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Topics - Kilgamayan

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Forum Games / Tsundere Mafia
« on: August 28, 2010, 04:36:51 AM »
Jeez, DL, it's not like I want to play with you. I just have a theme and setup ideas, that's all.

Since the other game I'm running is winding down, I figured I'd throw this out, just to see what kind of interest there will be. This will be an Anon game (sorry QR) since most of the fun of it will be in the character you pick. (It might seem like RP would be a waste with everyone falling under the same trope, but most, of not all, of the characters on the list I prepared can be played without a tsundere aspect, so.) Roles yes. Role madness no, unless I have several bursts of inspiration and someone I trust to check setups for balance decides they wouldn't play anyway. (I'd rather have people signing up!)

Looking for about 13 as per normal, but I'll take whatever I can get to run something enjoyable. I certainly wouldn't object to more. Whoever had the anon accounts last - SnowFire, I think - if you could send me the logins and passwords, that'd be great.

Or don't. See if I care.

I'm not good at the whole character list thing since I lead a pretty sheltered life, but here's what I dug up anyway. Feel free to spend more time arguing about whether or not any given choice actually qualifies as tsundere or not than signing up, because I imagine it'll happen whether or not I want it to. Of course, there's always the write-in option. Yeah, he's so super popular. Why don't you just go with him instead of using my ideas? Hmph.

1. Cindy Vortex (Jimmy Neutron)
2. Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold!)
3. Hillary Clinton (Democratic Party)
4. Linka (Captain Planet)
5. Margaret Houlihan (M*A*S*H)
6. Miss Piggy (The Muppet Show)
7. Midna (LoZ Twilight Princess)
8. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
9. Silver (Pokemon)
10. Sue Sakamoto (Cave Story)
11. Susie Derkins (Calvin and Hobbes)
12. Tatl (LoZ Majora's Mask)
13. Tron Bonne (MegaMan Legends)

14. Yukari (Persona 3)

15. Airi Sawagashi (Kage Kara Mamoru) (Fully expect her to not be chosen but I can't not list her)
16. Chitose Karasuma (Galaxy Angel)
17. Kasumi/Misty (Pokemon)
18. Mai Tohika (Mai-HiME)
19. Kagami Hiiragi (Lucky*Star)
20. Shana (oh god she is hot)
21. Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
22-24. Akiha Tohno/Tohsaka Rin/Ryougi Shiki (Type Moon: Bonus points if you do all three at once)
25-27. Shinku/Suiseiseki/Suigintou (Rozen Maiden: Bonus points if you do all three at once)
28. Vita (Mahou Shoujo Ririkaru Nanoha A's)

WI1. Li Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura)
WI2. Tanaka (Persona 3)
WI3. Chiaki (Nodame Cantabile)
WI2. Maya Kumashiro (Occult Academy)


Forum Games / Animafia - Game Over, Man, Game Over
« on: September 04, 2009, 07:40:44 AM »
The 7:30 bus was running late.

The thirteen passengers aboard it were annoyed, but they knew there wasn't much getting angry could do about it. Not that the futility stopped a couple of them. Thankfully, the bus stopped at where they all worked at 7:53, and it wasn't yet late enough that they would be late punching in. The lost time was an inconvenience, but ultimately it wouldn't be a threat to their productivity.

The shadow that passed over their bus and temporarily engulfed them all in pitch blackness, however, might further that end a little more.

Each felt a peculiar tingling sensation, and then the shadow passed, leaving the bus to continue its route, almost as if the bus and its driver hadn't even noticed. They quietly conversed amongst themselves to allay the worries that had crept over them.

"Zoinks! Like, what was that?"

"No more than a pathetic Jedi trick, I am sure."

"No. I sensed pure evil in that cloud. Evil Aku would be proud of. Something is wrong."

"Really? I wonder if it was some sort of alien? Maybe it'll come back! I need to talk to it!"

The bus rolled up at the front double doors of their office - the main cartoon headquarters - with little accomplished in the way of calming people down. In retrospect, they should have realized that this was a sign of things to come. They should not have been surprised when they opened those front doors - and a scene of unparalleled panic and chaos lay itself out before them.

Cartoons were running around everywhere around the main foyer, screaming, crying, flailing their arms. At least, those that had arms to flail were doing so. Notable in the mass panic and confusion was that most of the cartoons were missing body parts, some more than others. Initially, the screams were so unintelligible that they couldn't make anything out. The biggest clue they got was when Riley Freeman stumbled by them, shouting "What's with this shit, man? The fuck's goin-" before being cut off because his mouth suddenly vanished. Eventually, however, Nanoha Takamachi found them and led them to an empty office. Once she had shepherded everyone inside, she filled them in.

"It's a major crisis! The responsible ones are called Erasers and they have no compassion whatsoever! They just go around trying to destroy us by erasing us!"

Her next words sent chills up their spines.

"They even possessed some of us to work with them! Our friends have been brainwashed!"

She then ran off, presumably to go on another beam spam rampage, closing the door behind her. The thirteen were left there to think about what they had just learned.

That must have been the shadow from earlier.

Panic spread once more, against the muffled shouts and screams from the building proper. Which of them had been brainwashed?

Was it the fat video game junkie that attached an alien mech to his car?

Was it the stern police sergeant that always spoke in monotone?

Was it the mean-spirited elementary school teacher with an unhealthy obsession with fairies?

Was it the Sith Lord hell-bent on eradicating the Jedi?

Was it the propane-dispensing family man from Arlen?

Was it the stoic samurai from the past?

Was it the noble space cadet toy that could fall with style?

Was it the talking cat with the taste for little yellow birds?

Was it the lazy chain-smoking robot?

Was it the cowardly hippie that could be bought off with food?

Was it the hypochondriac 21-year-old turtle?

Was it the cynical movie reviewer with an olfaction fixation?

Or was it the Japanese high school girl on the lookout for weirdos?

And would they figure the mystery out in time?

Find out after this commercial break!


Rules can be found in the signup topic.

(I feel Fantastic and I'm) Still Alive:

4. Count Dooku
5. Hank Hill
6. Jack

They're Dead, Jim:

7. Buzz Lightyear (Town Single-Shot Nightvig) - lynched Day 1
13. Haruhi Suzumiya (Vanilla Townie) - Killed Night 1
12. Jay Sherman (Vanilla Townie) - Modkilled Day 2
3. Mr. Crocker (Scum Rolecop) - Lynched Day 2
2. Sgt. Cosgrove (Vanilla Townie) - Killed Night 2
9. Bender (Vanilla Townie) - Modkilled Day 3
11. Filburt (Scum Roleblocker) - Modkilled Day 3
1. Coop (Vanilla Townie) - Lynched Day 3
8. Sylvester (Town Tracker) - Killed Night 3
10. Shaggy (Town ????) - Modkilled Day 4

Convenient Link Depository:

End of Day 1
End of Day 2
End of Day 3


It is now Day 1. With 13 alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch. Day 1, like all non-LYLO days, lasts 48 hours. If that 48 hours ends without someone hitting 7 votes, the person with the most votes will be lynched. Ties will be broken via sudden death.

Good luck!


Special spectator request! (Actually this applies to players too.) One of the standards of an Anonygame is to have guesses submitted for who is who. I ask you to take this seriously in this game - I have a special interest in the results that I won't expand upon until the game is over (so it isn't a game distraction - players need not worry, it has no bearing on the actual game).

Forum Games / Anonymous AniMafia signups
« on: August 30, 2009, 04:04:20 AM »
This game will start after Tom's unless it somehow gets the necessary number of signups first and he doesn't mind my going ahead. Rat will be co-modding. Setup will not be particularly busy with power roles (and WILL BE BALANCED THIS TIME SRSLY TOUHOU MAFIA NEVER HAPPENED I SWEAR).

Anyway, you know the Anonymous Mafia drill. There will be thirteen slots for thirteen characters. Each of these characters is a cartoon character (in some capacity) which you may have guessed from "AniMafia". Most are pretty popular among their show's fanbase and even sometimes outside that. (On the flip side, I will be impressed if someone picks Jay Sherman and plays him right.)

Rule set and role set shamelessly stolen from Laggy stolen from Rat. Extra roles added by myself in bold.

(Semi-open setup, stolen FROM Rat)- Town must lynch; ties are resolved via sudden death.
- Scum must kill
- Serial killers must kill
- Days will be 48 hours, subject to extension if desired by popular demand. Post ##Extension if you want one and if at least half of you want it it will happen. LYLO will have no time limit. (EDIT: Extension function removed, forgot to take it out earlier)
- Replacements will only be permitted on days one and two. Any hardcore lurkers or people who want to quit will simply be killed after that.
- Play to win
- Don't be lame
- Don't edit your posts
- If you're not sure, ask, especially if you want role clarifications.

Town (Town wins by killing all other factions, excluding any survivors.)
Doctor (May or may not be able to protect self. May or may not be able to protect the same person twice in a row.)
Cop (Sane, Insane)
Vigilante (Nightvig only, may be compulsive, may have limited shots)
Scout (Watcher/Tracker)
Bomb (Kills anyone who hammers him; kills anyone attempting to kill him at night.)
Jailer (Doc+Roleblocker, can't self-target)
Doublevoter (may have control over who the second vote appears on)
Chief of Police (one shot each of cop (sane), rolecop, tracker and watcher)

Miller (Special, may be attached to any of the above roles)

Scum (One scum must go on the kill, they lose any powers they have that night if so. Scum can talk to each other out of the thread. Scum wins by killing everyone else, except any Survivors.)
Doctor (The scumdoc will only appear if an SK or another scumteam exists. You can't use the scumdoc to protect against your own scumkill.)
Hitman (May ignore protections of any kind if sent on the kill. May have limited uses.)
Roleblocker (Blocks passive roles for that night as well, i.e. bomb, bulletproof, miller)
Doublevoter (may have control over who the second vote appears on)

Third Party (None will exist in a game with less than 13 people in it, guaranteed.)
Serial Killer (May be bulletproof, may flip town to investigations.)
Survivor (Doesn't need to be eliminated by either side, may possess any other role.)

Please sign up in a PM. DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. When signing up, give me a list of three characters you'd like to be, in order of preference. First come, first serve. (If you have no preference, say so, and I'll keep track of the number of no-preference signups.)


Coop Cooplowski, Megas XLR
Sergeant Mike Cosgrov, Freakazoid!
Denzel Crocker, The Fairly OddParents
Count Jard Dooku, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Hank Hill, King of the Hill
Samurai Jack, Samurai Jack
Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story
Sylvester J. Pussycat, Looney Tunes
Bender Rodriguez, Futurama
Shaggy Rogers, Scooby-Doo
Filbert Shellbache, Rocko's Modern Life
Jay Sherman, The Critic
Haruhi Suzumiya, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Forum Games / Touhou Mafia 2 Signups!
« on: April 01, 2009, 05:30:53 AM »
April Fools.

Forum Games / Truly epic Mafia game going down at
« on: June 28, 2008, 06:40:40 AM »
Spoiler warning for anyone from MotK!

(Originally I was going to wait until the game was over, but after today's events I just can't hold it back anymore.)

I am pleased to announce that I no longer hold the title of worst Touhou Mafia ever.

Recently, someone on MotK decided it might be a good idea to hold a game of Mafia. Several of us on IRC have been following the game since it began (Alex, Hal, Laggy, Rat, myself and maybe Yakko, with Snow recently joining in) and it has been nothing but comedy platinum, so I figured I would present it to the rest of you.

WARNING: Reading the topics linked to in this topic without a sense of humor may cause your brain to eat your tongue. - Original signups topic + "dead thread" - Official game topic

For those of you who don't wish to read the topics, here is a brief summary of the goings-on so far (the game is currently in Day 3), along with selected quotes and/or posts that particularly stood out.

Note: I tried my best not to spotlight basic bad play, like the doc screaming "I AM THE DOC PLEASE RAPE MY FACE" in every post they made, or Day 2 votes made via coinflips, or the cop getting lynched without roleclaiming.


- Open setup.
- Private communication allowed. (This is key, so don't forget it.)
- Thread for dead players to talk amongst themselves.
- Insanely overpowered scum roles (Sakuya/Remilia). Thankfully, this one was remedied before the game started.

Day 1:

- Post editing allowed. This was the one thing I actually contacted the host about: his reasoning was that he wanted to avoid getting TSO mad over the game because of a whole bunch of double-posts.
- No formal voting syntax.
- Roleplaying. (Fortunately, this is mostly limited to pesco.)
- Host actively suggests people start PMing each other to form alliances.
- KennyMan666: "I may or may not vote."
- A disturbing number of people use the events in a doujin where the Touhoes play a game of Mafia as "evidence".

Night 1:

- Night posting allowed.

Day 2:

- pesco47: "Since we now have an active dead, can we still communicate with them ([the cop] should be allowed to) ?"
- The Hangman mini-game that was played at night is resumed during the day. Many players pay more attention to it than the actual game.
- A post from the Day 1 lynchee.
- pesco47 again: "[Hangman] is just there so that we don't go taking this too seriously."
- I know I said I wouldn't post basic bad play, but this series of WIFOMs is too great to pass up:
- Jan-san: "Lurking is suspicious, huh?"

Night 2:

- Day 2 lynchee posts multiple times in the official game topic.
- Day 2 lynchee posts in the dead players' thread with their suspicions and investigations. All of this is neatly spoiler-tagged, of course, to avoid living players reading it.

Day 3:

- First post sees the player vote for themselves and ask the mod to refuse acceptance of any changes away from said vote.
- Single scum takes pity on town and posts his identity, along with the identities of his three fellow scum.
- Host and Day 2 lynchee react to traitor scum's actions in the dead thread (again, with spoiler tags).
- Ramus (traitor scum): "Okay, before I get started, you're taking the position that I'm Mafian but you're not."
- Scum traitor posts screenshots of his PM inbox to prove what he posted before. (They were later removed.) (Note: we on IRC are still not sure town will win the game.)
- Day does not end immediately after a majority decision is reached.

Forum Games / Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 16, 2008, 08:33:30 PM »
How often does nothing happen in Gensokyo? That would depend on your definition of "nothing". An outside observer reading up on the history of the land (complied quite nicely by the Hieda family) would see notable events only every year or so, and perhaps they'd think it was boring. Maybe it was. But for places like the Hakurei Shrine or the Scarlet Devil Mansion or the House of Eternity, not being bothered constantly was a godsend (or, in SDM's case, a devilsend). Perhaps once a year was even too much, especially for the current resident of the Hakurei Shrine, whose apparent everyday apathy toward life could most likely be attributed to aggravation at being the one that always had to clean up everyone else's mess purely because of her last name.

But, of course, there are those who are different. Those who could find boredom in between the minutes even if something catastrophic happened every hour.

Submitted for your approval, one Aya Shameimaru, a newspaper reporter and editor of tengu descent. The instant everything interesting ceases to happen, she becomes bored. Is not a reporter's job to report interesting events? If there are no interesting events, what is she to do? Such an unfair world this is for someone who only seeks to keep her fellow Gensokyo residents informed, and has done so for over 1000 years. Surely she was the epitome of the Good Samaritan, always giving and never asking (only 16 years into life and already the shrine maiden has started demanding donations). Why couldn't fate give a little back to her in return? It was only fair.

Fortunately for her, today she would get her wish.

At least temporarily.


Bored. Bored bored bored bored bored. Aya sighed as she flew back toward her home on Youkai Mountain after finishing up her rounds of Gensokyo. There had been nothing interesting today either. Resigned to the fact that she was going to have to release another tabloid issue mocking Reimu again, she didn't even notice the rumbling coming from the direction of the mountain until her canine subordinate came flying up to meet her.

"Miss Aya! What's going on? Why did you attack my house?"

"What are you talking about, Momizi? I've been out all day. How could I attack you while I was gone?"

"But it HAD to be you! Storm Day is your spellcard, isn't it? That was what hit me!"

"Don't be silly, it couldn't possibly have been-"

Aya stopped and turned pale. She had subconsciously reached for her spellcards and found that several were missing. Quickly she pulled what few she had left out.

"W-what's going on here? All I have are Illusionary Dominance and Peerless Wind God! Where'd the other cards go?"

Momizi pointed back at the mountain. "Hey, wait, what's that? Isn't that your house?"

Aya turned to look where Momizi was pointing and gasped. That was indeed her house, and it was currently being wrecked by what was unmistakably Terukuni Throughout the World, another of her cards.

Aya blazed to the site of the destruction, but the card had stopped, and whoever had used it was gone. She landed and stood trembling, unable to move or speak, barely able to think. My...home...

Fortunately for Aya, Momizi was a little less in shock, and thus was more in tune to the tremors currently running through the whole mountain. It shook violently as pieces of it started to break off and fall toward the ground below.

"Miss Aya! Come on! It's dangerous! Let's get out of here!"

Momizi grabbed onto Aya's arm and dragged her into the air and away from the mountain. All the while Aya never stopped staring at where her house was. The corner of her keen eyes did manage to pick up on other happenings on the mountain, however - for example, the newly erected Moriya Shrine was currently undergoing some..."renovations", courtesy of some spellcards she recognized as Takeminakata Invocation, Seven Stones and Seven Trees, and Mountain of Faith.

Why were they destroying their own shrine? Unless...

The odd sight at the Moriya Shrine - as well as the quickly collapsing mountain - seemed to bring Aya back to her senses for the moment. She looked up at her subordinate.

"Let's go to the Hakurei Shrine. I have a feeling we're not the only ones that noticed this, and Reimu's place is the best one for a gathering. We need to figure out what's going on and fix it before any more damage is caused."

"Understood, Miss Aya."

As the mountain finally fell with an earth-shattering crash, Aya frowned slightly. Stolen spellcards and a wrecked mountain, eh? This would make for a wonderful story. If only I hadn't just lost my printing press...


Rules! Most of these should be familiar by now:

- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts with content.
- Do not directly quote your role PM or conversations with the mod. Paraphrase is okay. Check with me before posting if you're unsure.
- There may or may not be third parties with separate win conditions from the town/mafia.
- There are no players or parties that would cause the game to end Day 1 or Night 1.
- Don't try to cheat or break the game in any way. Use common sense.
- PLAY TO WIN. Failure to at least put in an effort ruins the game for everyone else. Playing poorly is fine, and to an extent expected, but sabotaging your side deliberately or through massive apathy will get you modkilled.
- Please try to at least post a paragraph or two of useful content every 24 hours or so.
- You do not need to post "in character" or do anything special regarding flavor. If you want to, it's fine, but it may complicate the game or accidentally give away your role, which is generally bad.
- Individual players may have "hidden" abilities that were not included in their role PM, but can be revealed by certain events happening in the game. Additionally, there may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that may change the rules of the game or do other things if certain events happen.

(I feel fantastic and I'm) Still Alive:

3. Carthrat - Fujiwara no Mokou
5. AndrewRogue/Excal - Sakuya Izayoi
6. Taishyr - Marisa Kirisame
8. Gatewalker - Hong Meiling
10. Shale - Yuka Kazami

They're Dead, Jim:

20. Strago - Reisen Udongein Inaba (Illusionist, Town, Day 1)
18. EvilTom - Suika Ibuki (Doublevoter, Town, Night 1)
16. miasmacloud - Patchouli Knowledge (Vanilla, Town, Day 2)
2. Chisa - Youmu Konpaku (Martyr, Town, Night 2)
21. QuietRain - Sikieiki Yamaxanadu (SuperCop, Town, Day 3)
1. Nitori - Eirin Yagokoro (Mad Scientist, Town, Day 3)
4. Sir Alex - Ran Yakumo (Vengeful Thug, Scum, Night 3)
11. Corwin - Kaguya Houraisan (Anonyvoter, Scum, Day 4)
9. Oblivion Knight - Alice Margatroid (Watcher, Town, Night 4)
12. Ciato - Keine Kamishirasawa (Vanilla, Town, Night 4)
13. El Cideon - Remilia Scarlet (Fate Controller, Scum, Day 5)
14. Yakumo - Flandre Scarlet (Serial Killer, Third Party, Night 5)
15. Otter - Reimu Hakurei (Vanilla, Town, Night 5)
17. Halbarad - Yukari Yakumo (Vanilla, Town, Night 5)
7. Tonfa - Yuyuko Saigyouji (Proximity Mine, Town, Day 6)
19. Smodge13 - Komachi Onozuka (Lazy Cop, Town, Day 6)

Handy-Dandy Lynx:

End of Day 1
End of Day 2
QuietRain's Day 3 Death
End of Day 3
End of Day 4
End of Day 5
End of Day 6

You have 76 hours to cast a vote (7:30 Eastern). I realize the number is a bit odd, but I want to make sure it's at a time when I'm not at work so I can actually close up shop.

With 21 people alive, it takes 11 votes to lynch.

Forum Games / Touhou Mafia Signups
« on: January 07, 2008, 04:47:00 AM »
I'm in no hurry to start this game as Cid's is still motoring along and will be for a while and OK's game is about to start as well and I don't want my game to be a distraction for either one and and and and. However I did have at least one request for opening these early and I don't see much harm in doing so.

I'll be taking anywhere from 21 to 25 people for this game. Since I am also allowing people to choose who they want to be I will provide you with a list of selectable characters (including links to each character's page on the English Touhou Wiki for your reference). Characters will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis, so while I will ask people to respect any and all fanhoods demonstrated in the main discussion topic, I will not stop anyone from taking someone that hasn't been taken. Note that, as I said in the other topic, Aya Shameimaru and Momizi Inubashiri will be under my control for story purposes.

The following 21 characters are guaranteed to take part, regardless of how many people sign up:

Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Alice Margatroid
Suika Ibuki

Hong Meiling
Patchouli Knowledge
Sakuya Izayoi
Remilia Scarlet
Flandre Scarlet

Youmu Konpaku
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Ran Yakumo
Yukari Yakumo

Keine Kamishirasawa
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Eirin Yagokoro
Kaguya Houraisan
Fujiwara no Mokou

Yuka Kazami
Komachi Onozuka
Sikieiki Yamaxanadu

For 22 people, Nitori Kawashiro will be added to the game.
For 23, Sanae Kotiya will be added.
For 24, Kanako Yasaka will be added.
For 25, Suwako Moriya will be added.

When filling in signup slots, I will stick your character (if you chose one) next to your name and strike out their name on the list so other people will know she is taken.

If you want to make conditional character claims based on characters that will be added (Finali), I will try to accommodate as best I can, but please try to avoid this if possible. I would suggest that you select at least one of the cemented 21 that you wouldn't mind playing as.

1. Nitori - Eirin Yagokoro (conditional for Nitori Kawashiro)
2. Chisa - Youmu Konpaku
3. Carthrat - Fujiwara no Mokou
4. Sir Alex - Ran Yakumo
5. AndrewRogue - Sakuya Izayoi
6. Taishyr - Marisa Kirisame
7. Tonfa - Yuyuko Saigyouji
8. Gatewalker - Hong Meiling
9. Oblivion Knight - Alice Margatroid
10. Shale - No preference
11. Corwin - Kaguya Houraisan
12. Ciato - Keine Kamishirasawa
13. El Cideon - Remilia Scarlet
14. Yakumo - Flandre Scarlet
15. Otter - Reimu Hakurei
16. kneesockscloud - Patchouli Knowledge
17. Halbarad - Yukari Yakumo
18. EvilTom - No preference
19. smodge13 - No preference
20. Strago - Reisen Udongein Inaba
21. QuietRain - Sikieiki Yamaxanadu

General Chat / 2007 NFL Topic: In Honor of Sean "Pro Bowl" Taylor
« on: December 19, 2007, 01:11:02 AM »
No one had remade this topic yet, so...

Pro Bowl rosters were announced today. You can find them here.

Yes, that is Sean Taylor you see starting at Free Safety for the NFC. Hopefully they'll do the 10-men-on-the-field thing they did in the Buffalo/Washington game for the first play.

Also hopefully Belicheck won't call a fake kneel -> bomb to Moss on that play. >_>

Anyway, with Pro Bowl lists come Pro Bowl snubs. The ones I came up with when I thought about it for 30 seconds were Derek Anderson, David Garrard, Jeff Garcia, Fred Taylor, Clinton Portis, Marques Colston, Greg Jennings, Mario Williams and Nnamdi Asomugha. Anyone else want to weigh in?

Forum Games / Mafia Mod Signups
« on: December 18, 2007, 06:18:44 PM »
Gankin' Tai's post.

Quote from: Taishyr
Okay. We need to do this a bit more orderly-like, I think?

A discussion for how many games we want running at a time is probably a good idea, but we should set this up so we know when people will be setting all this up.

Two categories of games: Large and Small. Large... will be 15 and up, small 14 and down. For simplicity's sake, primarily; 14 tends to be a more limited/quirk-based game, like what Cap'n K did. 15 and up allows for more... well, vastness.

I will edit this post with the updated list when I have time in general, so don't pester me too much!

Post with Large/small, desired number of people, and theme if it's been decided on. Placing an H) next to games planned that are on hold.

Signups are hereby unofficially closed for the time being?  Consider how long it's going to be, and wait till the queue dies down a lot, to maybe 3-5 games, before signing up.

Have your game ready to go when your turn comes up, and start it promptly.  Start signups well in advance, and start your game as soon as it's reasonable.  I'd say reaching an endgame of ~5 or less people is a good time to start another; even if there is overlap, it's not horribly stressful to play day 1 in a second game. 

Don't wait for the previous game to fully end and then say "Whoops, I'm not ready, this will start in another week."  If you're not going to be set up and ready to go when it's your turn, I strongly advise letting the next ready person in line queuejump you.

The following list is updated through Reply #53:

Large Games:
1) Taishyr: 20 people max, Ayreon Mafia
2) Alex: 20-25 max, theme TBA
3) QuietRain: 20 people max, PokeMafia
4) Cmdr_King: 25 people max, Shadow Hearts Mafia
5) miasmacloud, ~21 people max, Star Ocean 3 Mafia
6) Gatewalker, ~20 people max, Mega Man Mafia
7) Carthrat, 17-21 people, Metal Gear Mafia
8) El Cid: 21 people, Guilty Gear Mafia
9) Excal, Nintenmafia
10) Bobbin Cranbud, Xenogears, 25-35 players (good luck!)
11) CPU, Fatal Frame, 16-20 players
12) OblivionKnight, 30 people max, Persona Mafia

Small Games:
1) Tonfa: 7 people, Phantom Brave Mafia
2) EvilTom: 11 players, Death Note
3) El Cid: 12 players, classical composer Mafia
4) Excal, Ultimate Mafia of Ultimate Destiny
5) Rat: Post Restriction Mafia

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