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Messages - Captain K

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Unicorn Overlord: Beaten. Had an amusing game over on the last battle when I had all my units deployed and no Alain so when the mass takeover occurred I had no way to swap Alain into battle and cure the mind control. I should knock that for the game pulling a "Gotcha!", but they couldn't reasonably expect someone not using Alain on their first playthrough.

Anyway, outstanding game. Huge replay value. There's a lot of ways to break the game, but that's because there's a lot of ways to play the game. So many neat interactions between skills, so many types of equipment, etc. I can see this game taking off in the speedrunning community because you can basically go straight to the last boss.

I might delay my next playthrough because they dropped a random huge update for Star Ocean 2 R. Chaos difficulty, more gear, more raid bosses, and other stuff.

Unicorn Overlord: Damn I can't say enough good about this game. Fixed stat growth instead of random FE nonsense? Yes please. Also there's no stat penalty for promoting units early, although it takes resources so you can't do it to everyone.

I ended up restarting and using all hired units. That way I can color coordinate my entire army and execute all the story characters like the merciless bastard I am.

My only complaint is that the time limit on some stages seems too short. I'm playing on Tactical if that makes a difference. Not too terrible, feels like they just need a little tweaking. Like 10 more seconds in some cases. Anyway, Hallowed Corne Ash are reasonably plentiful so it's not a big deal.

Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« on: March 14, 2024, 02:08:18 PM »
I run Ebony Maw, Baron Mordo (I know, he's kind of my mascot card), Maximus, Lizard, Luke Cage, Namor, Shuri, Iron Man, Crossbones, Red Skull, Dr. Doom, Living Tribunal. Main thing is you're not limited to playing one combo. Just putting up big numbers everywhere. Ebony Maw and Maximus on turn 3 is 13 power your opponent has to deal with in one lane. Namor can hold a lane by himself. Shuri+Lizard or Maximus works on turn 6 if you've got nothing else.

1) Hurts, but isn't a deal breaker. A third of my deck benefits from Spider-Ham lol.
2) Not applicable.
3) Nobody plays Enchantress. Echo you can drop Maw, Lizard, Skull on. Rogue is a problem at times.
4) Not applicable.
5) I don't need Magik, and if my opponent plays her it tends to benefit me more.
6) Nobody plays any of these.
7) Not a big problem, although it's not unusual to have nothing to play first three turns.
8) Luke Cage. Give me my money, honey. has Tribunal at Seen: 5.36%(#79)
Won when Played: 61.13%(#15)
Won when Drawn: 51.93%(#186)
Won in Deck: 50.89%(#205)

Not amazing but not terrible certainly. I probably win 75%+ with this deck. I only play in Conquest though.

Unicorn Overlord: Liked the demo so I bought the game. Nice to see a tactics game that goes back to Ogre Battle rather than being another FFT clone. The variety of conditions you can put on your skills is quite nice. Also a lot of freedom in terms of which stages you can tackle when you wish.

Just got enormous boob girl back, cleaning up a bit on the first area before I head to a second.

Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« on: March 12, 2024, 09:12:23 PM »
Tribunal? It's been one of the top decks in past months. My own version is quite successful.

I am now convinced that any card you review will be changed in the following balance patch.

Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« on: March 10, 2024, 03:09:04 PM »
I actually fought a Yondu deck that was pretty wacky. Wong, Yondu, Cable and I forget what else and it was milling my deck pretty effectively.

Blazblue: Entropy Effect (Steam)

Not a fighting game, but an action Roguelite (more of a Dead Cells/Hades-like). Pick a Blazblue character and kill enemies in a sidescroller.
You get different powerups based on your character and based on different elements. I beat the game, although there's more endings. Typical Blazblue nonsensical story. Took a while to get into, but it grew on me after a while. Takes a lot of design elements from Hades, so if you're looking for something that's kind of like that check it out.

PALworld: It's a survival game (think Ark Survival) with Pokemon and Soulslike elements. You can capture Pals and have them work in your sweatshop or fight alongside you in battle. I like it because it's not very demanding - although you can certainly find trouble if you look for it. Currently level 15, dicking around the first island.

Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« on: December 19, 2023, 12:13:02 AM »
This was my go-to deck before Surfer got Nerfered.

Psylocke, Colossus, Ironheart, Brood, Mister Fantastic, Silver Surfer, Cosmo, Rhino, Polaris, Absorbing Man, Enchantress, Sera

Psylocke should only be played on turn 3 (for early Sera on 4) or turn 5 (if you didn't pull Sera). Turn 6 has a lot of options, including
Surfer+Absorbing Man
Brood+Absorbing Man
Ironheart+Absorbing Man
or Surfer+two other three costs

Enchantress could be replaced by Rogue (don't think she was out at that time, or maybe I didn't have her). Colossus gives you something to do on turn 2, and is just nice to have in general.

Deck was easily 90%+ win rate before the nerf.

Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« on: December 09, 2023, 01:44:30 AM »
Wow, big disagree on Colossus. He's one of the best two drops in the game in my opinion. Just being able to play him on Death's Domain or the two or three other instant kill locations is an easy turn 6 win condition. Also has some newish synergy due to nerfed Luke Cage. One of the few cards you can play along with Hazmat or Typhoid Mary. Probably going to see a rise in High Evolutionary decks with Cage getting wrecked so that's another counter to them. Yes, he's only three power, but he's three power that can only be stopped with Rogue or Enchantress.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: December 03, 2023, 09:58:45 PM »
Marvel Snap: I have 20/46 Rian Gonzales variants. Never going to catch up at the rate they're releasing her cards.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: November 09, 2023, 03:17:51 AM »
SO2R: Finished on Galaxy mode. Characters were Rena/Claude/Celine/Ashton/Welch/Bowman/Dias/Noel. Endgame party was Noel (controlled), Bowman, Dias, Celine. Beat Indalecio Gabriel around level 90.

I did a lot of item crafting, but more in a "fill in the pokedex" way than a "break the game" way. I did make a few fun things though like

Speaking of breaking the game, there's about a million new ways to do so. I tried to avoid almost all of these, so the game was still pretty challenging. Hardest fights were Zaphkiel and Metatron (Wise Men #1 and 3).

Formation-wise, I used Free-fight in the early game (bonus XP) and Assault Shift for the rest of the game (gives bonus crit and items affect all). Items! Items are amazing now. They're cast by you, the player, rather than the character you're controlling. So it doesn't matter if the character is paralyzed or whatever, items are still usable. You can do tricks like start casting a healing spell, then use an item to resurrect an ally right before it goes off. They revive and get a quick heal. There's also a factor that reduces the cooldown time between using items. So yeah, use them items.

Character notes:

Noel. Probably the worst character in the game, but he's usable. His spells seem to have a much longer cast time than Celine (Hasten Speech included). He gets Energy Arrow for early multi hits, but it's slow to cast. I mostly just used Fohn Wind and Cure All. Earthquake was his only spell breaking the damage limit, but it's super slow.

Celine. Quite lovely. I had Faerie Ring and Light Cross on her so MP was never an issue. Put her AI on kill all the things and she did. Just stands at the back of the screen and rains AOE hell on enemies.

Bowman. Relatively unchanged from the original. Which means he's still good, but didn't get the buffs that others got. So he's more of an "average" now.

Dias. Also relatively unchanged from the original. BUT! He may benefit more from the remake than others. His weapon from the Fun City Arena doubles his damage. That wasn't great in the original since 9999 was pretty easy to hit anyway. But now with Break Damage Limit, he can hit them high notes so pretty.

I didn't use Welch, but I hear she got some major upgrades and is either #1 or 2 best character in the game. Ernest and Precis also reportedly got major updates.

Overall it's an amazing remake of an already great game. I'm probably forgetting a dozen things I wanted to gush about. But let's talk about the one thing (the only thing!) I didn't like.

The voices.

Japanese got a new voiceover, but English didn't. They're using the PSP version voices. Some of these are okay, but there's a lot more misses than hits. Claude sounds like he's 12 years old. The Wisemen fights were extremely disappointing, especially Michael who is now speaking his lines rather than screaming maniacally like the PS1 version. Certainly this isn't a dealbreaker considering how amazing the rest of the remake is, but it's an ugly blotch on an otherwise beautiful painting.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: November 03, 2023, 04:12:12 AM »

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: October 05, 2023, 04:23:53 AM »
I have a love/hate relationship with SNAP. It has the same problem Ben Brode's previous game (Hearthstone) had. Players only use meta decks and there's no creativity. You can see one card in an opponent's deck and know what their whole deck composition is. Last month the only decks you ever saw were Kitty Pride Bounce, Galactus/Alioth, and standard Destroy (because it's dead easy to play and lazy people default to it). Then they nerf some cards and release some new ones and you get a different 3 decks to play against every month.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: September 21, 2023, 04:13:04 AM »
So I've been hearing that they changed up how mages work if you actually control them?  Like, you can still menu cast like other PS1/PS2 era SO or Tales mages but if you wanna control her Celine is now a cancel monster kinda like Nel?  I haven't really been able to confirm that though.

I tried out controlling her in Krosse Cave. Spells have a cast time which is visible as a charging circle. Even the fastest spells have some charge time, so you can't cancel. Maybe with Motormouth skill? Also of note there is now a Break Damage Limit skill which helps mages a lot. 
I mostly play mobile games these days. Currently playing (in order of quality/enjoyment):

Unknown Knights
Watcher of Realms
AFK Arena
Marvel Snap

Also playing Street Fighter 6 on PS4, although not too active on it. As much as I love fighting games, I've kind of aged out of them. My reflexes are shit now, so even if I know what the opponent is going to do I can't react to it. I guess I could switch to Modern controls, but I'd have to give up my dignity!

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2023: WGAYP, Engage!
« on: September 19, 2023, 05:16:44 PM »
Star Ocean 2 Remake has brought me back from the dead. So yeah, try the demo. It's amazing.

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: July 16, 2019, 01:57:56 AM »
Evangelion: One of the classic animes I hadn't seen.

I have no idea what the fuck I just watched.

It's either:

1) a thoughtful sociological essay on the human condition as the individual tries to fit into society's expectations.

2) the author circlejerking with pompous psychobabble as an excuse to create elaborate drawings of women's undergarments.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: July 11, 2019, 04:39:36 AM »
Far From Home: I really dislike the angle of Spider-Man being the next Iron Man. Wasn't terribly crazy about it in the previous movie, with the supersuit and all. And as the overall theme of this movie being entirely about filling Iron Man's metal boots, it just wears thin. Mysterio is serviceable, but there's nothing in the movie that really demands him (or anyone else) to really show any acting range. Unlike the Holland/Keaton scenes in the previous film.

Also Zendaya may be the prettiest person alive.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: July 07, 2019, 03:33:46 AM »
So I found this Valkyrie Profile mobile game called Valkyrie Anatomia. It's a gacha game with all that entails. But damned if they didn't outright nail the aesthetics of VP1. The hand-colored art, the dour music, and the stories. Oh wow, the stories. VP2 had a lot of ball drops, but the biggest one was how the focus was no longer on the Einherjar. This game brings back the heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, punchyouinthenuts death stories, and it's wonderful. 
In addition to story characters, I got Frei and Mystina. They made Frei badass. She floats in the air like Freya and does aerial martial arts. 
Don't like what they did to PWS, but it does cut down on animation time I guess.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: July 07, 2019, 03:24:32 AM »
I agree with Winter Soldier being rated as lowly as you have it. But wow, that is a really low spot for Infinity War.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: June 03, 2019, 04:00:24 AM »
Also saw Godzilla. A bit unfortunate that the monsters other than Godzilla and Ghidorah feature so briefly. But those two monsters look amazing. The "new" monsters are super lame. A mammoth? Sorry I don't remember the Japanese movie "Godzilla Fights a Fucking Mammoth".

Endgame: So my physique is pretty similar to Endgame Thor's. I told my wife "Bet you didn't know you lived with the God of Thunder did you?" Without missing a beat, she retorted, "Yes, I hear the God of Thunder all the time. *farting noises*"

Detective Pikachu: This was pretty disappointing. The angle with Mewtwo was pretty Farfetch'd. But the pokemon look great!

My trans kid really liked your article.

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