Author Topic: Brigandine: Legend of Runersia  (Read 4880 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Brigandine: Legend of Runersia
« on: December 26, 2020, 03:03:55 AM »
Brigandine: Legend of Runersia, in which six different nations each come up with their own special snowflake reason for why the rest of the continent gave them no choice but to conquer everyone. Starring pretty anime people and their multitude of magical pets.


Spreadsheet used to construct the stat topic:

The most interesting tab is the "Story" tab which includes the key figures for all the characters in the main story, taken at both base and endgame levels.



HP and MP: You know what these do. MP starts full for each fight, similar to FFT or Shining Force.
Str: Each point adds 1.5 to Atk.
Int: Is a factor in magic damage dealt and received. Also, each point above or below average adds 1% to status accuracy and 1% to status evade.
Agi: Each point is worth 1% accuracy and 1% evade for physical attacks.
Atk: Affects physical damage dealt. In general, 1 point is slightly more than +1 physical damage dealt.
Def: Affects physical damage received, in the same way. Subtractive.
Magic pool: Affects how many monsters can be in the character's troop. Hugely important in-game but probably not in a duel.
Command area: The radius surrounding the character in which controlled monsters can fight at full potential. Again, just an in-game thing.


Physical damage dealt = Atk + Skill Power - Def
Magical damage dealt = (1+(Int - Target Int)/200)*Spell Power
Healing = Spell Power * (Int/2 + 65)/100
Accuracy = 90 + Skill Accuracy Modifier + Agi - Target Agi
Status accuracy = 33 + Int - Target Int

The accuracy formula is only used by physical attacks and skills (some always hit; this will be noted). The status accuracy formula is only used by "pure" effect spells... any attack which adds status as an extra effect on damage has a fixed rate of doing so.

Critical hits are by default a 10% chance to do 1.25x damage, although various passives can boost this. Only singletarget physical attacks can critical. Critical hits also cause any added status effect to always be applied.

Range and counterattacks

Brigandine has counterattacks: only to physical attacks or skills, and only when in range to do so. All "basic physicals" (the ones which cost 0 MP) are counterable, while physical skills vary. As a rule, any physical skill that hits any sort of AoE can not be countered. Most non-AoE physical skills can be countered, but there are exceptions, and I will note them. No magic can be countered, nor can any attacks which don't deal damage. The skill a Brigandine PC uses to counter will be the first one I list.

Many skills can not be used after moving in Brigandine. This includes all magic and a number of physical skills, although "basic physicals" can be. In this stat topic, moves that can be used after moving will be noted with a star. Notably, characters with the Double Movement passive (allows leftover movement to be used after their action) can still move AFTER using these skills, but not before.

In-game it is possible for attackers with ranged attacks that can be used post-movement (archers, treasure hunters, elementals) or characters with Double Movement to kite certain no-move skills. As such it's pretty subjective how much certain no-move skills can be used in a duel. I'm generally inclined to always allow no-move skills which are range 2+ to be used (although with bad initiative, as above), but ones which are range 1 I'll take a harder eye on. They're certainly usable once an enemy has melee attacked the Brig character (unless that character has a Double Movement-style ability of their own), but beyond that I encourage voters to use their judgement as to when you allow their use.


Brigandine has five elements: red (R), blue (U), green (G), black (B), and white (W). My abbreivations may be stolen shamelessly from Magic the Gathering resources circa the mid 90's. The elements include some common analogs like fire, but most things in Brig use them, even things that would not normally be seen as elemental. A Sword Master or Sniper's basic attacks are still "green" but I wouldn't consider them lightning. YMMV. Anyway, the analogs:

Red includes fire
Blue includes ice
Green includes lightning
Black includes darkness
White includes light/holy

Every character has element orbs, of five colours: red, blue, green, white, and black. These influence all damage (both physical and magical). When attacking, the orbs of a character's weapon and attack used are also considered. When being attacked, the orbs of a character's armour is also considered. The colour of the orbs of both the attacker and defender are used to modify damage, as follows:

-If the orbs of the attacker hit weakness on the orbs of the defender, +4% damage per relevant orb from either side
-If the orbs of the attacker are resisted by the orbs of the defender, -4% damage per relevant orb from either side
-If the orbs of the attacker and defender are from unrelated colours (including the same colour), +2% damage per relevant orb of the attacker and -2% damage per relevant orb from the defender
-All relevant percent modifications are added together and applied to final damage, after all other steps.

Weakness relationships:
-red > green > blue > red
-black > white > black

Resistance relationship:
-red > green > blue > red

(Black and white do not resist any elements.)

Only damage is affected in this way by orbs; status rate is not affected at all. Healing is affected, but in a completely different way: healing gets a bonus of 2% * number of white orbs on the healing spell * number of white orbs on the caster.

For duelling purposes against non-Brig characters, I'm assuming that the opponent has no orbs at all (this does actually happen in-game, for the record; a number of low-level classes have no orbs). Under these conditions, a Brigandine character does +2% damage per orb, and takes -2% damage per orb. However, since all characters have three orbs, the latter effect can be ignored since it is averaged out... except for the characters with brigandines who get a further -4% damage received. This effect will be noted in their slightly higher durability.

On defence, when facing elemental attacks from enemies, just remember that each orb is a 4% weakness or 4% resistance, as appropriate. So a Sniper (GGG) takes 12% extra damage from fire and resists ice by 12%.

I'll let the individual voter decide how to deal with Brigandine elemental attacks against other game's elemental weaknesses and resistances. My inclination is to subject spells to other game's elemental defence but not physical attacks unless they have a very clear elemental flavour themselves, but YMMV.

Turn order

In-game, turn order is decided by level: highest level goes first. However, this only actually matters for one thing (see the next section), since in no battle do enemy units ever start in range of each other. Thus, in a duel, I suggest using threat range (the range of their first-turn skill, plus the mobility stat if it's one that can be used after moving). And if they plan to open with a buff... I'll leave that one up to interpretation.

Buffs, debuffs, and status

One class of buffs - Power, Halo, and Veil - last until used. Power and Halo are used up by the first attack (counters included) the affected character makes, Veil is used up by the first magic attack they take.

Other buffs and debuffs typically last for three rounds, including the round they are cast. Notably, this means this is the one place level-as-turn-order matters in a duel: higher-levelled characters will see their buffs and debuffs in effect for an extra enemy turn.

Status effects typically last 1-3 rounds, including the round they are cast (Faint is additionally cancelled by damage). So as to not spam the descriptions, here they are:

Poison: Damage at the start of each round. Need to test exact amount/duration.
Paralyze: Target can not move, act, evade, or counter.
Silence: Target can not use magic. (Physical skills can still be used.)
Faint: Target can not move, act, evade, or counter. Is cancelled if the target takes damage.
Petrify: Target can not move, act, evade, or counter. Never wears off.
Charm: Target can not counter. On its own turns, it will either attack its former allies (but not itself) or heal/buff its former enemies. Presumably does nothing if neither of these are possible, but I haven't tested.


Every rune knight gets 20000 exp. This is a reasonable number for your most-used knights at my rate of play, and you could probably get several more there if you play slower than me. It's also nice round number and is enough to get all knights to their final classes, while only getting a single PC to the maximum level (thus preserving his level advantage).

PCs who join after Season X are given a penalty to their Exp equal to 500*(seasons missed). PCs who join based on number of castles get 2/3 the exp amount (Jazz) or 50% the exp amount (Della and Sin) based on an estimate of how much of the game they're around for.

Fighters are assumed to promote to Knight, Knights are assumed to promote to Paladin, which is my strong guess for the best-duelling class on that line.

The current stat topic includes all rune knights, but does not include monsters. If you consider monsters (I'm pretty sure I don't, for several reasons), then the Int average probably drops, at a guess (which would make the magic durability and damage of the human PCs a bit better).

For the damage average, I used moves that can be used at least twice, and ignored any moves which can only be used at melee and can not be used after moving. You can quibble with specifics but it made things easier to calculate (a three-turn average should be similar for the record).

Average threat range is calculated using the threat range of either the PC's best damage (at least 2PB, melee-no-move skills excluded), or in some cases, their best threat range that is no more than a 20% damage cut from their best damage (this applies to Eliza, Rubino, Talia, and Treasure Hunters).

I generally don't consider initial equipment because you can move it around. However, in the interest of keeping the effort level sane, I did in fact consider some elements of initial equipment (namely their boost to core stats) because the stat data I used included those stats and I was too lazy to go leafing through 100 PCs and manually removed them. So the stat topic ends up a compromise between pure no-initial-gear and pure all-initial-gear.

On the other hand, unremovable equipment is considered in full.

Assumed target averages are 115 def, 88 int, 90 agi, 93 evade (results in 100 average hit). Physical durability is calculated using 270 atk (post-skill power). All of these are roughly taken from the PC averages themselves.

Note: If a skill can be used after moving, it will be marked with a star. The first skill listed will be the one which is used as a counterattack.


Level: 24.8
HP: 648
MP: 283
Int: 88
Atk: 135
Def: 115
Acc: 100%
Eva: 3%
Magic pool: 281
Threat range: 4.98 (SD: 1.97)
Damage: 186
Kill point: 465

Eliza - L28 Rose Valkyrie (RRR)

Blade of Moule Ange (RRR, +15 atk, +7 agi)
Glory Brigandine (RR, +15 HP, +15 def, immunes status effects)

HP 705 (1.09)
MP 392
Str 107 -> Atk 175
Def 145 (1.41 pdur)
Int 101 (13% status res, 1.21 mdur)
Agi 115 (25% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 366, Command range 5

*Valkyrie Drive: 222 physical, 125% acc.
Valkyrie Inspiration: +30 Atk and +30 Def for 3 rounds, can only target allies (80 MP)
Scarlet Shudder: 197 physical, 125% acc. Uncounterable. 50% chance of -30 attack for 3 rounds [pdur becomes 1.85]. (40 MP)
Crimson Rondo: 283 physical, ITE. Hits all adjacent targets. +20 Agi to self for 3 rounds. (100 MP)

Exa-Blast: 253 fire magic, 1-2 range (152 MP)
Flame: 146 fire magic, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Accel: +20 Agi for 3 rounds, 0-4 range (42 MP)

Parry S - Has a 25% chance of parrying physical attacks from a single enemy. When triggered, damage is reduced by 50%.

Comments: Good stats as far as the eye can see, can 2HKO, can punish melee attackers hard between the counters and Crimson Rondo, which buffs her evade as a bonus.

Rubino - L23 Crown Prince (UUU)

Justice Brigandine (UU, +15 HP, +15 def, immunes status effects)

HP 780 (1.20)
MP 341
Str 111 -> Atk 166
Def 145 (1.56 pdur)
Int 106 (38% status res, 1.73 mdur)
Agi 93 (3% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 341, Command range 5

*Royal Slash: 195 physical, 102% acc
Supreme Impact: 254 physical, 72% acc
Blizzard Shot: 227 physical, 89% acc, 1-2 range. 30% chance of Faint (70 MP)
Grand Finale: 259 physical, 100% acc. Uncounterable. +30 Atk and Def to self for 3 rounds [pdur becomes 2.04]. (130 MP)

Fall Berg: 233 ice magic, 1-2 range (135 MP)
Frost: 142 ice magic, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Resist: 0-4 range. Reduces magic damage and status hit rate by 33% (subtractive, in the case of status). Lasts for 3 turns. (49 MP)

Magic Barrier B - Increases Magic Resistance by 20% and decreases chances of being inflicted with status conditions by 20%. (Factored into durability figures above)

Comments: Borderline 2HKO damage with Fall Berg, and has a mix of decent physicals as well (would like more accuracy though). The magic spoiling is pretty good, especially with Resist (though low level means he probably only gets two turns out of that).

Rudo - L30 Overlord (WWW)

Sanctity Brigandine (WW, +15 HP, +15 def, immunes status effects)

870 HP (1.34)
300 MP
Str 135 -> Atk 202
Def 140 (1.67 pdur)
Int 100 (12% status res, 1.49 mdur)
Agi 100 (10% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 380 (!), Command range 6 (!)

*White Conviction: 251 physical, 111% acc [301 on a counter]
*Clean Military Rule: 422 physical, 120% acc (230 MP)
God's Puppet: Inflicts Poison and +30 attack on an ally for 3 rounds, 1-2 range. Raises own attack by 50 for the next attack made. (80 MP)
Drafted Devotion: Steals all MP from an adjacent ally. Also +30 attack to self for 3 rounds.

Counter Damage Up S - Increases damage done by counterattacks by 20%.

Comments: In a duel, all he can do is hit things and hit them harder. He is still very good at that; he's very durable, and Clean Military Rule can OHKO the fragile at worst or makes for a excellent heal-lock threat at worst. The game-best magic pool and command area ensure that he's the best rune knight in-game, too.

Stella - L25 Pirate Queen (BBU)

Ego Brigandine (BB, +15 HP, +15 def, immunes status effects)

HP 780 (1.20)
MP 328
Str 113 -> Atk 169
Def 140 (1.5 pdur)
Int 97 (9% status res, 1.32 mdur)
Agi 108 (18% eva)
Mobility 6, Magic pool 340, Command range 5

*Mirelvan Ocean Cut: 204 physical, 114% acc
*Ambush: 213 physical, 100% acc. 30% chance of Faint. (30 MP)
*Blood Boiling Drink: Trades -20 Agi for +30 Atk for 3 rounds. Raises own Atk by an additional +50 for next attack only. (60 MP)
Dragon's Destruction: 251 physical, 115% acc. Uncounterable. -30 Atk and -30 Def for 3 rounds to target, +30 Atk and +30 Def for 3 rounds to self. [pdur becomes 2.77] (140 MP)

Gravity: -20 Agi and removes flying typing for 3 rounds, 1-4 range (56 MP)
Dimension: 42% chance to send target to a random location on the battlefield, 1-4 range (83 MP)
Charm: 42% chance of Charm, 1-3 range (110 MP)
Spell Break: Dispels all buffs and debuffs from target (not status effects), 0-3 range (47 MP)

Critical Damage Up - Increases damage dealt by critical hits by 25%.

Comments: Dragon's Destruction is a hell of a tide-turner against fighters if she gets it off. Otherwise she can roll the dice on either turn 2 charm or turn 3 faint (the latter WILL let her get off a DD), and is a respectable slugger.

Talia - L24 Great Mother (GGW)

Freedom Brigandine (GG, +15 HP, +15 def, immunes status effects)

HP 665 (1.03)
MP 616
Str 91 -> Atk 136
Def 135 (1.23 pdur)
Int 91 (3% status res, 1.09 mdur)
Agi 108 (18% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 342, Command range 4 (-_-)

*Squall Thrust: 158 physical, 120% acc
Heavenly Sacrifice: 161 physical, 120% acc. Recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt. (30 MP)
Flying Snake Fang: 188 physical, ITE, hits all enemies on a 1-2 line. 30% chance of Poison. (90 MP)
Shinobi Affection: Heals 999 HP and grants +30 def for 3 rounds, 1-2 range (not self) (200 MP)

Area Cure: Removes all negative status effects, all allies within 4 range and self (117 MP)
Holy Word: 67 holy magic, all enemies within 4 range (198 MP)
Heal: 207 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Area Heal: 138 healing, all allies within 2 range and self (147 MP)
Halo: Next attack always hits and grants boosted exp, 0-4 range (88 MP)

Critical Rate Up A - Increases chances of landing critical hits by 20% (to 30%)

Comments: Rather obviously the worst dueller of the rulers, Talia's offence is unremarkable 3HKO and her durability is only mildly above average. She really wishes Shinobi Affection could self-target; as is her healing restores under a third of her HP and will struggle to win fights outside Light. A bit reminiscent of SH2 Karin.

Tim - L27 Grand Kaiser (BBB)

HP 725 (1.12)
MP 394
Str 101 -> Atk 151
Def 115 (1.12 pdur)
Int 114 (26% status res, 1.29 mdur)
Agi 97 (27% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 359, Command range 5

*Kaiser Slash: 184 physical, 105% acc
Reigning Demon Blade: 162 physical, 85% acc, 1-2 range. 20% chance of Paralyze
*Imperial Benevolence: 274 physical, 105% acc (100 MP)
Mark of Domination: Inflicts -30 Atk, -30 Def, -20 Agi, and -50 Int, all for 3 rounds, 1-3 range [pdur becomes 1.39, mdur becomes 1.8] (230 MP)

Assemble: Moves an allied unit from caster's troop adjacent to the caster (20 MP)
Curse: 203 dark magic, 1-2 range [248 after MoD] (108 MP)
Necro Rebirth: Revives a monster killed in the current battle for the rest of the battle as a zombie (97 MP)
Dimension: 59% chance to send target to a random location on the battlefield, 1-4 range (83 MP)
Venom: 86 dark magic, 1-3 range. 20% chance of Poison (45 MP)
Gravity: -20 Agi and removes flying typing for 3 rounds, 1-4 range (56 MP)

Evasion Up A - Increases Evasion by 20%. (factored in)

Comments: Tim is the only ruler without a Brigandine, which makes him less durable and more status-vulnerable than the rest. To make up for it, he hits really hard, with game-best damage. Mark of Domination is also nice; while it leaves him with only one use of his best damage, the durability/evasion push may make it worth it against some opponents.

Special thanks to Super whose expertise was invaluable to the creation of this stat topic, and who also did a large amount of testing and data gathering. Thanks also to Lasci whose Brigandine 2 stat tracker spreadsheet is what I used as the base to adapt for the stat topic.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 07:26:17 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Brigandine: Legend of Runersia
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2020, 03:04:09 AM »

Pick - L23 Barrett Star (GGG)

HP 391 (0.60)
MP 273
Str 72 -> Atk 108
Def 90 (0.52 pdur)
Int 118 (30% status res, 0.71 mdur)
Agi 108 (18% eva; 38% vs ground melee)
Mobility 5 (flying), Magic pool 288, Command range 4

*Twinkle Barret: 95 damage, 110% acc
Fairy Prank: 80 damage, ITE, hits all units within 2 range. 25% chance of Paralyze. (30 MP)

Geno-Thunder: 142 lightning magic, hits all units within 1 radius of a target hex in range 0-3 (193 MP)
Protect: +30 Def for 3 rounds, 0-3 range [pdur becomes 0.62] (61 MP)
Silent: 63% chance of Silence, 1-4 range (40 MP)
Paralyze: 63% chance of Paralyze, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Thunder: 187 lightning magic, 1-3 range (91 MP)
Vox Dome: 100% chance of Silence, all enemies within 3 range (100 MP)

Elena's Protection - Increases INT by 10% and recovers 20% of max MP every turn in battles started with Elena.

Comments: Awful durability; flying gives him some evade but it's not enough. Paralyze and silence might beat some low-damage stallers and mages. His low MP also hurts, he can only barely afford three (3HKO) Thunders.

Sin - L24 Hero of Old (WWG)

HP 579 (0.89)
MP 265
Str 107 -> Atk 160
Def 115 (0.89 pdur)
Int 81 (43% status res, 1.73 mdur)
Agi 110 (20% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 336, Command range 5

*Hero Attack: 194 damage, 126% acc
*Sacred Light Blade: 263 damage, 132% acc, no acc penalty vs flying (150 MP)
*Hero's Protection: +30 Atk and +20 Agi for 3 rounds, self (90 MP)

Sidestep S - Has a 50% chance of dodging bow attacks.
Magic Barrier S - Increases Magic Resistance by 50% and decreases chances of being inflicted with status conditions by 50%. (factored in)
Double Movement - Allows unit to use any remaining mobility to move after attacking

Comments: Damage is decent, a little shy of 2HKOing average, and Magic Barrier gives him an edge there. He's a bit physically squishy though.

Toby - L25 Bazoo Lord (GGG)

HP 633 (0.98)
MP 145
Str 88 -> Atk 131
Def 115 (0.98 pdur)
Int 65 (23% status weak, 0.88 mdur)
Agi 133 (83% eva) (!!!)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 290, Command range 4

*Thunder Fist: 158 damage, 139% acc
Flash Combo: 130 damage, 129% acc, 1-3 range. +20 Agi to 3 rounds for self [eva becomes 103%...]

Evasion Up S - Increases Evasion by 40%. (factored in)

Comments: The physical evasion is close to perfect, so he's a hell of a spoiler. Damage is a bit below average so he'll struggle when he's not spoiling, though.

Umimaru - L25 Cell Automaton (BBR)

HP 766 (1.18)
MP 245
Str 75 -> Atk 112
Def 150 (1.53 pdur)
Int 103 (40% status res, 1.7 mdur)
Agi 93 (3% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 280, Command range 3

*Umimaru Burst: 161 damage, 107% acc (10 MP)
*Tera-Charge: Restores own MP by 125
Super Umimaru Cannon: 241 physical, ITE, hits all units on 1-4 line (150 MP)

Inorganic Body - Prevents the following status conditions: Poison, Paralyze, Silence, Faint, Petrify, and Charm.
Magic Barrier A - Increases Magic Resistance by 25% and decreases chances of being inflicted with status conditions by 25%. (factored in)

Comments: He's tanky against all damage types and status, but has unremarkable offence. Tera-Charge is mostly an in-game thing; in a duel he's better off attacking twice (unless he needs to avoid counters). He gets spoiled by anyone who can cripple MP repeatedly since even his basic physical needs it.


Della - L26 Assassin (BBB)

HP 720 (1.11)
MP 304
Str 105 -> Atk 156
Def 115 (1.11 pdur)
Int 85 (3% status weak, 1.09 mdur)
Agi 117 (47% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 306, Command range 4

*Evil Cross: 185 damage, 128% acc
Ghost Hit: 221 damage, 128% acc (60 MP)
Bewitching Step: 125 damage, 132% acc, 1-2 range. 30% (actually 55%) chance of either Poison, Paralyze, Silence, Faint, Petrify, or Charm (30 MP)
Fatal Darkness: 270 damage, 124% acc, +10% crit rate (to 45%) (110 MP)

Dimension: 30% chance to send target to a random location on the battlefield, 1-4 range (83 MP)
Venom: 75 dark magic, 1-3 range. 20% chance of Poison (45 MP)
Gravity: -20 Agi and removes flying typing for 3 rounds, 1-4 range (56 MP)

Critical Rate Up S - Increases chance of landing critical hits by 25% (to 35%)
Evasion Up A - Increases Evasion by 20% (factored in)
Double Movement - Allows unit to use any remaining mobility to move after attacking

Comments: Coinflip evade is mean when you have no other particularly bad stats. Can fish for status as well. Gravity might be worth a turn against inaccurate opponents.

Kate - L26 Assassin (BBB)

HP 700 (1.08)
MP 194
Str 104 -> Atk 156
Def 115 (1.08 pdur)
Int 94 (6% status res, 1.12 mdur)
Agi 117 (47% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 296, Command range 4

*Evil Cross: 185 damage, 128% acc
Ghost Hit: 221 damage, 128% acc (60 MP)
Bewitching Step: 125 damage, 132% acc, 1-2 range. 30% (actually 55%) chance of either Poison, Paralyze, Silence, Faint, Petrify, or Charm (30 MP)
Fatal Darkness: 270 damage, 124% acc, +10% crit rate (to 45%) (110 MP)

Dimension: 30% chance to send target to a random location on the battlefield, 1-4 range (83 MP)
Venom: 78 dark magic, 1-3 range. 20% chance of Poison (45 MP)
Gravity: -20 Agi and removes flying typing for 3 rounds, 1-4 range (56 MP)

Critical Rate Up S - Increases chance of landing critical hits by 25% (to 35%)
Evasion Up A - Increases Evasion by 20% (factored in)
Double Movement - Allows unit to use any remaining mobility to move after attacking

Comments: Compared to Della she has way less MP, mostly. Still good in all the same ways otherwise. They're probably the best two assassins for stats.


Gilliam - L28 Cardinal (WWW)

HP 598 (0.92)
MP 319
Str 78 -> Atk 117
Def 120 (0.95 pdur)
Int 81 (7% status weak, 0.89 mdur)
Agi 84 (-6% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 222 (-_-), Command range 3

*Heavy Strike: 108 physical, 86% acc

Area Heal: 142 healing, all allies within 2 range and self (147 MP)
Veil: Nullifies the next magic attack against target, 0-3 range (86 MP)
Loop Heal: Inflicts Regen (target heals 10% of max HP at the start of each round, for 4 rounds), 0-4 range (40 MP)
Holy Word: 64 holy magic, all enemies within 4 range (198 MP)
Heal: 213 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Cure: Removes all negative status effects, 0-4 range (54 MP)

Comments: Gilliam... is bad. Loop Heal and Heal combine for some vaguely okay healing in Light, too bad about his 5HKO damage with shaky accuracy.


Alsin - L28 Champion (WWW)

HP 784 (1.21)
MP 158
Str 116 -> Atk 174
Def 105 (1.14 pdur)
Int 90 (2% status res, 1.22 mdur)
Agi 101 (11% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 288, Command range 3

*Divine Blow: 199 damage, 131% acc, pushes target back one hex
*Vacuum Uppercut: 202 damage, 131% acc. Recovers HP equal to 20% of damage dealt. (30 MP)
*Fighting Focus: +30 Atk for 3 rounds, self (45 MP)
Maximum Rush: 324 damage, 114% acc (100 MP)

Critical Damage Up - Increases damage dealt by critical hits by 25%.
Accuracy Up S - Increases Accuracy by 20%. (factored in)

Comments: Note that his melee counter pushes the target away, making it extremely difficult to get off Maximum Rush. Oops. At least it gives him an option against melee counters himself? Pretty unremarkable otherwise outside good accuracy. The draining is pretty sad (~5% of his max HP) but could tilt the odd fight.


Cain - L25 Paladin (WWW)

HP 767 (1.18)
MP 195
Str 103 -> Atk 153
Def 140 (1.41 pdur)
Int 98 (10% status res, 1.25 mdur)
Agi 85 (-5% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 320, Command range 5

*Holy Slash: 181 damage, 93% acc
Holy Break: 234 damage, 63% acc
Judgement: 278 damage, 87% acc (110 MP)
*Iron Aura: +30 Def for 3 rounds, self [pdur becomes 1.83] (30 MP)

Heal: 230 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Divine Ray: 200 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)

HP Recovery B - Recovers 3% of Max HP at the beginning of every round.
Shield Block S - Has a 25% chance of blocking ST physicals. When triggered, damage is reduced by half.

Comments: Heal and counter is legit against melee foes. Otherwise he's kinda durable but not super-damaging.

Darian - L27 Paladin (WWW)

HP 790 (1.22)
MP 223
Str 116 -> Atk 173
Def 140 (1.45 pdur)
Int 101 (13% status res, 1.3 mdur)
Agi 93 (3% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 312, Command range 4

*Holy Slash: 203 damage, 101% acc
Holy Break: 256 damage, 71% acc
Judgement: 300 damage, 95% acc (110 MP)
*Iron Aura: +30 Def for 3 rounds, self [pdur becomes 1.89] (30 MP)

Heal: 233 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Divine Ray: 203 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)

HP Recovery B - Recovers 3% of Max HP at the beginning of every round.
Shield Block S - Has a 25% chance of blocking ST physicals. When triggered, damage is reduced by half.

Comments: Slightly better non-rune numbers than Cain all-around, same basic build.

Grados - L29 Paladin (WWW)

HP 827 (1.28)
MP 221
Str 114 -> Atk 171
Def 140 (1.52 pdur)
Int 99 (11% status res, 1.35 mdur)
Agi 84 (-6% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 314, Command range 3

*Holy Slash: 201 damage, 92% acc
Holy Break: 254 damage, 62% acc
Judgement: 298 damage, 86% acc (110 MP)
*Iron Aura: +30 Def for 3 rounds, self [pdur becomes 1.98] (30 MP)

Heal: 231 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Divine Ray: 202 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)

HP Recovery B - Recovers 3% of Max HP at the beginning of every round.
Shield Block S - Has a 25% chance of blocking ST physicals. When triggered, damage is reduced by half.

Comments: That's some nice durability there, even by Paladin standards.

Kyle - L28 Paladin (WWW)

HP 799 (1.23)
MP 237
Str 108 -> Atk 161
Def 140 (1.47 pdur)
Int 113 (25% status res, 1.41 mdur)
Agi 78 (-12% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 288, Command range 3

*Holy Slash: 190 damage, 86% acc
Holy Break: 243 damage, 56% acc
Judgement: 287 damage, 80% acc (110 MP)
*Iron Aura: +30 Def for 3 rounds, self [pdur becomes 1.91] (30 MP)

Heal: 245 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Divine Ray: 215 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)

HP Recovery B - Recovers 3% of Max HP at the beginning of every round.
Shield Block S - Has a 25% chance of blocking ST physicals. When triggered, damage is reduced by half.

Comments: Better magic stats but worse physical stats than the average Paladin. The only one who can actually cast Divine Ray twice, although it doesn't 2HKO so I still assumed his physical for his damage, which isn't much weaker anyway. Accuracy's a bit dicy.


Emma - L24 Royal Guard (UUU)

HP 791 (1.22)
MP 236
Str 98 -> Atk 147
Def 140 (1.46 pdur)
Int 86 (2% status weak, 1.21 mdur)
Agi 84 (-6% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 294, Command range 4

*Cold Thrust: 164 damage, 102% acc [197 on a counter]
Deadly Rush: 222 damage, 102% acc (50 MP)
Killing Slice: 143 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range
*Grand Wave: 170 damage, ITE, hits all units on a 1-2 line. 20% chance of Paralyze (80 MP)

Fall Berg: 212 ice magic, 1-2 range (135 MP)
Resist: 0-4 range. Reduces magic damage and status hit rate by 33% (subtractive, in the case of status). Lasts for 3 turns. (49 MP)
Spell Break: Dispels all buffs and debuffs from target (not status effects), 0-3 range (47 MP)

Parry A - Has a 20% chance of parrying normal attacks and skills. When triggered, damage is reduced by 50%.
Silence Immunity - Prevents being inflicted with Silence.
Counter Damage Up S - Increases damage done by counterattacks by 20%.

Comments: Grand Wave is great in-game, but here she's a Paladin who trades healing and a bit of damage for ITE (albeit she doesn't typically 2HKO with it, so it's not enough against elite evade-based spoilers).


Coco - L25 Saint (WWW)

HP 571 (0.88)
MP 358
Str 85 -> Atk 127
Def 115 (0.88 pdur)
Int 91 (3% status res, 0.89 mdur)
Agi 83 (-7% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 225, Command range 3

*Heavy Swing: 113 damage, 85% acc

Area Cure: Removes all negative status effects, all allies within 4 range and self (117 MP)
Veil: Nullifies the next magic attack against target, 0-3 range (86 MP)
Area Heal: 149 healing, all allies within 2 range and self (147 MP)
Divine Ray: 194 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)
Heal: 223 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Halo: Next attack always hits and grants boosted exp, 0-4 range (88 MP)
Cure: Removes all negative status effects, 0-4 range (54 MP)

Comments: Hey look it's female Gilliam, same terrible magic pool and questionable Int for her class. Still, she can cast Divine Ray three times which is enough to kill a decent number of things, although she's squishy enough that many will kill her first.

Jiu - L29 Saint

HP 542 (0.84)
MP 495
Str 74 -> Atk 111
Def 115 (0.84 pdur)
Int 123 (35% status res, 1.02 mdur)
Agi 85 (-5% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 266, Command range 4

*Heavy Swing: 96 damage, 87% acc

Area Cure: Removes all negative status effects, all allies within 4 range and self (117 MP)
Veil: Nullifies the next magic attack against target, 0-3 range (86 MP)
Area Heal: 170 healing, all allies within 2 range and self (147 MP)
Divine Ray: 225 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)
Heal: 255 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Halo: Next attack always hits and grants boosted exp, 0-4 range (88 MP)
Cure: Removes all negative status effects, 0-4 range (54 MP)

Comments: Better than Gilliam or Coco, certainly; her Divine Ray is notably stronger so 2HKOs are much more possible (still not against average, though). Still has the same problems of being a resource-limited healer.

Medessa - L25 Saint

HP 531 (0.82)
MP 458
Str 70 -> Atk 105
Def 115 (0.82 pdur)
Int 106 (18% status res, 0.9 mdur)
Agi 98 (8% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 350, Command range 5

*Heavy Swing: 96 damage, 87% acc

Paralyze: 51% chance of Paralyze, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Area Cure: Removes all negative status effects, all allies within 4 range and self (117 MP)
Veil: Nullifies the next magic attack against target, 0-3 range (86 MP)
Area Heal: 159 healing, all allies within 2 range and self (147 MP)
Divine Ray: 208 holy magic, 1-2 range (112 MP)
Heal: 238 healing, 0-3 range (65 MP)
Halo: Next attack always hits and grants boosted exp, 0-4 range (88 MP)
Cure: Removes all negative status effects, 0-4 range (54 MP)

Comments: Notable for having one of the absolute highest magic pools in the game (best not found on a ruler). Her other stats are a bit worse than Jiu's, but she does have Paralyze to help tilt fights against other stallers. Casting it twice leaves her only two Divine Rays, though.


Elena - L24 Sniper (GGG)

HP 621 (0.96)
MP 236
Str 96 -> Atk 144
Def 100 (0.87 pdur)
Int 67 (21% status weak, 0.87 mdur)
Agi 111 (21% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 338, Command range 4

*Lightning Arrow: 147 damage, 137% acc, 1-3 range
Selfless Throw: 177 damage, 159% acc, 1-3 range
Giga Impact: 197 damage, ITE, 1-4 range (80 MP)
Thousand Arrows: 161 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 radius of a target hex in range 0-3 (150 MP)

Accuracy Up S - Increases Accuracy by 20%. (factored in)
Dominate Sky S - Increases damage dealt against flying units by 50%.

Comments: Very accurate and averagish damage, and effectively fast (Lightning Arrow's 8 threat range is very good). She's the only human class who can counter at any reasonable range (still only against ST physicals, though). A bit unimpressive when she's not countering, since she's a bit on the fragile side.


Jose - L26 Sword Master (GGG)

HP 699 (1.08)
MP 210
Str 107 -> Atk 160
Def 115 (1.08 pdur)
Int 86 (2% status weak, 1.07 mdur)
Agi 100 (10% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 284, Command range 4

*Refined Fang Slash: 194 damage, 108% acc
Iaido Blade: 253 damage, 108% acc (60 MP)
Idle Flash: 330 damage, 112% acc. +50% damage if critical hit (140 MP)
*Swift Stance: +20 Agi for 3 rounds, self (25 MP)

HP Recovery B - Recovers 3% of Max HP at the beginning of every turn.
Critical Rate Up B - Increases chance of landing critical hits by 15% (to 25%)
Sidestep S - Has a 50% chance of dodging bow attacks.

Comments: Offence and durability are both unremarkable unless he can get a foe at melee at the start of his turn, then Idle Flash hurts. Swings a bit with how often you see that happening.

Sid - L25 Sword Master (GGG)

HP 713 (1.10)
MP 248
Str 110 -> Atk 165
Def 115 (1.10 pdur)
Int 83 (5% status weak, 1.08 mdur)
Agi 113 (23% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 315, Command range 4

*Refined Fang Slash: 200 damage, 121% acc
Iaido Blade: 259 damage, 121% acc (60 MP)
Idle Flash: 336 damage, 125% acc. +50% damage if critical hit (140 MP)
*Swift Stance: +20 Agi for 3 rounds, self (25 MP)

HP Recovery B - Recovers 3% of Max HP at the beginning of every turn.
Critical Rate Up B - Increases chance of landing critical hits by 15% (to 25%)
Sidestep S - Has a 50% chance of dodging bow attacks.

Comments: His stats are generally better than those of his boss, most notably agility (gives him turn 3 evade).


Tommy - L24 Treasure Hunter (UBB)

HP 700 (1.08)
MP 216
Str 104 -> Atk 156
Def 100 (0.99 pdur)
Int 71 (17% status weak, 1.00 mdur)
Agi 95 (25% eva)
Mobility 6, Magic pool 236, Command range 3

*Lethal Cut: 160 damage, 105% acc
*Phantom Steal: 128 damage, 105% acc, steals a random piece of equipment on a kill
*Capturing Trick: 131 damage, ITE, hits all units on a 1-3 line. Pulls the targets one space towards user if space allows. (30 MP)
Treasure Search: Gain a random item (130 MP)

Gravity: -20 Agi and removes flying typing for 3 rounds, 1-4 range (56 MP)
Dimension: 16% chance to send target to a random location on the battlefield, 1-4 range (83 MP)
Flight: Gains flying type for the remainder of the battle, 0-4 range. Flying types have +20% evade against most melee physical attacks used by non-flying units (52 MP)
Charm: 16% chance of Charm, 1-3 range (110 MP)

Charm Immunity - Prevents being inflicted with Charm.
Evasion Up A - Increases Evasion by 20% (factored in)
Double Movement - Allows unit to use any remaining mobility to move after attacking

Comments: Damage isn't great (low 3HKO average), but he's got great initiative at least. Flight and Gravity can be stacked to give him some solid evade but I'm not sure it's worth the turns to do so. Note that most other Treasure Hunters have better evade but worse damage.


Iyona - L25 Troubadour (GGG)

HP 494 (0.76)
MP 453
Str 58 -> Atk 86
Def 95 (0.68 pdur)
Int 115 (27% status res, 0.88 mdur)
Agi 88 (-2% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 235, Command range 4

*Heavy Swing: 65 damage, 96% acc
*Brave Scream: +30 Atk, +30 Def, and +20 Agi for 3 rounds, 1-2 range (not self) (130 MP)
*Curse Song: -30 Atk and -30 Def for 3 rounds, 1-2 range. Also inflicts Poison and Silence. [pdur becomes 0.76] (160 MP)
*Oratorio March: Target gets two turns the next time it would normally get one, 1-2 range (not self) (120 MP)

Geno-Thunder: 140 lightning magic, hits all units within 1 radius of a target hex in range 0-3 (193 MP)
Mana Transfer: Restores 150 MP, 1-3 range (200 MP)
Thunder: 185 lightning magic, 1-3 range (91 MP)
Protect: +30 Def for 3 rounds, 0-3 range [pdur becomes 0.76] (61 MP)
Silent: 60% chance of Silence, 1-4 range (40 MP)

Comments: Mostly support-based, but Curse Song certainly is still useful (and unlike most such abilities, can be used post-movement, so she can land it with decent initiative). She can still cast Thunder three times after it, too. Physically frail and has problems if lightning is blocked, though.


Adieu - L27 Viking (RRR)

HP 781 (1.21)
MP 173
Str 118 -> Atk 176
Def 110 (1.17 pdur)
Int 94 (6% status res, 1.24 mdur)
Agi 91 (1% eva)`
Mobility 5, Magic pool 308, Command range 4

*Raging Crash: 222 damage, 96% acc. 25% chance of Faint. [266 on a counter]
Fury Blow: 342 damage, 48% acc. 50% chance of Faint. (40 MP)
Disaster Swing: 195 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range
Raging Hurricane: 292 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range. 10% chance of Faint. (100 MP)

Faint Immunity - Prevents being inflicted with Faint.
Counter Damage Up S - Increases damage done by counterattacks by 20%.

Comments: Like the Sword Masters, you're going to have a bad time if you face a melee counter followed by his OPB 2HKO. Not too notable otherwise, but most of the stats are on the right side of average at least.

Ginny - L29 Viking (RRR)

HP 822 (1.27)
MP 138
Str 143 -> Atk 213
Def 110 (1.23 pdur)
Int 55 (33% status weak, 1.09 mdur)
Agi 49 (-41% eva)`
Mobility 5, Magic pool 246, Command range 3

*Raging Crash: 262 damage, 54% acc. 25% chance of Faint. [314 on a counter]
Fury Blow: 383 damage, 6% (-_-) acc. 50% chance of Faint. (40 MP)
Disaster Swing: 235 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range
Raging Hurricane: 334 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range. 10% chance of Faint. (100 MP)

Faint Immunity - Prevents being inflicted with Faint.
Counter Damage Up S - Increases damage done by counterattacks by 20%.

Comments: That accuracy, ouch. He 2HKOs average but good he'll be lucky if that only takes him 3 turns. Even more than Adieu, he gets MUCH better against foes who close to melee, because he gains access to ITE.

Hazarov - L27 Viking (RRR)

HP 862 (1.33)
MP 123
Str 129 -> Atk 192
Def 110 (1.29 pdur)
Int 59 (29% status weak, 1.16 mdur)
Agi 51 (-39% eva)
Mobility 5, Magic pool 253, Command range 4

*Raging Crash: 240 damage, 56% acc. 25% chance of Faint. [314 on a counter]
Fury Blow: 360 damage, 8% (-_-) acc. 50% chance of Faint. (40 MP)
Disaster Swing: 213 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range
Raging Hurricane: 310 damage, ITE, hits all units within 1 range. 10% chance of Faint. (100 MP)

Faint Immunity - Prevents being inflicted with Faint.
Counter Damage Up S - Increases damage done by counterattacks by 20%.

Comments: Similar to Ginny, that accuracy is just killer. He's a little more durable, but a bit less damaging.


Ginger - L25 Witch (UUB)

HP 464 (0.72)
MP 531
Str 75 -> Atk 112
Def 90 (0.62 pdur)
Int 118 (30% status res, 0.84 mdur)
Agi 95 (5% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 330, Command range 4

*Heavy Spank: 98 damage, 97% acc

Meteor Doom: 139 dark magic, hits all units within 2 radius of a target hex in range 0-3 (300 MP)
Curse: 207 dark magic, 1-2 range (108 MP)
Frost: 149 ice magic, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Charm: 63% chance of Charm, 1-3 range (110 MP)
Flight: Gains flying type for the remainder of the battle, 0-4 range. Flying types have +20% evade against most melee physical attacks used by non-flying units (52 MP)
Geno-Frost: 101 ice magic, all enemies within 3 range (186 MP)

Comments: Charm's probably the most notable thing and it's a bit shaky to rely on. The durability/initiative combo is rough if she's trying to win by damage alone.

Selena - L25 Witch (UUB)

HP 450 (0.69)
MP 573
Str 56 -> Atk 83
Def 90 (0.60 pdur)
Int 118 (30% status res, 0.82 mdur)
Agi 85 (-5% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 265, Command range 4

*Heavy Spank: 67 damage, 87% acc

Meteor Doom: 139 dark magic, hits all units within 2 radius of a target hex in range 0-3 (300 MP)
Curse: 207 dark magic, 1-2 range (108 MP)
Frost: 149 ice magic, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Charm: 63% chance of Charm, 1-3 range (110 MP)
Flight: Gains flying type for the remainder of the battle, 0-4 range. Flying types have +20% evade against most melee physical attacks used by non-flying units (52 MP)
Geno-Frost: 101 ice magic, all enemies within 3 range (186 MP)

Comments: Ginger with slightly worse stats, same comments apply.


Mu'ah - L28 Wizard (RRB)

HP 490 (0.76)
MP 490
Str 63 -> Atk 94
Def 90 (0.65 pdur)
Int 121 (33% status res, 0.91 mdur)
Agi 83 (-7% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 270, Command range 4

Heavy Hit: 84 damage, 85% acc

Solid: 66% chance of Petrify [+50% after Magic Down], 1-3 range (85 MP)
Exa-Blast: 262 fire magic, 1-2 range (152 MP)
Curse: 209 dark magic, 1-2 range (108 MP)
Flame: 151 fire magic, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Power: +50 Atk for next attack only, 0-4 range (62 MP)
Accel: +20 Agi for 3 rounds, 0-4 range (42 MP)
Weakness: -30 Atk and -30 Def for 3 rounds, 1-3 range [pdur becomes 0.78] (60 MP)
Magic Down: -50 Int for 3 rounds, 1-4 range [magic damage dealt +21%, mdur becomes 1.29] (58 MP)
Geno-Flame: 103 fire magic, all enemies within 3 range (186 MP)
Venom: 88 dark magic, 1-3 range. 20% chance of Poison (45 MP)

Comments: Certainly better than the witches in a duel. He's slow and frail but hey there's damage and status there.

Pluto - L25 Wizard (RRB)

HP 464 (0.72)
MP 493
Str 61 -> Atk 90
Def 90 (0.62 pdur)
Int 113 (25% status res, 0.82 mdur)
Agi 80 (-10% eva)
Mobility 4, Magic pool 280, Command range 4

Heavy Hit: 80 damage, 82% acc

Solid: 58% chance of Petrify [+50% after Magic Down], 1-3 range (85 MP)
Exa-Blast: 253 fire magic, 1-2 range (152 MP)
Curse: 202 dark magic, 1-2 range (108 MP)
Flame: 146 fire magic, 1-3 range (68 MP)
Power: +50 Atk for next attack only, 0-4 range (62 MP)
Accel: +20 Agi for 3 rounds, 0-4 range (42 MP)
Weakness: -30 Atk and -30 Def for 3 rounds, 1-3 range [pdur becomes 0.74] (60 MP)
Magic Down: -50 Int for 3 rounds, 1-4 range [magic damage dealt +22%, mdur becomes 1.15] (58 MP)
Geno-Flame: 99 fire magic, all enemies within 3 range (186 MP)
Venom: 85 dark magic, 1-3 range. 20% chance of Poison (45 MP)

Comments: Slightly worse stats than Mu'ah, but same basic gameplan applies; Magic Down, apply 100% petrify or solid damage, hope to not die to physicals in the meantime.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 04:01:18 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Brigandine: Legend of Runersia
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2020, 03:04:17 AM »
This too

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.