Author Topic: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)  (Read 449722 times)


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1925 on: October 04, 2016, 12:33:06 AM »
Andy did not drop his hat. Stingy bastard. IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE GROUND BUT NOT FOR US

Way belated, but every time I'm reminded of this, I smile.

I need to go do a LFT run.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1926 on: October 09, 2016, 10:34:55 AM »
you should do so and chronicle your tales.

Golgorand Execution Site (6 resets)

There's another Barius Valley random before going back to this where I go in as Chemist. With Teleport in tow, the encounter becomes a total joke as the only enemy that can reach the island in the middle of the river with any speed is the Black Chocobo, and he gets shot to pieces relatively quickly. Judicious use of Teleport and poking with my gun controls the battle in short order, and I walk away with Auto-Potion.

Our setup was mc in Wizard w/ Summon (only Shiva learned), and me in Knight with Item (and obviously Auto-Potion set).

So Golgorand consists of the following enemies, listed in the threat order in which we prioritized taking them out:

1. Gaffy, with Night Sword (high 3HKO ITE draining). 4 move, 3 range, lots of HP but not a Knight.
2. Longbow Archer w/ Yin-Yang Magic (everything is horrible, but Zombie deserves special recognition), starts away from the PBF.
3. Crossbow Archer w/ Charge, starts close to PBF. Threat level highly variable depending on compat and charges known.
4. The two Time Mages on rampart (Slow or Stop landing is instant death, Don't Move is pretty awful too; they have damage sometimes).
5. Knight on the ramparts with Throw. He can hit the top of the gallows from turn 1.
6. Knight on ground level with Elemental. Kama (Don't Act) or Hell Ivy (Stop), both instant wipe, plus chip damage that kills someone revived from Phoenix Down.
7. Knight on ground level equipped with Rubber Shoes. Mainly a nuisance because I have a Coral Sword.

The game plan is to get mc on top of the gallows on turn 1, neutralize Gaffy immediately, then work down the threat list. 1-6 all can theoretically threaten her in some way, although the Time Mages didn't usually tend to go after her due to most TM being 3 range. The archers die faster so they go first; the Knights take far longer to kill and the Throw Knight in particular can lob Fire Balls for 40~ damage, which is certainly enough to wear her down (110 HP). However, these are all preferable to being hit in the face with a sword (or a staff).

After getting Auto-Potion it only took four attempts to succeed; the first three failed in various ways of "50% teleport didn't work", "some bullshit status landed" (slow/stop/zombie/don't move/don't act you name it). An important revelation was made during this in that Gaffy doesn't actually have to die to be neutralized; since I'm rolling Knight I can just break his sword (and run Concentrate) and render him useless. So that becomes my turn 1 action and mc just goes straight for killing the Archers instead. This helps speed up in the reduction of threats considerably.

I am effectively immortal (haha I don't even need Hi-Potions, Potions stem off any damage just fine) so I'm drawing as much fire as possible while marching towards the gallows to be ready to revive or heal mc. There's some tears as the most useless Knight #7 in the field first breaks my helmet, then my PA, rendering my damage utterly anemic (talking single digits vs other Knights now). So I end up breaking some stuff where applicable but mostly hanging out near mc (albeit 10v beneath her). Unfortunately the Throw Knight does have his day as he has a fairly high 88% to land shots and kills mc before I arrive on sight, having been bodyblocked en route. Thus begins a very long sequence of reviving her until CT cooperates and gives her actions to make progress on raining ice spells on enemy units below before getting killed by Shurikens or Fire Balls again. At some point one finally misses and I manage to heal her up and that effectively stabilizes the fight.

MP Restore deserves honorary mention as it triggered several times during the fight (usually right before mc died) and avoided the necessity of me having to find an opportunity to use Hi-Ethers after a Phoenix Down turn, which was near impossible (and the chain revival/cast a spell plan was not foolproof, any TM or the Elemental Knight landing a status on me would've been gg).

Gate of Lionel Castle (1 reset)

mc has Teleport so this fight is a joke. We go Mediator (Black Magic secondary) and Monk for JP respectively. I bring in Battle Skill again and Equip Bow so that we can safely cheese out this whole fight and intend to break Gaffy's weapon to trivialize the duel. Unfortunately I learn that Battle Skill is still pretty awful without Concentrate (misses 2/3 times) and the duel is way more tense than it needs to be. I have to run away to prevent Gaffy from killing me, and forget that there is an enemy Summoner who can cast spells past these wall shenanigans.

A fatal Shiva charged on me, I suddenly recall that there might be a dialogue revive option in this fight. mc remembers the same thing, so we Poison Gaffy such that he dies from it shortly after the summon resolves. His AI is set to kill only Ramza so it is terribly cooperative in ignoring mc during this endeavor. The plan works, I get up with 1 HP and steal the crystal to heal, all is well. We think.

Having brought a gun we find out that you can't actually shoot anything from atop the gate because it's blocked off by obstacles. The bow works (it arcs upwards over it) but that is a very slow endeavor indeed, especially since one of the Monks loaded with Chakra. There's a spot that mc occasionally can teleport safely down to and shoot from 8 range without drawing anything more horrible than a Wave Fist or Earth Slash in return, while returning back to the top the next turn.

We slowly wear everything down with these super cheese tactics and greedily grab crystals. There's one corpse (the Summoner!) about to crystallize next to an enemy Archer with near health. mc is low on HP but I tell her to grab it anyway since I can just run out and finish him off, having opened the gate in preparation to end the fight. She fails her teleport to it, takes an arrow to the knee, falls. I walk out ready to avenge and didn't notice that the enemy Archer loaded with Arrow Guard. Oops.

I check Punch Art for the first time in the fight. Only Spin Fist learned. Well, shit.

Archer has like 90 HP. I step in, shoot once, miss (25% chance to hit through Arrow Guard). He feints towards the crystal. I panic and move to try to cut him off, shoot, hit. He had me for a fool and was baiting me out of Spin Fist range as he retreats and mc trickles down to 1 turn left on her timer. I move in and can kill if 1) Spin Fists lands and 2) I hit for near max variance in damage. I don't.

RIP us, next time I come in with Item and we slog through everything slowly but surely. Lesson learned.

Lionel Castle (5 resets)

I remember that I added enemy Knights to this during the PBF screen. Fortunately I came in with Item (as a Geomancer for JP to work on unlocking Samurai) and can wax them with pdown, but Queklain has other plans and Sleeps me immediately. mc came in as Oracle with intent to Life Drain, except she forgot to learn Life Drain. And oh she's 30 JP shorts, whoops.

I suggest using Bolt 2 instead with Rubber Shoes equipped (bonus, it neutralizes the Coral Sword-wielding Knights) and point-blanking it in Queklain's face to double dip against his Counter Magic. This plan is far from foolproof, as Sleep landing causes Knights to heal-lock us (and then Quek can easily polish off with Bio 3), it's really hard to pick each other up from Death Sentence (Queklain is fast!) before getting offed immediately, and he has a lot of HP (600~) that simply withstands any attempt to blitz him. Basically every time Sleep lands from Nightmare it spirals into a wipe.

On one run where we luck out and get DS only, the one surviving Knight that we ignored relentlessly hunts mc down and hits her with Mind Break, destroying her MA twice and ruining our chances of killing Queklain before we die.

On the winning run mc picks up MAU beforehand so that Bolt 2 does like 170 damage (+55 Counter Magic reflect) and we both get Death Sentenced concurrently, allowing us to set up the blitz. The 40% Teleport doesn't fail, the Knights didn't load with horrible breaks, and we kill him literally on her last turn before DS would trigger with me dead. Not too much else to say, get gud with your RNG procs on Nightmare I guess.

(fun fact, Zombie negates death from Death Sentence, mc totes found this out zombieing herself in a hail mary)

Goland Coal City (1 reset)

Olan dies before we get a turn (a Thief loaded with Jump and landed mid-Galaxy Stop charge, after another thief shanks him and he gets booked in the face). Uh okay.

Try again, Olan doesn't get Jumped on and we generally run around mopping up trying to kill anything that looks funny at him. The Chemists are supremely annoying with their X-Potions and fancy schmancy Mithril Guns and one had worst compat with me fml, but eventually Galaxy Stop hax saves the day.


I go Thief after finishing Geomancer for Samurai unlock because I don't have Lancer yet. As I prepare to get daggers mc just sets Equip Sword on me instead and points out I have a Twist Headband, Power Sleeve, and Leather Mantle equipped. Oh okay.

Two Ancient Swords in hand, I step out and move towards HERESY EXAMINER ZALMO. 198 damage later he retreats and tells me that I don't fear God.

Easiest fight in the run so far.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1928 on: October 11, 2016, 09:32:56 AM »
I forgot to mention that the highlight of the Golgorand run was getting mc revived on the top of the gallows, actually finding a turn to Hi-Potion her to not get instantly killed by the Throw Knight, who then promptly throws a Giant Axe next turn for 96 (fatal) damage. To the face. It was hard to argue with, etc.

Underground Book Storage Floor 2 (5-6 resets)

The Lancers here pose a considerable problem. They come with innate Defense UP so they share some of the tankiness of knights, and load randomly with one of Diamond/Flame/Ice/Aegis Shields. The latter three all pose problems because mc went with Fire 4 as nuke spell of choice, which is absorbed, halved, and 50% evaded respectively by those.

Due to the unfortunate circumstance of Zalmo giving me exactly one action's worth of JP I try to make Thief work here but it doesn't go too well as expected. Equip Sword means I don't have Concentrate and we're too broke to buy daggers. I'm actually convinced to try setting Equip Shield for double punching and it works better than expected (trading the damage edge for some decent survivability), but runs go poorly once the Time Mages start hasting everyone up (which typically happens in turns 1-2), Alex proves especially difficult to kill (Aegis Shield + Elf Mantle combo) and always comes loaded with Phoenix Down, making picks hard to stick. The Lancers hit like a truck, easily 2HKOing mc (Auto Potion saves me when it lands, but if it ever fails to proc I'm similarly hosed) and Jump = instant death, which happens with Haste. Oh and if the Time Mages land Slow or Don't Move or whatever those are pretty much rip too.

Level 4 Black Magic does still shine here nonetheless despite the above problems, as the Lancers always bunch up on the staircase such that 3 of them can be hit with a 4v spell, of which only Fire/Ice/Bolt 4 qualify. The extra range (they have 5) is nice too. Ultimately after several failed attempts I just bite the bullet and switch to Archer so that we can hit the backline support immediately. I don't OHKO any of them even mid-charge, but I 2HKO the Time Mages nicely and avoid getting the Lancers hasted, which occupies Alex in return and allows mc to play keepaway a bit while plugging away with Fire 4. It works relatively well and clears the first time, going to show that a lot of our difficulties are probably self-imposed by trying too hard to squeeze in JP on a non-optimal class for a particular fight.

Underground Book Storage Floor 3 (5 resets)

Yeah, blitz Izlude, way too many baddies here. I do actually go Thief for raw damage here and we set up the PBF such that I can reach him turn 1. mc always eats a hit midcharge from the Knight with Germinas Boots, and two other Archers have potential shots that they can line up. Both need to go to me and/or get evaded in some way so she survives charging Fire 4 and lets it resolve. The resets just involve that not happening, too many hits sneaking through. The winning run, I land my first hit on Izlude and he doesn't counter (FOR THE FIRST TIME); not eating a 100% hit (thanks Concentrate) from him lets me draw fire from aforementioned Archers, mc casts boom, she dies afterwards, I punch again for the win.

Underground Book Storage Floor 1 (4 resets)

The blitz is forced here. Lightning Stab doesn't pose as much of a problem anymore since it's -1 range from vanilla but Wiegraf pretty much needs to die to one physical + 1 Fire 4. He has an Elf Mantle and thus has a chance to evade three times, each one letting him escape lethal. There's a remote chance that he can dodge one of my hits and mc can still finish him off with a miracle teleport on the second round but that ends up not working, and on the winning run he just doesn't dodge anything.

Grog Hill (3 resets)

Low faith means magic is no bueno, so mc goes Mediator (with the intent of Preaching herself up as we had settled for a mere 68 Faith at the soldier office) and I go Lancer to finish unlocking Samurai (with only Level 2 Jump learned, naturally).

So the Chemists here are the problem (Phoenix Down, X-Potion blah blah etc.) and they come with Mithril Guns, which hurt. We saw 'em before in Goland but this time the terrain is way more favorable to them. The Squires kind of enable the whole sandbag approach as they run around Yelling other units and Reinforcing them; Reraise on the Chemists is obviously problematic to trying to control and end the fight. Magey comes with 100% ITE evade-ignoring (outside of Catch!!!) 2HKO damage and has pretty good move, on top of having Start: Reraise thanks to his katana. Eph, due to having only 7 move as opposed to 8 when Squire had 5 base Move, opts to hang back and use Squire support stuff alongside the other one, which is actually worse. And the Archer can hit pretty much anything he wants on the map, and that's bad.

The token Talk Skill choice taken is Death Sentence, and we eventually find out that it's pretty good here since our damage is anemic and it's advisable to kill several units at once, preferably including the Chemist(s), since it spreads out their ability to revive and heal dead units immediately (or just heal, in the case of Reraise going off). However, our first few attempts prove too aggressive and end with us just dying too quickly. Ultimately we decide to hang back, taking cover behind the rock outcroppings of the hill to avoid Chemists from being able to shoot us, letting the higher move units (Eph, Magey) come to us so we can deal with them on an individual basis.

Ultimately this more careful approach ends with success, especially after adjusting the PBF so Eph DOES come down with an axe to the face and gets thoroughly murdered for his efforts. There's a lot of dancing around due to mc's CT timer being uncooperative when she dies and getting instagibbed by the Archer when I move to reset, but she sneaks in actions and brings the fight to a controllable level. We Threaten one of the remaining Chemists to chicken status and finish the Faith/Brave raising to what degree you can in one fight.

Yardow Fort City (4 resets)

If Rafa didn't have Catch this would be so bad.

So surprise #1 is that Malak is actually not made out of paper due to our offense being primarily magic, packs a respectable physical (!) and, most hilariously, can load with Exploding Frog. It only happened once but it happened, and it happened in the middle of a very crucial Shiva charge. To my dismay I found out that I had not learned Maiden's Kiss and had to leave mc to her amphibious fate.

Drag out the fight too long and Rafa dies. Let Ninjas come within melee range and probably die. Let Summoners charge on you (one always comes with Short Charge) and you... probably die, although that's a bit dependent on faith, compat, summons learned, etc. (We saw Bahamut one time and it was bad.)

Of course the fight with Ninjas and Summoners actually sounds easier than most fights so I try to get by playing Wizard for MAU on my eventual road to Samurai (Item secondary) while mc does the normal Oracle with Summon Magic thing (Shiva's aoe here is crucial to hit 3+ targets on the first turn, and Ninjas are fragile). This ends badly because my only contribution to the fight is generally casting a wimpy Fire and getting owned. In a total surprise, when I switch to Time Mage and cast Haste at the start instead of being a useless body, we win handily. You'd think I have learned my lesson by now.

Yuguo Woods (3 resets)

Of course I didn't.

This fight's eaaaaaaasy, they're all undead, I have Item with Phoenix Down, what could possibly go wrong?

Shadow Stitch. Shadow Stitch could go wrong.

The normally harmless lowest class of the Ghoul family is pretty lackluster on paper. He has a relatively weak ranged physical in Throw Spirit and doesn't like to use much else. However, Monster Skill turns that into a range 4 100% Stop threat, and Stop landing on either of us is effectively a wipe (in shocking news that should surprise no one, it's really bad when one of your PCs in a 2-man challenge get statused out).

Not only do the other two ghouls provide opportunities for this to happen, all of the enemy undead mages (two Time Mages, two Wizards) possess Monster Skill as well, so they also qualify. And actually, Samurai with only 3 base move turns out to be not terribly great, especially when the ghouls have MP Switch and thus a OHKO on them isn't guaranteed. mc actually suggests that I equip to block Stop since that wipes us twice in a row but I stubbornly refuse, opting to keep an Aegis Shield and Elf Mantle to try to mitigate all threats in the fight (Slow landing from the TMs is also really, really bad). AGAIN, when I finally give up and switch to Chemist to get innate Item, we literally roll over the encounter. Sigh.

Gate of Riovanes Castle (2 resets)

mc picks up Blind before this with the idea of slapping the three Archers on the castle walls with it at the start of the fight (with Teleport of course) since the night penalty is in effect here and that'll effectively neutralize them. I do go Samurai for this fight despite its disaster in the previous one, as I've picked up Asura and the ID proc might come in handy against the tanky Knight brigade that also calls this place home.

The first wrinkle is that one of the Archers decides to just hop down from the wall (thanks innate Ignore Height) and shoot us on turn 1, making Blind only viable for two targets immediately. Well, sure, she'll settle for two, oh, the teleport failed? Fiiiiine, let's just blind the archer that hopped down and the Knight at the gate.

I move forward, confident of victory, as I've picked up Defense UP from Lancer and have Auto-Potion. Come at me, bro, what's the worst you're gonna do

*Death Sentence*

Okay well that's pretty bad uhhhh shit mc has no revival


After realizing that this is probably going to be a long fight, mc switches out her Black Magic secondary to Item in case I am in fact sentenced to death once more. At this juncture I politely suggest that mc should pick up Maiden's Kiss, with no context. She does not adhere to my advice.

Afterwards, the start goes way better as Asura procs and kills that annoying Talk Skill Knight immediately, mc lands her blind (although has terrible evade luck even at sub-30% chances to hit and almost dies to arrows anyway) and it generally looks like the fight is going okay when

*Water Ball*

you can guess what happened

mc then learns Maiden's Kiss.

NEXT TIME we just roll through without any particular drama (no I didn't get frogged this time, it was pretty funny). Archers get neutralized and taken out, that one Knight is cut down and he doesn't land his DS, the other Knights slowly crawl their ways upwards and get Asura'd/Zombie'd into pdown respectively. Malak is of course killed by sending in Rafa with no armor, thanks cutscene triggers.

Riovanes Castle (7 resets)

So the pre-planning for this fight actually began way back earlier in Ch3 when I brought it up, since I wanted to have a grip on what we needed to buy before starting the 3-fight chain at Riovanes. We concluded that I would just win the duel with Auto-Potion (and uh pray Undead doesn't proc off of Lightning Stab, that's kinda an instant loss), mc would go for blowing up the Archaic Demons and we'd just ignore Velius until Innocent wore off. His skillset without magic is Loss (confusion), Lose Voice (silence) and Shock (based off of damage to him) so with N-Kai Armlets we'd immune his status entirely and just avoid smacking him until we were ready to deal with him. Since I was going to head in as Knight to make the fight with Wiegraf painless, Speed Break seemed like an optimal strat, with Time Magic on top of that to lock down the victory (with after being Speed Broken he'd have at least 4 speed due to innate Sprint Shoes being equipped on him to avoid exactly this particular strat, and Shock was going to kill 1 of 2 PCs per turn so... we needed to kill him super fast before he got turns). mc of course would go Yin-Yang (Life Drain) with Summon (Shiva) to accomplish killing Velius and the demons respectively.

The duel results in Wiegraf and I trading turns, him getting a double before I knock him down to retreat HP. He gets 4 chances to proc Undead at 20% chance each, if it ever lands it's just a reset. Annoying, but I deal, and a large part of the reset count here.

Once that's over with we found out that Shiva doesn't really come close to killing the Archaic Demons - they've had their HP mult increased and sit at around 250-280 HP, pretty comfortable out of OHKO range. We experiment with Wizard and packing more MA but it still never becomes reliable. On top of that their speed is annoyingly variable, with two coming in at 7 speed and one at 6, making CT syncing up a bit trickier. Oh also, Velius loses Innocent in 2 turns, and he will charge a very fatal Cyclops on mc even before it wears off because the AI is smart enough to make sure it resolves at the right time. And since I am running Time Magic, I have no revival.

The demons are bad too of course - Dark Holy is sometimes an OHKO on mc depending on compat and Lifebreak obviously makes not killing them extremely dicey, and Shiva just isn't cutting it. Even switching to Fire 4 it doesn't become reliable enough (setting for trying to kill 2 demons instead of all 3). We try some shenanigans where I haste her and she equips to 8 speed going to 12 to try for an instant cast before they move and various other tweaks, but yeah nothing really works that well and it's clear the damage blitz isn't going to pan out with our current setups and PC count.

So I take a break, come back, and mc tells me that she has a plan.

A plan with a name. The name is

*Death Sentence*

100% serious, here is the deal. Go in as Mediator with Yin-Yang. Dick around while Velius's Innocent is still wearing off, stalling at the very south end of the map. Death Sentence both of us after his first turn but before his second. Learn Demi 2 on TM (I had enough JP for this, just barely), and at 7 CT it will resolve right after Innocent wears off. Cast two Demi 2 and two Life Drain respectively and hope all of the demons and Velius just don't care about FFT AI is great like that.

I am listening and can't see any real flaw in the plan other than the worry that Velius might decide to kill one of us to interrupt a spell being charged on him (especially a lethal one) but the AI is not consistent about this so it may well be worth a try.

As it turns out, it works ~~~exactly as planned~~~ with Velius totally ignoring us, mc dying to Death Sentence after Life Draining twice and me killing Velius with the second Demi 2 with 1 tick left on the DS timer.

Roof of Riovanes Castle (3 resets)

mc vetoes my strip plan, she instantly dies to Ultima and I get petrified.

We equip to make sure Ultima isn't fatal but fuck up the PBF. She gets two charged on her and dies instantly, I get petrified.

mc equips to 8 speed to get an action before the Ultimas resolve and moves to redirect it. I am unfortunately out of range, and she didn't equip a stick or staff (damaging MA weapon basically) so her rod physical does not impress Celia. She dies, I get petrified.

FINALLY the two fatal Ultimas get charged and I AM in range, and the redirects plus the katana hits proves fatal.

thanks obama
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

metroid composite

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1929 on: October 12, 2016, 09:39:19 AM »
Doguola Pass (10ish resets)

We were losing a lot.  One enemy was fixed with an Ageis Shield.  The Lancers often had white robes, and sometimes Ageis Shields themselves.  Fire4 was both missing, not large enough AoE, and not doing enough to OHKO the targets it needed to.  Shiva had the AoE but was really not doing enough damage, and MAU Shiva means 7ctr, so was generally too slow to be used after the first turn.

So...we grinded.  I figured I should at least get a summon that didn't roll over to white robes.  Laggy could use Draw Outs other than Asura.  And we were cash starved.

Looked at the multipliers of all the summons.  Bahamut seemed a lot higher than stuff like Leviathan, and it had 5 radius AoE, so went with that.  God damn that spell is pretty good.  Immediately crushed the fight the moment I had Bahamut.

Let's pause a bit. vanilla, there's legit arguments between MAU Shiva and say, short charge Leviathan (assuming you have the JP for both).  MAU makes Shiva have effectively 32 XA, compared to Leviathan's 38 XA.  Leviathan is one clocktick slower.  Leviathan is bigger, but nearly twice the mana.  Leviathan requires an accessory to be strengthened when there's a lot competing for the accessory slot.  Like...if MAU and Shiva weren't 400 and 200 JP compared to 800 and 850 JP for short charge leviathan, it would be competitive.

The dynamic in LFT is changed.  Not that Shiva is a bad ability; it's 200 JP, and has the lowest MP; I used it for a long time just because I didn't bother to get more summons.  But it definitely feels like an earlygame ability now that falls off.

Now I guess the lategame setup argument is between...Short Charge + Bahamut (5 ctr, 39 XA, 76 MP, 5v3), Half of MP + Odin (5 ctr, 36 XA, 49 MP, 4v2), MAU + Salamander (6 ctr, 44ish XA, 56 MP, 3vinfinite), or MAU + Titan (4 ctr, 32ish XA, 40 MP, 3v3).  MAU has interesting variety here, with either high damage, or fast ctr--but it lacks a large area option.  Half of MP is actually the lower MP option for 4 area summons.  Short Charge gets you a 5 area summon (with a bit more damage than anything else at 5 ctr.  MAU gets more damage at 6ctr).  Actually, I guess I shouldn't ignore cyclops, just for completeness.  Short Charge Cyclops (4ctr, 45 XA, 64 MP, 3v3).  I think the short charge plan is probably the strongest of the three possible supports, although it is significantly more mana hungry, so that is a consideration.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1930 on: November 07, 2016, 10:27:15 PM »
Bervenia Free City (0 resets)

So Bahamut hits 5 units, killing 4 of them and taking off half of Meliadoul's HP. CK jumps in to try to make a nuisance of himself, but mc has a White Robe on plus a Feather Mantle so the double Ice Brand setup isn't really that threatening. The stray Summoner on the left is also sad about the White Robe. Eventually chip damage and Meliadoul walking in range to Shellbust Stab takes out mc, but she then dies next turn to my Draw Out.

Finath River (3 resets)

So mc equips Magic DefenseUP over here to avoid being utterly destroyed by Choco Meteor (2HKOs on neutral compat, this moves it to a high 3HKO). I stay in Samurai.

Draw #1: 4 reds! They have about 300 HP due to us being in our high 30s. We get utterly destroyed.

Draw #2: 2 reds and a Uribo. This looks slightly more doable but I miss the OHKO on the Uribo by like 2 damage and then pigfear does horrible things involving 100% sleep/confusion, 80%+ charm, and full instant revival on the Red Chocobo we did blitz down.

At this point bad charge times make mc abandon MDU and go back to Short Charge to actually try to take out stuff fast enough before they get in range and inevitably crush us with space rocks.

Draw #3: Another 2 reds and a Uribo, ends similarly poorly. I try waiting with Transparent on the Muramasa and moving back to Kiyomori but uh no pig has 15 speed and that's bad

Draw #4: 4 yellows and a Uribo. Set up to kill pig immediately because it's the only actual threatening thing. Yellow chocobos peck us a lot but can't break through Auto Potion and healing.

Finath River is scary guys

Zeltennia Church (6 resets)

Zalmo is easy so it's time to get some JP in Calculator, right? Right? Uh... no.

1. As broken as Delita is, there ARE eight enemy units on this map (3 Samurai, 4 Oracles, and Zalmo himself) and Zalmo comes equipped with effectively limitless full healing and revival. This is not really a big deal with the action economy of a full party but a lot more stressful when you only have two and one is a 5 Speed Calculator. Yes, he can be silenced, but early actions are much more critical and need to be spend disabling immediate threats.

2. Status landing is pretty bad and usually a wipe. Confusion is probably the most forgiving, but it still more or less caused situations to go out of control. Silence is obviously awful if it lands on mc. Don't Act is enough to swing momentum over to the enemy side to an unwinnable situation no matter who it hits. We equip to counter it (Feather Mantle on mc after we give up trying to use Calculator, I have Equip Shield with Aegis and abandon even trying to use Two Hands on my Samurai) but even sub-40% hit rates are threatening.

And also there's this status called Zombie

mc: "There's like 4 dead units surely he'll revive one of them instead of going after me"
Zalmo: *charges fatal spell on her*
mc: "Oh whatever I can just silence that" (checks AT list) "Oh it's Cure 2 and preempts Silence Song"


I actually learn Holy Water after that wipe in case this comes up again (it doesn't, sadly)

Eventually we go back to the Bahamut plan, and it's a good one. Kills like 4 units off of one casting on the first turn. mc needs to shuffle around carefully with Teleport always trying to stay out of range of enemy Oracles statusing her out... usually works but sometimes a key Teleport to land a good spell exposes her to one. And also sometimes Teleport fails which is obviously bad. I am pretty useless early on and spend my first turn always Kiyomoring Delita and myself to extend our longevity, since he actually has damage and draws a lot of fire from the opening Samurai pair on the ground floor. He is also low faith and has a shield, and thus is just very essential to distracting the enemy team (although it's pretty bad if he does get statused out, fortunately doesn't happen that often).

- Spell Absorb drains almost 300 MP from Zalmo to summoner mc's 210ish~ MP
- Enemies can't see me if I'm Transparent, obviously I should walk up as far as possible oh am I range of Draw Outs trying to hit Delita fuck dead
- One good run is ended by an axe to my face and charm landing (I could not argue)
- Wizard Rod beatdowns from Zalmo do almost 100 damage

Auto Potion is starting to show its limitations as 70 HP just doesn't cut it anymore, and even at 88 Brave sometimes it fails (X-Potion price hike makes them prohibitive to use for AP, and we have serious cash crunch issues due to katanas and constantly changing setups to deal with fights). I'll probably switch to Blade Grasp after this (Balk 1 hahaha yes I will.)
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1931 on: November 28, 2016, 10:58:31 AM »
Belated reply, but yeah, the most recent version of LFT doesn't work on the PSP or on original hardware unfortunately, evidently the ASM that prevents you from equipping abilities that are already innate to the job is what crashes it.
I don't suppose we could get a version of the patch without that particular ASM applied? I think foregoing that particular functionality in exchange for being able to run it on the PSP is a worthwhile tradeoff


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1932 on: November 29, 2016, 06:47:06 AM »
Yes, I can probably do that. Bit busy this week but I'll look into it.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1933 on: November 29, 2016, 08:04:31 AM »
Ask and ye shall receive. (Actually, it's because Celdia is a magical fairy and is fuckin' awesome.)

If you want to get a PSP eBoot uploaded with this after confirming that it works I would be very grateful.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1934 on: November 29, 2016, 08:26:23 AM »
Laggy are you a wizard who consults magic beings for assistance in your dark rituals?

Asking for a friend.
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1935 on: November 29, 2016, 10:49:38 PM »
I am a wizard, yes

But not in this playthrough

Bed Desert (2 resets)

Hasted Balk is very scary. The Time Mage basically always opens with Haste or Haste 2 on a pack of people and it puts us on the defensive very fast. The Mediators start far away enough that they aren't too threatening (just gotta make sure Richard doesn't kill us with booc), and mc equips Finger Guard anyway to make sure we don't get fucked by Talk Skill. srsly, Talk Skill is scary. Not the first fight where Finger Guard gets set.

mc opts for a Flame Shield setup in the first run but that just draws Snipe out of Balk, with Arm Aim landing first try, and the momentum loss too great to recover from there.

Second time through we both go for White Robes. This deals with Balk better (he'll take half damage shots over Snipe), but unfortunately Muramasa comes just short of OHKOing the Geomancers from the MA loss, and they kind of need to go since they have the potential to cause us to lose pretty much instantly if Elemental procs status. I get killed shortly afterwards.

Third time we go back to the true and tired "let's set up for Bahamut to wipe the field" and with correct timing/speed it does. Balk and a couple of stragglers live but it's nothing we can't take care of. There's a few tense moments because he's so fast (and hasted) that the gun landing a Level 2 or 3 could drop us, but fortunately we luck out, even manage to eat a few crystals and chests before burying him into the sand.

North/South Wall (4 resets)

We try North Wall first! Bahamut worked well, so the strategy is to stick to it and try to go for a lot of kills early on. Unfortunately it comes with some hitches this time around.

First try, everyone loads with super low faith and/or bad compat and it actually doesn't kill a single person. The Dancer came with Wiznaibus, whose damage adds up surprisingly fast. Actually it's just about the only thing that hits through Blade Grasp; everyone else here cries about it. Unfortunately mc doesn't have that luxury and repeatedly has to retreat or get revived from the flurry of arrows and occasional Jump that sneaks through, and the second Monk manages to kill me by surprise. A retry goes similarly, with Bahamut not quite getting kills, and Chakra patching enemies back up into fighting condition.

Third time through Cyclops gets pulled out with a lot more success, downing a couple of units and crippling a third. The fight gets controlled slowly and I make sure to pdown mc when CT lines up to give her immediate turns. Eventually the fight boils down to just Soppy at critical HP and we run around farming crystals.

At some point the turn order lines up such that the fastest way to end the fight is to have mc suicide teleport onto a crystal to prevent Soppy from taking it, but doing so would cause her to get killed by him immediately afterwards. He's one hit away from death and I have Blade Grasp so I tell her to do it, then close in for the kill. Soppy then promptly lands a 12% hit for the OHKO and ruins the run.

Morale thoroughly destroyed, we try South Wall for a change of pace, where mc gets killed before she moves by the Ninja and Attack UP Mediators. I kill someone here and there, but it doesn't stick because Soppy has pdown and the Samurai are advancing, one loaded with Kiku and punishing me for not expecting it. Despite that, I still move around fairly fearlessly (only the Samurai across the screen can hit through Blade Grasp and as long as I stay out of melee range of the Ninja and Soppy to avoid Two Swords shenanigans I'm pretty invincible). This is where you hear about me getting owned by 12% chances again by Soppy, right...? No, actually, this time the north Mediator locks Zombie on me with 100% hit chance. So now Soppy has a guaranteed 4 range OHKO on me and mc's counter is ticking. I position myself to move the only path I can find that can reach her in time without getting killed in the process, which unfortunately exposes me to the Ninja. He rolls double my HP on his second mace swing.

Yeah OK. We go back to North Wall and clean up.

Bethla Garrison (0 resets)

We start on the same side of the PBF, which is immediately a mistake because that's the side with Knights charging down the hill that don't give two shits about Bahamut.

I'm still in Samurai (have been this entire time) with Muramasa, so I start with Transparent on and gently ease past them. mc is forced to a tactical retreat to the bridge beneath the sluice, getting sniped by arrows and generally zoning herself away from being shanked in melee range while looking for an opportunity to take out Shale.

Trapped at the bottom of the map, things look grim as any attempt on my part to revive her will end equally poorly for me, Blade Grasp or not. But wait! The Knights are... leaving their positions on the dam levers. They're going after mc because they can't see Ramza due to Transparent. Hope springs renewed; I sneak my way up the hill and flip the first switch. mc gets swarmed and dies horribly but she takes out the other 80+ Faith Wizard that had wandered down in the process.

But at this point it's just a matter of me getting to the other lever and... oh... shit. Apparently if the AI thinks the party is dead the Knights revert to their guard positions.

The death counter is still ticking, so I'm on a clock. Maybe if Ramza is revealed that asshole on the left lever will leave his post. I present as appetizing a target as possible to him, wandering into a pack of them and Muramasaing three people at point blank range. It works as he steps to the side to take a potshot at me with his crossbow. If Blade Grasp failed at ALL on the subsequent flurry of attacks that came at me I would have died, but fortunately RNGesus blesses me this time around and I rush back in to flip the switch, promptly causing mc's corpse to be lost somewhere in the deluge down below.

We pick up Excalibur, some shiny Crystal armor, a Bracer and delicious delicious Flash Hats at the store. Kiku too. oh yeah some thunder god too but who cares about him
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1936 on: November 29, 2016, 11:45:01 PM »
Germinas Peak (1 reset)

I am now a shiny Ubersquire with Auto Haste and Draw Out, the stuff of dreams.

Anyway I honestly don't remember too much about how we wiped the first time but I'm pretty sure a pack of Ninjas all loaded with shit all for faith and got buffed/hasted/reraised/something horrible by jsh and then they got close and murderfaced us before we could murderface them. The second time this doesn't happen. The fight drags on long with that whore OK the flying Chemist throwing around his drugs like nobody's business and jsh generally being the Most Annoying Bard ever (Nameless Song lands reraise like every fucking cycle) but judicious healing of mc and Blade Grasp slowly attritions them out. Feels a lot more tense than it ended up being but then again that's mostly because we resorted to crystal farming at the end when things seemed under control. I don't have revival anymore aside from 5 CT "Suicide" Wish so some more careful play is called for.

Poeskas Lake (0 resets)

Turn 1 the ghost train teleports in, looking to do something horrible and mc is forced to blow Salamander on single targets while running away to neutralize them. She runs herself out of MP in a corner but it doesn't really matter, I kill two and advance forward, OHKOing all of the NPC ghosts or whatever because they do smart things like charge spells in front of Excalibur. One of the ghost reanimates near the end but can't take out mc before getting staff beaten.

Gate of Limberry Castle (2 resets)

The Apandas have buckets of HP and basically cannot be sanely killed, so the start of all attempts begin with some dice rolling of "does Bio 2 instantly petrify mc". Fortunately they never do. On attempt 1 I misjudge my range from the assassins and get petrified. Afterwards, mc points out that I probably want to learn Ultima here, since it's actually kinda legit when I'm running an MAU setup and gives me some range and mild aoe that Draw Out does not. So I equip to block petrify and look to bait them to cast Ultima for fatal damage. It works a little bit too well, we both get killed in the process. Third time we play it a bit more safe and that doesn't happen, and a summon plus a Draw Out sends Lede packing.

Inside of Limberry Castle (6 resets)

So obviously the goal here is to kill Elmdor (he has to die; low HP doesn't cut it). A few ground rules:

1. Our best damage is Muramasa and Cyclops, respectively (Life Drain comes up a bit short, but on the other hand is pretty fast, and heals). Muramasa is a borderline 4HKO, Cyclops a modest 3HKO. With a single Life Drain tossed somewhere in there, this kills in four actions, barring shenanigans.
2. We want to bait Elmdor into coming down to Muramasa both of us on turn 1, but avoiding getting OHKOed by it. If we don't, he ends up Blood Sucking, which makes the fight considerably more complicated. One of the runs where we played around with setups this happens and puts the fight too far off (sure, I Blood Suck him back for more damage overall, but it's too slow before Celia and Lede come in to end the fight.)
3. The assassins can be avoided on the first turn with correct PBF placement, but they close in afterwards unless you Teleport out of range. They're capable of incapacitating either of us from 6 range (Seal), but prefer to use Ultima if it's fatal (with no charge time). Sometimes this can be baited to splash onto Elmdor.

On some attempts Elmdor gets put to low HP and retreats, using Masamune, hasting and regening himself and usually an assassin. This is Very Bad. They're also fast enough even without haste to throw a wrench into Cyclops' charge time on occasion, forcing some on the spot CT calculation. We play a lot with various setups, mixing in and out Angel Rings or offensive accessories to try to find something that consistently works. But the fight itself has very little variance and it's a matter of finding a script that works, outside of Teleport's failure chance.

Ultimately the winning run ends up with me going all-in on speed (Excalibur, Flash Hat, Sprint Shoes) and getting an extra lapped turn that I hadn't on previous attempts which seals the deal, as we find out that the extra damage from Muramasa is actually detrimental as it pushes him to critical HP and forces his AI to retreat. The loss of MA for speed prevents this and also gives me the action needed to end the fight reliably.

Join the Froggers (1 reset)

We equip Black Costumes to not instantly lose to Spell and barrel on in. mc swaps to Time Mage for this because we're going to go for controlling the fight, and I stick to Ubersquire but opt for Item to take out the back skeletons immediately (and as revival). We both have Equip Shield with Aegis Shields to discourage Flare 2, Toad 2, and skeleton Souls.

This causes Zalera to always open with Confuse 2. First attempt I move too close to mc on my opening turn, we both get hit, and that's that. Second time through I stay farther away, and the game does its best to make me wonder why 50% evasion feels more like 5%. mc's opening confused turn is Slow on Zalera, which proves to be absolutely crucial to getting the tempo of the fight on our side. Meliadoul is thoroughly useless as always, and I have a couple of really close calls as one of the skeletons has good compat with me and 2HKOs with its Soul. The second confused turn has mc teleport down into the water where mercifully the Knight that's in range rolls very low on his mace swing. (On the previous wipe he'd overkilled her twice over on one hit.) I step in and am pleased that Item has infinite vertical tolerance at 1 range to apply a dosage of pdown. Zalera pops off Flare 2 and laughs at Aegis Shield, but Life Drain patches things back up and the other Knight gets owned by the most overpowered ability in the game as well.

We retreat backwards and there's a really scary moment where a skeleton revives with full health at the same time Slow wears off of Zalera. To reapply Slow and prevent things from snowballing badly mc has to charge while the skeleton acts mid-charge, but she takes a risky Teleport atop one of the tombstones in the back to stay out of melee range and successfully avoids getting killed. Life Drain and Screaming Excalibur physicals later take him down handily.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1937 on: November 29, 2016, 11:52:55 PM »
Petition: rename the map Bad Desert because you got wrecked.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1938 on: November 29, 2016, 11:57:37 PM »
like i wrecked your mom last night
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1939 on: November 30, 2016, 12:20:48 AM »
Inside of Igros Castle (1 reset)

I plan to cheese out Adramelk with Scream abuse. No hint of shame whatsoever, I don't feel like dealing with 999 parasitic healing. Elf Mantles get slapped on because Undeath is Undead/Slow/Blind and he has 15 speed, so getting Slowed is awful (doubly so for me since I run Auto Haste).

The fight starts with Tide ramming his fist up Zalbag's ass. So Dycedarg takes basically no damage. mc catches like five people in a Meteor (like how could you NOT take the shot there) and... it doesn't do anything, because they're all fucking Knights. So as good as that looked it was actually kind of a tactical error, as she's now MP sapped and we aren't really any closer to preparing for the transition to Adramelk. I ran off turn 1 and am bellowing my lungs out every turn, creeping closer to the staircase to close in with Dycedarg but keeping my distance and stalling as long as possible.

The chorus of Dycedarg's elder brother's admirers begin singing their praises. Tide hops down to look to score a kill on mc, so he forces our hand in taking out Dycedarg quickly. I got a fairly sufficient number of Screams in beforehand, and hit him before retreating well out of Night Sword range. We wait for Undeath and... he doesn't take it. Instead he waltzes forward to hit mc with Treachery, as we hadn't anticipated the range of that. I move in to throw stone her out of it but he keeps reapplying it, and eventually I miscalculate and walk just in range to get charmed myself. ggwp

Second time through 1) Tide does not ANLFST Zalbag immediately into submission and 2) we don't blow 80 MP on a Meteor that doesn't do all that much. Instead I tell mc to just keep herself hasted in a corner and drag out the fight while I begin Screaming up the staircase again. We carefully calculate a sequence of turns to get within range of Dycedarg and deal fatal damage while ignoring all of the Knights; Zalbag living and being an actual worthwhile distraction contributes significantly to pulling this off.

Beforehand I also threw the Elf Mantle off of mc to try to bait out Undeath, as it's likely that immuning Slow on both of us discouraged him from using it. This indeed does turn out to be the case, and it's his opening move this time. Free of worries of getting hit by Night Sword, we waltz in for the kill. Sure he gets a turn from Critical Quick, but there's not much he can do with it.

Murond Holy Place (3 resets)

This place is fucking sandbag central. Two Geomancers with fully loaded White Magic, a Summoner, Meeple with his Math Skill and Mediators to really remind me that Blade Grasp is far from a catchall evasion.

We spend a lot of time worrying about how the Summoner will lock onto mc and OHKO her but honestly that doesn't end up being the issue, keeping anyone dead is. Kills just don't stick, and my brazen waltzing onto the roof of the church is greeted rudely with Negotiate tying me in place. I get bopped to death, putting the fight on a timer, and yeah one PC just cannot kill them fast enough in the face of Cure 3 and Raise 2 being thrown around like candy.

Second attempt Meeple comes in with CT 4 Haste and things get hairy. I'm paranoid and stick back a lot more this time, but this ends up with the same problem: mc's offense alone isn't really enough to get anything done, and when I do advance forward I come just a hair short of OHKOing the Mediators, who again talk me to death.

Third time there's no Math Skill Haste to screw everything up, but Meeple has Shell instead and actually uses it very effectively to stop mc's (now heavily MA twinked) summons from scoring OHKOs on multiple people at once. I had been opening with Kiyomori and healing on previous attempts but this time I just Scream a couple of times before going in, looking to try to keep people down. mc teleports up onto the roof as well to get into the mix of things as we battle against their endless waves of revival and healing, and at some point I go down again to getting statused out, which causes the fight to slowly grind down into an unwinnable situation.

After that I say fuck it and just throw off all of my defensive stuff. No Angel Ring, back to Wizard Robe, Magic Gauntlet, just kill kill kill. Scream a bunch of things while mc takes out the summoner turn 1, and with my increased speed I get a doubleturn to run up and Muramasa like 4 people. They don't recover from that, although they try their damned best to do so. Meeple not loading with any significant Math Skillable spells also helps significantly to making sure things don't get out of hand.

The 3 Stooges (2 resets)

ok so I'm just gonna paraphrase the conversation that happened as we went into this fight

"I wanna go wizard and get some JP so I can finally pick up MAU"

"this fight is going to end in ONE TURN"

"Are you sure? They're pretty tanky now..."

"Do you really think they're going to survive Meteor and a couple of actions from you?"

"Well, no, probably not"

"Yeah don't worry about it"


So yeah, just all damage Draw Out Ubersquire, and mc with all MA equipment looking for the single Meteor. I Scream and wait, Vormov and Roffle advance forward. I step in and tickle them with Draw Out, mc charges Meteor and includes me in the radius because it's funny. Kletian has not acted yet.

Kletian walks into Meteor range and ends his turn.

"What the fuck? Did he just...? Why? What logic is the AI following?"

"Uh I dunno that's weird"

Space rock, space rock,
Make me a space rock,
Find me a find,
catch me a catch

I eat something like 650 damage because I am best compat with mc and die horribly. Vormav and Rofel are on their knees.

"Well that should end the fi-"

*Counter Magic*


Space rock, space rock
Look through your book,
And make me a perfect space rock

After picking our jaws from the floor we try again and fuck up the speed on mc or something so Kletian instant casts Dark Holy on her for the OHKO and she dies

The third time we figure out how to avoid that

fucking kletian man

fucking counter magic

fuck wizards

fuck space rocks.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1940 on: November 30, 2016, 01:03:06 AM »
You know that isn't so bad.  He could have gone 8 times in a row spamming 100% ID attacks.

Also mum is doing okay, she is out of the ICU now.  She just isn't as prepared for the brutal backstabbing like you give me every day.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

metroid composite

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1941 on: November 30, 2016, 04:47:06 AM »
Laggy asked me to write about Balk, as he was basically asleep at the time.

Balk 2: 2 resets.

Obviously standard SCC strategies here, set PBF far back, get Balk to retreat.  I wore Flame Shield Rubber Shoes.  Laggy wore White Robe (probably should have worn Flame Shield Rubber Shoes).  I believe I was a Chemist with Yin Yang Magic, although it's possible that I was an Oracle with Item.  Laggy was an ubersquire with Item and two hands.

First couple attempts we tried to make it work in the back corner by the first PBF.  The problem is that after screaming for the first couple turns, Laggy naturally wants to kill the Hydra when it gets in range, and this makes Balk relevant again.  Third attempt I actually split up our PBFs, starting me as far to the center as possible; Laggy would scream and run down.  Balk still retreats to the same location, but now that location is much further away, allowing Laggy to advance forward and one shot scary things like Tiamats and Hydras.

The Tiamat and the Hydra die almost immediately with both of us at full health, and I position Laggy on the location that bugs out the Behemoth AI.  (Basically, the Behemoth walks up to a location where it can jump up,  and then you stand on top of that location.  The Behemoth still sees that path as the obvious route through, so he just waits on spot forever).

I told Laggy that we had won, that I couldn't think of a way we could lose now.  And then he died to the Hyudra.  Turns out triple bracelet now eats half of the target's HP, instead of 1/3.  Well, whatever, not a problem, I revive Laggy.  HOWEVER, for some reason Laggy dieing causes Balk's AI to stop being stupid and charge forward, and start using Don't Act.  On top of that, the Hyudra (the enemy who can still threaten with gravity damage) happens to be bad compatibility with Laggy, so Laggy is quite a bit of screaming away from being able to one-shot him.  At one point he actually has to use Hi Potion twice in a row just to get enough HP to not die to Triple Bracelet (he didn't have X-Potion learned).  And of course, Balk is back in the fight and don't acting people.  We end up retreating clockwise around the map (to the area where Balk starts) until Don't Act can wear off on Laggy wears off and he can kill the Hyudra and the Behemoth.  With all the support dead, and Laggy having screamed a lot with Two Hands and Excalibur, Laggy's able to smack Balk a couple times for the win.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1942 on: November 30, 2016, 12:30:17 PM »
I'll try to test it on the weekend unless someone does it before me


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1943 on: December 04, 2016, 01:56:22 AM »
Alright, the NoRSM version seems to work on PSP - played it through the first Orbonne Monastery fight.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1944 on: December 06, 2016, 08:58:26 PM »
Great to hear. I'll get around to putting a link to that version on the main page for people who want to play it on their PSP then.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1945 on: December 06, 2016, 09:58:02 PM »
Anyone with a CD burner want to test if it works on PSX or PS2?  I might be able to test in a couple of weeks when I get to Brisbane if I have time um and haven't lost my ps2.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1946 on: December 07, 2016, 01:31:16 AM »
Zombie Zalbag (8+ resets)

This one caught me off guard; mc commented that it was a hard fight for some SCCs so it didn't surprise her.

In LFT Zalbag is super tanky (770ish HP, innate defenses + Protect/Shell), and now comes with HP->1 (Gravi 2) and the ability to instantly resurrect all dead demons on the field at half health. This is obviously bad. To boot we don't really have the damage to take the demons out anyway, so the gameplan is simply to ignore them and try to blitz.

Life Drain is an obvious necessity, but my offense is anemic at best so we're looking at a 5HKO (3 Life Drains, 2-3 hits from me) under optimal circumstances. To boot mc has high faith so Dark Holy is a serious problem - she has to equip for HP just to avoid getting oneshotted even post-Kiyomori. Depending on how much faith and compat they load Dark Holy is quite capable of going up to a high 2HKO on me as well, despite equipping Crystal Mail over Wizard Robe. The demons close in immediately on their first turn, albeit with Auto Haste I get two actions first - the first is usually spent with Kiyomori, the second using Scream to go from 11 to 12 base speed threshold and gain an extra speed point. We hang back near the start. During the first few runs I head to a bad spot and get immediately HP 1'd by Zalbag, which forces healing out of mc; eventually we correct this.

Pretty much all of the wipes are due to failing the blitz. Damaging the demons is a no-no, but they take us out in 2 actions at worst, sometimes 1 for mc, and Zalbag does eventually close the gap and eating a physical is a 2HKO for mc as well (not a factor for me due to Blade Grasp). One run I ended up on a 0v panel and got Blood Sucked which actually looked promising, but the HP Zalbag got back was enough to stave off Life Drain from being fatal before a wipe occurred. I suggest trying a plan to status out the demons at one point because we seem to keep failing to stay alive long enough, but mc has other ideas and pulls out our trusty Ch1-Ch2 cheese: going Knight.

It's worth noting that even as a Knight Dark Holy is still a 3HKO, but fortunately this is sufficient to mitigate the damage with healing. Also I run off at some point with an Angel Ring to draw demons away and just let mc drain Zalbag to victory.

Underground Kappa Storage Floor 4 (5-6 resets)

In all of the attempts we had at this, only in the first one did Nitori not have an turn 1 fatal charge on mc.

So the gist of the fight is this: I'm effectively invincible (full of enemy units that cry to Blade Grasp, aside from the Monks that do not start in range turn 1) but breaking Muramasas hurt (we come in with 6, all that we could afford before the endgame sequence). mc, on the other hand, is basically a pincushion for arrows. She basically never survives past a turn or two, even after I found out I can Throw Stone Nitori out of his charge and deal like 190+ fall damage depending on where he teleports and the Charge used. Lots of shuffling around speed to see if this situation changes, but it doesn't; ultimately I end up mopping up most, but not all of the enemy units (the fact that there's a Lancer who almost always loads with Masamune doesn't help, at all). And break lots of katanas along the way, which sucks. There's also a Lancer with Elemental that could easily end the fight if Kata procs Don't Act (mercifully it never does).

So tl;dr mc just can't live long enough. It's time to pull out Knight again maybe?????? But no we decide on a much cooler strategy: 4 Speed all-MA Calculator with Angel Ring. I get roughly a billion turns before her first action, which is getting up from Reraise and then locking on with Non-charge Meteor on a pack of baddies. This helps mitigate the katana brain drain some and when she inevitably dies again, I have far more than enough time to clean up.

Underground Book Storage Floor 5 (2 resets)

Our damage is still pretty bad on tanky boss units. Rofel opens with Shell 2 always which makes it even worse, and half of the enemy mages come with MDU so OHKOs aren't happening with Bahamut. To make it worse the Jumping Priests are actually a real threat, they easily OHKO mc, and she finds this out the hard way because neither of us realized that Jump was even a thing until it was a bit late.

The first wipe just comes as a result of overestimating our damage, letting the entire enemy mage platoon advance and status/kill us. The second wipe happened with aforementioned Jump. Also Rofel breaks a lot of stuff; fortunately weapon breaking is last on his priority (doesn't lower max HP!!!) and we have spares, but it's definitely irritating and if he DOES snap Excalibur that's basically a wipe.

So we check our Chemist JP and set Maintenance and the fight basically becomes a joke. Kill the support with prejudice, watch Rofel flail uselessly. Yeah he has Slow 2 and it's pretty bad when it lands but mc had swapped over to Wizard with Time Magic. I had suggested Time Magic for Slow 2 on enemies, but mc decided against it last second because she wanted the JP in case we ended up using MP Switch - Move MP Up combo later. That said, Haste countering Slow ended up being the actual relevant interaction.

Also the majority of damage I incurred during that fight with Poison ticks from mc's indiscriminate Poison due to having like 24 effective speed or something from all of the Screaming I did while approaching Rofel.

No More Fucking Counter Magic (4 resets)

Kletian is 8 speed, so mc equips such that his first action is to fly over and lock Dark Holy on her, which she can counter with Silence Song.

I barge in and find out that getting slowed is awful. In addition to that the Samurai can kill me with Draw Outs, and the Ninjas with Two Sword. The latter gets stopped effectively by opening with Scream and raising my Brave to 100 so that the AI sees a 0% hit chance on its physical and doesn't even try (whereas 3% is still good enough!!! Thanks FFT AI.) There's always a huge clump of units that pack up early that makes teleporting in and unleashing Muramasa extremely tempting, killing multiple Time Mages as a result, but it always ends up being the wrong plan because it keeps Kletian back. Also the ninjas do eventually close in on mc from the side, and while she's evasive (Feather Mantle), sooner or later a hit does sneak in and kill her.

In a couple of runs I drop and mc tries to solo the rest of the fight hiding in a cubby hole where everything is forced to hit her against frontal evade. These attempts stall out unfortunately due to crystallization, but were amusingly valid attempts at pulling off a win.

On the winning run we just hang back once more, silence Kletian and pick off the Time Mages advancing forward (I swapped to Aegis to deal with their spells over a Two Hands setup trying to blitz Kletian) until I can Draw Out everything with impunity. The fight gets locked down hard enough that we can actually crystal farm at the end, not that most of them have anything relevant, but mc does pick up Slow 2.

mc covered Balk 2 in her post.

Graveyard of Airships, Part 1 (2 resets)

Hashy Hash Hash. MP Switch + Move MP Up gets pulled out for this. At like 78 Brave it's far from a sure thing and when it does fail it's a reset of course. Otherwise very straightforward: bait him to OHKO mc with Melt, kill his Brave with Foxbird (mc goes PRIEST for the speed and because we don't have anything we care to cast outside of Yin-Yang), I go Two Hands Excalibur and smash mid-charge. A Quake catches us off guard but it doesn't OHKO me and MP Switch rallies in. The wipes were simply from being too hasty with attacking (juicy mid-charge physicals hurt a lot with Damage Split, so I really needed to wait despite the temptation to hit) and MP Switch failing.

He never used Delirium, which would've been pretty hard to deal with, but setting up to bait OHKOs from him means he'll pretty much never do so.

Graveyard of Airships, Part 2 (2 resets)

Both wipes on part 1. Final setups here were:

Me - Ubersquire, Item secondary. Two Hands Excalibur smaaaash.
mc - Time Mage, Item secondary. Move MP Up / MP Switch combo wombo. Also MDU instead of Short Charge.

So yes, Item OP. Anyway part 1 is the real fight, and is a mixture of Alma baiting and keeping the demons zoned out/under control with status. Altima spends most of her time casting Ultima on Alma while the two of us tangle with the demons. As usual you don't want to hit them unless you have the OHKO, although in my case having so much speed I can often doubleturn lap.

Wipes just came from bad stuff happening, demons advancing too far, Dark Holy hurts, getting turn economy on us by both killing Alma and someone else with Hurricane landing, etc. Status is pretty good when it lands on multiple demons (honestly the first fight where Confusion Song really ended up shining to interrupt spells or waste turns), on the winning run two demons get confused early on and I can just hit the other ones over the head with Excalibur as the opportunity presents itself. Alma is as usual extremely vital and when we finally get enough of a breather that we can spare a turn not statusing out or killing a demon, she gets a Hi-Potion tossed her way so she can stave off the next attack on her from being an OHKO (Altima having run out of MP, this prevents a Nanoflare or Hurricane from offing her).

With all of the demons dead I make sure Altima doesn't do anything untoward (Despair 2 would be bad) by preventing my backside to her at all times and letting her stab me in the ass while Screaming loudly. Once I'm satisfied we advance to phase 2 and Don't Move completely shuts her down. She lands some Grand Crosses and shit but Alma is quick to the rescue with Dispel 2 and mc equipped a Barrette to prevent such status shenaigans. FAITH does land though and I tell her to gtfo quickly lest she eat a 522 damage Return 2 to the face.

Completely locked in place, we land the killing blow with a non-Short Charged Meteor, dealing 960ish damage with a 14 CT spell in the final fight. Eat your heart out, Kletian.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1947 on: December 07, 2016, 01:43:35 AM »
Most used classes - Knight in Ch1-Ch2 for sure (it was mastered on me before Golgorand). Ubersquire in the latter half Ch4 (which is of course a large segment of the game). Most other classes were used for JP accrual or unlocks. mc hopped all over the place with Time Mage/Oracle being used the most, Wizard when the MA was called for, Priest when speed was called for. I was stuck in Samurai for many fights just to learn Draw Out.

Most used skillset - Item (duh). Draw Out of course. Summon was literally just Shiva until Ch4 when Bahamut reigned and we actually grinded out some Summoner JP. Before that, Black for offense and a lot of Yin-Yang. Ultimately Yin-Yang probably wins for most used magic skillset. Battle Skill was very good for choice fights in the first couple of chapters.

MVP ability - Phoenix Down, but ignoring its obvious brokenness probably Bahamut, which let us actually win Ch4 encounters. Honorary mention to Life Drain for bosses.

Hardest fight - Probably Velius overall, as we literally had to resort to cheese Death Sentence to win it (still not sure what a winning strategy would involve without the ability to incapacitate the demons quickly, and Velius himself is very very bad news against only 2 PCs). Even our winning strat was an autowipe if Undead ever kicked on due to reliance on Auto-Potion too, and the duel isn't short.

Might also be Golgorand, as it forced us to grind out Teleport and Auto Potion to sanely win it.

Ch1 - Windmill Shed or Lenalia Plateau. The latter took longer, but the former had more wipes.
Ch2 - Golgorand by far. Dorter 2 and Goug Machine City were also rough.
Ch3 - Velius. UBS sequence was notable too.
Ch4 - Well Doguola technically wiped us a ton until we learned Bahamut and flattened it. Zalbag runner-up for cause of most wipes past that. Nitori was the hardest fight in the final sequence (didn't see that one coming...)

Final notes - we never used Math Skill. (Did use Calculator as a carrier!!! And unlocked it mainly for Damage Split because mc was stuck on fucking MP Restore as her default reaction most of the game.) Total randoms grinded - two (SUCCESSFUL, let's not talk about the wipes) encounters at Barius Valley. Mandalia Plains a couple of times for Doguola to learn Summon and Draw Out. Another couple to learn Blade Grasp and get some god damn gil. One at Dobodar Swamp on my insistence to do a non-Mandalia random while in totally gimped training setups (we won, but I probably broke more Muramasa than got money from that fight >_>)

Auto-Potion never advanced past Hi-Potion usage as we were constantly cash starved and X-Potion's price hike effectively made it non-viable. Even with katanas I am a bit surprised at this since we only had to get equipment for 2 PCs (albeit we changed setups constantly to deal with fights, so that's a big part of it.) Design goal there achieved I guess.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 01:54:18 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1948 on: December 07, 2016, 02:38:25 AM »
Hardest fight - Probably Velius overall, ...
Might also be Golgorand,

Ch1 - Windmill Shed or Lenalia Plateau. The latter took longer, but the former had more wipes.
Ch2 - Golgorand by far. Dorter 2 and Goug Machine City were also rough.
Ch3 - Velius. UBS sequence was notable too.
Ch4 - Well Doguola technically wiped us a ton until we learned Bahamut and flattened it. Zalbag runner-up for cause of most wipes past that. Nitori was the hardest fight in the final sequence (didn't see that one coming...)

buff sandrat plz
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)
« Reply #1949 on: December 08, 2016, 09:03:02 PM »
Hello. I have played the vanilla version many times and am looking for something different this playthrough. I have never tried the WoTL remake. The improved graphics and animated cutscenes look cool, but I'm not particularly a fan of the olde English dialogue.

When choosing strictly between vanilla and WoTL for someone who has played the original countless times, does the dialogue tend to grow on you or does it seem weird the entire game?

Is it possible to keep the new graphics and cutscenes while retaining the old dialogue?

I see that the WoTL translation can be patched to the vanilla version with the LFT mod + complete patch, but can the LFT mod be patched to the WoTL version in case I decide to make my playthrough with WoTL?

Overall what would you recommend - Vanilla + LFT, Vanilla + LFT with complete patch, or just the WoTL game by itself? There's so many options for my next play through it's kind of daunting to decide.