by accessing his Hyper Armor, granting him status immunity. By getting the first strike, Massimo is guaranteed to win, as Elly herself is woefully unable to handle a Berserk Charge - or Massimo's impressive durability. The fine hero is bound to win this Middle season, in the name of all Reploids!

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