
Author Topic: Cosmic Star Heroine  (Read 1914 times)


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Cosmic Star Heroine
« on: May 31, 2017, 08:01:41 PM »
Cosmic Star Heroine:

- Character Level taken at 57, which is fighting all enemies but not using the VR grinding.

- Stats:
   HP: Yep.
   Physique: The base value impacts HP and defense. The equipped value impacts physical damage done
   Hackitude: Impacts damage done with Tech and Pierce attacks. High Hackitude allows access to skills that come on universal Shields.
   Sparke: The base value impacts magic (elemental) defense. The equipped value impacts magic damage done.
   Cunning: Impacts turn-order (only between even speed which all PCs are). Higher Cunning leads to better status odds and better status resistance.
- Style:
   A % value that shows how much damage is boosted by. Starting Style is Sparke/2, rounded down to the nearest 5 (i.e. 69 sparke -> 30 Starting style).
   Style increases by taking actions in combat. Most actions add 25 style. Healing moves tend to give 0. Non-25 style abilities will be noted.
   Style can go up to 300% but above 100% does not add to damage (so the maximum normal style mult is 2x at 100+ style). Burst abilities are an exception.
   Most moves add a value to style (25 normally). This number is added to current style before damage is calculated. A (+25 style) 1x mult attack at 50% style would give 1.75
   Above 50 Style, a PC that takes fatal damage will enter 'desperation' mode with negative HP. This immediately subtracts 50 from Style.

- Depseration Mode:
   Desperation mode grants a 1.5x bonus to damage, and the PC can't be killed before they take an action. But they die immediately after that action.
   Healing is halved in Depseration, but if the PC can still heal up to positive HP they will survive (they don't get back the 50 Style though).
- Burst abilities are special abilities that reduce style to 0 on use and generate 0 style for the turn, but the damage boost from style is enhanced.
  Burst style bonus goes as Style 1 Bonus (normal style bonus) multipled by style 2 bonus (Style bonus with NO CAP, so up to 4x instead of capping at 2x).
  For reference, this means a 50% Burst bonus is 1.5 * 1.5 = 2.25. While a 100% Burst bonus is 2*2 = 4, and a 200% Burst bonus is 2*3 = 6
  If a move is 'turned into' a bust ability by a passive skill or a buff, it doesn't give style for the turn it is used before damage is calculated.
- Abilties: PCs have 7 abilities they can use in battle, and one defend command. Once an ability has been used, a PC must defend before they can use it again.
            Multiple abilities can be recharged at once by defending. Most defend commands give 25% damage reduction. Some PCs have unique defend commands.
- Hyper: Every few turns (varies from PC to PC), a PC will go into "Hyper" mode which doubles damage, healing, and status effectiveness for that turn.
       The turn # where a PC gets Hyper is pre defined. Except for Clarke where it is randomly every 1-5 turns.
       Buffs and defending do not get impacted by Hyper turns.
- Buffs: Buffs usually last a set # of turns. If it says "3 turns" then the buff wears off at the start of the 4th turn the PC gets after a buff.
         i.e. a 3 turn def buff used on turn 1 will wear off at the beginning of the PC's fifth turn.
- Equipment: Equipment includes weapons, Shields, and accessories. Weapons and accessories are unique. Shields are universal (excepting Alyssa's unique shield).
            - Assumed the "Titan" storebought shield for everyone since it has the best defenses (205 pdef/mdef) and +20 Physique helps a bunch of physical PCs.
         - The other option was the "Trickster" shield which had inferior defense but offered a minor speed boost for everyone. I ignored this.
Statuses: CSH status is not a raw % chance rolled via RNG each time. A status move does status 'damage' of the type in question.
        When a target's "Status HP" for the relevant ailment is depleted, it gets that status inflicted on it.
        So a '75% Stun" move does stun damage of 0.75 x Cunning x Style bonus *Hyper bonus. Not a 75% chance of inflicting stun.
        Once an enemy has a status inflicted, it becomes more difficult to inflict the same status again (i.e. ain't happening in a duel)
        Here are the statuses:
        1. Stun: Target loses a single turn.
        2. Vulnerable: Next attack on target does double damage. Only for one attack on an enemy.
        3. Poison: Biological enemies only. Target takes poison damage every round (not much). Lasts whole battle.
        4. Disarm: Reduces enemy attack by 35%. This is before defense, so it is quite potent. Only a single turn duration.
        5. Charm. Enemy attacks itself or another enemy for ~2500 damage. Only a single turn.
        6. Enrage: Foe focuses all attacks on PC who inflicted Enrage. MT attacks suffer a 25% damage penalty (quite potent reduction).
        7. Rust: Cuts defense by half and slows mechanical enemies. Lasts whole battle.
        8. Curse: Only impacts Astral enemies. 15% damage penalty (decently potent) and increases ailment susceptibility.
- Durabilities: I estimated approximate % defense modifier based upon physical or magic damage done to ~40% PCHP (~160 HP). This shows
- Damage formula:
      Damage goes as ~(Weapon Power + Level*2) * (15 + Stat) * * Style Bonus * Hyper Bonus * Ability Mult * 0.75 /60 - 35.
      The '* 0.75' and '-35' represent enemy defense.
- Healing formula: Healing is simply Move mult * Style Bonus * Sparke.
Averages up Top:
HP: 397
Base Physique: 57.3
Base Sparke: 58.4
3-turn Damage Average: 4537/turn (11342 2.5x KO point) [4769/11923 assuming Sue kills himself to deal damage]
5-turn Damage Average: 4403/turn (11008 2.5x KO point) [4577/11442 assuming Sue kills himself to deal damage]

Alyssa L'salle:         
HP: 414 (1.04)
Physique: 87      
Hackitude: 88      
Sparke: 88 (40 starting style)   
Cunning: 88      
Weapon Power: 247      
Defense: 232      
Magic Defense: 232      
Natural Physique: 67      
Natural Sparke: 68      
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.227 (5.265 with Heroine Aura)
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.18 (4.71 with Heroine Aura)
Physical Durability: 1.28 (5.49 with Heroine Aura)   
Magical Durability: 1.23 (4.91   with Heroine Aura)
(Base Phys damage): 460
(Base Mag Damage): 465   
(Base Pierce Damage): 620   
Hyper 2nd turn, then every third turn.         
Heroine Bo: 247 (+200 Style at start of combat. Yes, 200)   
Heroine Shield: 232 Mdef, 232 Pdef, +5 Stats      
Lovecraft Satchel: +20 to all stats (Overwrites rather than stacks with +5 Stats)      
Other Weapon options:         
Excalibo: 255 Atk, Stats+10, Status immunity, Hyper damage is 2.5x instead of 2x         
Safety Bo: 218 Atk, Auto-Revive once per battle (instead of going into Depseration mode, Alyssa is fully healed with no style loss)         
Other Accessory Options:         
Leader Satchel: Damage increased 20% if all allies are alive         
Aqua Satchel: Water abilities do 50% more damage.         
Bash: 1x Physical, reusable         
Laser: 1.8x Pierce ITD damage.         
Drown: 1.5x Water Magic damage         
First Aid: 1.5x Healing magic (0 Style)         
Inspire: Damage+40% for 3 turns. Only +20% if used on self.         
Knock Out: 0.75 Physical, 0.75 Stun and 0.75 Vulnerable          
Flood: 1.0 Magic water to all         
Delegate: Grant an ally a turn! (0 Style)         
Pacifist Smash: 2.5x physical atk, but can't reduce below 1 HP         
Surprise Stash: Next Item use is free! (best item would be Buffz, which gives +30% to all 4 stats)      
Spy Sense: Increase party Cunning by 35% for 3 turns         
Final Blow: 1.5x physical. 3X if foe HP < 50%         
Revive: Revives ally if Alyssa Style > 100. Zeroes out Alyssa style         
Typhoon: 1.2x Water magic to all. BURST         
All-Out: Next attack or move has Burst property         
Heroine Aura: +50% damage, Def, and Mdef for 3 turns         
Data Storm: 3x ITD Pierce damage to all. Once per battle. 0 Style.         
Defend Command: Vigilance: +15 Style, Recharges abilities and reduces damage by 50%
Defend Command: Rally: 0.25x Heal to all, 40% damage reduction (0 style)
3-turn Damage: 28909      
Turn 1: All-Out         
(Hyp) Turn 2: Data Storm    27515      
Turn 3: Laser: 1394      
5-turn Damage: 57962      
Surprise Stash → Heroine Aura → Buffz → All-Out → Data Storm         

Comments: Kills things dead turn 2. Can also opt to go Heroine Aura -> Hyper Knock Out (Stun + Vulnerable) -> All-Out -> Data Storm for more damage while being under Heroine Aura's defense boosts. She has good alternate weapons but they can't beat that +200 Style with All-Out Data Storm waiting in the wings. And starting with 200 Style gives her a guaranteed Desperation attack. If she can get off an All-Out before that she will put out even more damage turn 2.

HP: 398 (1.00)
Physique: 80   
Hackitude: 64   
Sparke: 79 (35 starting style)
Cunning: 38   
Weapon Power: 247   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 55   
Natural Sparke: 74   
Approx Phys Modifier 0.97 (1.27 after Barrier)
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.17   (1.56 after Barrier)
Physical Durability: 0.97 (1.27 after Barrier)
Magical Durability:   1.17 (1.57 after Barrier)
(Base Phys damage): 429   
(Base Mag Damage): 424   
(Base Pierce Damage): 475
(Base Gunmancy Damage):   426 [Gunmancy averages Physique and Sparke for damage]
Hyper 3rd turn, then every 4th turn.      
Regentama: 247 Atk, Stats+5, Party Regen (25/turn)      
Titan: 205/205 Def/Mdef, +20 Physique.
Gold Headband: Healing +35%      
Other Weapon options:      
Blazetama: 205 Atk, Fire Up, Physique+10      
Other Accessory Options:      
Bright Headband: Sparke+3      
Pistol: Gunmancy. 1.0x Physical      
Heal Blaster: Gunmancy. 2X Heal to one.    (25 style)
Focus: Next move is MT.      
Echo: Repeat last Gunmancy.      
Pick-Me-Up-Gun: Gunmancy. Cures ailments/boosts Ailment Res      
Fortify: Boosts Party Defenses      
Revive Ray: Gunmancy. Heals 2.5x to one and revives. OPB.      
Sharing: Self Buff. When healed, allies recover 33% of that value      
Psionic Suppress: Inflicts Disarm (200%). Bonus against spectrals      
Arsenal Maelstrom: Gunmancy. 65%-358% damage from 0-6 spent abilities      
Explosion: 1.5x Fire magic to an area.      
Sealing Ritual: 1.5x Magic to an area. Spectral Bane/Inflicts Curse on ghost      
Sniper: Gunmancy. 200% ITD to one target      
Orbital Assault: Gunmancy. 1.8x damage to one. Burst      
Enthusiasm: Gives style to allies. Burst      
Silver Bullets: Party damage +15% and gets Spectral Bane. 3 turns.      
Purification Torch: Gunmancy. 2X Fire damage to one.      
Unleash: 75 Style. Self buff to use abilities freely for 3 turns.   
Alternate Defend: Cheer: 25% damage reduction, recharges abilities, +10 style
Protective Barrier: Like Normal defend, but 25% damage reduction for entire party.
3-turn Damage: 9454   
Sniper: 2274   
Orbital Assault: 7180   
5-turn Damage:      
Unleash->Sniper->Orbital Assault-> Purification Torch → Echo: 11730   

Comments: Chahn kind of sucks at damage. But she can permanently buff her (and any teammates) durability and follow that up with lots of good healing (that she can make MT!). Her MO in a duel will be to stall with healing and so on until she can get enough style for a Burst Orbital assault to KO. Probably Middle. Desperation isn't likely to be of much use for her.

HP: 350 (0.88)
Physique: 53   
Hackitude: 78   
Sparke: 25 (10 starting style)
Cunning: 75   
Weapon Power: 248   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 33   
Natural Sparke: 25   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.82   
Approx Magic Modifier 0.78   
Physical Durability: 0.72   
Magical Durability:   0.68   
(Base Phys damage):   308   
(Base Mag Damage):   181   
(Base Pierce Damage):   561
(Base Tech Damage)   421   
Hyper every 3rd turn      
Pwnpad: 248 Atk, Auto-pwn, Immunity, Rust Up      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Sleek Specs: Hackitude +3      
Other Weapon options:      
Cheatpad: 225 Atk, Hack/Cunning+10      
Robo Wrecker: 193 Atk, Robot Bane      
Other Accessory Options:      
Supreme Specs: Cunning+20      
Hacker Specs: Ailment boost vs. Robots      
Eco Specs: Enviro-hack abilities more effective      
Zap: 1.35x Lightning magic damage      
Grind: +40 Style (instead of usual 25). Reusable      
Enviro-Hack: Effect based on environment. Final dungeon is a 2.5x Pierce attack to one.   
Confound: 1x Stun damage      
Patch: 1.5x Heal to one ally. (0 style). Ignores desperation healing penalty      
System Crash: 1.5x Tech. 1x Rust damage to robot      
Troll: 1.5x Enrage damage.      
Hack: 0.5x Charm damage. Effect+ vs. Robots      
Bandwidth: Increase Program effectiveness by +50% (moot)      
FAQ: Buffs Cunning by 60% for 3 turns.      
Breach: 1.5x Vulnerable damage to one enemy.      
Buffer Zone: 0.8x Heal. Max HP +20% (0 Style)      
Cheat Code: Next move used by target gets +70% damage.      
DDOS: 50 stun damage to all enemies      
RNG: 0.25-3x Random Pierce damage      
Reboot: Heals (1x), revives, and cures party. Burst. Once per battle      
Pwn: Self buff. Next ailment has +150% success rate      
Null: 3.25x Pierce damage to one. Makes all abilities spent (requires Rest to restore)      
3-turn Damage: 10850
Cheat Code      
Null: 10850
5-turn Damage: 14498
Grind->Cheat Code->Null → Rest → Null   14498   

Comments: Dave is too frail to survive to his higher damage turn, unless he can trigger Desperation, which is why he wants to use Grind turn 1. He may want to use his Auto-Pwn to either inflict Breach or Stun on a target and hope he can survive.

HP: 437 (1.1)
Physique: 100   
Hackitude: 42   
Sparke: 34 (15 starting style) [40 with Platinum Fists]
Cunning: 59   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 80   
Natural Sparke: 34   
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.2 (1.793 after Rock Solid)
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.791   
Physical Durability: 1.32 (1.97 after Rock Solid)
Magical Durability: 0.87    
(Base Phys damage): 530.4375   
(Base Mag Damage): 226.0125   
Hyper every 4th turn      
Platinum Fists: Style Break (Can utilize up to 120 Style in normal/burst attacks instead of 100), Style+25, Physique+15      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Black Tie: Increases Earth damage and resistance by 50%      
Other Weapon options:      
Flow Fists: 238 Atk, Damage boost after Defending      
Other Accessory Options:      
Flag Tie: Attacks also do Disarm damage.      
Dad Tie: Physique +3      
Face Punch: 1x Physical damage. 0.75x Disarm damage      
Feint: 0.75x Physical damage, Next attack has +35% damage      
Bolo Punch: 1.4x Physical damage. 40 Style instead of +15 extra Style if enemy KO'd      
Uppercut: 2x Physical damage.      
Rock Solid: Def +25% and Attacks gain Earth Element for 4 turns.      
Showboat: +1 Hyper bar. Next Hyper turn has bonus damage (2.5x damage instead of 2x)      
Counter: For 9 turns, counter with a 1x physical when hit.      
Combo: 1x Physical. May recharge a random ability      
Ground Slam: 1.4x Earth magic damage      
Below The Belt: 1.25x Physical damage and 1x Vulnerable damage      
Bum Rush: 2.75x Physical, but -50% Def for 3 turns.      
Laugh: 0.5x Vulnerable damage to all enemies      
Turnabout: (0 Style) 1.75x Physical. 3.5x when Desperate      
Adjust Tie: 40 Style,  Next attack has Burst      
Avenge Me: 4x Physical, 2x Vulnerable and Disarm damage. KO's self. Sue wins if this KO's last enemy.      
Call in a Favor: Nothing, but several turns later an attack happens to a single enemy.   
Alternate Defend command: Clinch: 40% damage reduction, recharges abilities. 1x Disarm damage to a target.
Alternate Defend command: Taunt: 40% damage reduction. More likely to be targetted. Recharges abilities. +20 style when hit.
3-turn Damage:      
Adjust Tie      
Bum Rush: 15282   (22248 Avemge Me)
5-turn Damage: 26463 (35135)
Rock Solid      
Uppercut: 2971
Adjust Tie      
Bum Rush: 22099 (32164.415 Avenge Me)
Bolo Punch: 1392 (0 if Avenge Me used because Sue would be dead)

Comments: Physically tanky and can put out a lot of damage on turn 3. Desperation is a helpful tool if it applies. Middle.

HP: 363 (0.91)
Physique: 62   
Hackitude: 25   
Sparke: 71   
Cunning: 97   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 42   
Natural Sparke: 71   
Approx Phys Modifier: (0.841)   
Approx Magic Modifier: (1.151)   
Physical Durability: 0.769   
Magical Durability:   1.053   
(Base Phys damage):   355   
(Base Mag Damage):   397   
Hyper 1st Turn, then every 3rd turn      
Siren's Edge: 255 Atk, Siren (all enemy ailment res is reduced), Cunning+10      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Cutesy Mic: Charm Up (Charm is easier to inflict)      
Other Weapon options:      
Blood Shank: 205 Atk, Desperate (More damage when Desperate), Immunity (Status immunity)      
Other Accessory Options:      
Standard Mic: Phowned (Microphowned is more effective)      
Megaphone: Poison Up (Poison deals more damage)      
Snake Strike: 0.9x physical. 0.9x Poison status damage      
Opening Slash: 1x Physical damage. 3X if enemy is at max HP.      
Mesmerize: 0.8x Charm damage      
Microphowned: 0.85x Physical. 0.75x Stun damage      
Cutting Winds: 1.25x Wind magic damage      
Solo Act: Steals up to 35 style from each ally. (useless in a duel)      
Disable: 1.1x physical. 1x Disarm damage      
Spotlight: (40 style), Extra turn and Hyper mode. Allies lose a bar of hyper (Awesome in a duel)      
Swift Breeze: Adds wind to attacks and buffs speed by 33% for 3 turns.      
Desperate Stab: 1.25x physical attack. 3.75x when at negative HP      
Sudden Stab: 1x physical attack. Speed Up.      
Soul Stealer: Burst. Inflicts Curse. Ignore resistance & enemy type when style is maxed.      
Plague: 1.3x poison status damage to a group.      
Tornado: (0 style), 1.4x Wind magic to a large area.      
Siren Shriek: 0.8x Curse damage and 0.4x Stun damage to all enemies.      
Encore: Recharge abilities and get another turn immediately. Once per battle.      
Assassinate: 1.25x physical. +1.25x for each ailment on enemy.      
Alternate Defend: Mic Drop: 50% damage reduction, recharges abilities. Burst, speed up depending on how much style Lauren had.
3-turn Damage: 7747   
Opening Slash: 3375   
Spotlight → Tornado 2186   
Encore → Spotlight → Tornado: 2186   
5-turn Damage: 9934   
Same as above, then      
Spotlight->Tornado: 2186   

Comments: For all her ability to get consistent Hyper turns, Lauren has crappy damage. She'll want to use Charm in there to add ~2500 damage and maybe score KOs. Desperation Stab can be a decent enough finisher if she is lucky enough to get it with Hyper. But she is a status whore in a game where status is underwhelming. Decent enough Light.

HP: 429 (1.08)   
Physique: 95      
Hackitude: 34      
Sparke: 50 (25 starting style)   
Cunning: 52      
Weapon Power: 255      
Defense: 205      
Magic Defense: 205      
Natural Physique: 75      
Natural Sparke: 50      
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.218   (Inf with Defensive Stance)   
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.931 (7.75 with Defensive stance, more with Anti-Element)   
Physical Durability: 1.32   (Inf with Defensive Stance)   
Magical Durability:   1.01   (8.38 with Defensive Stance)   
(Base Phys damage): 507      
(Base Mag Damage): 300      
Hyper 5th turn, then every 2 turns thereafter         
Flamethrower: 255 Atk, Fire Up (Fire Damage/Res up 50%), Anti-Elem (Element Res up...)         
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20         
Captain Badge: Start battle with Defense Stance already in effect         
Other Weapon options:         
Super Gun: 244 Atk, +60 HP, More damage to disarmed foes         
Other Accessory Options:         
Recruit Badge: HP +20         
Megaphone: Poison Up (Poison deals more damage)         
Sherrif Badge: Arrest can be reused (without needing to defend)         
Shoot: 1.25x Physical         
Cover Fire: 0.5x Physical. 1x Disarm damage to all enemies.         
Hide: Makes an ally of choice less likely to be targetted. Reusable         
Stinging Fly: 10% damage buff for 8 turns. Attacks also inflict Enrage         
Defense Stance: Defense and magic defense +75% for 4 turns. Amazing. Practically invincibility to ~averagish attacks.         
Heat Up: 0.8x Fire magic damage to all enemies. Increases to 1.6x after enough uses.         
Second Wind: 1x Healing and cures ailments. (0 style)         
Arrest: 1x Disarm damage and 0.5x Stun damage to one enemy.         
Burn: 1.4x Fire magic damage to a small area.         
Flawless Shot: 1.4x Physical. 2.8x if Finn is at 100% HP.         
Combust: 2x Fire magic damage to one. Burst.         
Energy Wave: 1.1x Magic. Increased damage if everyone is at max HP         
Impending Doom: Delayed 5x Physical. User is put in Desperate. (??? Bugged???)         
Martyr: Kills Finn. 3X Healing to all allies and buffs their phys/magic defenses by 50% for 2 turns.         
3-turn Damage: 4861      
Shoot: 916      
Flawless Shot: 1243      
Combust: 2702      
5-turn Damage: 12934      
Stinging Fly         
Burn 1177      
Shoot: 1360      
Flawless Shot: 1528      
Combust: 8869      

Comments: Finn starts the battle in Defensive Stance and he's likely to stay in that stance forever. In-game it takes a long, long time for enemy natural damage boosts/turn to start to overcome his defenses, so I'd qualify it as making a mockery of defense-subject physicals. In the long term he can build up Style for a powerful Combust on a Hyper Turn. Bring ITD or status to a fight with Finn. The gimmick gets him in Heavy probably.

HP: 452 (1.14)
Physique: 107   
Hackitude: 50   
Sparke: 50 (25 starting style)
Cunning: 34   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 87   
Natural Sparke: 50   
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.275   
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.931   
Physical Durability: 1.45   
Magical Durability: 1.06   
(Base Phys damage): 563   
(Base Mag Damage):   300   
(Base Pierce Damage): 400   
Hyper 2nd turn, then every third turn.      
Heart Ripper: 255 Atk, Damage Up X% (bugged? Doesn't work?)
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Bloody Cape: Deal extra damage (+50%) to organic enemies      
Other Weapon options:      
Paw Claws: 234 Atk, Auto-Revive!      
Other Accessory Options:      
Fur Cape: Ice damage and resistance up 50%      
Nice Cape: Physique +10      
Superior Cape: Hitting weakness deals bonus damage      
Cut: 1x physical to an enemy      
Brutalize: 2x physical to an enemy (0 style)      
Bloodlust: 1x heal to self. (ability will refresh on defend or when an enemy dies) [does get 25 style]      
Infect: 1.1x Poison status damage to an enemy.      
Brink of Defeat: 1.4x Physical. Using while Desperate allows Z'xorv to survive in deperation an additional round.      
Cornered Beast: Damage increases (linearly?) from 1x to 2.5x as Z'xorv HP gets low.      
Freezing Touch: 1.25x Ice magic damage. 2x Stun damage to ice weak enemies      
Rebirth: Will Auto-revive if KO'd within 6 turns. (No style loss, no Desperation, full HP restored on reduction to <0 HP)      
Die or Die: 2x Physical Burst. Z'xorv HP drops to 1      
Relentless: Auto-attack with 2x physicals until target is dead. 35 style/attack (attacks start turn this is used)      
Insult and Inury: 1.1x Physical. 1x Enrage status damage      
Acid Cloud: 1.85x Pierce damage to an area. Poisons Z'xorv      
Hod Blooded: Increases damage by 50% for 3 turns. Poisons Z'xorv      
Injection: 3x Heal (233 HP) . Reduces max HP to 75% of normal (339)      
Snow Breath: 1.5x Ice magic to a medium area      
Mincemeat: 1.5x physical attack. 2.25X to Organics      
Sub-Zero: 2.2x Ice magic to all. Poisons Z'xorv      
Murder: 1.8x physical. Instant Death if enemy is in critical      
Risky Assault: random damage of 1x-5x physical. Poisons Z'xorv      
3-turn Damage: 8441   
- Relentless 1801   
- Relentless 4389   
- Relentless 2251   
5-turn Damage:   22228   
- Mincemeat 1231   
- Murder 3510   
- Hot Blooded      
- Bring of Defeat 2328   
- Die or Die 15159   

Comments: Z'Xorv brings some healing (odd healing but basically) and good physical durability to a fight, along with his propensity to last long enough to get a Desperation attack off (or two, with Brink of Defeat!). The Organic bonus damage is sure to be a good thing in most fights. Building up to a fatal Die or Die is his MO. It doesn't happen fast though. Probably a Middle/Heavy due to the lack of base damage.

HP: 379 (0.96)
Physique: 80   
Hackitude: 69   
Sparke: 69 (30% Starting Style)   
Cunning: 60   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 50   
Natural Sparke: 59   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.966   
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.944   
Physical Durability: 0.923   
Magical Durability: 0.902   
(Base Phys damage): 438   
(Base Mag Damage): 387   
(Base Tech Damage) 387   
Hyper is on a random turn (1-5). Once done, it is again on a random 1-5 turns.      
Star Boots: 255 Atk, Auto-Save (Self destruct and Waltz don't kill Clarke the first time they are used), Auto Morte(Allies do 25% more damage if Clarke is dead), Stats+10)      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Crazy Stache: Self Destruct has Burst property.      
Other Weapon options:      
Dancing Boots: Style +25, Speed Up      
Other Accessory Options:      
Bushy Stache: Regen HP based on current Style (X HP/Style)      
Kick: 1x Physical damage. 50 Style instead of 25 if it kills enemy.      
Self-Destruct: 3.5x Tech damage. Kills Clarke (unless Save is in effect)      
Chillax: Party gets an extra 20% damage reduction for 6 turns when defending.      
Jazz Hands: Removes ailments from self. 100 Style if effective, 25 otherwise      
Petty Theft: Steals a few credits (30 style)      
Waltz: 1x Heal to entire party. Clarke dies (unless Save is in effect)      
Mortify: If Clarke dies after using this, allies will do 25% more damage.      
Oil Spill: Target takes 100% more Fire or Elec damage on the next attack      
Para Para: Removes elemental resistances from one enemy.      
Electrify: 0.75x Electric magic damage to one random foe. Increases by X% per usage.      
Jitterbug: Brief burst of speed (2 turns). (~150% speed)      
Spin Spin Spin: 1x Tech damage over a large area.      
Save/Quit: The next time Clarke uses an ability that would kill himself, it doesn't.      
Too Cool: +35 style (instead of 25). +70 if style is 0      
Rocket Boot: 1.5x Tech damage to a small area      
Dance Party: Increase party style by 15 (including Clarke)      
Dance Off: 0.8x Tech damage to all enemies, 25 Style, Burst.      
Glitch: 0.8x Electric magic to all enemies. Triple to robots      
Limiter Release: Boosts Clarke's damage by 100%. Dies after 3 turns.      

Various turn Hyper damage layouts:
Turn 1 Hyper:   10518   Limit Release → Rocket Boot → Self-Destruct
Turn 2 Hyper:   14415   Limit Release → Self Destruct → Rocket Boost
Turn 3 Hyper:   19306   Limit Release → Rocket Boot → Self-Destruct
(No Hyper 3 turn 3 turn damage strat)   10518   
Turn 4 Hyper   28749   Limit Release → Kick → Rocket Boot → Self-Destruct
Turn 5 Hyper:   29490   Spin Spin Spin → Limiter Release → Kick → Rocket Boot → Self Destruct
~3 turn damage average:   13055   (average of turn 1-3 hyper or no Hyper strat)
~5 turn damage average:   20496   

Comments: Wins by blowing himself up. Which turn that happens (and how much damage it does) is random! Isn't that fun? The randomness makes it a bit of a headache, but could be interesting to think about in Middle. Desperation may help him last to the turn in question although it hurts to lose 50 style on a Burst move. (since below 100 Style it falls off fast)

HP: 357 (0.90)
Physique: 54   
Hackitude: 90   
Sparke: 81 (40 starting Style)
Cunning: 34   
Weapon Power: 248   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 34   
Natural Sparke: 66   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.816   (1.682 after Exoskeleton)
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.18   
Physical Durability: 0.734 ( 1.51 after Exoskeleton)
Magical Durability: 1.06   
(Base Phys damage): 312   
(Base Mag Damage): 434   
(Base Pierce Damage): 634   
Hyper is on every 3rd turn      
ZXDY-300: 248 Atk, Hackitude+15, Sparke+15      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Book of Poems: Poet (Crescendo and Cacophony skills have Burst, note that means they do not give Style the turn they are used)      
Other Weapon options:      
ZXDY-200NT: 214 Atk, Absorb (Reduces damage from first attack taken)      
ZXDZ-1: 200 Atk, Heal abilities 35% more effective, Increased Song effects      
Other Accessory Options:      
Ancient Lore: Bard (Songs don't end even after Cacophony/Crescendo)      
Forbidden Lore: Offering (Share Life targets all allies but for less HP      
Slash: 1.2x Physical to one      
Share Life: Restores HP equal to user's current HP (can self target) (0 Style)      
Rebirth Song: Regenerates ~39 HP to the party when the song gets a turn (coincides with Psybe's starting next turn)      
Pain Song: 1x Magic damage starting right before Psybe's next turn and repeats.      
Sonic Scream: 0.7x Pierce damage to all enemies.      
Crescendo: 1x Heal to whole party. Ends current song (must have a song active)      
Wireless: Self-buff. Next program does not get de-activated after use (not of much value without unique shields)      
Cacophony: 2.5x Magic damage to all enemies. Ends current song (must have a song active)      
Hyper Awareness: Hyper mode damage increased by 40%      
Exoskeleton: Defense +75% for 5 turns (tink tink tink)      
Hive Mind: Buffs party. They will share Psybe's style if Psybe's style is higher (doesn't work for Burst moves though)      
Earthquake: 1.25x Earth magic damage to all enemies.      
Digest: 3.2x physical damage to one enemy. Stuns Psybe for one turn.      
Brisk Song: Raises party's speed while active.      
Hypercharge: An ally gains hyper next turn. Burst (reduces Psybe's style to 0)      
Balance: Self-buff. +25% stats for 3 turns.      
Avatar: 2.5x Damage on Psybe's next move, but stuns all other allies... (wicked sweet in a duel, huh?)      
3-turn Damage:   20931   
Pain Song: 682   
Avatar: 682   
CACOPHONY: 19567   
5-turn Damage: 23108   
Pain Song: 682   
Avatar: 682   
CACOPHONY: 19567   
Earthquake: 679   
Digest: 1499   

Comments: That is a lot of damage on turn 3! Unfortunately he isn't likely to stay alive till that happens. His healing song and Desperation might help. The 50 style cost for Desperation eats into his Cacophony damage even with the 1.5x Desperation bonus though.

HP: 389 (0.98)
Physique: 70   
Hackitude: 50   
Sparke: 87   (40 starting Style)
Cunning: 24   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 50   
Natural Sparke: 87   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.966   
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.22   
Physical Durability: 0.947   
Magical Durability:   1.196   
(Base Phys damage):   392   
(Base Mag Damage):   470   
(Base Pierce Damage)   400   
Hyper on every 4th turn (3rd with Crystla Holster)      
Decimator: 255 Atk, Wind/Fire/Ice Up (+50% damage, also resists these elements)      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Crystal Holster: Hyperspeed (hyper interval reduced from 4 to 3)      
Other Weapon options:      
Corpse Maker: Auto-Chant (start battle with Chant's +75% damage in effect)      
Other Accessory Options:      
Leather Holster: Sparke +10      
Rock Holster: Shrug Off (No style loss for going into Desperation mode)      
Flexible Holster: Flexible (Spirit Walk is re-usable)      
Spectral Shot: 1x physical. 2X vs. Spectral enemies.      
Wind Slice: 1.25x Wind. (35 style instead of 25)      
Spirit Walk: 1x Healing to self. Removes status ailments (0 style)      
Accuse: Next ailment on target is more successful.      
Gumshoe Shift: Hitting weakness deals bonus damage (1.5x)      
Chant: +75% damage next turn.      
Tempest: 1.1x Wind magic to a large area      
Shadow Shift: Buff. Elements of attacks are reversed.      
Anvil Drop: 1.6x physical to a small area      
Fireball: 1.6x fire magic damage to a small area.      
Lightning Bolt: 2x lightning magic damage to one enemy.      
Astralize: makes an enemy spectral-typed.      
Gravity Blast: 1.2x magic damage. 2.4x when in Hyper mode (so a total of 4.8x in Hyper)      
Blizzard: 0.6x Wind and 0.6x Ice magic damage to a large area.      
Meteor: 0.9x Wind and 0.9x Fire magic damage to a small area      
Ultimate Curse: Inflicts curse on all spectral enemies.      
Nether Tendrils: 1.5x pierce damage to one. 3X if enemy is Cursed.      
Gaea's Rage: 3x Omni-elemental magic attack to all enemies.      
Three-turn damage: 16259
Wind Slice: 1491   
Gaea's Rage: 14767   
Five-Turn damage: 20493   
Wind Slice: 1491   
Gaea's Rage: 14767   
Blizzard: 1694   
Meteor: 2541   

Comments: Much like Psybe he has a killer turn 3. He is more durable so more likely to live to see that turn, but not by much. Desperation helps him more comparatively because his best considerable damage isn't even a Burst attack.  He may be able to get by with healing infinitely but it is only ~44% of his HP at 100+ Style. Low Middle.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 09:37:43 PM by Pyro »