The RPG Duelling League

RPGDL Internal => Writeups => Heavy => Topic started by: Luther Lansfeld on February 02, 2011, 05:48:46 AM

Title: Ephraim (FE8, General)
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 02, 2011, 05:48:46 AM
The Prince of Renais is a brave warrior whose lance can pierce into the heart of his foes. His upbeat personality keeps him going through hard times, but his foolhardiness is what defines him as a warrior. Headstrong and overconfident, Ephraim heads into trouble regardless of the risk. Armed with Reginleif, Siegmund, and his trusty Javelin, Ephraim can take on a variety of opponents. A Javelin helps him to counterattack enemies such as mages, whereas Reginleif lets him hit weakness on armored knights and horsemen. Lastly, Siegmund is both his most powerful weapon and it hits weakness on monsters, allowing him to have a lot of duelling versatility. His high defense and counterattacks allow him to stay in fights long enough to allow him to kill people with his high powered offense. Most opponents won't want to be on the wrong end of one of his lances!