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Topics - Clear Tranquil

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General Chat / Videos/Youtube/stream links/etc
« on: October 23, 2013, 07:18:41 PM »
Shamlessplug topic~

(will contain spoilers/boss spoilers)

Channel -

(will edit post with links to other channels/streams if people post them)

Playlists -

Tales of Graces F -

*Highlights -

The real Queen (aka CT got carried away title/SP farming on Lhant Hill) (Chaos)  -

BATH! NOW! (Chaos) -

Fun with low level AIs (Chaos) -

Low level Future Arc Super boss (Chaos) -

Low level (L66s) vs Enter the Dragons (difficulty set) -

All Auto/AIs vs Future Arc super boss (Hard Mode) -

If you watch the longer ones (or at least sample/watch part of them!) you get cookies! :P

Star Ocean 4 International -

*Highlights (SO videos are shorter for the most part)

Final boss Ladies night version -

Final boss Plot Relevant version -

Armaros Manifest -

Meracle version -

Arumat version -

Reimi version -

Phantoms -

Phantoms (Faize version) (for Djinns, Elfs)  -

Astral Caves Optional boss -

More Faize! -

Tales of Xillia -

*Notes - For the Graces F run, played through underlevelled, without Item Creation on shards for upgrading/maxing weapons/equipment and the like, avoided/ignored randoms a fair bit, except for early on/SP farming. Star Ocean 4 no major Item Creation/stat boosting with synthesis but did fight randoms a lot towards getting monster jewels, titles, trophies, etc. Tales of Xillia haven't really done anything special for it yet =/ Underlevelled some for the Elize fights I suppose.

Post your shameless plugs/channels/stream channels/etc~

RPG Reviews / CT's Corner~
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:48:43 PM »
Whereupon CTs posts stuffs and we find out about CT baits, and maybe there will be reviews, pictures, fun videos and/or discussions, people suggesting ways for CT to improve stuffs and stuffs~ Maybe~

I'll go the here's stuff I did earlier way first -

Starting with maybe the biggest CT bait of all (except maybe Aerith and Vanille but Aerith/Vanille also have character/story reasons as to why they are such big CT baits, this girl might have the edge in the battle ; ) Then again there's also Meru) this is a writeup I did in conjuction with/for wheresatari for a top ten list at GAMEFAQs, wheresatari already had a first draft writeup to show when I was contacted but I was basically allowed to heavily editorialize/re-write/re-shape pretty much everything and add to it, etc though I also left credit, etc to some of the original work as well, like the intro and the last two sentences are all tari's if I remember right ;D

Ok, so without further ado -


I realize some are adverse to the child in the group, but they are hard to pass up when they hit this hard and are so darn useful. Peppita may be small, but she packs quite the punch. You get her at level one, meaning she has a lot of catching up to do, but once she gains a few decent levels, you really won't want to take her out of the party.

She as a multitude of multi-hit abilities that do great damage to enemy HP, and has some that can do great MP damage as well. In this game, you can MP kill enemies as easily (or easier) as you can HP kill them, which is unique and very helpful (at the very least, she can drain an enemies' MP keeping them from using their skills and spells). She has dances that can raise strength or give you MP regen, and she is protected from certain attacks while dancing as well. She also has the ability to call upon a Faerie Friend to fight in battles for her (and not the Tinker Bell kind either). If all this wasn't enough, she has amazing counters that can cause major damage, render her invulnerable to many types of attacks including boss super moves and inflict chaos on susceptible targets, which seriously debilitates them. It's also possible to incorporate her counters into set ups with which she can receive HP and MP healing and/or stun dangerous enemies preventing them from attacking. If you raise her cancel bonus to 300%, she does monster damage. You know you're tough when you can do more than 150,000 HP and 30,000 MP damage with one skill. She is second only to Maria in the hurt department, but can play off any party you put together. Sometimes under optimum conditions for her best damage she will be second to none. She can solo any boss in the game with ease, and sometimes won't take a hit in doing so.

Let's see to sell it. Let's put emphasis on her ability to buff. Just how good is it? Power Dance is definitely Peppita's big money move; with the ability to up to triple the Attack stat and team damage output at max skill level. Basically a Power Dance buffed team will be putting out three times the damage with physical attacks and battle skills when Power Dance is built up, but even to start with, it basically doubles Attack power enabling a whole team to operate at twice the strength from the time Peppita gets this skill for use. Peppita can eventually max the Attack stat with Power Dance without needing factors from the game's Item Creation system added to equipment. As a pure support and buffing skill it's pretty broken in and of itself, not to mention its low fury and MP costs, inbuilt dance invincibility frames, etc.

Perhaps I'll elaborate on the powerhouse aspect a bit more? Like how she's in the top three damage dealers post game, or one of the best damage dealers for the super bosses. With Dream Hammer as her ultimate battle skill and her short range melee physical attacks and counters, targets will buckle under Peppita's assault in record breaking times. Under the optimum conditions for these skills, to shine, she joins Maria as an essential part of a blitz damage orientated force.

There's also the status effects of many of Peppita's battle skills to consider including chaos, freeze and instant death. Of particular note for the powerhouse aspect is Panic Dance/chaos' ability to break the game's damage cap on tough/durable huge HP pillow-type random enemies through the end/post game, and also on sub-boss-types like the Dragoon Knight from the arena (and instant death from Kaboom on the Crystal Dragon!). Peppita can also sub well as a pure support character with her healing, buffing and MP regen abilities or can utilize options for juggling, interupting or knocking enemies around, but it's at being a powerhouse with huge damage potential she really shines. Let's wrap this up with the potential for increasing Peppita's durability through MP tanking with Convert Damage to MP + MP Regen equipment factors, which combined with her counters, will enable her to eat a lot of damage and survive. This makes it very hard for her to die when done right, and enables her to keep on dishing out unrelenting pain. Plus, who can resist that cute face. Give me a P, give me a E...oh, sorry.


General Chat / Video capture card/device.
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:38:58 PM »
Looking to record footage from PSX/PS2/X Box 360. I currently only have a CCRTV but I might invest in a HDTV and PS3 soon.

I would preferably like to get some video capture going that doesn't blow the bank.

Any recommendations? :)

General Chat / Tea and Coffee~
« on: July 28, 2012, 01:10:16 PM »
So now I have my own place and I'm not spending most of my time holed up in one room anymore I've found myself being quite active at being in and out of the kitchen using different appliances, since I don't have to worry about finding strange men in their underpants there anymore  :P

The appliance in question here is a kettle and the main purpose it's used for (hot water for your teas/coffeee~) I've found I have the breathing space to make and enjoy hot drinks more often so I'm looking for some suggestions on good tea, etc.

I'm a milk/cream and sugar/sweetener person but I'm up for trying to cut back on the sweet stuff to start with (especially if the tea/coffee is already sweet >_>) so feel free to post if a particular brand is better with or without milk, etc.

So far I've acquired your typical Tetley and gold roast while doing groceries but I also found/bought this -

Assam (Twinnings)- Rich, malty, amber tea

Only had one cup so far but it was nice enough =)

Also for discussions sake, discuss whether you prefer your tea/coffee with food/meals or not, whether you've noticed any health benefits or the like (green teas or such), etc~

General Chat / General Health/Exercise Topic
« on: November 06, 2011, 01:09:28 PM »
Rather than preform thread necromancy (and risk the wrath of red letter warnings!~) -,5347.100.html

(old C25K topic)

There is also this topic for finding healthy recipes 'n stuff, again thanks to LD =) -,3424.200.html


I was wondering how everyone is doing a year or so later on :) Have there been any major personal trials and/or triumphs? Well done if so!~

Myself well I've been doing a lot of walking recently (since about end of spring/early summerish to now) I'm currently out for a walk four or five times a week (sometimes every day but wow I didn't feel like walking the week after >_>) with each walk generally taking from 45 minutes to 1hr+ (been working on the longer walks recently) I also did a few serious treks/hikes during the better weather earlier this year. I am hoping to do a one and a half hour to two hours hike in the nearby countryside before this year is out too (depends on the snow or not snow I guess) :)

I've been really enjoying it on the whole. Managed to see some stunning scenery and amazing sights like a 200+ y/o tree too  :) The scenery was/is well ... autumn. So colourful~

General Chat / Fiddly stuffs
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:27:39 AM »
Bought a laptop yesterday :)

It's my first one so I'm still finding my way around. Managed to set it up ok including setting up the net but I'm still experiencing some weirdness in getting used to it. So this topic is for asking questions as I think of them -

First off how do I select a specific piece of text for Copy + Paste with a touchpad laptop (no mouse)

Thanks :)

RPGDL Discussion / Match of Interest (Agrias vs Peppita)
« on: June 30, 2010, 03:11:56 PM »
Think Tynar Rouge might swing things for Agrias but I dunno~

Just finished FFT (Agrias was the CT baits) =D

Writeup Graveyard / Albert Simon (vs Odin)
« on: April 30, 2010, 08:24:51 PM »
Oh how delightful it's time for this English styled gentleman to have another outing in the jolly old DL. Or least gentleman is what he strives to appear to be. Confronted by Albert's posh well mannered style of speech and invitation to a cup of tea Odin will no doubt be nonplussed by this state of affairs. While he's musing on just exactly what he is dealing with the dark warlock will have whipped up a spell to deal with Odin in a jiffy. Then help himself to that nice cup of tea. Crumpet anyone?

Writeup Graveyard / Peppita (vs Galcian)
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:16:30 PM »
Fame at last attained Peppita now has a championship and an upgrade under her belt. Now that she's packing that kind of reputation she can't afford to let her fans down with her debut into Heavy. Luckily she won't have to as fate is still smiling on the little dancer. Protected by the Elven Cloak and with Healing Dances to shake off any non elemental damage that does get through she's well equipped to stand her ground vs Galcian. Defeating a Heavy boss would be the perfect way to start off her career in the division so there's no doubt that with the help of a few Faerie Friends Peppita will make this a match to remember.

Writeup Graveyard / Peppita (vs Jude)
« on: April 10, 2010, 12:55:35 AM »
At last stardom is almost hers and you can bet your bottom dollar that for the grand finale Peppita will be giving it all she's got. A Middle final? Why this is an occassion that calls for the Rossetti troupe to take no half measures. Peppita's sure to take her performances to new heights and if I was Jude I'd be afraid, very afraid. Dazzling displays of a variety of dances with different chants and effects, icy shards materialising in mid air, stars, firework effects and of course the summoning of a very powerful creature from another dimension. Buffs, healing, damage and status galore, such a wide selection where she can afford to pick and choose and really what does Jude have to challenge any of it?

Writeup Graveyard / Peppita (vs Tifa Lockheart)
« on: April 02, 2010, 11:08:42 PM »
After two impressive victories in the arena this season this little star is shining brightly. With each victory her fame grows but win or lose you can be sure Peppita will put on a show to remember regardless. One thing about her is like comrade in arms Nel she has plenty of variety and versatility to work with. Perhaps the most important here is damage control. Instead of unloading her usual damage with the over the top Power Dance and Faerie Friend combo she can start off by chipping away with her much weaker base physicals. She can even switch between stronger and weaker weapons in battle! Not to mention she can strategically use her chaos inducing counters to avoid any real damage from Tifa's own base physicals. Or alternatively Peppita can just use her healing dance together with her death inflicting skills to keep fighting fit until instant death triggers. Panic dance, counter chaos or ID Tifa can't block 'em all.

Writeup Graveyard / Isabel (vs Jeane)
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:22:53 PM »
After delivering righteous justice to Swampert the fiery Isabel now finds herself facing her second opponent this season. None other than comrade in arms, Jeane. While Isabel is delighted to facing a real opponent this time you need not expect much mercy here. Sometimes in the pursuit of real evil you have to do whatever it takes to continue on even if it means defeating a friend. Isabel will do whatever it takes to win though if possible she will make it as painless as possible for Jeane, for old times sake. If our red haired warrior is tempted to feel guilty over this sad but necessary deed all she has to do is remember Jeane's usual fashion sense. The mage could do with being taught a lesson over those.

General Chat / Moar Videos
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:13:02 PM »
Wasn't sure how safe it was to perform thread necromancy on the old vids topic, it's pretty dead but there's some stuff that I thought might be interesting for peeps. First of all -

Sazh is badass -

(no spoilers I don't think)

Dunno if peeps have seen it yet by browing GFAQs/youtube or what but yeah here's a link to the set up details -

This cat is impressed. From what I've seen of these type of videos and read of the various role descriptions (Vanille as Ravager/Saboteur/Medic mmmm, Sazh as Synergist, etc) I think I will take a whirl round the local game shops and see if I can afford FFXIII afterall~

Writeup Graveyard / Peppita (vs Crowley)
« on: March 19, 2010, 03:26:25 PM »
Gee that was fun! After scoring a resounding victory over Luke now Peppita's all fired up and ready for more. Her next opponent on the path to stardom is a mage boasting powerful wind spells. Two things, one mages are squishy and two Peppita can equip the Elven Cloak. With Power Dance to extremely enchance Peppita's many physical attacks and an armour that absorbs wind and lightning damage Crowley is certainly facing a force to be reckoned with. Oh wait three things, mages don't like losing their MP. Peppita has brutal MP damage. Looks like Crowley will be lacking serious damage no matter what he does. Healing, status, elementally resistant, packing physical and MP damage to squish with, the little circus performer has more than enough tricks for this match.

Writeup Graveyard / Jeane (vs Mitsuru)
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:17:57 PM »
Magical. Mysterious. Timeless. These are all words that could be used to describe Jeane who despite her various appearances in a number of worlds still remains as much as an enigma than not. One things for sure neither her beauty nor her magical skills never seem to wither and though the passage of time does not seem to visibily effect her she wields an eternity of experience. Does one such as her, the Rune Mistress really have anything to fear from a young pretender? In comparison to Jeane Mitsuri has only experienced a fragment of life. The lighting goddess will teach Mitsuru that mere magelings should not mess with her and that Mitsuru is not perhaps as much as an elemental goddess herself as she thought after all.

Writeup Graveyard / Isabel (vs Swampert)
« on: March 12, 2010, 10:02:29 PM »
After her humiliating defeat to a mere beast of all things the last time she challenged the DL the beautiful main lady of the Maximillian Knights once again enters the arena ... only to find herself once again fighting some kind of beast, creature, monster. Don't think Isabel will stand or fall for such injustice again. Evil comes in many shapes and forms and sometimes it can hover just out of reach but ever since her loss last time Isabel has been hot on evil's trails and this time she's caught up. This red haired vixen is ready and eager to dispense retribution with a terrifying cleave of her sword on any monster that dares to get in her way this time. Move over small fry, Isabel's got bigger evils to bring justice to in the DL.

Writeup Graveyard / Tifa (vs Maxine)
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:57:25 PM »
In between helping to save the world more than once, running a bar, looking after small children and taking care of Cloud Tifa somehow finds the time to fit another DL campaign in. This admirable lady, who can take any blow in stride returns to the Middle arena with her head held high, knowing she will eventually reclaim her rightful spot in Heavy. Past experiences have proven than Tifa dominates many Middle fields and she's not about to let any mere mage prove otherwise. Feel the power of Tifa's fists off her impressive speed! Once she gets going there's no stopping her.

Writeup Graveyard / Peppita Rossetti (vs Luke)
« on: February 26, 2010, 01:47:17 PM »
With mantras such as Effort beats Talent everytime and Practice makes Perfect it's easy to see Peppita has an irrepresible spirit. Eager as ever to become the DL's latest rising star she once again ventures forth onto the stage that is the Middle arena. Bringing her unique brand of status in the icy Frozen Daggers and the chaotic Panic Dance as well as the formidable strength of Power Dance with Faerie Friend it's sure to be a show to remember. This budding little circus performer will also be delighted to sign autographs, later.

General Chat / Avatars
« on: January 16, 2010, 01:16:08 PM »
Anyone else currently having avatar problems? I don't seem to have the option to upload one from my computer anymore ;o

Writeup Graveyard / Nel Zelpher (vs Cloud of Darkness)
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:44:29 PM »
By the holy maiden of Apris what is this evil that Nel feels? Whatever it is it will soon feel the pain of her blade as she fights for what is right and just. With divine grace Nel will deliver ultimate judgement with the force of her slicing and dicing Mirror Slice. With her draw of equipment and her healing techs she'll also remain fighting fit vs anything the darkness has to throw at her too. Mission accomplished!

Writeup Graveyard / Albel Nox (vs Billy Lee Black)
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:01:35 PM »
Fool fool, maggot maggot, worm worm ... well nobody ever said Albel had a great vocabularly but with his battle prowess he doesn't have to. With the demonic health and resource draining Vampiric Flash and the chaos inducing Aura Wall he'll soon shut any mouthy individuals up. Especially those with pitiful defences. Better beware Heavy Albel's in fine form and has a vast range of weapons and other equipment, including the Elemental Leather to boot. Mwhahahahaha!

Writeup Graveyard / Chiepoo (vs Chuck)
« on: December 05, 2009, 12:34:53 AM »
Meow. Welcome. Says Chiepoo indeed. What did you really think Chiepoo would ever pass up using even his arena blurb as an excuse to advertise Chiepoo Trading Co? This kitty never rests. No letting up on the advertising campaign here! Chiepoo's determined to represent Chiepoo Trading Co in the DL this season for as long as possible too so Dean had better watch out as determined kitties are very scary indeed. A bit of the ole' Chiepoo speed for a flurry of claws and our cat will have Dean turning tail in record time before he's ripped to shreds. Leaving a satisfied Chiepoo free to produce yet another spiel on Chiepoo Trading Co to a bemused arena audience. Purrfect.

Writeup Graveyard / Steena (vs Irvine)
« on: October 17, 2009, 01:22:29 AM »
If there is one thing that should never be underestimated in the arena it's a summoner. Another is knowing your foe's weakness and Irvine's is of course the charms of a lovely lady. Steena definitely applies and she's not afraid to exploit this advantage. As Irvine is busy checking out the new goods on offer it wouldn't be surprising if Steena's summoning prowess enabled her to call up an irate Selphie who would promptly put The End to Irvine's latest shenanigans with another woman. Of course that's just Steena being nice. Selphie's sure to kiss and make up with Irvine eventually. Garai on the other hand ...

Tournaments / How Champ is a Champ (Yukiko vs Middle 2)
« on: October 13, 2009, 11:52:15 AM »
In our last showing Yukiko shone like a star. Will her dominance continue?

Again now Halley or Jibril because yeah~

Yukiko vs FE9 Jill Fizzart
Yukiko FFT Balk Fenzol
Yukiko vs FE7 Fiora
Yukiko vs Suikos Tengaar
Yukiko vs SF1 Max
Yukiko vs ToD Philia Felice
Yukiko vs WA:ACF Magdalen Harts
Yukiko vs FE7 Nergal
Yukiko vs S5 Nikea
Yukiko vs SF2 Slade
Yukiko vs LoL Noa
Yukiko vs SH1 Alice Elliot
Yukiko vs Pers3 Shinjiro Aragaki
Yukiko vs FE9 Boyd
Yukiko vs S3 Leo Gallen
Yukiko vs SO2 Bowman Jean
Yukiko vs FF9 Eiko Carol
Yukiko vs CC Marcy
Yukiko vs S4 Sigurd
Yukiko vs S5 Mathias
Yukiko vs S5 Nelis
Yukiko vs SF1 Darksol
Yukiko vs BoF1 Ox
Yukiko vs WA3 Beatrice
Yukiko vs FE7 Dart
Yukiko vs PKMN Sceptile
Yukiko vs WA3 Leehalt Alceste
Yukiko vs FF7 Nanaki
Yukiko vs FFT Alma Beoulve
Yukiko vs WA5 Nightburn Acklund
Yukiko vs BoF2 Rand
Yukiko vs FE9 Ena
Yukiko vs FF7 Tifa Lockheart
Yukiko vs FE7 Guy
Yukiko vs LoL2 Maya
Yukiko vs ToD Garr Kelvin
Yukiko vs FFX-2 Paine
Yukiko vs S1 Ronnie Bell
Yukiko vs TotA Tear Grants
Yukiko vs AtLC Poco
Yukiko vs PKMN Swampert
Yukiko vs SoA Fina
Yukiko vs FE8 Colm
Yukiko vs Disgaea Thursday
Yukiko vs Suikos Lorelai
Yukiko vs TotA Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear
Yukiko vs OB Destin Faroda
Yukiko vs S1 Alen
Yukiko vs CC Harle
Yukiko vs AtLC Sania
Yukiko vs SH2 Anastasia Romanov

Writeup Graveyard / Leena (vs Flonne)
« on: October 09, 2009, 06:57:43 PM »
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and so beware as Leena vents her frustration over Serge, Kid and Harle on the arena with her almighty frying pan of dooom. With Maiden Faith to buff her strength and accuracy that is one frying pan you don't want to meet especially considering Lenna is no slouch at speed either. Watch out Light as Leena is fully prepared to unleash a flurry of accurate, unrelenting blows until she's satisfied.

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