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Topics - Dunefar

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Writeup Graveyard / Arc (vs Neclord)
« on: April 19, 2008, 03:13:12 AM »
Let's get to the point: When you need a vampire dead you call for a hero. Fortunately for the DL, Arc fits the bill. As a legendary hero that took down the Dark One with the power of light, he's perfectly suited to smash in Neclord. A steady diet of Invincible makes Neclord's offense pointless; all he can do is wail against a wall while Arc stabs his face in. All things considered, this is both heroic and a nice role reversal. After protecting himself with the Night Rune for so long, Neclord's going to get thrashed by a like power.

Writeup Graveyard / Flonne (vs Shana)
« on: April 18, 2008, 08:13:33 PM »
Yay! Angel Trainee Flonne has knocked down her first opposition! With burning justice at her side, she'll go straight through this next one, too!  A Dragoon is nothing to a servant of justice! With her mighty KAPOW from Holy Arrows and the ROAR of the fierce Flonnezilla, Flonne won't have any problems outpacing Shana's damage or any attempts at healing.  With those sorts of moves, Shana's toast and Flonne gets to move onto the semi finals. There she can get one step closer to her destiny of winning a Light championship.

General Chat / 2008 NFL season: Yearning to go 8-8.
« on: April 16, 2008, 06:38:12 PM »
So yeah, I had a reason to post in the 2007 NFL topic, but I thought: 'Waitaminute, it's not the 2007 NFL season anymore!' Anyway, schedules came out yesterday. The Redskins have the dubious honor of playing on opening day Thursday against the Giants. It'll be the new head coach's first game, so Zorn will immediately be under the spotlight. The rest of the schedule is a bit rough, though I'm not banking much on next season anyway. With a new head coach and the embers of a few failed teams smoldering, this smacks of an 8-8 rebuilding year. If you discount the bullshit run the 'skins made at the end of last season to reach the playoffs, the team simply sucked.

Oh, and guess who has one of the easiest schedules? C'mon, just guess.

Also, draft's coming up at the end of the month.  I haven't really followed much, though we certainly have holes to fill.

Writeup Graveyard / Gades (vs Zelos)
« on: April 04, 2008, 04:55:13 PM »
DESTROY. That word describes a universal truth, the ruination that Gades embodies as a Sinistral.  What's one more man in front of that? That's the truth of this matter when Gades goes against Zelos. You see, Zelos is a merry foe, laughing and taunting as he throws both spell and sword at his opponent. This may cower a lesser being, but a superior being like Gades is hardly moved by such base trickery. Instead he will take the plummeling while he prepares, enhancing his own attack power with Undead before letting loose obliterating strikes that will utterly annihilate Zelos. With his heavy armor and excellent endurance, Gades won't have any problem lasting this long to secure a Godlike win.

Writeup Graveyard / FuSoYa (vs Algus)
« on: April 04, 2008, 04:46:34 PM »
Being a hero means that you oppose evil and all of it's tools. One of these tools is particularly sinister: Propaganda. Evil revels in denigrating it's foes and turning them into nothing, depriving them of respect and support. In such a vein, Algus may talk a good game. He'll go on about how his foe can't be much of anything, just a self taught mage. What he doesn't want you to know is that FuSoYa is an ancient master and guardian, having learned every spell of both White and Black magic. In reality, FuSoYa is more than capable of destoying Algus with a potent volley of Flares or Holys, let alone Toad, Piggy or Minis. Even if Algus withstands that, Meteo will turn him into nothing more than a paste on the arena floor. What can Algus do about that, shoot a crossbow at him?

Writeup Graveyard / Largo (vs Zalbag)
« on: April 04, 2008, 04:34:44 PM »
Let's be honest.  A tried and true method of dealing with zombies is the liberal application of fire. This plays right into Largo's hand this week as he fights the Arc Knight Zalbag. Sure, Largo isn't your stereotypical hero, but anyone can be a hero when faced with a zombie! So this is how it's gonna go down: Zalbag's going to try and stab up Largo like any good zombie. Largo's going to take the suffering and get beat up while applying the first doses of fire via Savage Flame and Infernal Blast. Then Zalbag's gonna go all rough on him, trying to finish him off to get his brains. That's when the big finish happens. Two words: Brimstone Tempest. That leaves Zalbag nothing but undead ash and Largo alive, just like the end of any good horror movie.

Writeup Graveyard / Gades (vs Yuber)
« on: March 15, 2008, 01:03:04 AM »
Devastation versus chaos. A battle that compliments one another from the beginning, as two fiends face off today. Gades seeks victory with his strong points - overwhelming attack power with Undead and crushing physical blows. He has this and lacks the one weakness Yuber has; Gades has superb endurance. The Eight-Devil rune will strike hard but not slow Gades down. In return Gades will crush Yuber underneath his powerful blows. Yuber just can't deal with a strong, though opponent who can hit him, and Gades fits the bill from head to toe.

Writeup Graveyard / Kharg (vs Zera Valmar)
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:48:40 PM »
Kharg's sword and wind powers are rip raring to go! After a long break from the Arena, Kharg returns to attempt to climb to the top of Heavy and claim a championship. His wind based powers are perfect for shredding a mere butterfly like Zera Valmar. What can a religious nutjob butterfly do against tornadoes and Wind Blade Fury? Even if Zera starts throwing some lighting around, it's a losing battle against someone as tough and enduring as Kharg. If worst comes to worst, he can summon the Big Owl to splatter Zera before he can even react. No mere butterfly is going to keep Kharg down!

Discussion / MOVED: Current-gen consoles in the DL.
« on: February 29, 2008, 05:15:54 PM »

Writeup Graveyard / Guv (vs Yuna)
« on: February 22, 2008, 11:59:05 PM »
Everyone knows Yuna, the big bad summoner of Spira. Everyone knows about the Magus Three and Bahamut. But today people are gonna find out about a different kind of summoner. It's time for Guv to assert himself as the badass controller of overpowered monsters that he is! We're going to see an epic clash of the Triple Threat Team versus the Magus Three, then skirmishes like Shiva versus Talos and more. What this fight will come down to in the end is the two summoners, finally bereft of all their monsters. At that time Guv's ace in the hole will emerge. As Yuna prepares to try and cast Holy, she'll get a Dragon Soul to the face.  Even if the monsters cancel out, Yuna can't do a thing about that.

Writeup Graveyard / Karin (vs Nash)
« on: February 22, 2008, 04:46:14 PM »
Anne's Cross dangles from Karin's neck. When Nash sees it in the arena, he'll have time to feel fear before he's torn apart by Karin's rapier. This match is very simple, as Nash relies on status and Karin is immune to it. This gives Karin all the time in the world to assault Nash, as his famed thunder magic isn't potent enough to outrace Karin's sword arts. Really, Nash's best chance will be to try and sweet talk the fair lady. He's shut down in battle, so perhaps his charm can save the day? He doesn't have any other options to rely on, so that may be for the best.

Discussion / Discussion rules
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:26:04 PM »
Since I'm the lunatic now in charge of this board, I'd like to lay out the basic ground rules; as this is the 'serious' DL forum. If you don't want to slog through the rest of this and have an IQ above 30, read merely this next line.

Don't be stupid.

There. No big deal. I know pretty much everyone here understands that, so I won't go on some high'n'mighty rant about it; merely laying out the rules instead. Just in case, y'know, a new person or ten drop by, so that there is a quick reference for the dos and don'ts of Discussion.

- As this is the serious board, don't veer wildly off topic or post pointless derails. That's for General Chat. The conversation can lead in different directions; certainly, but should not be forced from a lengthy discourse on Israel to what color Gameboy you should purchase. Ditto with something like a game ranking topic or pretty much anything else. Again, General Chat is merely one click up and away.

- This forum contains the more serious, political debates of the DL forums. To prevent the normal ball twisting drama and antics, I ask that you maintain a level of respect for other's views, and act as such. Failing that, at least do a decent job of pretending as much. Avoid ad hominem attacks; the argument may be stupid, but the person is not(Probably). Do not make bullshit declaritive statements that add nothing without adding some reasonable backing to them. Don't warp other's words into a springboard for your own semi related rants, or to launch unfounded attacks.

- If a moderator feels the need to edit a post or make a moderator's annoucement, we'll generally color code the relevant text. Dune uses yellow, and Sage prefers indigo. Seeing colored text in one of your posts like this not a good thing as a rule. Don't give us reasons to do so.

- As an example of what not to do, the first page and a half of this thread is a good primer(FF6 spoilers, though):

No one on the moderation or admin team is going to be amused if this sort of thing happens again.

- If you feel someone is trolling, harassing or just being a dick, don't hesitate to give me a poke. I hope this won't be needed, but in case...


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