
Author Topic: Three Houses and Politics  (Read 7125 times)

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Three Houses and Politics
« Reply #50 on: July 21, 2021, 11:19:30 PM »


Rating: Low 3.

This is mostly just Lysithea info dump but it’s not bad as it serves a useful plot function to explain her. I like the exploration of Lysithea’s insecurity with respect to being perceived as just ‘talented’ because of her Crests, and the S support is sweet.

Best line: “Anyhow, I’ve made a point to work harder than most and not rely too heavily on the power they bestow. So, I find it frustrating that the only praise I receive is directly related to that power.”


Rating: 3.

It’s okay. There are some definitely good humorous bits, but I do feel like it coasts a little too much on the Claude being vaguely condescending to Lysithea, which I don’t really like much. You will notice that as a general theme in these writeups; I think condescending can be an effective part of her supports, but I think this one is mostly just about that. I do like how he talks about respecting her, though, although he doesn’t always show it. Decent support but not great. Also feel like there is basically zero romantic chemistry here.

Best line: “If a child and a princess are out, what’s left? Should I treat you as a noble hero? Draw your sword, Lysithea! If you wish to continue studying, you must first defeat me in battle!”

Lysithea/Lorenz (four part)

Rating: High 2.

I’ll be honest, I don’t really like Lorenz very much, particularly his interactions with women. This one isn’t awful, but I still feel the whiff of condescension wafting from him in this support. But the A is pretty sweet, I’ll grant, and I like how he breaks through to try to help put her mind at ease.

Best line: “I don’t have time to “take a rest”. I’m overloaded with work, and I have less time than everyone else. I just want to do my own thing, bring order to the Alliance, and put my parents’ minds at ease.”


Rating: 1.

This support gives me hives. Just stop being weird and condescending and ask for consent, Raphael!! I think there’s a big difference in people being asses and realizing it (see below) vs. Raphael, who just doesn’t really care about being really patronizing to Lysithea (and his sister).

Best line: no


Rating: High 3.

I know a lot of people hate this support, but I like it because it has some really good character development from Lysithea and Ignatz both; Lysithea realizes that her words are hurtful and tactless toward him, and we learn about Ignatz’s rather crippling indecision paralysis as well as his confusion about Lysithea’s hurtfulness toward him. I don’t think I would ship them because she would just run roughshod over him, but it’s an interesting support with some glimmers of good stuff for both characters.

Best line: “It’s not easy for me to rely on people, but with you, it’s different.”

Lysithea/Marianne (two part)

Rating: Low 3. This support is somewhat similar to the previous one where we explore Lysithea’s insensitivity to people with anxiety, but I think it lacks the arc of the Ignatz one which I really liked.

Best line: “Don’t envy me. Instead, just choose to find the positive, won’t you?”

Lysithea/Hilda (two part)

Rating: 4.

I like this support because it shows you a different side of both characters; Hilda’s desire to play ‘big sister’ and Lysithea’s desire to be attractive, even if she ultimately decides she doesn’t really care enough to do anything about it. Not a super deep support but I think it offers insight into both characters. Needed an A IMO because the B ends a little gay, as seen below.

Best line: “She really is brimming with untapped potential. When she smiles like that, wow! Even my heart skips a beat.”

Lysithea/Leonie (two part)

Rating: Low 3.

It’s about training or something. I would give this one a 2 because I literally don’t remember it except for…

Best line: “I was just thinking what incredible partner you’d make. Really, you’ve got all of the perfect qualities!”



This support has pretty much everything I want in a support; it develops a relationship between the characters, it’s plot important and develops setting, it involves two interesting characters and their cat and mouse game with each other about the Crest experiments. I feel like the information inside is like so important that I had forgotten it was in their support! I do like how Edelgard bribes Lysithea with cake to talk and Lysithea is both insulted but also accepts the bribe gratefully. They are super cute, whether you see them as partners or friend. Also, I love Edelgard and I am a simp.

Best line: “My aim is to dismantle the current system of aristocracy. The only reason nobles enjoy the status they do is because their bloodlines carry Crests. If Crests lose their value, so will titles of nobility.”



One of Linhardt’s more humanizing supports, and full of useful information about the the double Crests. I really like how it shows Linhardt’s humanity and how much he cares for Lysithea, despite his façade. The A support is sweet even if it’s a little weird.

Best line: “You are someone I care about though. So much so, I wish we could be family, you and I.”


High 3.

Okay I love this support because it’s SO stupid. It’s literally two grumpy nerds arguing about cake for an entire support. Felix is baffled by cranky, cake loving women and Lysithea is baffled by Felix’s lack of desire for cake. That’s it. The support is about cake. It’s great.

Best line:

Felix: It was satisfying and lightweight. I imagine it would be quite useful as a battlefield provision.

Lysithea: Please refrain from lumping delectable cake into the same category as provisions.

Lysithea/Sylvain (two part)

Rating: Low 4.

In love with this Lysithea-smashing-in-Sylvain’s-face that occurs in this support. It’s an interesting support and explores Sylvain’s relationship with women as well as his tendency to be insincere backfiring. Enjoy this one greatly.

Best line: Ah, so it isn’t my age that’s to blame for you breezing over my wishes. It’s my gender.

Lysithea/Annette (two part)

Rating: Low 3.

They are cute nerds and I like them. It explores their desire to learn, and Lysithea’s sensitivity at being perceived as ‘talented’ rather than hardworking.  It’s not super insightful but it is sweet.

Best line: “I feel excited to continue working super-duper extra hard now. I’m lucky to have someone like you around to inspire me”


Rating: High 2.

It’s kind of like the Linhardt/Lysithea support except more boring. Treads a lot of similar ground and generally in a less interesting way.

Best line: “It’s no trouble. After all, it’s proper etiquette for the young to help the elderly.”

Lysithea/Catherine (two part)

: 2

Boring. It’s about the weather or something?

Best line: no

Lysithea/Cyril (four part)

Rating: 4

This is a very sweet support because it explores a tender, knowledge-nurturing side of Lysithea that doesn’t show up on her other supports, and it’s a good support for Cyril because it humanizes him, and he legitimately has a character arc in the support where he learns to open up and trust someone else. The A+ support is super cute, and I think they are a very sweet ship.

Best line: “Hey, Lysithea! Last night I finished reading the book you lent me. I wanted to tell you right away, but it was late, so I tried to write a letter…”


High 2.

Not that exciting but has some glimmers of Balthus character development.

Best line: no

Three Lysithea supports I wish existed:

Ferdinand. An exploration of the topics alluded to in their paralogue related to his father would be a great addition, especially since Lysithea lives on the borderlands.
Hubert. As I said in the Hubert support, these two have a lot to talk about and are both prickly.
Petra. They are both efficient but go about things in very different ways. Seems like it has potential. Make it an A support IntSys you cowards.
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Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Three Houses and Politics
« Reply #51 on: July 25, 2021, 05:01:20 AM »

Interesting character; she often plays a supporting role in her supports rather than being the driving force. She likes to inquire about the feelings and hopes and dreams of others, rather than expressing her own. She is mild but is able to cut through the bullshit of various people, including Dimitri, Sylvain, and Lorenz.


Rating: Low 3.

It’s a pretty typical Byleth support, giving us information about the character’s motives and the way they tick without really exploring the relationship, but I like this one more than some for two reasons. 1) it has an S support for both genders and 2) the A support has some masterclass flirting and I find it endearing.

Best line: “I’m choosing to live my life how I want, in pursuit of my own happiness. I need you to accept that. I’m in charge of my own destiny. Not you, not anyone else. Just me.”

Mercedes/Dimitri (four part)

Rating: 5

I really like how this support starts out in a pretty lighthearted, humorous way, where Mercie, who forgot about training she needed to do, enlists Dimitri to help her. Mercedes almost kills Dimitri (whoops) but he still resolves to help her because he’s a polite guy who wants to be helpful. Then we get into Dimitri’s non-existent sewing abilities, which are funny on the surface, but the support reveals how frustrated he is with his own deficiencies and inability to be ‘delicate’ (which ties in with his own character arc). Mercedes tries to get him to open up about his family, which he does, and then he gets her to open up a bit too.

They both have this thing in the chain where each of them deflects talking about themselves to the other by trying to change the conversation to the other’s feelings. I think it is very cute.

The A support is maybe one of the single best supports in the game for understanding both characters. It explores Dimitri’s shame and relationship with death, and Mercedes’ ability to rationalize someone’s murderousness using -logic-, obviously derived from her own rationalizing of her brother’s actions. Really good exploration of Azure Moon’s themes, with the discussion of living in the present instead of the past, and Mercedes just wanting Dimitri to forgive himself.

This support is one of the reasons I get so annoyed when people say that Dimitri is ‘magically cured of mental illness’ because it’s so obvious here that he is struggling mightily with self-image and being haunted by his past.

Best line: “Please, I can’t hear any more of this self-deprecation! I just want to be by your side. Is that so much to ask?”


Rating: 5

What an amazing support. Mercedes really is able to get Dedue to open up about Duscur, and not just its death and the discrimination he faces, but its culture and lifestyle. She is sensitive to his feelings and relates to him by talking about sharing her own family’s recipes, when her family is also gone and she uses this to allow him to open up about his feelings I think it’s so sweet and well-handled and they just have such a loving, wonderful dynamic. (Also, Dedue almost asks her on a date but is too shy. Booo!)

I love this because it’s a rare place where we learn about Duscur’s culture and we really break Dedue’s heavily built barriers. He is able to comfortably express himself to someone who is non-judgmental and who legitimately cares for both him and his people. Sob. Wonderful. I cried while reading it again.

Best line: “Duscur is gone, but I’m still here…”


Rating: High 4.

God this support is raw, really cutting to the heart of both characters and their collective mourning over their brothers. Felix is upset about feeling like someone’s brother replacement / traumatized from his own brother’s death, and Mercedes is coping / dealing with her own brother’s mental illness. Very good stuff all around; love this support chain. At first I thought Felix was just being a huge dick but now I understand why he is the way he is, this chain makes a lot of sense and I feel a lot of empathy for both of them as they struggle with their sibling problems. Ugh, good stuff.

Best line: “I’ve already spent years filling in for someone who’s dead. My older brother inspired love and respect—he was a great knight. He died. Since his death, his memory has followed me around like a shadow.”


Rating: 2.

This support is about cooking or baking or something. Too many of the Blue Lions support chains boil down to women being bad at cooking, to be honest!

Best line: no


Rating: 5

Another great Mercedes support with a male Lion. This time, Mercedes and Sylvain resonate with each other very strongly because of their opposition to the Crest-based system that they both navigate as Crest-bearers. Mercedes expresses her sadness, Sylvain expresses his rage.

Sylvain hits on her a few times in this support, but she consistently deflects his bullshit, but in a nice way.

Sylvain: Of course! I think I love you! And I mean that. With all my heart. I love you, Mercedes! Let’s get married and have Crest babies!

Mercedes: Sure, sure.

Sure, sure always makes me laugh; what an amazing way to just tell Sylvain he is full of shit.

The A support is stellar. Sylvain takes off the mask, and we see he true feelings. Mercedes is just relieved that the mask is gone after all of this time, and they bond over their feelings.

Sylvain: Mercedes… Was my sad smile really that bad? Did it ruin my dashing good looks?

Mercedes: Not at all. You actually look more handsome to me with honesty on your face.

Augh, what a great line. I love this support. They are so sweet. They both deserve to live in a world where they feel comfortable about being honest.

Best line: “Don’t be ashamed of crying. I’m here to protect you. Will you protect me in return?”


Rating: 2.

This support is really strange. It feels like it should be a good support, since Mercedes and Annette have such a close bond plotwise and there is a lot of pre-existing bonds, but the support is just kind of a dud. The B has some fake melodrama which feels artificially produced to create some sort of problem, and then the A support ends in an unsatisfying way. I think there’s a reason why this ship isn’t popular, and one of those reasons is because this support is kinda underwhelming, sorry.

(I have heard that this support is better in Japanese. Please don’t DM me about the Japanese version, because I genuinely don’t give a fuck.)

Best line: no

Mercedes/Ingrid (two part)

Rating: 4

One of those supports I definitely curse the game for not having an A support and ending, this could have been an amazing WLW ship but the game robbed us. Regardless, great support, explores the relationship between two women who have been trapped in the patriarchal, Crest-obsessed culture and are both coping with it in their own way; Mercedes is more traditional and feminine, whereas Ingrid is more drawn to knighthood, but both share the commonality of being tired of being used for their lineage.

Best line: “I’m not a tool for furthering my family’s fortunes. I’m a knight at heart. Regardless of what my father desires.”

Mercedes/Ferdinand (four part)

Rating: High 3

I would qualify this as one of the modestly funny supports in the game; it has Mercedes falling asleep as Ferdinand talks, and then Ferdinand trying his best to do the right thing but not really thinking very hard about it. It’s sweet and Ferdinand is such a cutiepie. Very romantic ending.

Best line: “Of course I do. Let me try that again in a way you might understand. Ahem. A true noble cuts their own path, seizing freedom from the clutches of tyranny!”


Rating: Lowish 4

Okay so the first time I watched this support it made me laugh pretty hard because Mercedes, who is usually so nice and sweet, just really slits his throat in this support. “You can’t even see us of lower birth?” Holy shiiit. And then in the A “Your lack of tact is probably what women find irresistible about you” She really calls out his unfortunate value system in a frank and blunt way. Actually, that’s one of the things I like about her.

With that being said, I think that the support shows a pretty human and understandable side of Lorenz as well; he just wants to fulfill his perceived duty to his family, even at the cost of his own personal happiness, and Mercedes convinces him that perhaps that is not the only way. I think it’s very heartwarming, ultimately.

Best line: “I find myself growing irritated just looking at you.”


Rating: Low 3.

Sweet support that develops a cute relationship between Mercedes and Ignatz. Nothing too groundbreaking but it’s heartwarming. Definitely looked this up to remember it!

Best line: “You’re making this out to be much bigger than it is. I mostly just don’t pay attention. Being like me is more trouble than it’s worth.”


Rating: 2

Honestly not much going on here. Hilda is manipulative, Mercedes is nice. Treads mostly already tread ground for both characters, and it is trod better in other supports.

Best line: no


Rating: Lowish 4.

Interesting support. On the surface it seems silly, since it’s about ghost stories, but there are some things about both characters that are pretty cool that are revealed here! Alois, like many of the other characters in the cast, has to grapple with mortality, death, and killing as part of his job. I would be interested to learn more about Faerghus’s culture with respect to the dead haunting people because it is a bit of a recurring theme, both literally and metaphorically.

Mercedes, on the other hand, can just dispense scary stories with a straight face. I have always interpreted her blasé stance on death as part of her backstory and the fact that she’s had to reconcile with her brother being a serial killer and her family being so fucked up, but that might just be me reading more than is there. Regardless, I really like this one!

Best line: “As a knight myself, I slew countless foes. I shudder at the memory of my own deeds. The corpses I made, heaped in a pile, would be like a mountain. I suppose that’s why I’m so frightened of ghosts. What if they appear before me, seeking revenge?”

Mercedes/Cyril (two part)

Rating: High 2.

It’s kinda sweet and shows you Mercedes’ motherly side and shows a friendlier side of Cyril, but it’s not too groundbreaking. I definitely had to look this up to remember it.

Best line: nah


Rating: 4

This support is vital in understanding both of these characters and chalk full of meaningful and impactful conversations about their past, as well as serving as a wrap-up to both of their characters with respect to their relationship with each other.

Best line: “You saw it yourself. The demon that lives within bears his fangs indiscriminately. You… know all of this, and still you wish for me to remain?”


Rating: Low 3

It’s fine. I like their familiar familiarity and Mercedes’ sisterly love for Constance. Some backstory stuff for Constance, some exploration of their relationship with each other in the backstory. Never gonna be a big fan of Constance supports though.

Best line: “Our names shall ring out across Fódlan, earning us the titles we rightly deserve!”

Three supports Mercedes should have had:

Edelgard. If someone does not support Edelgard, they should. Simple. I could see either a discussion about the Empire/her brother or some philosophical discussions about the role of religion and church in society, a variant on the Manuela one.
Flayn. They both are free-spirited and a little bit odd, so I think they would get along well.
Manuela. Discussion of how being treated as a piece of meat has affected them both in different ways. Could be with Dorothea as well but I think Manuela deserves good supports.
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