Author Topic: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)  (Read 424873 times)

metroid composite

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #225 on: January 20, 2009, 07:45:44 PM »
Moogle           110 JP, 8 MP, 12 mult, 2 ctr
Useful because it's healing in summon magic, and a low MP spell in summon magic.

* [Shiva], [Ramuh], and [Ifrit] 7 CT, 24 MP, 24 mult, 240 JP
Still good because they don't cost a lot of JP, and are fire/ice/lightning so are boostable in the earlygame, and are the cheapest damage MP wise.

Originally it was arguably worth learning all three of them just for hitting weaknesses and because they were so damn good and so damn cheap.  Probably still worth considering.

* [Titan] 8 ctr, 30 MP, 28 mult, 280 JP
Titan's always had a bit of a problem because it's not Fire/Ice/Lightning so doesn't get boosted in the early chapters.  It is, however, good when you start hitting enemies with white robes--my solo game learned Ramuh and Titan, for instance, to get around white robes.

Golem 3ctr, 40 MP, 500 JP, ridiculous accuracy
Obviously a solid ability.  I do wish it worked on monster attacks at all, though :(

  ... Carbunkle: 150 JP, 4 ctr, 30 MP
This is one of those abilities I argued "no, don't make it really good, because then Time Mages cry about Reflect sucking."  As-is it definitely has a niche (multitarget reflect) and is a fine ability just for the fact that it's in Summon Magic.

... Bahamut: 1200 JP, 10 ctr, 60 MP, 46 mult
With Short charge it's the exact same speed as all the big summons, except with more damage.  On the one hand, Meteor costs the same JP now and deals more damage.  On the other hand, Meteor's not in Summon Magic, and 7ctr Short-charged is significantly slower than 5 ctr short-charged.

... Odin: 900 JP, 9 ctr, 50 MP, 40 mult
Has middle-child syndrome in a lot of ways.  Costs more JP and MP than Leviathan (not a lot more, but enough to make me pick up Lev instead).  Doesn't deal as much damage as Bahamut.  Can't be strengthened like Leviathan.

At the same time, on-paper it's fine.  If you don't plan to 108 gems then it just looks a lot better than Leviathan on the whole (more MP efficient, even).

... Leviathan: 850 JP, 9ctr, 48 MP, 38 mult, water elemental
Yeah, definitely fine.

  ... Salamander: 480 JP, 9ctr, 48 MP, 38 mult, crappy area
Still waiting to hear someone complain about how good Salamander is earlygame, although I guess the MP cost keeps it in-check.

  ... Silf: 150 JP, 5 ctr, 26 MP
See Carbunkle for the most part--this is in Summon magic and we don't want to make Silence Song look bad the same way we don't want to make Reflect look bad.

The difference here, though, is...Silence Song was already multitarget (unlike Reflect), so Silf doesn't stand on its own nearly as well as Carbunkle does ( an "I'm learning Summon Magic because it has everything" ability, Silf might take priority over Carbunkle because it deals with a lot more stuff, and Silence never wears off).  So...okay, on the whole it seems fine.

... Fairy: 400 JP, 28 MP, 4ctr, 24 mult
This heals more than Cure 2 at the same speed with more area...but also costs boatloads of MP (more than Cure 4).  Seems fine.

... Lich: 600 JP, 40 MP, 160 hit, 9 ctr
Unchanged.  Still a good ability, but not one you'll spam all the time.  Probable use against Knights (though I haven't seen a summoner in action).

  ... Cyclops: 800 JP, 50 mult, 62 MP, 9 ctr, crappy area
The assassination spell in Summon.  Salamander deals nearly as much damage earlygame (but this changes when the Wizard Rod shows up), but regardless this is consistently "most damage from Summon".  On the one hand, it doesn't look great at 800 JP sitting next to 850 Leviathan.  On the other hand, as far as assassination spells go, now Holy is 900, Flare is 900 (or 800 post next update apparently), Cyclops is 800, so it's really par-for-the-course.

  ... MP Restore: 200 JP
Eh, probably a decent spillover reaction for a mage that's not going summoner.

  ... Half of MP: 300 JP
Will probably see use at 300 JP; notably a lot of the summons like Golem, Fairy, and Carbunkle could really use Half of MP.  Outside of Summon, though, lots of non-summons have come down in MP, so...okay yes you'll use it if you get it through spillover JP, but probably not much more than that (well...good for Holy spam in non-assassination fights, I guess).

... Fly: 400 JP
If you're going Summoner, you probably want to save your JP for summons rather than this.  It's definitely a potential spillover ability, though, especially for fighters who have no interest in the MP abilities.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 07:50:04 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #226 on: January 23, 2009, 09:26:42 PM »

Well, I've recently gone over the cost of Move+2 (up to 750).  The Steal (equipment) abilities are only designed for getting loot, and not at all for combat, so I don't really have to comment on how much they suck in combat (and they get a lot more stuff now thanks to the Beowulf sidequest and all its enemies who can't be invited, so that helps them more than anything else).

Steal Heart: 200 JP
On the one hand, I can see why the JP cost was increased; it is the best regular combat ability in steal by miles.  On the other hand, personally I'd keep the JP cost low so as to encourage people to actually learn the ability instead of just save up for Move+2.  (Of course, Move+2 has gone up in price too, so Steal Heart is still about 1/4 the cost of Move+2).

Caution: 100 JP
Kinda surprised we haven't picked this one up randomly.  I guess it is like a really bad earlygame Abandon, and Abandon is already mediocre in the earlygame.

Gilgame Heart: 30 JP

  ... Catch: 100 JP
Another one I'm surprised we haven't picked up randomly.  It's fine on paper and people do use it rarely in regular FFT...

Secret Hunt      200 JP
The ability is down somewhat in value because Thieves have it innate.  Still, kinda hard to make this ability outright bad since it does have such a clear niche.

...Yeah, Thief abilities.  The more relevant changes are the innates and speed growth, which have already been covered.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 09:28:30 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #227 on: January 24, 2009, 09:27:48 PM »
Just wondering... Are these changes made for the PSP remake, or the PSX original?

I'd love to give this a go but I don't have a PSP, So I figured I'd ask before I download it.


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #228 on: January 24, 2009, 09:30:47 PM »
PSX version.
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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #229 on: January 25, 2009, 04:42:43 PM »
Okay, few things we've been catching on this playthrough:

You can't stack Move MP Up and Move HP Up (seemed like it should be possible with innates, but no).  On the one hand, this is slightly unprofessional.  On the other hand, I'm not sure it's enough for us to remove the innates, since they add a lot to the game.

Poison (the Wizard spell) is good.  This whole dropping it to 1 MP thing was a bit excessive.  Probably going back up to something reasonable like 4.  (Side note: we've also been testing Fire/Ice/Bolt at 12 mult, 3ctr, and Bolt2 at 4ctr; a nerf to the chapter 1 performance of Fire/Ice/Bolt and incentive to spend more JP in Wizard; seems to be performing decently so far).

Laggy's modifications of Mindflayers seemed to have them without Mind Blast, and therefore worse than the lower level versions.  Fixed now.

We've lost twice so far; once on Zaland Fort City where Mustadio died largely because we forgot to set two of our skillsets.  Oh, we also managed to lose against a random (two red bombs and one black goblin...probably the most innocuous-looking random we faced all night).
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 04:50:34 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #230 on: January 26, 2009, 04:00:43 PM »
Some more thoughts....

Silf change: not sure if this was mentioned, but Silf was turned into an attack spell given stats equal to Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit, and made wind-elemental.  The argument being that on-paper this is a nerf to summon magic (drop in versatility).  In practice the change makes me a lot more excited about the spell, regardless of the effect on the entire skillset (yay, wind damage).

...On the other hand, it does highlight that Wind isn't a terribly developed element.  It interacts with four things in the entire game: 108 gems (strengthens), and three monster types (one weak to it, two that half it).  Even Water interacts with more stuff than that (Flame Shield weakness).  Makes me wonder if we could stick a wind-interaction on...some piece of equipment.

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #231 on: January 26, 2009, 09:49:16 PM »
Thoughts on other changes:

We were caught off guard noticing that we didn't have any movement abilities for a really long time.  Zero characters got Move+1 (two chose Equip Shield, two chose Weapon Guard, and the final character didn't have enough Knight spillover for anything).  That said, a similar thing happened the first time we played with innate gained-JP-Up: nobody picked up a support ability for the first several chapters.  Old habits die hard, etc.

Actually had a couple of people pick up Fly from Summoner, on the other hand.  I'm not sure if I'm really worried about spillover balance, though as it was a weird party for spillover--someone who had never been on the mage side of the job tree had Bard unlocked through spillover (and note that we were experimenting with raised Bard unlock requirements--JL3 in Mediator and Summoner).

Got some Calculator class use in.  Teleport2 + Non-Charge is...entertaining.  I doubt it's actually remotely powerful at those stats, since it was often so-so damage followed by horrible death far away from the party reviver, but then again it's not like I was doing non-charge Meteor or non-charge Death (just non-charge Titan), so there's stronger calc-class setups.

Stuff that's happening with the spell Quick--removed it being countermagicable (although flagged every other spell in the game as counter-magic able; we still have to test if that works), and then buffed it in other ways.  To answer Laggy's questions: yes it probably does need the buff if you want anyone using it without extensive setup: without any faith modification the hit rate on Quick is going to be 70%; while trading your turn for an ally's turn is sometimes good, trading your turn for the 2/3 chance of an ally's turn is pretty bad.  (This cost was kinda hidden in our playthrough because we had everyone's faith raised; 10 extra faith makes about a 20% difference to spell accuracy).  As for MP your turn for an ally's turn can be pretty sexy; trading your turn AND one of your Ramuh castings for one ally turn is...kinda crap.  (Now, late in the game when your attack spell of choice is 48 MP - 70 MP instead of 24 MP, and you have 100 MP - 150 MP total, sure, you can spare 24 MP.  24 MP really pigeonholes Quick as a lategame ability, though).  Unrelated tangental note: one casting of Haste on average provides more bonus turns than one casting of Quick; Quick just provides more strategic control and can be cast on already-hasted units.

Math Skill: honestly, the MVP in the party was clearly the Summoner not the Mathskiller.  On the other hand, it's not like we had all the strongest tools from Math Skill--not enough JP for CT, Reraise, Magic Attack Up, or Pray Faith, though we did do some playing with Don't Move, Demi, Silence Song, Cure 2, and Confusion (none of which felt broken, though infinite range Demi versus Knights was nice).  This does bring up an interesting point, though--Math Skill takes ages to get going now; granted maybe I just don't know the right order in which to learn abilities anymore.  Feels like for the effort you put in, you probably should get a skillset that doesn't feel outshone by Summon; on the other hand...still only seen about half the skillset's hypothetical power, and Summon runs into charge time hitches in lategame/aftergame.

This does, however, re-inforce the design of non-charge being ridiculously expensive.  If Summon is arguably the best overall setup and Math Skill is more quirky, that's acceptable, just...really means that non-Charge should not be easy access.

Not sure if the Bahamut change was mentioned--Laggy noticed that he can do spell areas larger than 4v3.  Wanted to try this so made Bahamut 5v4, and accordingly upped it to 80 MP and 1500 JP.  Balance-wise...Laggy seems more worried that it's possibly overpowered; I'm more worried about it being possibly underpowered (due to the MP, notably).  Only had it in about two battles so far.  More testing is needed, of course, but it probably actually falls under "worth getting for the extra toolbox, but not your main attack spell", which is fine.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 09:57:51 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #232 on: February 17, 2009, 06:50:41 AM »
Back from a 3-day marathon at Laggy's place (during which we went from...early Chapter 4 to late Chapter 4; weird that).

Evaluation of Math Skills:

* [Math Skill] now has the following spells (and only these) available:
  White Magic    ... Cure, Cure 2,
Used rarely.  We have lots of 80 faith people, which means this healing 300 HP without the Pray Faith status...did happen (which is damn good healing).

Trashes certain zodiacs (Zalera, Queklain, and Hashy I guess) just because all enemies are immune to reraise.  Has some arguments for being the best overall revival in the game, the same time I've set white magic on an LFT Mathskiller just so that we would have normal revival if someone died unexpectedly...and always had someone with regular revival in the party either way.

Regen, Protect, Shell, Wall,
Trashy as mathskills; were used in precisely one fight (Elibdibs to help learn Zodiac).  The main issue is that the most defensive mathskills tend to be "status the enemy".  If there was, say, a deep dungeon fight with lots of 3-faith enemies I might care about these (hint hint).

Good, if for no other reason than there's a tendency to status your own party....

  Black Magic    ... Fire, Ice, Bolt,
Was averaging...150 damage by the end of the deep dungeon against average faith?  (312 if you faith both sides).  (This after the multiplier nerf, mind).  Yeah, we've been over this one before: it's a lot of damage for an infinite range area move that your party can absorb.  But...getting no abilities from Black Magic would be silly.  Having no abilities based on MA would be silly (because then the only stat you care about is speed, so all mathskillers go Ninja, which is meh).  Granted, there's still Cure 2 (which can be combined with Zombie for damage...and then you can block Zombie on your own party with 108 gems so you get the same heal&damage effect so...yeah).

Tried to make it work; in theory it has uses over demi, sometimes.  In practice, enemies kept freaking healing it.

  Time Magic     ... Haste,
Definitely used, although we have actual Time Mages, so they typically handled it.

Obviously pretty good debilitation status.  Probably should have used it more in retrospect (CT5Slow followed by the Time Mage using Haste2 on us sounds like a good combo).  Though it certainly saw a bit of use.

Don't Move,
Used occasionally, though not really abused to its full potential; we don't particularly have the party for it (no Dancer or anything like that).

Float, Reflect,
Were never used.  Funny, I've definitely used CT5Reflect in regular FFT.  (Well...Satan FFT; it has it's own rules).

The best damage when MA is low; used a fair bit as a Calc.  Also often a good way to damage your own party members without killing them (since we tended to have much higher faith and much lower HP than the enemies).

Yin-Yang Magic ... Blind,
Learned it; don't think I ever used it, though.  Although...if this party had any real evade then it would become the Black Chocobo counter that I couldn't find in the mathskill skillset.

Pray Faith,
Used nearly every fight--we basically had a party built around abusing it, though (three mages and an elemental gun user).  Again I'm thinking back to Don't Move, and if it's not a problem then Pray Faith probably isn't either (also a build-around move).

Doubt Faith,
Used very rarely; enemies are usually better silenced or berserked; I believe I have used it defencively when someone walked into Meteor range.

Not sure I ever used it.

Silence Song,
Situational; fairly easy to cure thanks to cheap Echo Grass; blocked fairly often due to Golden Hairpin throughout most of Chapter 4.  No effect on most enemies.  Still useful when it works.

Blind Rage,
This is the surprise one that I wasn't expecting to be good, and I didn't even think of it all that often until after I got back, but I'm now thinking is one of the stronger abilities in the skillset.  Enemy have a nasty skillset?  Disable it.  Examples include...
Jump w/ high level jumps
Elemental w/ Carve Model
Punch Art w/ Earth Slash
Item w/ Phoenix Down or status curing
Draw Out w/ Kikuichimoji
Math Skill w/ almost anything (hey, we saw it in three battles)
Choco Meteor
Triple Thunder
M-Barrier and Lifebreak (yeah, that guy).

It's also unusually hard to heal (Item can't do it; Choco Esuna can't do it) and almost never blocked (the only equipment that does is Magic Ring...which incidentally also blocks Silence anyway).  Has the added bonus of disabling reaction abilities (along with Confusion Song...though doesn't wear off after the first hit like Confusion Song does).

(Side note: Berserk for disabling reactions strikes me as probably relevant against Behemoths, which have Damage Split, take several attacks to go down, and have a physical that OHKOs you even without Berserk plus some monster skills you'd rather never see).

Now, granted, I'm not that worried about it being overpowered.  The two most common enemies are Knights and Archers, which just happen to be two units you really don't want to Berserk.
Confusion Song,
The all-around disabling status, more or less.  ( can compete with Slow).  Cancels all charged enemy abilities. always good to use on an enemy, though not always the best. doesn't hurt too much when used on an ally.  Disables all enemy evade and reaction abilities.

Dispel Magic
Used rarely; primarily for wiping out Reraise on enemies...although almost anytime you come across an enemy with Reraise you probably should take the time to Dispel Magic them, as I discovered.  As for other positive statuses, Haste is better-countered with Slow, and Shell/Protect...if you're using a turn to help kill an enemy, getting rid of shell/protect is probably not as valueable as Demiing the enemy/Pray Faithing the enemy, or in some cases Don't Moveing/Confusing the enemy.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 07:04:44 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #233 on: February 17, 2009, 08:07:39 AM »
Interesting.  Is the turns shutting down multiple enemies turns with poison curing not worth the turn you spend to do it though or is that just too impractical to really do?  (Sure there is possible better things to do for that, but Poison is very cheap now is it not?)  Berserk being that noteworthy is interesting change in the game's usual dynamic as well.

Wouldn't want to use to many 3 faith enemies in DD though, some is probably good, but you don't want it to end up being a crutch...
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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #234 on: February 17, 2009, 09:00:28 PM »
Blind rage pretty much makes everything in the game Blade grasp's bitch, doesn't it?
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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #235 on: February 17, 2009, 09:49:44 PM »
Interesting.  Is the turns shutting down multiple enemies turns with poison curing not worth the turn you spend to do it though or is that just too impractical to really do?
Poison and Demi are both gravity moves--Demi kills 25% HP right now, Poison kills 12.5% HP every time an enemy gets a turn.  The ideal time to use Poison, then, is when you think the enemy might live three more turns (usually an enemy a long distance from your party).  Typically an enemy a long distance from your party will spend their turn walking towards you and doing nothing, so the only real change is that they walk towards you and use Antidote.

Wouldn't want to use to many 3 faith enemies in DD though, some is probably good, but you don't want it to end up being a crutch...
Well, sure; same way you probably want some remixes of zodiac fights in the DD but not too many since you still want people to be able to find DD exits, and keeping a zodiac alive while you search for the exit is obnoxious (Speed Break works...but that's about it; also, Speed Break was nerfed from earlier LFT versions.  In fact...just about everything that modifies speed was nerfed compared to earlier LFT versions).

Oh yeah, guess I should cover non-calc stuff.

Bahamut: Definitely used it; more area = kill more stuff.  At the same time, 80 MP is enough that I probably still used Leviathan more.

Laggy was objecting that none of our parties had ever lost to him or even come close.  I countered saying "he's one of the harder fights in original FFT, I thought the idea was just to fix fights that used to be pathetic."  This dialogue continued for a few weeks until I managed to get Laggy to say "Yeah, but I want Zodiacs to be among the harder fights".  Oh, okay.  After a lot of ideas that we realized were really bad ideas...we stumbled upon an initial status that...seems to work fairly well.  (Note for certain SCCs: the status wears off on clocktick 32; you might want to set up your timing around that).

Original FFT version: could very easily die before getting a turn--it's like the Velius issue except instead of Ramza getting a free hit, the entire party does.
Old LFT version: was the original FFT version with double the HP and always: Poison.  Frankly an easier battle.  Two people with Phoenix Down standing on different heights ruined him.
New LFT version: Radically changed fight.  The closest analog I can think of is FFX's Yunalesca.  I'm satisfied that the Chemist SCC can beat him, although it took a fair bit of creativity during testing and a few failed attempts.  (And contrary to normal FFT rules, Chemists may well be the single weakest SCC in this fight).
Blind rage pretty much makes everything in the game Blade grasp's bitch, doesn't it?
Not Thieves/Ninjas.  Not Bombs (death cancels Berserk, and then they reraise and explode).  Not...basically any boss since I believe all bosses immune Berserk through FFT's boss flag.  Otherwise, yes.

Though yes I did think of this combo and mention it to Laggy.  The BG+Berserk combo does involve getting Blade Grasp on your entire party, and probably wearing Magic Ring on everyone to block Berserk yourself (since if you berserk yourself that disables Blade Grasp).  Oh, and you may also want to raise your brave unless you're not worried about a 35% chance to get hit by a Berserked Knight.  On the whole, it's a full-party strategy that takes lots of effort (kinda like the Quickening--something else Laggy hasn't disabled--also kinda like mathskilled Don't Move + Dance).  So...I'm not that worried about it right now, though it's something I'm keeping my eye on, yes.  (If people start complaining that it's too easy to set up and too obvious a combo, then sure; I'm not expecting a lot of such complaints, though).
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 01:06:43 AM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #236 on: February 18, 2009, 01:56:25 AM »
What about Berserk + Golem? Though I guess Golem gets cut through pretty quickly. Still, takes way less investment as a strategy.

EDIT: Note that you can actually Golem monsters once they're Berserked. Hamedo, too, IIRC? Since the status gives them what they don't normally technically have, a basic physical.

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #237 on: February 18, 2009, 07:47:04 AM »
... I wish I knew that sooner.  Iiiiinteresting.
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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #238 on: February 18, 2009, 08:44:47 AM »
EDIT: Note that you can actually Golem monsters once they're Berserked. Hamedo, too, IIRC? Since the status gives them what they don't normally technically have, a basic physical.
Ooh, neat.

Talking with Laggy, there doesn't seem to be that much concern about Golem+Berserk, though.  Looking at two scenarios...

If you're facing a bunch of enemies who deal 50 damage, you could just as well use Cure 4 or something (causes about the same gain in HP, and costs less MP too).

If you're facing a bunch of enemies who deal 500 damage, you could just as well use Raise 2 or something (also saves one person's life, and costs less MP too).  Granted, Golem's a bit better in some ways as you don't lose one turn of the person you're saving.

So...on the whole Berserk makes Golem good, but "create a 200 HP shield" is still somewhat reasonable as an effect on a defencive spell.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 08:47:22 AM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #239 on: February 19, 2009, 01:31:35 AM »
Yeah, you're right. Berserk + Golem just brought back memories of FF5, where Golem blocks more things and has about triple the HP. <_<

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #240 on: February 20, 2009, 01:59:46 AM »
Calculator has some cool theorical use with teleport 2. Definitely going to give that a try when I replay LFT.
Not Thieves/Ninjas.  Not Bombs (death cancels Berserk, and then they reraise and explode).  Not...basically any boss since I believe all bosses immune Berserk through FFT's boss flag.  Otherwise, yes.

You don't even need BG to make that setup scary, a Knight with Arrow Guard and protect is pretty close to unkillable in that seutp. Enemies attack the closest target, so walling them with one unit as bait would be extremely trivial.
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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #241 on: February 20, 2009, 02:38:56 AM »
I thought Berserk characters do go for higher damage / kills, just like anyone else. Now, they'll only attack someone in their range, of course (so there's some abuse to be had there), but it's hardly perfect.

Confuse is the one which throws all previous targetting mechanisms out the window.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #242 on: February 20, 2009, 03:10:06 AM »
Not many ranged basic physicals in plot battles. Just arrows? Only a couple of gunners (Goland and Grog, Balk). Archers are good, but not if they're the only threat on the map.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #243 on: February 20, 2009, 10:40:25 AM »
It is still a pretty wide party setup for it (Knight + calculator isn't enough, you need the rest of the party to be built to allow the enemy AI to be played with as well).  This isn't a big difference than anything else.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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metroid composite

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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #244 on: February 20, 2009, 05:58:46 PM »
Not many ranged basic physicals in plot battles. Just arrows? Only a couple of gunners (Goland and Grog, Balk). Archers are good, but not if they're the only threat on the map.
Err...plot battles really aren't the concern--nevermind just Balk: every single boss in the game and every single Colliery enemy is immune to Berserk thanks to the boss flag (EDIT: well...okay, Laggy may have removed the boss flag from Zalmo out of principle.  I can't remember).  For that matter, human enemies often have mantles and/or shields, which means no matter how high the faith on your mathskiller, you can still miss Berserk.

The concern is more what this does to randoms and Deep Dungeon fights...although I guess randoms aren't supposed to be hard, and the DD is about to get a whole bunch of bosses....
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 06:51:01 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #245 on: March 10, 2009, 12:18:46 AM »
Yes, this thing is still alive.

Edited in the latest changes and a foreword (it seemed empty up there and I might be linking to this thread in other communities, so an explanation of the mod seemed reasonable to have). I also removed the megaupload link amidst reports that, sometime between then and now, the site has become a potential virus risk.

I'll upload the Deep Dungeon mix of LFT when it's done (sometime this month; been chipping slowly at it) probably on Rapidshare or another similar site, and that'll be that.

Yes, I am still taking DD ideas. Y'all said you'd have some and most of y'all backed out ;_;
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #246 on: March 10, 2009, 01:46:47 AM »
Permission to think up more stupid ideas, then?


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #247 on: March 10, 2009, 01:53:14 AM »
Yes, although

1) No zodiac-flag bosses, I have enough of those, and
2) No Excaliburs, because I've yet to get a design that doesn't use one. >_>
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #248 on: March 10, 2009, 12:33:16 PM »
Do you need full setups or do you just require ideas?
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: FFT Changes (complete! LFT available for download!)
« Reply #249 on: March 10, 2009, 12:56:30 PM »
I hate this game, and don't understand the mechanics or what you can do with it (nor do I really have a desire to learn it!  It makes my brain melt).

Nonetheless, I might have ideas:

Can you do level 99 dancers with all their best equipment?  Sexy dancer battle sounds fun!

11 female dancers, all Zodiacs except Capricorn.  Brave and Faith can be randomized.  All should be equipped with Ryozan Silks, Zorlin Shapes, and Thief Hats.  Now for the fun part - listed as accessory, then secondary, reaction, support, movement.  I will note each one individually.

JLV8 Thief - Sprint Boots - Steal - Blade Grasp - Magic Defend Up - Move+2
JLV8 Knight - Bracer - Battle Skill - Hamedo - Attack Up - Move+1
JLV8 Oracle - Reflect Ring - Ying Yang - Auto-Potion - Defense Up - Fly
JLV8 Time Mage - Diamond Armlet - Time Magic - Regenerator - Half MP
JLV8 Ninja - Feather Mantle - Throw - Abandon - Train - Float
JLV8 Samurai - Chantage - Blade Arts - Critical Quick - Two Hands - Move+3
JLV8 Chemist - Setiemson - Item - Auto-Potion - Two Swords (+another knife that causes a status...whatever it's called) - Teleport
JLV8 Wizard - Wizard Mantle - Black Magic - Damage Split - Magic Attack Up - Move MP Up
JLV8 Summoner - Vanish Mantle - Summon Magic - Short Charge - Teleport
JLV8 Priest - Cursed Ring - White Magic - Dragon Spirit - Maintenance - Teleport
JLV8 Archer - Feather Boots - Charge - HP Restore - Attack Save - Move HP Up

Let me know if this works
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory