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Topics - Meeplelard

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Tournaments / Best Scenes!!!
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:05:47 AM »
First off, the very nature of this tournament requires lots of spoilers, so read at your own discretion.  There are some potential ones in this very post in fact!  Its hard to identify specific scenes without spoiling what happens so yeah.

Yeah, we've done best music a few times, best...screw it, you get the idea.

So why not "best scenes in video games?"  This isn't limited to RPGs, but it has to be a Video Game.  It can be an Anime Cutscene in a game (though, cannot be a scene taken from some movie and incorporated directly like many licensed games do; that's cheating!), random text, whatever, it just has to be a scene!

However, there is a small catch with this stuff.

As we know, there's many different reasons to like scenes.  Sometimes, you like them for completely different reasons and the end result is you can't compare the two.  Its like trying to compare the movie Shawshank Redemption, a well done, serious movie (IMHO anyway) to something like Robin Hood Men in Tights, a really awesome movie purely on its humor merits.  It doesn't work!  The two are good for completely different reasons, and its hard to justify one over the other for that reason.

(replace those two movies with whatever you want, and you get the idea <_< )

So that's where I came up with this idea of categories!  Match scenes of the same "Style" against each other, so they're running off at least some similar criteria.  I came up with 4 Categories as a result.  They are the following:

NOTE: Examples are more just random things that portray the STYLE of the scene; you need not agree if they're good or not.

Scene is genuinely good at portraying its point, cause its effective, powerful, etc.  Just really well done drama or whatever you wanna call it.
Example: This Ferid and Arshstat scene from Suikoden 5

Scene is good or memorable only cause it looked SO DAMN COOL.  Basically, nothing much has to happen in the plot, it just needs need to look cool or whatever.  Its a scene that you remember for basically "shallow" reasons.
Example: Just about any freaking Devil May Cry 3 Scene

Self explanatory; the scene makes you laugh and is silly.  Note this is INTENTIONAL humor.  The nature of the scene was meant to be funny.  Basically, if its funny for reasons like "Horrible voice acting!" or "are they...really taking themselves seriously?" it does not belong in this category.  It needs to be actually trying for humor, or at least, not trying to be totally serious (if its a case of just being intentionally cheesey, by which I mean doesn't make you laugh, but still fun to watch, mind, it can still go in this category.)
Example: Garan's Pillow of Shadow Hearts 2

Awesome For All The Wrong Reasons
A scene ends up being great for...reasons it was not intended for.  This can be for whatever reason; basically, they "screwed up" so badly that the scene is awesome on so many levels.  I think the example explains this better than I ever could.
Example: MEGA MAN PLOT!!!'s Crowning Moment of Awesome!

Note that cause we have other tournaments being held or something, I won't be holding this immediately, but I figured it couldn't hurt to get the idea out on the table, so people can think of scenes to use, and ideally, have time to find links to videos of them to allow more people to vote (of course, some scenes are wasted, primarily in the "Serious" category without knowing the context or characters in question, but it still helps reminding people of it.)

As for rules of nomming...

-Cannot use a game more than once for a category.  You can use a game 4 times, once for each category, if you want.
-I'm not sure the exact limit on noms per category, so for now, I'll say "start with 10"; you can nom as few as you want
-Be sure to specify which category you're nomming it for.  Just call the 4th Category "Wrong" if you want Shorthand <_<
-Be clear with the scenes you nom, naturally.  If you can be clear with avoiding spoilers, even better! If you can provide a link to the scene for Youtube or something to indicate exactly what scene you're nomming, that'd be ideal!
-The Examples I showed above *CAN* be used for Noms, so don't think just cause I hand picked them arbitrarily you can't nom them; I just needed SOMETHING to work for examples.

Like I said, It'll be a while til I actually bother to roll pools.  Note that for games that don't have high playership here, I urge you to find some way to portray that scene; otherwise, we get battles with no votes <.<

(also, since I'm running the tournament, I won't be nomming anything)

Writeup Graveyard / Titania (vs. Marle)
« on: February 14, 2009, 02:38:22 AM »
The Deputy Commander of the Greil Mercenaries has done well in her efforts so far, and her luck has yet to run out.  Her next foe is somewhat different than the Gullwing she just fought; instead of a rather introverted, somewhat self loathing rogue who uses high class physicals and wields a large sword, she's facing a spoiled tomboyish princess with a loud mouth who relies on support magic.  But that won't change Titania's strategy; the usual smack things with an Axe repeatedly strategy is always sound after all, especially when her foe doesn't have much in the way of Physical Durability.

Writeup Graveyard / Hanako (vs. Anna)
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:43:03 AM »
At first glance, this fight seems completely unfair.  On one hand, we have a skilled hunter with bladed boomerangs and spells in Anna.  On the other hand, we have a cute little girl with little to no battle experience.  But then, looks can deceive; you have to remember one important feature in this fight.  Hanako is a demon, and Anna is a normal human!  If there's anything consistent in fiction, its that demons have a natural advantage on Humans!  True, her stat buffs don't really much when there's no allies around, but she can still hit things hard with her fists!  She can counter attack! And when all else fails, there's the trump card in "whine like a spoiled little brat if things get too hard" that all little girls have and hope Anna just gives up from shear annoyance. 

Writeup Graveyard / Zeno (vs. Saturos)
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:39:55 AM »
The Captain of the Rangers of Sheldar continues her conquest of heavy!  She fears nothing, not even a mighty Dragon!  True, the result of said fight was less than successful, but that matters not, since she's not really facing a dragon here, merely half of one!  With her dual Violet Blades, Last Resort buffer, backed up with her trade mark attack Violet Death, a slug fest with the Fire Adept is sure to end in victory for her.  What's he going to do? Try and cast a pitiful status spell or use minor healing to try and outlast her crushing attacks?  HA! Like that'll work.

Unranked Games / Meeple Fantasy 6 (PCs)
« on: January 26, 2009, 02:16:13 AM »
Yeah, finally got off my ass and am putting this back up!

Follows basic FF6 rules, blah blah blah, level 40, blah blah blah, you know the rest.

Anyway, things that have changed since the first stat topic!

-Mog doesn't exist anymore.  He is instead replaced by a certain anomaly of Quantum Physics.
-Roy is no longer our boy, as it seems We Like Ike instead.
-Ninja Golf was declared a temporary MEME and all of one person cared about it...and said person doesn't count.  So he got replaced by another Magical Swordgirl.  
-Lenneth has gotten a much expanded skill set.  You'll see what I mean if you saw the original stat topic!

And yes, all traces of Ninja Golf have been removed from MF6, even the Golfball item!

There are some item name changes as well since the original topic.  Most of the stuff does the same thing, or if they were changed, minor tweaks (eg Terra's random spell cast from her physical is now Dark Elemental instead of Holy)

And no, the classes listed below the characters rae not in MF6; they're just something I intend to add in if possible in the future and place holders.

But by now, you know the drill, so lets get this topic posted or something!  I'll put up legal status immunity stuff in the future.  In general, just assume "Its FF6, but now with Instant Death and Sleep Immunity accessories that are store bought."

Terra Branford:
Mage Knight
HP: 2850
MP: 464 (560 after Minerva)

Mothra's Veil

Vigor: 31 (39)
Speed: 33 (43)
Stamina: 28 (35)
Magic Power: 39 (53)
Battle Power: 255
Defense: 204
Magic Defense: 162
M. Block: 77%

Terra immunes Fire, Ice, Lightning and Wind due to the Minerva, as well as halves Dark, Holy, Earth and Water damage.  The Minerva also grants the ability to use "X-magic" when equipped.
Terra can opt for the Veil of Void instead of Mothra's Veil, granting +8 Defense, and +6 Magic Defense, at the cost of 1 Speed, 3 Magic Power, and 10% M. Block

All of Terra's damage is going to assume she is morphed, given she has no reason to not do that turn 1.  Also, only listing Magic damage cast once, since she can use 2 spells per turn.

Fight: 5082, 100% Crit rate (already factored into damage) that uses 10 MP on average, perfect accuracy, 25% chance of randomly casting Dark Holy, doing an extra 9999 (11380 w/out the cap) Dark damage, 7581 (7927 w/out the cap) average damage.
NOTE: If Terra's MP is insufficient, the damage decreases to 2/3rd's the listed value.
Morph: Doubles all damage besides Ultima, which hits the damage cap anyway, and halves all Magic damage dealt to her. ...well, fine, only raises physical by 150% when Apocalypse is used due to wonkiness of FF6 Multipliers
Ultima: 9999 damage, Magical, Ignores Defense, Evade, and Reflect, 80 MP (it does 10400~ if you ignore the caps, mind)
Fire 3: 8550 damage, Magical, Fire Elemental, 51 MP
Ice 3: 8550 damage, Magical, Ice Elemental, 52 MP
Holy: 7587 damage, Magical Holy elemental, 40 MP
Heal: 1844 healing, 25 MP
Drain: 2502 damage, heals user equal to damage dealt, restricted to caster's MHP, 15 MP
Dispel: Removes positive status effects, 25 MP
Break: Adds Petrify status, 90% hit rate, 25 MP
Quarter: 75% CHP Gravity, 75% hit rate, 48 MP
Antidote: HEALS POIZN STATUS!!! 3 MP.  

Terra also has Life (12.5% resurrection) and Life 2 (100% Resurrection) for Team battles, costing 30 and 60 MP respectively.  Terra can opt for the Dark Sword, which has a 25% chance of instant death, and does 2021 MP damage...on paper.  Its restricted to her own MP score, however, and will never do more than her MMP - CMP, so its never going to be remotely that good; note that despite being Physical, it actually hits Magic Defense and Shell, for some strange reason.  Relative to Apocalypse (her default), though, she gets -7 to Vigor, Stamina and Speed, -5 to Stamina, and -50 to M. Block.

Yuri Hyuga:
HP: 3183
MP: 419 (471 after SplinterHelm)

Falcon Punch

Vigor: 44 (53)
Speed: 40 (49)
Stamina: 53 (57)
Magic Power 28 (35)
Battle Power: 245
Defense: 182
Magic Defense: 119
M. Block: 41%

Yuri halves Dark and Holy damage due to his armor
Yuri has an SOS Safe and SOS Shell status, due to his weapon, which kicks in when his HP is 1/8th or lower.  Also has Auto Float status.  his Weapon also increases all damage by 25%; this is already factored into his damage.
Yuri can opt for the PaladinCrown for +7 Defense, +2 Vigor, +1 Speed, +3 Stamina, and +4 Magic Power, but loses 2 Magic Defense, and 10% M. Block, compared to the SplinterHelm.

Fight: 2196 damage
For The Child: 5371 damage (5933 w/ PaladinCrown), pseudo-magic, ignores evade
For Everyone: Grants Haste, Safe, Shell, and Image status
For Tommorrow: 2177 damage (2410 w/ PaladinCrown), pseudo-magic, heals user equal to damage done, ignores evade
Revive: Full Healing
The End!: 3350 damage, physical, ignores defense and evade

Shady Thousand:
Quantum Kitty
HP: 3165
MP: 432 (486 after SplinterHelm)

Gungnir (Beast Spear)

Vigor: 29 (55) (57)
Speed: 36 (37) (30)
Stamina: 26 (29) (33)
Magic Power 35 (46) (39)
Battle Power: 255 (220)
Defense: 239
Magic Defense: 178
M. Block: 22%

Shady immunes Fire and Lightning due to his armor
Gungnir naturally raises Shady's Magic damage by 25%.  This is already factored into Shady's Damage.  Furthermore, it also changes "Fight" into "Jump."
Beast Spear grants Auto Siezure status, and 75% Counter Attack rate.  It also increases physical damage by 25%.   This is already factored into damage.
Shady can opt for Rune'sGloves in place of the KnightShield, trading 2 defense for 1 Magic Defense.
Shady can opt for SplinterHelm, gaining +2 Magic Defense, and +10% M. Block, but loses 6 Defense, 1 Speed, 4 Magic Power, 3 Stamina, and 2 Vigor.
For a loss of 58 Defense and 28 Magic Defense, Shady can opt for the Quantum Cape, which grants Fire/Ice Immunity but Water Weakness, in addition to Float Status.  This also lowers his HP to 2848 UNLESS he uses the Beast Spear.

Jump (Gungnir only): 3676 damage, one turn charge time, during which he is invincible, 25% chance of casting Bolt 2, doing 3751 damage, 4436 damage on average, 2218 net damage.
Fight (Beast Spear only): 2101 damage
Dance: When Shady uses Dance, he can't do anything but one of 4 actions based on the Dance he uses.  He has a 100% chance of using Wind Song (assuming the Terrain is like the FF6 Colosseum) successfully, and 50% chance of any other dance.  Note once one successful dance is pulled off, Shady will not fail from there.  Note ALL damage dealt by dances is (pseudo) Magical, unless said otherwise. Dances are ordered in rates of 7/6/2/1, all out of 16.

Wind Song:
Gust: 1536 Wind elemental damage, ignores evade
Rest: Full Healing
Solar Beam: 3390 Lighting elemental damage, ignores evade
Skarmory: Adds Stone status, 2825 if target is immune, ignores Defense,  96% hit rate

Earth Blues:
Rock Slide: 3672 damage, Ignores Defense and evade
Air Cutter: 62.5% CHP Gravity, cannot miss outside of immunity
Rest: Full Healing
Diglett: 2994 damage, ignores defense and evade, misses if Target has "Float" status

Love Sonata:
Fire Spin: 2034 Fire elemental damage, ignores evade
Confuse Ray: Adds confusion status, 120% hit rate
Fissure: Instant Death, 75% hit rate
Phanpy: Heals from all negative status, including Slow and Countdown

Dusk Requim:
Rock Tomb: 75% Gravity, adds Seizure status, cannot miss outside of immunity
Fissure: Instant Death, 75% hit rate
Fire Spin: 2034 Fire elemental damage, ignores evade
Croagunk: 1582 Dark elemental damage, adds Poison status, cannot be dodged

Fayt Leingod:
Video Game Hero
HP: 3178
MP: 426 (479 after SplinterHelm)

Valiant Mail

Vigor: 39 (46)
Speed: 30
Stamina: 34
Magic Power: 29
Battle Power: 239
Defense: 219
Magic Defense: 158
M. Block: 68%

Fayt can opt for PaladinCrown, giving +2 Vigor, +1  Speed, +3 Stamina, and +4 Magic Power, as well as +6 Defense, at a cost of -2 Magic Defense and -10% M. Block.  Also loses some MP (Mattters since he can actually use it)

Fight: 3341, 100% Crit rate (already factored into damage) that uses 10 MP on average (if no MP, then damage is lowered to 1/2 the listed value), 25% chance to cast "Ethral" for 3508, 4218 average damage
Jump: 2505 damage, hits 2 to 4 times (2.3~ times on average), Fayt is forced to skip one turn, during which he's untargettable, ignores evade, 25% chance to cast "Ethral" for 3508, 6671 average, 3335 after Charge time
Divine Blade: 1207 MP damage, 18 MP, ignores defense
Ethereal Blast: 3508 physical damage, ignores defense and evade, 70 MP

Rolf Landale:
HP: 3190
MP: 428 (481 after SplinterHelm)

Rune's Gloves (Nothing)

*Elsydeon can be equipped with 2 Hands, for increased damage.  Obviously, his defenses will be compensated.

Vigor: 38 (57)
Speed: 41 (47)
Stamina: 39
Magic Power: 38
*Battle Power: 246 (492)
Defense: 167 (133)
Magic Defense: 112 (88)
M. Block: 14%

Rolf can opt for the PaladinCrown for +7 Defense, +2 Vigor, +1 Speed, +3 Stamina, and +4 Magic Power, but loses 2 Magic Defense, and 10% M. Block, compared to the SplinterHelm. Also loses some MP (Matters since he can actually use it.)
Rolf has Auto-Safe Status due to his Weapon.

*The Value listed in parantheses is merely what the game claims; in reallity, the value is closer to 430 due to how the algorithms work.

Fight: 905 (1382) damage, Holy elemental, hits 4 times, ignores Evade, 3621 (5530) total damage
Nafoi: 3476 (3813) damage, magical, Fire elemental, costs 53 MP
Nathu: 4171 (4576) damage, magical, Holy elemental, costs 63 MP
Nazan: 2703 (2966) damage, magical, Wind elemental, costs 45 MP
Gires: 2896 (3178) healing, costs 35 MP
Megid: 75% CHP gravity damage (hits Allies if he has any), Holy elemental (IOWs, if person takes 2x damage from Holy, its 150% of their CHP.  If Target nully  they immune this too), 64 MP

Note Rolf has Gigra for Non elemental magic damage, but not to mince words, the damage FAILS beyond all reason.  Rolf also has 25% resurrection w/ Rever, costing 25 MP, for team battles.

Tir McDohl:
Tenkai Star
HP: 3181
MP: 454 (510 after Soul Eater)

Master Garb
Soul Eater
Hades Rune

Vigor: 37
Speed: 45 (57)
Stamina: 30
Magic Power: 42 (51)
Battle Power: 223
Defense: 187
Magic Defense: 175
M. Block: 48%

Tir counters physicals 75% of the time due to his weapon.
Due to the Soul Eater, Tir immunes INstant Death, and halves all elements.
Tir gets a 25% Magic damage boost due to the Soul Eater (already factored into his damages.)
Tir can opt for the PaladinCrown for +7 Defense, +2 Vigor, +1 Speed, +3 Stamina, and +4 Magic Power, but loses 2 Magic Defense, and 10% M. Block, compared to the SplinterHelm.
Tir has a few other unique Runes, but they're obsolete compared to his current equips.
If Tir wants to drop an accessory for some status resistance, Hades Rune would be the one to drop; its stat boosts are 10 Magic Defense, 2 Magic Power (he still hits the Damage Cap, mind) and 1 Speed.

Fight: 1503 damage
Deadly Fingertips: Instant Death, never fails (outside of immunity), 20 MP
Judgment: 9999 damage, magical, Dark elemental, ignores reflect and evade, etc., 70 MP (it does 12957 damage without the caps, if you care)

Tir has BlkShw for Team battles, but its typically low damage anyway.  Also, he has Hell, which is MT version of D.Fing, costing 53 MP.

Ike of the Greil Mercenaries:
HP: 3183
MP: 416 (468 w/ SplinterHelm)

Battle Dress

Vigor: 36 (39)
Speed: 30 (37)
Stamina: 79 (80)
Magic Power: 27 (30)
Battle Power: 240
Defense: 185
Magic Defense: 129
M. Block: 34%

Ike counters physicals 75% of the time due to his Weapon.  His weapon follows all the rules of his standard physical, down to its special effect.
Ike has auto Safe  due to his Weapon.
Ike can opt for the PaladinCrown for +7 Defense, +2 Vigor, +1 Speed, +3 Stamina, and +4 Magic Power, but loses 2 Magic Defense, and 10% M. Block, compared to the SplinterHelm.

Fight: 1610 damage, 50% chance of being thrown for 1.5x damage (3x damage if against someone with "Float" status), 2012 average damage, ignores Back Row (Ie ranged)
Throw Tomahawk: 4574 physical damage, ignores evade and defense
Throw Urvan: 6441 physical damage, ignores evade and defense
Note: Urvan isn't store bought, so allowing this is up to you (gotten in bulk by betting Tomahawks in the Colloseum, which IS storebought)

Laharl, Overlord of the Netherworld:
Demon Prince
HP: 2494 (3117 w/ Veinslay, 2805 w/ DreamCutlass)
MP: 426 (479 after SplinterHelm)

ZirconShield (Nothing)
Battle Dress
Imperial Seal

*Diabolic can be equipped with 2 Hands, for increased damage.  Obviously, his defenses will be compensated.

Vigor: 42 (67)
Speed: 29 (38)
Stamina: 31 (34)
Magic Power: 30 (33)
*Battle Power: 255 (510)
Defense: 181 (131)
Magic Defense: 138 (104)
M. Block: 16%

Laharl can opt for DreamCutlass, which does laughable damage, but randomly adds Sleep.  Note sleep does not undo itself from Magic attacks (worth noting since OvrlrdWrth is Magical.)  Laharl, like Fayt, has the option of the Veinslay open, which can randomly apply Instant Death 25% of the time, but has laughable damage.
Laharl can opt for PaladinCrown, giving +2 Vigor, +1  Speed, +3 Stamina, and +4 Magic Power, as well as +6 Defense, at a cost of -2 Magic Defense and -10% M. Block.  He can also use the CustomHelm for +10 Defense, -2 Magic Defense and -10% M. Block in comparison to the SplinterHelm.
Laharl also has the option of the Maximillian over the Battle Dress, which is +2 Defense, and +1 Magic Defense, but -6 speed…typically not worth it, but still there.    Additionally, he has the Kaiser Rin, which gives +10% M. Block, +5 Magic Power, and +4 Magic Defense, but loses -6 speed.

Fight: 1950 (3034) damage, hits 4 times, ignores evade, 7800 (12136) damage total
Slots: Laharl's slots work just like Setzer's, in that they are rigged against/for him in different manners.  Listing them from best odds to worst.
Power of Love: Fails in a duel (normally, heals allies and not Laharl himself), occurs during any failure slots.
Overlord's Wrath: 1900 pseudo magic damage, ignores evade, happens when 3 diamond's occur, which is very close to 100% chance of success
Prinny Raid: 1629 pseudo magic damage, ignores evade and defense, automatically misses against those with "Float" status, occurs when 3 Chocobos appears, which is very close to 100% chance of success
Meteor Impact: 2941 pseudo magic damage, ignores evade, occurs when 3 Airships appear, which happens about 75% of the time

Anything after Meteor Impact (that being Random Summon, Outrage, and the instant death moves) are a bit unreasonable to get and not really worth considering.  If you're curious, though, Laharl's Outrage does 4072 damage.

*The value listed in parentheses is what the game claims.  In reality, its closer to 446

Lenneth Valkyrie:
HP: 2852
MP: 418


Vigor: 36 (64)
Speed: 30
Stamina: 34
Magic Power: 29 (32)
Battle Power: 255
Defense: 226
Magic Defense: 174
M. Block: 45%

Lenneth counters physicals 75% of the time due to her weapon.
All of Lenneth's damage is increased by 25% due to her weapon.  THis is already factored into damage.
She resists Holy by 50% due to her helmet, Ice by 50% due to her Armor, and Darkness by 50% due to her accessory.
Lenneth has a few other elemental resistance options hanging around but they compensate her defenses to varying degrees (notably).  Maybe when my computer starts working again, I'll actually bother to list them.
All of Lenneth's MP Costing abilities 1 MP due to her Armor; her helmet halves MP Costs, but that's overridden by the 1 MP Cost.
Lenneth can opt for the Mothra's Veil, for +1 Speed, +3 Magic Power, and +10% M. Block, but at a cost of 12 Defense and 13 Magic Defense, but sacrifices her 1 MP cost.

Fight: 4805 damage, 100% Critical hit rate (already factored into damage) using 10 MP on average (halve damage if MP is too low), 25% chance of causing instant death
Nibelung Valesti 3: 9900 magic damage, ignores defense, evade and reflect
Heal: 1540 Healing
Shield: Adds Safe status
Protect: Adds Shell status
Mute: Adds Silence status, 100% Hit Rate (against 0% M. Block, mind)
Remedy: Recovers Negative status effects barring Zombie and Imp
Reflect: Grants Reflect Status

Lenneth has Bows for MT damage for group fights, but their damage isn't worth much, for the most part.  She also has Life for 12.5% Ressurection, for team battles.

Vyse, the King of Rogues:
Sky Pirate
HP: 2857
MP: 425

Sky Fang

Vigor: 36 (72)
Speed: 37 (45)
Stamina: 32
Magic Power: 25
Battle Power: 233
Defense: 176
Magic Defense: 113
M. Block: 1%

Vyse counters physicals 75% of the time due to his Helmet.  He can opt for the SplinterHelm to alter his defensive stats some, but his damage takes a noticeable drop, as well as losing counter attacks.  Note that counters can't kick in if he's charging an attack.
Vyse can also use the Soul Sword for 20% Instant Death, and the DreamCutlass for 25% chance to randomly cast sleep.  The damage they do is fairly low, and they take a slight bit of damage away, but just know they're there.

Fight: 2354 damage, note the Sky Fang has 254 accuracy.
Incremus: Adds Safe status
Counter Stance: 1974 pseudo-magic damage, ignores evade and defense, kicks in only if hit with a physical, as a counter attack, 100% of the time, 0.4 turn charge time (aka this move is worthless)
Pyres: 969 pseudo-magic damage, Fire elemental, ignores evade, 0.8 turn charge time (also worthless!) Note in game this is MT and ignores split damage <_<
Cutlass Fury: 2140 physical damage, ignores evade, hits 4 times, 1.2 turn charge time, 8560 damage total
Skull Shield: Adds Image status, 1.6 turn charge time
Rain of Swords: 4992 physical damage, ignores evade and defense, 2 turn charge time (note this move is MT in game)
Pirate's Wrath: 4992 physical damage, ignores evade and defense, hits 4 times, 19968 damage total, 2.4 turn charge time
Blue Rogues: Vyse will immediately get 2 turns after using this, which are uninterrupted, though note the ATB gauges still raise in the game, for whatever that's worth, 2.8 Turn charge time.  Note that its two turns Vyse actually ACTS, not two raw turns (as in, yes, he can use as much time as he wants to charge.) Note that he can't stack Blue Rogues if he's already under one of the two Blue Rogues turns (as in, none of this Blue Rogues -> Pirate's Wrath -> Blue Rogues for UNLIMITED TURNS!!!! The 2nd Blue Rogues in that combo will fail. He can use Blue Rogues again later if he pleases, mind)

Ryu, the Destroyer:
HP: 3305
MP: 421

Dragon Blade
Dragon Helm
Life Armor

Vigor: 42 (49)
Speed: 28 (31)
Stamina: 40
Magic Power: 30 (37)
Battle Power: 240
Defense: 232
Magic Defense: 174
M. Block: 7%

Ryu counters physicals 75% of the time due to his weapon, as well as his MP costs being halved and gaining X-magic. He can opt for the Legend Blade, which lowers his speed by 7, and Magic Power by 7, in comparison to the Dragon Blade, and makes him lose his MP Halving, but does instant death 20% of the time.  Note the MP Halving is already factored into the MP costs.
Due to his Helmet, Ryu is immune to all status, including instant death, sans Seizure, which his Armor covers anyway. His Helmet also grants Fire Absorption.

Fight: 3408, 100% Crit rate (already factored into damage) that uses 10 MP on average (if he has insufficient MP, then halve this damage)
Crimson Raid: 1026 physical damage, heals user equal to damage dealt, restricted to caster's MHP, 150% hit rate, 2 MP
Deathbringer: 3564 physical damage, ignores defense, 120% hit rate, 13 MP
Terabreak: 4400 physical damage, ignores defense and evade, damage is based upon targets level (average level of enemy in final dungeon is 55), 25 MP

Ryu has a few other moves, but they're typically worthless/obsolete in the DL setting.

Virginia "Ginny" Maxwell:
HP: 2494
MP: 516

Prism Crown
Drifter's Coat

Vigor: 10 (11)
Speed: 55 (57)
Stamina: 22 (24)
Magic Power: 41 (44)
Battle Power: 154
Defense: 141
Magic Defense: 151
M. Block: 83%

Note that Virginia's Battle Power is actually split in two; one is 11 Battle Power, and the other is 143.  You should be able to figure out why it was done that way when you see her physical <_<
Virginia immunes all elements, regens 56 HP a turn, and gains Safe/Shell status when HP < 1/8th, all due to her helmet.  Oh, and her Helmet grants an Earringslike effect; actually noting it here since unlike other PCs, she actually has relics that can stack with it, and it can only be stacked twice (as in, a second equip raises damage further, but a 3rd won't), so…yeah

Alright, cause she has TOO DAMN MANY, here are a list of all her unique Relics, and what they do.  Not factoring these into averages cause what she wants is pretty much situational, so…yeah <_<;
Love Charm: HP and MP +12.5%, +3 Magic Power, +30 Magic Defense
Aqua Wisp: Raises Magic Damage by 25%, +3 Magic Power, +12.5% HP
Firery Rage: +3 Vigor, Raises Fight damage by 25%, immunes Poison
Terra Roar: +12.5% HP, +20 Defense
Gale Claw: +3 Speed, Grants Haste status, counter attacks 75% of the time
Moon Spark: +5 Defense, +5 Magic Defense, +20% M. Block, Immunes Sleep
Flash Hit: +12.5% HP, +10% M. Block
Cosmic Cog: +5 Def, +5 Magic Defense, +4 Speed, +20% M. Block, Instant Death Immunity, turns "Fight" into "Replay" (aka FF6 Mimic)

Fight: Ok, this is a bit complex.  Virginia's physical consists of two parts; one is 160 ITD damage that increases as she loses her HP, the other is 433 damage with no special strings attached.  She hits 4 times with each attack, totaling 2372 damage, assuming she has max HP.
Petrify: 2028 magic damage, Earth elemental, 6 MP
Implse: 3687 magic damage, 53 MP
Decel: Adds Slow status, 120% hit rate, 5 MP
Shield: Adds Safe status, 12 MP
Sleep: Adds Sleep status, 111% hit rate, 5 MP
Quickn: Adds Haste status, 10 MP
Reflect: Adds Reflect status, 22 MP
Protect: Adds Shell status, 15 MP
Mystic: Full HP and Status Healing (including death, noteworthy for teams), 50 MP
Force Charge: 221 MP Healing, 10 MP

Jelze, the God Emperor Foomy:
HP: 2517
MP: 0

Egg Sword
Onion Armor
FakeEgg Ring
Hurly Glove

Vigor: 26 (38)
Speed: 26 (33)
Stamina: 46 (53)
Magic Power: 20 (32)
Battle Power: 255
Defense: 190
Magic Defense: 155
M. Block: 15%

Note: Jelze immunes Poison and Imp due to his armor.  Also note that his Weapon and Armor are locked, though his Relics are not.  He can sacrifice one (preferably the FakeEgg Ring) which lowers his damage negligibly (storm gets replaced with Physicals, but his Tackle rate increases), for the sake of status immunity equips.  The FakeEgg Ring absorbs Ice and Immunes Wind, the Hurly Glove absorbs Fire and immunes Dark.

Jelze has a random chance to use any of the following, and is totally AI controlled.
Fight: 1678 damage, 24.7% chance
Tackle: 3357 damage, physical, ignores evade, 50.2% chance
Storm: 2575 Magical, Ice elemental, 25.1% chance
Average: 2745

Lina Inverse
HP: 2850
MP: 671 (838 after Minerva)

Gorun Nova
Rune's Gloves
Mothra's Veil

Vigor: 39 (47)
Speed: 37 (42)
Stamina: 30 (31)
Magic Power: 39 (53)
Battle Power: 255
Defense: 184
Magic Defense: 152
M. Block: 54%

Lina immunes Fire, Ice, Lightning and Wind due to the Minerva, as well as halves Dark, Holy, Earth and Water damage. The Minerva also grants the ability to use "X-magic" when equipped, which unfortunately, Lina cannot take advantage of due to the nature of her Magic skillset.
Lina has Half MP Cost on her skills due to her weapon, unfortunately, none of those skills are Legal.
Lina can opt for the Veil of Void instead of Mothra's Veil, granting +8 Defense, and +6 Magic Defense, at the cost of 1 Speed, 3 Magic Power, and 10% M. Block

Fight: 3526 Holy elemental damage, 100% Crit rate (already factored into damage) that uses 10 MP on average, ignores Row, 25% chance of randomly casting Tyranitar, doing an extra 7025 Dark elemental magic damage, it Lina's MP is insufficient, refer to Capture, 5282 average damage.
Capture: 1763 Holy elemental damage, ignores Row, 25% chance of randomly casting Tyranitar, which does 3512 Dark Elemental magic damage, 2641 average damage

Lina functions like Gogo, so she can pretty much swipe most skills from other characters if you allow it.  She misses out some noteworthy things (primarily most of Terra, Lenneth, Tir, Ginny and Ryu's skillsets.)
So what DOES she have access too?  Yuri's Fusions, Rolf's Techs, Ike's Axes, Laharl's Slots, Shady's Dances, Vyse's S. Moves, Tir's Silent Lake, and Lenneth's Bows.  Her Magic skillset is based on her current parties, so its useless outside of Team Battles.
Make of all that as you will!

1. Ryu 3305
2. Rolf 3190
3t. Yuri 3183
3t. Ike 3183
5. Tir 3181
6. Fayt 3178
7. Shady: 3165
8. Vyse 2857
9. Lenneth 2852
10t. Terra 2850
10t. Lina 2850
12. Jelse 2517
13t. Laharl 2494
13t. Ginny 2494
Average: 2949

1. Terra's Ultima x2 19998
(Vyse's Pirate's Wrath Total 19968)
(Laharl's Double Grip Physical 12136)
2. Tir's Judgment 9999
3. Lenneth's Nibelung Valesti 3 9900
4. Ryu's Terabreak x2 8800
5. Vyse's Pirate's Wrath Average 8320
6. Laharl's Physical 7800
(Fayt's Total Jump Damage 6671)
(Ike's Throw Urvan 6441)
(Rolf's Double Grip Physical 5530)
7. Yuri's For the Child 5371
8. Lina's Physical 5282
9. Ike's Throw Tomahawk 4574
(Shady's Total Jump damage 2218)
10. Rolf's Nathu 4171
11. Virginia's Impulse 3687
12. Fayt's Ethereal Blast 3508
13. Jelze's Average 2745
14. Shady's Jump Average 2218
Average: 6883

1. Shady 239
2. Ryu 232
3. Lenneth 226
4. Fayt 219
5. Terra 204
7. Jelze 190
8. Tir 187
9. Ike 185
10. Lina 184
11. Yuri 182
12. Laharl 181
13. Vyse 176
14. Rolf 167
14. Virginia 141
(Rolf w/ Double Grip 133)
(Laharl w/ Double Grip 131)
Average: 194

Magic Defense:
1. Shady 178
2. Tir 175
3t. Lenneth 174
3t. Ryu 174
5. Terra 162
6. Fayt 158
7. Jelze 155
8. Lina 152
9. Virginia 151
10. Laharl 138
11. Ike 129
12. Yuri 119
13. Vyse 113
14. Rolf 112
(Laharl w/ Double Grip 104)
(Rolf w/ Double Grip 88)
Average: 150

1t. Virginia 57
1t. Tir 57
3. Yuri 49
4. Rolf 47
5. Vyse 45
6. Terra 43
7. Lina 42
8. Laharl 38
9. Shady 37
10. Ike 37
11. Jelze 33
12. Ryu 31
13t. Fayt 30
13t. Lenneth 30
Average: 41

Effective Physical Durability (Lower = Better):
1. Shady 24.4%
(Lenneth w/ Shield 32.9%)
2. Ryu 33.6%
3. Lenneth 49.2%
4. Fayt 54.8%
(Ike w/ Auto Safe 71.2%)
(Yuri w/ For Everyone 74.2%)
5. Terra 86.5%
(Rolf w/ Auto Safe) 89.4%)
(Vyse w/ Incremus 89.6%)
6. Tir 103.3%
7. Ike 106.3%
8. Yuri 110.9%
(Rolf w/ Double Grip and Auto Safe 123.9%)
9. Lina 120.4%
10. Jelze 124.8%
11. Rolf 133.3%
12. Vyse 133.6%
13. Laharl 143.4%
(Virginia w/ Shield 148.1%)
(Rolf w/ Double Grip 184.9%)
14. Virginia 221.0%
(Laharl w/ Double Grip 240.4%)

Effective Magic Durability:
(Terra w/ Morph 45.7%)
(Lenneth w/ Protect 53.3%)
1t. Ryu 68.3%
1t. Shady 68.3
3. Tir 69.9%
(Virginia w/ Protect 78.1%)
4. Lenneth 79.5%
5. Fayt 84.7%
6. Terra 91.3%
7. Jelze 98.2%
9. Lina 101.2%
9. Ike 110.1%
10. Virginia 116.5%
11. Yuri 118.8%
12. Rolf 124.9%
13. Laharl 131.1%
14. Vyse 139.4%
(Rolf w/ Double Grip 145.9%)
(Laharl w/ Double Grip 169.2%)

NOTE: Laharl and Rolf w/ double grip isn't as low as it looks since naturally average should be adjusted accordingly.

M. Block (just cause):
1. Virginia 83%
2. Terra 77%
3. Fayt 68%
4. Lina 54%
5. Tir 48%
6. Lenneth 45%
7. Yuri 41%
8. Ike 34%
9. Shady 22%
10. Laharl 16%
11. Jelze 15%
12. Rolf 14%
13. Ryu 7%
14. Vyse 1%

NOTE: All of the above averages can be skewed in different ways through Virginia's mediums but I really don't wanna figure out which should be default so meh.

Writeup Graveyard / Presea (vs. Jack)
« on: January 22, 2009, 12:36:00 AM »
As is usual in the DL, we have yet another unorthodox match up of a sword wielding Cowboy against a little girl with a large axe!  Well, thankfully, the laws of Fire Emblem don't apply to Presea, so there's no Weapon Triangle to worry about.  She does however need to watch out for Fast Draws.  So what kind of options does Presea have?  Well, hit Jack REALLY HARD with an Axe...over and over again...until he ideally doesn't get back up again.  Yeah, its not exactly the most impressive or well thought out strategies, but it is straight forward and effective, and in the end, that's really all that matters, right?

Writeup Graveyard / Momo (vs. Id)
« on: January 22, 2009, 12:32:11 AM »
Chemical and Physical Science are powerful weapons, especially when they are applied to putting an Atomic Bomb into a large cannon and firing it at your opponent!  That's the exact logic Momo applies to her opponents, though her low accuracy compared to Id's good evade makes that a bit tougher than usual.  So that's where Plan B comes in: Astronomy!  By which we mean summoning a large meteor through Ragnarok to fall on her opponent.  And applying some Medical Science through her healing spells, and she has all the necessary ingredients to pull off a victory!

Writeup Graveyard / Wren (vs. Odd Eye)
« on: January 22, 2009, 12:22:43 AM »
And so, the mighty Gun Wielding, Positron Firing, Self Repairing Android is back and ready to...well, actually, I'm not sure if Androids can ever be considered "ready."  I mean, that implies they have actual emotions or a sense of exhaustion or whatever.  But that's getting into philosophy nonsense.  What does matter is Wren is facing Odd Eye, who relies on big physical damage and sleep status...two things that Wren soaks up well!  Should he elect to use Odd Eye beam as a loop hole, a dose of Barrier will see to that.

General Chat / DL Videos Topic
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:12:49 PM »
Some of you may know that in chat, I've been posting recordings of my Dissidia fights, and it occurred to me...

Rather than smack people with them in chat, why not make a topic on the Boards?

Now, I'm aware people don't share my enthusiasm for Dissidia...but who said this had to be restricted to that?

It occurred to me that a few others do the same thing in chat.  Like some people like making videos of their challenge playthroughs (you know who you are!), people like showing their Tohou Replays, what have you.  I think some people even record Brawl fights.

So I was thinking "Why not make one topic for all of these?"  That way, people won't have to constantly hit people with links to their videos (I know, I'm not one to talk!), and additionally, if someone says "Watch this!" there won't be constant link requests, since they can just direct them to this topic.

So yeah, that's the idea behind this:
If you have a video you made online and want to share it, than put it here through a link or something.  Also, good place to comment on specific videos or something <_<

Writeup Graveyard / Mel (vs. Starky)
« on: December 27, 2008, 03:16:48 AM »
You know the saying Two Heads are better than one?  You also know how in every single extraterrestial movie, the humans *ALWAYS* win?  Mel is about to prove both here and now!  With Branky as her other head, and being a human fighting against a petit alien in a fishbowl, there's no doubt she holds the advantage.  I mean, she has a puppet that breathes fire!  Its not like Starky is one of those aliens using plasma guns to do big damage and...oh, wait, he is, isn't he?  Uh...well...she still has Branky!

RPGDL Discussion / Not Ranked Season 11, Weak 4: Insert Witty Subtitle Here
« on: December 17, 2008, 05:45:14 PM »
Kartikeya (WA5) vs Varin Omega (DDS)
Matador (SMT3) vs. A-tur (BoF4)

Warrior (FF3) vs Cathari (S5)
Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) vs Farina (FE7)

Fiore (WA4) vs Harley (DDS)
Jessica Philomele (MK) vs Lt. Col. Toshiyuki Terada (SHC)

Samson (BtB) vs Astos (FF1)
Elincia (FE9) vs Suzu Fujibayashi (ToP)

Writeup Graveyard / Season 48 combined Nom Pools
« on: December 06, 2008, 10:53:31 PM »
Here they are!

Rhapthorne, Fujin, Sir Leopold, Freya, Lenneth
Ramirez, Sephiroth, Ghaleon, Fou-lu, Piastol
Zophar, Fujin, Guv, Belial, Shania
Violetta, Gilbert, False Althena, Rosa, Violetta
Beatrix, Ash, Lucia(Suikos), Piastol, Sephiroth
Citan, Purim, Ness, Ghaleon, Rosa
Ghaleon, Purim, Sephiroth, Freya, Hrist,
Beatrix, Violetta, Shania, Beatrix, Rosa
Valvalis, Violetta, Gilbert, Ted, Belial
Lambda, Heat, Beatrix, Violetta, Zog
Shania, Belial, Ghaleon, Beatrix, Rosa
Purim, Diekbeck, Fou-lu, Luther, Teepo
Endora, Cecelia, Kato, Beatrix, Ghaleon
Rosa, Lambda, Freya, Altima, Ramirez
Sephiroth, Gilbert, Teepo, Rhapthorne, Heat
Freya, Freya, Ghaleon, Heat, Rosa
Beatrix, Sephiroth, Beatrix, Albedo, Piastol
Yuri, Kratos, Ghaleon, Teepo, Fou-lu
Violetta, Valvalis, Chris, Lucia (Suikos), Chris
Ramirez, Heat, Cecilia, Belial, Freya
Guv, Sephiroth, Fujin, Beatrix, KOS-MOS
Van (TotA), Kratos, Kefka, Sephiroth, Lulu
Dhaos, Freya, Heat, Gilbert, Piastol
Lambda, Lulu, Fou-lu, Chris, Violetta
Lucia (Suikos), Beatrix, Altima, Freya, Purim
Ryu (BoF2), Beatrix, Rosa, Chris, Heat
Violetta, Teepo, Albedo, Shania, Luther
Heat, Violetta, Teepo, Albedo, Shania,
Luther, Ghaleon, Beatrix, Diekbeck, Teepo
Kato, Rhapthorne, Beatrix, Albedo, Piastol
Yuri, Kratos, Ghaleon, Violetta, Purim
Ultimecia, Rosa, Kratos, Albedo, Albedo,
Patriarch, Dhaos, Kato, Magus, Ghaleon
Heat, Violetta, Valvalis, Kato, Belial
Lambda, Kuja, Lavos, Mewtwo, Yuna
Sephiroth, Lulu, Luther, Lambda, Mewtwo
Purim, Lavos, Sephiroth, Belial, Violetta
Valvalis, Mewtwo, KOS-MOS, Gilbert, Guv
Magus, KOS-MOS, Mewtwo, Fujin, Valvalis
Piastol, Violetta, Heat, Kato, Sergius
Shania, Lambda, Lucia (Suikos), Chris, Ultimecia
Kato, Belial, Fou-lu, Rhapthorne, Beatrix
Lambda, Lambda, Gilbert, Partiarch, Yuri
Fujin, Ryu (BoF4), Ghaleon, Beatrix, Albedo
Rosa, Lambda, Lucia (Suikos), Kato, Purim
Valvalis, Lucia (Suikos), Rosa, Freya, Ghaleon
Rhapthorne, Violetta, Gilbert, Cecilia, Rosa
Sir Leopold, Freya, Rosa, Rhapthorne, Beatrix
Mewtwo, Kato, Altima, Teepo, Cyril
Ghaleon, Sir Leopold, Freya, Rosa, Rhapthorne,
Beatrix, Mewtwo, Rhapthorne, Sir Leopold, Lenneth,
Sephiroth, False Althena, Heat, Rhapthorne, Fujin,
Sir Leopold, Freya, Lenneth, Ramirez, Sir Leopold,
Violetta, Rosa, Gilbert, Cecilia, Kato
Fou-lu, Ghaleon, Sephiroth, Wren, Teepo,
Seymour, Lambda, Sephiroth, Lavos, Albedo
Rosa, Lucia (Suikos), Lenneth, Cecilia, Yuri,
Chris, Wren, Violetta, Freya, Lulu,
Fou-Lu, Lenneth, Teepo, Kefka, Beatrix,
Albedo, Piastol, Yuri, Kratos, Ghaleon

Claude Kenni, Daos, Id, Alicia, Alena
Gilder, Worker 8, Dycedarg, Hiro, Edea
Geno, Nephenee, Ramsus, Id, Deamoned
Fayt, Doel, Dehaui, Culgan, Celia
Jean(Lunar2), Tana, Queen Zeal, Keith, Worker 8
Momo, Edge, Lang, Sabin, Presea
Maya Amano, Presea, Fayt, Edea, Erim
Delita, Zapdos, Maria (SO3), Mia (FE9), Momo
Deamoned, Tana, Nephenee, Lang, Fayt
Hugo, Gilder, Celia, Mario, Dehuai
Quina, Queen Zeal, Maya Amano, Saturos, Poo
Erim, Toadstool, Id, Seed, Izlude
Borgan (Lunar 2), Zapdos, Rapp, Lucian, Fayt
Zapdos, Jean (Lunar 2), Percial, Id, Maya Amano
Poo, Rapp, Mario, Mia (FE9), Fayt
Hero (Lufia1), Nephenee, Queen Zeal, Mia (FE9), Jean (Lunar2)
Bosch, Takaya, Takaya, Nephenee, Sabin,
Saturos, Fayt, Gilder, Queen Zeal, Poo,
Satura, Erim, Maya Amano, Fei, Maya Amano
Delita, Celia, Lucian, Hugo, Takaya
Glenn, Shadow, Geddoe, Keith, Nel
Clive, Laharl, Lezard, Rydia, Geno
Ultros, Queen Zeal, Odin, Lezard, Wugui
Takaya, Deamoned, Shu, Saturos, Lavitz
Erim, Emelia, Zelos, Ursula (BoF4), Zeno
Nephenee, Lyn, Jean (Lunar 2), Lyon (S5), Deamoned
Nephenee, Hallec, Tana, Fayt, Maya Amano
Deamoned, Nephenee, Hallec, Tana, Fayt
Maya Amano, Queen Zeal, Saturos, Lucian, Ashley Winchester
Sgt. Joe, Gilder, Takaya, Nephenee, Sabin,
Saturos, Fayt, Gilder, Maria (SO3), Mia (FE9)
Odin, Sync, Freyjadour, Yuki, Nephenee
Hallec, Saturos, Poo, Regal, Edgar
Barubary, Tiamat, Worker 8, Deamoned, Jeremy
Id, Articuno, Ephraim, Lyn, Athos,
Isaac, Cloud, Carlie, Alena, Poo,
Saturos, Mario, Hero (Lufia1), Tana, Hilda (SH3)
Demi, Hugo, Nel, Lyon (S5), Moltres
Mia (FE9), Nephenee, Saturos, Lang, Fayt
Delita, Crono, Zapdos, Mario, Tana
Deamoned, Adel, Erim, Jean (Lunar 2), Fogel
Takaya, Alicia, Nina (BoF4), Glenn, Fayt,
Maria (SO3), Nephenee, Claude, Geddoe, Lang
Kevin, Gilder, Fayt, Seed, Culgan
Saturos, Zeon, Mia (FE9), Takaya, Nephenee,
Mia (FE9), Laharl, Mario, Rapp, Nephenee,
Mia (FE9), Sabin, Queen Zeal, Saturos, Moltres
Claude, Fogel, Id, Alicia, Poo
Popoi, Mario, Rapp, Nina, Poo
Borgan (Lunar 2), Claude, Fogel, Id, Alicia
Poo, Popoi, Worker 8, Gale, Hiro
Deamoned, Lang, Hugo, Claude, Daos,
Id, Alicia, Alena, Gilder, Mia,
Nephenee, Erim, Delita, Jerin, Alicia
Angela, Dycedarg, Barubary, Carlie, Geno
Ryu (BoF1), Sabin, Hero (Lufia1), Poo, Mario
Kevin, Janus (WA3), Nephenee, Celia, Momo,
Toadstool, Jean (Lunar2), Tana, Zerase, Elena (G2),
Mirage, Sabin, Wakka, Fayt, Takaya,
Nephenee, Sabin, Saturos, Fayt, Gilder

Ragnar, Bowman, Fred, Alen, Grobyc
Borus, Nash Rumack, Eileen, Magdalen, Adell
Lich, Mitsuru, Joachim, Amarant, Eileen
Sharon, Sania, Tio, Sania, Twaikin,
Rasputin, Oswin, Graham Cray, Aigis, Katt
Maya, Noa, Gryz, Slade, Koromaru
Humphrey, Adell, Lucia(Lunar2), Lich, Koromaru,
Axel(Dis2), Tio, Mitsuru, Sania, Aigis
Marle, Heath, Eileen, Lilly, Mizuki
Belenus, Vormav, Ursula (FE7), Aelia, Rudy
Joachim, Ashton, Vahn, Shania, Cador
Blastoise, Eileen, Charizard, Aelia, Natalia
Vahn, Margarete, Blastoise, Adell, Charizard
Adell, Junpei, chaos, Rico Banderas, Lemina
Sania, Sharmista, Rasputin, Darksol, Pesmerga
Koromaru, Vahn, Sharmista, Adell, Mitsuru
Axel (D2), Zynk, Florina, Ena, Barret
Aigis, Lilly, Virginia, Darc, Sania
Janice, Koromaru, Myau, Sharmista, Mitsuru
Koromaru, Lilly, Sharmista, Virginia, Graham Cray
Bebedora, Seifer, Vormav, Akihiko, Mizuki
Tear, Sheena (ToS), Tifa, Valter, Axel (D2)
Etna, Flea, Junpei, Mitsuru, Lilly
Cielo, Axel (D2), Sharmista, Vormav, Koromaru
Vahn, Noa, Ashton, Katt, Lin,
Barret, Florina, Rauny, Aelia, Borus,
Marle, Caellach, Ena, Eileen, Joachim
Borus, Marle, Caellach, Ena, Eileen,
Joachim, Zynk, Vahn, Grobyc, Baal
Jibril, Alen, Florina, Ena, Barret
Aigis, Lilly, Virginia, Barret, Lilly,
Luna, Lise, Elly, Anise, Akihiko
Sheena (Suikos), Zynk, Junpei, Volke, Oswin
Kornell, Akihiko, Junpei, Karin (SH2), Elly
Bart Fatima, Aigis, Blastoise, Mitsuru, Bowser
Sophia, Vincent (FF7), Frog, Volke, Kraken
Setzer, Charizard, Ragnar, Eileen, Nash Rumack
Mizuki, Warlock, Kuromaru, Tengaar, Sialeeds
Jaffar, Raijin, Elena (FF7), Mara, Lorelai
Darc, Vormav, Cid (FF7), Nina (BoF5), Adell
Akihiko, Nina (BoF5), Adell, Barret, Mitsuru
Koromaru, Joachim, Cagnazzo, Barret, Armarant
Koromaru, Karsh, Zynk, Rouge, Ragnar
Aelia, Shigeo, Vahn, Ronnie Bell, Jibril
Baal, Zynk, Sania, Adell, Aigis
Akihiko, Volke, Vahn, Vormav, Sharmista,
Koromaru, Akihiko, Baal, Vahn, Axel (Dis2)
Bowman, Fred, Alen, Eileen, Koromaru
Volke, Vahn, Shigeo, Zynk, Vormav
Mio, Bowman, Fred, Alen, Eileen,
Koromaru, Volke, Vormav, Rudy, Ashton
Margarete, Junpei, Charizard, Ragnar, Bowman
Fred (S3), Alen, Grobyc, Borus, Mitsuru,
Noa, Eiko, Sania, Neimi, Luna
Joachim, Bowser, Florina, Ronnie, Blastoise
Raijin, Marle, Elena (FF7), Charizard, Axel (D2),
Vahn, Odessa, Eileen, Sania, Sharmista
Virginia, Nash Rumack, Magdalen, Sialeeds, Sophia
Red XIII, Viki, Kyle (S5), Elena (FF7), Florina,
Ena, Barret, Aigis, Lilly, Virginia

Yushis, Tink, Beecham, Kid, Camus
Gijimu, Porom, Cleo, Melody, Camus
S2 Kahn, BoF4 Kahn, Porom, Yukari, Beecham
Melody, Hugh, Peco, Titania, Gijimu
Amy, Roy, Cai, Zappa, Noel
Mint, Banon, Tao, Sten, Taya
Peco, Kid, Tempest, Roy, Nanami(S2)
Titania, Jane Maxwell, Peco, Titania, Porom
Slash, Titania, Oulan, Kosanji, Badrach
Melody, Selphie, Shir, Hanako, Rozalin
Orcha, Luke (TotA), Oulan, Slash, Noel
Lyonesse, Anri, Kid, Mel, Peco
Luke (TotA), Skelly, Melody, Maria (XG), Melody
Leena, Rozalin, Amy, Yukari, Celine
Slash, Aisha, Bartre, Tink, Snowe
Wilder, Anri, Yukari, Krin, Chu-chu
Hanako, Roy, Slash, Titania, Garet
Yukari, Sanae Y, Melody, Kid, Hanako
Isadora, Malak, Oulan, Anri, Melody
Algus, Peco, Oulan, Quistis, Janus (VP)
Flonne, Kongol, Yukari, Joker, Katarina
Starky, Jogurt, Flonne, Luke (TotA), Mallow
Titania, Shady, Melody, Luke (TotA), Algus
Titania, Starky, Tink, Rozalin, Kid
Anri, Titania, Mint, Kahn (BoF4), Yushis,
Lelei, May, Banon, Belle, Maria (XG)
Snowe, Melody, Slash, Ward, Skelly
Maria (XG), Snowe, Melody, Slash, Ward,
Skelly, Oulan, Anri, Yushis, Anna
Gijimu, Peco, Slash, Titania, Garet
Yukari, Sanae Y, Melody, Selphie, Malak
Mullen, Seth, Alenia, Zahhak, Aisha
Sten, Jin, Mint, Garet, Rozalin
Kahn (BoF4), Rozalin, Edward (FF4), Yukari, Palmer
Karyl, Yukari, Zell, Alfred (WA3), Edward (FF4)
Big Joe, Black Wizard, Bartre, Jogurt, Rennac
Marcus (FF9), Mint, Badrach, Shabon, Bernadette
Jane Maxwell, Mystina, Cleo, Melody, Yukari
Sten, Oulan, Mint, Luke (TotA), Nara
Banon, Malak, Jogurt, Cleo, Yukari
Luke (TotA), Melody, Lorenta, Tao, Nina (S2)
Oulan, Snowe, Roger, Doc, Melody
Snowe, Badrach, Camus, Luke (TotA), Liz
Maria (XG), Rozalin, Hugh, Hawkeye (FE7), Funguy
Kuromimi, May, Dorcas, Gares, Camus
Peco, Taloon, Shir, Nara, Rozalin
Roger, Yukari, Krin, Doc, Loretta
Beecham, Camus, Gijimu, Anri, Luke (TotA)
Roger, Malak, Cyan, Anri, Dominia
Tink, Beecham, Camus, Gijimu, Anri,
Luke (TotA), Roger, Yukari, Slash, Peco,
Quistis, Starky, Selphie, Yushis, Tink,
Connie, Kid, Camus, Gijimu, Rozalin,
Titania, Cai, Melody, Lino en Kuldes, Tink,
Peco, Wilder, Mint, Kongol, Alenia,
Kahn (BoF4), Anri, Lino En Kuldes, Noel, Peco,
Slash, Leena, Melody, Rozalin, Jane Maxwell,
Mint, Cleo, Augst, Porom, Quistis,
Katarina, Nina (BoF3), Relm, Kiros, Rennac,
Titania, Garet,  Yukari, Kogoro, Connie

Discussion / DLCon 4: New Jersey...again...(aka MeepleCon!)
« on: December 04, 2008, 04:05:17 AM »
DATE: JULY 30th - AUGUST 2nd

Making a new topic since, well, things have changed so might as well do this for convenience!

Anyway, as many of you know, plans have changed, and DLCon4 is going to be in New Jersey.  Yes, we just had a Minimeet here.  Yes, we held DLCon1 here, but due to some issues that came up unexpectedly, we can't hold it in Pittsburgh, and well, for a number of reasons, I was chosen!  No, don't know why I volunteered.

My house will be the base of the Con, as opposed to Soppy's like it usually is.  This is in Wayne, NJ, which is in the north if you care (Cause Jersey is such a huge state, area wise *rolls eyes*)  In general, we will be doing stuff in the basement, which people who were at Minimeet can attest to is big enough for something like this and generally perfectly suited (also has Air Hockey, Ping Pong, and Pool) to hold a lot of people.

Now, first off, where will people be staying?  My house can hold a few people, obviously, but I want that to be for only people with actually good reasons, such like they're flying overseas, or some financial issue, etc.  Again, this is mostly a LAST RESORT and only for a few people (say, 4 people tops.)  Otherwise, Hotels is probably the place where people will be sleeping!

There is a Hotel about a Mile from my house.  Its walking distance, and the walk isn't too strenuous.  Up Hill from my house, but downhill the entire way to my house, though does go parallel to a relatively busy road; or of course you could just drive back and forth, but shh!

The Hotel in question is this one:

La Quinta Inn & Suites Wayne
1850 Highway/Route 23 North
Wayne, NJ  07470

Standard w/1 Bed        $85.00 USD       85.00  USD       
Accessible w/1 Bed    $85.00 USD    85.00 USD    
Standard w/2 Beds    $85.00 USD    85.00 USD    
Accessible Deluxe w/1 Bed    $85.00 USD    85.00 USD    
King Room w/Microwave-Fridge    $90.00 USD    90.00 USD

4 people per room makes this about 25$/night.  That's $100 for 4 nights total.  Works out about the same as DL Con 2.

(The note at the bottom is courtesy of OK)

For the record, Yakko slept in this very Hotel at DLC1...and I think Alex/CK eventually invaded as well, and they're all still alive, so I guess that's a good sign!  Its under new management since then IIRC, so I dunno what that means (believe it use to be called Wesley Inn)

For convenience, this Hotel is also right next to a bank, so if you need an ATM for whatever reason, there's one available right there.   Its also right near a shopping center with a Kohl's, Pizza Place and Chinese Restaurant, I believe, so there places to eat and shop for arbitrary things you'll probably not care about ever, making that Kohl's mention completely useless!

As far as Travelling goes...
The most convenient means of getting to Jersey via the Air would be to Newark International Airport.  This is about 45 minutes from my house, but has the upside of not involving going into to New York.  The other Airports that are acceptable (though I would prefer Newark...even if Super would advise against it <_<) would be JFK and La Guardia (Don't know their exact names, but they're both in New York.)  From here, you can probably take a bus from Port Authority to one of the Bus Stops in my general vicinity.  The two big ones are the Park and Ride near the Train Station (I'll look up the actual name of that in the future, don't worry! This is just labelling it so I remember it; the needed info will be known when the time comes) and the Stop at Willowbrook Mall.

That Bus thing is important for Greyhound People too, if there are any of those.  The closest Greyhound station I think is in fact in Port Authority, so its probably just easier taking a bus from there to Wayne.  I'll try and help you figure out which Bus to go on to get Wayne, of course.  Note that I WILL drive in and get you in worst case scenario, but a bus might just be easier in general.

(if you come into Newark, you can ignore all that bus ****.  Getting to Newark International is a lot easier, so me picking you up is not such a hard thing and what not.)

Anyway, here are the RECONFIRMS from the previous topic!  Note the wording; if you confirmed for DLCon Pittsburgh but haven't said anything since the change, you WILL NOT BE COUNTED!  Also, please post here if you're reconfirming and not on the list (or alternatively, confirming to come as a change or something...basically, just tell me if you're coming, if you're not, or if you're a maybe in this topic!)

The Con will happen on July 30th and lasts until August 2th or so; that's the current plan.  It should last 4 days (3 nights), but can be extended a day in each direction depending on what's convenient for people to come and such.

If there's a better date for most people, please speak up!  Note that it should be BEFORE Mid August; my parents stated they want to be in the general vicinity when the Con happens and they're going on vacation sometime mid august, so yeah; if the date changes, its likely earlier.  But for now, 30st of July -> August 2nd time period.

EDIT: Cause people have started buying tickets, this date *IS* Final.

1. Meeplelard (...I think anyway...)
2. superaielman
3. CmdrKing
4. Metroidcomposite
5. Gatewalker
6. Xeroma
7. Shale
8. OblivionKnight (...and yes, I have a restraining order for my sister)
9. Hunter Sopko
10. Tonfa
11. Nitori
12. Notmiki
13. Niu
14. Djinn N Tonic
15. Dhyerwolf
16. Zenthor
17. Pyro
18. Grefter
19. Ciato
20. Mad Fnorder
21. Taishyr
22. Sage Acrin
23. Talaysen
24. Andrew Rogue
25. Lady Door

1. VerySlightlymad

Probably/Definitely Not:
1. Snow
2. Monkeyfinger
3. Nephilim
4. Lady Ashe
5. Yoshiken
6. Excal
7. Scar
8. Doma Dragoon
9. Hal
10. Sir Alex
11. Clear Tranquil
12. Yakumo
13. Nephrite
14. Yoshiken
15. Ultradude
16. Elfboy

NOTE: Anyone who said "Planning on coming" and such I put in "Probably"; it sounds like you aren't quite certain but definitely intend to come and such, so yeah.

Also, people who live in this area, if you can help with transportation, that'd be appreciated.  Ditto to people driving up.  By this I mean either actually picking people up along the way to my house, helping people figure out the Bus system (applies mostly to NYC people here, who may actually have experience with the darn thing), etc.  Whatever you can contribute would be nice!

So that's all I have to say for now!  As usual, important stuff to be brought up here!  Note that its not worth trying to figure out exactly what we're doing quite yet, since we need to actually figure out whose going, how people are getting here, etc.  I'll make a separate topic in due time for actual events to plan!  This is for all the technical, yet important stuff.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Extending Time between Ranks
« on: December 04, 2008, 02:18:19 AM »
It was discussed in chat a bit and well, we're running out of viable ideas to rank.  However, stuff in the future isn't too unlikely to rank...

So why not Freeze again?  Well, Freezes are fine, but after only 2 or 3 ranking sessions, is that really a good idea?  It means we rank a few things, then stop doing anything for a while, then rank a few more things, then...yeah, as you can see, very little actually gets a chance to get in by this pattern.

So here's an alternative idea!

Rather than stopping the ranks, why not extend the period between them?  As in, add another season between each session, so there's 4 seasons between each instead of 3 (I think that's where we're currently at anyway?).  This gives us a little more time to discuss what's a good idea to rank, gives games a bit more time to solidify numbers, more time for NR to work with, what have you.  It also relieves the stress of ranking some since it means they happen less frequently, we won't have to worry about them as often.  Its an alternative to simply freezing, and then getting back to that moment of constantly extending the freeze and not knowing quite when its going to end.

So yeah, that's the idea.  Note that not approving of this idea is NOT indicative of whether we will go into a freeze soon or not.  And from what I was told, this idea would kick in instantly if approved, as in, would effect next ranking session (Super, if you can elaborate what you meant, that'd be appreciated.)

Writeup Graveyard / Boyd > Midboss
« on: November 21, 2008, 05:25:05 PM »
You know what the problem with calling yourself the Dark Adonis is?

It means you take special pride in your face of all things!

...which means you are ESPECIALLY weak to good old fashion Axe to the Face treatment.

Guess what Boyd specializes in?

Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs. Royce (LSSSC)
Zio (PS4) vs. Jessica Albert (DQ8)
Celes Chere (FF6) vs. Cloud of Darkness (FF3)
Millenia (G2) vs. Empyrea (DQ8)

Melbu Frahma (LoD) vs. Nicholai Conrad (SHC)
Georg Prime (Suikos) vs. Squall Leonhart (FF8)
Precis Neuman (SO2) vs. Zidane Tribal (FF9)
Garland (FF9) vs. Grahf (XG)

Scythe Riebauer (WA4) vs. Jeane (Suikos)
Beowulf Kadmus (FFT) vs. Bo (BoF1)
Shion Uzuki (XSs) vs. Lucius (FE7)
Anastasia Romanov (SHC) vs. Gerik (FE8)

Lunn (LEBC) vs. Chidori (P3)
Rude (FF7) vs. Mist (FE9)
Piccolo (S3) vs. Miranda (G3)
Aeris Gainsborough (FF7) vs. Ruprecht (SO2)

Writeup Graveyard / Mist (vs. Rude)
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:19:01 PM »
Despite being the daughter of the almighty Gawain, one of the four riders of Daien, and the sister of Ike, the hero of the Mad King's War, Mist is not quite the fighter you'd expect her to be.  That, however, does not matter, as she's still decent with a sword, and facing a guy who is not exactly the most competent of warriors...even though he's part of an elite squad run by world class organization.  Everytime he punches her, of course, she just stabs him back with a counter, and then stabs him again!  Yeah, he has magic, but then, Mist just shows off her Mage Like Magic Defense, and stabs him again!  Many stabs with a Silver Sword later, Mist should have a clean victory.

Writeup Graveyard / Bo (vs. Beowulf)
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:15:44 PM »
Forest Clan hero, and ally to the first of many Ryus to follow, the canine hunter is ready for action!  With his moderate magic supply, high powered bow and arrow, and solid base stats, he's ready to face whatever comes after him!  His opponent happens to be not exactly the fastest of targets either, and not the hardest of hitting, so perhaps that Cura spell could come in handy too!  There's nothing that can go wrong here!  Its not like his opponent has status, right?

Writeup Graveyard / ZIdane (vs. Precis)
« on: November 07, 2008, 04:56:22 PM »
Finally starting to get the respect he deserves, Zidane has conquored middle and moved up to be in the same league as fellow FF Main Character brethren!  Well, ok, this statement isn't quite so true given a few are in fact in Godlike, but that's an aside!  Clearly, fighting alongside them must have allowed their talent and respect to rub off on him some!  But enough of that, Zidane faces yet another female, and this one is also pure reliant on physical damage.  Obviously, a simple "Use Soul Blade with The Tower, make her small, squash puny high pitched voice girl" strategy is always apt here.  And in case she tries to whip petrify him with her shield, he just gets around it with Thievery.

Writeup Graveyard / Cloud of Darkness (vs. Celes)
« on: November 07, 2008, 04:34:30 PM »
At last, after waiting too long considering how long she's been around, Cloud of Darkness finally has gotten ranked and has a chance to prove her worth in Godlike!  With being the original being of the void that preceded a certain, more renowned tree, the Cloud of Darkness is certainly good at killing things.  Her first opponent? A female general from the same series? HA! Simple Bad Breaths and Particle Beams will make short work of her opponent, and pretty much a free pass to the next round; she couldn't ask for a better start in her debut.

Writeup Graveyard / X (vs. Elwen)
« on: November 04, 2008, 05:22:05 AM »
After his fellow S Class hunter and best friend...and ultimate creation of Dr. Wily...Zero got in twice, this final and greatest creation of the renowned Dr. Light finally gets his debut!  As one would expect of a hero of such stature, he's already among the best of the best, and he's willing to prove it!  Facing off against the leader of the Theatre Vancour, its a straight out slug fest between the two, and that's where X plays best.  Between Ultimate Armor's damage halving, and its trade mark Nova Strike, alongside the X-heart Force Metal to give him that one last second chance, it won't be too hard for him to secure a victory.

Writeup Graveyard / FFT Knight (vs. Cinnamon)
« on: November 04, 2008, 05:18:54 AM »
While not the kind of opponent the Knight of Ivalice is use to facing, that doesn't really change the way he's going to approach things.  Use Crystal Shield to evade her attacks, high HP to survive in case anything connects, and use that to buy him enough time to break her weapon, there by completely rendering her helpless on offense.  While she may be resiliant to his usual Ice Brand combined with Black Robe combo, he can always substitute the Rune Blade instead and thus equip heavy armor to further boost his defensive capabilities.  While not a fight he's geared to win in a straight out slug fest, he's certainly got a firm strategy that can secure him a win through indirect methods.

Writeup Graveyard / Cinnamon (vs. FFT Knight)
« on: November 04, 2008, 05:15:35 AM »
Kitty Gloves on, Silver Maiden at max, this little living...well...sentient? force metal generator is ready for another season of Not Ranked! Her first foe is someone who relies on breaking equipment of all sorts, though lucky for Cinnamon, she lacks most of that kind of equipment, and Hyper Mode grants her immunity to his stat breaks! Every time he fails to connect, that's free damage for her!  With that and her healing from her action Trigger, and good speed and defenses helping compensate for her HP, she's ready for what will hopefully be her second win in her Not Ranked experience, and hopefully not her last!

Writeup Graveyard / Meliadoul (vs. Lilka)
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:59:50 PM »
As the only (known) female member of the Shrine Knights, and technically, only a former member at that, Meliadoul has a lot to prove!  And what better way to prove it by jabbing Save the Queen into some mage who wields an umbrella's face?  Well, no, one probably has nothing to do with the other, but with her equipment Breaks running off her strong weapon, Aegis Shield to ward off her opponents spells, and firm HP score, she has what it takes to just crush her opponent before she gets going.

Writeup Graveyard / Eliwood (vs. Oscar)
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:56:41 PM »
The young ruler of Pherae returns once again, with Durandal in hand, to take on the best of the...average!  His first opponent is none other than a fellow Fire Emblem member, if from a different world, who coincedentally, also uses a Lance and a horse.  Of course, that Horse spells his doom, as it means Eliwood can use that nice Rapier to hit the weakness of his foe.  A few stabs of that followed up with a finisher with the legendary Durandal, and the mercenary will have succumbed to the noble.

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