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Messages - Dunefar

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48]
Tournaments / Re: Full ranking tournament: Round 2, Week 2!
« on: December 24, 2007, 04:43:15 PM »


31 Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs 32 Guv (DQ8) - I don't know, I really don't. Passing for now.
8 Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs 47 Elc (AtLC) - Elc.


110 Knight (FF1) vs 56 Hiro (Lunar:EBC) - Oh bleeding hell. I go Hiro since he'll strike first and get a lot of shots at the Knight. Helluva fight.
144 Izlude Tingel (FFT) vs 145 Jerin (Lufia1) - Jerin. Outheals.


106 Juan (S3) vs 54 Sigurd (S4) - Juan.


194 Tia (Lufia2) vs 89 Janus (VP1) - Tia. Outheals.
216 Piccolo (S3) vs 57 Roger (SO3) - Roger?
73 Jayle (VP1) Vs 159 Saleh (FE8) - Jayle?

General Chat / Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« on: December 23, 2007, 08:13:51 AM »
Lillith mode?

That...umm...I'll be blunt; its flat out silly in every way possible.  I mean, why Lillith <_<?

(not saying this is a bad thing, mind)

Kind of, but I get the impression Lilith has generated a fan following over the years. 

General Chat / Re: Niu's pic topic part3
« on: December 23, 2007, 07:54:43 AM »
Lillith Mode? Awesome. Now if they'd just bring the damn game over to the US.

Tournaments / Re: Full Ranking Tournament: Round 2!!!, Week 1
« on: December 22, 2007, 06:21:10 PM »

71 Jessica vs 117 Diekbeck - Jessica.
13 Jade vs 23 Terra - Terra. Funny little fight.

37 Raquel vs 74 Barbarossa - Raquel.
125 Edgar vs 138 Sharon - Sharon. Yeah, speed blitz is just enough to creep past Edgar. Good fight, it could be argued a lot I imagine.


13 Kazan vs 212 Grey - Kazan. There's a world of difference here.


35 Ace vs 95 Rennac - Ace. Not Rennac.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 22, 2007, 04:19:58 PM »
Arrived back in Vancouver last night.  Woke up this morning to snow.  (Not Snow as in Jo'ou, snow as in white stuff on the ground).  This is actually extremely rare in Vancouver--it's possible we'll have a white Christmas if it doesn't melt before then.  This isn't necessarily a good thing, though, since I haven't done any Christmas shopping, and Vancouver's preparadness for snow tends to be pretty low.

The fact that you felt you had to clarify that it was snow and not Snow was priceless.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:18:13 PM »
Workin' on it!

I don't mind getting sick so much, but I'd rather not miss work if I can help it. I have two days until I'm off for awhile, soooo.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:10:02 PM »
MMX4 had excellent overall production values. I really liked the anime cutscenes, though god does the VA not hold up.

HoI2- 1943. Brazil-USA alliance is fighting the Japanese in the Philippines and on various pacific islands. Due to the US not being in the allies, they never actually declared war on the Germans. Germany's fared much better than they did historically. They're slowly but surely pushing into Russia and have had no problems beating back the British.

Japan is completely fucked in spite of making good headway in Asia. They're to India now, but.. they're running up against the Brits who can pummel them and through bad land which slows them down. They're also staring down two industrial powerhouses with no support from the Germans. They're fucked as soon as the US gets a fleet good enough to crack their carrier fleet.

Though oddly, the US hasn't done any research in nuclear power yet.

1. The USA not declaring war on Germany is a unique thing to HoI2. While tenuously-maybe possible in real life(If you ignore the shoot on sight orders for the Atlantic fleet regarding U-boats pre Pearl Harbor), the fact that Japan can't easily join the Axis+AI quirk means that if the US is in another alliance they won't join the Allies.

2. Vanilla AI doesn't research nukes. Each nuclear plant costs 50 IC over several months, which is extremely draining. Combined with the relative cost effectiveness of researching/building nukes, it's not a bad thing for the basic AI. If you want a USA with nukes, I'd look into the various AI improvement programs. This is also aggravated by the fact that USA usually ends up with a lot less IC than it should have historically.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:00:51 PM »
So when I get home last night I find one of my younger brothers is sick. Fever, cough, sore throat, all the things that scream 'flu!' I shake my head and continue on with business as normal. This morning, I wake up achy-sore something fierce, but I shake it off and go to breakfast. As I stumble through that lovely ritual, my brother gets home. Turns out he has the fucking flu - no, no, not just a cold, but the real influfuckingenza. So I shake my head again and go through the morning - a coughing, light headed, sneezy morning.

Fuck. I'm getting the flu 6 days before Christmas? Fuck.

Discussion / Discussion rules
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:26:04 PM »
Since I'm the lunatic now in charge of this board, I'd like to lay out the basic ground rules; as this is the 'serious' DL forum. If you don't want to slog through the rest of this and have an IQ above 30, read merely this next line.

Don't be stupid.

There. No big deal. I know pretty much everyone here understands that, so I won't go on some high'n'mighty rant about it; merely laying out the rules instead. Just in case, y'know, a new person or ten drop by, so that there is a quick reference for the dos and don'ts of Discussion.

- As this is the serious board, don't veer wildly off topic or post pointless derails. That's for General Chat. The conversation can lead in different directions; certainly, but should not be forced from a lengthy discourse on Israel to what color Gameboy you should purchase. Ditto with something like a game ranking topic or pretty much anything else. Again, General Chat is merely one click up and away.

- This forum contains the more serious, political debates of the DL forums. To prevent the normal ball twisting drama and antics, I ask that you maintain a level of respect for other's views, and act as such. Failing that, at least do a decent job of pretending as much. Avoid ad hominem attacks; the argument may be stupid, but the person is not(Probably). Do not make bullshit declaritive statements that add nothing without adding some reasonable backing to them. Don't warp other's words into a springboard for your own semi related rants, or to launch unfounded attacks.

- If a moderator feels the need to edit a post or make a moderator's annoucement, we'll generally color code the relevant text. Dune uses yellow, and Sage prefers indigo. Seeing colored text in one of your posts like this not a good thing as a rule. Don't give us reasons to do so.

- As an example of what not to do, the first page and a half of this thread is a good primer(FF6 spoilers, though):

No one on the moderation or admin team is going to be amused if this sort of thing happens again.

- If you feel someone is trolling, harassing or just being a dick, don't hesitate to give me a poke. I hope this won't be needed, but in case...


AIM - Ana Lightfellow
MSN - (Rarely on)


AIM - Daikenja Acrin

Or just PM us.

General Chat / Re: What Are You Listening To?
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:22:29 PM »
Megaman 20th anniversary rock collection - Megaman 5 Wily's Fortress remix.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:16:57 PM »
I'd say it's apt and fitting.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:16:19 PM »
Community Chest 3:

This is a Doom 2 megawad, full of contributions by various authors. Since I haven't been playing anything else but San Andreas, here we go!

Map 1: Ventilator

This is a standard overrun tech base design with a lot of water elements.  Most of your battles are against imps, zombies, demons and occasional revenants, often from above via numerous cliffs and overlooks. The challenge level is moderate, most of the difficulty coming from revenants. It's not bad, just unremarkable despite the interesting name. 6/10

Map 2: Ion Storm

Yep, more techbase. This time it's a massive, cramped struggle versus hordes of zombies, imps and barons of hell. The challenge level takes a spike here, partly due to high enemy density. The other reason is that the secrets are both essential(Especially the SSG) but often incredibly painful(Also the SSG). I'm not really a fan of this level, it goes on a few sectors too far and has a few too many cannon fodders for my taste. The level design is also very unappealing, a typical base texture setup. 4/10.

Map 3: Mineopoly

The techbase theme takes a hike this level as you have to go down an abandoned Phobos mine shaft. The monster count is low and the passages are twisting, but a few heavy fights lurk within. There's a particularly bitchy archvile and two revenants that can get a few deaths out of you, especially if you're low on health going into that door. For the latter part of the level, you end up in an underground installation inside the mine. Decent level with a different flavor than the first two. 5/10.

Map 4: UAC Checkpoint

Techbase represent! This level is more of the same - a mix of map 1, map 3 and it's own flavor for monster distribution. While there are a few fancy special effects to be found, the majority of this map is cookie cutter. I'm rather glad for it in light of map 5, try to exit with a lot of health, armor and ammo if at all possible. Solid but not one you'll remember much past playing it. 5/10.

Map 5: Living Hell

If you played the original Doom or Doom 2, you know there is a certain flow to how levels are arraigned. You go from human flavored areas to eventually the heart of Hell itself, with appropriately rising monster and weapon selections throughout. This level bucks that trend, dropping you into a sadistic blend of Doom 2's map 8 and 28, with challenge above and beyond both of those. You'll be facing all the worst Hell has to offer and trying to find the weapons to do it with. It's even more complicated than that, however, as the entire level is set up around one certain path and knowing where all the secrets are. If you deviate from this path or don't know where the secrets are, you'll find yourself in completely unforgiving situations. This level is in short a poorly designed gimmick, mistaking challenge for 'how hard can I screw the player over if he doesn't do things my way'-ness. Also, handing the player a BFG and plasma rifle on map 5 can unbalance the next few maps. I don't know why this ill fitting level is here and not in a slot far more deserving of this sort of challenge. 1/10.

Map 6: Forgone Destruction

This level returns to the previous, with a brick and techbase scenario much like the previous levels. The design is decent and the monster selection is acceptable, but it's a rather forgettable if refreshing affair. The real matter of note is the author who did this wad - it doesn't feel like Tormentor667's previous efforts at all. 5/10.

Map 7: Simple Complex.

Yes, that's a play on words. Remember Doom 2's map 7, Dead Simple? The one with the mancubi and arachnotrons? Due to the special switches that can be used, many map 7s go that route. This map is a parody on that, with a deceptive and trap filled base to work your way through. I like this on paper, but the execution sucked it long and hard. There's too much propensity on ensnaring you with traps that will likely maim or kill you the first time you see them. Shotgunners and chaingunners are at a premium, making any haste through the level ill advised. This slowed the gameplay to a crawl, diminishing my enjoyment enough to skip most of the level. Bleh.

Simple Complex wasn't fun to play and that's all there is to it. 2/10.

Map 8: Impure Liquids.

Finally some mixup! This level is designed around a whiterock river, with a techbase situated in the middle. Your goal is to fight through to the other side and the portal at the end of the river's flow. The design of this level is very, very good - it focuses around using hordes and hitscanners right - you often have to fight a lot of them from a medium distance, taking advantage of positioning and monster infighting to conserve your ammo. One can play it slow or try to rush it, the health in the level arraigned so that you'd have a fighting chance. My only complaint is the lack of a backpack, since you get a large ammo surplus near the end of the level. 8/10.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:15:43 AM »
Hearts of Iron 2: Still figuring out the game some. I have most of the stuff not related to combat and troop movement down though. Right now playing as Brazil in 1940. I've turned them into an industrial powerhouse and aligned them with the rest of the Amercias besides for Canada. The USA-Argentine-Brazil alliance will make those foul Finlanders pay!

Do you have a naval base within range(3000 KM for transports, but ships in the flotilla can lower this depending on their maximum ranges) to amphibious assault Finland?

Tournaments / Re: FIT S40 Playoffs.
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:11:01 AM »

Yuna (FFX) vs Ryu (BoF2) - Ryu.
Ryu (BoF3) vs Luther (SO3) - Ryu.
Ramirez (SoA) vs Berle (SO2) - Berle.


Red (Saga) vs Surt (VP1) - Red.
Alfina (G3) Vs Angelo (DQ8) - Bounce has an argument to stop Galactic Bang by itself. Between that, full healing and fire reduction, Alfina doesn't have much of a chance. Also there's status if need be, Alfina's out of her league. Angelo.


Yulie (WA4) Vs Beowulf (FFT) - Beowulf.
Eileen (S1) vs Vahn (LoL1) - Eileen? Shrug.
Kornell (G3) vs Tear (TotA) - Tear.


Jayle (VP1) vs Kent (FE7) - Jayle.
Futch (Suikos) vs Mia (Lunar1) - Mia.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:17:53 PM »
GTA: San Andreas.

Replaying this, still early in Los Santos. The game's a blast to play, from missions to side shit to just fooling around.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:08:40 PM »
The time for elegance is past, the Age of Kawaii is upon us!

Lies and slander. This avatar here is correct, there is no age of cuteness coming.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: December 18, 2007, 06:15:19 PM »
Sticking with a non holiday Chris. Then again, when you're Chris, every day is a holiday.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:59:57 PM »
Christmas shopping: Done for now. I hope you appreciate DQM:J, aiel.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning, 2008!
« on: December 18, 2007, 02:40:49 PM »
I've used this forum software before, it's pretty nice. Now we just get to wait for everything to get setup as normal.

Aren't all the old topics being ported over?

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