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Topics - Yakumo

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Forum Games / Battlestar Galactica Game Thread
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:46:49 PM »

Kobol Objective in play.  As soon as you pass these distances for the first time, the following effects occur:

4: Sleeper Agent Phase
8: The next time the fleet jumps, the humans win the game(do not draw a destination card).

Turn 37

The investigations are begun but are unable to turn up any evidence implicating anyone.  The official statement is that the bomb was placed long before, while the Cylon agents were still on Galactica, and that there is nothing further to worry about.  This calms the civilians, for now.

Politics/Leadership skill check, target=12

Cards Played:

3xPolitics-1 Consolidate Power
Politics-2 Consolidate Power
Politics-4 Investigative Committee
Leadership-2 Executive Order

Piloting-2 Evasive Maneuvers
Engineering-1 Repair

11-3=8 Partial Pass!  No Effect.

After Crisis: Heavy Raiders activate and move.  Jump Prep increases.

Fleet Status

Distance Traveled: 9(Next jump wins!)

Food       03/08      Vipers         2 Active, 0 in Reserve, 4 Damaged
Fuel       01/08      Raptors        0 in Reserve.  Launch Scout and other effects which risk Raptors may no longer be used.
Morale     03/10      Jump Prep      4/5 (Can risk 3 Population)
Population 05/12      Cylon Boarding None

Galactica  (0 Damage)
FTL Control
Weapons Control
Communications - Occupied by Gaius Baltar(Nitori) and Chief Tyrol(AndrewRogue)
Admiralfs Quarters
Research Lab
Hangar Deck
Sickbay - Occupied by President/Admiral Apollo(Lady Door)

Colonial One
Press Room
Presidentfs Office


Cylon Locations
Caprica - Occupied by Starbuck(Sir Alex) and Helo(Stelas)
Cylon Fleet
Human Fleet
Resurrection Ship

Turn Order(current player in bold, skill card hand size in parentheses, play order with checks starts with the player after the current player)

Nitori - Gaius Baltar(6)
Stelas - Karl "Helo" Agathon(6)
Lady Door - President Admiral Lee "Apollo" Adama(4)
Sir Alex - Kara "Starbuck" Thrace(5)
AndrewRogue - "Chief" Galen Tyrol(7)


Action Queue

==> Stelas: Choose Draw
    Stelas: Move/Action

Forum Games / New Game Interest Check: Battlestar Galactica
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:24:54 AM »
So, I recently got ahold of the Battlestar Galactica board game.  It's an odd little game that sort of combines the team play aspect of games like Arkham Horror with the paranoia and treachery of Mafia.

If you aren't familiar with the show(and don't worry, I'm not either, don't need to be to enjoy the game), the basic idea is fairly simple.  Long ago, humans sent out colonies.  Eventually, one of these colonies made humanoid robot workers called Cylons.  These workers rebelled.  Eventually, the humans were nearly wiped out, and only one small fleet escaped and are trying to find their way to this mythical planet called Earth.  Unfortunately for them, the Cylons learned how to make near-perfect human robots and have replaced key members of the leadership.

The players need to work together to manage their limited resources and survive the entire trip to Earth.  The Cylons are working to destroy the last remnants of humanity, both from the inside with traitorous players and the outside with their own pursuit fleet.  The actual mechanics would take forever to explain, but luckily, Fantasy Flight Games has the rulebooks freely available online for those interested.  The FAQ/errata has information from the two expansions which I don't have yet, but below that is clarifications to the secrecy rules so make sure to skip down to those.

Base Game Rules
Official FAQ/Errata

I'm wondering if anyone would be interested to try to play some games of this on the forum.  I know it's close to Christmas so I wouldn't be starting right away, probably early in the new year.  If you want more info feel free to ask in here, PM me, or poke me on IRC and I'll be happy to discuss things.  If you think you would like to try it out, please post in here so I can get an idea if this would be worth setting up.  We'll want five players as that hits the best overall play balance.  Due to the loyalty mechanics, it would be completely unfair for me to both run the game and play in it, so I would just be a moderator.

Forum Games / The dead have shambled back to their graves in Arkham.
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:12:17 AM »

First player bolded as usual.

AndrewRogue - Mandy Thompson
Random Consonant - Roland Banks
Talaysen - "Skids" O'Toole
Nitori - Trish Scarborough

Environment:  Blood Magic(Mystic) - Investigators who end their movement in the Rivertown streets may choose to delve into dark mysteries using their life force.  They roll dice equal to their current Stamina, and for every failed die, they lose 1 Stamina.  If this reduces them to 0 Stamina, they are Devoured and the player must start a new character.  Otherwise, they gain 3 Clue tokens.

Rumor: The Unraveling Tapestry(2 Clues)
Ongoing effect - Each time a gate opens, discard a Clue token from this rumor.  Each time an investigator casts a spell, add a Clue token to this rumor.
Pass - When there are 6 Clue tokens on this rumor, return it to the box and each investigator gains 1 Spell.
Fail - When there are 0 Clue tokens on this rumor, return it to the box and each investigator loses 2 Sanity.

Forum Games / Ancient Artifacts and Killer Bugs in Arkham - Endgame
« on: January 11, 2010, 07:26:27 PM »

First player is bolded, play continues down the list.

Carthrat - Tony Morgan
Talaysen - Marie Lambeau
Magetastic - Mandy Thompson
Taitoro - "Skids" O'Toole
Yoshiken - Rex Murphy
Random Consonant - Trish Scarborough

Forum Games / Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 12 Movement/Upkeep
« on: December 07, 2009, 06:49:07 AM »

Current Effects
Icy Conditions - Investigators receive 1 less movement point during the Movement Phase. Fast Monsters move like normal monsters.

The bolded player is first, play continues down the list.

Strago/Ursula Downs
Gatewalker/Gloria Goldberg
Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
Jo'ou Ranbu/Darrell Simmons
Smashy/Luke Robinson
El Cideon/Hank Samson

Forum Games / Fishmen back in the water, the play has moved on.
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:44:16 AM »

Current Effects
Estate Sale - Investigators who end their movement in the Uptown streets may draw 2 Unique Items and purchase one, none, or both of them at list price, discarding any that are not purchased.

The bolded player is first, play continues down the list.

Taishyr - Minh Thi Phan
Talaysen - Mark Harrigan
Nitori - Agnes Baker
Hunter Sopko - Carolyn Fern
Shale - Diana Stanley
Sir Alex - Silas Marsh

Forum Games / Arkham Horror discussion/game setup
« on: November 13, 2009, 06:29:34 AM »
Well, the experiment of me running a game with Andy's parts seemed to work out fairly well, and Andy's apparently still really busy and can't put in the time to run a game of his own.  So, if people are interested, I'd be willing to run a second game.  This time I'd just use the official investigators/Ancient Ones, though, the Touhou ones could use a bit of re-balancing.  So, the question is, are people still interested enough to join another game?  If so, any preferences for expansions to be used?  I'd like to use at least one board and one card expansion.  Preferably not Dunwich since we've already used that twice, or Black Goat of the Woods since that was used once.  I actually kinda want to see Kingsport in action since I haven't seen that one yet but if everyone hates that idea we can do something else. >_>

Forum Games / The Saigyou Ayakashi is in full bloom in Arkham.
« on: October 15, 2009, 04:31:12 AM »

Nobody ever figured out exactly what happened that night in Arkham.  All communication from the city ceased, and when the authorities came to investigate, all they found was a pile of motionless bodies heaped underneath the largest cherry tree any of them had ever seen.

I felt like trying a little something different, so with a little help from Andy, I'm going to be running a game of Arkham using some fanmade Touhou investigators and a GOO.  We'll be running with no more than six people, and the game will start shortly after the current game ends, as they're using some of the stuff we'll need.

I'll be using the same structure for turns that Andy has been.  Turns will be broken up into Upkeep/Movement and Encounters phases, with a time limit of 48 hours each.  I'm also going to give each player a choice of two Hatbot-selected investigators.  The GOO will not be revealed until the game starts.  The game will be using just the base game and the Dunwich expansion, none of the card expansions or other boards.

Priority will be given to players that are new and who didn't get into the most recent game.  If you don't get into this one, don't worry too much, as Andy's planning to start up a third game pretty soon as well.  Please don't sign up unless you're sure you'll be able to communicate with your partners and get a move in for every turn.

If you want to check out the possible investigators/GOOs for this game, you can find them in the Mediafire link at the bottom of the page.  Be warned, though, that Hal and Alex have been working on these as well so there may be additions or changes before the game actually starts.

Well, we've finished off the music tournament proper, but there's one more thing I'm curious about.  You may recall that I removed the top four songs from CK's tournament from eligibility for nominations this time around so that we could get some fresh blood into the mix.  Turned out it didn't work as well as I hoped since around half of the last top 16 that weren't cut were repeats, but so it goes.  Anyway, I wanted to see how last year's top four would match up against this year's, so here's a little round-robin matchup just to see what would happen.  Links to listen to all songs and a little download pack for the four from last year are below the matchups.

Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin)
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2)
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa)
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X)

The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin)
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2)
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa)
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X)

EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin)
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2)
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa)
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X)

Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X)


Nefertiti (Mana Khemia)
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant)
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve)

Divine Identity
Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-
Someday the Dream will End

And lastly, a Mediafire link for a .rar of the final four from last year:

Music Tournament / Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~FINALS~
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:18:57 AM »
Here we are, the moment you've all been waiting for, the final round!  Six songs remain, vying to become the best(or worst, as the case may be), and only you can decide which will remain standing when the dust clears.  This round will remain open until midnight EST on Sunday, June 14. 


Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2)


Key to my Heart (Tales of Destiny 2) vs. Dragon Slayer (Dragon Slayer)


Canta Per Me (Noir) vs. Destiny ~Taiyou no Hana (Black Jack 21)

Music Tournament / Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Semifinals~
« on: June 03, 2009, 06:41:47 AM »
The end of the tournament is quickly approaching, but this round marks the return of the Failure and Anime brackets as all three sets have now reached the semifinal stage.  I'm leaving tomorrow and will not be back at my house until late Tuesday, so I will close this at midnight EST Tuesday, June 9.


Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant)

EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve)


Honeybee Manor (Final Fantasy VII) vs. Key to my Heart (Tales of Destiny 2)

Bitter Dance (Star Ocean 3) vs. Dragon Slayer (Dragon Slayer)


Canta Per Me (Noir) vs. Blast My Desire (Initial D Fourth Stage)

Destiny ~Taiyou no Hana (Black Jack 21) vs. Salva Nos (Noir)

Music Tournament / Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Quarterfinals~
« on: May 28, 2009, 05:31:04 AM »
The time for the quarterfinals is upon us!  Eight songs remain, four matches to vote on.  As I am leaving for about a week on the third, I'll run this pool until midnight EST on June 2 so that I can set up the semifinal round before I leave.


Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. STIGMATA (Mana Khemia)

The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Marionette Messiah (Super Robot Wars OGs)

Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy IV) vs. EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2)

Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Song of Mana (Legend of Mana)

RPGDL Discussion / Old boards going down for good.
« on: May 18, 2009, 10:29:17 PM »
Just a heads up for those of you who don't frequent IRC.  The old forums are going down permanently sometime tomorrow morning, so if there's anything on there that you want to copy or keep a record of for any reason, now's the time to do it.

I apologize for the delay getting new pools up, but it's finally time to start off round 3!  Only 64 songs remain in the main tournament, and this round marks the semifinals for each of the pools.  We'll be going back to a week for voting for this round, so this pool will not close until midnight EST on Wednesday, May 6.

The Merciless Savior (Legend of Heroes VI) vs. One Final Effort (Halo 3)
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. The Road to Tomorrow Follows Behind You (Wild ARMs 5)
Primal Eyes (Parasite Eve) vs. Time of the Dreamwatch (Chrono Cross)
At the Frozen Depths of the Heart (Wild ARMs 5) vs. Battle on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)

Violent Storm (Baten Kaitos) vs. Water Prison (Ys Origin)
True (Silent Hill 2) vs. STIGMATA (Mana Khemia)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) vs. Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross)

Honeybee Manor (Final Fantasy VII) vs. Hurry, Hurry! (Final Fantasy V)

Canta Per Me (Noir) vs. Bring all the Wisdom to Britain! (Read or Die OVA)
Mezame (Mai Hime) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)

Oh, and do you want download links again?  I'm assuming everyone has the songs by now that's been using them but if you want I can make them.


The second half of the second round begins now!  Which of our competitors shall survive to fight another day?  What will happen when Kirby tries to eat a guitar?  Can Soul Nomad outrun FATE?  Which would win in a fight, an ancient vampire or a giant robot?  It's all up to you!  This pool will close in five days, on Friday, April 24, at midnight EST.  Also, the name of The Girl in Byakkoya doesn't match what it was called last round but it is the same song, Soppy and I were just both mixed up on the name.

Side Battle (Fire Emblem 10) vs. Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy IV)
The Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Brothers Melee) vs. The True Mirror ~Guitar Ver.~ (Baten Kaitos)
Dancing Mad 4 (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Astaroth ~ Battle with the Fallen Angel (Shadow Hearts: Covenant)
Still Alive (Portal) vs. Tibet ~Salvation~ (Ai Cho Aniki)

Speed Queen (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters) vs. Prisoners of Fate (Chrono Cross)
Expressive Hill ~Harmonics EOLIA~ (Ar Tonelico) vs. Lullaby of a Desolate Hell (Subterranean Animism)
Tow-Colored Necklace (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters) vs. Requiem (Growlanser Generations)
Seven Heroes Battle (Romancing SaGa 2) vs. The End of 1000 Years (Melty Blood Act Cadenza)

Sphere Hunter Seagull Group (Final Fantasy X-2) vs. I am the Number One! (Star Ocean 3)

Madlax (Madlax) vs. The Girl in Byakkoya (Paprika)
The Sacred Moon (Tsukihime) vs. Tsuki no Mayu (Turn A Gundam)

Download links! and

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