The RPG Duelling League

RPG Debate => RPG Reviews => Topic started by: superaielman on May 21, 2013, 12:35:39 PM

Title: Thumbnail reviews: They return.
Post by: superaielman on May 21, 2013, 12:35:39 PM
Dark Souls

Best gameplay/mechanics trait:
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait:

Best plot/character trait:
Worst plot/character trait:

Has this game aged well?

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?

Dragon Quest 4

Best gameplay/mechanics trait:
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait:

Best plot/character trait:
Worst plot/character trait:

Has this game aged well?

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?

Wild ARMs XF

Best gameplay/mechanics trait:
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait:

Best plot/character trait:
Worst plot/character trait:

Has this game aged well?

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?
Title: Re: Thumbnail reviews: They return.
Post by: superaielman on May 21, 2013, 12:56:03 PM
Dragon Quest 4

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: Chapter system. Very unique idea for the time, and the chapters are short enough and take a different enough approach that it isn't too repetitive to play the beginning of the game five times.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait:  Equipment and character balance is still pretty weak (by modern standards) even with the tweaks the remake had.

Best plot/character trait: Introducing the hero last. You get the stories (NES plot granted) before the main dude's plot.
Worst plot/character trait: NES game, so the plot is all concepts.

Has this game aged well? Yeah. Probably the best DQ game on pure gameplay. It's challenging without being total grindy bullshit.

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.- Always loved the music and chapter setup. The actual plot doesn't really exist.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?- I want this game translated to english, damn it.

Wild ARMs XF

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: Job system is fantastic.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: Map design. The first chapter and a half or so is laden with gimmick maps. This gets better later on, but god.

Best plot/character trait:  Alexia I suppose? Edna and Charlton were fantastic.
Worst plot/character trait: RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT and everything related to him. Chelle is terrible but that may be Makalov syndrome at work. Felius was really lame as well, sadly.

Has this game aged well?- Yep. Handheld games tend to be lighter on things that age poorly than console games.

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.- Skip.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?- Job system by a mile.
Title: Re: Thumbnail reviews: They return.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 21, 2013, 07:09:49 PM
Pass on DQ4.

Wild ARMs XF

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: - The class system, hands down. Unparalleled flexibility and tons of creative skillsets and passives that allow you to do positively nutsy things in the field - in more ways than one!

Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: - Bipolar map design. I love most of the maps in XF, but pure puzzle maps and map objectives were all over the place. They didn't actually manage to properly integrate the feeling of tools and puzzles into the battle design seamlessly, and it shows in places like the Extremist Anchor Hook abuse map.

Best plot/character trait: The non-Zortroa villain cast. They steal the entire show with their manic, venomous dynamics and off-the-wall insanity and are hugely charismatic. Charlton, Edna, Rupert and Weisheit are all incredibly memorable and fun, even when their overarching plot stumbles into a miss (hi, Weisheit). The PC cast is positively meek in comparison. EDIT: I also love Katrina, but for some reason I tend to not associate her with villains. So, slap her in the rant, certainly.
Worst plot/character trait: RAGNAR BLITZ LEBRETT. Holy crap, hypocrisy, machismo, immaturity and overpresence all rolled up in one.

Has this game aged well? - Is it old enough to even -have- aged? I guess it did age decently. Needed sceneskip, though.

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well. - Music is fantastic, but the setting as a whole is the most generic in the series since WA1. That's not good.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again? - Class system and crazy creative gameplay design plz
Title: Re: Thumbnail reviews: They return.
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 22, 2013, 08:58:43 AM
Dragon Quest 4

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: Chapter system. I feel like Growlanser 5 is the only other JRPG I've seen actually -use- this mechanic, but god damn does GL5 blow DQ4's story and characters out of the water. Apart from that? It's Dragon Quest, there's some fairly solid JRPG basics in there, particularly in terms of PC balance and diversity, but nothing that hasn't been done better in other places at this point. I guess I liked the thought put into some of the repeated-use items like Falcon Earrings and the Tarot cards? The Taloon merchant-style gameplay was novel, too.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: It's a trendsetter, which makes everything about it really cliched and tired by now. But ESPECIALLY the encounter rate. Also, the Taloon merchant-style gameplay was kinda bad, though thankfully short.

Best plot/character trait: Taloon. Keep on keeping on, you crazy slacker!
Worst plot/character trait: Uh... the endless procession of forgettable antagonists until we finally reach EVOLUTION~

Has this game aged well? Not particularly, but better than most of the other DQs that aren't 8. And definitely better than other NES RPGs in my opinion (shock, Djinn not a huge fan of FF1-3!)

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well. SLIMES ARE CUTE! ...I guess I like the fact that the DQ5 and 6 are tangentally related to it?

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again? MOAR HEALIE! MOAR TALOON! Oh wait, we already got that. Cool. Guess I'm satisfied.

Wild ARMs XF

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: Job System by far the -best-. I also really like Hex-based SRPG movement. The fact that all the Story PCs had a unique class really made the Job system stand out to me. Plenty of games have job systems but it's boring as hell if all the characters are interchangeable (looking at you, WA5 and half the PSX FF catalog).
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: VP. Fuck off VP. Let me have my stupid stalling tactics.

Best plot/character trait: Edna <3. I also really liked Labryinthia. "There's no justice on the battlefield, only in the soldiers' hearts!" I feel like Felius was cool when he actually did anything, like hang out with Levin or Clarissa. But then he had to go have that really batshit left-field plot at the end.
Worst plot/character trait: Really batshit left-field plot at the end. The fact that Ragnar managed to ruin a ZOMBIES! plot.

Has this game aged well? Sprite artwork doesn't age, it only gets classier and more retro!

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well. - Some really amazing tracks amid a few bland, but often-used tracks. Similar problems to Radiant Historia's OST. I love this particular artist, but dear god is Clarissa's proportioning hideous.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again? Hex-based SRPG movement and Unique PC jobs mixed in equally well with generic Job Systems. (Yes, FFT, but I feel like WAXF did a lot more to differentiate its PC cast from its generics)
Title: Re: Thumbnail reviews: They return.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on May 22, 2013, 03:19:07 PM
Dark Souls

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: Good overall enemy design and a large number of methods (weapons, spells, etc.) to take them down.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: Game almost requires a FAQ, and could use more/more obvious recovery points.

Best plot/character trait: Nothing. Dark Souls is an all-time bottom tier game at this, to me.
Worst plot/character trait: Everything that goes on being underexplained, with special shoutout to the Fire Keeper murderer arc. A silent main, a total lack of characterisation, a total lack of direction to the plot.

Has this game aged well?: uh it's not even two years old...

Did the setting/world grab your attention?: No, the game tries to develop its setting through a boring "tell" at the start and then promptly fails to do anything with it thereafter. Lack of music really hurts the environments, too.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?: I think the unforgiving NES-style approach to things is pretty underused these days and would like to see more of it, even if it's sometimes questionable in the way it consumes time. That's a tight line to walk.

Dragon Quest 4

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: Decent challenge balance, game keeps you on your toes and also makes you care about resources.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: It's clunky in that old way, and in that DQ way. Boss design and character balance if you want more specific points.

Best plot/character trait: Yeah, the unusual story structure with the chapters.
Worst plot/character trait: Like most DQs, it spends way too much time on irrelevant arcs while barely developping its main plot.

Has this game aged well?: Not really, I have a hard time recommending it now.

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not?: Like many old RPGs, its setting feels like an unconnected patchwork of towns and kingdoms, and falls flat to me.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?: In this genre, you can't have enough rotating-perspective games.

Wild ARMs XF

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: The job system. Duh. Loads of flexibility, loads of customisation, and a game that calls upon you to make use of it. Unlike some people I really like how the game expects you to change jobs to deal with challenges, instead of just letting you mash through everything with your fighter/cleric/wizard team like many such games.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: The game could really have used feedback on the quality of its more esoteric maps. Some are pretty great, but some really aren't, such as the swamp with the random 3h pillar and the first jelly blob fight, and end up wasting a lot of time.

Best plot/character trait: Villain cast. One of the best out there, and villain casts are very important to me, so yeah. Charlton, Edna, Katrina, Rupert, and Weisheit are all a lot of fun, particularly when they interact with each other.
Worst plot/character trait: Ragnar not only annoys me, but he talks way too much and he summons the one part of the villain cast that sucks.

Has this game aged well?: Decently, although no sceneskip hurts.

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not?: I love this game's soundtrack, great battle themes are a weakness of mine and this game delivers in spades. Setting-wise, mm. It'd have worked better if we really had any idea about Elesius' neighbours, although Elesius itself was decently effective.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?: More SRPGs with good class systems which fight back decently: the most elf-approved thing ever pretty much.
Title: Re: Thumbnail reviews: They return.
Post by: Meeplelard on May 22, 2013, 10:39:55 PM
Dragon Quest 4

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: The ability to change characters at a whim, I suppose.  For an old game, that's neat.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: Forced AI PCs for the 2nd half of the game.  Seriously, what the hell?

Best plot/character trait: The split perspective early game.
Worst plot/character trait: Being a Dragon Quest with all the usual Dragon Quest problems like Silent Protagonist, Fetch Quest spam, etc. Honorable mention for dressing up a generic evil villain who hates humanity plot with "Evolution!" plot that meant absolutely nothing but people seem to think it makes the game more creative than it is (honorable mention because it's more a pet peeve I see the game get hyped for and not an actual flaw, if that makes sense.)

Has this game aged well? 
No.  Dragon Quest games in general don't age well.  They have clunky menus, slow combat which is uninspiring visually (and the NES ones are worse because they don't even have animations, just enemies flashing with text spams; contrast to an FF game which has animations, if basic ones, just makes things that much more engaging), slow moving plot that doesn't really go anywhere, what have you.  Having a remake helps alleviate some of the above, but only lessen the flaws, not remove them entirely.

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.
No, though props to the remake for trying with accents to give a sense of different regions.  It's an utterly generic RPG world with no real interesting quirks about it, nor any sort of developed backstory around it.  Just a Medieval Swords and Sorcery setting.  The Music does little as a whole to add to this.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?
The beginning style used some more.  Introducing you to the supporting cast first and giving them their own little arcs (left unresolved on purpose so there's a reason for them to join you) helps make the "hey, this character joined!" factor that much more meaningful sometimes.   This would be notably better in a game that had a sense of writing quality.

Wild ARMs XF

Best gameplay/mechanics trait: I'll go with the Job System for now.
Worst gameplay/mechanics trait: Gimmick maps were sometimes bullshit and overused (particularly early on), especially if "one character dies = game over" nonsense on top of all the other gimmicks.

Best plot/character trait:Lot's of good stuff; I'm going to go with the fact that the game doesn't actually tell you the Clarissa spoiler straight up, just gives you enough details in plot to confirm your suspicions beyond a shadow of a doubt.  It's nice when a game actually respects it's player to recognize certain features, rather than beats you over the head with one.  Yes, this is a weird choice, but this is sadly very rare in games.
Worst plot/character trait: Was gonna say a certain villain coming back out of nowhere when he should be dead, because seriously, that was stupid and it added nothing to the character...but yeah, Ragnar takes it for the reasons Elfboy laid out.

Has this game aged well? 
It's only a few years old so I would hope so!  I can't really answer this since I haven't played it since my initial playing

Did the setting/world grab your attention? Why or why not? This includes music/art as well.
It did in the usual ways Wild ARMs post-3 do.  The music captures the whole "it's a Wild West game" phenomenally, and Filgaia as usual has the aesthetic to match it.  While it did have an RPG Kingdom with Kings, Princesses, etc., it came off as more of a necessary evil here instead of "we're being uncreative" ala WA1's Adelhyde, as in, not a kingdom for sake of a kingdom because "RPG", but rather "a monarchy just works much better here." 
I wouldn't say it's the best in the series at this, but it did a decent enough job overall.

What from this game (Be it a funny character or story or good controls or even a catchy tune) you would you most like to see again?
Creativity on map design/victory conditions.  I know I bitched about the gimmick maps before, but they're fine when used sparingly and often it felt like the implementation of the map than anything else (and most of the bad ones are early game anyway, where there's an excessive amount of them.)