
Author Topic: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)  (Read 12452 times)


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2016, 07:42:04 AM »
"I come seeking the annihilation of the unbeings defiling Creation with every step. I expect little hospitality," Akeha snorts.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2016, 01:03:01 AM »
<AndrewRogue> I believe you were last beckoning some some guards?
<Soppy-WanderlustingForInes> Yep.
<Soppy-WanderlustingForInes> BLOW THAT WHISTLE
<AndrewRogue> It is done. The shrill sound echoes in the foggy night.
<AndrewRogue> Silence fills the air after. The guard shuffles nervously.
* Soppy-WanderlustingForInes is now known as Vol
* Vol also waits, a bit impatient
<AndrewRogue> After a few moments, boots echo in the mist and a pair of armed guards arrive, hands ready to draw their weapons. "
<AndrewRogue> The guard with you holds up a hand. "Ho. Slow reaction from the pair of you."
<AndrewRogue> The taller of the two frowns and looks to say something, but holds his tongue when he finally notices Vol. They both bow. "Apologies."
<Vol> "In this fog, it's to be expected." Vol brushes off his previous impatience. "We interrupted an incident in progress. Please, the two of you, one each fetch Hana and Aiko. If either are not in their chambers, please return here immediately."
<AndrewRogue> The two look uncomfortably at Vol, but bow. "Yes, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Whoosh.
<Vol> Vol nods gratefully to them, watching them go and awaiting any more guards.
<AndrewRogue> The mist wraps around your legs. The guard shifts again. "I'm not sure anyone else heard."
<AndrewRogue> "Or perhaps the mist beast caught them and killed them, and now it waits to claim our heads."
<AndrewRogue> He makes a hand gesture that would be universally understood as ~woo
<Vol> Vol notices the mist, stepping out of it and motioning for the guard to do the same.
<Vol> "Ha. Given the amount of activity on the river, let's not be making light of such things. It's already claimed your liege's full attention."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> He will move as directed.
<AndrewRogue> Time shall pass in the quiet, misty evening. Night birds call. Animals rustle in the brush. Perhaps even a fish splashing in the nearby river.
<AndrewRogue> But nothing of particular interest will happen until the guards return with Aiko and Hana in tow.
<AndrewRogue> Neither looks particularly happy.
<AndrewRogue> Not angry per se. Just, you know. It's late.
<AndrewRogue> One is old and just generally doesn't like you.
<Vol> Vol will curiously keep his eye on the mist, looking up as Hana and Aiko approach. "We've had developments. Caught in the act, as it were, but disappeared."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko offers you an icy glare. "Excellent work on the capture. You tracked the goods here?"
<AndrewRogue> Your companion guard offers aresounding silence.
<Vol> "In a sense. There's... unusual information to process. How we proceed from here, needs to be decided sooner than later." he'll relate to them the circumstances of catching the act, the mist being and its behavior, demands. "So the conundrum is thus. Is this a summoned being, at the beck and call of someone in town, or a genuine spirit demanding tribute?"
<AndrewRogue> "Even the lowliest god would not deign to steal in the way you've described." Aiko scoffs.
<AndrewRogue> "It does seem to be strange behavior..." Hana admits thoughtfully, looking at the items "stolen."
<Vol> "So I would expect. I had hoped that going along with it would allow us to catch them off-guard. I had set this man here to watch and see if anyone approached to claim the items. Perhaps I should have told him to hide." he visible chastises himself. "Regardless, this is a development."
<AndrewRogue> "Of sorts." Aiko will admit. "You should have ordered the thing struck down. No mortal nor god should steal from our land."
<AndrewRogue> Hana shakes her head. "Patience should be the watchword for strange situations. We could risk losing much."
<AndrewRogue> "Like more of our property and the property of those who have entrusted their goods to us?"
<Vol> "In that last part I am in agreement, Aiko." he notes, sighing. "How does one fight fog though, I wonder? It seemed to me controlled by some outside force. Very deliberate and mechanical in its movements."
<AndrewRogue> "If the mist truly is such, then it posed no threat. If it could cut, then it can be cut back."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko speaks, sure of herself.
<Vol> "I suppose you would have already said, but I'll ask anyway. Do either of you know of anyone who would be capable of summoning such a thing? Or someone who would have the knowledge to share in what to look for?"
<AndrewRogue> Both shake their head.
<AndrewRogue> In the mist, there is the sound of footsteps
<Vol> He sighs, then laughs gently. "How does one even begin investigating something like this." he wonders idly, turning to the sound of footsteps
<AndrewRogue> The guards all turn, hands on weapons.
<AndrewRogue> "Uh... hellow?" a young man's voice calls out as he steps partly out of the fog. He looks right shocked to see a whole group of people, particularly armed ones.
<Vol> "Yes?" Vol asks curiously.
<AndrewRogue> Aiko makes a discreet gesture and one of the guards shifts.
<AndrewRogue> (Matching him in Riverspeak, I assume)
<Vol> Yep
<AndrewRogue> "Were you all also sent to help?"
<Vol> "Help with what, young man?"
<AndrewRogue> He looks nervously at all the people with weapons on hip or on hand and takes a cautious step back. "You know, never you mind and all. If you don't know, probably not here for me and all."
<Vol> "Please do share. We mean no harm, but with the events of the past few nights, it is curious to see someone out so late. Speak truth, and we will let you go."
<AndrewRogue> (You should probably Presence + Charisma that to persuade him. Stunt 1)
<Vol> roll 9#d10
<AndrewRogue> (Oh. Traitor lack of bot)
* Luna has joined #DLExalted
<AndrewRogue> (Oh. Australian savior)
<Vol> .ex 9
<Luna> Vol: 9: [1: 1, 2: 2, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 2, 9: 2]  - 5 Successes
<AndrewRogue> He hems and haws for a moment. "Guess you're all too fancy looking to be brigands. Here to receive the blessings of San and take 'em back."
<AndrewRogue> The guards have edged a bit closer to the man and are just waiting from one command from an important person.
<Vol> "The blessings of San?" he asks curiously. "What is that?"
<AndrewRogue> "Just some food and stuff for all the folks back in across the river."
<Vol> "So someone or thing has just been leaving things here for you to take back across the river? And you didn't see to question why or what it was?"
<AndrewRogue> "Uh...? I know who it was. It's Lady San's work. Look, why're you all out here anyway? You do know it ain't right to take things that don't belong to you, right? So I hope you haven't been pillaging the shrine she's claimed."
<Vol> He lists off a few of the things that were taken last night. "Did you recieve any of this from Lady San last night?"
<Vol> Strike
<Vol> "And what did you recieve from Lady San last night, if you don't mind me asking?"
<AndrewRogue> He raises his voice a bit. Not in anger or anything, but like he's talking to someone hard of hearing. "Just some food and stuff."
<Vol> "I apologize. What EXACTLY did you recieve?"
<AndrewRogue> He shrugs. "Dunno. Some rice and rish and stuff?" He's starting to get a bit edgy again, and Aiko looks like she's just about had enough of the way you're handling the questions.
<Vol> He sighs, noticing Aiko's unease and motioning for the guards to take the man.
<Vol> "Take this man into custody. We'll let Aiko's crew question him, but it's obvious he knows something."
<AndrewRogue> "Hey! Hey! What the hells do you think you're doing?"
<AndrewRogue> The man struggles as the cleverly moved guards, but Lee paid some points for her followers, so it isn't a big deal for them
<AndrewRogue> The fog deepens perceptibly.
<Vol> "Well. Strange and stranger..." he goes back to Hana and Aiko.
<AndrewRogue> Probably the right call. As the man struggles and the guards make to move him, figures appear in the mist around you. Maybe a half-dozen or so.
<AndrewRogue> You will recognize them more or less instantly as the same figure you caught in the warehouse.
<Vol> "What in the...?" he starts. "Oh great, there's five more of them this time."
<AndrewRogue> "Ah! Lady San, you've come to help me!" the man exclaims.
<AndrewRogue> Aiko will immediately step in front of Hana, positioning you and her between her and the two guards not occupied with the ruffian.
<Vol> "Isn't Lady Hakuhi supposed to be making contact with the river goddesses?" he asks them both
<AndrewRogue> "Yes." Aiko snaps, pulling her sword free.
<Vol> "Hana, anything I should know about the San?"
<AndrewRogue> Hana huddles a bit close to Vol, not wanting to be in the way of the warriors. "Ah? Ah. The mills churn with rumors about her death to the beasts that hunt Nine Rivers now." The older woman clears her throat. "I do believe she was known as the Lady of the Misty River, though."
<AndrewRogue> "You brutes ought put me down or Lady San'll see you dead like the monsters that tried to kill us all!" The man says, quite emboldened by this change in situation.
<Vol> Vol triggers Listener Swaying Argument before speaking
<Vol> Vol kneels where he stood, facing one of the mist figures. He spreads his arms wide to treat with them. "Wise and great San, I apologize for misinterpreting and interfering in your work. Ones close to me are seeking your sisters, to treat with them against what ails the Nine Rivers and this land. Rumors of your death have obviously been widely exaggerated. However, if ones close to you require aid, we would gladly engage with them
<Vol> ourselves instead of this sneaking around in the dark, thieving our town. Please, I bid you speak to me, so that we can come to a proper agreement, and learn of the ones you have taken under your ward. I assure you, no harm will come to this man, now that we know he is under your protection. We simply require more understanding of the situation."
<AndrewRogue> The guards exchange a bit more of a glance and sliiiiightly loosen the hard hold on the young man..
<Vol> Persuade action, gets one automatic success, bonus die if target's Resolve has been boosted somehow
<AndrewRogue> Gimme Charisma + Presence, Stunt 2. +1 Die from LSA
<Vol> roll 11#1d10
<Exaltedbot> Vol rolled : 11#1d10 --> [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Vol> 7 successes
<AndrewRogue> 8 actually.
<AndrewRogue> Stunt 2 and all.
<Vol> Ah.
<Vol> Stunt 2 adds two succcesses?
<Vol> Or 1?
<AndrewRogue> 1
<Vol> Ah. K
<AndrewRogue> I think. Now I need to look. You also get +1 Willpower, up to your max
<Vol> I haven't used any, so irrelevant
<AndrewRogue> Anyhow. The misty figures study you. Or, at least, look in your direction. Then as one, they point down river.
<AndrewRogue> Then they point at you.
<AndrewRogue> Then down river again.
<Vol> Vol nods deeply, standing once again and looking to the guards, as well as Aiko and Hana. "So... any volunteers to accompany me?"
<AndrewRogue> They make a quite harsh swipe and point at you again.
<AndrewRogue> Aiko steps forward. "I will go with you."
<Vol> "Aha... and him?" he gestures to the errant figure. "May I have your name, sir?"
<AndrewRogue> Hana gives a good solid nod to that idea.
<AndrewRogue> A swipe again and a point at you. "Jin Mu!" the young man proudly declares, though the reaction from Lady San has him looking a bit unhappy.
<AndrewRogue> The guards also mostly look happy with Aiko volunteering.
<Vol> He looks to Aiko. "It appears the good lady San wants me to go alone."
<AndrewRogue> "You do realize how tremendously stupid that is?"
<Vol> "Yes. I cannot say I enjoy the prospect."
<Vol> He takes a deep breath
<Vol> He looks to the mist figure he was addressing. "I will do as you ask. Jin Mu will be kept here, treated as our guest. Hana shall use the time to inquire as to the situation of his village in the meantime. Is this acceptable?"
<AndrewRogue> Aiko's hand rests on the hilt of her blade. "I am not sure we should trust the words of a thieving goddess, but if you wish to honorably go forth to your death, it is not like I can stop you. I will be sure to let Tetsuzuru-san know."
<AndrewRogue> The mist figures say nothing.
<AndrewRogue> And do nothing.
<AndrewRogue> Hyuuga clears his throat gently and offers you a lantern and a spear.
<AndrewRogue> And Jin Yu has mellowed out a bit, while Hana nods along.
<Vol> His gaze turns to Aiko. "Either way, this thieving business is a blight on Lady Hakuhi's honor and reputation. If we are truly to develop this town into the shining example Lady Hakuhi desires it to be, then such measured risks must be taken. She is at the moment out with Lady Aaeiko entreating with the goddesses. I would be remiss not to do the same."
<Vol> He accepts the lantern graciously from Hyuuga. "Thank you, Hyuuga. You were of great help tonight."
<AndrewRogue> "And it was good knowing you, Master Vol. At least she isn't a demon. Probably. Gods tend to be quick when they kill you, from what I hear." He offers a cheeky smile. Aiko makes a noise that gets him back to attention.
<Vol> He steps to Hyuuga, shaking his hand. "They will treat you well, but know that we cannot let you go just yet. Speak true of the situation of your hometown, and we can come to your aid. If this is indeed a trap... then I sincerely hope you are not culpable to it." his voice is warm, honest. Handshake firm
<Vol> Err
<Vol> Jin Mu
<Vol> make that homeland as well. fits speech pattern better
<AndrewRogue> "I ain't lied about nothing." Jin Yu says. "And you make sure you be respecting Lady San."
<AndrewRogue> He accepts the hand shake, though
<Vol> "Of course. My life may very well be in her hands, after all." he nods in farewell, then steps over to the mist figure. "I am ready. Please, walk with me." he asks politely, gentlemand
<Vol> gentlemanly
<AndrewRogue> The six move and flow around you, escorting you down the river's edge, away from your companions and away from the city.
<Vol> He follows quietly, keeping pace.
<AndrewRogue> There is a certain solidity to the mist around you as the figures bump you, paying you no mind as the guide you.
<Vol> He doesn't seem to mind either. No bumping required, as he follows their lead quite obediently.
<AndrewRogue> The fog sways and dances around you, but seems to thin as you walk. The lamplight flickers. And after a couple minutes, a little in the distance you can see one more figure. The ones around you dissolve into mist.
<Vol> He continues on toward the figure, stopping a little out of arm's length, appraising it once the details make themselves plain
<AndrewRogue> The figure appears as the others, a woman in long robes with a wide, flat brimmed hat. Her face remains hidden. Without the deepest mists surrounding her, it is much easier to see that she herself seems to be made from the mists, the edges of her figure wisping and shifting.
<Vol> He kneels again, spreading his arms again in the same gesture as before. "It is my great honor to meet you, Noble San."
<AndrewRogue> The mist fog still concentrates at her feet, billowing out and away like she herself was the source of the mists. Which she may well be.
<AndrewRogue> The mist blows out, leaving the immediate area around yourself clear... and where the Lady San once stood sits... a small, red fox.
<AndrewRogue> Possibly of doom.
<AndrewRogue> It stares at you, its eyes glowing in the lamplight.
<Vol> "Well. Interesting. And who might you be?"
<Vol> His voice is curious, but no less respectful
<AndrewRogue> It's paws scrabble at the ground, leaving surprisingly passable, if kinda poorly drawn Riverspeak behind. -Zhiyao Xing-
<Vol> "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Zhiyao. May I inquire as to what, exactly, is going on?"
<Vol> Occult roll, I guess, to figure out what it might be?
<AndrewRogue> It brushes the dust way and tries again. It's pretty rough Riverspeak, but hey, give the fox some credit. -I'm San's. She gave me what she had left.-
<Vol> He nods, "So Lady San is truly dead?"
<AndrewRogue> The fox hesitates. -Gave herself to protect people. Change my fate. Gone.-
<Vol> He sighs, saddened by the news. "You have my profound sympathies, Master Zhiyao. And this town you have been giving our goods to. Is that the land she had protected?"
<AndrewRogue> -No town. Sacred place. Survivors from towns.-
<Vol> "The survivors have gathered there?"
<AndrewRogue> -I take them. San guides them.-
<Vol> "Guides them where?"
<AndrewRogue> The fox rolls its eyes insofar as it can and just erases the second bit.
<Vol> "Right. Sorry. Why the theft? Were you that desperate?"
<AndrewRogue> -Many people. More and more.-
<AndrewRogue> -No other idea. Sorry.-
<Vol> "I see. It has caused some chaos in Suizasho. Were I a typical representative of the land, and Lady Hakuhi a typical liege, it is possible violence would have been inflicted on your people in retribution upon discovery. Quite at odds with your goal."
<Vol> "We shall put that aside for now. Unfortunately, we have already extended quite generous terms to a group of refugees that has arrived recently. I daresay we can afford to give very much more charity, even if it would be repaid in the end. Our resources run slightly thin in the short term."
<Vol> "However..." he adds, "I have the authority to utilize certain amounts of Lady Hakuhi's personal funds directly, should the need arise. I would consider this a need. The goods stolen must be paid for, and supplies we provide also in kind. How many people in your estimate have gathered?"
<AndrewRogue> The fox tilts it's head at you. -Not sure. Couple hundred?-
<Vol> "Roughly... 75 dinars... not undoable. I'll get some strange looks, for sure. Tell me, this sacred place. Is it protecting them from something?"
<AndrewRogue> -Beasts and monsters.-
<AndrewRogue> It looks down. -Even there might not be safe.-
<Vol> "What kind of beasts and monsters?"
<AndrewRogue> -Terrible things. Fae. Butchers. Soul Stealers. Body shapers.-
<Vol> He blinks, taken aback by it. "I... I see. That is a scale I am unfamiliar with. I might require conversation with the combat specialists to see what can be done there... I can contact her with a trick of sorcery, but I doubt the troops will move without her."
<Vol> contact Lady Hakuhi
<AndrewRogue> The fox gives you what is probably a shrug.
<Vol> "One cannot hold off wolves at the door forever, regardless of how much food we shipped in... action would need to be taken."
<AndrewRogue> -Let in by Lord. Many come.-
<Vol> "Lord? Of what?"
<AndrewRogue> -Nine Rivers.-
<Vol> "There is no Lord of the Nine Rivers I am aware of. Who claims this title?"
<AndrewRogue> -Fang Deshi. Come many years ago. Now betrayer.-
<Vol> "Okay." he thinks for a few moments, "I don't think everything can be hashed out in one night. I will send Jin Mu along tomorrow with supplies, properly paid for. I will speak to Lady Hakuhi as well. We will probably need to speak again for more information on this Fang Deshi."
<AndrewRogue> Zhiyao shall attempt to read your intentions if you want to use any defensive charms.
<Vol> Nope. Vol's being quite honest
<AndrewRogue> roll 5#d10
<Exaltedbot> AndrewRogue rolled : 5#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<AndrewRogue> (Is kay, is fox, bad read intentions)
<AndrewRogue> It scrabbles in the sand more.-Why help?-
<Vol> "For one, most immediately, it will stop you from stealing from us. Two... Lady Hakuhi's current mission was to discover what evil was plaguing the Nine Rivers. This very well may be what we were looking for. If our interests truly align, then it would be my pleasure to help."
<AndrewRogue> It eyes you, but scrabbles out again. -Tell Kin Yu bring Lim Da. From south. Organize people. Keep order. Know things.-
<AndrewRogue> After a moment it adds. -Can speak.-
<Vol> "Bring Lim Da here from the South. Got it. Anything else?"
<AndrewRogue> -I secret. No tell Nine Rivers. They believe San.-
<Vol> "Of course. That was my next question. I shall keep your identity secret, even from my fellows."
<AndrewRogue> It waits a long moment.-Thank you. All. No more.-
<Vol> "Of course. I shall meet you again when Lim Da arrives?"
<AndrewRogue> -He smart. He organize. He trust. Not me.-
<AndrewRogue> -I steal. I protect. Words hard now.-
<AndrewRogue> It looks down at the poor wiped and rewiped sand.
<Vol> "You do right by your people, Zhiyao, as I try to do right by mine. I think Lady San would be proud."
<AndrewRogue> It quite obviously ignores that one. -Sleep near shrine. Roam rivers.-
<Vol> "Right. If anything important comes up that I need to speak to you directly, I'll look to the shrine."
<AndrewRogue> It nods and stretches.
<Vol> "It has been... interesting meeting you, Zhiyao. I bid you goodnight and good luck."
<AndrewRogue> It bows, eyes glowing under the fading moonlight and lopes off, mist trailing it once more.
<AndrewRogue> Which leaves Vol alone along side a misty riverbank with a couple minute walk back to allies.
<Vol> Vol watches it go, collecting his thoughts and sighing before heading back
<AndrewRogue> The situation has changed very little, though Jin Mu is now freely speaking with Hana. The guards look up at your return, as does Aiko who seems more than a little surprised.
<AndrewRogue> *when you return
<AndrewRogue> "You're still alive."
<AndrewRogue> It's quite matter o' fact, really
<Vol> "Such successes do happen when you take calculated risks. I would've expected you to take him inside already, not stand here for a good half hour while I spoke to Lady San."
<Vol> He walks to Hyuuga, handing the man his lantern back. "Thank you, Hyuuga. It served me well."
<AndrewRogue> The guard bows.
<AndrewRogue> "I did not trust him nor the goddess. So I decided we would wait here until you returned or we went looking for your body. There is no reason Hana could not speak with him here." She rubs her eyes tiredly. "So what is the result of your conversation with Lady San?"
<Vol> "An explanation, and information important to Lady Hakuhi." he sighs, eyes still focused despite his own creeping exhaustion. "Aiko, please see that these guards get a commendation and a bottle of sake, payment care of my personal funds. Bring Jin Mu to the meeting room. Hana, follow. We have matters to discuss."
<AndrewRogue> She nods to the guards who can follow implied orders easily enough. "Shall I also arrange for messengers to be sent in pursuit of Tetsuzuru-san as well?"
<Vol> "I shall attend to that personally in the morning." he shall start heading back to the meeting room
<AndrewRogue> Hana shall follow you. "How may I assist?"
<Vol> "The full story will come out, and I will require you on hand to take note of everything needed to be done to be tackled in the morning. Without giving too much away, the thefts will stop. However, they will need to be paid for, and since one cannot charge a god, the town will have to back the lost goods."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course."
<AndrewRogue> "Fortunately this ended before the losses were substantial."
* Soppy is now known as Vol
<Vol> "The losses were substantial already. We have been trading on Lady Hakuhi's ability to bring these shenanigans to a stop for quite a bit. Doubt in that hurts our reptuation."
<AndrewRogue> The older woman frowns. "All shall be well if debts are repaid, with interest. Traders are a simple lot at times."
<Vol> "They will be, yes. This too shall pass, I suppose. I guess I'm a little more jittery on the situation, with the unease over the refugees."
<AndrewRogue> "As long as the crimes are ended and the issue resolved, it will be forgotten in time."
<Vol> "Well, it will go on, in a way. As you shall hear." he'll be relatively quiet until the four of them are sitting in the meeting room
<AndrewRogue> The older woman frowns, but lets it go for the moment.
<AndrewRogue> The meeting room is reached. Aiko looks irritable. Jin Mu looks anxious, like maybe now out of San's eyes something bad might happen. Hana remains curious about what you said earlier
<Vol> "So. Jin Mu, before we begin, please tell me in your own words what the situation is in your hometown?"
<AndrewRogue> "Well, I 'magine it's not smoldering anymore."
<AndrewRogue> "Last few days of wet probably stopped that."
<Vol> "Where do you reside now, then?"
<AndrewRogue> "A sacred place protected by the sisters. Lady San's been laying waste to the monsters and bringing the folks that're still alive to reside in the heart of her power."
<AndrewRogue> (BRB. Need to do grocery store and get pupper. It's gonna be a few, so don't hold your breath or anything. Sorry!)
<Vol> He nods, "And your being here so late at night? You mentioned before about how Lady San delivered supplies to you? How and why did you come to such an arrangement?"
<AndrewRogue> "She came outta the mists and picked one of us to guide to where she was leavin' things for us. She came, I went. Wasn't about to question one of the sisters. San's a smart one, so I figure she had a plan. Keep outta sight of those monsters by doin' it at night and all."
<Vol> "Mm. Yes, well while your story is congruent with the story Lady San shared with me, the fact remains that she was actually stealing those goods from our warehouses to give to you. It caused quite the commotion, we being a trade town that guarantees the safety of the goods passing through." he informs Jin Mu neutrally.
* Kallen has joined #DLExalted
<AndrewRogue> "Well that is patently ridiculous. A goddess don't have to steal like a common thief!" Jin Mu says, folding his arms in front of himself.
<AndrewRogue> "Apparently yours does," Aiko snaps.
<Vol> He holds a hand up, "With all due respect, this is what she confessed to me. Her power has been weakened due to the evil seeping through the Nine Rivers, and to protect and care for her followers, this is what she resorted to." his voice is level. "We have come to an agreement, Lady San and I, to resolve the situation."
<AndrewRogue> "That... that is..." the man hesitates, as this dagger finds its way into his faith.
<Vol> "The thefts will end. I shall utilize Lady Hakuhi's personal funds to cover the losses, as it is granted to me by her authority. We shall continue to aid your people in the meantime. To that end, you are to bring Lim Yu back with you to negotiate something more concrete. Does this name make sense to you?"
<AndrewRogue> *Da
<AndrewRogue> Aiko makes a face, but for the moment holds her tongue.
* Retrieving #DLExalted modes...
<AndrewRogue> "...uh. Yeah, I know ol' Lim Da. He's been keeping everything all organized. He was apparently just a paper pusher back in Sanshin, but he's done good keepin' everyone from everyone's throats."
<Vol> "Yes. Good. In return, we ask that you provide us with all the information you can about Fang Deshi, his forces, and the monsters that have been attacking you. Bring whomever you might feel provide the most accurate and useful intelligence. Mm..." he pauses to consider, "No more than five people."
<Vol> "For our own reasons, it appears our interests align. Therefore I believe working together would be in our best interests." he turns to Aiko, "And Lady Hakuhi and Inaba's best interest as well."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko gives you a look, while Hana nods along. Jin Da sounds unsure, still reeling a bit from the news earlier. "I 'spose I can do that, but if Lady San's talkin' to you, wouldn't that be better? Most of us're just farmers and merchants from all the way up here. Most of us've got no business with the capital."
<Vol> "She has her duties, to you and your people. You can honor her by honoring our agreement. It is not only the gods, but people, that craft this world, Jin Mu." he says strongly, in an attempt to return a bit of faith to the man
<Vol> roll 9#1d10
<Exaltedbot> Vol rolled : 9#1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Vol> 4 successes >.>
<AndrewRogue> (Success) "Well, if it's what Lady San asks then I'll do it. But you better not be tryin' to trick me or anythin'."
<Vol> "At the very least, it will allow her to turn her focus completely on protecting your and yours, rather than also having to provide for you."
<AndrewRogue> A look of shame crosses his face. You can just tell he wants to say 'We can take care of ourselves!' but even he knows this isn't the time for that."
<AndrewRogue> *-"
<AndrewRogue> "He should be escorted back." Aiko's voice is firm. "To confirm this apparent need they have of our aid and to make sure they survive the trip."
<Vol> Vol notes that, and softens. "And you will be providing us a great service in any information you can provide. Do not forget that, Jin Mu. This is not purely out of charity." he turns to Aiko, "If you must. We will be sending supplies with them after all. A small squad. Let us draw as little attention as possible."
<AndrewRogue> "Now wait, wait, wait. I can't be bringin' outsiders to our sacred place!" (You'll need a persuade to get it.)
<Vol> "An understandable sentiment. One I would be willing to forgo on Lady San's word, but I am beholden to Inaba's rules as you are beholden to yours. I shall ensure that whatever escort is given is the minimum necessary so as to carry out the job successfully, as well as be respectful to your people."
<Vol> roll 10#1d10
<Exaltedbot> Vol rolled : 10#1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Vol> 5 successes
<AndrewRogue> (Whoops, thought I'd responded over here)
<AndrewRogue> "Well, just know that if yer lyin', Lady San'll have all your heads and I don't care what you say 'bout her being weakened or whatever."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko rolls her eyes. Subtly.
<Vol> "So I have been informed." he smiles to Jin Mu.
<Vol> "Since we are in agreement, the guard outside will show you to your accomodations for the night, Jin Mu. We shall send you along at dusk." he nods, standing to see the man out and hand him off to the guard.
<Vol> *dusk tomorrow
<AndrewRogue> "Right then." The man is clearly uncomfortable, but not running or anything. He will follow as asked.
<AndrewRogue> Aiko and Hana will remain patiently behind.
<Vol> He closes the door and turns back to them, taking a breath. "Well. One mystery solved. An efficient two days, considering our culprit was a shapeshifting fog river goddess."
<AndrewRogue> "An excellent closure, provided we can make this exchange profitable." Hana says.
<AndrewRogue> Aiko looks far less impressed. "Were you serious about all that? We've got enough refugees to deal with already, without adding the disciples of a thieving goddess to Tetsuzuru-san's concerns."
<Vol> "Profit was not the motive here, unfortunately. It was information." he admits, sitting back down at the table with them. "And we will not be accepting refugees, merely sending them aid. If their story is to be believed, and I for one do, we have possibly identified a source, if not the source, of the evil spreading among the Nine Rivers that Lady Hakuhi is at this very moment attempting to uncover, and reached a deal with one of the
<Vol> goddesses, which is also her mission. Do we not exist to assist Lady Hakuhi in her endeavors? And should this Fang Deshi prove to be what we think, we have secured potentially valuable intelligence for whatever may come in the future. For a pittance's worth of aid to people in need."
<AndrewRogue> "I suppose I cannot argue that." Aiko's fingers tap on the table as she studies Vol. "Why did the goddess wish to speak with you alone?"
<Vol> He shrugs. "Pride, perhaps? Seeking of gesture of trust on my part? Who can say how gods operate."
<Vol> "It is a struggle for mortals to admit weakness. I daresay it is any easier for a god."
<AndrewRogue> "I will two of ours with the boy. Not the best numbers to fight the rampaging hordes of monsters across the river, but hopefully enough to avoid them should the river goddess prove unreliable."
<AndrewRogue> *send
<Vol> "Given she has been able to mask his coming and going with supplies the last few nights, I think it shall be fine. Make one of them a good scout that can stay with them and gather additional intelligence about what they face out there." he requests, hmming in additional thought. "I will contact Lady Hakuhi in the quickest manner I know how, and we shall proceed from there with her response. Hopefully we have made her mission easier."
<AndrewRogue> "Hopefully."
<AndrewRogue> (Is that sufficient for you to IM Akeha?)
<Vol> "There will be some work to cover first thing in the morning." he looks to Hana. "Please do begin payment for the stolen goods out of Lady Hakuhi's personal accounts, on my authority. Standard lost item rates. If people ask, say the culprit was apprehended in the act and the thefts are over. Prepare a small shipment to be sent with Jin Mu. Food, medicine, and clothing that travels easily."
<Vol> (Yep)
<AndrewRogue> The old woman stifles a yawn, nodding.
<Vol> "Aiko, I'm not going to get ahead of myself before I know what is to come. Keep your troops at a readiness level you see fit. Let's not throw everything into preparing for a fight just yet."
<AndrewRogue> "I had already intended to do such. If trouble seeks to cross the Yellow, it shall find welcome at the end of a spear."
<Vol> He nods, not disagreeing with the sentiment. "So be it. Good work tonight everyone. Thank you for cooperating in these odd circumstances." he offers, exhaustion finally creepign into his voice. "Time for our well-earned sleep."
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 04:41:41 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2016, 06:30:25 AM »
"We are not wholly unrelated to your plight; for if one of our own directs the wyld throughout these lands then it is for us to show him the error of his ways. This is a blight on our reputation as the Chosen; I'll not suffer guilt by association!"

Lee sweeps her hand to the side in a grant gesture. "Can Nine Rivers remedy itself? I do not know. But I will not sit back and let the next generation say, 'Nobody helped us. Nobody tried. We are forsaken. Our gods were powerless.' I will not let children grow up fearing that their souls are forfeit, or being tempted by fae illusions. If you would tell us to go back, to leave well alone, then prove to us that you have a solution!"


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2016, 09:36:32 PM »
OOC: Attempting to Read Intentions Wu.

<Magey> roll 3#1d10
<Exaltedbot> 1,0Magey rolled :1,0 3#1d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}

RESULT: Failure, but not a botch

During the exchange between Lee and Wu, Rishi picks himself up, dusts himself off, and meanders over to Akeha.

"So, uhh, I don't know what's being said, but I'm thinking it's probably kind of important," He mentions, making no attempt at being quiet about his words, gesturing at the pair speaking Old Realm. "Is there a reason those two are talking so loudly to each other? And, I mean, seriously. Do we really need those... Fae...? on the boat? I'm still unconvinced of their usefulness..."
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 09:38:53 PM by Magetastica »


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2016, 07:24:33 PM »
Her club hefts as she points it at Lee's face, water dripping from the black metal mass. "Shall I show you the power of Wu of the Nine Sisters? Shall I dash your boat upon the bank? Shall I drown your samurai and the filth you carry with you? Shall I crush your bones into the mud of the bank? You ask for proof that Nine Rivers can care for itself, I demand proof that you are not of the same blood that has sold our lands for his pleasures."

Den has righted himself, watching the exchange carefully. "Well, I 'spect they're negotiating. Wu isn't the subtle sort from what I hear." He smiles, showing his teeth. "Sure, they've got their uses, so long as you remember they're snakes you're holding by their tail."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2016, 07:54:36 PM »
"I understand the feeling, but Lee thinks them important to our entry into the capital..." Akeha hedges to Rishi, eyeing the exchange in Old Realm she can barely catch tiny snippets of. It's clear she wasn't immediately alarmed until shortly after Rishi joins her, but her eyes begin to widen as Wu gestures and raises her voice even further.

Akeha steps forward to stand beside Lee, bowing deeply. "Your Grace, I am Hakuhi Akeha Tetsuzuru, Shugodai of Inaba where the Ginkawa and Yellow rivers meet on your northern border. We seek to aid your remedy in these lands - our greatest concern is for the stability and continued prosperity of the Nine Rivers as our neighbors. And in that respect, as these concerns have reached our shores, we find it necessary to intervene, however impertinent that might be."

"While we carry two of the unbeings that curse all creation, we do so in belief that we might use them to more easily contact Fang Deshi and his foul allies - so that we might clearly understand the root of the sickness and cut it away. Were it not for such concerns, we would happily have left their corpses on the banks of the Si river. But now we must seek any advantage for the unknown confrontation we face in the south, and for that reason seek your alliance as we sought Si's blessing."
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 09:00:36 PM by May »


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2016, 07:19:19 AM »
Suddenly uncertain at where this conversation is going, Lee refrains from bowing or, indeed, showing anything much but a kind of self-certainty only the deluded, fanatical, or those who really do hold all the cards can show. From behind that visage, however, she studies Wu's own eyes uncommon deeply.

OOC: Using Motive-Discerning Technique; aiming to determine intimacies of Wu's related to what kind of personality/attitude she seems to respect. +3 socialize excellency; 3 personal/3 peripheral.

<Kallen> roll 12#1d10
23:18:38 <Exaltedbot> Kallen rolled : 12#1d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}

4 successes.


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2016, 07:48:50 AM »
"I heartily disagree, but so it goes," Rishi muses aloud as Akeha walks off. He keeps an eye on the exchange for a moment, and then turns away again upon noticing Lee's confidence, trusting that things are still going to plan.

He leaps back aboard the ship, settling down near Den with his katana resting in its sheath and upon his shoulder. "So, Den, have you been down to or near the capital yet? What's your take on the whole 'Fang Deshi' situation?"


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2016, 12:29:38 AM »

You successfully discern that Wu has a Major Intimacy of Respect (Those who forge their own path).


Wu fixes her gaze on the new interloper. "Impertinent indeed, one from the north. When one sees weakness, they come to aid. Then, the next thing you know, they have made themselves indispensable. Why not defend your borders as opposed to invade?" The head of the club hits the ground.

Den shrugs. "Yeah. Lost my siblings there. The eyes and ears of the fae go far in the city, and they act swiftly against those that would oppose them. The sooner the wyld-addled fool and the nobles with him are dead, the better."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #34 on: December 19, 2016, 01:06:44 AM »
Lee's lip curls, a touch impertinently. "Courage," she says, one of the only words of Akeha's tongue she knows; whatever conversation her friend is having with this blustering goddess, it ought be carried with vigour!


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2016, 01:24:30 AM »
Akeha stares for half a second at Wu, before simply laughing bitterly. "To leave a threat such as the fae be is to invite one's own death. I would be remiss in my responsibility to my people, and in my own judgment, to let such a threat be. Nine Rivers has fallen to chaos, Si can not defend her people, San may be dead or is greatly diminished. Mighty Wu comes forth to settle intrusions herself." She makes a sweeping gesture around them. "Fae hunt the Chosen of Luna at whim, and threaten the people of the rivers with impunity to seek them. My lands would be next, and my father's, and my cousins'. I was cast out for becoming a Child of the Sun in my greatest hour of glory. I will not squander that gift as my Empire might sitting on a stool and drilling a hundred samurai until they have fallen asleep with their swords in their hands. I and my companions disagree on a great number of things, but we do agree here - we can not allow this to continue, because the Fae are monsters, because I have taken upon myself the task of rebuilding my city, because we have taken up the task offered to us by the Unconquered Sun, and because Fang Deshi is failing in his tasks."

She recomposes herself. "I or my companion might come to be the next warden of Nine Rivers in Fang Deshi's place. That is possible. It is not the purpose of our intrusion here, but it is a plain possibility. Should I yield to the perturbances of a Goddess such as yourself because it wounds your pride that Fang Deshi betrayed you, and so now you view all Children of the Sun with suspicion? That would be a betrayal of myself, of the Sun, and of my own people. I will see righteous order put to Nine Rivers, by my hand or another's, possibly even Fang Deshi's if the Fae have glamoured him into this state. I care not which, only that I see my purpose done with firm determination."

((OOC: Exaltedbot   WorkMay rolled : 16#d10 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{2} [ 1d10=10 ]{10} [ 1d10=7 ]{7} [ 1d10=3 ]{3} [ 1d10=9 ]{9} [ 1d10=7 ]{7} [ 1d10=2 ]{2} [ 1d10=4 ]{4} [ 1d10=5 ]{5} [ 1d10=1 ]{1} [ 1d10=3 ]{3} [ 1d10=7 ]{7} [ 1d10=9 ]{9} [ 1d10=4 ]{4} [ 1d10=10
Exaltedbot   ]{10} [ 1d10=9 ]{9}
WorkMay   10 + 2 successes
12 successes in Presence + Ability, 6 motes spent from internal pool for Excellency, Stunt 3 and 2 bonus dice for intimacy per GM-sama))
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 08:06:58 PM by May »


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2016, 02:44:19 AM »
"Hmm..." Rishi lightly taps his scabbard on his shoulder as he thinks to himself. "Do you think it might be some form of magic, or simply a vast spy network of 'concerned citizens?' Because I'd really like to go do some scouting of the situation, but one of those things will be harder to deal with than the other. Although, it certainly sounds like you know your way around the place. Perhaps you could help me do some recon? Maybe point out a few of the fools who need some offing?" He turns a toothy grin to Den as he continues, "It would certainly be most helpful to know any holes in their security network, as well as those to avoid or kill first. After all, an invasion isn't always necessary to remove an infection. Sometimes, some good, clean cuts can remove what needs removing before the doctor arrives to patch it all back up."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2016, 10:07:42 PM »
Den shrugs. "Tough to tell. We were poking our noses around the palace, so they might've just been more prepared for it. I'm not going near there again without a couple of you Solars in tow. But I can show you 'round the city itself if that were to you and yours' likin'."

Wu shifts her gaze from Akeha to Lee. "Your kind is brazen, that much is certain. Perhaps more of the Unconquered Sun's children are needed at this time. Three of my sisters have perished and our seat of power has been lost to us. Our great treasures are in the hands of things from beyond creation. I will speak to you, but not within earshot of the filth that poisons your boat." The mace shifts and it is quite clear that she would very much like to resolve that particular problem."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2016, 10:25:04 PM »
"Of course, your Grace," Akeha switches to the one language she thinks they all share. She makes a guarding signal to her samurai, turning to look at Lee and then Wu. "We would be happy to step beyond the taint of the unbeings to discuss the matter further."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2016, 08:47:25 AM »
"Fair enough." Rishi hops to his feet and begins meandering back to Akeha, clearly looking at Khun and Den as he speaks. "I think that's our cue. Shall we join them?"


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2016, 06:52:38 PM »
Den smiles. "Tell you what. I think I'll be standin' right here and make sure these fae don't get any clever ideas. No offense to your lady's warriors, but I'd rather not leave the mortals with the creatures."

Wu nods. "Ah, there is a tongue you all speak. That shall make things less irritating, I am sure."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2016, 07:20:38 PM »
Rishi nods and briefly waves. "Alright, you have fun then." He then turns his attention to Wu, a smile painted across his face. "Nice to meet you, Lady Wu. I'm glad we all share a language, it'll definitely make things easier, yeah. Hope you don't mind me joining in on the conversation like this."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2016, 06:47:18 AM »
Once a ways down the river and a bit inland, Akeha pauses with Rishi and Lee. "Can any of your remaining sisters be called to action?" she asks, straightforward and serious. "I have only a hundred samurai in all, and a mere fifty making their way to Wujian in the next few days to meet us."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2016, 07:39:35 AM »
"I doubt it. With the deaths of San and Qu, they fear for their own lives. Even if they were, only Yi has any martial prowess. The others... relied on us four to defend Nine Rivers until the arrival of Feng Dashi." Wu frowns, her brows furrowing as she leans on her mace.


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2016, 07:54:19 PM »
"And Yi will not risk it?" Akeha presses a little, pursing her lips. "Do you know if any of your people are actively resisting the fae?"


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2016, 12:14:41 AM »
Wu snorts. "Yi is cautious. She does not fight unless she is sure she can win. She is a kindred spirit to Si, but I suppose that is why she yet lives." Leaning on her mace, she stares out over the river. On the fringes of our land they fight or they die. This close to the capital, they capitulate as cowards. Between... some fight, some cower."


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2016, 01:35:17 AM »
Akeha nods seriously. "Then it is four Children of the Sun, one Moonchild, three-score samurai, and yourself if you would join us," she muses. "And it will have to be a coup de main, striking into the heart of the capital around Fang Deshi. Unless you have other thoughts, Lady Aaeiko? Your grace?" she looks between Wu and Lee.


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #47 on: December 24, 2016, 01:43:27 AM »
"The act, as they say, is worth many words. Perhaps the hope of a righteous change will inspire those too timid to fight for the sake of a worthwhile cause," Lee says. "Have your forces weapons of iron?"


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #48 on: December 24, 2016, 03:21:53 AM »
"Not of the sort meant to hunt the unbeasts." Akeha shrugs.


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Re: The Rising Wyld (Episode 3)
« Reply #49 on: December 31, 2023, 08:54:32 AM »
Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?

that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.
there is also next life. and i already proved you that no scientist, no politician, no so-called intelligent man in this world is able to understand this Truth. cuz they are imagining. and you cannot imagine what is god, who is god, what is after life etc.
for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.

So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy.
Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.

( now maybe...maybe you will say that i will search my father from D.N.A, or i will prove it by photo's, or many other thing's which i will get from my mother and prove it that who is my Real father.{ So you have to believe the authority. who is that authority ? she is your mother. you cannot claim of any photo's, D.N.A or many other things without authority ( or ur mother ).

if you will show D.N.A, photo's, and many other proofs from other women then your mother. then what is use of those proofs ??} )

same you have to follow real authority. "Whatever You have spoken, I accept it," Then there is no difficulty. And You are accepted by Devala, Narada, Vyasa, and You are speaking Yourself, and later on, all the acaryas have accepted. Then I'll follow.
I'll have to follow great personalities. The same reason mother says, this gentleman is my father. That's all. Finish business. Where is the necessity of making research? All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You accept it; then your searching after God is finished.

Why should you waste your time?
all that is you need is to hear from authority ( same like mother ). and i heard this truth from authority " Srila Prabhupada " he is my spiritual master.
im not talking these all things from my own.

in this world no `1 can be Peace full. this is all along Fact.

cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.

tell me are you really happy ?? you can,t be happy if you will ignore these 4 main problem. then still you will be Forced by Nature.

if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit s.ex, No g.ambling, No d.rugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )

and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
If your not able to follow these 4 things no illicit s.ex, no g.ambling, no d.rugs, no meat-eating then don,t worry but chanting of this holy name ( Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra ) is very-very and very important.

Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare " and be happy.

if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily.
Here is no Question of Holy Books quotes, Personal Experiences, Faith or Belief. i accept that Sometimes Faith is also Blind. Here is already Practical explanation which already proved that every`1 else in this world is nothing more then Busy Foolish and totally idiot.
every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path. ( my Authority & Guide is my Spiritual Master " Srila Prabhupada " )
if you want to see Actual Purpose of human life then see this link : ( triple w ( d . o . t ) asitis ( d . o . t ) c . o . m {Bookmark it })
read it complete. ( i promise only readers of this book that they { he/she } will get every single answer which they want to know about why im in this material world, who im, what will happen after this life, what is best thing which will make Human Life Perfect, and what is perfection of Human Life. ) purpose of human life is not to live like animal cuz every`1 at present time doing 4 thing which are sleeping, eating, s.ex & fear. purpose of human life is to become freed from Birth after birth, Old Age, Disease, and Death.