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Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: superaielman on January 01, 2014, 01:42:56 PM

Title: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on January 01, 2014, 01:42:56 PM Reposting this one to start the new year.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on January 04, 2014, 05:58:12 PM
Sheer arrogance from, of all things, one of those millions "angry guys who talk about videogames"
We should never let internet celebrities say their mind

"I've never liked comments. The practice, that is, of allowing anyone to speak their mind about a piece of content and leave it for all to see. Of all the hideous manifestations of Web 2.0 ooh-let's-all-be-friends-together huggy-muggy your-opinion-matters bullshit, it is the most egregious and the most pointless.

I consider it an insult that material created by trained people with experience and qualifications and talent is forced to share space on my computer screen with the musings of uninvolved people with no qualifications bar a keyboard and bottomless twattiness."
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 04, 2014, 06:19:03 PM
There are truly no words.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on January 04, 2014, 07:00:49 PM
Eh, I kind of see where he's coming from.  (Although he was "trained"?  haha)  I've started seeing more sites just disable comments on newsposts because they're almost overwhelmingly negative or nonconstructive.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on January 04, 2014, 11:41:33 PM
I see where the view he espouses is coming from, but apparently he forgets that "Web 2.0" and ordinary, untrained users creating their own content to showcase their opinions is the only reason he has an audience in the first place.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: SnowFire on January 04, 2014, 11:56:12 PM
I liked The Oatmeal's take on comments, myself.  It's toward the end if you want to skip to it.

I know I have been adversely affected by one idiot on the Internet more than I should be, although I'm usually disciplined enough to back off and just not take the bait.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Meeplelard on January 04, 2014, 11:56:30 PM
It's amusing because while I watch Zero Punctuation regularly, I can hardly stomach Extra Punctuation that I almost never bother.  Either his topics aren't interesting or they're like the one linked to in this topic.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on January 05, 2014, 09:41:57 AM someone who is at least partially on the content creation side....

One email list I'm a part of is the women in game development list.  And something that is extremely prevalent on that list is that someone will link to an article on say, Kotaku, that is an intelligent article addressing something about, say, not enough female characters in games developed in America, or a female character that was particularly poorly handled in a game, or an interview with a female game developer on Youtube or whatever.  This is almost always followed by an email saying "As always, don't read the comments."

If an insightful interview is posted with a female game developer and then is posted on youtube, the comments will be filled with stuff like "oh god, her boobs are sagging, gross."  If an interview is posted with a female game developer which people don't like, it results in death threats, people looking up her address, and threatening to find her and rape her.  (Not that death threats are restricted to females; well...maybe rape threats are?)

But the thing is, this isn't the only place I've seen the line "As always, don't read the comments."  I spend a decent amount of time these days on Starcraft forums, and every once in a while some main stream news source like NBC or CNN will run a story about how people play Starcraft professionally.  And...the comments are similarly toxic.  Stuff like wait, let me get real quotes instead of making these up, because while I've come to expect sexist behavior on the internet, these rather shocked me...
"Can they write a complete sentence in English that is grammatically correct? [...]"

"'Some Pro Gamers make 10 moves-per-second'
And yet can't pass History, Science, and English courses because they spend all their time playing games."

"It's a skill that comes in handy when they migrate from video games to online porn"

"That's funny, Professional gamers! This is a chosen career path? Does it pay in Cheetos and Red Bull! What's the average pay to be a professional gamer? "

"Gaming - the new addition. OK, they don't steal. But they are lost to society."

"I'd like their fast hands on me."

"Some programers make 10 moves per second! How to fry your brains in 10 seconds.
No wonder the majority of the population,can't string a sentence together,and not know what day it is! "

"Don't knock it.  It's an offshoot skill from all that masturbating."

"I'm not impressed. . . Any boob can learn to click real fast given the time.
Have these same people calculate a falling body in Earth gravity well and account the atmospheric drag in 20% humidity as an equasion. . . . they can't do it."

"I can make 10 moves per bed"

(I did pick the worst comments, which was about half of the topic starters; a few people on Reddit decided to flood the comments with rebuttals to the negative comments, so the response posts are less representative.  This was from (, for what it's worth).

So I'm...pretty sympathetic to negative reactions towards internet comments.  That doesn't mean I want to get rid of internet forums or anything, but...yeah, not everything on the internet benefits from a comments section--discussion doesn't have to happen on the same page where you view the article/video/etc.

Side note, there's a TED talk on this subject; doesn't give all the answers, but it quotes some interesting studies:
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on January 05, 2014, 11:39:21 AM
Well yes. It's the Internet so there's some good and some bad. The Tropes about women in videogames girl banned comments from her Youtube channel and that was obviously the best course of action. The videogame community with all its privileged white males is particularly horrible re: social issues.

I find that the more popular the site/topic and the easier it is to comment, the more the comment quality suffers. I've never seen as much hatred in my life as on Yahoo news

On the other hand on the better sites, the original post only exists to spearhead an intelligent discussion about the topic that happens in the comments.
And you often actually get someone with better credentials than the journalist who made the first post say something on the matter and actually elevate the debate.

Anyway no matter what your stance is here, Yahtzee is so self centered he is literally saying "Fuck all comments" because he is angry that the plebes are ruining his comic genius by being able to talk at the bottom of his videos. It is ridiculous.

I'll just quote the comments at the bottom of his page!

"I have derived as much enjoyment from comments as I have from the content comments are regarding. So lighten up Yahtzee, you still are not THAT much better than all of us."

"I also find it hard to believe you have jokes ruined for you through the comments on a video considering how easy it is not to view them. "

"1) comments do not get equal billing. Most just disappear below the waterline and forgotten.
2) Without feedback the internet loses what separates it from a newspaper or book. It becomes a place to acquire non-dynamic data."

"Like Youtube comments, Miiverse posts can be completely inane and banal, but I do appreciate them regardless because every once in a while a well-written, genuinely entertaining and creative morsel from some nobody is highlighted. "
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Meeplelard on January 05, 2014, 06:41:22 PM
The thing about Extra Punctuation is even when he has a good point, it comes off in such a way that it compromises the meaning of the point.  Let's say for sake of argument he's arguing the same stance MC portrayed, that comment sections often lead to downright insulting garbage like above.

There's definitely a way to handle it far more elegantly.  Making an article about it is fine, but I think he should take the angle of "Don't expect me to read the comments section"  would be better suited than "To Hell With Comments."  He can illustrate why he doesn't like comments sections and why he won't read them, but at the same time, he's not making a direct attack at them, more just stating his thoughts.

It's not just this one, there are others I just can't stomach because he thinks he's being clever with his in character forcefulness, but it doesn't work nearly as well in text as it does when he speaks.  I've actually tried to place his voice over it to see if it fixes the tone but nope, still doesn't work.

It contrasts MovieBob's Intermissions (his equivalent to Extra Punctuation) pretty heavily.  They are more analytic and give a better sense of thought rather than just attacking a point.  So if say, DC is screwing up in their movies, he'll try to find out what they are doing wrong and come up with ideas for them to correct it, so it's a far more pleasant, open minded read than Yahtzee (though, Movie Bob's opinions and taste don't always mesh with my own and he can be a little forceful about them but that's a different thing entirely.)
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on January 05, 2014, 08:45:11 PM
You mean the dude whose entire shtick is being arrogant, cynical and abrasive presents a point in an arrogant, abrasive, and cynical way? Shock. Amaze.

That said, honestly think you're overreacting. If you shave away the character from the article, the point is pretty evident that he's against inane, one-off, stupid commentary (ala the stuff in SM3DW or the vast array of Youtube commentary), not that all conversation about something is stupid. When you keep in mind the circles he likely runs in (mostly gaming/nerd material), it makes even more sense.


I really think you're overestimating how much he is effected because "his content" is being commented on. I mean the article's foundation is the commentary in SM3DW, not his own content.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 05, 2014, 10:02:46 PM
Also I kind of get behind his questioning of the function of Comments, they are slathered over everything in the world these days, dumping them free form into loading screens is pretty inane.  In the majority of places the Comments section is a cesspool of nonsense because they are hit and run dumping places for (just like they say on the tin), comments rather than discussion.  If you want actual honest to god interaction about something go to forums or something that actually breeds interaction (even something with nearly the exact same layout as a comments section like Reddit works better than the comments section!), don't just have a comments section because you can and everyone else does.

And very specifically on the comments showing up in SMW3D world I would love to find who decided to implement it and ask what the intent was.  I don't see the function it provides the game, it isn't Dark/Demon's Soul/s here.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Lady Door on January 05, 2014, 10:52:16 PM
And very specifically on the comments showing up in SMW3D world I would love to find who decided to implement it and ask what the intent was.  I don't see the function it provides the game, it isn't Dark/Demon's Soul/s here.

Yeah, I was wondering that, too. You see it after you complete a level? There's no interaction? As Yahtzee asked, who is this benefiting, exactly, except for the mouthbreathing 14-year-olds mimicking the back end of a diseased warthog because "lol, 2 edgy 4 u"?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on January 06, 2014, 01:48:09 AM
I'm more surprised at what MC's bar is for "shocking."  I would think you'd be pretty desensitized from dealing with the community for so long.  There were no slurs, no curse words, nobody threatening to torch anyone's house or rape their family.  That's positively tame by those standards.  Comments are usually shit but, c'mon, if you want awful comments you can dig a little harder.

e:  Like, look at this wow-playing motherfucker (
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 06, 2014, 06:41:32 PM
Reading Anita Sarkeesian's comments pages pretty much made me want to start the zombie apocalypse.

I admit I have deep contempt for all ANGRY AND EDGY video game Internet personalities and don't think they are really much better than Youtube commentators from the videos I've seen. Cynicism on the Internet is tiring, not funny.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Lady Door on January 06, 2014, 08:03:29 PM
Happy 2014th birthday, America! (
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on January 07, 2014, 03:24:32 AM
I'm more surprised at what MC's bar is for "shocking."  I would think you'd be pretty desensitized from dealing with the community for so long.  There were no slurs, no curse words, nobody threatening to torch anyone's house or rape their family.  That's positively tame by those standards.  Comments are usually shit but, c'mon, if you want awful comments you can dig a little harder.

e:  Like, look at this wow-playing motherfucker (
It's a matter of intent.  People on I generally assume are trolling, usually in a "I'm going to try to fit every offenssive word and racial slur I can think of into one sentence, even if the resulting sentence makes no sense" kind of way.  I find it highly doubtful that this is a real opinion.

Don't get me wrong: I've seen real opinions that made me angry in the starcraft community, but this typically happens in forums.  For instance, just about any topic discussing a female SC2 player seems to go pretty awful at some point.  But sexism, objectification, and transphobia are all things I expect from the internet.

What I don't expect is people equating games to an inability to construct a complete sentence.  I suppose I post mostly on gaming forums, but I find this opinion rather mind-boggling.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on January 07, 2014, 04:06:14 AM
It's the one thing that pro gamers actually do have in common with pro athletes in terms of public perception: that they have little to no real skills outside of doing something that children do.  If you replace "games" with "football" is it still shocking to you?  The comments for every "pro athlete is bankrupt" story are always things like "maybe he should have actually taken advantage of the free college education he got" or "must be hard to balance a budget when you can barely add."  The fact that pro gamers are not objects of admiration for most people like athletes are just makes it easier.

Also that dude's opinion is totally real. It's MMO-C, where mild racism is "necessary to prove your point."
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 07, 2014, 04:29:01 AM
What I don't expect is people equating games to an inability to construct a complete sentence.  I suppose I post mostly on gaming forums, but I find this opinion rather mind-boggling.

Not sure why it does in that case.

Cue snare, kick, high hat. 

Thank you, I will be here all week.

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on January 07, 2014, 05:09:56 AM

I'm posting this here because a relative put it on facebook and now my brain hurts.  I have to put it somewhere that is not the inside of my head or I will punch more things.  Don't read it.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on January 07, 2014, 05:26:16 AM
What I don't expect is people equating games to an inability to construct a complete sentence.  I suppose I post mostly on gaming forums, but I find this opinion rather mind-boggling.

Not sure why it does in that case.

Cue snare, kick, high hat. 

Thank you, I will be here all week.

C'mon, that fruit was low-hanging even for me.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 07, 2014, 04:46:25 PM

I'm posting this here because a relative put it on facebook and now my brain hurts.  I have to put it somewhere that is not the inside of my head or I will punch more things.  Don't read it.

*sobs* Why did I click it? You told me not to click it.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 07, 2014, 08:43:02 PM
Go in expecting everything to be blamed on socialism, not disappointed after seeing education being accused of being destroyed by as socialist agenda.  Yes it was definitely socialists that destroyed your education system, not the likes of Nixon and Reagan gutting funding spent on hyphen and neutering policy surrounding education.  I didn't get much further than the opening lines.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 07, 2014, 08:54:58 PM
One of my relatives just posted the five step guide on Obama's America destroying master plan. Can we punch holes in the wall together?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: SnowFire on January 08, 2014, 04:52:02 AM
Only allowed after you post the link.  I want to know how Obama's going to destroy America so I can prepare my own version for how to destroy Canada.  Won't they be surprised after their world-class private healthcare system is replaced by socialized medicine.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on January 08, 2014, 05:05:01 AM
Go in expecting everything to be blamed on socialism, not disappointed after seeing education being accused of being destroyed by as socialist agenda.  Yes it was definitely socialists that destroyed your education system, not the likes of Nixon and Reagan gutting funding spent on hyphen and neutering policy surrounding education.  I didn't get much further than the opening lines.

I don't really care about the blaming-everything-on-socialism part as much as I care about the whining about how minorities play the victim card and how socialists contrived to blame everything on the whites and how great the 50s were without a single word - a single word! - regarding segregation.  Intellectual dishonesty is one thing.  Pure fucking racist bullshit is another.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 08, 2014, 05:25:56 AM
One of my relatives just posted the five step guide on Obama's America destroying master plan. Can we punch holes in the wall together?

So you are going to destroy America by going for the Support Beams rather than Foundations.

I didn't get far enough to see that of course Jim.  Education being ruined by Socialism when it used to be great in the 50s is like 2 sentences in.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on January 08, 2014, 02:39:43 PM
Go in expecting everything to be blamed on socialism, not disappointed after seeing education being accused of being destroyed by as socialist agenda.  Yes it was definitely socialists that destroyed your education system, not the likes of Nixon and Reagan gutting funding spent on hyphen and neutering policy surrounding education.  I didn't get much further than the opening lines.

But Grefter, the fact that poor funding leads to shitty science programs isn't what is ruining American education.  What is ruining American education is the fact that kids are getting sex ed, and are being taught that racism is bad, and being taught that girls might want jobs instead of getting pregnant and being a stay at home mom!  And we all know what comes next: Communism!  Know who let women and gay people serve in their military?  Soviet Fucking Russia!  Since America also now allows women and gays to serve in the military in combat roles, America is now pretty much 1920s USSR.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on January 08, 2014, 05:42:15 PM
“Time for some traffic election problems in Fort Lee for Chris Christie

I like the part where the then-head of NJ's side of the Port Authority expresses joy at the real-life suffering of children, because they are the children of Democrats.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 08, 2014, 06:11:38 PM
That is very bizarre.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Shale on January 09, 2014, 12:38:11 AM
Chris Christie: A man who can reach across the aisle, and punch your children.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on January 09, 2014, 01:30:06 AM
“Time for some traffic election problems in Fort Lee for Chris Christie

I like the part where the then-head of NJ's side of the Port Authority expresses joy at the real-life suffering of children, because they are the children of Democrats.

S'cool. They aren't really people.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 09, 2014, 02:47:52 AM
I like the fact that they quit to try and protect him.  At this point isn't that just dropping the mic on your way out?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on January 12, 2014, 08:31:10 PM
You know, maybe bullying isn't so bad.  Used to be people kept shit like this to themselves, because they knew what would happen to them otherwise.

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Meeplelard on January 13, 2014, 05:43:39 PM
You know, maybe bullying isn't so bad.  Used to be people kept shit like this to themselves, because they knew what would happen to them otherwise.

I don't care if this is a joke or not, this is NOT a comment you should be making ever.  Bullying is a serious thing, and to justify it, even jokingly, in the way you did is just plain mean spirited.

If you want to make fun of a picture like that...whatever, do so, I won't necessarily agree with it, but to facetiously endorse bullying?  No, that's overstepping your boundaries.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on January 13, 2014, 08:19:11 PM
Getting picked on for wanting to fuck a cartoon horse = absolutely over the line
Saying that people should die = sometimes okay
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on January 13, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
Weren't you completely moved by the Huckleberry Hound guy in Barkley Shut up and Jam Gaiden?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 13, 2014, 09:47:06 PM
I know Bugs Bunny in a dress always got me going.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Hunter Sopko on January 13, 2014, 09:57:05 PM
Ew, guys. Just ew.

Inter-reality relationships must be hetero-normative. Otherwise it's just weird.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 13, 2014, 10:50:24 PM
It never got weird enough for me.

Or you.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on January 13, 2014, 10:56:41 PM
Ew, guys. Just ew.

Inter-reality relationships must be hetero-normative. Otherwise it's just weird.

Pretty sure it is the cold medicine, but that made me laugh way harder than it had any right to.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on January 13, 2014, 10:59:53 PM
Ew, guys. Just ew.

Inter-reality relationships must be hetero-normative. Otherwise it's just weird.

Pretty sure it is the cold medicine, but that made me way harder than it had any right to.

That is some good cold medicine.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on January 31, 2014, 01:30:08 AM

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on January 31, 2014, 07:27:13 PM

Holy hell the Souls community is stupid at times.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on February 01, 2014, 04:17:23 AM

Oh my god.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on February 03, 2014, 06:39:00 AM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on February 07, 2014, 01:01:48 AM

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on February 07, 2014, 02:16:18 AM
such wow.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on February 10, 2014, 06:41:02 PM

I don't like the Darwin Awards.  Laughing at other peoples' misfortunes disgusts me.  I try SO FUCKING HARD not to indulge in schadenfreude.  Now this.  Sigh.  0 days since I laughed when I heard dozens of people died.  Dammit.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 01, 2014, 06:40:31 AM

"Lawmaker Regrets Asking Why Men Can't Rape If Women Can Get Abortions"

I bet he does.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Shale on March 01, 2014, 07:01:08 PM
Lawmaker Regrets Being Punched Fifty Times In The Junk
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on March 02, 2014, 02:52:21 AM
Lawmaker Regrets Being Punched Fifty Times In The Junk

Don't be silly; lawmakers wouldn't regret something like that.  Look at John McCain: being put in prison was like his get out of jail free card in debates.  "Hmm, I'm losing this argument.  Time to deflect.  'When I was in prison...'"

Now, a lawmaker would regret punching someone else in the junk fifty times.  But only if they got caught doing it.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 07, 2014, 06:00:34 AM

I'm not sure how well the defense of "but it was extremely ironic" is going to play in court.  I have a pretty good idea how it's going to play in the media, though!
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 09, 2014, 12:22:13 AM

You know, politics is all about finding your own side's perspective and all, but I'm not sure what he's even getting at.  Like, are there even conservatives who are hearing this and nodding their heads saying "yeah, we never banned gay marriage! the media's doing us wrong!"
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cmdr_King on March 09, 2014, 10:05:30 AM
Well... I've heard the argument that because it's possible to form a partnership that's functionally a marriage, then that means the gay rights movement is a lie therefor there myst be a hidden agenda so...
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on March 10, 2014, 03:37:26 AM
I lived in Georgia for a while, where they not only banned gay marriage, they banned anything remotely resembling gay marriage.  A friend of mine was talking about how he and his partner might try to get visitation rights with each other.  They considered one of them adopting the other (they were both in their 40s-50s) but they weren't sure if the state would overrule this for being too close to a gay marraige.  So...yeah............

THAT said, I think what Mr Medved might have been trying to claim is that no state has banned the religious ceremony (rather than the legal aspect of marriage).  Which...might actually be true.  There are plenty of states where gay sex was outlawed up until about 10 years ago, but I don't see a legal reason that would prevent a marriage ceremony.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 10, 2014, 07:01:23 AM
Of course they didn't ban the religious ceremony, because they can't ban the religious ceremony.  Not only is there no legal basis for banning such a religious ceremony, such a ban unquestionably violates the Free Exercise Clause, and most likely also violates the Due Process and Establishment Clauses.  Why would any conservative in their right mind write a law that could only be upheld at the cost of eroding Constitutional protections for religion?

I figure what he was trying to say is that no state banned same-sex marriage because instead of the laws saying "we ban same-sex marriage" they say "marriage is between a man and a woman, period."  Which of course is stupid.  Which is why this is in IotD.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on March 11, 2014, 06:53:38 AM
Of course they didn't ban the religious ceremony, because they can't ban the religious ceremony.  Not only is there no legal basis for banning such a religious ceremony, such a ban unquestionably violates the Free Exercise Clause, and most likely also violates the Due Process and Establishment Clauses.  Why would any conservative in their right mind write a law that could only be upheld at the cost of eroding Constitutional protections for religion?

But the US still gets some credit for this, as other countries have not been quite so consistent about their freedom of religion.

I figure what he was trying to say is that no state banned same-sex marriage because instead of the laws saying "we ban same-sex marriage" they say "marriage is between a man and a woman, period."  Which of course is stupid.  Which is why this is in IotD.

That was my immediate assumption when the quote was taken out of context, but in-context I'm not sure...

This was what he was responding to:

Prior to Medved's comment, Alexander McCobin, president and co-founder of Students for Liberty, a libertarian group, said that the religious liberty that had historically been repressed had been "the liberty of those religious institutions and practices that support same-sex marriage."

"The government has prevented them from engaging in the religious practice that they want," he said.

Which...yeah, the student's claim as-stated isn't true.  I sometimes attended a church in Georgia that was historically in the 80s started as a lesbian-only church that didn't admit straight people.  Clearly these religious practices were not prevented.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on March 11, 2014, 08:04:06 AM
Not sure if metroid secretly joined a witch coven or found an interesting sort of protest/haven ministry.

How much black fishnet clothing was involved?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on March 11, 2014, 08:12:35 AM
Not a lot.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on March 11, 2014, 08:18:31 AM
One more dream shattered.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on March 14, 2014, 04:03:43 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AAA on March 15, 2014, 01:12:39 AM
Must be a concussion.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 19, 2014, 10:44:00 PM

oh hey I know what forum thread this goes in
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Shale on March 19, 2014, 11:00:48 PM
That's somehow dumber than I expected from the phrase "Minneapolis Nazi Party."
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 20, 2014, 01:30:41 AM
I'm not sure how that's even possible.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on March 20, 2014, 04:38:13 PM
Life will find a way.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Sierra on March 20, 2014, 09:06:11 PM
Illinois Minneapolis Nazis...I hate Illinois Minneapolis Nazis.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 22, 2014, 09:00:30 PM
Let's have an idiot we can laugh at, shall we?

Warning: person is animu (

Here's some highlights.
Then I realized, Japan is so close to being perfect. At least, Japan is my perfection, my happiness, the country that I belong in and that I should have been part of my entire life. It’s not just because I love anime and am a fujoshi fangirl-it’s not just because I love everything that’s kawaii-it’s not just because Pocky and ramen are my favorite foods-it’s everything about Japan that defines me and explains who I am as a person.

I am very excited to renounce the American citizenship that’s been hanging over my head and threatening my happiness. I know that in Japan because of my skin color I will be looked upon as a foreigner, and that’s why I plan to live with a host family. After getting rid of the western-ness I may accidentally have acquired, I’ll be a normal Japanese in every situation, socially and culturally.

was also able to come out of my head at the anime convention I went to this summer, JAFAX, and met a wonderful maid who came from Japan. She helped me realize that I want to have a Japanese career; working at a maid café and manga café while in college, then being a manga artist and light novel author.

and best of all:

Have I ever been to Japan? Every single day in my head.

I really hope this girl gets to Japan just to see her experience Paris Syndrome.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on March 22, 2014, 09:13:16 PM
That is amazing, Rob.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on March 23, 2014, 05:47:57 AM
Then I realized, Japan is so close to being perfect.

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on March 23, 2014, 06:18:37 AM
I've never been to Japan, but that was my reaction too. Hope she has a back up plan once her bubble is burst.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 23, 2014, 08:10:01 AM
Does she really seem like the kind of person who sets reasonable goals, makes a rational plan to achieve them, and comes up with practical alternatives in the event of a setback?  I feel like the best possible outcome for her is to get to Japan ASAP so she can have her fantasy shattered now, before she sinks six years (let's face it, this is not a "finish college in four years" person) and ~$200k into getting a worthless degree in fucking manga art.

Now this dude, on the other hand.  He's the exact opposite of her in every way and he's basically the coolest guy.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on March 23, 2014, 08:01:19 PM
See, that guy is much more realistic.  Remember at DLCon Texas how everyone you met wore cowboy hats?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on March 23, 2014, 08:04:42 PM
Ya'll are just geeks in Austin. All the men in my family wear cowboy hats!

BBQ sauce is a pretty excellent hobby. Man, fuck the Canadian Pacific Northwest for having shitty BBQ.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on March 23, 2014, 08:12:58 PM
"what's your hobby"
"barbeque sauce"
"like... making it, or eating it, or..."
"you know, just barebeque sauce"
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on March 23, 2014, 08:14:16 PM
Better than a hobby of eating olives! So many of those people here. . .
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 23, 2014, 08:19:48 PM
Ya'll are just geeks in Austin. All the men in my family wear cowboy hats!

BBQ sauce is a pretty excellent hobby. Man, fuck the Canadian Pacific Northwest for having shitty BBQ.

Eastern Oregon has it going on, probably because almost everything on that half of the state is ranches and farmland. Seems like "Canadian" is the problem in that equation. I think Portland's annual championship is coming up in a month or two, now that I mention it c
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on March 23, 2014, 08:22:32 PM
I can't really say if Alberta has bad BBQ, since I've never been there, but I would be super disappointed if it did. I think it's just Vancouver having bad taste.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: VySaika on March 23, 2014, 09:45:37 PM
Honestly, cowboy dude will probably do better over here than manga artist chick will over in Japan.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 23, 2014, 10:49:47 PM
Acting like you're a cowboy even though you have no legitimate claim to it is an American tradition, one more person won't hurt. Plus his self-assurance will play well. His name is Rawhide Kobayashi and one of his hobbies is "being Rawhide."

What I'm saying is Rawhide Kobayashi is a cool dude and I would totally shoot guns with him if I thought he could handle it. 
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on March 24, 2014, 12:24:34 AM
I can't really say if Alberta has bad BBQ, since I've never been there, but I would be super disappointed if it did. I think it's just Vancouver having bad taste.

I dunno about BBQ, but Alberta sure as hell has cowboy culture.  The Calgary Stampede is the biggest rodeo in Canada, and I see more people wearing cowboy hats in Alberta than any other province.  (Manitoba is more about wearing a Baseball cap while driving a tractor).  Alberta also likes to call itself the Texas of the north, and is right-wing central.  (Manitoba and Saskatchewan, on the other hand, are the birthplace of the left-wing NDP, and socialized medicine in Canada, for all that they still listen to country music and consider themselves cowboys).

That said, I don't remember prarie canada having any particular food specialization.  During the summer there are cook-outs, where people bring their small hand-operated BBQs, but like...they make standard hamburgers and hotdogs.  This is in small-town Manitoba, granted.

On the subject of our two nutters, yes the wannabe Texan has a much more realistic goal and view of the world, but he's also symptomatic of a problem in Japan, which as a culture sometimes puts America on a pedestal as a perfect country.  Most Americans have aspects of America they dislike, parts of America they want to change, groups of Americans they consider awful and stupid, even if they consider America to be a great country.  Most Europeans laugh at America as being slightly backwards in their eyes.  And then there's Japan, who sometimes puts America on a pedistal as a pinnacle of awesome.  "Americans play baseball?  We should play baseball too, so that we will be more awesome like America!"
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 24, 2014, 01:04:56 AM
Joke's on them, baseball's the only major sport that can't crack the top 50 most-watched list.  Even golf can do that.  Fuckin golf.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on March 25, 2014, 09:50:30 PM


Everyone who voted this man into office needs to walk into the Pacific ocean and not stop walking until they are literally dead.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on April 11, 2014, 12:59:31 AM

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on April 14, 2014, 05:29:26 AM
Deserves posting for non NFL fans/those who ignore the news during the offseason.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on April 23, 2014, 08:05:10 PM

Political persecution!  Except for the part where the incriminating evidence seems to have been handed to the feds by the husband of the woman I was having an affair with.

Also why the fuck does he want a "window of opportunity to get his story out there" when he can't even answer the question, "who are you married to?"  THAT'S NOT ONE A' THEM GOTCHA QUESTIONS!
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on April 24, 2014, 05:56:06 AM
Deserves posting for non NFL fans/those who ignore the news during the offseason.

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on April 27, 2014, 06:52:31 AM
Let's have an idiot we can laugh at, shall we?

Warning: person is animu (

Here's some highlights.
Then I realized, Japan is so close to being perfect. At least, Japan is my perfection, my happiness, the country that I belong in and that I should have been part of my entire life. It’s not just because I love anime and am a fujoshi fangirl-it’s not just because I love everything that’s kawaii-it’s not just because Pocky and ramen are my favorite foods-it’s everything about Japan that defines me and explains who I am as a person.

I am very excited to renounce the American citizenship that’s been hanging over my head and threatening my happiness. I know that in Japan because of my skin color I will be looked upon as a foreigner, and that’s why I plan to live with a host family. After getting rid of the western-ness I may accidentally have acquired, I’ll be a normal Japanese in every situation, socially and culturally.

was also able to come out of my head at the anime convention I went to this summer, JAFAX, and met a wonderful maid who came from Japan. She helped me realize that I want to have a Japanese career; working at a maid café and manga café while in college, then being a manga artist and light novel author.

and best of all:

Have I ever been to Japan? Every single day in my head.

I really hope this girl gets to Japan just to see her experience Paris Syndrome.

Wait, are you implying that Japan ISN'T like this? *bubble burst*

Clearly, I just need to shed more of my 'westernness that I accidentally acquired'...

EDIT: Actually clicked the link... holy shit, she compares her crazy fandom to being like a transgender person...
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on April 30, 2014, 06:55:41 PM
There's some interesting debate going on in psych journals about whether or not its possible to engage with mentally ill people in the youngest generation in the same way because the Internet does such a fucking number on them.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: SnowFire on April 30, 2014, 07:32:42 PM
Yeah to my limited knowledge, the "best case" for treating people with mental illness is a combination of A) treating them like human beings, with warmth & compassion, while B) not "validating" their problems.  e.g. don't confirm their delusions if they have them, don't let the equivalent of throwing a tantrum be a way to get rewarded, etc.

Back in the Old Days, the problem was usually A) - Bob would be shunned as the "crazy" one and all their thoughts & feelings ignored, and constant rejection / ignoral isn't good for one's mental health.  With the Internet, it's sometimes the reverse.  -- an interesting article from 2008, I'm sure the issue is even more acute now.  It's about this forum for people who believe that government agents are stalking them and subtly controlling their life - shadowy figures are the ones who are placing your toothbrush in a different spot than where you're sure you left it, making laughing noises at your mistakes from unseen hiding places, etc.  On one hand, it's great that they can all engage with each other and treat each other as normal humans.  On the other hand, their delusions are now not just confirming, but growing in scope - they can all talk about the latest mind control scheme going on.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on May 23, 2014, 03:04:58 AM

Well this is a new one.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on May 24, 2014, 01:55:16 AM

I guess we're doing trigger warnings now, so I should warn you that this may set off a severe case of schadenfreude.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on May 26, 2014, 07:03:27 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: TranceHime on June 03, 2014, 10:22:45 AM

this is what your misogyny has wrought

0/10 logic please apply yourself
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: SnowFire on June 04, 2014, 12:48:25 AM
I am extremely suspicious of that study.  Male hurricane names only started being used in 1979, and it'd make perfect sense if pre-1979 hurricanes were deadlier - less preparation time, more people who are dumb, more people who don't have the resources to evacuate (e.g. a car), etc.  And checking, that complaint was in fact raised in the follow-up article:

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on June 04, 2014, 04:59:12 AM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Heh heh, you said penis.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on June 04, 2014, 06:38:41 AM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Heh heh, you said penis.

Get out of my brain.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on June 04, 2014, 10:49:50 PM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Heh heh, you said penis.

Get out of my brain.
The most common joke in science.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on June 12, 2014, 04:19:20 PM

jesus take the wheel
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on June 16, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

this week in folks who should be happy they didn't get shot.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on June 17, 2014, 04:28:16 PM

Die in a fire, Heritage Foundation.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on June 18, 2014, 04:59:58 AM
Ahmed answered quietly, as before. “I guess it’s me right now,” she said.

Thumbs up to her.  It took real courage just to attend that place.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on June 24, 2014, 03:18:21 PM

The mother here is a special kind of dumb. DON'T LEAVE YOUR BABY ALONE IN A RUNNING CAR, WHAT THE FUCK
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on June 25, 2014, 01:38:58 AM
I am apparently a lot less appalled by that than Super? I mean yeah, it's bad, but sleep deprived people don't make the best decisions in the first place, and I've never met someone with a baby who was getting a proper amount of sleep.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on June 25, 2014, 02:00:29 AM
I think it is still pretty IotD to leave your keys in ignition and car running at a petrol station even if you are just going to be there for a second, but so it goes.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on June 25, 2014, 04:43:51 AM
For what it's worth yeah, it was stupid but not hardly a "special" kind of stupid. Leaving your keys in the car is the kind of questionable decision people make all the time and I feel like the only reason you'd consider this for IotD is because she suffered for it, which smacks of victim-blaming to me.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on June 25, 2014, 04:44:55 AM
Leaving your keys in the car is dumb but not that special. Leaving your keys in the car when you have your baby in the car is idiocy.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on June 25, 2014, 04:54:52 AM
God forbid anyone with a child make a mistake ever (even though, as Zenny points out, the added stress and lack of sleep makes it more likely for such mental errors to happen). If the 1 in 10000 (or whatever) chance of someone stealing the car doesn't kick in we aren't having this conversation.

Like yeah obviously nobody is defending what she did and obviously in that same situation we'd hope someone wouldn't make that decision but pillorying this person for this really rubs me the wrong way.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Meeplelard on June 25, 2014, 05:13:38 AM
I'm pretty much in agreement with Elfboy here.  It's dumb, sure, but not "IotD" worthy dumb.  People make mistakes, and in this case, there happened to be repercussions.

It's akin to forgetting to lock the door to your house.  Sure, you probably won't get robbed, but you aren't any stupider than the person who did get robbed in the same circumstance.  It's not a defendable action, but it can also only be considered so dumb and the outcome of the event does not make the action any stupider, just more noteworthy.  And yeah, sleep deprivation just adds further to the "it was a brain fart" more than actual idiocy.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on June 25, 2014, 05:43:00 AM
How about we say the IotD is the dumbarse that dumped a kid in the middle of nowhere while committing a serious felony because that is a great way to potentially inflate your charges.  Especially when they ditched the car back near where they got it.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on June 25, 2014, 06:06:21 AM
How about we say the IotD is the dumbarse that dumped a kid in the middle of nowhere while committing a serious felony because that is a great way to potentially inflate your charges.  Especially when they ditched the car back near where they got it.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 29, 2014, 07:27:34 AM
How about we say the IotD is the dumbarse that dumped a kid in the middle of nowhere while committing a serious felony because that is a great way to potentially inflate your charges.  Especially when they ditched the car back near where they got it.

I'm starting to think people who don't figure out what to do with their kids before they commit a felony maybe don't give much though to consequences.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on June 29, 2014, 07:51:14 AM
Gold Star for not reading the article. The mother of the kids left her kids in the car with the key in the ignition while someone else stole it. The person committing the felony and the parent are two different people.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on July 20, 2014, 02:29:53 PM
I just heard about rolling coal.
The biggest assholes in the world are americans, I'm afraid
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on July 20, 2014, 03:26:47 PM
Why does this surprise anyone?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Shale on July 20, 2014, 06:39:26 PM
I just heard about rolling coal.
The biggest assholes in the world are americans, I'm afraid

Why did I google it

What could I possibly have thought that would help
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on July 20, 2014, 10:23:30 PM
I just heard about rolling coal.
The biggest assholes in the world are americans, I'm afraid

Well Hamas is keeping its civilians in harms' way so Israelis will kill them, and Israelis are happily obliging.  So there's that.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on July 20, 2014, 10:52:57 PM
I went to search for it and google has decided to not work.  Go me.

Edit - It worked now.  I was curious.  I wish I wasn't.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on July 26, 2014, 02:42:12 AM The thieves here, not Danielson. Holy crap did they pick the wrong time and place for a breakin.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 26, 2014, 09:11:17 PM
By "subdue" they mean "Bryan slapped a rear naked choke on the guy and held it until the police showed up."



Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 28, 2014, 01:10:45 AM (

"People don't come to our games.  We lose about 2/3 of our games every season.  Why don't they show up?  Must be because they can't make it to our ballpark.  Let's spend a shitload of money building robots to sit in the seats so that people can watch a sporting event through a robot."
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on July 28, 2014, 07:03:44 PM
Anything that gets your team name in the paper for a reason other than all the losing you do.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on July 31, 2014, 12:14:32 AM
It's possible this is an elaborate troll, but if it is, it's exceptional.

Guy gets his skill to level 20 and believes he is first to do so because he took a screenshot.  Never mind that a very large number of people probably accomplished the same thing over six months ago.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on August 31, 2014, 03:03:27 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on August 31, 2014, 06:14:22 PM


Has this guy never met anyone over the age of 70?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Meeplelard on August 31, 2014, 06:23:48 PM
As I said in chat, that qualifies as "Idiot of the Century."   How you want to define century here is up to you, it really doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on August 31, 2014, 11:38:23 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: SnowFire on August 31, 2014, 11:40:14 PM
Not to be a killjoy, but he's obviously mentally ill, which is a little different than being an idiot.  It's no different than the likes of the Time Cube guy, he's likely schizophrenic.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on September 01, 2014, 01:06:21 PM
aint u herd we dont need to sympathize with people with disabilities when they are saying really crazy shit they r barely people at that point /s

You have a point, though. That boy ain't right, and by that I mean he probably has a crippling mental illness. I mainly posted this because my initial reaction shut down all thought except for "goddamn that's dumb... somebody else has got to see this"
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Niji on September 01, 2014, 02:24:48 PM
Not to be a killjoy, but he's obviously mentally ill, which is a little different than being an idiot.  It's no different than the likes of the Time Cube guy, he's likely schizophrenic.

Did you know "Idiot" a long time ago was used to describe the mentally ill or regressed ("Village Idiot").

Both definitions seem apt for that fellow. And speaking from experience as someone who went through a host of mental illness, it's no excuse to be an idiot!
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 02, 2014, 04:41:16 PM
Mentally ill people have the all the best YouTube channels.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on September 05, 2014, 12:16:21 AM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 05, 2014, 01:01:55 AM
Why are you teaching me terms for terrible things.

Had to google, found Forbes article, regret.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on September 05, 2014, 05:17:32 AM
It's so fucking asinine.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 05, 2014, 05:31:54 AM
I look forward to the day we bust Gatewalker doing something fucking evil like not checking the mail one day so we can have GateGate.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on September 05, 2014, 05:36:23 AM
On the use of -gate to denote scandals:
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on September 05, 2014, 10:48:55 PM
The reactions to Anita Sarkeesian's Feminist Frequency videos were very much of an eye-opener to me about just how terrible gamers are, honestly. (The last one was pretty good by the way!)

There are the obviously terrible misogynistic "GO BACK IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SANDWHICH WOMAN" assholes who make rape/death threats for some totally innocent videos that threaten their worthless identities

But there are a fuckton of guys who see themselves as neutral and objective, but go through every dumb strawman argument in the world to prove she's totally wrong. They can honestly say shit like "But she's not a REAL gamer" or "What about how men are treated terribly in videogames" or "She just showed one particularly bad example, but the whole game isn't like that", with a straight face.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on September 06, 2014, 12:24:58 AM
Don't forget my favourite, "I think she is using the money she collected via Kickstarter in ways I consider inefficient, therefore everything she says is invalid". (Not that any of the people saying this donated any of said money, of course.)

Yeah it's really awful.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on September 06, 2014, 12:57:36 AM
Another weird line of thinking is from people who claim to be angry and up in arms about "the integrity of games journalism," a phrase I had literally never seen before this shit happened.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on September 06, 2014, 01:23:28 AM
Don't forget my favourite, "I think she is using the money she collected via Kickstarter in ways I consider inefficient, therefore everything she says is invalid". (Not that any of the people saying this donated any of said money, of course.)

Yeah it's really awful.
I've seen one guy say that the money could have been spent on getting female developers to work on games instead (because money works that way?)

Another weird line of thinking is from people who claim to be angry and up in arms about "the integrity of games journalism," a phrase I had literally never seen before this shit happened.
That happened before. From the top of my head, there's DoritosGate, and the Gamespot guy who got fired for writing a review that trashed Kane and Lynch 2.
(Women are still treated very differently than men in this sort of thing, mind)
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 06, 2014, 04:49:53 AM
I think he means as in, what integrity in gaming journalism are they talking about?  It has been up shit creek since forever.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on September 06, 2014, 08:17:06 AM
Don't forget my favourite, "I think she is using the money she collected via Kickstarter in ways I consider inefficient, therefore everything she says is invalid". (Not that any of the people saying this donated any of said money, of course.)

Yeah it's really awful.
I've seen one guy say that the money could have been spent on getting female developers to work on games instead (because money works that way?)

Oh ok, so you could take all that money and hire me for approximately one year.  That'll change the industry!
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 06, 2014, 08:37:11 AM
Anyone who bases their identity on the fact that they like to play video games rather than, I don't know, anything that is an actual accomplishment, is probably going to be shitty.  This also goes for a bunch of other subgroups where ones identity is based on the products they consume and nothing else.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Excal on September 06, 2014, 08:59:05 AM
Eh, it's not so terrible for someone to base a part of their self image off of an activity that they actively get enjoyment out of.  The problem is when it's the sole source of identity they have, or where they have a compulsive need to have everyone use the lable in the exact same way they do.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 06, 2014, 09:40:01 AM
If it's the primary thing you identify as, you probably don't have much going on for you now or in the future and are highly prone to being shitty. It's the difference between putting "craft beers" on a list of your interests and leading off an overview of your life with "I drink a lot of beer."
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on September 06, 2014, 10:14:52 PM life pretty much revolves around videogames.

I play them.  I make them for work.  I watch other people play them.  I just paid $90 for a Team Acer shirt.  I'm an admin of a videogame website.

Am I a shitty person?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 07, 2014, 01:49:33 AM
Do you singularly label yourself as a "gamer" though?  That is really the key here.

You describe yourself as a consumer, a developer, a spectator and a community figure in things surrounding Video games.  Those aren't the only things you have going on in your life.  They aren't even the only community you are a member of.

I definitely think the title of "gamer" as in self identifying as as someone that plays video games and is an active part of a larger community that enjoys playing them is being conflated with a smaller subset of the community that is an extreme that not only identify it as an important hobby in their life, but as a way of life.

It is like assuming all Hippies live in a commune.  There is definitely some that did/do, but there is a whole bunch more to Hippies and the Beat Generation in general than the ones that drop off the grid and form their own isolated communities.

It is a trade off to the ease of use of labelling.  It is important to social function but it kills nuance.

Edit - That is without going into the heart of what a bunch of the Gamergate stuff is trying to cut to (but doing it in as stupid a way as possible).  What you self identify as being "Gamer" is going to be different than random overreactive single issue close minded toolbox that is the kind of person that shits on something like Dinner Date because it doesn't engage the player through a strict subset of existing archetypes that have only been in existence for 20 years and have been decided as being the canon of "what makes a game".
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on September 07, 2014, 02:05:18 AM
Put another way: identifying too much with any role is a bad thing. It's especially bad for video games, which don't have the secondary benefits of say being fixated on work or exercise.

(Related to this discussion: And I have zero use for Anita Sarkeesian and still find her treatment by gamers to be embarrassing, I would expect any functional adult to find it pretty fucked up regardless)
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on September 07, 2014, 02:30:33 AM
On the subject of whether something like Dinner Dash is a game, these debates are not new.  Game developers were having pretty much the same debates in the late 90s.  If you asked many game developers at the time "what if there was a game which you could not lose?" the response would be something like "then it is not a game".  And then the Sims came along, and outsold pretty much everyone, and developers were forced to rethink things.

So if you're asking whether I plan to reopen a debate which I have literally read about in history books?  (Game design history books, but history books nonetheless).  No, can't say that I have any intention of doing so.

If you're asking whether I'm going to post nasty things and death threats at Anita Sarkeesian?  No, if anything I would use logical debate.  Most of what she has provided so far I have largely agreed with anyway.  In her outline her list of tropes included "man with boobs"--and that's the trope where I suspect I would disagree with her views strongly.  I personally see no real issue with taking a male character, keeping almost all the dialogue the same, and just making that character female.  To suggest that there's certain things female characters should not be doing strikes me as inherently a bit sexist, and implies she subscribes strongly to the gender binary.  But I'm waiting to see the actual video and argument before I pass judgment.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 07, 2014, 06:38:37 AM
Put another way: identifying too much with any role is a bad thing. It's especially bad for video games, which don't have the secondary benefits of say being fixated on work or exercise.

Thank you, for summing it up so succinctly.  People who fixate completely on a specific hobby tend to be really shitty and intolerable to be around, especially if that hobby is specifically consumption-oriented.  The GAMER!!!! is as likely to be an intolerable shit as people who define themselves first and foremost as Raiders fans (you know, the guys who beat an opposing fan to death two years ago).  And when you point out things like "maybe don't beat the fans of other teams to death" they get mad because they are protecting their goofy little clan.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on September 15, 2014, 06:06:32 PM

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 18, 2014, 02:36:25 PM

This is a giant pile of fucking stupid and I wish it was a building so I could burn it down.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 18, 2014, 06:59:20 PM

This is a giant pile of fucking stupid and I wish it was a building so I could burn it down.

Reddit, for years the #1 site for circulating child pornography, whose staff fought tooth and nail to keep it that way, has a shitty community in some way?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 18, 2014, 10:31:25 PM
There is degrees of terrible and pockets of not terrible on the site.  Gaming sub reddit is definitely one of the bigger shit holes on the site.  That said the image the thread is about is exceptional on its massive shiftiness even for that sub.  I poke the front page as one of my news aggregates and pop culture points of reference, so I see the shit from it that pokes to the surface.  The only way to avoid it would be to register an account, which is not something I really want.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on September 19, 2014, 01:42:32 AM
Confession: I still really don't even know how reddit works
Probably for the best
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on September 19, 2014, 02:03:50 AM
You make an account.  Post racist/sexist/nonjokes.  Complain about the state of the community.  So pretty much the same as most other places on the internet.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on September 20, 2014, 02:25:47 AM
There is degrees of terrible and pockets of not terrible on the site.  Gaming sub reddit is definitely one of the bigger shit holes on the site.  That said the image the thread is about is exceptional on its massive shiftiness even for that sub.  I poke the front page as one of my news aggregates and pop culture points of reference, so I see the shit from it that pokes to the surface.  The only way to avoid it would be to register an account, which is not something I really want.

Well, if you want some positive news, the OP is getting pretty heavily thrashed in the comments (to my surprise).

Beyond that, Jesus some of those examples are shitty.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on September 20, 2014, 05:33:36 PM
Reddit is basically a structure made of concentric circlejerks.

"If you don't like it make your own games" is a bafflingly shitty argument. Just the way that the dudes in that comic are drawn make them seem like condescending dicks. But yeah, if there's anything heartening, the top comments all damn this one.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 24, 2014, 06:47:41 PM (

e: Linked because this board doesn't support timg
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on September 24, 2014, 07:00:47 PM
People have a weird relationship with black and white images.  Monochrome images tend to confer a certain authority and make the subject seem more noteworthy, authentic, and believable compared to color photography.  Which is remarkable seeing as color photography contains, y'know, more information.  At the same time, black and white images create a separation between the us and the them.  Serious, yes, but not the world we live in.  Something similar happens with HD movies.  Movies are historically rather low definition and blurred, and people seeing ones with sharper images say they can't shake the feeling that it's fake, or feels like a TV show.  Basically, this is a particularly dumb manifestation of how weirdly manipulable people are with images.  (don't get me started about Ray Rice. "oh my god he cold cocked her in an elevator!" "now that I see it on video it is so realer than when I knew that that is exactly what happened!!")
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 24, 2014, 07:30:45 PM
That's a lot of words to not address the most hilarious part.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on September 24, 2014, 07:39:08 PM
Makes me cringe more than it makes me laugh.  (Does make me laugh though.)
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on September 24, 2014, 11:28:37 PM

Forbes employing the "he ran into my knife" defense to college rape.  Or something?

p.s. nice job firing the writer, but you might also want to can the editor who let that get published.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: AndrewRogue on September 25, 2014, 08:03:59 AM
I... what is he even saying? The top comment more or less nailed it. The underlying assumption is that the frat is apparently duty bound to penetrate once she is drunk.

You could just, you know, not do that? Sort of like how as a decent human being you stop people who've been drinking from doing stupid shit when you're sober.

Personal responsibility is indeed a thing. The girls should be careful about getting drunk around strangers. By that same measure, the guys should be careful about not fucking people who are not able to properly consent.

Jesus, with all the stupid shit today, I'm actually gaining respect for Rob's IotD. At least that is idiocy sort of vaguely trending in an okay direction if you squint at it hard enough?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on October 03, 2014, 05:50:51 AM

don't bribe people on voicemail yo
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on October 08, 2014, 06:44:24 AM

There may be another reason nobody is laughing at your stand-up comedy.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 08, 2014, 08:26:29 AM
People whose entire career is based on nostalgia are seldom very progressive.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on October 09, 2014, 06:21:24 PM
It's kinda hilarious and kinda sad that three of the words most likely to alert you to incoming racism is "happen to be."
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 09, 2014, 11:43:11 PM
Warning phrases! If you see any of these in the name of a group they are probably racist.

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on October 10, 2014, 12:38:32 AM
Hey there is a chance that they are sexist or homophobic instead.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on October 10, 2014, 12:43:29 AM
You guys are talking like you wouldn't watch the shit out of a summer blockbuster called Patriot Values.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on October 10, 2014, 12:45:24 AM
Only if it were a film adaptation of Metal Wolf Chaos.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on October 10, 2014, 12:54:24 AM
So you did go see Olympus Has Fallen then?
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: superaielman on October 14, 2014, 07:45:42 PM The reasoning. *facepalm*
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on October 15, 2014, 12:22:50 AM
Who has time to pay for things nowadays?

Also, sadly, this is a step in in PR for NFL players lately.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on October 23, 2014, 01:12:28 AM
3 links for ya.

Link to an informational video for conservative feminists who are wondering, how do I not get raped by fratbros?1

Link to article cited in said video.2

Link to article cited in said article.3

1Spoilers: the answer is roofies are an urban legend, and so if you get raped it's your fault!  Also probably liberals' fault because they are all about the culture of victimization amirite and rape victims just need to suck it up and reflect on their poor choices.  Take some personal responsibility, y'know?
2Not to be confused with a Real Live News Organization.
3a Real Live News Organization.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on October 24, 2014, 09:18:23 AM

We as a species are some of our parts.  Which is to say the parts we are is dicks.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Fenrir on October 24, 2014, 02:43:01 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on October 24, 2014, 06:28:59 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Hunter Sopko on October 31, 2014, 04:59:38 PM

::Slow clap::
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on November 17, 2014, 10:20:44 PM
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on November 18, 2014, 02:38:15 AM
I will defeat you, Nega-Apple!

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on November 24, 2014, 05:00:09 PM

Lordy be. I guess it's easy to philosophically wax stupidly when you will inevitably succeed because your parents are super wealthy.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on November 25, 2014, 04:25:11 PM

Lordy be. I guess it's easy to philosophically wax stupidly when you will inevitably succeed because your parents are super wealthy.

It reminds me of how I used to think when I was 11.

"I just thought about my thinking.  That's called metacognition!  My vocabulary is indubitably extensive, which is indicated by the number of syllables in the verbiage I am selecting.  Oh, now I'm thinking about my thinking about my thinking.  Oh my goodness, now I'm thinking about my thinking about my thinking about my thinking!"

Those were legit the kind of thoughts I had.

And like most 11-year-olds I made deep philosophical ponderings like:

"Well...the planets orbit the sun, and the electrons orbit the atom, so why is the very small so similar to the very large?  Is our solar system really an atom in a much larger object?"

And naturally when I was a bit older (13) I was reading about Calculus, and would tell as many people as possible.

...But the good news is that I think I turned out alright, so I wouldn't worry too much about these kids.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: The Duck on November 26, 2014, 11:45:25 AM
It's fairly clear the Smith kids have a disdain for basic education which leads to a weird kind of magical thinking and misunderstanding of causality, but again, their father has the GDP of a small nation so they will be "fine."

WILLOW: Because living.

No I take it back, nobody who says this sentence will ever be okay by any definition.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cmdr_King on November 26, 2014, 05:55:06 PM
Honestly I read it as believing you don't learn anything by going to school, which certainly matches my experiences.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on November 26, 2014, 08:40:22 PM
There is a difference between not learning anything by going to school and not learning anything.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Sierra on November 26, 2014, 09:00:25 PM
These days I tend to think the only thing I learned in school was that anything I really wanted to understand I would have to figure out for myself.

But I doubt I would've learned that if I hadn't gone to school and failed at it.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: metroid composite on November 27, 2014, 04:11:48 AM
I still remember stuff I learned in school, especially in areas like politics and history which I'm glad I know but probably would not research myself nowadays.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on November 27, 2014, 04:41:17 AM
I still remember stuff I learned in school, especially in areas like politics and history which I'm glad I know but probably would not research myself nowadays.

This so much. Plus loads of my literature knowledge/appreciation.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on November 27, 2014, 05:29:23 AM
fractions, man. use 'em all the time.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Cotigo on November 27, 2014, 06:46:04 AM
Yeah basically the vestiges of my math and science education from school prooooobably wouldn't have happened without school? Heck, my appreciation for books that aren't juvenile power fantasies probably wouldn't have happened without school either. I mean let's face it I was too busy playing video games and reading trash fantasy literature.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Grefter on November 27, 2014, 06:55:17 AM
You still would have been getting classical literature in your face (MobY DICK) with high frequency.

Also man I got a ton out of school and University.  In more than just my political fetishism as well.  I don't go a day without using the more communications related part of my degree.  I work in Databases which I got my ground works for in high school.

I wasn't even a good student.

Also insert rant about the hidden curriculum here.  You all got something out of education even if it was just how to function in society. 

Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Captain K. on November 27, 2014, 07:15:16 AM
I teach adult education to apprentice electricians.  You know that trigonometry that you didn't learn in high school because wtf is it good for in the real world?  Guess what, now they have to use it all the time as electricians.  I tell them to go apologize to their high school math teachers.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on December 01, 2014, 01:03:01 AM
The Smith kids would probably gain a lot by having to be in the public curriculum because they'd have to interact with people who aren't in their economic strata, something I doubt they ever do.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: NotMiki on December 02, 2014, 02:39:00 AM

I hope they were all expelled, with the explanation that it was for their own sakes, because they are obviously too stupid for college to do them a damn bit of good.  Maybe that, followed by a "it was totally hilarious, though! really funny guys!" followed by a "p.s. totes laughing at you not with you, still expelled lolol"

It would be funny.
Title: Re: Idiot of the day 2014: Your one stop topic for everything dumb.
Post by: Hunter Sopko on December 04, 2014, 11:11:16 PM
Sucks they got hacked again, but holy fucking shit. Sony's marketing department so fucking hard.

A friend of mine put it as "They seem like the type of people that would actually request to rasta-fy a cartoon dog another 10% or so with a completely straight face.