Author Topic: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade  (Read 28160 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Finished this. Well, one of the endings at least. There's a Castlevania guide-dangit style better ending which I'll probably get too if it's not too grindy. Game took me 30 hours and I finished with levels in the mid 30's except Kyrie who was 40 (she is forced in story fights).

Anyway I really enjoyed this game. It's a great love letter to Final Fantasy Tactics. It's a CTB SRPG with a job system and both games feature relatively small squad, close quarters affairs (rarely more than 8 enemies, but they tend to act aggressively). The class system offers plenty of customization; you can set a secondary skillset, a reaction ability, and two other passives (replacing the support and movement slots from FFT). Additionally, as a slight twist from FFT, the passive system is such that you automatically use (without taking a slot) any passives you have learned from your current job, which adds a neat layer to which job you want to be in. Jobs don't have different stats, but they do have different equips, and different stat growths (which both matter more than FFT's and are, mercifully, actually visible to the player).

As such there isn't too much to say about this game's strengths because well, what FFT does well, this game largely does well also! I will say that I like the game's focus on buffs and debuffs; there's not much here like death or petrify or even Don't Act/Stop, but there are a lot of lesser status which make a big difference: root (don't move), cripple (no skills), silence, slow, blind. Host of options on the positive side too. They play a big role in battles as both sides make use of them, and in general the available skillsets are even more interesting than FFT's on average, since there are no duds like Basic Skill / Battle Skill / etc. The game also fixes some of FFT's most obvious flaws, such as letting you take back a move (unless you stand on a trap) and warning you about saving mid-dungeon (and even these barely exist), as well as making randoms optional.

One of the biggest changes is that FFT's "death countdown" system is replaced by an injury system: if a character falls in battle, you don't need to worry about them permanently dying (at least on the default setting), but they will sustain an injury. If you use an injured character in the next battle, they will take a 10% stat penalty and not recover from the injury; bench them and they'll recover. So it encourages using more than the minimum 6 characters (which is a positive, because building more people is fun!). At the same time the mechanic only truly matters as much as you want it to, because you can always just go fight trivial underlevelled randoms to heal people from injuries. Or turn the mechanic off entirely if you want; the game has a VERY robust set of options for adjusting difficulty in whole host of ways and this is one.

Another major change is that characters start with 0 MP and gain it over time, kinda like Tactics Ogre PSP, although the number is more predictable (10 per turn). This mostly serves to make fights a bit less rocket tag and makes you plan around future turns a bit more.

So what does it do worse gameplaywise? Well, its battlefields are a bit worse; you can't rotate them and they don't make use of multiple heights the way FFT does. The instant help isn't quite as robust (still good though). And some maps feel like they don't really have a strong identity compared to FFT's, which is probably a weird product of the fact that FFT fights can only use four enemy sprites per battle while FS is free to throw seven different enemy classes into one battle (but this makes the battles feel less distinct)? FS has way fewer memorable bosses too. Finally, the biggest change is that FS does away with charge times. While those are slightly complicated, I think they were a cool mechanic and I definitely miss them; I also miss the visible CT gauges so I could plan around the effects of Haste/Slow.

But overall the game is very competitive with FFT on pure gameplay. It's a game I'm already looking forward to replays where I translate other characters into FS mechanics, do challenge runs (all the usual ones seem possible!), and so forth. Great fun.

On non-gameplay, the game generally falls a bit short of FFT's level. The writing is serviceable but nothing really that exciting or worth playing a game for; it won't make you facepalm and I appreciate the diversity / older cast (the protagonist is a woman in her 30's, gasp), but it's also just not very memorable. The music, also, is serviceable, but rarely has the memorable, boisterous tracks of FFT. And the sprite work is definitely not on the level of FFT, though I do like some of the portrait art. Basically, nothing here that would recommend the game for someone who disliked FFT's core gameplay conceits, but they don't drop the ball either.

For me, though, this game is pretty great. Want to save room for replays to say for sure, but for now, 9/10 works.

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Summons I found to be pretty bad in practice yeah.  Enemy Skill is good enough for MT damage and doesn't have the stat penalties/hideous animation times.

Dragon Quest 3- Finished.  Team was Hero/Martial Artist/Cleric/Thief(into sage).  Fun enough as always. It's pretty quick to breeze through; there are only five boss fights in the entire game and the first two are total jokes. Baramos was a total asshole. My martial artist had *terrible* HP so that was a problem there; she kept getting killed. I ended up winning the fight at L27 through use of Ironize to avoid his nasty as fuck breath fire turns and timely critical hits. Zoma was also dangerous, but less so than Baramos. Beat him at like L34 or so.  HP build is totally the way to go; you get brutally punished by Baramos and Zoma if they can one round anyone.

Mario vs Rabbids: A total delight. I'm on 1-5 and enjoying it greatly. I love how maps feel truly 3-d; jumping does a great job with that. 

I also bought Fell Mark since I saw Elf's recommendation. Just did the first battle. I adore how customizable the challenge is; I'm going to run on Veteran; I might turn off injuries since I prefer running a small team though. Graphics are not going to be up to FFT's level but that's to be expected; this game has a very indy feel and isn't a big budget release.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 12:54:20 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Luther Lansfeld

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Our vacation was cancelled due to Covid-19, so instead we have a week of gaming~

Super Mario Kart - I bought the year subscription to the Switch that gives you a bunch of NES/SNES titles, and I started with the class - SMK! I play only as Peach, so Bowser and Toad were my nemeses. I skipped to 100 cc, which was the right call because I smoked by Mushroom and Flower. I had a few tries on Star to get first place, and then opened up Special. Even on 100 cc, Special is terrifying and took me about 20-30 tries to get first place on in order to unlock 150 cc.

150 cc is hell. Mushroom wasn’t too bad, easier than 100 cc Special, but Flower was hell. I only got silver on Flower, in particular struggling with Mario Circuit 3, with all of the twists and turns and the AI that seems freakishly good at it. I decided that I was happy with that and tried out Special 150 cc. I never finished that; too much of a wuss. Ah well.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Another old school game to occupy my time. World 1-4 are pretty breezy, even with a few tricky stages, but 5-7 were all pretty tough. A few epic stages included the doom fish, the sun, and the fire chomps. But overall, I didn’t think it was too bad and I thought maybe I had overrated its difficulty in my mind.  But World 8…wow, I had forgotten how nasty World 8 is in this game compared to the other worlds. Between 8-1, 8-2, and the fortress, I probably had about ten game overs, while only having one before World 8. The tank and ship maps weren’t too bad and they disappear after one try, and Bowser’s castle was tricky but maybe took two more game overs before I finally beat it. Helped that I remembered how to kill Bowser.

Tales of Vesperia - Now here’s a new experience. I decided to pick up the definitive edition for the Switch, and so we begin. So far I’m about 10 hours in, and I just got Raven as my sixth PC.

The gameplay isn’t anything to write home about, very unremarkable and smashable to get to all of the other stuff. A couple of things of note: wow, the Solt and Peppor knockoffs are pretty hard bosses thanks to being solo fights, especially the one I just fought in Heliord. I’m not sure the game really understood how to scale solo fights compared to its regular fights, which makes the tutorial fights with the joke bosses harder than most of the game’s other fights so far, which is very funny! The only other boss I died to so far besides the third joke boss tutorial fight is the wolf, who laid ever loving hell on me, so I went back into town and stocked up on healing and revival items and explored the dungeon further (i somehow beelined to the boss in that dungeon). After that, he was still hard, but more manageable. Otherwise, I mostly just play as Yuri, smashing things with swords and techs and not bothering with more complex characters or whatever.

Gameplay’s not really what we are here for.

Yuri is an interesting character; he has some of the anti-hero trappings, but unlike some of the more edgy, rude antiheroes, he is actually nice to people who deserve it. I contrast the sweet relationship between Yuri and Estelle (even though he tries to disguise his feelings about… everyone?) with Ryudo/Elena, who I felt like had a much less nice and reciprocal relationship. You notice in his interactions with Estelle, Flynn, and even Karol that he struggles to express how much he cares about people, and he often deflects his feelings and actions by justifying them logically rather than admitting that he cares about people. He has a dry sense of humor, but he mostly reserves his malice for those who deserve it. In a few scenes, you notice him subtly running cover for Karol, letting him feel ‘cool’ even though Yuri seems to know about Karol’s insecurities. He and Rita also have excellent interplay thus far; I loved the scene where he approaches Rita, telling her that “Estelle’s a good person, unlike you and I, so don’t take advantage of her.” I think he sells himself short here. He obviously cares very deeply for the common man and wants to make the world a better place, but he is frustrated with the status quo and unlike Flynn, he is unable to continue with his dream of becoming a knight because he is disgusted with the system. Flynn gets under his skin because he knows that he has a point, that just dicking around and wasting his talents won’t help anyone but the handful of people he chooses to help.

Flynn… I haven’t seen that much of him yet, but he feels potentially interesting because of his ideological opposition to Yuri. He is Lawful Good in a world that puts lawful in opposition with good, and he struggles with this. In his first encounter, he lets go of the corrupt senator Ragou because he doesn’t have the definite proof needed to catch him, and Yuri is obviously contemptuous of this. Otherwise, he seems to serve a cause that is parallel, but not necessarily with or against Yuri and company. I like the idea of the ‘rival’ character being higher achieving and generally not primarily motivated by the main character, although obviously Yuri and Flynn have an influence on each other. Both of them grew up in the slums, and they are both influenced by it, although Yuri is much more proudly lower class and brazen whereas Flyyn tries to be a proper knight. While Yuri is proud of having 10,000 gald on his head and having, what was it, eighteen crimes to his name? He’s getting bored of listening to them all, Flynn tries to uphold the law and do what he thinks is right. It will be interesting to see what the game does with these two.

Yuri’s epic-tier sass, especially directed at the establishment, is just <3

Estelle is a generically decent female lead. I don’t have a lot to say about her, but I like that she really moves the plot with her actions and seems to have her own free will. She’s also a big nerd for history and culture and magic, which is thumbs up in my view. She has great chemistry with Yuri. One of the interesting things about their relationship is how Yuri largely defers to her in most decision making and is content to follow Estelle’s whims. Yuri feels like the main character but Estelle feels like an important plot driver. Rita is cute and funny, very savage and unrelenting and has great chemistry with Yuri, Karol, and Estelle. Karol is decent as well, although not quite as good as the others mentioned so far. I’m still waiting for all of the parts of his plot to come together. Raven just joined, but seems like a piece of shit who needs to be dunked on, so it’s a good thing he joined a party with Yuri and Rita, the sasslords. The newly added character, Patty, only existed for a few minutes and primarily existed to be horny for Yuri. Whatever floats your boat, little girl. (Although she’s 14 and 4’4”, which is excessively short. I’m pretty sure I was full height at 14. >_>)

Otherwise, the game’s plot is not too exciting, you move from place to place which is mostly an excuse for character interaction and a vehicle for gameplay. I don’t really expect the plot to be stellar, although I hope it does begin to pick up later? Right now it does feel like it’s falling a bit into the Dragon Quest mold of “go to town -> solve someone’s problem of the day -> repeat”, which feels relatively repetitive after a while. Definitely hoping for more Flynn/Estelle/Yuri interaction goodness, which has been the core of the game so far.

I like the dungeon design; they look nice and aren’t too long, both things I appreciate. Graphics and music are both fine but nothing worth writing home about. The game is pleasantly fine at everything, moving the needle in one direction on character work and the other on Tales gameplay. I’m having fun.
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
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Just started up Animal Crossing on the Switch. Brand new villager. Peaches. Green airport. Called Westside. On Day 2. If you want to join, my Switch is: 1798-2060-2520 OR my Dodo right now is: 3XSD2

Dark Holy Elf

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FFX - Replaying this, or more specifically, the PS4 HD version. It's neat, I appreciate the better graphics more than I expected to and I also appreciate that I can finally actually use the Expert Sphere Grid after having read about it for years. And of course I appreciate it because it's FFX, it's great.

The crazy idea for this playthrough is simple: whenever anyone reaches a junction (which happens for everyone upon their join), randomly choose what direction they go (besides back the way they came, unless necessary). Obviously routes blocked by locks which require keys I don't have yet are skipped. The one little exception I've made is that there is a path between Tidus's and Rikku's early grids which has five empty nodes in a row and I've chosen to ignore that because I feel like it would hamstring anyone who crossed it.

Up to Guadosalam now.

Tidus: Did a little circuit of Kimahri's grid and is now on Yuna's. He has random utility like Cheer / Extract Ability / the Nul spells and is otherwise pretty underwhelming due to a lack of offence or durability. I did get a lucky Sleepstrike weapon drop for him from Sinspawn Gui, so that's seen some use at least, especially against Basilisks.

Wakka: Started off on his own grid, and then moved onto Auron's. His only really notable skill is the Dark Attack he started with, but he has accuracy and power so he can at least reliably kill all the fliers and sprinters. Also his HP is crazy high. I bought the TKO (50% petrify) for him at Operation Mi'ihen which is great for petrifying 7000-HP Ochus near the Moonflow.

Lulu: Went into Yuna's grid and picked up the Nul spells. Then she ended up crossing back over into her own to pick up the -aras, which has been great. She got them later than normal but on the other hand she has a bit more utility and speed than she usually does. Reliably kills huge numbers of enemy types and beats on sleeping enemies. Probably the non-Summon MVP.

Yuna: Did a circuit of Kimahri's grid, picked up Dark Attack, Lancet, and the L1 black spells, then went into Rikku's for Steal/Use, where she is now. She has pretty good HP/speed and does a bit of everything as a result. Not to much to say about her past that. Summon is still a hell of a trump card against bosses and tough enemies.

Kimahri: Mucked around in his own grid then went into Lulu's, his most notable pickup was Blizzard and good magic to use it with. Is quite useful when that spell is relevant. He then ended up in Wakka's grid where he got Silence Attack, and has since moved into Auron's, so it's not quite clear what his long-term prospects are, but for now, Silence is good.

Auron: Pretty quickly found himself in Tidus's grid and at long last gave me Haste by Mushroom Rock, which is grand. Otherwise he has good power as usual and can still reliably kill his types of enemies, though it looks like he may fall just short in the Thunder Plains. Power Break is great against the two bosses he has faced so far.

Rikku: Just got, too early to say, beyond obviously looking like a worse version of Yuna at this point.

Highlight of the run so far was Chocobo Eater, which featured the first time in any FFX run I've made serious use of Guard (cover allies for a turn). Even after Power Break, Chocobo Eater could OHKO Lulu (and sometimes Tidus) with his called shot Fist of Fury. Why did Guard end up mattering? Because my strategy was to summon Valefor to do some nearly free damage, wait until Chocobo Eater charges his Fist of Fury, dismiss her (because Eater can't use Push the next turn), have Wakka Guard to protect Lulu/Yuna, take that hit, and then have my best damage-dealers finish the job of pushing Eater over and back.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2020, 10:34:41 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

DragonKnight Zero

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Tales of Symphonia replay goes well.  Winning fights at better margins and less item use now that I mostly know what I'm doing.  Even sold a few restoratives since I was hitting the cap on them.  Then real life Pandemic strikes and I unplug the Gamecube to do my long delayed Clear Game stomp of Atelier Meruru.  More on that later.

  This post is my ToS character impressions post.  Complete with unflattering nicknames.  They're an interesting bunch overall.  No one really stuck out as a home run but didn't feel there were any stinkers either.  Spoilers ahead, though I intend to keep them minor or of the easily guessed sort.

Lloyd - "Hothead Laguna"

  Lots of heart, not as much in the smarts department.  Thus, he reminds me most of FF8's most likeable character.  Though his dumbness seems to mostly be of the book smarts sort: the famous coffee scene (among others) shows he does have a capacity for craftiness and observation.  His hot-headed tendency to charge in without thinking and pick fights irritated me at first.  Not because of the personality so much but the likelihood it would lead to boss fights which I didn't want to have (since I sucked at combat for a while).  His idealism starts out simple minded, "defeat the bad guys" variety.  Spoilers: he gets better.  Like WA3's Virginia, part of his development is transforming his ideals into something with a dose of emotional maturity (words, where are they?).

  Cares about people without regard to race or religion, a definite plus.  It's not really noticeable on the surface, but he does grow into someone I can picture people voluntarily choosing to follow on his quest.  While I didn't notice at first, his color scheme is close to chapter 1 Delita.  Ironically, it's a different character who more closely follows Delita's character path in FFT.

Colette - "Proto Flonne"

   Having played Disgaea before this (even though ToS predates it), I got so many Flonne vibes that Colette might as well have been the template for Disgaea's angel trainee.  It's both on a surface appearance level: white clothes, blond hair, blue eyes, angel motif, and on a personality level.  Wanting to make friends with an assassin that's trying to kill her does seem like something Flonne would do.  Both have kind-hearted personalities, are rather naive, and probably several other traits I'm forgetting at the moment.

   Colette doesn't quite gel with me, which surprised me as I'm predisposed to like the cute, blond, kindhearted, female characters.  It's not her outfit; unflattering as it is, plain is not a crime pandering with gratuitous exposed skin would put me off more.  It's not her clumsiness, which I find entertaining at least, if not always endearing.  It's not how clueless she can act; there are a number of entertaining skits and scenes where she jumps to a wrong conclusion.  Maybe it's how she keeps thing locked up tighter than Tifa Lockheart.  Anyone who has played through FF7 will know how well that turned out. Maybe it's that she comes off as a plot device more than a person.  (and Lloyd treating her as a person first is one of his big positive traits)

  Or it could be that I'm unconsciously comparing her to Flonne and finding her dull by comparison.  More  thoughts at another time if I ever get around to articulating them.

Genis - "less insufferable Leon"

  I found myself mentally comparing him to Star Ocean 2's catboy.  Being attack mages is the obvious comparison along with the very high intellect.  Genis contrasts with Lloyd in that while Lloyd is book dumb but has a decent amount of world smarts, Genis is very book smart but very out of his element outside a classroom setting.  His banter with Lloyd is entertaining and they feel like they're actually friends (cough, Cecil, Kain).  While confident in his academic smarts, he doesn't come off as arrogant as Leon does towards people not as smart as him.

And just to feed the Leon connection more, Genis is the one that gets the cat-themed costume and not any of the females.  There's also his intense crush on Presea, another similarity to Leon crushing on every female in the party.  Genis at least keeps it to one.  Though since one of the female PCs is his sister and another is a childhood friend who's already an item with Lloyd, so there's not many to begin with for him to act awkward around.

Kratos - "Fanfic bait"

  He could also be called Auron mk2, seeing as his last name is Auron with one more letter.  Assuming this would enable one to guess some of his reveals before they occur.  I was contrasting him with Gafgarion, being the first one I thought of when mercenary was mentioned.  So my train of thought was more along the lines of noticing he doesn't exhibit much, if any, of the characteristics of a money-grubbing mercenary.  He's got the stoic exterior Squall wishes he had but doesn't seem to display any of the greed that often gets associated with mercenaries.  Curious.  Seems to be a favorite character for fanfic writers to explore because, well spoilers for a lot that he keeps concealed.

Holy crap, I think I'm going to split this post for my sanity, if nothing else.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 04:42:03 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

Luther Lansfeld

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Tales of Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion -

In this edition, we see Flynn get promoted to knight captain, whereas Yuri decides to inflict vigilante justice onto a corrupt, scummy aristocrat and letting him die and fall into the bottom of a river. Such a succinct portrayal of their parallel paths toward building the future. These two work so well together because they are both right and both wrong and both driven and both prideful. I am continually eager to see what exactly the game is going to do with them.

The game continues to be a joy on the PC front; Yuri is very fascinating; after forming Brave Vesperia, he immediately defers to Karol for all things and even puts Repede as the second in command. He clearly has an issue with command structures, thus his inability to get along with the knights, but even more than that he does not want to be in charge of everything. Karol is embarrassed that Yuri calls him ‘boss’, but I don’t feel like it’s coming from a place of mockery, even though it seems absurd for an adult man to be taking orders from a little boy. I really like the repertoire these two are building and they have a lot of really good chemistry. I find Karol to have quite an interesting character, building up confidence and no longer being a coward. He is safe and more rational than Yuri, who is impulsive to a fault, but they work together really well.

Rita is hilarious and I love how she clearly has a crush on Estelle, even blushing when she talks about her. Rita’s first crush; how cute! Estelle is pretty good but I feel like she needs to be a bit more open with her goals and ambitions with the player; I will still wait and see with her a bit. She has great chemistry in all of the skits with Yuri and Rita and to a lesser extent Karol. Judith has yet to reveal her true goals, but she also adds to the skits and the plot with her sensibility and reason. Also, I like how Yuri refers to her as ‘eye candy’. Made me laugh to hear an RPG main be honest about thinking a girl was hot. Otherwise, I like her, but she’s not very deep yet. Raven is definitely less good; I feel like he could be anywhere from ineffective joke character to a really annoying character with a stupid serious story. Maybe he will be good, but I am skeptical. Patty seems like a really weird addition; pointless and tone-breaking, a complete joke character in a sea of joke/serious hybrids, which is a bit jarring.

Now, the game’s villains… hilariously bad. Everyone is baby-eating evil; Barbos wants to rule the world or something, Ragou likes kicking commoners and torturing children, and Cumore just wants to run gulags or something, because reasons. Duke seems like he’s a very nice guy; spouts off about the insignificance of life or something, and then sits around with his bishie silver hair and big sword. I’m sure he’s gonna be a really charmer. Oh, and Yeager, whose only personality trait is talking in a funny accent. Good grief.

The game seems to have gone a little off the rails at this point; the ghost ship seemed really pointless, and the desert seems pretty filler so far. I’m hoping there will be more Flynn and less filler soon. At least the skits are still good (unless they involve Patty, then they are just weird.)
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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Mario vs Rabbids- World 3! The challenge missions have been a lot of fun, but the super secret ones are *evil*. Secret chapter 2-1 is a mobility gimmick mission which I got close to solving, may go back to it. 2-2 requires a level of firepower I don't have yet, I'll come back to that.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

DragonKnight Zero

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Tales of Symphonia character impressions continued:

Raine - "Ruins freak"

   Raine I had the hardest time coming up with a cheeky nickname for and I'm still not satisfied.  It's a play on Flonne's love freak label and comes up often enough unlike her creepy Hojo-esque behavior of calling some non-humanoid NPCs specimens which is confined to skits, to my knowledge.  In some ways it's a plus that she doesn't fit the profile of the conventional pure, docile, female healer stereotype.  Raine's very no-nonsense like Alys Brangwim and often has the coolest head in a group filled with impulsive personalities.  I considered "karma immune" because of how she faces no reprocussions for how she dope slaps Lloyd and Genis like Moe of the Three Stooges.  (to be fair, the butt spank she gives Genis early on is the only time it happens all game)

  To further distance her from the domestic healer archtype, Raine is awful at cooking.  Her own brother calls it destructive.  Being a teacher, I see parallels with Al-Revis' Vce Principal, who has a similar no-nonsense mentality with an infrequently seen caring side and cooking results compared to industrial waste.  Raine's hiding a number of secrets.  Not as many as Kratos but locked up almost as tightly.  Some are learned late in the game; others remain a mystery.

Sheena - Less cool than a Touhou character

  I hear that she's meant to be the most fanservicey character but didn't really notice for a while.  Because I noticed she fights with ofuda but as a melee weapon, my train of thought was fixated on that detail.  In Gensokyo, ofuda are projectile weapons so they'd at least provide an impression of being useful in combat.  What's Sheena trying to do?  Nick the enemy to death with paper cuts?  (to be fair, real paper cuts hurt a lot relative to their size)  There was also another train of thought in disbelief about how the character creators managed to combine two of FFTs most powerful classes into a combination so terrible at being either in combat.

  OK, I exaggerate.  Arguably the second worst assassin in RPGdom (Flonne being the worst), her ineptness at carrying out her initial stated purpose will later be incorporated into Flonne's first visit to the Netherworld.  Easy as it is to mock her, I don't dislike her as a character.  Mostly I remember her interactions with Lloyd and Zelos being a source of entertainment.  And the first scene in the game that managed to strike me emotionally revolved around her.  As for how she's reluctant to openly admit feelings towards Lloyd, Mimi from Atelier does it better, nyah.

Presea - The un-Rydia

  Got a number of speculations on why she's in the game.  One more cynical part of my brain suspects the creators were trying to fill some undocumented loli quotient.  Another less disturbing theory is creating a contrast to Square's pattern of casting their child characters as mages.  Presea contrasts with Rydia in pretty much every way.  Rydia is a mage and can be knocked out by a sneeze.  Presea is a pure melee character and takes hits very well, maybe cast best unless specifically building Lloyd/Kratos/Zelos for defenses and intentionally disregarding hers.  Rydia is a child in an adult body.  Presea is an adult (chronologically at least, arguably still a child mentally) in a child body.  Rydia has no trouble expressing her emotions, be they sadness, anger, or happiness.  Presea seems to default to stoic and deadpan and struggles to understand expressing emotions.

  Somewhat undecided about how to feel about Presea.  Does the game want me to find her cute or creepy?  Maybe it's both.

Zelos - Butt-monkey

  Lots of humorous scenes and skits are at his expense.  Surprisingly helpful to the party for someone who appears to be lecherous and shallow.  Somehow comes off as both a decent person and a pervy one at the same time.  Still, far from the perception gained from DL writeups before having played the game.  Zelos is more perceptive and knowledgeable than his surface behavior lets on.

Regal - Tales Batman

  Comes off as thoughtful and introspective, when he's not wallowing in guilt.  Didn't put me off though.  Lloyd and Genis both feel remorse over something early in the game, Colette has already done a lot of feeling sorry for herself by the time Regal joins.  Then there's Presea dealing with being left behind by time.  And those are just the ones who display their feelings in the open; there are more who keep their regrets over past events and inner pain concealed.  So one more character feeling ashamed of some part of their past didn't register on my radar by then.  He seems to have a sense of remorse similar to Lunar's White Knight Leo upon finally accepting that he'd been working for the side that he would have opposed, had he known.  It's the blue hair.  The connection would be more obvious if he did dress up in a silly costume and fought evil under a assumed name.  One of those he has a vendetta with already looks much like an even uglier Penguin.

His kick based fighting style heavily reminds me of a fighting game character.  Can't come up with any specific names at the moment though I'm fairly certain kick-exclusive fighters exist.  So I ended up mentally contrasting him with Balrog, in the absence of a closer match.  He even controls most like a Smash character in a combat system that's already very Final Destination without the death pits.


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Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Been playing this a bunch off DL recommendations.  I just finished blowing up underwater blockages guarded by earthwyrms who use water magic but are also weak to water themselves, followed by a rude timed mission that doesn't let you grind or restore injuries (very unusual for the game).

Glad I held off a bit since it sounds like the upgrades since release have been good, like the adjustable difficulties and so on.  Who knew that the developer of Black Sigil of all games would end up doing a 2-person passion project FFT clone.  There's a few parts the budget definitely shows through - maps aren't rotatable, maps don't tend to have "interesting" terrain that would be tough to render, there's no physics system so arrows and bullets mysteriously travel through mountainsides - but hey, Fire Emblem shows that archers shooting through castle walls can be just fine and not really impact things TOO much.  In retrospect, I wish their Kickstarter got more money - they spent it all on art, apparently, and even more art would have been rad.  (Also.  More names.  I guess they wanted the Kickstarter names to come up more?  But really, it's not hard to go down to Ye Olde Book Of Fantasy Nameth and grab 40 more entries.)

My random gameplay thought - this is maybe the best berserk status in any game I've played.  (Perhaps FF5 Berserk comes close but that's partially due to bugs and weird edge cases like skipping Neo Exdeath.)  Knight gets Berserk very early off the cheap Taunt ability, it's 100% accuracy, it comes from a range of 2.  Berserk the enemy that drew the closest at the start of the fight, and force him to come even closer, and to walk into your Knight's Counterattack passive!  As well as all the ranged pain the rest of your team will unleash.  Send your Knight bravely into the backlines, berserk an enemy from 2 spaces away that's closer to another enemy, and watch them kill their friends.  Berserk a physically strong enemy then run away and let the other enemies enjoy dealing with their crazed friend.  Berserk mages and watch as devastating 100 damage spells become 5 damage thwacks.  Berserk healers and put a cork in the aggressive healing that the game's AI will do.  Hell, worst comes to worst, just get rid of a one-time status defense shield, hopefully have an Alchemystic (the psuedo Time Mage / Buff Mage) drop Haste on your Knight, then just Berserk them again before they can put the status defense shield back up.  Your mother smelt of elderberries and your father was a hamster, etc.  And, like other statuses, it wears off at the end of an afflicted character's turn, not the beginning, so if they live long enough to calm down...  just rile 'em back up again!

The only thing that comes close is Gambler's Allure, which is 75% Charm from range 3, and is also pretty awesome.  But Allure is a capstone, expensive skill you only get after mastering most of Gambler, so you don't get THAT long to use it before you've mastered Gambler and it's time to move on so you don't OCD waste job points.  And if it fails, you can potentially be in deep.  Sending a tanky Knight on a distraction mission into the center of the bad guys is a lot safer, even if they take some hits from the un-berserked friends.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 06:42:07 AM by SnowFire »

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I mostly used Berserk from Gunner which does it at range 8 (less accurate of course, as it should be), and yeah it's good. Probably not my most used status in the game though, that honour just goes to plain ol' Root. You get it early, it's accurate and long range, and it often lets you just forget about that enemy for a couple turns while they take stupid actions like wasting their own item supply. Status is in a neat place in this game, there's loads of cool ways to use it to turn a fight without being of the "I win" variety (instant death, FF6 confuse, etc.).

Ranged weapons not having to worry about stuff in the way definitely feels like a conscious choice; coding simple "physics" for things getting in the way is easy, but it's also frustrating for the player since it's often quite opaque. In general, the devs new what FFT's pitfalls were and how to avoid them, and the "why the hell can't I shoot my crossbow from here" moments in FFT are enough to put most people off the weapon type entirely in my experience. Of course it's extra bad in FFT since you can't take back your move action to experiment.

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FFX - At the final dungeon with RNG sphere grid builds.

The game decided to make Wakka way better than everyone else. He has ~60 strength and Quick Hit and does about 5x the physical damage of the next best. Lulu's okay, she has Drain and decent magic, though no -agas or Flare or Doublecast which a mage wants by now. Tidus, Rikku, and Yuna all have Use, which gives them some baseline value, of course. (And Summon is stupid, Yuna getting even some strength means Bahamut is hitting for like 15k and I won't even mention the stronger aeons, but I mostly just use them for boss overkills and a few problem enemies.)

EDIT: One thing this playthrough really drives home is how useful so many FFX skills are, I definitely found myself missing several! Nobody has gotten Bio, Demi, the defensive breaks, or Slow, and to varying degrees I miss all of them. The defensive breaks in particular I can only replace with overdrives, Bio/Demi at least have use items (although the Demi item was quite limited until recently, and even now for some reason doesn't seem to work with Break Damage Limit?).

Got all the celestial weapons except Tidus (because apparently despite an hour and a half of effort I can not ride that chocobo), Rikku, and Wakka (too time-consuming). I may end up doing the aftergame with this team but if so I'll obviously relax the challenge rules.

Devil May Cry - Did a random replay of this on Normal. Not much to say, I'm really rusty and I settled for B ranks (except chapter 22 because I wasn't in the mood to redo Mundus 1 multiple times).
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 07:10:25 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Atelier Meruru: Clear Game conquest

In some ways, Clear Game is very boring.  Battling requires no thought, just mash attack and bulldoze everything with endgame equipment.  Don't really get much chance to use character specials since over 90% of enemies die too fast.

On the other hand, with all the time-saving upgrades as well as not needing to spend time upgrading equipment, it's far easier to finish up all those quests I ran out of time to do the first go-around.  As well as put up a real fight with the optional superbosses.

  Surprise, quite a bit of plot is gated behind a Clear Game.  There's a dialogue change very early and then no differences from a plain new game until around halfway through.  Mostly fills in some details that were vaguely hinted at before.

  This time through, I managed to win against all three bosses that I failed to conquer before.  One is the Clear Game exclusive battle, which I managed to pull off this time with smarter gear choices and some strong party healing items.  The last two, I resorted to insane cheese tactics to triumph over. (to unlock their entries for the in-game Encyclopedia)  Namely, Pepped Up Elixir.

  Imagine Auto-Potion except it heals the whole party.  The one I made also cures all negative  status and revives.  It's a strong full party HP restoration too.  It goes off from any damage that puts Meruru below 99% HP.  The sheer degree of brokenness is only kept in check by how fast the wholesale shop can restock them and the strain on my wallet.

  With enough of these, Masked G turns from a battle which is lost in under two rounds to one which is like beating on a wall.  Meruru also has an auto-revive accessory on so if an opponent can somehow KO her (either by knocking her to 0 HP with an obscenely powerful attack or somehow overwhelming all the healing), as long as the whole team isn't knocked out before her next turn, she'll pop back up for more action.  Masked G seems to have some special shield that cuts all damage to about 5% of what it would normally do.  Even defense ignoring damage.  Also triple-acts and regens some HP per action.
   Like I stated, beating on a wall.  A wall that hits back with the force of a sledgehammer.  And when my team had finally thrown out attack after attack and finally outraced his HP regen, victory still felt empty.  I still prefer the loss outcome though, for plot reasons. (forgot to mention, only get one shot at this fight and no rematches without reloading an earlier save)

  Eternity Goddess is the games biggest challenge without the DLC content.  Even with my auto-Elixir of sheer brokenness, still took two attempts.  I lost the first time when Meruru got overwhelmed by how fast the boss puts out damage and then it murdered the rest of the team before the auto-revive kicked in.  Switched out Keina for Totori and managed to pull through on attempt #2.
  Boss really loves its MT status hell.  It has the trifecta of damage + poison, blind, curse and will use it a lot.  Either that or another MT status hell is on an unlimited time card.  2 or 3 MT attacks in a row are fairly common.  I came in with 40 uses of auto-Elixir and used 33 of them in the winning fight.
  Even with cheese items, still took effort.  Was often juggling keeping my companions MP up and trying to launch Lv3 item assaults.  The race between my Elixir supply and the boss' HP was a close one.  Had I run out, defeat would likely come quick between the boss' offensive power and status hell.  It dropped a weapon with Diety Power, more a trophy than anything else though it's nice to finally learn what to combine for it.

  With this, the combat side of Atelier Meruru lies conquered.  Haven't quite mastered schedule balancing for 100% completion.  I was almost 90 battles short as well as a few other of the more grindy and esoteric tasks.  The last bit of game time I had, I used it at the cauldron to fish for new traits.  I was going for the Alchemist ending but got Strongest Princess instead.  Not a total disappointment though.  Knowing I'll never have any reason to slog through Masked G again is a positive.

  Still feel I have more to do with the game.  Even though my setups are good enough to clear every fight the game has to offer, not totally satisfied with my equipment.  Kind of want to redo some of my accessories.  Several pieces feel like filler or deadweight and the way I distributed them feels awkward.  I also have a better understanding of what traits can go on what gear so I don't get stuck with a Bunny Tail with Quality Lv1, Beast Repel, and nothing else.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 03:13:16 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

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Tales of Vesperia - spoilers within! You have been warned.

Finished at 42 hours. Final boss wasn’t that bad; HP-1 Mystic Arte is surprisingly not that scary in this system, especially with a large supply of Treats which heal 30% of max HP to the whole party. I used one immediately after each Mystic Arte. Probably the overall hardest bosses were, in some order, the wolf from the second dungeon, the third tutorial fight with Adocor and Boccos, and I also died to the fight with Estelle as well as a few scattered other times, like some randoms flinging spells because I realized to gun for the damn spellcasters.

Gameplaywise, this game is a pretty big improvement over TotA, which is the only other game in the series that I’ve played.The combat feels a bit more fluid, and the combo system is a little less dull, but I also like the enemy design better than the macros/AI options much better. I also felt like the game gives you more options early; can always control all characters using items and can always free run, for all that the game still forces you to wait to switch characters for some reason. But because I could use items from the menu and always used Yuri anyway, it didn’t really matter. The gameplay is functional and playable but nothing greater.

One thing that the game does a really nice job with is the environments. From the forest of Kiev Moc to the caves of Weasand of Cados to Mt. Temza but especially the Releweise Hollow which looks so much like the Grand Canyon, from the shapes of the hills to the multiple layers of earth which represent different eras of geologic time. It really did feel like you were walking in something like the Grand Canyon and Estelle is explaining how the Grand Canyon was formed. I thought it was a super cool touch and I really loved it. The towns are also really nice and unique and each of them has their own unique piece of music. The game is truly good at developing atmosphere through its environments, which I greatly appreciated (especially after playing Scarlet Grace, which literally has no environments…).

Where the game really shines is in its character work, specifically in its PC cast. The star of the show and the most developed character is Yuri. The game poses some interesting questions with Yuri; does a single human being have a right to call themselves judge, jury, and executioner of justice? Flynn presents the case for why we have a legal system and laws, but the unjust evasion of those through corruption weakens his argument. While Yuri’s actions are justified to the particular individuals in which he exacts justice on, vigilante justice is both dangerous and taking the law into an individual’s hands and up to an individual’s judgment. Sodia decides to take the law into her hands by attacking Yuri, for whom she sees as above the law and corrupt because of Flynn. Was she wrong in seeing him as immune to the law, considering that he gets away with many crimes throughout the game? In the most extreme case, Duke takes the entire world into his own hands, deciding to eliminate humanity as a solution to a problem. Yuri realizes that doing things alone is not the way to go, especially after he is chewed out for it before the return to Zaphias, and he ultimately convinces Duke of the same.

What does law exist for? Is there a way to reform the world using legal means? Does killing an individual - without systemic change - do anything except cause another head to grow back? I think these are legitimate questions, and ones that the game asks you to consider. Ragou and Cumore’s deaths are visceral and feel good in the moment - but does that constitute real change? Flynn works as a foil to Yuri because of these questions; I like Flynn because the relationship between he and Yuri is reciprocal and based on mutual respect and trust, unlike many shounen rivalries. I actually feel like this is one of the best executions of a rivalry that I’ve seen.

Rita is thoroughly excellent; funny, science-y, bitchy, has a huge fucking crush on Estelle, and is a great PC. She’s not a deep character but she is quite fun. Estelle is a pretty typical, but well done, princess character who explores some of the themes about freedom and justice, but she’s not quite as compelling. Karol is the same; he is pretty damn corny, but I still like him. although I do enjoy his journey away from being cowardly. Props to the game for doing a good job with the skits involving these four, since they are around the longest and have good chemistry with each other. Judy is nothing special character wise but fits in the skits well.

Raven is… ahhhhhhhhh, kinda botched, sadly. He has a stint as a villain and then the game forgets it ever happened? He stabbed us in the back! Sold out our party! And we’re supposed to just laugh at his jokes and whining after that? Hell no! Fuck him! I just wanted to slap the shit out of him every time he spoke. Patty is profoundly uncompelling and a weird addition.

The villains... mostly range from cover your eyes bad (Alexei, Yeager) to dull (Barbos) to baby-eating evil (Cumore, Ragou, Zagi) to weird and racist (Clint, Tison, Nan). Duke is at least mildly sympathetic considering his motivation but still takes it too far. I liked the touch that he is spared and actually does turn from nihilism, as his lack of faith in humanity is proven false. I am glad he is not hanging out with humans in the ending though.

The ending is great. Flynn takes on his two husbands Ioder and Yuri, and Rita invents a flying machine to have sapphic tea parties with Estelle. The final boss hugs bunnies. What else do you need?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 06:04:39 PM by Luther Lansfeld »
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Trails of Cold Steel 3: Extremely Cold Steel - Finished.  I have words about the endgame plot and and few if any of them are kind but I think the biggest thing (or at least the thing I want to get out now instead of spending like four hours arranging words into coherence) is that perhaps Rean is not actually good at this whole protagonist thing.

Gameplay changes... eh, raw power got nerfed across the board but the stupid broken things that would've made it not matter are not only still there but they added more stupid broken things so lol, I'll probably effortpost ingame use later but the tl;dr is going to be that I sort of agree with Tide but at the same time I sort of don't.  Divine Knight battles are still complete and utter trash but at least letting other people join in makes them go faster so uh congrats on beating CS2 there, I guess.


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Very interested in seeing where you saw the other PCs at. For the most part, I think the high tier PCs in CS3 are pretty well defined - it's more the lower tiers that are tougher to figure out. Truth be told, CS isn't a series where the worst PC is unusable - just often underwhelming and possesses a "but why"
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Definitely getting into Animal Crossing New Leaf; and while sheltering-in-place, I find myself hopping onto FF15 to complete missions and missions only. Good and quick payout.

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New games!

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - This game sure is Order of Eccelsia, down to having a female lead and everything. What can I say, this game is really good, basically an extension of OoE that I can play on a TV instead of the tiny ass DS screen, and there’s no boss as annoying as the crab. This might be my favorite Metroidvania ever? I will probably be able to tell you that when I finish. Right now I am laboring against Bloodless, who clearly has some sort of addiction to blood and weirds me out a bit, but it’s fine. The King of Speed was the hardest boss before her, though. Although, just getting through all of the stages in itself can be quite tricky; you do the save point dance every time you find one. :) The plot is very Castelvania; men yelling at people, characters acting in bizarre, irrational ways for no particularly good reason, such as keeping secrets for no really good reason, and all kinds of general silliness. I fought the plot fight already as well, although I off course game over’d there.

Atelier Ayesha - Playing on Hard Mode. So this is my first experience with the Atelier series, although I did play both Mana Khemia games before. The game is profoundly wholesome and pleasant and charming, although not too deep. I have long held a stereotype of the series in my mind as a girl-dominated cast of cute women, and honestly, that’s not wrong, although there is more diversity in the female cast than I expected. I am very fond of both Marion and Linca, from the way they dress to their interactions to their personalities to their PC forms. (I am playing the Switch version, so Marion joins early instead of being DLC). Ayesha herself is a classic ditzy female character who is scatterbrained but nice, so everyone likes her. I also like Ernie and his motherly finger wag.

One of the amusing things about the game is that most of the rest of the male characters are variations of stereotypes of men. Keithgriff thinks he is smarter than everyone else and spouts off cryptic bullshit to prove it. Ranun is a mooch and a layabout, and tries to use his charm to get by. Harry is rich and privileged and loves the sound of his own voice, but is secretly considered to be pretty stupid by most people around him. Kyle is a schmoozer who loves to hit on every woman in sight. Ayesha’s interactions with all four of these guys are cute and funny; she will often call them ‘unique’ or ‘very very… interesting’ in her polite, friendly girl way as the game leads us to think that these guys are kind of dopey.

I think it’s kind of funny to think about, because when feminists / game critics / whatever discuss gender issues in games, it is often focused on the limited scope of roles that women have traditionally been allowed to play in stories. I wouldn’t say Atelier Ayesha really breaks the mold in that regard; it’s not like it has any overtly trailblazing character work in general, but its male characters feel very stereotypical, like, if I were to write a satire about the different stereotypes of silly or annoying men, these are the kinds of characters I would write. I am not sure exactly what to think about this or if it was even intentional, but it’s an interesting thing that I’ve never really seen a game do before.

Hard Mode randoms are hard. I keep barely dragging ass through each dungeon, on the brink of death and running out of items to throw at the enemies before finding an exit. I am enjoying the combat system pretty well thus far; it is CTB, CTB is good times. Having fun thus far. Good music, pleasant graphics, just general breeziness (aside from the randoms and Keith's eminent punchability).
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Mario Rabbids: Finished. Great game, probably an 8/10. Very solid XCOM like with a lot of polish and fun options.  MVP was Rabbid Luigi; most used team was Mario/Luigi/Rabbid Luigi. I subbed in Rabbid Mario at a few points; used the rest very sparingly.  Writing was cute and didn't get in the way; the Rabbids are funny enough and you know what you're getting from a Mario game otherwise. Biggest drawbacks were rare graphical glitches and one of the early training maps that was glitched and I couldn't get to work right.

Game did a fantastic job with resource management; in particular you always had to make pretty careful choices about how to use power orbs throughout the game. I dig.

Boo to no PC Boswer/Rabbid Bowser.  Don't know what's next, probably a replay.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Finished!  Really fun game, especially with the additions patched in over time like an option to speed up the animations.  Much like LFT, feeds a hunger for a proper FFT2.  Some good fight design toward the end, albeit with some erratic difficulty levels.  (Patrols for grinding / treasure chest opening, notably, can often be way tougher than the mission itself.)  But the game has super-customizable difficulty settings, so whatever.  (I played on Hard, which generally adds a single enemy per map, which is a tasteful and interesting way to increase difficulty.  That and +1 accessory or so for many enemies, so mildly better stats or a few extra status resistances.)  Also, I assume Elf meant for the bad ending, but I finished at a way higher level than L30 - L55-60 or so.  Granted, level doesn't Really Matter due to the FF8-esque level-scaling, which is fine by me - go grab treasure chests and secrets and the like on patrols without accidentally making the rest of the game a stomp.

This is not really a criticism, but as a note / interesting difference, because the inter-class balance is so good, I didn't feel like I was in a hurry to unlock stuff?  In FFT, in Chapter 1 and 2, there's a bit of a race up the tree to unlock the good shit.  Mages want to get to Summoner or Time Mage or both, fighters want to get to Ninja or Samurai, there's various passives that will notably help along the way, etc.  (And yes, Wizard is quietly OP in the early chapters, but shh, and besides you can run it as a secondary on other mage classes.)  Since all the passives and classes in FS are valid, what's the rush?  Sit around in the Squire equivalent or whatever other early class you like until you have it mastered so you'll have a strong secondary to set once you start to explore a little, along with a small stat boost.  (And I never did bother with Peddler / Reaver / Duelist, too far away, can just go farm mastery bonuses down here instead.)

My builds:

Kyrie: Mercenary - (Unique) - Fellblade - Warmage - Gadgeteer - Plague Doctor - Gambler - Knight - Templar.
Focused on all the hybrid classes, basically, before running out of them and grabbing some tanks.  Ran her unique Ancient Power skillset as secondary.  Would run No Flank + Health Expert for safety or No Flank + Execute for a mix of safety & damage.  Templar gets extremely good late-game with all the holy-weak demons.  That said, she was probably most impressive while in Warmage, and switched back to Unique + Battle Magic for the volcano fight against George Soros & Boomerang Buddy - Warmage has some crazy damage off that skillset for just deleting people every single turn.

Reiner: Scoundrel - Gadgeteer - Gambler - Assassin - Gunner - Spymaster - Ranger.
Special ops flavor.  Ran Scoundrel's Trickery as secondary, team Fleet of Foot early + Sneak Attack is quite dangerous, especially with a ranged weapon and Attack Expert.  Both Dirty Hit & Arterial Cut were absolutely valid if a Sneak Attack couldn't be set up or against high-HP, Bleed vulnerable enemies.

Anadine: (Unique) - Mercenary - Knight - Templar -Plague Doctor - Gadgeteer - Ranger - Gunner.
The tank.  Usually ran Chivalry secondary post-Knight and was a disruptor who spammed Taunt w/ Counterattack passive.  Mid-to-late game Templar / Plague Doctor has the mighty Holy Mace, which offers convenient Dark immunity and Holy damage just when a bunch of demons start showing up.  The Ranger/Gunner lategame flex might look weird, but Heavy Hit (1/3 current HP damage) off range-7 True Flight bow or a range-8 Gun is pretty useful against the various HP-sponges of late-game, and while I didn't run Dark Sword having Focused Rage for a "surprise you lose" on someone whose MP tends to pile up was pretty handy.  Could theoretically also do a One For All setup, but eh, MP-less Heavy Hit was more reliable and didn't drain MP for a massive Focused Rage later.

Katja: Bounty Hunter - Assassin - Scoundrel - Gambler - Gunner.
Pretty well builds herself, super-speed, no defense whatsoever, and Mirage for safety.  I did try out Dual Wield knives for a bit while in Scoundrel, and while she is super-speedy and a bit more damaging, it's just so damn unsafe.  By endgame, she was back to where she started with a Bounty Hunter / Assassin setup and John Woo dual-guns and a 63% critical hit rate.

The Mages (Yates + 3 Generics):
The very generous spillover JP mildly discourages spreading out classes and encourages a bunch of people all incestuously doing the same class, as that class gets easier and faster to master every time somebody runs through it.  Since there's only 6 base mage classes, all 4 of them mastered all of them causing them to blend together a bit - Mender / Wizard / Alchemystic / Plague Doctor / Druid / Sorcerer.  Yates did Anatomist first and always had Legendary Healer equipped (best damn passive ability in the game?), the generic guy did Vessel, the Summoner equivalent; and the 2 generic ladies both did Princess.  Fun fact: Vessel summons go right through Evade Magic, they're type "Special," screw you That One Guy on Nervander Pathway / George Soros 3.  Of course, don't discount the Princesses, lots of Holy Weak enemies lategame and having an extra reviver for safety is always nice, although both those final classes really expect you to have mastered Sorcerer for Economy first of course due to the awful MP costs.

Didn't Use: Gau or Obligatory Late Joining Sekrit Character.
Gau looked cool for what he is, but eh, not my style.  Late Joiner is whatever, too late to care and build now.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 12:00:00 AM by SnowFire »

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Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - Beaten again. Did a Tales of Berseria-themed playthrough this time. One neat thing about the game is you can customize sprites to a pretty good degree, so I was able to craft their likenesses to my satisfaction.

Kyrie: Well she's forced, just did a vanilla Mercenary - Unique build for her, very much wasn't trying to make her a star of the playthrough. She had uh lots of HP!

Velvet: Mercenary - Reaver - Vampire. Sword classes but not knight, screw knights. Final build was Reaver with Vampire's skillset and the Atk Up Sword, she was something like 540 atk or something silly. Anyway Primal Blow pretty much has a peak Velvet animation, Vampire adds some magic damage and bleed and a 30-MP finisher so that's cool. Reaver with Attack Expert and Health Expert for the final build. Did 800 damage to the last human boss without a crit.

Rokurou: Scoundrel - Peddler - Assassin - Werewolf. Daggers, later two of them. I didn't use daggers much last playthrough, and I didn't use Peddler at all. It's not an especially fitting Rokurou class (I got it because it was on the way to Duelist, then ended up not bothering with Duelist much) but honestly I was quite impressed with it. Traps are finicky (not bad, since you can manipulate AI into hitting them), but Patented Rock for 100 AoE ITD ITE damage is great, as is haste and the healing. So he was a utility bot but did eventually get to dual-wield daggers for respectable offence, final build was Assassin with Peddler, Attack Expert and Item Potency.

Magilou: Wizard - Druid - Gambler - Sorcerer. Final build was Sorcerer with Elementalist secondary (for when one enemy in particular just needs to die), Mana Font and Initiative. Sorcerer's really good guys. Economy and Mana Font with 6 move let it be used turn 1 (so 0, really). Equip a statusblocker for counters and ruin enemies while they feebly waste turns in a losing effort to heal it off. Gotta watch out for Pounce, but fortunately the story fight with it is pretty easy.

Laphicet: Mender - Alchemystic. ... and that's about it really, a bit of Druid/Wizard for offence but ultimately he was very defensive. Final build was those two classes (Mender primary for Mana Font, obv) with Doublecast and ... Mind Expert? I probably could have done better than that, oh well, was too lazy to get Economy which would have been a better choice. His main jobs included Insight on Magilou, haste when Rokurou wasn't on that job, and lots of healing. Probably the one character who just felt like a worse version of a unit from my first playthrough (either Yates or my Princess, really), but served his role well.

Eizen: Scoundrel - Ranger - Gunner. Eizen punches things, but Fell Seal doesn't want him to punch things, so I had him steal his anime rival's weapon and be a proper pirate with a gun. Crossbow before then. Final build was Gunner with Ranger secondary and Attack Expert + Malice from Fellblade, which ups the accuracy of his many status attacks. 60% berserk/slow or 85% silence/cripple/root from range 8 are all good, and occasionally he gets the MP for a solid Sniper Shot though Gunner skills do interfere with that. Definitely turned fights sometimes.

Eleanor: Knight - Templar - uh Mercenary I guess since I wanted to master something else. Knight is by far the most fitting job for her due to spears, she basically used that secondary all game long whatever else I was doing. Defence Expert / Health Expert / Evade Attack, she did not die easily. Taunt + Evade Attack is great, and I optimized her defence over her attack by a lot so her Defensive Hit was actually pretty decent damage, though never what I primarily used her for. Did mean Templar wasn't wonderful synergy with the build, but oh well. Shoulda have Laphi buff her def but I never really thought to do that. Interesting and solid build (something FFT didn't really do well), probably could be even better.

As you may note I only had seven PCs, so a restriction on the run is that I only allowed myself one injury per fight max. Definitely a change from my first playthrough when I had a couple fights with 6-8! But I'm better at the game now so I definitely had fewer resets overall, the only fights I remember having multiple were saving Berserk Anadine, saving the bounty hunter (although that one was generally due to shenanigans involving water before I broke down and bought flippers), and the first fire temple fight with the stupid tank bug who pushes people into lava. The boss in the council chamber was a worry with his instant death but on the second try I was able to pile damage fast enough that he could only do it to one person.

Was again Level 30-something on most people at the end, using fewer PCs was offset by only doing one patrol (to get the Werewolf crest after looking up where it was).

Good times.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Luther Lansfeld

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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Bloodless was an absolute nightmare; I probably had 30 resets on her before finally beating her. The fight is well-designed and enjoyable; she layers and introduces new moves periodically, so the fight builds on itself. Moves that you thought were really nasty at first become blessings and nastier moves replace those previously believed to be nasty moves. I never really figured out how Blood Rain worked but on my winning run I just happened to dodge out of the way of it by being close to the edge of the screen. After her was the silliness of getting the water navigating ability, which eluded me despite killing the enemy that is supposed to drop it enough times to satisfy Genocidal Lindsay. Apparently it was just bad luck, but that was a pretty stupid and potentially FAQ-bait thing. Anyway, whatever, I got the water movement thingie and went to the Hidden Desert, which almost ended in my death via randoms but I barely survived. Alfred wasn’t too bad; only had one reset on him. I managed to get Aredabhar from a rare drop, which does mad damage. Kill every last one of them and all that. In honor of my obtainment of the best lance, I changed my color scheme to black and blue and made Miriam’s hair blonde.

Beat up the dopple-ganger after about five tries. That fight is pretty fun and definitely can be tricky, but I managed to find a decent rhythm and get in a bunch of hints on her. I always go back and save after boss fights on general principle, learning from my experience with VP2 Freeze after fighting Odin, but I was ominously asked the question “did you save at the save point?” by Elfboy after heading past the boss’s room. I learned why very quickly, as I died in the Inferno Cave, and then again. Finally, on the third try, I made it to the save point. Then I tried to clear out the map and failed a couple of times. Oh hell, I’ll go fight the boss instead. Honestly, I don’t remember his name, but he shoots laser beams. He wasn’t too bad; I beat him in about three or four tries. And now… I can invert gravity! Don’t do this outdoors kids.

Now I’m just trying to figure out what to do next.

Atelier Ayesha - Just recruited Juris, the token male. I just got the third flower petal on 11/11 of Year 2. I think I am doing things right and in a timely manner, but I’m not 100% sure. :) We’ll see I guess! i’m going to try to do all of the Linca’s quests to get her ending.
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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Finished up three of the four ultimate Mario Rabbids missions; haven't done 4 yet but probably will soon. Surprisingly they're easier than the other hidden challenges.  I used the standard Luigi/Rabbid Luigi team to handle them; Ultimate 1 especially is where the power of overwatch and Rabbid Luigi's draining shines through.  4 I will almost certainly want to bring one of the peaches just for Toad insurance.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Rune Factory 4 Special(on the Switch): I loved RF4 and I hope this sells well for a faint hope of an RF5. It's got a few QoL improvements, such as Teleport spell always being bound to one button so you don't have to have it on a spell slot, and a better minimap that shows you where everyone is(that you can enlarge or shrink or even remove at the push of a button without having to go into any menus).

Playing on Hard, which is WAY harder than Normal. RF games do not fuck around in the slightest on higher difficulties. The problem as always is that most of your ability to survive is based on your equipment, which you have to forge. But the materials to forge better things, that let you survive current dungeons more easily, are found in later dungeons! More than a bit rough there.

What Hard really does well is makes you rely more on your monster pets. You can tame monsters in this by giving them presents when you fight them, and can in fact tame anything(even boss monsters, but only with certain items). Collect 30 pieces of Iron ore, which is very common, and just spam that at the monster you want until it works(and try not to die in the process). Monsters do often have drops they give you every day in your barn, which are good crafting materials. The obvious ones like the Wooly giving wool, the Buffamoo giving Milk and the Cluckatrice giving eggs are necessary if you want to cook(which you do), but there are less obvious ones like the Hercules Beetle giving Sturdy Horn every day, which is a high in demand weapon crafting material. But you can also take your monsters out to fight, and they gain stats based on both Level and their Friendship Level with you(which you improve by brushing them every day and giving gifts).

So naturally, while still playing on Hard, I went into Leon Karnak(an endgame dungeon) that you can only get into the first two screens of early, and recruited a Goblin Don. This took me like 12 tries of tossing 40+ items at him, and do note that he would kill me in one hit. But it was absolutely allowable without glitching anything! So this Goblin Don carried me through some dungeons I could NOT have survived on my own. Now that I'm in the back quarter of the game(though STILL pre-Leon Karnak) I'm using him less in favor of monsters that are current. And once I got access to Gold Ore, I could make equipment that let me mix it up with my monsters instead of hide behind them, though I still die WAY faster than they do and have to play very defensively.

For my own build, I have to raise my levels with every weapon type because of course I do. But Gloves are my favorite weapon by far, since when you stun or knock down an enemy you can pick them up and SLAM them which does hueg like xbox damage even on Hard mode. Like 5-6x my normal damage, and if it crits that goes up to 10-12x normal. Slams are Kinda Good. You can also do different ones, the big jumping powerbomb thing is the one mentioned here, but you can also do a Giant Swing that does much less damage but can smash them into other enemies, damaging both the one you hold and the ones you hit for like 2x normal damage~ And you keep swinging as long as you hold the button, though it does drain your RP(combo of MP and Stamina, everything uses it) rather quickly. Still good for mobs.

Healing magic is kept on a spell slot(or Rune Ability slot, they have physical moves too) to keep myself and my monsters alive, naturally, and I vary the other slots based on what I need at the time. In an awesome decision, you can actually use the physical specials for any given weapon with every weapon. They just do less damage and cost more RP for ones that aren't the matching weapon. I use the Longsword's Flash Strike skill for basically every weapon, it does multiple hits of solid damage and has AMAZING knockback, which is good for survival. Great to mash for a GET OFF ME option. There are also Songs you can equip as rune abilities which boost your monsters. Two of them last all day, so I use those at the start of a dungeon and then switch them off for combat skills!

I did have to turn it back to Normal Difficulty exactly once, and that was when entering the Forest of Beginnings, since you have to go in alone. No monsters and no NPC allies allowed. And it was before getting Gold Ore for better equips. I really do not think I could have done that on Hard, so I didn't even try.

Overall I am going to hype the hell out of this for anyone who likes Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley/etc type games. Has neat farming stuff, crafting stuff, monster taming and surprisingly competent ARPG combat. Do give it a try~
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

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Final Fantasy X - Adventures in the aftergame. This post turned out long and rambly but maybe some people will find it interesting!

Some background here; I've done the FFX aftergame once before, waaay back, with the basic NTSC version of course. My basic strategy was to throw aeons at all the superbosses. Turns out that if Yuna's stats are respectable (I'm talking like ~100 in the key ones here), there's very little that won't fall either to an Anima twinked out with every relevant ability (healing, draining, all the support magic, etc.) or the Magus Sisters. When I wasn't relying on them I mostly used Auto-Phoenix, an extremely cheesy ability that largely lets you laugh off singletarget attacks. Nemesis was still an engaging, tough fight, because he had the stats to outlast all this cheese until I executed a strategy involving Auto-Life, Auto-Phoenix, and summoning on turns where there's a non-zero chance he might use MT OHKO twice in a row.

But a decade and a half later, I'm playing the aftergame again because I finally have a version of the game where I can fight the Dark Aeons and Penance, nine bosses who weren't in the original version of the game. And in order to have a different experience than last time, I'm trying not to use aeons against the superbosses, or Auto-Phoenix at all.

After I beat the game, I relaxed the original rules of my challenge and started building everyone more intelligently. My first order of business was grabbing some celestials (Yuna's, Auron's, Kimahri's, and Lulu's) some capturing and the Omega Ruins, where I did a lot of levelling. The Ruins themselves are mostly a matter of keeping someone with First Strike in your frontline before each battle (else you might get ambushed by a Great Marlboro and eat horrific statusy death), and knowing the both of the dungeon's giant multi-status-hell enemies are vulnerable to Provoke. Oh and there are Demonoliths who literally have 100% MT petrify FFX why do you think this is a good idea. No status stops it, Stoneproof and/or aeons to the rescue, fortunately Yuna and Auron have the former from maingame armours. There are two bosses here, Ultima Weapon and Omega Weapon. Ultima Weapon is a joke, less HP than Yunalesca unscaled are you kidding me. Omega Weapon was just as bad in the original version, here he has a million HP and needs to be taken seriously at least, but still isn't too bad.

Next, I do more monster capturing, enough to unlock the Dark Matters gained from capturing 5 of everything, which lets me craft a pseudo-celestial for Wakka: Break Damage Limit, Piercing (many superbosses have armour), Triple Overdrive, and One MP Cost. I also do a couple blitzball games to get him Attack Reels. Since Wakka has been consistently highest-stat characters since the end of the run this proves very helpful.

After that we get to the arena bosses! The first two sets, the area and species creations, are largely manageable at this point. Noteworthy fights include Marlboro Menace, who made me customize Confuseproof for everyone (and also cast Shell because his Bad Breath does magic damage); Fenrir, an evasive and super-fast asshole who again made me bring out confuseproof, and also Kimahri's Evade and Counter for stopping one of his attacks; Jumbo Flan, who is immune to physicals but can be defeated by a combination of Slow and refleced doublecasts, with Shell/Focus to survive his Ultima; Tanket, who quick hits like made below half health and also inflicts berserk, Sentinel from someone with Berserkproof (buffed with Protect/Cheer of course) goes a long way though; and Fafnir, whose quick-hit Triple attack (two physicals and an elemental breath all of which do 2HKO) made me reach for some combination of Protect, Auto-Life, and Nuls to stand against.

The next tier is quite a step up; it roughly includes the first four dark aeons and every original creation except Nemesis. From this point on I focus mainly on Yuna, Wakka, and Auron, levelling them via Overdrive->AP (customized onto Triple AP weapons dropped by One-Eye) on a few occasions as necessary, and feeding them stat spheres dropped by other arena bosses. I also craft all three an armour with Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, and Def+20%, which requires some heavy bribing and more Fafnir-killing. As for the originals and early Dark Aeons themselves...

-Dark Valefor is the easiest of the bunch, though I end up raising my defence well into the 100-something range so that my highest-def character (Yuna at this point) can Sentinel to survive her physicals, which makes her easy (the overdrive is a OHKO, but whatever, Auto-Life exists).
-Earth Eater is imposing with his massive counters which OHKO me at this point, but I basically bruteforce through him after raising my strength some so at least I'm doing 99999 now.
-Greater Sphere counters almost everything with an Ultima which hits notably harder than the species creations who have it, so a bit more magic defence (One-Eye fortunately does double duty by dropping those, and is really easy) is in order to survive that.
-Shinryu is actually easy enough with that same level of magic defence; Wakka can survive his focused Shining. I buff him with Trio of 9999 and Cheer before killing off Tidus and Rikku so that Shinryu won't erase Wakka (Shinryu has unblockable 100% unrevivable petrify-shatter, but won't use it if only one person is alive), then attack while tanking his counters and making sure to heal with Trio'd potions before every turn Shinryu gets.
-Catastrophe doesn't attack very often though does some scary shit when he does (either loads of MT status or some heavy MT damage). None of it dispels though so this gameplay is super-vulnerable to Auto-Life.
-Th'uban has a counter which does solid physical damage and dispels, including Auto-Life. If your defence is real trash it MT OHKOs with no chance to revive, I remember thinking this was so cheap when I first fought him. But some modest defence boosting from fighting Tanket a few times makes this counter easily survivable. Otherwise his scariest move is Rainbow which does a bunch of status hell but none of it too reliably, so I mostly just hope it doesn't inflict confuse on all three at once. Going for a statusblocker armour is problematic because he dispels all the time, and I need Haste/Protect to deal with his counters and press my offence.
-Dark Ifrit, at my current stats, OHKOs with everything he does. He also counters with a physical. But he's all ST except for called shot overdrive and has no status tricks, and isn't super-fast, so whatever, get owned by Auto-Life scrub.
-Dark Ixion is tougher: same basic idea as Dark Ifrit, but he IS fast. My first plan is to try to tank some of what he does, but this proves a bad idea since his attacks add too much status (sleep, delay, breaks) to be worth it. So I end up dealing with this one with Auto-Life too, though it requires raising my speed via some Fenrir-killing. You then need to fight him a second time, but this form DOESN'T counter so is a joke?
-Dark Shiva is super-fast, quick hits, and might even doubleact her physical, I'm not sure. She can overwhelm Auto-Life strats with this very easily. Fortunately her HP/def aren't so hot, so a high-str (near 255 now) Wakka can take her out in two Attack Reels (Entrust an overdrive from someone else) before her bullshit can get started.
-Neslug is a puzzle of overcoming his insane regen + physical immunity, but it's a puzzle I'd solved on my first playthrough. Trio'd Gems are the answer, letting everyone deal 50k damage with fast recharge. Outside his regen phase he has some offence but nothing compared to some of the rest of this field.
-Last up, Ultima Buster. His Ultima is brutal; I need to get my magic defence to around 220 to survive it, and of course use Shell as well. Adding to the problems is he doubleacts and throws in a physical as well. I only have one PC who can survive that combination, so there's a lot of revival and recasting Shell.

Okay! That brings us to the tier of bosses who you really, really want some great stats for. Here's what I end up getting:

-255 Strength for Wakka so his Attack Reels does as much as possible. Auron ends up getting to 255 as well, Yuna a bit lower (220 or so) but she hits everything for 99999 unless she gets MP-busted anyway, so it's good enough.
-170 agility is the magic number to have the highest speed. More is "useful" for tiebreaks between PCs but PCs always win tiebreaks with enemies so who cares. As mentioned above I already got this to deal with the previous tier of foes.
-255 Defence; this is needed for Penance in particular and very helpful for some of the remaining dark aeons so I can actually survive some of what they do.
-About 220 magic defence as per above... ironically none of the remaining bosses really necessitate high magic defence anyway, they don't use magic and the biggest example tends to just OHKO anyway even at 255. Arguably the most important use of magic defence at this late stage is to survive the counters of Earth Eater and Greater Sphere more easily, and see below for what that matters!
-About 85-100 luck on both Yuna and Auron. This is super-helpful for actually hitting the remaining Dark Aeons; 86 appears to be the number which is required to always hit Penance's arms, the one fight where misses are deadly. Luck is much harder to get than other stats; you have to kill Earth Eater AND Greater Sphere [see above] since both Luck Spheres and the Fortune Spheres to activate them are rare (Attack Reels + Entrust to the rescue against their counters). Fortunately unlocking Nemesis gives you 10 Master Spheres which can be used on everything; luck spheres are by far the correct choice for them.
-Other stats don't really matter (well, you want 9999 HP but you can't not have it by now, realistically; more MP is helpful on people without One MP Cost, too) and the people who max out everything terrify me.

Also some dark aeons are heavy status users; I get everyone an armour with Stoneproof, Sleepproof, and either Darkproof or Slowproof.

So onto the bosses themselves!

Dark Bahamut - On his own turns he only uses physicals, until he charges up Megaflare which obviously you survive with Auto-Life. He counters every five attacks with Impulse which damages and inflicts MT petrify, slow (the slow ignores status immunity!), delay, and full break. This is monstrous! One way to cheese him out is to just slowly counterattack him to death yourself; counters don't trigger counters. Another way is to call aeons to block the Impulses. But cheese is boring. Block petrify and take the Impulses. The key is that you don't care about living after being hit by Impulse. The best time to trigger them is right before Megaflare; Auto-Life and you're back with all those horrible effects gone. Recast Haste/Protect as necessary, Sentinel with Auron (to reduce Protect casts and increase counters), win.

Dark Yojimbo - My first attempt involves sticking with the statusblocker armour. I cast Protect, Yojimbo uses Wakizashi and does over 11000 to everyone. Haha okay. Go back to the tanking armour! Otherwise Yojimbo has a ST petrify attack (doesn't shatter, heal with Soft), an attack which inflicts Full Break (Dispel to the rescue), and the aforementioned Wakizashi which I survive with Def+20%. He has an overdrive but it charges up way more slowly than the others (good thing, too, since it dispels auto-life... only an aeon lets you live, not that I see one). He's actually pretty easy now! Good thing to since I have to beat him five times. He drops a Ribbon armour for Yuna which is a nice upgrade for the remaining dark aeons.

Dark Anima - Status hell. Unblockable ST death, more petrify shattering, and Mega Graviton which does doom/slow/sleep/silence/blind/curse. Sleepproof + Stoneproof is key here, cast Haste if Slow is applied (only my Auron is vulnerable, which helps), revive otherwise. Her damage actually isn't too notable, just the status, so once that's survived she's not too bad. Auto-Life against the usual overdrive.

Nemesis - Oh okay he's not a dark aeon. Anyway he's still the only superboss who can MT OHKO on consecutive turns (in theory you can survive his Ultra Spark, it just needs over 30k HP, lol forget it). Having 170 agility is an absolute 100% must (well, I've done it without before, but that involved Auto-Phoenix and many aeons against all his possible back-to-back MT OHKO moves, which mercifully are predictable), but beyond that Auto-Life can handle his offence. Oh yeah and never attack him with anything but physicals or magic.

Dark Magus Sisters (together) - You can fight all three at once. This... might be the hardest fight in the game. On turn 1 the sisters act in sequence, with the third using Delta Attack, which does 600000 (yes) damage and dispels auto-life, get wrecked. You can't even block that with most aeons since the first two sisters will kill the aeon, leaving the third to Delta Attack your poor party. Only one aeon can stand against this... your own Magus Sisters! After that, you just have to survive three max-speed enemies all of whom have ST OHKOs, with some auto-life dispelling thrown in for good measure. Ugh. Maybe someday! Fortunately there's a way to fight them one at a time.

Dark Magus Sisters (alone) - Each sister uses Mega Graviton as their (fast-charging) Overdrive, the status hell move above, so statusblocker armours come out to play. Otherwise they each have a ST OHKO move (Cindy's kills your MP, Sandy's dispels auto-life). Keeping up haste when possible is useful, of course, as is Auto-Life except against Sandy (Cindy also dispels it, but with her survivable physical; I have Auron sentinel to draw it predictably and survive it, also draws Camisade's OHKO and MP bust). They're not too bad this way. Of note, Sandy and Mindy both have ludicrous evade due to luck, especially the latter whom I can only hit with Attack Reels. I guess the fight against all three at once might be the one place where maxing your luck is actually justified.

Penance - The final showdown.

Armour is the aforementioned Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Def+20%, and now I add Auto-Potion, selling off all my potions except X-Potions and bribing Valahas for 99 of those. Auto-Potion means I don't die to damage unless OHKOed. Ally overdrive mode for all.

Actually Penance is really quite cool. He's got two arms, they have 500000 HP and require about 86 luck to always hit. The arms do horrifying things; petrify-shatter, Mighty Guard (regen on a 12M HP boss is... a thing), Mega-Graviton status hell, dispelling physicals... ugh. So the solution is to not let them get turns. They act every 12 clockticks, with max speed you can Quick Hit five times before they act, so two PCs capable of doing that + one GRENADE from Wakka kills them. Easy right? ... nah, they come back after a certain amount of time dead. I never figured out what that time was, probably somewhere in the 10-20 clockticks range. For reference, with max speed and Haste, a normal turn is 4 clockticks, Quick Hit is 3, and Quick Pockets/equip switching is 1. Getting a turn after auto-reviving means you don't get credit for haste, and takes 9 clockticks, which is really bad!

Penance himself 12M HP, acts every 9 clockticks (max speed without haste). For the first quarter of the battle he only uses Obliteration, an MT physical which has a base damage (against 255 def) of 23000. With Protect and Defence+20%, this is survivable. Once he loses quarter of his health, he switches to Immolation, which is ST, but 33% stronger, and inflicts Full Break and destroys MP. The key is that Cheer x4-5 lets me survive this as well. The Full Break can be dealt with using Dispel (sadly, a full-speed action; I discover to my disappointment that the Use variant, Purifying Salt, does NOT get rid of breaks). The MP damage at first is super-annoying, but eventually I lightbulb and realize that using Three Stars (MP cost = 0 for the party) is an option because with this strategy, I never actually die and lose the status. Dispel, incidentally, does not get rid of "secret statuses" including Cheer and MP-cost-zero. It also doesn't get rid of Auto-Life, which I cast just in case of emergencies.

The real problem is the arms keep coming back, and I keep having to kill them. Helping me out on offence is Wakka; he doesn't have luck or defence-ignoring to do good damage with his physicals, but Attack Reels does a number on the arms. Other PCs Entrust overdrives to him when he gets turns. Never use Attack Reels unless there's an arm present since they have lower defence and thus Attack Reels helps out more against them. Wakka's other turns are used on utility (Dispel, Quick Pockets to heal MP, Cheer, Auto-Life) or if he has nothing else to do, switching weapons to build overdrive faster. If the arms get turns, not only do they do horrible things, but in the later stages of the fight Penance can use Judgement Day on his own turn if both arms are alive, which is MT OHKO... Auto-Life lets me survive, but the lost time from the revival is hard to make up for.

On the winning run, I get into trouble early but then recover and mostly cruise until towards the end when the second arm comes back at a bad time, right before I'm able to kill the first, with Penance about to get a turn. For the first and only time in this run of the superbosses, I summon an aeon to take the resulting Judgement Day. My party returns and I kill off one arm, but an Attack Reels decides to go mostly for Penance and I'm not quite able to kill the second, which attack Wakka, petrifies him, and shatters him. I despair, this is NOT a fight where I can win with only 2/3 my normal clip of actions. But I'm so close, I focus all my efforts into doing as much damage to Penance as possible before the arms get another turn to start overwhelming me... and he falls. :)

Fun times. Game clock is at 91 hours now. In general the aftergame experience was enjoyable. The worst part is unquestionably monster capturing; getting 10 each of 102 enemies is a tall task, and running around in circles for the 8th, 9th, 10th copy of rare monsters like tonberries is not fun. Capturing alone probably took 10-15 hours of the 40-odd hour aftergame.

But the bosses are fun. Definitely a game you need to be willing to consult what the bosses do for the later ones because figuring out which statuses to block by brute force would be annoying, but past that the varied strategies and executing them is enjoyable. Even the "grind" aspects, besides monster capturing, are actually enjoyable enough because they're actually quite fast; the game is very much about grinding smarter, not harder (fighting the right superbosses as efficiently as possible, using the Overdrive->AP trick against Don Tonberry for levels, modifying Kottos's drops for Power/Mana/Speed Spheres, etc.) and no one part of this grind takes too long, unless you really want lots of luck, but part of the fun is figuring out you don't actually need that much.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.