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Messages - SageAcrin

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At this point, it's just simplest to grab it from there. I have a minor alterations beta from the last round of testing, but it's not quite finished yet. (And I'll up it there when it is.)

It's a matter of degree.

The main plot from what I've seen is quite decent in a kind of airy way, the combat is pretty fun as long as you're nearly matching your target(which is usually), but it is a game that is basically a more streamlined, actually plot-filled, convenience filled, etc. Morrowind-style RPG.

Which is to say, while you can blow through it, the game is kinda short if you do, and the scale of the game is pretty much impossible to convey. DQ8's rather fun world map has nothing on wandering around in XB, and the sidequest stuff is just the part that stands out most. It's a nice little thing otherwise.

(Disclaimer; I am not very far, and may be wrong about it being shortish. Or something could go wrong/right with the plot, but I kinda doubt it ever has massively deep plot or horrible plot twists.)

I think it just rediverts the challenge from the secondary bosses to the maingame, judging by enemy levels in the maingame vs enemy random levels.

So yeah you can probably rocket through it and still enjoy it, it's just different.

General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars 2012 - Mayan Calendar Edition
« on: May 03, 2012, 01:55:33 PM »
Well, it makes more sense when you realize it's eating a Gyarados Hydro Pump and smiling there. That sort of an event is a me thing.

The start of Pokemon Special is silly.

I mean, the whole thing is silly too, mind you.

Super Robot Taisen Z2-2;


Generally speaking way the heck better than Z2-1 while still being a very similar game. Mostly, rather than being a straight up "This is a squad game in character design, single PC units in actual fact" borefest game of SRWJ(generously) complexity...

Well, you have massive rocket tag. Generally speaking, I find that SRW is at its best in rocket tag.

The highest overall cash amount of any Super Robot Taisen on a single playthrough(I cleared with just under 29M as a total gain throughout the game), the highest raw unit deployment amounts(28/28/30 for the last stages, often endgame levels for most games(20-24) for ages before that), eight pilot skills-which enemies abuse liberally-a lot of extremely wacky SR points(MAKE this allied neutral get three kills, for example), a bunch of enemies that would be scary as hell in any other game...

Well, it's silly. And actually sorta okay on challenge. And is much more in line with what I was hoping for when I went into Z2-1-an interesting non-squad game that attempted to build on the formula. It does so rather linearly, but I can handle linear.

It isn't perfect, though. Some units still feel utterly useless to an exceptional degree-I can just feel them wondering what the hell to do with Sara's Panther to reconcile its plot usefulness and its gameplay usefulness in a logical way and blanking. The SRs tend towards being speed a little too often still(this has been a problem with all the Z games, though it was a lot worse in Z2-1, and even Z1-one of the few things I will say this game does better than Z1.). In the end, you're still rarely using support mechs because the cast size is so spectacularly stupidly huge, and because the battleships have good enough support spirit sets(you can deploy up to four of these by the end, too!), that they still don't do that well.

And, the largest issue, for some reason the challenge rockets screeching off a cliff after the final pathsplit. I admittedly had my only unit death during that stretch(Vajra Queen successfully stunshocked Dancougar Nova-Steady doesn't stop that-then offloaded 13000 damage onto it next turn. I was impressed.), but that was an exceptional map. The final was decent too. All eight other stages were stupidly easy, and even those two had an SR finished a full turn early(on a three turn limit) and the entire final stage finished in two turns, respectively. (Granted if I had screwed up on the final stage, I would have been rather dead. That's what happens when you screw up those blitzes, you spend thirty minutes, end up a few thousand damage short, and reload because you can't really recover.).

There's still issues. But it's a *lot* better.

Incidentally, the worst thing ever is that PSP SRW Z2s show my time played. I didn't need to know that. OH WELL I'M SURE A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF IT WAS DUE TO ME CHATTING WHILE PLAYING. Yes. That's it.

Oh, and I swear to god they somehow made Turn A better than it has ever been. It is kinda scary. At this rate they'll just give it a fullscreen enemy-only MAP weapon next game.

General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars 2012 - Mayan Calendar Edition
« on: May 03, 2012, 10:32:59 AM »
My Avatar's been broken for a while, I should fix that.

I should also post more, so I actually notice these things...

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: February 02, 2012, 11:53:29 AM »

Something I noticed when soloing Iseria with Precis(Without Algol of course...and on Galaxy...mostly because "OMGWTFBBQ BOWMAN SOLOS ISERIA" was kinda an SO2 board meme at the time and I got sick of it...) is that Alley-Oop, disconcertingly, has stupidly good milage against the fast trucking enemies, because once the actual throw goes off it can't miss. It can be blocked...but not physically fail to hit the enemy.

I remember it helping a ton there, so it may help some against Indy?

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:56:13 AM »
Tales of Maj'Eyal:

So Ghouls are (possibly, or rather, it's possible to fuck up) too slow to get the good ending that everyone else gets easily. At least, I screwed it up. (I think it's quite possible to do, just uh...very, very tight time limit, and Necromancer was not the Class Of Choice for getting through that area fast.)

So instead, between that and a previous decision I made, everyone's fucked.

I love this game, sometimes.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 22, 2012, 12:06:59 AM »
"World maps don't make sense" are a lot different from the bird shadows, as world maps are conscious design abstractions, etc.

All I can say is that I tend to set my suspension of disbelief to the highest point a game demands at any point and then leave it stuck there.

I know it's a bit odd, possibly, but I don't get surprised too often by games, due to that.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 62
« on: January 21, 2012, 10:12:18 PM »
Sage fails FF4 fight has too much dangerous and fast status for the team to deal with I think.

Demi's status immune and can cure status with MedicPower.

Palom/Porom are slower than average, Toadstool is slower than Demi, so Toadstool gets healed before her turn, then they get nailed with Sleep. IIRC there's no remotely legal sleep blocker(I think Rosa could get one with PRISONER'S CLOTHES or whatever, but not those two.).

I can see that fight draining my resources for a later fight maybe, but I'm struggling to see it kill. Toss in Sleepmore on one of the twins/status fighters to take them out of commission temporarily, if you're still not buying it.

I've just got too much status on my end, and trying to take out all my status healers at once gets Edgar to status you, even if you somehow decided Demi could be statused out(Group Hug also cures status and all).

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:47:15 AM »
I think I *remember* that.

I didn't think much of it, because I'd followed birds around the world in Chrono Trigger. On foot.

What I'm saying here is minor details in RPGs hit up my suspension of disbelief a long while ago is all. In fact, I think I remember SoM more for the effect you're talking about than AtL2, I think it did a weird mixture of following you and actually moving relative to you that would often make clouds sync to your speed or something really fucked up.

I think. It's been a while since I've played SoM.

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 62
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:04:55 AM »
blah blah this is why my team wins

Team Sage | Demi, Toadstool, Edgar(Speed?) Robo, Brey
[Floor 4: Diff'rent Strokes]
Team Sage vs. Hahn, Tia, Luna, Mareg and Shana:

Lessee here. You have a bunch of below average and average speeds vs Noiseblaster, and Tia(/Mareg maybe?). I don't think Tia/Mareg can solo Edgar unless I'm missing something. Cleanup is easy after that.

Team Sage vs. Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid and Yang:

Yang and Edward status a few people, not enough to prevent status curing in some form(Medic at very worst), then they all die. Unless you somehow really respect Palom/Porom durability, this seems easy again.

Team Sage vs. Albel, Adray, Noel and Chisato:

Oh look people that are all average speed that don't block Confusion. (Stat topic doesn't list a SO3 confusion blocker anyways, even though the game apparently has the status. Heh.) Yeah. Even with debatable speed arguments, you're again looking at mostly Chisato and maybe some of Albel's faster/less effective moves going first...

Team Sage vs. Yumei, Badrach, Aelia, Lorenta and Grey:

...Edgar's getting a lot of milage...okay, let's assume you allow the blanket status blockers so this isn't ended instantly by Noiseblaster, as this is boring. Flash is probably still fairly acceptable MT damage at this point, Phonon should exist, and Brey should be at a point where his MT damage isn't too fail, same with Edgar's Flash. This alone should probably end this. If not, insert some variation where Edgar and Toadstool beat down the mages, forcing the three fighters to either overkill one character horribly-not doing them much help in the process-and then they all die. Seems simple even with a lot of concessions. >_>

Team Sage vs. Worker 8, FFT Cloud, Beowulf, Olan and Reis:

Okay, this is the only hard part unless I miss something.

W8 can be non-magically confused(handy), but assuming everyone else has blockers(this is quite an iffy assumption with Olan but let it ride), then Sleepy Time knocks everyone out. W8 blasts the crap out of either: Himself(good!) or one of his teammates(better!), waking them. Everyone piles on the awake person while Brey buffs people. W8 either self destructs(everyone piles on one sleeping person) or gets confused again until he does.

Olan could throw a cog in this works, depending on how you see his speed. Assuming he goes before the whole team, though, or has a status blocker to stop Noiseblaster...Medic just heals the status before most people's turns. Assuming Demi is somehow dead-let's say you take a really harsh view on between battles revival for her, let the VP team have status blockers, and she got blown away there-it's still a 50-50 at very best, as Toadstool getting through to sleep people is enough.

If somehow that happened I'd probably point out that Demi could have defended up there without too much trouble unless you have a lot of VP mage durability respect. Then I wander out of heavy interp theorycraft land.

Yeah, I think my team makes it. Team Sage passes.

confusion blocking abounds in some of these fights and I'd need to muddle out what that spells for the team.

Quoted for pun. Anyways...

Team Bardiche...

Oh hell it has MT Turn Shift? Must not just vote for it based on that, Sacred Slayer crumples fast enough in some situations. Seriously though...

mmm I think it passes. The first fight is annoying as hell but I don't have confidence in my ability to say that the mass of below average speeds there take enough damage to actually *die* from those three hits. Oddly enough I think the rest should be fairly easy off the top of my head, but eating three MT physicals for that team isn't easy, even if two of them suck. Still, I think they make it through.

Team Bardiche passes.

Team MICHAEL...yeah, I don't think it needs even as much analysis as Neph gave it, honestly, Body Change Rosa/Rydia does unpleasant things to most of that setup. Pass.

Team Snowfire...uh, huh, I think Celes+Strago does enough damage to take out fight one, though that's pretty close. The next two fights seem easy enough, the fourth literally seems to get taken apart with Raiden and never recovers(Who out of that mess blocks ID? Just Nina4?).

The last fight though...well, Celes with frigging Marvel Shoes takes hits well enough, and Red can't be reliably taken out in a hit. This means they either focus on those two-and unreliably take them out-or eat a massive hit of damage or ID from them, plus damage from whoever happens to be left standing.

mmm. Yeah I don't see them losing there.

So yeah Team Snowfire passes.

tl;dr everyone pass

I used googlesites, as the help suggested back when I first did this about four years or so ago. Dunno if it still does, but it still works for me.

Generally speaking, White's been the best playtested-I spent a handful of hours playing on it. Black isn't really a separate version, it's more there if you get bugged by some of the things I didn't nerf, and Ikari's just a combo, so it's probably not a big deal.

In other words, go with the one you want. I like Eviltype normal the most, and the variations were there to approach issues people had with the game, so if the game feels too easy/hard, try a variation. I'm not incredibly worried about testing of them, though I admittedly would like it.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:54:34 PM »
Dungeons of Dredmor:

I played this for a bit a while ago, when I first got it, got bored at how slow it ran, and, while interested, kinda trailed off.

So, recently, I learn that it has (had added recently? was always there and I didn't know about it?) a speedup button. (=) This is good!

I make a build idea, tinker with it, leave the save going and chuck it. Don't like some of the details. Look up the (weirdly spotty) Dredmor wiki. Try a second build, drop it-it was okay, but I feel I can do better.

Try a third build(Unarmed/Shields/Master of Arms/Berserk/Fleshsmithing/Viking Wizardry/Assassination, for the curious), accidentally autopath into a mysterious portal, die.

Try it again, clear full 15 floors and get #88 score on the Dwarven Moderation+Permadeath leaderboard for Dredmor.

Not bad for seven(I think) tries and 27 hours played. (The score is down to 100 now, though.)

I probably didn't deserve a clear that fast (first time I'd seen floors 4 through 15? seriously didn't.) but who complains about good luck in a roguelike?

Screw Lutefisk Avatars forever, in conclusion. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh floor 15 zooooooooooooo

Annnd Eviltype 1.1 packed up and shipped off to



Completed...mostly, still planning on going back and killing the three bosses I didn't kill in the final dungeon.

Final levels of 52-55, Ceodore/Ursula/Kain/Rydia/Leonora final team(Fuck your "Curaja", who needs that. I have X-Potions.).

General thoughts...well, it's an odd game with surprisingly more to talk about than expected. I think it hashes out as a 6/10 game.

On the one hand, there's the plot. Or: OH GOD THE ENTIRE PLOT OF FF4 IS HAPPENING AGAIN NOW WITH SUPERFLOUS GREEN HAIRED GIRLS BEATING ON PEOPLE AND STEALING SUMMONS wait now the moon's falling  because of THE POWER OF EVOLUTION which apparently drives people insane and causes them to create clone armies of green haired mind linked girls to assault everything they used to hold dear. also apparently the myriad facets of evolution allow you to create FF1 through 6 bosses, but no original ones besides the final. huh. how about that.

On the other hand, within that, the whole concept could be worse. The plot reads like mediocre fanfiction made into a total conversion hack-but, not actually *bad* fanfiction. The distinction is that the character work usually is bland to good (with one hiccup in early Edward, though at least it wasn't out of character for him to be that pitifully stupid) and that new characters aren't bad by and large.

Also, two things tend to make me excuse it: One, to judge by things like the developers room(which seems kinda small...) and the fact that it was episodic with multiple episodes coming out in a month originally(if I read that right), it kinda had restrictions on how much polish it could have, and two, the fact that it manages to better the source game it's a sequel of in plot. Basically I respect it's technical limitations about as much due to that, if I understand this right.

I'm not defending it, overall, though. It's not good on plot, much like FF4 is not. But it's probably a bit better.

Gameplay...again, the game plays like a big total conversion romhack, and this is where it shows more. A few FF4 dungeons are *not* reused(higher floors of Babel, Giant of Babel, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh), but they're definitely a minority. On the other hand there's a bunch of new dungeons, including Challenge Dungeons...which have very hit and miss designs. Sometimes they're basically FF4 dungeons, sometimes they're not good(, the impact crater idea was not good enough to make me do versions of it three times). Sometimes they're lazily phoned in things like Yang's "Hold up while sleeping" Challenge Dungeon, sometimes they're Edward's actually neat-if impractical to repeatedly do-Challenge Dungeon.

Even within recycling, there's a lot of variance-Sometimes the dungeon is FF4's final, which you retrace twice as an intro dungeon and a final in Lunarians chapter, and is generally kinda fun for what it is...Sometimes they're redoing waterfall cave. Twice. urgh.

The mainly consistent thing is the actual gameplay, though. About half the additions and all the old characters but Cid are usable to good, which is about 15 out of 21(I believe)-not too bad. Out of the ones that suck, at least they had coherent ideas except for Harley, who may have been a victim of time constraints.

Enemy design tends to be FF4+bigger skillsets+2x damage and durability, which tends to be great, and some of the gimmicky CD bosses tend to be fun. Final dungeon has a lot of fun boss designs too, though they have so many bosses(like 30 in that chapter?) that they start to hit the limits of FF4 mechanics for how much different you can make bosses. At my low levels, several fights seemed impossible and a few others took surprising strategy. It works in that regard.

Also shoutouts to built in frameskip autobattle. Extremely good idea that needs to be in more games.

AND NOW, RANDOMLY COMPARING CHARACTERS BECAUSE I LIKE FF4 GAMEPLAY TOO MUCH(for some mysterious reason)! The only place you'll see someone say more about Zangetsu's gameplay worth than *flush*!

In the order I got 'em:

Ceodore: Hey look it's one of the interesting new character designs, where you put Cecil and Rosa in a blender and see what comes out.

Ceodore has three real phases in the game-1 to 20~, 21~-44 and 45+.

That is to say, from L1 to L20 Ceodore is *amazing*. He picks up healing at intervals as regular as any of the White Mages and heals about as much per shot(a bit less, albiet, and with less shots), and hits things harder and takes hits better.

Then he drops off a cliff in the middle as you realize that A: His HP relatively sucks for a tank build, and B: He takes a while to get above Cura, and C: His Cura scales worse than a real White Mage. He functions, for a while, like Cecil/Kain with far less HP and less damage and uh Protect/Shell...?

Then he picks up his good buffs and Curaga in the late 40s and his niche is back, albiet weaker than it was before. He worked extremely well for me at my pitiful levels by that point, because he can and will live through things that will flatten any other healer at those levels. This is nice. Also he gets Reflect/Protect/Shell which are great on a secondary character.

Nothing wrong with his equips either, Awaken got used a few times but probably less than most abilities(needs less charge time so I can heal with it). Pretty good, albiet weird.

Cecil: Hey look, it's FF4 Cecil, except...uh, everything's working against him except one thing. Let's count the ways, shall we?

-He is utterly crap until Depths. At which point he's L40. Which was...average for me...who was using everyone in the cast and trying to keep levels down on purpose. For anyone *sane* he's underleveled badly.

-There are multiple heavy armor/holy sword users now. Namely, Ceo and Kain.

-Ceo and Kain have more strongly defined niches. Specifically, Kain is better than Cecil at what he does(*everything he does*, unless you really value Cover), while Ceo has better healing.

-Holy Sword focus is flakier in this game. Excalibur is good when you get the start of Depths, which is roughly 40% of the way through the final dungeon. Ragnarok and Ultima Weapon are excellent...but Ultima Weapon is notably not a Holy Sword(so Golbez wants it too), and Ragnarok is, from all accounts, on the hardest boss to beat(I didn't bother trying Atma/Shinryu/Omega yet, disclaimer).

Now, this hits Ceo and Kain...but, Holy Lance is actually pretty good in this game, 140 power and flying/holy seems to hit a lot of enemies hard(Deathgaze was the most notable, or "Ha ha 10k jumps".). Cecil's fallback is...axes. Which are about as good on raw power...but don't have the good element and cut off shields. (he still may be the best axe user. sadness.)

So you've got a character with good stats and equipment who somehow is fairly useless.

Except he does have one secret upside. You see, there are Bands in this game, AKA CT combo attacks, that's basically it. They're useful in one of four cases:

A: The token roughly .6 repeating per chapter good Band before endgame.
B: White mages who deal crappy damage up until the final bow unless they're in a combo. (This does very very little for Rosa, more for Porom who at least gets upgraded Twincast, and...I think it's actually best for Leonora, need to test Particle Bomb at endgame though. I know the Palom/Rydia/Leonora combo actually did the hands down most of any combo for me at around 20k with a fairly decent charge time, though.)
C: Kain combos, because Kain is the best at everything.
D: Cecil combos.

Cecil gets Trinity Crusade with Kain/Rosa for one of the highest damage values I saw out of Band testing(17kish), Twin Drive with Yang(which seems to be 5-6k and fast enough to justify it, which is okay), Vibra Plus with Ceo(which I think unfocuses against multiple targets, the times I used it against crowds got respectable MT damage but I've heard reports of it slamming hard into the damage cap against bosses), and Double Pressure with Golbez(MT ...para? stop? with no charge time at all, seemed to work pretty solidly.).

Does any of this save him? No probably not, but at least he A: Has some point, and B: Has good raw stats as well. This will put him above some people I will talk about...


uh...Cid's horrible.

How bad? How about half average speed before equipment(which he doesn't get speed boosting versions of)? How about axes/hammers which are all twohanded at endgame? How about no good point in the chapter he's a part of *or* the final chapter? How about no less than four other people better at using axes than he is, and three better people at using hammers? How about not even being all that special on HP, and gameworst Spirit/Int so that he can get smacked harder by magic?

He's bad.

Rosa: Kinda boring. Statistically best white mage with lousy combo attacks(Doesn't matter once you get Holy.  Which of course I haven't yet.) and good everything else. Her vs Porom is "Rosa is slightly better until about three or four bosses from the end, then Porom mauls Rosa with Doublecast, unless you don't give that to her.". Blessing is kinda neat(low MP healing!) but otherwise she's basically standard.

The Hooded ManDark KainKainHoly Dragoon KainThe Turbaned Man EL HOMBRE DEL TURBANTE:

Well, let's see.

First, there's the vastly superior turban Kain. Who basically kicks ass: End chapter equipment in Ceo's chapter, basically just a generically good tank in Kain's...rather shortish on raw gameplay...chapter. The latter is probably the worst point for any Kain or Kain derived being. I cannot believe I just typed that sentence seriously... at any rate he gets the chapter's token one decent combo(with Ceo...who he gets two later good Bands with as well...) and generally is pretty solid. The only reason not to abuse his awesome is because you want to break later Kain more. He doesn't need it.

Then there's Dragoon "I cut myself while having wet dreams about Rosa" Kain. Who is for no good reason better than the vanilla flavor, though this is mostly due to positioning and levels. Still, that's worth a ton-in Porom's chapter he makes the Challenge Dungeon go from HELL to doable thanks to his great equips/levels and he's basically perfectly capable of soloing things the other times you get him. Which is good, as he's soloing things the other times you get him.

Finally, there's Holy Dragoon Kain, who gave up his Turban for power, a dark path indeed. Sadly, it worked. Depending on when you upgrade him his HP ranges from "great" to "jesus christ why are you matching Yang on HP" and holy swords is a nice pickup. Blink and Haste(which he always has no matter his level at transformation) is a wee bit more major than anything else he gets, not that Esuna's bad either.

So basically he's Cecil+. Oh and Jump can be twinked this game thanks to Rapid Ring 3/4thing charge times if you get it(or the v2 halving it but tail drop plot. The v1's at least just Challenge Dungeon plot.). Yeah he's kinda stupid good...


Earlygame she's randomly L15 and starts with Stop and Ra spells, which randomly makes her the most durable character in her team for a short period, and makes her basically the person that's killing everything.

Then for the rest of her chapter she doesn't get better, until the Challenge Dungeon decides to randomly force her levels to 40 in order to clean it out. mutter.

Generally speaking, Rydia functions like a Black Mage that A: Works better at lower levels(thanks to fixed summon pickups; In particular, Leviathan's very reasonably fast, and Mist Dragon's not bad either.), B: Doesn't have to worry about MOOOOOOOOON (and can still take advantage of Black Magic+ moon phase), and C: Is fundamentally boring. Obviously I used her because of that A thing, though. I mean Palom wouldn't have gotten Flare until like the final two fights or something at my levels. <_<


Cid, now with twice the magic stats(still bad), less HP and Attack(not enough less to really matter), 1.5x the speed or something(still bad, but this is a notable improvement), and Minerva Bustier(which is basically tailor-made for Luca).

Unlike Cid this is actually pretty usable, though not especially good. Bonus points-she's bloody great in Rydia's chapter, where A: She's the tank, and B: She gets access to a 55 power weapon like halfway through it(just walk out of the Sealed Cave after two minutes or so in and toss some Ore at the axe you just got. Voila, 55 power axe.). She also gets times where, you know, the ability to equip a shield *matters*. stupid Cid.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh well in Rydia's chapter he can slooowly do less magic damage than Rydia. Or status maybe. Or you could say fuck it and have him use a Dancing Dagger instead. Dancing Daggers are pretty good.

In final...well, the dolls get a really nice set of unique equipment, albiet as *very* late rare drops. And get Final Outfit's 30/15/+10 to all stats, which is shiny.

...that makes Calca still a very bad HP fighter who has a by-now *very* bad skillset. Calca isn't redundant, unlike many TAY characters that have issues...he's just hopeless.


Well, she has all of the traits statistically Calca does, except even worse Strength and Stamina. And the same equips.

And a skillset. That...consists of randomly casting one of: Cure through Curaja MT, 20% MHP MT healing, MT Protect/Shell/Haste/Blink with a moderate charge time.

Both in Rydia's quest and in final, this gives her a use, unlike Calca. She's fairly good mindless random-bashing healing, MT Blink/Haste are good things, and her poor stats get augmented a lot by Final Outfit. With the uberdrops she's probably outright good(150 power dagger and armors with better defense value than Adamant), and even without them she's at least not awful thanks to Final Outfit/Assassin Dagger giving her a very fast turn to get to her healspam. It's okay enough, though not better than Edward as I initially thought it would be.

Yang: Yeah he's pretty awesome.

Generic clothes? Surprisingly good lategame. Claws? Multiple good options. Twinking? Fun fact; An Adamant Shield doesn't slow down Monk damage. (this is twinking by FF4 standards) Stats? Basically awesome, including gamebest HP(I think, though this probably varies. I'm pretty sure Golbez at L30 has more than Yang at L30...) and good stats overall. Focus ignore moon for some reason? Sure. Cover Counter is actually vaguely useful? Again, sure.

Yeah, he's pretty awesome. Simple, but.


Yang with FAR less HP, notably less Strength/Vitality...and a more useful skillset, including free heals(not that great), Tenketsu's random "normal physical or hit weakness/ignore defense(I think) or big explosion 2x damage(I think)" which is actually good for a short charge time. Also way more speed. Also Minerva...which...matters less than it should, as Brave Suit actually has better bonuses than Minerva(just...Brave Suit's available to half the cast. So Minerva still matters). Also access to a back rank attack if you get the Queen's Whip.

So basically she's comparable to Yang. And both are really good. Go fig.


Uhhh Rydia that relies only on one skillset, gets the spells fast enough to at least vaguely keep up with Rydia in the endgame, and gets a crack at Doublecast. If you give it to him. Which, you may not.

He's pretty simple. Marginally worse than Rydia/Golbez unless you get him that, at which point he's better but not unmitigatedly. Simple.


Oddball. She functions a lot like Ceodore, in a way.

That is, during the earlygame she starts out (at L3) with Cure/Esuna/Raise. Gets Cura at normal levels. Picks up...lousy damage L1 spells as well. Picks up Stop at L30. Actually is pretty good for this stretch!

Then she uh stops getting spells for a while. Well, I mean. There are spells gained. They are all white magic status spells. That are worse than Stop. Picks up...L...2 black magic at mid-40s. Takes until like 45 to get Curaga, at which point she stops *utterly sucking*...but the other White Mages pick up Curaja notably earlier than her(which you want for the final battles. Not that I had it~), and Arise/Holy *way* earlier. Especially Holy. Which she gets at 70.

So basically she gets a good status but has worse healing gains later to make up for it. This makes her awful until she FINALLY gets Curaga, not as good as the other healers until she FINALLY GETS CURAJA, and then she...still can't do damage as well as them until L70, but at least Stopping randoms is actually good and at least the bosses do enough damage so that this isn't as pitiful as it is in FF4.

Basically she's not actually abysmal but she's got problems. Ultimately she's the best white mage, especially if you give her Doublecast, but that eventually is L70. She's interesting as a design, at least.

Edge: Really good.

The dual-wield weapons generally tend to be better(The best boomerang actually raises a stat holy shit), the ninja unique equips are nice(Flame Scarf, in particular, is just awesome for being a Cursed Ring without the downsides and with good stats), he has well balanced stats, his MDur isn't pitiful anymore, I think higher end Ninjitsu is relatively better than the old ones used to be(though having said that...they're later), and he gets ST healing(which matters during his chapter, at least. X-Potions rule this irrelevant in the final chapter).

Oh and he can toss stars for 5k, which is nice. And cash is not very much of an object in the final dungeon. (If it becomes one equip the Gil Band on someone. I mean he's not tossing 50k Shuriken at randoms, but...)

I mean he's kinda weird, but he's good. In fact if Gekkou didn't exist I might take him over all three of the other ninja put together...


The best axe/hammer wielder? Likely, actually. Better speed than either of the others, ninja equips are good enough to compete with Minerva(he gets a crack at Brave Suit, like Yang does, but even if he doesn't the Scarf's still good in a different way), and Shuriken, again, mean potentially high damage for bosses.

And Blast is...probably a better skillset alone, even off his poor magic stats, than Luca and Cid get. I mean, it's 3k damage against a Malboro! That...probably owns "I'm not a generic physical with range, honest" Big Throw and...whatever you call the thing that is Cid's special.

I'll let you know when any of this matters. But in all seriousness, he's good enough to actually be used. And for once I don't feel like an Axe/Hammer's two handedness is actually wasting much...


Pretty solid in Edge's chapter, thanks to having both the decent generic ninja Heal Pill, the power of Ninja ST Curaga and Ninja Raise, and the fact that Edge's chapter doesn't make the weaponry in it *too* far apart for raw power.

Utter trash after that. As in, very nearly as bad as Harley. ST healing and revival can entirely and VERY reasonably be replaced by items, leaving you with a character with mage weapons(albiet, those suck a lot less than FF4) and Frost. not a lot of damage and takes forever to get to boot. Still it makes her better than Harley? I guess. Yeah don't use her after Edge's chapter...


OLD MAN POWER. You kinda want Zangetsu to be good, conceptually, old guy with the power of human kite. Unfortunately, he uh is basically meant to be a mage type...that relies on Jump for most of the game. Now granted, Jump seems to ignore row, so he can be used. "can be used" is not a glowing assessment, as he's not particularly good at anything physical, and his magic stats-for some reason, the highest of the Ninjas IIRC-can't be used with anything notable until the 40s.

Basically he hits harder than Izayoi with everything, is more twinkable thanks to Adamant Shields at least being usable with *his* best weapon(Izayoi uses bows if you're sane), and er...uh...not much else. He's pretty bad. He's not much during Edge's chapter either, which is a pity.


er he's Edge except worse at everything but speed.

He does have gamebest speed though, and at least his equip choices aren't horrid or anything. Uh...he' worth thinking about if Edge didn't exist, but he does. Yeah. On the upside he has the whole "Second best character in Edge's chapter, probably" thing going for him, mostly because he's so damn fast early on. It levels off somewhat later, and equips make it level off more though. And he basically has no skillset. Unless there's some good steals I haven't heard about. Which there aren't.


Bla bla healbot marginally worse than Rosa until she gets Doublecast if she gets Doublecast at which point she's better. The only notable thing here is that, unlike the Rydia/Palom dynamic, Porom would probably just be better than Rosa at equal levels. You're not likely to get those equal levels, thanks to Porom being one of the two worst chapters for EXP and Rosa starting out at like L30. But if you did...yeah.


Hey look it's a healer that runs off cash.

Hey look it's a final dungeon that will give you 50k for one fight. Which you can boost if you want.

Edward gets kinda inflated by the final dungeon's cashflow. He's pretty good in his own chapter-his damage isn't as low as it should be(Edward's mighty scrub army is special), and Bardsong, which mostly not worth hitting enemies with, is a good support skill for free Protect+Shell/Haste and for free heals.

In the final chapter though, it's all about the Salves. Which gets you Curaja level healing and MT revival. Which, when you consider he can avoid telegraphed attacks with Escape(Hide), well...that's actually pretty good. Especially since he can buff too. Unreasonably good? Probably. Can sub for a White Mage? Surprisingly, yes! Can he do damage with his physical? Weirdly enough, his 98 power ultimate does good damage(because it hits weakness on every monster subtype). So yeah he's...oddly good. Go figure...


This space reserved for someone that doesn't suck.

Or, see Izayoi and remove Frost and the useful period during the respective chapter. Yeah I'm sure they had more planned for her and just ran out of time. Or at least, I really hope so...


Hey look it's someone that can wield *everything*. And who is a black mage.

Golbez is a weird bastard. He has a tighter version of the curve that Ceo has(which in turn is a tighter version of the curve Leonora has).

That is, he is stupid stupid stupid good when you get him and you need him to be this good because his chapter hates you and all you stand for. Ga spells? 2971 HP? At L30? Yes please.

When you hit the final chapter, his stupid good weapon range and the fact that he has Ga spells and 2971 HP still shine very well! Until about L45 or so...where all he's gained from there is Quake. And he's...still good! Because he's a black mage with heavy armor and above average durability for a black mage and good physicals for randoms and etc.

I gather he starts getting HP again at levels past what I beat the game at, which would make him good again. That and he gets Ultima Weapon. Which I didn't get. But. In general he's really good anyways, so who cares?

So yeah that's babbling for you, have fun. ^_^

No one really knows why Limit was based on MA before.

It's pretty cool, which is presumably why LFT didn't change it. But it never made a whole lot of sense.

(Blade Beam/Climnhazard/Finishing Touch run off your HP(for the first two; Blade Beam based on how much damage Cloud's taken, and Clim on how much the *target* has taken) and a fixed chance of status(for the latter), though. And always did, again.)

Discussion / Re: DL subhosting for SaGa modding community
« on: December 14, 2011, 01:40:22 AM »
Ah well, guess this is done then.

Yeah, this was about what I was thinking when I was talking about short range powerful spell for a contrast probably being the best change you could make without removing the frog defrogging.

It's probably not too different at 2 Range/150 for general usefulness, but on the other hand it's more fun than before, so.

See the above comment about my playstyle being many options before superior options, by general preference, and how it may not be optimal.

I definitely see your point there. Still, at least it being that cheap would be a selling point to people that think like me. I guess that's something.

FWIW, Even if they were both 50 JP, Poison is a much, much better spell right now, and I would always learn poison first.

Agreed. Stronger defined role, a blast radius you can't get easily, and much easier to handle than large area blasting spells if you clip one of your own PCs(It's easier to heal Poison than it is to get good strong healing or revive someone and heal them to full).

I mean, obviously it's not as strong as most blasting spells, but a decent chance of disabling one enemy isn't as good as Poison's boom knock off decent chunk of everyone's life(eventually), and nothing else in Black Magic does that role even remotely the same way, unlike Frog/Death.

Granted, if they were both 50 JP I'd probably grab Frog second and get both after getting an L1. So I guess it'd be a pretty good spell then, just on the raw cost.

Discussion / Re: DL subhosting for SaGa modding community
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:17:29 PM »
I suppose it shouldn't shock me that SaGa Frontier code is so fucked up that they don't even keep the sprites information all in the same general area... but it does anyways.

I think making it ultra-short range is probably the best option, but unless the charge is moderately fast it's going to be too high of a risk of a spell, and I worry that a short charge time fatal level spell would be too useful for any threats that get up in a squishy mage's grill.

Though it's probably the best way to make it stand out without changing the cast-on-self trait.

SaGa Frontier, fun with monsters- BABY UNICORN KING SEI THE BEST~ SQUEE SQUEE!!

It's more of a My Little Unicorn, really.


Halfway through Depths.

Currently need to level because it turns out that TAY is actually hard enough to require your levels to be above 45 on more than a few black mages. (Twinhead Dragon managed to die...on my second to last possible action, on the first try.) Awwww I was hoping I could beat the whole thing at low 40s thanks to a lot of swapping and good equips... :|

I think you're missing the forest for the trees here.

Your Wizard gets frogged.  Your Wizard gets their turn.  Sure, they could wait on spot and let the Monk un-frog them...or they could just un-frog themselves, freeing up the Monk's action to do something way more productive.

Being able to take a real action with your Frogs (even if it's just a status cure action) is pretty cool; it basically gives your party an extra turn.

On the one hand, I don't see unfrog as an actually meaningful bonus to a frog. It's a nice bonus, but it is neither keeping you from getting killed as a Frog before you can cast it on yourself, nor is it anywhere near the only fix to Frog. (...)

On the other hand, it is unique as a trait, so whatever, I respect how you feel there.

Nope, pretty much getting where you're coming from exactly, here.

It just requires a character with a specific action command to be hit with a specific status. At which point, after being inflicted with a status that increases damage to them, mind, meaning the AI will like to hit them if I'm not mistaken, they can cure themselves after a charge time. While charging, damage to them will be increased, and IIRC, this stacks with Frog.

It's neat, and occasionally useful, but...major deal, no.

Frog is pretty cheap.  Not like...40 JP cheap, but if you're spending a lot of time in Wizard, at some point 150 JP is going to add enough versatility to be worth-it.

Long term, yeah. Short term priority though? It's half the JP to an L4 and the entire JP of an L2.

I mean, objectively, you're right, you probably should prioritize Frog over something like Flare(where it's relative cost is one-fifth of the way, and only delays you slightly in a relative sense), but people tend to care more about what the spell *does*, not what they can do with the spell.

I'm having a hard time explaining this, but basically, from how I've seen other people play... things like Poison for utility are impulse buys, because it's one or two actions worth of JP. Things like status or damage you highly value are long term goals. Frog's sorta in the middle-most people don't value the spell it's self very highly, despite it's obvious situational use(particularly early), and it delays their progress significantly towards something they value.

This isn't really true of me-IIRC I did in fact grab Frog pretty early in LFT-but in my case I tend to value having many options over a few really good ones, and in my experience this isn't true of most people (And there's a good argument for it being non-optimal play, honestly.). Perhaps that's a false impression, though.

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