Author Topic: Unicorn Overlord  (Read 523 times)


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Unicorn Overlord
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:17:32 PM »
Unicorn Overlord. Levels taken at 43. Enemy stats were an average of endgame enemies.

Unicorn Overlord utilizes an "Encounter" system where, when two units encounter each other on the map, they engage in a turn-based battle.
The turn-based battle consists of characters taking actions in initiative order from highest to lowest. Taking an action consumes "Action Points", and the battle only ends when all combatants have used all of their action points.
If a combatant runs out of AP they can no longer take actions in a round, but there continues to be rounds until all combatant AP is spent.
Given this, it is safest to assume a DL bout would go as a series of encounters until one dueler wins. I assume 3 AP is standard, so once every 3 turns a dueler would be 'refreshed' AP and PP, and use end of battle/start of battle passives. This also means using a 2AP skill would represent 'borrowing' a future turn's action to use a more powerful move immediately.
Additionally, characters have "Passives" abilities that activate when conditions are met. For example countering an attack, increasing defense before being hit, or covering an ally. These consume "Passive Points", and can only be used if the user has enough passive points to do so.
Units are arranged in a 3x2 grid on their side (3 columns, front/back row). In a duel this doesn't matter. In-game units in the back row can't be struke with melee attacks while there are front row units.
I am taking the cast as the recruitable story characters (all of them). I am not including Generics in this. Note that the game does not 'balance' the classes with story characters. There are 4 Great Knights but only 1 Sergeant for example.

Equipment: Characters have 4 equipment slots of varying types depending on their class. I've made the following assumptions:
- Vorpal Weapons are a good representative endgame weapon. There are a fair number of them of the 5 weapon types, and there are a fair number of better things too.
- Steel Shields and Greatshields are assumed where relevant. There are a lot of shield users and not that many great shields.
- I assumed Lapis and Carnelian Pendants as available, and are generally default.
- Where reasonable, I assigned a Gold Bangle or Royal Scarf to a unit, depending on whether they were defense or evasion-oriented. Other relevant game equipment is Silken Scarf (+20 Evade), Veteran Eyepatch (+30 Crit), Elite Beret/Sage's Hood (+12% base P/M Atk).
- Status Blockers: There are some status blocker accessories in the game that guard against Poison, Blind, Burn, Freeze, Passive Seal, Guard Seal.
Game Stats:
Damage: Damage is just (Attack stat - Defense Stat) * Potency/100. There are other modifiers that can come into play but this is the basic formula.
Critical Hit: A Critical hit happens at the character's Crit% rate. These are 1.5x damage (or healing). Some skills increase this damage multipler. Adding 50% to it would make it a 2x crit instead for example.
Evasion: Evade in Unicorn Overlord works against any type of attack (physical/magical/otherwise) unless that attack is specifically a "Truestrike" that ignores evade and evade skills. Hit rate % is simply Accuracy - Evade. One note is that when a move has less than 100% accuracy, that is multiplied by the final hit-rate.
Guarding: Units can 'guard' against physical damage. This happens based upon the unit's Guard Rate %. If an attack is guarded, the physical damage is reduced by 25%. If the unit has a shield equipped, it is a 50% reduction. If a Greatshield is equipped it is a 75% reduction. This has no effect on ITD/magic damage.
Unit Type Bonuses/Penalties:
In Unicorn Overlord, some unit types have advantages over others. These are extreme (double damage or halved accuracy) so it might be reasonable to ascribe half of it to the unit on both ends (for example 41% damage boost or 71% hit rate in the DL against types the unit is strong or weak against).
- Cavalry units on horses deal double damage against Infantry units that are on foot. Infantry includes Beastfolk and elves that are on foot, but does not include winged characters.
- Flying units halve the hit-rate of melee attacks from units on the ground.
- Arrow attacks do double damage to flying units.
- MOUNTED flying units (Gryphon and Wyvern riders) deal double damage to cavalry units. This is in addition to being flying typed and halving accuracy against ground units.
These bonuses are multiplied on top of any specific weakness-hitting skill a unit might have. For example Gryphon Knights have a skill that increases Potency to Cavalry units. That increased damage is then doubled from being mounted flying type against them.
None of these bonuses are included in damage figures, although one could argue that Cavalry face mostly Infantry both in-game and in the DL.
I assumed enemy stats to be an average of the endgame enemies on Tactical mode.
P/M Atk: 60
P.Def: 34
M.Def: 39
Evade: 40. Accuracy: 138.
I include an estimate of physical and magical durability based upon HP% and how effective the unit's defensive stat is. 200% = Unit can take twice as much punishment as a unit with 100%.

For move types. I list the Move, how much PP/AP it costs, and what benefits it has. Almost all moves are more than just damage!

Afflictions (Status effects)
Burn: Unit takes 20 damage before taking an action (using an Action Point). This stacks, so if Burn is inflicted again (Lvl 2 Burn) it is 40 damage. A 3rd stack would make the target unit take 60 damage before it takes an action.
Freeze: A frozen unit can't act to spend AP. It also can't use Passives, dodge, or Guard. If the unit is attacked it unfreezes. If a unit is the last unit with AP but is still Frozen, then it can't use the AP and loses it. This makes Freezing a slower opponent incredibly potent as a dueling strategy!
Stun: A unit that is stunned can't act, guard, or use passives. The condition is cleared after the unit's turn comes up in combat (it loses the turn but not any AP and clears Stun). This means if a unit inflicts Stun and uses all their AP, the foe that was stunned will get to use their AP once their final stun clears.
Blind: The unit's attacks automatically miss. Even Truestrike attacks. The status is cleared after the unit takes a turn.
Poison: The unit takes 30% of their max HP before taking an action. If they were stunned they still take the damage.
Instant Death: Brings a character to 0 HP immediately if it triggers.
Passive Seal: Prevents a unit from using Passive skills (Auto-evade, counters, counter-healing, covering for other units, etc)

Debuffs: Debuffs include AP/PP Draining or damage. Stat-downs which last till the end of an encounter, and Afflictions like above (Afflictions are classified as debuffs).
Debuffs and buffs work on the final equipped stat value in-battle and are very potent (distinct from equipment boost %s that only impact the base unequipped value)
Priests, Ramona, and Featherstaves are not included in averages on account of having no effective attacks. Selvie wouldn't normally have an attack but there is one staff that gives Druids an attack. There is one for Priests and that would be HILARIOUS but unfortunately there are 3 priests.

HP: 87.8
P.Def: 31.7
M.Def: 34.8
Initiative: 31, Stdev 10.8
Accuracy: 140
Evade: 55.7
Guard Rate: 28.4%

3-turn damage average: 43 per turn (107 2.5x kill point). [Cavalry with +41% damage assumed is 45 dmg/turn, With +100% damage assumed it is 48]

I've already included into the damage effects of moves that partially ignore a target's defense or that add raw damage (like Yunifi's sonic arrow).

I'll include a dueler's type. If there are no notes they are just infantry.

Bestral units' get a +20% base stat buff at night time. I haven't included this.

Equipment: Holy Unicorn Blade, Steel Shield, Ring of the Unicorn, Gold Bangle
Type: Cavalry
HP: 104   P.Atk: 71   P.Def: 52   M.Atk: 42   M.Def: 48   Init: 45   Acc:152   Evade: 66   Crit: 24   Guard Rate: 57   AP: 4   PP: 3
HP%: 113%    Physical Durability: 399%    Magical Durability: 237%    Evasion%: 28%    Init Stdev: +1.29
Base Accuracy: 112%
Note: Holy Unicorn Blade grants Debuff (immunity to Status, stat-downs, AP/PP damage)
Active Skills:
Lean Edge (1): 37 Damage to one. 25% HP Restoration if attack hits. 50% if attack kills. [100 Phys Potency]
Cavalry Slayer (1): 37 Damage to one. Inflicts -1AP, -1PP, and Guard Seal on Cavalry [100 Phys Potency]
Spinning Edge (2): 65 Damage row attack. Ignores 50% of target Defense [60 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Noble Guard (1) : Guard a physical attack (50% reduction). Grants +20% defense for the rest of the battle (not on the triggering damage). +1 PP if Alain is below 50% HP
Luminous Guard (1) : Guards a physical attack for an ally (50% reduction), Grants ally +20% Physical Defense
Rapid Order (1) : Activates at start of battle. +20 Initiative to entire team.

"Comments: Tank who heals himself for 25% with his attacks. Has solid damage in Spinning Edge. Noble Guard makes a mockery of
Physicals while Rapid Order gives him fabulous initiative. Heavy?"

Equipment: Papal Croier, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 73   P.Atk: 20   P.Def: 27   M.Atk: 66   M.Def: 49   Init: 20   Acc:138   Evade: 95   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 11   AP: 4   PP: 4
HP%: 83%    Physical Durability: 71%    Magical Durability: 190%    Evasion%: 57%    Init Stdev: -1.02
Base Accuracy: 98%

Active Skills:
Holy Light (1): 27 Magic Damage. Removes all target buffs. [100 Mag Potency]
Curing Call (1): 33 Healing to a row. Removes all debuffs [50 Mag Potency]
Innocent Ray (2): 41 Magic damage to a row. Removes all target buffs. [150 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Passive Miracle (1) : Actiavtes after receiving an ally's passive skill: Healing and one PP to that ally
Saint's Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally or user is attacked. Reduces damage taken by 50% for one attack. Prevents debuffs/status from that attack. Does not trigger on debuff/status-only moves.
Divine Blessing (1) : Activates at start of battle: Grants all allies 25% HP Regen and +10% Defense.

Note: 78% Pdur with Divine Blessing

Comments: Saint's Barrier is very good, halving damage coming at her. She has Divine Blessing's Regen to help survive too. It's a pity Curing Call isn't stronger healing but she might eke out wins in Middle?

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 103   P.Atk: 72   P.Def: 40   M.Atk: 30   M.Def: 29   Init: 33   Acc:124   Evade: 16   Crit: 22   Guard Rate: 45   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 112%    Physical Durability: 158%    Magical Durability: 91%    Evasion%: -22%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 38  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 30  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 57  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note:  Each use of  Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 14, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 21.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 97   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 43   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 33   Init: 32   Acc:130   Evade: 19   Crit: 21   Guard Rate: 46   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 174%    Magical Durability: 98%    Evasion%: -19%    Init Stdev: +0.09
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 34  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 27  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 51  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note:  Each use of  Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 14, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 21.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Type: Cavalry
Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
HP: 100   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 45   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 33   Init: 30   Acc:124   Evade: 14   Crit: 19   Guard Rate: 49   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 108%    Physical Durability: 203%    Magical Durability: 101%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 34  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 27  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 51  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note:  Each use of  Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 14, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 21.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 105   P.Atk: 76   P.Def: 38   M.Atk: 34   M.Def: 27   Init: 30   Acc:124   Evade: 14   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 45   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 114%    Physical Durability: 146%    Magical Durability: 87%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 42  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 34  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 63  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note: Each use of Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 15, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 23.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Elite Beret
HP: 85   P.Atk: 64   P.Def: 39   M.Atk: 29   M.Def: 36   Init: 33   Acc:134   Evade: 53   Crit: 14   Guard Rate: 14   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 91%    Physical Durability: 122%    Magical Durability: 95%    Evasion%: 15%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 94%

Active Skills:
Long Thrust (1): 30 Damage to a column. Cavalry unit's can't guard it and it deals +50% damage to them. [100 Phys Potency]
Javelin (1): 30 Damage to a target. Ranged Attack.. +50% damage to flying targets. [100 Phys Potency]
Honed Spear (2): 39 Damage to a column. Cavalry unit's can't guard it. +50 Potency if user is buffed [130 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
First Aid (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Restores 25% HP to an ally
Keen Call (1) : Activates before another ally attacks. Grants 100% Critical rate.
Active Gift (2) : Activates after another ally uses an active skill. Grants them 1 AP

Comments: A support unit with no one else to support. Throwing her a bone (and an Elite Beret) doesn't help too much. She might 4HKO and get a bit of healing at the end of round 3. Light.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Armored
HP: 97   P.Atk: 61   P.Def: 49   M.Atk: 27   M.Def: 21   Init: 29   Acc:134   Evade: 27   Crit: 14   Guard Rate: 56   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 269%    Magical Durability: 68%    Evasion%: -11%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 94%

Active Skills:
Warding Slash (1): 27 Damage. Grants the user +20% physical defense. [100 Phys Potency]
Shield Bash (1): 14 Damage. Inflicts Stun. [50 Phys Potency]
Defender (2): 41 Damage. Grants the user +50% Physical defense. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [75 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Arrow Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is hit by a ranged attack. Blocks ranged attack and negates damage.
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Provoke (1) : Activates at start of battle. Force a row of enemies to focus attacks on user (but doesn't force them to use attacks). Grants +50% Guard Rate.

Comments: Not too much point going at him with physicals with the Guard Rate, physical defense, and buffing physical defense. But god help him if a mage has at him.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle
Type: Armored
HP: 86   P.Atk: 59   P.Def: 49   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 21   Init: 31   Acc:141   Evade: 29   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 56   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 92%    Physical Durability: 236%    Magical Durability: 59%    Evasion%: -9%    Init Stdev: 0
Base Accuracy: 101%

Active Skills:
Warding Slash (1): 25 Damage. Grants the user +20% physical defense. [100 Phys Potency]
Shield Bash (1): 13 Damage. Inflicts Stun. [50 Phys Potency]
Defender (2): 38 Damage. Grants the user +50% Physical defense. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [75 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Arrow Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is hit by a ranged attack. Blocks ranged attack and negates damage.
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Provoke (1) : Activates at start of battle. Force a row of enemies to focus attacks on user (but doesn't force them to use attacks). Grants +50% Guard Rate.

Comments: Not too much point going at him with physicals with the Guard Rate, physical defense, and buffing physical defense. But god help him if a mage has at him.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Armored
HP: 103   P.Atk: 59   P.Def: 62   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 2   Init: 12   Acc:127   Evade: 5   Crit: 12   Guard Rate: 71   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 112%    Physical Durability: -1581%    Magical Durability: 49%    Evasion%: -33%    Init Stdev: -1.76
Base Accuracy: 87%

Active Skills:
Sting (1): 25 Damage. +50 Potency (50% damage) if the user is below 50% HP. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Protection (1) : Grants allies in the user's row +50% Physical defense.
Greatshield (1) : Grants the user +50% Physical defense and +2 PP.

Passive Skills:
Heavy Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers the ally with a Heavy Guard (75% physical damage reduction)
Guardian (1) : Activates after being hit by a physical attack. Grants the user +20% physical attacck and +20% Guard Rate (stacks in a battle)
Row Cover (2) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers a row of allies with a Medium Guard (50% physical damage reduction)

Comments: Bring magic or ITD. The damage is so terrible that a suitable healer could somehow eke it out but it would take for-ever.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Armored
HP: 107   P.Atk: 53   P.Def: 68   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 7   Init: 13   Acc:127   Evade: 10   Crit: 8   Guard Rate: 73   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 116%    Physical Durability: -409%    Magical Durability: 55%    Evasion%: -28%    Init Stdev: -1.67
Base Accuracy: 87%

Active Skills:
Sting (1): 19 Damage. +50 Potency (50% damage) if the user is below 50% HP. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Protection (1) : Grants allies in the user's row +50% Physical defense.
Greatshield (1) : Grants the user +50% Physical defense and +2 PP.

Passive Skills:
Heavy Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers the ally with a Heavy Guard (75% physical damage reduction)
Guardian (1) : Activates after being hit by a physical attack. Grants the user +20% physical attacck and +20% Guard Rate (stacks in a battle)
Row Cover (2) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers a row of allies with a Medium Guard (50% physical damage reduction)

Comments: Bring magic or ITD. The damage is so terrible that a suitable healer could somehow eke it out but it would take for-ever.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 77   P.Atk: 75   P.Def: 30   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 17   Init: 36   Acc:139   Evade: 34   Crit: 14   Guard Rate: 43   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 82%    Physical Durability: 77%    Magical Durability: 48%    Evasion%: -4%    Init Stdev: +0.46
Base Accuracy: 99%

Active Skills:
Smash (1): 41 Damage. Inflicts Phys. Defense – 20% [100 Phys Potency]
Rolling Axe (1): 49 Damage to a row. 75% accuracy. Inflicts phys. Defense – 15% [40 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]
Wide Breaker (2): 41 Damage to a row Inflicts Phys. Defense -30%. +50 Potency vs Debuffed Targets [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Parting Blow (1): 31 Activates at the end of battle. Attacks a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]
Frenzied Strike (1): 21 Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Inflicts Phys. Defense -15%. [50 Phys Potency]
War Horn (2) : Activates at the start of battle. Makes all ally attack skills unguardable.

Note: Def -20% increases Aubin's damage by 7 (17%)

Comments: Smash reduces enemy defense by 20% (plus 12 damage for a 100 Potency attack). So Smash -> Smash -> Smash. If he survives his foe's third action he might get in a Parting Blow, and he counters with Frenzied Strike. His durability is terrible however... Light? Rolling Axe might punish those with no evasion to speak of.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
HP: 81   P.Atk: 64   P.Def: 15   M.Atk: 29   M.Def: 38   Init: 30   Acc:173   Evade: 82   Crit: 23   Guard Rate: 13   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 87%    Physical Durability: 55%    Magical Durability: 99%    Evasion%: 44%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 133%

Active Skills:
Single Shot (1): 30 Damage. Ranged. (Most basic move in the game!) [100 Phys Potency]
Dual Shot (1): 21 Damage to two enemies. Ranged. [70 Phys Potency]
Row Shot (2): 30 Damage to a row. Ranged. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Eagle Eye (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Makes next attack a Truestrike
Pursuit (1): 23 Damage. Activates after another ally attacks with an active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]
Aerial Snipe (1): 15 Damage. Actives after an ally (including self) is hit with an attack. +100 potency (x3 dmg) vs flying enemies. [50 Phys Potency]

Comments: A weak counter and a weak attack add up to a meager 3HKO? With attrocious durability. Light.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
HP: 76   P.Atk: 63   P.Def: 17   M.Atk: 28   M.Def: 41   Init: 30   Acc:173   Evade: 82   Crit: 24   Guard Rate: 10   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 81%    Physical Durability: 53%    Magical Durability: 107%    Evasion%: 44%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 133%

Active Skills:
Single Shot (1): 29 Damage. Ranged. (Most basic move in the game!) [100 Phys Potency]
Dual Shot (1): 20 Damage to two enemies. Ranged. [70 Phys Potency]
Row Shot (2): 29 Damage to a row. Ranged. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Eagle Eye (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Makes next attack a Truestrike
Pursuit (1): 22 Damage. Activates after another ally attacks with an active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]
Aerial Snipe (1): 15 Damage. Actives after an ally (including self) is hit with an attack. +100 potency (x3 dmg) vs flying enemies. [50 Phys Potency]

Comments: A weak counter and a weak attack add up to a meager 3HKO? With attrocious durability. Light.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 104   P.Atk: 92   P.Def: 36   M.Atk: 15   M.Def: 19   Init: 20   Acc:130   Evade: 25   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 47   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 113%    Physical Durability: 133%    Magical Durability: 69%    Evasion%: -13%    Init Stdev: -1.02
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 87 Damage.  [150 Phys Potency]
Killing Chain (1): 58 Damage. Grants +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Bastard's Cross (2): 81 Damage. Potency based on target's HP%, (100% → 60 Potency increase (85.8% damage increase), 0% → 0%) [70 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Following Slash (1): 58 Damage. 90% Hit-rate. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Vengeful Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Guards an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Grants user +20% Phys Attack (Stacks)
Bull Force (2) : Activates after using an Active skill. Grants user +1AP, +20% Phys Attack, and +20 Initiative

Note: Each stack of P.Atk +20% Increases Bereneice's Heavy Slash damage by 28 (31%)
Bastard's Cross does 151 damage to a full HP target. [198 after Vengeful Guard]

Comments: Meet pain and death and one of the reasons most units have bad damage. Bastard's Cross opener can OHKO. They have counters, a Guard Skill, and Bull Rush that can actually make them lap an enemy (get 2nd turn before foe)... poor magic durability is the only weakness. Heavy.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 108   P.Atk: 95   P.Def: 35   M.Atk: 18   M.Def: 18   Init: 18   Acc:124   Evade: 30   Crit: 18   Guard Rate: 47   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 117%    Physical Durability: 132%    Magical Durability: 70%    Evasion%: -8%    Init Stdev: -1.2
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 92 Damage.  [150 Phys Potency]
Killing Chain (1): 61 Damage. Grants +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Bastard's Cross (2): 85 Damage. Potency based on target's HP%, (100% → 60 Potency increase (85.8% damage increase), 0% → 0%) [70 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Following Slash (1): 61 Damage. 90% Hit-rate. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Vengeful Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Guards an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Grants user +20% Phys Attack (Stacks)
Bull Force (2) : Activates after using an Active skill. Grants user +1AP, +20% Phys Attack, and +20 Initiative

Note: Each stack of P.Atk+20% Increases Heavy Slash by 29 (31%)
Bastard's Cross does 158 damage to a full HP target. [207 after Vengeful Guard]

Comments: Meet pain and death and one of the reasons most units have bad damage. Bastard's Cross opener can OHKO. They have counters, a Guard Skill, and Bull Rush that can actually make them lap an enemy (get 2nd turn before foe)... poor magic durability is the only weakness. Heavy.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 107   P.Atk: 91   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 14   M.Def: 20   Init: 21   Acc:124   Evade: 27   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 47   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 116%    Physical Durability: 142%    Magical Durability: 73%    Evasion%: -11%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 86 Damage.  [150 Phys Potency]
Killing Chain (1): 57 Damage. Grants +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Bastard's Cross (2): 80 Damage. Potency based on target's HP%, (100% → 60 Potency increase (85.8% damage increase), 0% → 0%) [70 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Following Slash (1): 57 Damage. 90% Hit-rate. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Vengeful Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Guards an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Grants user +20% Phys Attack (Stacks)
Bull Force (2) : Activates after using an Active skill. Grants user +1AP, +20% Phys Attack, and +20 Initiative

Note: Each stack of P.Atk +20% Increases Jeremy's Heavy Slash damage by 28 (31%)
Bastard's Cross does 151 damage to a full HP target. [198 w/ Atk+20%]

Comments: Meet pain and death and one of the reasons most units have bad damage. Bastard's Cross opener can OHKO. They have counters, a Guard Skill, and Bull Rush that can actually make them lap an enemy (get 2nd turn before foe)... poor magic durability is the only weakness. Heavy.

Equipment: Vorpal Rod, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle
HP: 63   P.Atk: 10   P.Def: 18   M.Atk: 74   M.Def: 51   Init: 21   Acc:131   Evade: 75   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 66%    Physical Durability: 44%    Magical Durability: 184%    Evasion%: 37%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 91%

Active Skills:
Icebolt (1): 35 Magic damage. Inflicts Freeze [100 Mag Potency]
Magick Missile (1): 25 Magic damage. Attack two enemies with magic. [70 Mag Potency]
Ice Coffin (2): 35 Magic damage to a row. Inflicts Freeze. +50 Potency vs Frozen targets. [100 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Magick Conferral (1) : Activates before an ally's physical attack with an active skill. Adds a magic attack to it with 50 Potency.
Accurate Conferral (1) : Activates before another ally attacks with an active skill. Makes the attack a Truestrike.
Quick Cast (2) : Activates at the start of battle. Grants user max initiative for next action and -50% Crit rate.

Comments: Go first with Quick Cast. Freeze Enemy. Repeat until victory. If a foe ignores her Freeze she is in a tight spot indeed as then her speed and damage and durability are all horrifically bad. So a flavorful Middle or something.

Equipment: Vorpal Rod, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 59   P.Atk: 6   P.Def: 20   M.Atk: 74   M.Def: 53   Init: 21   Acc:130   Evade: 37   Crit: 10   Guard Rate: 2   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 62%    Physical Durability: 44%    Magical Durability: 223%    Evasion%: -1%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Fireball (1): 42 Magic damage. Inflicts 1 level of burn if any hits connect. (but no more than 1) [40 Mag Potency][ 3 Hits]
Thunderous Strike (2): 35 Magic damage to a row. 90% Accuracy. Inflicts Stun. [100 Mag Potency]
Volcano (2): 53 Magic damage to a column. 90% Accuracy. Inflicts Burn. [150 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Magick Counter (1): 53 Magic Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with a 150 potency magic attack [150 Mag Potency]
Magick Pursuit (1): 35 Magic Damage. Activates after an ally uses a magick attack active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy with magick. [100 Mag Potency]
Concentrate (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants user +1AP and +40 Accuracy.

Comments: Auch... has no physical durability. An average physical almost OHKOs him probably. But he has okay damage (borderline 2HKO magic counter), so he might get a chance to kill. And his magic durability is great.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 57   P.Atk: 49   P.Def: 11   M.Atk: 30   M.Def: 29   Init: 52   Acc:151   Evade: 123   Crit: 29   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 59%    Physical Durability: 34%    Magical Durability: 48%    Evasion%: 85%    Init Stdev: +1.94
Base Accuracy: 111%

Active Skills:
Passive Steal (1): 15 Damage. Steal off of the enemy's PP (does not apply if they guard the first hit. DOES apply if the evade the first hit and get hit by the second) [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Toxic Throw (1): 8 Damage. Ranged. Inflicts Poison. [25 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Shadowbite (2): 5 Damage to a row. Inflicts Blindness. [15 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Evade (1) : Activates before an attack that would hit the user. Evades a single hit in that attack string.
Sneaking Edge (1): 15 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. Inflicts Guard Seal and Passive Seal if either hit connects. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Comments: Sneak Edge seals off enemy counters/passive skills. A crazy high evasion stat keeps him in the fight. The Evade skill is so good it feels like cheating (but only works vs a single-hit vs multi-hit attacks... if those attacks can get through the ordinary evade).  Poisoning an enemy lets him kill them. Middle/Heavy? One of those cases that might want a Silken Scarf to make the evade even higher.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 55   P.Atk: 44   P.Def: 12   M.Atk: 25   M.Def: 30   Init: 55   Acc:151   Evade: 126   Crit: 29   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 57%    Physical Durability: 34%    Magical Durability: 48%    Evasion%: 88%    Init Stdev: +2.22
Base Accuracy: 111%

Active Skills:
Passive Steal (1): 10 Damage. Steal off of the enemy's PP (does not apply if they guard the first hit. DOES apply if the evade the first hit and get hit by the second) [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Toxic Throw (1): 5 Damage. Ranged. Inflicts Poison. [25 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Shadowbite (2): 3 Damage to a row. Inflicts Blindness. [15 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Evade (1) : Activates before an attack that would hit the user. Evades a single hit in that attack string.
Sneaking Edge (1): 10 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. Inflicts Guard Seal and Passive Seal if either hit connects. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Comments: Sneak Edge seals off enemy counters/passive skills. A crazy high evasion stat keeps him in the fight. The Evade skill is so good it feels like cheating (but only works vs a single-hit vs multi-hit attacks... if those attacks can get through the ordinary evade).  Poisoning an enemy lets him kill them. Middle/Heavy? One of those cases that might want a Silken Scarf to make the evade even higher.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 103   P.Atk: 57   P.Def: 31   M.Atk: 46   M.Def: 54   Init: 29   Acc:133   Evade: 14   Crit: 5   Guard Rate: 50   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 112%    Physical Durability: 109%    Magical Durability: 469%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 93%

Active Skills:
Hache (1): 23 Damage. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Heal (): 46 Restores HP to a row of allies. [100 Mag Potency]
Saint's Blade (1): 23 Damage. +25 Potency (+50% damage) if user is at 100% HP. Grants user +1PP if attack hits. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Magick Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage deal to an ally. Also negates any afflictions.
Holy Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Prevents Debuffs/status from the attack.
Row Barrier (2) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage to a row of allie. Also negates any afflictions.

Comments: Don't attack with magic. Withthat said, Holy Guard protects against physicals nad she has healing. Middle/Heavy?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 107   P.Atk: 54   P.Def: 34   M.Atk: 43   M.Def: 56   Init: 29   Acc:132   Evade: 19   Crit: 3   Guard Rate: 50   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 116%    Physical Durability: 126%    Magical Durability: 729%    Evasion%: -19%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 92%

Active Skills:
Hache (1): 20 Damage. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Heal (): 43 Restores HP to a row of allies. [100 Mag Potency]
Saint's Blade (1): 20 Damage. +25 Potency (+50% damage) if user is at 100% HP. Grants user +1PP if attack hits. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Magick Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage deal to an ally. Also negates any afflictions.
Holy Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Prevents Debuffs/status from the attack.
Row Barrier (2) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage to a row of allie. Also negates any afflictions.

Comments: Don't attack with magic. Withthat said, Holy Guard protects against physicals nad she has healing. Middle/Heavy?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Icefall Blade, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant
HP: 62   P.Atk: 66   P.Def: 15   M.Atk: 21   M.Def: 35   Init: 55   Acc:160   Evade: 124   Crit: 38   Guard Rate: -11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 65%    Physical Durability: 41%    Magical Durability: 65%    Evasion%: 86%    Init Stdev: +2.22
Base Accuracy: 120%

Active Skills:
Keen Edge (1): 32 Damage. Truestrike. Critical rate +50% [100 Phys Potency]
Impale (1):  Damage. Grants +1PP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Meteor Slash (2): 58 Damage. Critical Rate +30% [20 Phys Potency][ 9 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Hastened Strike (1): 48 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. With a truestrike. [150 Phys Potency]
Parry (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit in the attack. Grants +1 AP to user.
Charged Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants the user +1 AP and +50% critical damage (2x instead of 1.5x).

Comments: damage, good evade, and truestrike to deal with foe's evasion. Parry can help against accurate single melee attacks (not from flying enemies though!).  Hastened Strike into Meteor Slash KOs. Another case where they might want to sacrifice the Carnelian Pendant (and use Charged Impetus to get the 3rd AP) for a Silken Scarf.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Icefall Blade, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 62   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 15   M.Atk: 24   M.Def: 35   Init: 54   Acc:158   Evade: 119   Crit: 40   Guard Rate: -11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 65%    Physical Durability: 41%    Magical Durability: 65%    Evasion%: 81%    Init Stdev: +2.13
Base Accuracy: 118%

Active Skills:
Keen Edge (1): 34 Damage. Truestrike. Critical rate +50% [100 Phys Potency]
Impale (1):  Damage. Grants +1PP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Meteor Slash (2): 61 Damage. Critical Rate +30% [20 Phys Potency][ 9 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Hastened Strike (1): 51 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. With a truestrike. [150 Phys Potency]
Parry (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit in the attack. Grants +1 AP to user.
Charged Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants the user +1 AP and +50% critical damage.

Comments: damage, good evade, and truestrike to deal with foe's evasion. Parry can help against accurate single melee attacks (not from flying enemies though!).  Hastened Strike into Meteor Slash KOs. Another case where they might want to sacrifice the Carnelian Pendant (and use Charged Impetus to get the 3rd AP) for a Silken Scarf.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Icefall Blade, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 65   P.Atk: 73   P.Def: 14   M.Atk: 29   M.Def: 34   Init: 52   Acc:160   Evade: 118   Crit: 36   Guard Rate: -11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 68%    Physical Durability: 42%    Magical Durability: 66%    Evasion%: 80%    Init Stdev: +1.94
Base Accuracy: 120%

Active Skills:
Keen Edge (1): 39 Damage. Truestrike. Critical rate +50% [100 Phys Potency]
Impale (1):  Damage. Grants +1PP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Meteor Slash (2): 70 Damage. Critical Rate +30% [20 Phys Potency][ 9 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Hastened Strike (1): 59 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. With a truestrike. [150 Phys Potency]
Parry (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit in the attack. Grants +1 AP to user.
Charged Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants the user +1 AP and +50% critical damage.

Comments: damage, good evade, and truestrike to deal with foe's evasion. Parry can help against accurate single melee attacks (not from flying enemies though!).  Hastened Strike into Meteor Slash KOs. Another case where they might want to sacrifice the Carnelian Pendant (and use Charged Impetus to get the 3rd AP) for a Silken Scarf.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 143   P.Atk: 67   P.Def: 18   M.Atk: 2   M.Def: 23   Init: 17   Acc:124   Evade: 14   Crit: 10   Guard Rate: 14   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 157%    Physical Durability: 106%    Magical Durability: 107%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -1.3
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Wide Smash (1): 50 Damage to a row of enemies. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency (1.33x dmg) if the user is at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]
Mounting Charge (1):  Restores 30% HP to user. Grants user +30% Phys attack
Grand Smash (2): 33 Damage. Attack all enemies on the ground. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency if user is at 100% HP. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Bulk Up (1) : Activates after being hit by an attack. Recovers 40% HP.
Wide Counter (1): 33 Damage. 75% Accuracy. Counterattack a row of enemies. [100 Phys Potency]
Berserk (1*) : Consume all PP to grant user +1AP. User will survive one lethal attack with 1 HP.

Note: Mounting Charge increases his Wide Smash by 30 (60%)

Comments: Okay durability and counters attacks with a 40% heal. Also has a 30% Self-heal. This is really good! The accuracy is very bad however.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant, Gold Bangle
HP: 146   P.Atk: 70   P.Def: 16   M.Atk: 6   M.Def: 21   Init: 13   Acc:118   Evade: 19   Crit: 15   Guard Rate: 11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 161%    Physical Durability: 103%    Magical Durability: 104%    Evasion%: -19%    Init Stdev: -1.67
Base Accuracy: 78%

Active Skills:
Wide Smash (1): 54 Damage to a row of enemies. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency (1.33x dmg) if the user is at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]
Mounting Charge (1):  Restores 30% HP to user. Grants user +30% Phys attack
Grand Smash (2): 36 Damage. Attack all enemies on the ground. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency if user is at 100% HP. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Bulk Up (1) : Activates after being hit by an attack. Recovers 40% HP.
Wide Counter (1) : Damage. 75% Accuracy. Counterattack a row of enemies.
Berserk (1*) : Consume all PP to grant user +1AP. User will survive one lethal attack with 1 HP.

Note: Mounting Charge increases Wide Smash by 32 (60%)

Comments: Okay durability and counters attacks with a 40% heal. Also has a 30% Self-heal. This is really good! The accuracy is very bad however.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 97   P.Atk: 84   P.Def: 40   M.Atk: 16   M.Def: 36   Init: 31   Acc:130   Evade: 36   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 19   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 148%    Magical Durability: 110%    Evasion%: -2%    Init Stdev: 0
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Heavy Smash (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores damage against armored enemies (damage = attack stat) [100 Phys Potency]
Assaulting Blow (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Grants user +1 AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Smash (2): 60 Damage. Unguardable and uncoverable. Attacks a row of enemies. Ignores defense against armored type enemies (Damage = attack stat) [120 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Binding Guard (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. The attack inflicts Guard Seal (which will stop subsequent attacks from being guarded)
Enrage (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack. Grants user +20% Attack and +20 accuracy.
Heavy Counter (1): 75 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with an unguardable attack. Ignores defense against armored enemies (damage = 1.5x attack stat) [150 Phys Potency]

Note: Enrage increases damage by 34% (+17 damage to Heavy Smash per use)

Comments: Hits hard and counters harder. The end result will be a probably dead enemy. Really good. Note that they can use EITHER enrage or Heavy Counter in response to an attack. Not both.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 101   P.Atk: 88   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 20   M.Def: 33   Init: 32   Acc:129   Evade: 34   Crit: 4   Guard Rate: 20   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 109%    Physical Durability: 134%    Magical Durability: 101%    Evasion%: -4%    Init Stdev: +0.09
Base Accuracy: 89%

Active Skills:
Heavy Smash (1): 54 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores damage against armored enemies (damage = attack stat) [100 Phys Potency]
Assaulting Blow (1): 54 Damage. Unguardable. Grants user +1 AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Smash (2): 65 Damage. Unguardable and uncoverable. Attacks a row of enemies. Ignores defense against armored type enemies (Damage = attack stat) [120 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Binding Guard (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. The attack inflicts Guard Seal (which will stop subsequent attacks from being guarded)
Enrage (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack. Grants user +20% Attack and +20 accuracy.
Heavy Counter (1): 81 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with an unguardable attack. Ignores defense against armored enemies (damage = 1.5x attack stat) [150 Phys Potency]

Note: Enrage increases damage by 34% (+18 damage to Heavy Smash per use)

Comments: Hits hard and counters harder. The end result will be a probably dead enemy. Really good. Note that they can use EITHER enrage or Heavy Counter in response to an attack. Not both.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 99   P.Atk: 84   P.Def: 39   M.Atk: 16   M.Def: 35   Init: 34   Acc:129   Evade: 36   Crit: 5   Guard Rate: 20   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 107%    Physical Durability: 144%    Magical Durability: 108%    Evasion%: -2%    Init Stdev: +0.28
Base Accuracy: 89%

Active Skills:
Heavy Smash (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores damage against armored enemies (damage = attack stat) [100 Phys Potency]
Assaulting Blow (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Grants user +1 AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Smash (2): 60 Damage. Unguardable and uncoverable. Attacks a row of enemies. Ignores defense against armored type enemies (Damage = attack stat) [120 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Binding Guard (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. The attack inflicts Guard Seal (which will stop subsequent attacks from being guarded)
Enrage (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack. Grants user +20% Attack and +20 accuracy.
Heavy Counter (1): 75 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with an unguardable attack. Ignores defense against armored enemies (damage = 1.5x attack stat) [150 Phys Potency]

Note: Enrage increases damage by 34% (+17 damage to Heavy Smash per use)

Comments: Hits hard and counters harder. The end result will be a probably dead enemy. Really good. Note that they can use EITHER enrage or Heavy Counter in response to an attack. Not both.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
Type: Flying (mounted)
HP: 76   P.Atk: 69   P.Def: 24   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 40   Init: 27   Acc:129   Evade: 103   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 7   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 81%    Physical Durability: 64%    Magical Durability: 102%    Evasion%: 65%    Init Stdev: -0.37
Base Accuracy: 89%

Active Skills:
High Swing (1): 35 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard this attack. Potency +50 vs cavalry... [100 Phys Potency]
Fatal Dive (2):  Unguardable defense-ignoring attack to a column of enemies. Damage = 50% of the user's current HP. Attack can not critical hit.
Aerial Smite (2): 53 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard the attack. Inflicts AP-1 on a target if the target was at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Wing Rest (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Recovers 25% HP. (50% HP if user has a status ailment)
Feathering (1) : Activates after attacking with an active skill. Grants allies in the user's row +15 Initiative.
Gryphon Glide (2) : Activates before being hit by a ranged attacks (which includes melee attacks from flying creatures). Evade a single hit of the ranged attack. Grants user +1 AP.

Comments: The evasion helps with the bad durability. Gryphon Glide can help deal with the arrow weakness (it also works on flyer's melee and ranged magic). Wing Rest is good for an end of battle heal. Opening with Aerial Smite is usually a good idea as it reduces a full HP enemy's AP by 1.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
Type: Flying (Mounted)
HP: 80   P.Atk: 63   P.Def: 30   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 46   Init: 28   Acc:128   Evade: 103   Crit: 12   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 85%    Physical Durability: 80%    Magical Durability: 153%    Evasion%: 65%    Init Stdev: -0.28
Base Accuracy: 88%

Active Skills:
High Swing (1): 29 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard this attack. Potency +50 vs cavalry... [100 Phys Potency]
Fatal Dive (2): 0 Unguardable defense-ignoring attack to a column of enemies. Damage = 50% of the user's current HP. Attack can not critical hit.
Aerial Smite (2): 44 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard the attack. Inflicts AP-1 on a target if the target was at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Wing Rest (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Recovers 25% HP. (50% HP if user has a status ailment)
Feathering (1) : Activates after attacking with an active skill. Grants allies in the user's row +15 Initiative.
Gryphon Glide (2) : Activates before being hit by a ranged attacks (which includes melee attacks from flying creatures). Evade a single hit of the ranged attack. Grants user +1 AP.

Comments: The evasion helps with the bad durability. Gryphon Glide can help deal with the arrow weakness (it also works on flyer's melee and ranged magic). Wing Rest is good for an end of battle heal. Opening with Aerial Smite is usually a good idea as it reduces a full HP enemy's AP by 1.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 81   P.Atk: 71   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 17   M.Def: 34   Init: 21   Acc:156   Evade: 28   Crit: 13   Guard Rate: 62   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 87%    Physical Durability: 107%    Magical Durability: 84%    Evasion%: -10%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 116%

Active Skills:
Power Bolt (1): 44 Damage. Ranged. [120 Phys Potency]
Toxic Bolt (1): 30 Damage. Ranged. Inflicts Poison. [80 Phys Potency]
Heavy Bolt (2): 74 Damage. Ranged. (only 100 Potency (½ dmg) if in back row) [200 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Medical Aid (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Restores 15% HP to a row. Healing doubles if target is below 50% HP.
Quick Reload (1): 19 Damage. Activates after attacking. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [50 Phys Potency]
Aid Cover (1) : Activates before an ally is attacked. Covers ally with medium guard (50% damage reduction) and restores 25% HP to that ally.

Comments: Good physical durability and good damage. Heavy Bolt -> Quick Reload -> Power Bolt -> Quick Reload is likely a 2HKO off good accuracy. Toxic Bolt can help even more. Her magic durability isn't good however. Middle?

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Flying (Mounted)
HP: 89   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 11   M.Def: 21   Init: 33   Acc:140   Evade: 98   Crit: 17   Guard Rate: 13   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 96%    Physical Durability: 118%    Magical Durability: 62%    Evasion%: 60%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 100%

Active Skills:
Diving Thrust (1): 34 Damage. Cavalry units can't guard the attack. +50 Potency vs Cavalry [100 Phys Potency]
Fire Breath (2): 26 Damage to a row. Inflicts Burn. [75 Phys Potency]
Tempest Drive (2): 51 Damage to a column. Cavalry targets can't guard this. Becomes a Truestrike and Critical if user is below 50% HP. [150 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Ground Counter (1): 17 Damage. Activates after being attacked with an active skill. Counterattacks. Does +100 Potency (x3 dmg) to cavalry targets. [50 Phys Potency]
Deflect (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit. Grants the user +20 Evasion (effect stacks)
Dragon's Roar (2) : Activates at start of battle. Inflicts Initiative -20 on all enemies.

Comments: A variety of interesting options. Dragon's Roar on foes faster than her. Deflect for ground based melee (whose accuracy she already reduces). Tempest Dive becomes a Truestrike and powerful damage below 50% HP... Fire Breath probably won't see use but vs enormous physical defense.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2024, 02:28:52 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Unicorn Overlord
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2024, 11:18:34 PM »
Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle
Type: Armored
HP: 105   P.Atk: 87   P.Def: 48   M.Atk: 7   M.Def: 21   Init: 11   Acc:145   Evade: 9   Crit: 1   Guard Rate: 60   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 114%    Physical Durability: 268%    Magical Durability: 73%    Evasion%: -29%    Init Stdev: -1.85
Base Accuracy: 105%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 80 Damage. [150 Phys Potency]
Penetrate (2): 53 Damage to a column. Unguardable. Inflicts Defese -30% [100 Phys Potency]
Omega Shatter (2): 106 Damage. Unguardable. [100 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Heavy Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string with a Heavy guard (reduces physical damage by 75%)
Wild Kick (1): 27 Damage. Activates after an enemy guards against an ally's attack. Follow-up attacks a single enemy and inflicts stun and guard seal. [50 Phys Potency]
Hawk Eye (2) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Makes the attack a Truestrike and critical hit (all hits of the attack)

Comments: Smash. Hawk Eye -> Omega Shatter kills things dead. She has tremendous physical durability too. Mages she doesn't KO can punish her.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 84   P.Atk: 59   P.Def: 34   M.Atk: 36   M.Def: 38   Init: 30   Acc:136   Evade: 45   Crit: 18   Guard Rate: 20   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 90%    Physical Durability: 98%    Magical Durability: 103%    Evasion%: 7%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 96%

Active Skills:
Banishing Stab (1): 25 Damage. Removes all of the target's buffs. [100 Phys Potency]
Defensive Order (1):  Grants all allies +20% Defense
Offensive Order (1):  Grants all allies +20% Attack.

Passive Skills:
Rapid Order (1) : Activates at start of battle. +20 Initiative to entire team.
Guard Order (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is attacked. Grants row of allies 100% Guard rate for one attack.
Sniping Order (2) : Activates before an ally makes an attack with an active skill. Makes a row of allies' next attack a Truestrike.

Comments: A leader of men with no men to lead. Light. His Orders don't do much for his damage or durability

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Flying Angel
HP: 74   P.Atk: 55   P.Def: 30   M.Atk: 25   M.Def: 37   Init: 37   Acc:142   Evade: 73   Crit: 11   Guard Rate: 45   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 79%    Physical Durability: 74%    Magical Durability: 86%    Evasion%: 35%    Init Stdev: +0.55
Base Accuracy: 102%

Active Skills:
Spiral Sword (1): 21 Damage. Inflicts Evasion -20. Grants user +20 Evade [100 Phys Potency]
Shield Smite (1): 21 Damage. Inflicts Defense -20%. Grants user +20% Defense [100 Phys Potency]
Honed Slash (2): 44 Damage. Becomes a truestrike if user is buffed. [70 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Accelerate (1) : Activates after an enemy attacks with an active skill. Grants user +20 initiative and +30 accuracy (Stacks)
Diurnal Guard (1) : Activates before being hit with a physical attack. Blocks an enemy attack with a medium guard (50% physical damage reduction). Grants user +1PP during the day.
Discharge (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Consumes all of user's buffs. Increases attack power for the attack by 15% x number of buffs consumed.

Note: Shield Smite increases Shield Smite/Spiral Sword by 7, and Honed Slash by 15. It also increases Pdur/Mdur to 93%/124%
Discharge increases Spiral Sword/Shield Smite by 8 per buff consumed, and Honed Slash by 17 per Buff consumed.

Comments: Spiral Sword to buff evade. Discharge and Honed Slash to beat things. Accelerate and Spiral Sword into Discharge Honed Slash yields 3 buffs being expended... It's a fair bit of damage added on top of Honed Slash so she'll probably KO most things with that. Diurnal Guard can help with the bad physical durability and her Guard Rate and Shield along with reducing ground melee hit rate helps further.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Flying Angel
HP: 76   P.Atk: 62   P.Def: 29   M.Atk: 32   M.Def: 35   Init: 31   Acc:142   Evade: 68   Crit: 13   Guard Rate: 44   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 81%    Physical Durability: 74%    Magical Durability: 81%    Evasion%: 30%    Init Stdev: 0
Base Accuracy: 102%

Active Skills:
Spiral Sword (1): 28 Damage. Inflicts Evasion -20. Grants user +20 Evade [100 Phys Potency]
Shield Smite (1): 28 Damage. Inflicts Defense -20%. Grants user +20% Defense [100 Phys Potency]
Honed Slash (2): 59 Damage. Becomes a truestrike if user is buffed. [70 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Accelerate (1) : Activates after an enemy attacks with an active skill. Grants user +20 initiative and +30 accuracy (Stacks)
Diurnal Guard (1) : Activates before being hit with a physical attack. Blocks an enemy attack with a medium guard (50% physical damage reduction). Grants user +1PP during the day.
Discharge (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Consumes all of user's buffs. Increases attack power for the attack by 15% x number of buffs consumed.

Note: Shield Smite increases damage by 25%, and increases Pdur/Mdur to 91%/113%
Discharge increases Spiral/Shield smite by 9 per buff consumed, Honed Slash by 20 per buff consumed.

Comments: Spiral Sword to buff evade. Discharge and Honed Slash to beat things. Accelerate and Spiral Sword into Discharge Honed Slash yields 3 buffs being expended...~60 more damage on Honed Slash. It's a fair bit of damage added on top of Honed Slash so she'll probably KO most things with that. Diurnal Guard can help with the bad physical durability and her Guard Rate and Shield along with reducing ground melee hit rate helps further.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Greatwood Shield, Blue Rose Shield, Carnelian Pendant
HP: 111   P.Atk: 70   P.Def: 46   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 37   Init: 22   Acc:136   Evade: 25   Crit: 13   Guard Rate: 63   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 121%    Physical Durability: 244%    Magical Durability: 132%    Evasion%: -13%    Init Stdev: -0.83
Base Accuracy: 96%

Active Skills:
Vertical Edge (1): 36 Damage. Becomes a truestrike, ignores 50% Defense, and gains +50 Potency vs flyers [100 Phys Potency]
Iron Crusher (1): 36 Damage. Unguardable. If target is armored then Ignores 50% of defense and gains +50 Potency [100 Phys Potency]
Brandish (2): 80 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores 50% of target defense. Grants user +1PP if attack hits. [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Maiden's Hammer (1): 54 Damage. Truestrike. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks. Potency increases linearly from 150 at 100%HP to 250 at 0%HP [150 Phys Potency]
Iron Veil (1) : Activates at start of battle. Grants +50% Guard rate and +30% Physical defense to all allies!
Undying Will (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Adds damage to a single hit related to HP loss (Full HP is 0 potency, 0%HP is 100 potency). Grants the ability to survive a lethal attack string with one HP.

Note: Undying Will's Bonus damage goes from 0 to 36 damage from 100% to 0% HP.

Comments: Yikes. Probably 2HKOs. Counters can see it done sooner. Iron Veil leads to her mocking defense-subject physicals. Against powerful magic that would 2HKO her, she can leverage Undying Will to squeeze out more damage. Powerful heavy?

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 86   P.Atk: 65   P.Def: 41   M.Atk: 33   M.Def: 33   Init: 38   Acc:155   Evade: 50   Crit: 24   Guard Rate: 51   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 92%    Physical Durability: 137%    Magical Durability: 86%    Evasion%: 12%    Init Stdev: +0.65
Base Accuracy: 115%

Active Skills:
Carnage (1): 31 Damage. Inflicts -1AP on target. [100 Phys Potency]
Death Spin (1): 23 Damage to a row of enemies. Inflicts Stun. +75 Potency to afflicted (status ailment) targets. [75 Phys Potency]
Vicious Torment (2): 47 Damage. If target is Afflicted potency increases by 75 (double damage) and gives user +1PP [75 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Sanguine Pursuit (1): 31 Damage. Activates after another ally attacks with an active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. Heals user for 50% of damage done. Grants +1PP against afflicted targets. [100 Phys Potency]
Eye of the Warrior Princess (1) : Activates at the start of battle. Inflicts Attack -20% and Initiative -10 on all foes.
Painbringer (1) : Activates before being attacked. Grants the user +1 AP, +20% Attack, and +10 Initiative (Effect stacks)

Notes: After Eyes of the Warrior Princess, her Pdur is 371% and her Mdur is 155%...
Painbringer adds 13 danage to Carnage.

Comments: Eyes of the Warrior Princess buff her physical durability to absurdity and her magical durability to impressive. It also gives her very very good initiative. Then Carnage makes it so an enemy probably only gets 1 out of ever 3 turns. Paingbringer helps to make sure they probably won't get more than that one turn. Berengaria is mean.

Equipment: Twinned Bough, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Elf
HP: 65   P.Atk: 52   P.Def: 20   M.Atk: 64   M.Def: 47   Init: 34   Acc:133   Evade: 89   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 74%    Physical Durability: 52%    Magical Durability: 143%    Evasion%: 51%    Init Stdev: +0.28
Base Accuracy: 93%

Active Skills:
Primus Edge (1): 34 Damage. If user is at 100%HP grants +1PP and +1 Fairy [50 Phys Potency] [100 Mag Potency]
Sylphic Wind (2): 30 Magic ranged damage to a row. +20 Potency vs flying targets (1.5x dmg). Grants 1 Fairy. [40 Mag Potency][ 3 Hits]
Elemental Roar (3): 30 Damage to all enemies. Potency increases by 30 for each fairy. Dismisses fairys [70 Phys Potency] [70 Mag Potency]
Freezing Thrust (1): 43 Damage. Inflicts Freeze. +25 Potency (1.25x damage) if any fairys are present. [100 Phys Potency] [100 Mag Potency]
Passive Skills:
Curing Heal (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Heals HP equal to 50% of user's magic stat. Removes all Debuffs (Status/stat-downs)
Rage of the Faeries (1): 25 Magic ranged Damage. Activates at start of battle. Attacks a row of enemies. Inflicts Stun. Grants +1 Fairy. [100 Mag Potency]
Elemental Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants +1AP and +1 summoned fairy.

Note: Freezing Thrust does 54 damage with a fairy out.

Comments:Rage of the Faeries into Freezing Thrust. This stuns an enemy with initiative and then freezes them. Then Rosalinde can either wait till next encounter to do it again (wasting all her foes' turns) or just finish them off with another Freezing Thrust. Really solid strategy. The counter-healing would be good her her physical durability were better, but she has not insignificant evade to help too.

Equipment: Twinned Bough, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Elf
HP: 58   P.Atk: 38   P.Def: 25   M.Atk: 63   M.Def: 53   Init: 35   Acc:139   Evade: 89   Crit: 9   Guard Rate: 5   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 66%    Physical Durability: 53%    Magical Durability: 237%    Evasion%: 51%    Init Stdev: +0.37
Base Accuracy: 99%

Active Skills:
Primus Edge (1): 26 Attacks a single enemy. If user is at 100%HP grants +1PP and +1 Fairy [50 Phys Potency] [100 Mag Potency]
Faerie Heal (2): 63 Restores HP to a row of allies. Grants target immunity to damage for one attack. Grants user +1 Fairy. [100 Mag Potency]
Elemental Roar (3): 20 Attacks all enemies. Potency increases by 30 for each fairy. Dismisses fairys [70 Phys Potency] [70 Mag Potency]
Lightning Thrust (1): 28 Attacks a single enemy. Inflicts Stun. +25 Potency (1.25x damage) if any fairys are present. [100 Phys Potency] [100 Mag Potency]
Passive Skills:
Curing Heal (1) : 31 healing. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Heals HP equal to 50% of user's magic stat. Removes all Debuffs (Status/stat-downs)
Boon of the Faeries (1) : Activates at start of battle. Restores HP to a row of allies. Grants a buff that negates a single debuff/status. Grants the user a fairy.
Elemental Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants +1AP and +1 summoned fairy.

Note: Lighting Thrust does 35 damage with a fairy out.

Comments: Boon of the Faeries isn't as good as Rage for a duel but it's still good! Counter-healing and a healing spell helps too. The stun on Lightning Thrust can help her KO enemies while keeping them stunned if they are in a durability range to polish off.

Equipment: Spellsteel Sword, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Elf
HP: 79   P.Atk: 49   P.Def: 23   M.Atk: 66   M.Def: 40   Init: 26   Acc:136   Evade: 85   Crit: 15   Guard Rate: 16   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 90%    Physical Durability: 69%    Magical Durability: 113%    Evasion%: 47%    Init Stdev: -0.46
Base Accuracy: 96%

Active Skills:
Lightning Blade (1): 32 Damage. Inflicts stun. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]
Nature's Wrath (1): 27 Damage to a column. Ground-based. Inflicts -1PP to cavalry. [100 Mag Potency]
Mirage Stab (2): 32 Damage to a row of enemies. Grants user the ability to evade one attack string. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Sylphic Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a ranged physical attack [includes flyer melee]. Evades the entire attack.
Remove Weakness (1) : Activates after the user is debuffed. Removes the user's debuffs/status. Grants user buff to evade one attack (all hits).
Evasive Impetus (1) : Activates after evading an attack Grants user +1AP.

Comments: Mirage Stab and Evasive Impetus play nice together. Sylphic Barrier helps vs ranged/flying physicals...

Equipment: Spellsteel Sword, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Elf
HP: 73   P.Atk: 46   P.Def: 24   M.Atk: 63   M.Def: 40   Init: 28   Acc:142   Evade: 85   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 16   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 83%    Physical Durability: 65%    Magical Durability: 104%    Evasion%: 47%    Init Stdev: -0.28
Base Accuracy: 102%

Active Skills:
Lightning Blade (1): 27 Damage. Inflicts stun. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]
Nature's Wrath (1): 24 Damage to a column. Ground-based. Inflicts -1PP to cavalry. [100 Mag Potency]
Mirage Stab (2): 27 Damage to a row of enemies. Grants user the ability to evade one attack string. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Sylphic Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a ranged physical attack [includes flyer melee]. Evades the entire attack.
Remove Weakness (1) : Activates after the user is debuffed. Removes the user's debuffs/status. Grants user buff to evade one attack (all hits).
Evasive Impetus (1) : Activates after evading an attack Grants user +1AP.

Comments: Mirage Stab and Evasive Impetus play nice together. Sylphic Barrier helps vs ranged/flying physicals...

Equipment: Spellsteel Bow, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Silver Bangle
Type: Elf
HP: 69   P.Atk: 37   P.Def: 29   M.Atk: 63   M.Def: 57   Init: 39   Acc:155   Evade: 39   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 79%    Physical Durability: 72%    Magical Durability: 662%    Evasion%: 1%    Init Stdev: +0.74
Base Accuracy: 115%

Active Skills:
Wind Arrow (1): 20 Damage. Inflicts Evasion -50. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]
Mystic Conferral (1): 0 Grants a buff to an ally that gives them additional magic damage (equal to 50 potency from the user)
Icicle Arrow (2): 20 Damage to two different enemies. Inflicts freeze. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Quick Cure (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is debuffed. Remove all debuffs. Grants target immunity to one debuff.
Selfless Heal (1) : Activates after being healed. Restores HP to all allies (50% of user's magic stat) and removes all debuffs.
Pure Field (1) : Activates at the start of battle. Grants all allies a buff that negates a single debuff/status.

Comments: Would be a terrible fighter but Icile Arrow squeaks out a win against the slower who aren't immune to freeze.

Equipment: Spellsteel Bow, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Silver Bangle
Type: Elf
HP: 65   P.Atk: 39   P.Def: 29   M.Atk: 65   M.Def: 56   Init: 39   Acc:160   Evade: 36   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 74%    Physical Durability: 67%    Magical Durability: 465%    Evasion%: -2%    Init Stdev: +0.74
Base Accuracy: 120%

Active Skills:
Wind Arrow (1): 23 Damage. Inflicts Evasion -50. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]
Mystic Conferral (1): 0 Grants a buff to an ally that gives them additional magic damage (equal to 50 potency from the user)
Icicle Arrow (2): 23 Damage to two different enemies. Inflicts freeze. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Quick Cure (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is debuffed. Remove all debuffs. Grants target immunity to one debuff.
Selfless Heal (1) : Activates after being healed. Restores HP to all allies (50% of user's magic stat) and removes all debuffs.
Pure Field (1) : Activates at the start of battle. Grants all allies a buff that negates a single debuff/status.

Comments: Would be a terrible fighter but Icile Arrow squeaks out a win against the slower who aren't immune to freeze.

Equipment: Spellsteel Bow, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Silver Bangle
Type: Elf
HP: 71   P.Atk: 42   P.Def: 28   M.Atk: 68   M.Def: 56   Init: 37   Acc:155   Evade: 36   Crit: 15   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 81%    Physical Durability: 71%    Magical Durability: 509%    Evasion%: -2%    Init Stdev: +0.55
Base Accuracy: 115%

Active Skills:
Wind Arrow (1): 28 Damage. Inflicts Evasion -50. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]
Mystic Conferral (1): 0 Grants a buff to an ally that gives them additional magic damage (equal to 50 potency from the user)
Icicle Arrow (2): 28 Damage to two different enemies. Inflicts freeze. [75 Phys Potency] [75 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Quick Cure (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is debuffed. Remove all debuffs. Grants target immunity to one debuff.
Selfless Heal (1) : Activates after being healed. Restores HP to all allies (50% of user's magic stat) and removes all debuffs.
Pure Field (1) : Activates at the start of battle. Grants all allies a buff that negates a single debuff/status.

Comments: Would be a terrible fighter but Icile Arrow squeaks out a win against the slower who aren't immune to freeze.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 104   P.Atk: 78   P.Def: 36   M.Atk: 45   M.Def: 24   Init: 25   Acc:127   Evade: 22   Crit: 11   Guard Rate: 45   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 113%    Physical Durability: 133%    Magical Durability: 79%    Evasion%: -16%    Init Stdev: -0.56
Base Accuracy: 87%

Active Skills:
Vengeful Axe (1): 22 Damage. Damage increases linearly as HP goes down to 3x (150 potency) at 0% HP. [50 Phys Potency]
Venom Axe (1): 33 Damage. Inflicts poison. [75 Phys Potency]
Dark Flame (2): 25 Damage to a row. Costs 30% of own MHP to use (self-damage leaves with 1HP if it would reduce to 0). +50 Potency (double damage) to debuffed targets. [50 Phys Potency] [50 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Vengeance (1) : Activates after being attacked. Grants user +20% Attack and +20% Defense (Stacks). Grants +1PP if user is at 50% HP or less.
Sanguine Arts (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Recovers HP equal to 50% of damage done.
Demonic Pact (1) : Activates after using an active skill. Sacrifice 25% HP to grant +1 AP.

Notes: Vengeance increases his Pdur/Mdur to 187/92% and then to 319/109%
Note: Each use of Vengeance increases his damage by 35%.

Comments: Being Cavalry is good. His passives give him a tremendous number of options... but his magical durability is poor. A Middle of some flavor?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Bestral
HP: 89   P.Atk: 60   P.Def: 30   M.Atk: 10   M.Def: 26   Init: 33   Acc:160   Evade: 47   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 96%    Physical Durability: 90%    Magical Durability: 71%    Evasion%: 9%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 120%

Active Skills:
Finishing Stab (1): 26 Damage. Grants user +50% Phys Attack if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Decimate (1): 20 Damage. Increases potency based on how many enemies there are. +100 (2.33x dmg) if only one... [75 Phys Potency]
Wild Fang (2): 16 Damage to a row. Potency increases the less HP a target has (maximum +50) [20 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Nocturnal Strike (1): 39 Damage. Activates at start of battle. Attack a single enemy. Grants user +1PP at night. [150 Phys Potency]
Bestral Howl (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Grans allies in the user row (including Govil) +15% Phys Attack.
Killing Pursuit (1): 26 Damage. Activates after another ally attacks. Follow-up attack a single enemy. Grans +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]

Note: Each use of Bestral Howl increases his damage by 35%.

Comments: Nocturnal Strike into a buffed Decimate is powerful opening move. Decimate is almost cheating with how ogod it is but he can't use Killing Pursuit so that's not too unfair. The durability isn't good so he hopes to win fast. The speed isn't good enough to ensure that. Maybe a low Middle?

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Bestral
HP: 58   P.Atk: 55   P.Def: 19   M.Atk: 24   M.Def: 30   Init: 51   Acc:153   Evade: 118   Crit: 28   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 60%    Physical Durability: 41%    Magical Durability: 50%    Evasion%: 80%    Init Stdev: +1.85
Base Accuracy: 113%

Active Skills:
Piercing Lance (1): 21 Damage. Inflicts Guard Seal. [100 Phys Potency]
Passive Hold (1): 21 Damage. Inflicts Passive Seal. [100 Phys Potency]
Venom Thrust (2): 16 Damage to a column. Inflicts poison and debuffs target HP recovery by 50%. +50 Potency vs poisoned targets. [75 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Nocturnal Evade (1) : Activates before being attacked by an attack that would hit. Evade a single hit of that attack. Grants +1PP at night.
Shadow Pursuit (1): 16 Damage. Activates after an ally attacks. Follow-up attack a single enemy. Inflicts Blindness. [75 Phys Potency]
Weakness Hunter (2): 47 Damage. Activates after an enemy is debuffed. Attacks an enemy with an unguardable attack. Ignores 30% of target's defense. [150 Phys Potency]

Comments: Evasive and hyperfast and Venom Thrust into Weakness Hunter is pretty mean considering it leaves the foe poisoned. Nocturnal Evade is somehow even better than the Rogue evade skill. May want a Silken Scarf to bump up the evade even further? Really strong as a dueler due to the evasion. Really bad off if she can't rely on it.

Equipment: Frostbloom Bow, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 69   P.Atk: 57   P.Def: 20   M.Atk: 27   M.Def: 30   Init: 32   Acc:169   Evade: 121   Crit: 46   Guard Rate: 7   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 79%    Physical Durability: 56%    Magical Durability: 66%    Evasion%: 83%    Init Stdev: +0.09
Base Accuracy: 129%

Active Skills:
Mystic Arrow (1): 23 Ranged damage. Adds a magic attack at 100 Potency to armored targets (Yunifi may need a Spellsteel bow to take advantage of that) [100 Phys Potency]
Sonic Shaft (1): 50 Ranged damage. Deals the target's initiative stat as additional fixed damage (not reduced or increased by defenses/weaknesses/crits). [avg enemy initiative is ~27, stdev 10] [100 Phys Potency]
Glacial Rain (2): 41 Charge for 1 turn and then attack. Attacks all enemies and inflicts freeze. User cannot evade or use passives while charging... [60 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Eagle Eye (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Makes next attack a Truestrike
Triple Counter (1): 23 Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks three enemies (can't focus on one) [100 Phys Potency]
Snow-white Strike (1): 17 Damage. Activates after an ally attacks. Follow-up attack a single enemy. Inflicts Freeze. +100 Potency vs frozen targets. [75 Phys Potency]

Comments: Sonic Shaft  is a good move. Her evasion and counter rounds her out with the ability to score a kill on round 2 against most things. She's in a bad spot if she can't rely on her evasion. May want a Silken Scarf instead of a Pendant...

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Bestral, Armored
HP: 154   P.Atk: 66   P.Def: 41   M.Atk: 7   M.Def: 5   Init: 10   Acc:117   Evade: 9   Crit: 11   Guard Rate: 69   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 170%    Physical Durability: 253%    Magical Durability: 78%    Evasion%: -29%    Init Stdev: -1.94
Base Accuracy: 77%

Active Skills:
Bear Crush (1): 32 Damage. Unguardable attack. Inflicts Stun. [100 Phys Potency]
Round Swing (2): 24 Damage. 75% accuracy. Unguardable attack to a row. Damage increases the more HP the user has (3x at full HP, 1x at 0%) [25 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]
Earthshaker (2): 24 Damage to all enemies. Damage increases the less HP the user has (maximum 2x damage at 0% HP, 1x at 100%) [75 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Heavy Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 75%)
Nocturnal Rest (1) : Activates after attacking. Recover 30% HP. HP recovery doubled to 60% at night.
Life Blow (1) : Activates at the end of a battle. Unguardable attack that deals ITD damage = 80% of user's HP. Attack can not critical.

Comments: Durable against physicals and self-heals. Against magic he's in a rough spot... but might survive if he can rely on Nocturnal Rest. I'm not sure about taking skills at day/night, but his lack of reliable accurate damage is painful. Stun can be a curse in that he might give a foe multiple turns to off him where he can't use Nocturnal Rest to heal between them.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
Type: Flying Angel
HP: 70   P.Atk: 60   P.Def: 17   M.Atk: 32   M.Def: 33   Init: 38   Acc:155   Evade: 98   Crit: 15   Guard Rate: 7   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 74%    Physical Durability: 49%    Magical Durability: 69%    Evasion%: 60%    Init Stdev: +0.65
Base Accuracy: 115%

Active Skills:
Delaying Shot (1): 26 Damage. Inflicts Initiative -20. [25 Phys Potency][ 4 Hits]
Saint's Shot (1): 21 Damage. Inflict PP-1. Inflict another PP-1 to ground-based targets. [80 Phys Potency]
Photon Arrow (2): 21 Damage to two enemies. Inflicts Phys. Defense -50%. Inflicts Passive Seal during the day. [80 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Aerial Pursuit (1): 26 Damage. Activates after another flying ally attacks with an active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [100 Phys Potency]
Tailwind (1) : Activate after using an active skill. Grants row of allies +10 initiative. Effect doubled for flying allies.
Shining Light (2) : Activates before an enemy uses an attack skill. Inflicts Blindness on that row of enemies

Comments: Shining Light is really amazing in-game. She has good evasion (moreso against ground melee). She may not even want a Lapis Pendant unless she can also get a weapon that gives PP (Wingcrest Bow, Icefall Bow). She'll be trying for a 4-5HKO while hoping a foe doesn't score a kill on her through her evasion. Middle/Light?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
Type: Flying, Angel, Armored
HP: 89   P.Atk: 48   P.Def: 43   M.Atk: 23   M.Def: 58   Init: 36   Acc:136   Evade: 89   Crit: 13   Guard Rate: 57   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 96%    Physical Durability: 159%    Magical Durability: 1207%    Evasion%: 51%    Init Stdev: +0.46
Base Accuracy: 96%

Active Skills:
Impulse (1): 14 Damage (Ranged). Inflicts Mag. Defense -50% to ground-based targets. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Resistance (1):  Grants allies in the users's row +50% Mag. Defense. Extends to all allies during the day.
Mystic Shield (1):  Grants the user +50% Magic defense and +2PP.

Passive Skills:
Reflect Magick (2) : Activates before enemy uses a damaging magic attack skill. Reflects magic attack back at enemy. Fodoquia's party does not take the attack.
Sacrifice (1) : Activates before an ally is attacked. Covers ally with no guarding.
Mirror Weakness (1) : Activates after the user is debuffed. Removes the user's debuffs. Inflicts all removed debuffs on a target.

Comments: Unimaginably tanky. Non-debilitating status/debuffs are a waste of time, and Reflect Magick means trying for fatal status with damage attached is suicide. The problem is the total lack of damage... A Light or Quirky weak Middle at best. Would have been HILARIOUS with healing.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 100   P.Atk: 63   P.Def: 47   M.Atk: 33   M.Def: 39   Init: 34   Acc:147   Evade: 41   Crit: 17   Guard Rate: 61   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 108%    Physical Durability: 234%    Magical Durability: 129%    Evasion%: 3%    Init Stdev: +0.28
Base Accuracy: 107%

Active Skills:
Burning Edge (1): 44 Damage. Inflits Burn. Grants user +1PP if target is already burning. [75 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Death Spin (1): 22 Damage to a row. Inflicts Stun. +75 Potency (double damage) vs afflicted targets. [75 Phys Potency]
Inferno (2): 29 Ranged damage to a row. Ignores 50% Defense. Inflicts Burn. Grants user +1PP. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Advance Cover (1) : Activates before an ally is attacked. Covers ally with medium guard (50% damage reduction) and grants user +1AP.
Phantom Counter (1): 29 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks. Inflicts Burn. Removes target's buffs. [100 Phys Potency]
Parting Death (1): 29 Damage. Activates at the end of a battle. Attacks a single enemy. Inflicts a Deathblow if target has 50% HP or less. [100 Phys Potency]

Burning Edge is mean. Phantom Counter with Burning Edge is also mean. Parting Death is just rude. Death Spin synchronizing with a foe already being on fire (Causing them to lose their turn but take the damage) is the incendiary icing on the cake. A Heavy of some flavor?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Templar's Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 92   P.Atk: 47   P.Def: 26   M.Atk: 30   M.Def: 42   Init: 29   Acc:131   Evade: 21   Crit: 11   Guard Rate: 40   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 99%    Physical Durability: 82%    Magical Durability: 138%    Evasion%: -17%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 91%

Active Skills:
Slice (1): 13 Damage. Grants user +1PP if target defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Heal (1): 36 Healing to one. [100 Mag Potency]
Divine Cross (2): 7 Damage. Removes all of the target's buffs. Grants user +1PP if target defeated. [50 Phys Potency] [50 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Holy Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally is attacked. Reduces damage by 50% and prevents debuffs/ailments.
Holy Guard (1) : Activates before being attacked by a physical active skill. Guards attack (50% reduction) and prevents ailments/debuffs
Pursuit (1): 10 Damage. Activates after an ally attacks. Follow-up attack a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]

Comments: No damage to speak of, but fairy tanky as a result of Holy Barrier/Guard, and he has some weak healing. A good Light or quirky weak Middle.

Equipment: Shaman's Bonestaff, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 92   P.Atk: 47   P.Def: 28   M.Atk: 28   M.Def: 60   Init: 37   Acc:142   Evade: 87   Crit: 18   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 93%    Magical Durability: %    Evasion%: 49%    Init Stdev: +0.55
Base Accuracy: 102%

Active Skills:
Passive Curse (1):  Inflicts PP-1 and Initiative -10 on a row of enemies.
Offensive Curse (1):  Inflicts Phys and Mag Attack -50% on a row of enemies.
Defensive Curse (1):  Inflicts Phys and Mag Defense -50% on a row of enemies. And Guard Seal.
Compounding Curse (1):  Makes Debuffs 1.5x as effect on enemies that have them.
Cursed Strike (2): 13 Damage. Gains +100 Potency and ignores 50% of defense if target is debuffed. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Passives: () :
Quick Curse (1) : Activates before an enemy attacks. Inflicts Attack -20% for that attack. Inflicts Critical Seal.
Cursed Swamp (2) : Activates at start of battle. Inflicts Initiative -10 and Evasion -30 to all enemies. Inflicts PP-1 to cavalry.

Note: Quick Curse increases her physical durability to 142%.
Note: Cursed Strike does 60 damage to a debuffed target (77 to a target with Defensive Curse)

Comments: Go first (Cursed Swamp helps), Offensive Curse -> Cursed Strike.Offensive Curse is so potent that she likely won't take damage after using it. Cursed Strike will do fair damage to a debuffed enemy. One may question the fairness of her getting the Shaman's Bonestaff since generic shamans can use it. She may prefer a Gold Bangle to a Royal Scarf (or, if you let her have it, her starting +10 initiative accessory).
« Last Edit: May 01, 2024, 05:13:04 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Unicorn Overlord
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2024, 07:49:28 AM »
Awesome, amazing work!  That's a lot of characters & moves to keep track of...

As some minor comments...

* Hodrick & Bryce's durability is bugged.  Minimum damage of enemy attacks is 1, and multi-hit attacks exist, so they should definitely have at least some Pdur.  If the current stat topic assumption of 60 enemy attack is kept, and we assume some sort of "packet" of 45/55/65/75 incoming damage (avg. is still 60), that suggests damage taken of (1+1+3+12) / 4 = 4.25 damage for the 62 PDef Hodrick, and (1+1+1+7) /4 = 2.5 damage for the 68 PDef Bryce.  This comes out to 747% Pdur for Hodrick and 1318% Pdur for Bryce.  Tanky but not negative!

* Durabilites also have the issue that Guarding is really, really important in UO (run an enemy out of PP to get through their guard spam), and some of the guards are so broadly applied that they should arguably be part of the PDurability / MDurability calculations, since guard-breaking attacks are very rare in other games (and effects like Defensive Curse that apply Guard Seal are really good for this reason!).  Not much physical other than guard-breakers that gets past Noble Guard / Quick Guard, say.

That said, I'd argue that a higher enemy attack & hit should probably be assumed.  (Enemy defense & enemy MDef are a bit weirder since even low-attack characters can be made to work with buffs & debuffs in-game, so maybe for the best to assume low subtractive defense there.)  The FE7 stat topic, notably, assumes a very badass enemy a la a boss morph on Light, not one of the scrubs who would make the cast look extremely dodgy.  I still haven't finished the game, but checking "Unicorn Overlord" on Expert (which I presume is not the real final mission given that it's L40 recommended and the stat topic assumes L43), looking at the Dark Marquess sub-bosses there if we're assuming enemies that also have 3 AP and 3 PP for a comparable foe...
* Theodora, 77 P. Attack, 148 Accuracy, and a 22% Crit rate.
* Narcesse, 80 M. Attack, 134 Accuracy, and 7% Crit. (But is packing some True hit rates.)
* Holonius has 79 P. Attack, 147 Accuracy, and an 18% Crit rate. 
* Belisarios, 76 P. Attack, 151 Accuracy, 15% Crit.
Okay, Dark Marquesses are badasses, but other units aren't TOO far off.  Random Wyvern Master squad leader has 80 P. Attack & 139 Accuracy, random Wearbear squad leader has 70 P. Attack & 111 Accuracy, an Elven Fencer squad leader has 53 P. Attack / 70 M. Attack & 136 Accuracy.  I do agree we should assume Tactical, but even then, I'd say it's still better to measure against stronger, relevant enemies then.  Maybe something like 70 Attack and 148 Accuracy (rather than 60 Attack & 138 Accuracy).