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DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:22:05 AM »
Disgaea RPG - Demonic Version of Princess Raising Simulator

So a new Disgaea game came out, but it's a mobile gacha game. This inherently makes it bad, but since it's Disgaea, I am curious about what it brings to the lore of the series. Unfortunately, the game is likely never coming out in English, and the Disgaea community is largely Japanese-illiterate. So I thought I could play through the game and write down my thoughts and some summaries so that at least that much will be preserved of the game before it eventually closes forever and is lost to time.

So far, it is pretty funny and has some cute moments, as you'd expect from a crossover gacha title. This game format works particularly well for the Disgaea franchise, since it's already primarily a slapstick-humor/parody series that does regular series crossovers in every game *anyway*.

I finally took the plunge on this game after a year since it finally started actually telling its own story with new characters and some Alternate-Dimension versions of the Main Cast with fun twists coming in to interact with old favorites. Etna meeting a Priestess version of herself is pretty funny. So I wanted to know what's going on.

I started out with a line-for-line translation, but that's taking forever, so summaries from now on. If anyone wants to check my Japanese, I have Imgur galleries with the whole scenario.

Book 1, Chapter 1: I'm Gonna Be The Very Best... to ever train the Demon Overlord of Hell

Hey Mr. Player, in order to raise the strongest Overlord ever, you'll be taking on a few trials from now on!

Right, but it'd be boring if a Strongest Overlord trial wasn't a little grueling... so don't worry, we won't skimp on the torture- I mean trials.

Hmm... Etna, are you perhaps... up to something bad?

Ding ding ding, and the winner is Flonne! Bad stuff starts now! Guess what, it's the Final Boss!!

What, really?! The Final Boss already? Honestly, now I'm lost...

C'mon, it'll be fun! ...Oh look, there it is.

Annoying Do-Gooder Voice:
Now I've found you, OVERLORD!!

Prism Red:
When evil darkness appears...

Prism Blue:
Even when we weren't invited...

Prism Yellow:
We seven lights will arrive...

Prism Orange:
To save the world with courage and hope!

Prism Green:
All seven of us together, we are:

Prism Purple:
The Rainbow Squadron-!!

Prism Indigo:

Oh wow! The Prism Rangers just appeared out of nowhere! So cool!
...Wait? So you mean that the Player's team is supposed to be the Final Boss?

Obviously. If you wanna be the Strongest Overlord, you have to get in touch with your Inner Evil and fight some Heroes.

Oh that's perfect! Fight your hardest, Prism Rangers!

Uh, Flonne? Aren't you cheering for the wrong team?

-after the fight-

Awww... the Prism Rangers got mercilessly beaten...

Heehee. Justice never prevails, as they say in the Netherworlds.
Remember, Player, never rule out any unsavory methods when it comes to becoming the Strongest Overlord.
Cowardly tactics, betrayal, dirty tricks... anything goes!
If ever you can't get your way, then obviously use bribery or brute force! That's what all good Demons do.

But the player's a human...

Heh heh heh...
Defeating those loser Heroes won't make you into a Final Boss. Don't make me laugh!!

Whoa, where'd you come from?!

Laharl profile:
The incredibly self-important and self-centered Overlord.
He make look like a pipsqueak, but that tiny body has a Demon Power Level over 530 thousand from all his heinous demonic acts.
- Doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom
- Plays video games for over 100 hours a day
- Claims ownership of anything that doesn't belong to him
He reigns over the Netherworld as a true example of Badness.
*Good boys and girls of the human world, please do not imitate him!

Oh, Prince. So what'd you come here for?

I heard you were trying to raise the Strongest Overlord. What makes you think you can do that without ME?
...Hmph. And you, you're the Player? I guess you look fine... for a human.
Very well. Let the great Overlord Laharl show you how how to raise a demon!

Oh man, it's gonna be priceless if he loses while he's trying to show off like this!

Laharl... you're looking so uncool...

Sh-shut it, fools! This is just a sneak-peek of my prowess.
This next opponent is an elite unit I trained myself. Prepare yourself.

-after the fight-

Oh dear... Looks like he lost.

H-how can this be...!! The elite unit that I personally trained, taken out all at once!

Well, Prince... your selfish style of training probably isn't the best fit for raising much of anything, let alone the Strongest Overlord.

Yeah, Laharl. What kind of training did you even do?

Well of course, the special kind of training you can only get in hell... A nonstop 1000-hour Endurance Video Game Tournament, with no sleep breaks. A prohibition on hand-washing after using the bathroom...
A strict order to show the contents of a post-sneeze tissue to everyone you can, a course in ignoring your summer homework forever, and so on and so on. It was a lot of strict training basically.

...Is there any amount of effort that would make someone stronger under training like that?

It's my training, so of course! And to prove it I'll take you on myself! Let's go!

Continuing on with Chapter 1, Laharl's pride was hurt from losing, so apparently he bought a power up transformation potion from a late night netherworld shopping channel. However the potion changed him into his girl-form, apparently because people liked him better that way and there was a lot of fan demand for this. So he tried making Etna and Flonne find a cure, but when they talked to Mr. Champloo, he ended up making them some delicious pudding instead and they completely forgot about Laharl’s problem. So Laharl tried to bribe the Dark Assembly to pass a bill to change him back but they’ve heard reports that Laharl’s more popular this way so they refuse even after taking the bribe. So Laharl asks the player to beat them up to get his way. But Laharl is too weak to beat the Senators in such a sexy body. So when it looks like he’s about to lose, Etna and Flonne show up to turn the tide of battle, because they want Laharl to stop flaunting that sexy body around them.

Laharl is returned to normal and he recognizes the Player as worthy of training the future Strongest Overlord.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:40:31 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2020, 12:26:41 AM »
Chapter 2 gallery:

Chapter 2 summary: Flonne suggests that the Player needs to learn about how Demons live, so the gang goes to Evil Academy to learn from Prof. Raspberyl. Beryl puts the Player through a lot of trials so they can learn to be Badass Delinquent students who Volunteer (like the badasses of old, complete with flashback paintings!). Mao is jealous of the Player's quick advancement and tries to prove he's stronger with some questionable mad experiments involving Body Modding and Axel and summoning the Dark Sun, but the Player's team manages to keep massive destruction from happening.
So Mao and Beryl let the Player graduate from Evil Academy and recognized them as someone worthy of training The Strongest Overlord

Flonne: Congratulations on being accepted into the prestigious Evil Academy, Player!
Etna: Enrolled already? That was quick.
Flonne: Right, why waste time? I'm excited to see what kind of "Strongest Overlord" Player will raise!
Offscreen Voice: Oh, is that a Transfer Student I hear?
Prof.Beryl: I'm Raspberyl, a Teacher at Evil Academy.

Blog Note: The Kanji used for "Teacher" here still has the same pronunciation as normal, but uses kanji meaning something like "Villain" or "Butcher". There are a lot of terms like this from Disgaea 3. It is like constantly reading a Villainous Parody of a Hair Product Commercial for "Hair DIE!" NISA wisely chose not to localize this at all, but if I had to take a stab at it, I'd with go "Evistructor"

Prof.Beryl: Oh, so you're the rumored Player. I've heard you're quite the up and coming Badass Delinquent. I was the top Delinquent around here before, but I've been pretty busy since becoming a teacher. But I like what I see, let's work to make you the Baddest in the Netherworld!
Flonne is concerned about Raspberyl's aim, but Beryl announces the first lesson is FRIENDSHIP! Which confuses everyone. It's explained that in Demon Education, morality is a little reversed, but since Beryl idolizes badass delinquency, something like FRIENDSHIP (Talking with your fists! A blossoming bond between rivals! Running off into the setting sun!) is the first class in her curriculum. Flonne accepts this, and Etna suggests that she herself should enroll too. She's confident that she could be a Super Honor Roll Student. The class, of course, is just a battle.

After the 'class', Mao shows up.
Mao: I came as soon I heard. There's a teacher actually holding a class? In *my* school? Unthinkable, I think. But of course, it's you, Beryl.
Prof.Beryl: Mao, do you really have to interrupt my class every time?
Mao: Of course! The first rule of Evil Academy is to never attend class! Hey, Player, I'll not tolerate delinquents like you in my school so easily, even if you've already been enrolled. I'll FORCE you to drop out!!
Flonne: Dropping out on your first day? Player, you'll be an unprecedented Honor Student with that on your record! How terrible!
Mao: And if you lose to me, you'll be forced to submit to Human Experimentation! Heh heh heh.

The Player's team beats Mao fairly easily. Beryl is impressed how much of a Delinquent this makes the Player. But Flonne is concerned that beating up Mao doesn't have much to do with Friendship, it's just Violence.

Prof.Beryl: Now now, this is no ordinary "violence"! This is the Fist-to-Fist Heart-to-Heart! It's a required part of the curriculum! You've done well, Player. Nice to have you in my class.

Blog Note: Here, Beryl says "Yoroshiku", but she uses more violent-sounding Kanji. If I were to take a stab at localizing this, I'd probably go with "I look forward to *taking care* of you."

Meanwhile, Mao is seething at losing. He can't believe some nobody came out of nowhere, beat him, and got recognized as potential Rival for Beryl. So he vows to make Player into one of his experiments.

The next day, everyone arrives early to Beryl's class, like good Delinquents. The next lesson is "Volunteer"!

("Volunteer" is written with the kanji for Mother-Wild-Emperor-Asia (Bou-Ran-Tei-A). I'd probably render it as something like "The Vicious Imperial Edict of the Eastern Motherland" or a more Name-like Localization like "Volun-terror")

"Volunteer", a name that made the Ancient Netherworld tremble at its sound!
One can trace this story back to the days of the 13th Overlord of the Sudden-Death Netherworld, Kreischweitz. When Sudden-Death was under difficult financial strain, a policy of forcing everyone to work for free was enacted. This policy was known as "Volunteer". The Overlord described the policy as if everyone was to work as hard as they could, as if their mother's life depended on it.

Needless to say, this policy was extremely unpopular, and Kreischweitz was beaten up by his subjects.
- Underworld Studio Publication from the "Bloodstained Volunteer Biographies"

Flonne: "Volunteer"? Oh, I like the sound of that!

Beryl explains that they'll be volunteering to protect the school's morals, as "The Netherworld Patrol". Flonne likes the sound of this, expecting they'll get to use giant mechs and spaceships. But disappointingly, it just means they'll be wandering around and whipping any Honor Students they find into shape.

So of course, they end up fighting a disgruntled Mao, who is insistent on following Evil Academy Rule No. 2 - Never lift a finger to do anything for yourself when you can get someone else to do it for you!

He has apparently promised the Prinny Squad better working conditions than the Player's team (only a 22-hour workday and TWO Sardines a day! Two, dood!), so they immediately betray the Player and a battle ensues. Of course they lose, but it gave Mao time to finish his Prinny Experiment: PRINGER V3! Containing all the power of THREE Prinnies!

Flonne is excited about the giant Prinny robot, but Pringer V3 is ultimately defeated. This leaves the Prinnies with the last resort of their "Legendary Prinny Bomb". This also fails.

Mao (and Flonne) is disappointed in Pringer V3's defeat, though Etna points out that 3 Prinnies still isn't even close to being strong. Flonne says that if Mao was going to throw it away, she'd take Pringer V3 off his hands. And suddenly, Pringer V3 is able to move again! And it appears to have taken a liking to the Player and joins the party?

Beryl is amazed at how quickly the Player was able to turn an Enemy into a Rival, marveling at their potential as a Delinquent. But Mao's scheming isn't over yet...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:41:23 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2020, 08:29:37 AM »
Episode 2, continued.

The next day, the gang arrives to class early again.

Flonne: Professor! What's today's lesson going to be?
Prof.Beryl: Arriving early and so excited for class already? Aren't you the Delinquent! Today's lesson is... Cleaning Duty!

Cleaning Duty
In the past, all menial chores like cleaning, cooking, and washing were forced upon the Demons on the lowest rung of the Netherworld hierarchy. As performing thankless gruntwork is considered the highest form of penance, it was discovered that these Demons were cleansed of sins and developed pure hearts. The Netherworld was thrown into disorder as these purified Demons started a rebellion where they took it on themselves to go all "cleaning duty" on their bosses. This terrible conflict, known as the Great Cleaning, went down in Netherworld History. This is what led to current Prinny System in the Netherworld. Very few know of its origins.
- Underworld Studio Publication from the "Hidden History of the Great Cleaning War"

Blog Note: "Seisou Katsudou" is the term for "Cleaning Duty", a common chore for Japanese students.
But this gives it a huge backstory involving a war. The war was known as "Seisou Katsudou", now written with different kanji meaning "Brutal Conflict". The best I could come up with for preserving the joke was "The Great Cleaning", which has a history of being used in a... brutal sense.

Beryl explains the history of Netherworld Cleaning Duty, and suggests that doing so will help them get pure hearts and minds. Unlike those deviant Honor Students, who of course, must be collected and taken out with all the garbage.

Flonne: So basically, it's just another battle?
Prof.Beryl: No no, we just need to make the Honor Students sort the garbage before disposing of it. It'll be good for them!

Mao then shows up, citing a School Rule that no Demon should do anything they don't want to unless they get bribed. So he claims they have to go to the Item World and fetch an Elixir. Why an Elixir? Because Mao wants one for his experiments. This unlocks the Item World feature in the game, of course.

After delivering the Elixir, Mao is surprised how quickly the Player was able to get one. His requirement fulfilled, he has to let Beryl continue her class.

But he has one more thing he wants to 'add' to the class:

Axel: It is I, the Dark Hero Axel! Like a phoenix, I have been reborn from the ashes!

Mao: Muwhahahaha! I found this washed-up piece of trash while I was sorting garbage and I have used the power of science to remodel him with this Elixir!

Etna: Heh. Isn't this what you'd call "Recycling"? Oh my, you're such a Delinquent.

Mao: Ah, don't say that! This is my evil experiment, the much-famed Steroid Abuse! Behold it's dramatic results!

Axel: Yes... this power! My heart is burning and pumping with fiery passion!

Flonne: Those are symptoms of a heart attack.

Axel: Can you hear it? The pounding rhythm like millions of fans cheering for an Encore on my Live Show!

Etna: Oh, and he's having hallucinations too.

Axel: Nevermind that! This is all your fault, Player! I'll throw YOU in the trash this time! I'll abandon all humanity for this battle!

After the battle, Axel vows to challenge the Player again and runs off. Beryl is happy to have gotten rid of the distractions, but now her class is ruined. She laments that she's a terrible teacher. Flonne assures her she's doing great. After all, Axel and Mao ended up in the trash where they belong! Etna is amazed at how Flonne can say something so cruel in such a positive tone. With that, they decide to continue their lessons tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Mao has dragged Axel back to his lab, amazed by Axel's cockroach-like resilience. He immediately begins work, adding some modifications to Axel like a Rocket Launcher, Gatling Gun, Drill Arm, etc...

The next lesson is a "Fund-raising Campaign"! Once again, we get a Netherworld history lesson with a hard-to-translate Japanese pun. "Bokin Undou" usually meaning "Donation/Fundraising Campain/Activity", but written with some more morbid sounding kanji like "Gravestone".

Fund-raising Campaign:
There is a famous story in the Netherworld, called "The Price of The Tomb".
Long ago, there was once a Demon who greatly respected his parents. He wanted to eventually build a fine tomb for them so he traveled the Netherworld collecting funds. Coins lost under vending machines, collecting cans to trade in for pittance, any scrap of money he could find! After 1000 years of this, the respectful Demon ended up becoming surprisingly wealthy. His effort paid off and he was able to build that fine tomb. As for that demon's parents? Sold off in the relentless search to gain ever more money.
- Underworld Studio Publication from the "Ancient Proverbs of the Netherworld"

Etna is skeptical that there's anyone in the Netherworld who will donate to a fund-raising campaign. Beryl says they just need to be annoyingly persistent, and occasionally beat up some demons and take their lunch money. Flonne points out this is extortion.

Mao shows up to interfere, of course.

Mao: You trouble-makers who keep completely disregarding school rules! Collecting donations?
Mao: Evil Academy School Rule No. 4: "A good demon always does everything as violently as possible!"

Etna: Right then. I'm robbing you. Violently.
Mao: seems you've found a loophole, turning the rules against someone like me. I'm kinda impressed.

After Mao is defeated, Beryl continues the lesson on Fund-raising. They decide to approach Hoggmeiser, who apparently now works at Evil Academy's finance department after losing to Laharl. Of course, he's big on embezzlement.

Flonne suggests that beating up Hoggmeiser for such a huge amount of money is probably going a bit too far, and Beryl reluctantly admits that this makes her feel like an Honor Student. However, she thinks this money is necessary to keep Evil Academy afloat. (I guess since Hoggmeiser is embezzling it from the school in the first place?) Even though her actions look like that of an Honor Student extorting money from someone, and she might get her Title tarnished with that label... she's secretly doing something for the good of the school, and that kind of selfless act is what a True Badass Delinquent would do.

After beating up Hoggmeiser, the scene moves to the next day of class. Beryl says that this is her final lesson for the Player and that how they decide to use the funds they raised is the most important part of becoming a Badass Delinquent.

The class is interrupted but a huge earthquake. Outside, the Dark Sun has appeared in the sky.

Flonne: Aah! An earthquake! Time to hide under the desk! Uh... like a Badass!
Beryl: So it's finally here. Look outside. That's the Dark Sun. A massive incarnation of energy with enough power to destroy this Netherworld academy in an instant. This is my final lesson: "Self Sacrifice!!"

Flonne and Etna are not on board with this plan. Beryl explains that someone out there is plotting to destroy Evil Academy's Netherworld and intentionally summoned the Dark Sun. But the Player may be able to stop it.

After a tough boss fight, the Dark Sun still hasn't been taken down.

Flonne: It's too powerful! This is unthinkable! It's impossible!
Etna: We may... actually be in trouble here.
Mao (appearing suddenly) : Mwahahaha! ...'Unthinkable'?
Mao: Evil Academy School Rule No. 5, "A demon must do unthinkable things whenever possible!"
Mao: Make the unthinkable thinkable! Make the impossible possible! That's what a demon is all about! Player! Don't get hung up 'thinking' about anything, just make it happen! Attack the Dark Sun directly and keep it busy. I'll use my 1.8 Million EQ to develop a superweapon to stop it!
Etna: You're going to make it NOW? Do you have time?
Mao: Of course! The biggest hurdle was getting the funds necessary for such an experiment. But it seems I received a large donation from someone, so there's no problem!

Flonne realizes what Beryl's plan was all along. Mao begrudgingly acknowledges that he has to save the Academy and that Beryl is still pretty Badass for getting an Honor Student like him to do something so Delinquent-like. Seeing Mao and the Player working together gives Beryl a renewed sense of hope, too. And she revises her Final Lesson from "Self-Sacrifice" to "Love Saves The Academy!"

The Player beats back the Dark Sun in a boss fight and Mao reveals the weapon he's built within that time: codenamed the "Makai Wars"

After the destruction of the Dark Sun, Prof.Beryl is proud to make the Player the Second-Ever Graduate of Evil Academy, and gives them a Diploma. Mao is angry that she held the ceremony without his permission. Beryl asks him if he hasn't grown into the Player's Rival now. But Mao responds that he's only ever recognized one person as his Rival, in a surprising moment of honesty. He does admit that the Player is 'pretty strong', and offers to let the Player come by his Lab anytime for some Human Experiment Body Modification to get stronger still. This unlocks a new game feature.

In the chapter outro, some shadowy voices talk about how surprised they are that a mere human managed to defeat the Dark Sun but that their boss would've been able to shatter it with a single finger, so there's nothing to worry about.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:43:13 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2020, 06:14:24 AM »
Episode 3 Gallery:

Main Story Book 1, Episode 3:

Now that the Player has become "The Strongest Overlord Breeder" (I guess that's like a Pokemon Breeder?)... Flonne suggests they travel to Veldime to learn about LOVE from Rozalin. But OH NO! When Rozalin woke up this morning, Adell has gone missing! She even drew badly-drawn Missing posters for him! (Stealing Killia's one good schtick I see)

Rozalin's suggestion for finding Adell seems to be "Start a war. Since he's a Battle Maniac, he's sure to show up."

While they were searching for Adell, Etna asks Rozalin to think of places where he might've gone.

Etna: "For example, the place where you two first met? ...Or perhaps where you two first smooched? ...Or perhaps where you two both XXXed?" (censoring done by game, not me)
Flonne's response, totally genuinely: "Etna, don't be silly, how can a person perform the letter X?"

Amusingly, this exchange immediately summons Fuka and Desco to the scene, where Fuka claims she must do research on this kind of lovey-dovey thing for... something? (a romance novel she's writing, I think?)

Fuka: People call me "The Creator of Love, Fuka"
Desco: And I am her sister, "The Ultimate Weapon of Love, DESCO!"

Blog Note: I'm kinda surprised that Flonne's not excited about this. Notably, Fuka and Desco use the word "Koi" for Love, whereas Flonne usually uses "Ai".
"Koi" is more like expressly romantic, whereas "Ai" can be more undifferentiated (pure) Love.

So maybe that's why Flonne's just like "Well, Player, looks like some uninvited guests have come along. What do?"

Rozalin just wants to find Adell, but Fuka and Desco are determined to help her express her feelings more clearly and get a Good Ending when they find him.

Fuka gives Rozalin a cute nickname "Roza-rin"
Blogger's Aside: Her name's usually "Rozarindo" (Rosalind), and most people give her the nickname "Rozari" (Rosary). But Fuka shortens it to "Roza" plus the cutesy-sounding diminutive "-rin" (which conveniently also rhymes with the next few letters of her name anyway, serendipitously making it cute AND clever)

Fuka gets passionate about the merits of Romance/Koi - talking about how it is vital to have a strong Defense and such, describing it like a battle.

Flonne: "Is Romance really so violent? I always thought it should be more cute and sweet...?"
Fuka: “Don't be naive! Love is War!”
Rozalin: I don't really get it, but you seem so passionate, so sure, I'll listen to your advice!
Fuka: Right, so I shall teach you the perfect Defense for the Battle of Romance!
Fuke: ...use The Player as a Human Shield!
Etna: ...

Blog Note: Fuka seems like she’s picking up a bit of Valzy’s speech patterns here.

Fuka explained what she meant by that in a little more detail (essentially, I think she meant, having the Player around would make Adell jealous, so it's like an "attack against a boy's heart" or something?) and Flonne and Etna were like "Oh, okay, so you DID have somewhat of a clue when you were speaking..."

Fuka tries to get Rozalin to try out some more of her 'Disney channel original TV series' schemes for Romance, but Rozalin is bad at them, of course. And she starts getting depressed "What if the reason Adell didn't come back home is because he doesn't like me?"

This does not deter Fuka. they literally convince her to eat a poisoned apple to get the Poison Status Effect, because "that's basically the same thing as a Love Status Effect, right? You have to get used to it!"

Rozalin turned purple.
(Amusingly, it DOES seem to be working for Rozalin developing a tolerance to Poison...)

And in the very next scene:
Rozalin: "Well, now that I've mastered being poisoned, is Adell coming home now?"

Fuka: Next we will begin Operation "Heartbeat! * The Netherworld Sun turns you into a Sexy Beauty to Genocide Adell's Heart~!"

...And off to the Sea of Gehenna for a "beach" episode! Rozalin is instructed to bathe in lava to become stronger for her romance.

Fuka's plans keep failing, but we get some kinda-cute moments where Desco and Fuka are talking together and Fuka's just super-genuine about trying to help Rozalin with her romance troubles.

Desco: "Big Sis, I dunno about this lava-bathing thing, do you really think it'll work for Miss Roza-rin?"
Fuka: "It has to work, Desco! This is all for Roza-rin's perfect romance!"

Poor Rozalin, she turned all red and on-fire from the lava-baths. But Fuka, of course, declares her "ready" to be a Love Machine now.

Note: Each of the subsections of this Chapter have been getting "Titles" written by Fuka. The first one sounded like a really lame generic Romance Novel, something like "Romance in the Moonlight" by Fuka Kazamatsuri.
And the titles keep getting progressively dumber, until we reach this final subsection, titled "The Romantic Romance that Romanced for the sake of Romance" by Fuka Kazamatsuri

Yukimaru suddenly shows up to tell Rozalin that something's happened to Adell in the Snow Clan Village.
They travel to where Adell is, but he’s been completely frozen in ice (from some kind of magic trap I guess?). Yukimaru tries to break the spell, but can’t and offers to commit seppuku, but Flonne convinces her to find help instead. They travel to meet Fubuki who whispers to Rozalin how save Adell. Rozalin is shocked but resolves to try.

When they go back to Adell, Rozalin is unable to do the cure, and Etna suspects it’s something terrible like having to commit seppuku to save Adell. Rozalin says that’s not it and then Fuka and Desco catch on and give her words of encouragement about being honest and confident.

This allows Rozalin to muster the courage to administer the cure - a Kiss (of course)! Adell turns back to normal and explains to an angry Rozalin that he got caught in the trap while searching the area around the Snow Clan Village for a special present for Rozalin for their 10-year anniversary - a Snow Clan hair pin like her Mother’s (everybody awww).

But suddenly! While Rozalin is all delirious from the feel-good present, a voice calls out “Awaken Overlord Zenon!” And Rozalin’s demeanor changes and she turns into a coldly-laughing darker version of herself. What will become of our heroes?! Find out next time on... Disgaeaball Z!

« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:44:46 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2020, 05:11:15 AM »
Episode 4 Gallery:

Episode 4:
Rozalin's being forcibly awakened by a mysterious to turn into her Zenon form.

Zenon Profile blurb:
The Overlord of all Overlords who has the title of "Overlord God" and is the target of awe and murder from all the Demon Lords in the Netherworld.  Has the strength of 3 to 4 Super Overlords.  However, Zenon grew disgusted by the days of battle and murder, and reincarnated: reborn as Rozalin.

Adell gets close to her despite the danger and this seems to give Rozalin enough strength to suppress Zenon briefly and she tells them to run. Adell refuses, but then good-girl Fuka is like "Yo, Desco and I will keep Zenon under control while you guys find some help. Rozarin and us are tight now that we've suffered through Romance Lessons together."

The rest of the group tries to figure out what to do. They talk about the voice that seemed to awaken Zenon and Flonne asks Adell why he came to the Snow Village in the first place. Adell says a nice old man told him that presents from the Snow Village were popular with girls. A nice old man with a big beard and white wings.

Suddenly! Axel appears!

Axel: "Hah! Kept you waitin', huh?"
Everyone: *walks right by him without a word*
Axel: Hey don't ignore me!

Flonne: Hmm... nope, this can't be the guy we're looking for. No wings or beard.
Adell: Sorry man, we're in a hurry and we don't have time to play with you now. Maybe later when we're not busy?

There's a boss fight with Axel, Axel runs off crying.
...This was clearly just there to fill a boss quota...

Meanwhile, with Team Fuka... apparently Fuka and Desco are just strong enough to actually hold their own with half-awakened Zenon while Yukimaru and Fubuki make a Kekkai barrier.

Adell's group finally stumbles across the old man they were looking for.
Oh my god who could have predicted it was Vulcanus?!

Vulcanus Profile Blurb:
An angel who looks like a villain no matter how you look at it.  Still, he’s a former archangel.  His mind is like a mass of prejudice, but he believes in divine justice and does not doubt it.  His plans were foiled by Seraph Lamington’s forces. After being chased from Celestia, his whereabouts were since unknown ...?

Vulcanus runs away immediately upon being confronted by the group.

Flonne and Etna look at Adell and are like “...kind old man? Really? Are you blind?”
Insulting his looks causes Vulcanus to pop out to protest... all according to Flonne's plan to catch him! Whoops.

Adell asks why he's doing all this, and Vulcanus is like "please listen to my tragic backstory."

The gang refuses, so he reveals his massive army of demons he's been amassing. The small team is a little overwhelmed, but Axel shows up and says "Whoa man, sorry about before, I wouldn't have challenged you if I'd known your girlfriend was in trouble, lemme help you guys out now!"

Axel: "In my right hand: ROCKET LAUNCHER!" "In my left hand: GATLING GUN!" explosions happen
Axel: "In my other right hand: DRIIIIIILLLL PUNCH!!!"
Flonne: "Wow! Amazing! You have so many hands!"
Vulcanus: Gah, my army is dead, but now I shall show you my TRUE power!
Axel: Welp, I'm out of ammo. See ya, guys! ADIOS!

Real fight happens, Adell demands to know why Vulcanus turned Rozy into Zenon, and how to turn her back. Vulcanus literally starts sticking out his tongue and taunting them, saying that Zenon's full awakening will happen any second.

Meanwhile, with Fuka's group, it seems the Kekkai Barrier is weakening as Rozalin sighs a dramatic "Ad...ell... h..elp... me!"
Adell senses this somehow and his group starts rushing back.

Adell: "I'm on my way, Rozalin! I'll save you even if it costs me my life!"
Etna: "Wow, he's so dramatic now."
Flonne: "Don't be jealous. It's nice how open he is with his feelings! I wish I had someone like that. Flonne looks over at the Player meaningfully.
Etna: "Hmm... yeah, that wouldn't be so bad." Etna looks over at the Player meaningfully.
You-the-Player feel an intense pressure that makes you want to run away.

Blog Note: I do not like this weird player-worship bit.

Adell arrives on the scene where Zenon has broken free.

Fuka: "Sorry, Adell... we couldn't hold her back anymore..."
Adell: Don't worry, I've decided I'm going to protect Rozalin no matter what!
Zenon: Open your eyes, I am Overlord Zenon! Who do you think you are?
Adell: I'm the man who decided to Love Rozalin more than anything else in the universe!
Fuka: OMG he said it <3
Etna: Wow, more than the whole universe? Gotta love that big talk!
Zenon: You love *me*?
Adell: That's right, you grew tired of fighting, right? You can rest now, and let Rozalin come back.
Desco: Looks like Adell's Love really struck a blow! Let's end this with a final battle of romance!

After a brief fight:

Adell: No! She still hasn't turned back to normal!
Desco: Well that's because there's one more thing you have to do to prove your love!
Fubuki: Yes, to break the spell, a Kiss.
Adell: I... uh... oh. Right.

Big splash image of them kissing. It is heartwarming and cute.

Etna: Wow, that's twice you two have been kissing in public!
Rozalin: How embarassing!
Adell: I don't mind, you wanna go for three?

And then everyone had a happy ending. Fuka could write her romance novel. Adell and Rozy went home happily to Veldime. Fubuki and Yukimaru returned to the Snow Village. EVERYTHING WAS GREAT!

And then a Prinny showed up "Big Trouble, Player!"
"Someone's been murdered!"

Episode 4 end

Blog Note: I really like this chapter and the bit with Zenon in particular.
Zenon seems like a bit of a parallel to Overlord Priere's story, where all that constant fighting turned Priere into a Demon herself (Priere's story is based on the Japanese legend of the samurai who killed 1000 demons and that made him turn into one himself).

But in Zenon's case, she was already a Demon and killed a bunch of *Overlords*, which turned her into something worse, I guess? So she got tired of that and wanted to reincarnate.
I see it as a metaphor for Trauma. You can try to 'reinvent yourself' and start over, but it never really goes away. And that self-preservation instinct is going to haunt you at times no matter what, so you have to learn to deal with it.
Adell seems to accept that Zenon is part of loving Rozalin in this chapter and I'm honestly kinda like ", that's pretty good writing."
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:46:08 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2020, 08:02:01 AM »
Episode 5 Gallery:

Episode 5: Netherworld Suspense Thriller

A murdered prinny is shown dead in the throne room.

Flonne: According to the report of the forensics, there was no sign of resistance to the victim, and it seems that he was stabbed from behind with a sharp knife.

The Prinny A murder mystery begins!

Etna: So why should we help you Prinnies solve the mystery? You guys are betraying us all the time.
Flonne:’ll be fun! And good training for Player!
Etna: ...
Flonne: ...and if we solve it, you can extort them for all their money!
Etna: okay, I’m in!

Using the patented new “Deduction Battle System”, the team begins the case!
(The Deduction Battle System is just beating up witnesses for information)

Etna: According to an interview survey with the Prinnies we beat up, Prinny A seems to have been arguing with his employer over improving the working environment. Their employer is rumored to be a cruel tyrant who always overworks them and wastes all their earnings. What if Prinny A had definitive proof that his employer would be convicted of, for example, fraudulent accounting ...?
We'll need to find this employer and check his alibi!
Flonne: Wow Etna, you sound like such a real detective!

Some Prinnies come in to report after more "Deduction Battles".

Prinny: Master Etna, we’ve found out the identity of Prinny A’s employer!
Etna: at last! We’ll be able catch this culprit who obviously killed our poor victim, Prinny A!
Prinny: As it turns out, his employer was... lemme check my notes... Master Etna, dood!

Etna: Eh?
Flonne: Wow! We found the killer so quickly!
Etna: Don’t joke around, why would I waste my time killing nobodies like Prinny A?

Prinny(rushing in from offscreen): Oh no, Player, it’s terrible!
Prinny: There’s been another murder! This is now a Serial Murder Mystery!

The crime scene now shows two Prinny-shaped chalk outlines.

Etna: Oh, it was just another Prinny. Why are you so concerned about this?
Flonne: Etna! Just because dying is all Prinnies are good for, you still shouldn’t SAY it.

Flonne: ...but seriously, this is a serial murder mystery now! Aren’t you worried about someone killing all your vassals, even if they are Prinnies?
Etna: Oh, good point. I guess I should get serious.
Etna: Anyone who breaks my stuff is gonna get murdered themselves!
Etna: Hmm... I wonder why this killer stabbed the Prinnies? If the killer wanted them dead or were just annoyed at them in the moment, why wouldn’t the killer just throw them?
Flonne: Well, Prinnies are the souls of sinful humans, and they can get reborn during a Red Moon. Maybe it has something to do with that.

Valvatorez (appearing suddenly from offscreen) : Exactly! Since they were killed in this manner, they’ve been prevented from becoming reborn and now their souls will fade into nothingness!
Valzy: I heard about this case from my Prinny trainees and came to investigate!
Fenrich: May I introduce my lord: The Bloodsoaked King of Terror, the Absolute Vampiric Ruler, former Tyrant Valvatorez.
Fenrich: ...your lives are all forfeit if you waste his time
Val: That’s enough, Fenrich. Our primary concern now is the Prinnies.
Val: Well keep them safe, no matter what!
Flonne: Wow such confidence!
Etna: So what’ll you do if you can’t?
Val: No need to worry, I never break a promise
Val: Come along, Fenrich! Investigation time!

Etna asks him what the deal is with his sardine fixation. Val explains that his body and soul Love Sardines. Flonne is moved by a demon expressing such love for anything. But of course, she won’t lose to Val. Her love of Crab Miso is just as strong!
Val suggests a competition, but Etna shuts them down, reminding them they have a killer to find.

Fenrich explains that Val has given up drinking human blood so that’s why he eats Sardines so passionately. He explains that Val would be the strongest in the Netherworld if he would drink some human blood.
Etna is intrigued and wonders which of them is stronger: Tyrant Val or herself when she’s at full power.
Moving on, Val seems to be close to finding the culprit. Apparently Fenrich is following the scent.

Elsewhere, we see that Vulcanus is worried that someone as strong as Valvatorez has appeared as it might interfere with their plans. But Aurum assured Vulcanus that Valzy is just a Prinny instructor now and they have no need to worry. It must’ve been a fluke they were able to defeat the Great Sinner Nemo.

Continuing the search, complete with gags and sardine facts.
Val: So Player, you’re a human but your goal is to raise the Strongest Overlord. As an instructor myself, I can relate. What a fine, respectable goal!
Fenrich: My Lord, don’t forget you have me to help you with any goal you set your mind to!
Etna: Ooh, the wolf guy’s looking a bit jealous
Flonne: Wow, I’ve seen so many examples of Love from Demons today!

Following the scent, they come across a field of dead Prinnies.

Everyone is understandably angry. Even Etna.

Flonne: Who would do such a terrible thing?!

Emizel shows up: "So you want to know the culprit who killed these Prinnies?"
Emizel: Well, as a Reaper, I want to find out, too. So I'll cooperate. These Prinnies were supposed to be reaped for the Red Moon, after all.
Val: Oh, what a surprise to see you here, lad!
Etna: Oh, do you guys know eachother?
Flonne: Yes, Emizel participated in the great war that overthrew the Corrupternment. He's a Hero who was part of Valvatorez's group. Find out more by playing Disgaea 4!

Emizel: You guys, I think there's a big problem brewing for all the Worlds out there. We have to figure this out.
Emizel: There's been Prinnies disappearing during the Red Moon, but they don't get reborn! And some Prinnies who weren't even cleansed of Sin yet have gone missing, too! This is big trouble!
Tonight is the next Red Moon, so the culprit will surely be there.

At the Red Moon... the gang arrives to find all the Prinnies there safe and sound! The Prinnies thank Etna for being such an unrelenting petty tyrant of a boss that they could reincarnate MUCH faster than most Prinnies.

Etna: Oh c'mon you guys, it was nothi- hey waitaminnit.

Suddenly, the whole group of Prinnies is cut down before they can reincarnate!
It’s Aurum, saying that Sinners like Prinnies don’t deserve a second chance. Valzy is understandably pissed.

Val: I'll never forgive you! Cry not, Miss Etna! We shall avenge the Prinnies together!
Etna: ...who's crying?! But still, that guy pisses me, I'm gonna murder him.

After a boss fight:
Aurum: Hah, you thought that was enough to defeat the Great Super Hero Aurum?
Emizel: THE Aurum?!
Flonne: Why would a Hero do such a thing?!
Aurum: Hahahaha! You fools don't understand anything! This is all for our Organization. Our Leader is unimaginably powerful!
Aurum: Even I, who was worshipped as a Super Hero, am like a child before Our Leader's power!
Etna: Well I don't usually like to beat up children, but I'll make an exception in your case!

After clowning on his ass in another boss fight:
Aurum: Ggh.. Player, you're more powerful than I imagined. I thought the only powerful one here was Tyrant Valvatorez. It seems I underestimated you because you're merely a human. How did... you get so powerful?
Flonne: Oh no, Player isn't just a human. They're our trump card chosen from the human world to help us prepare for the final war with the great evil!
Etna: Flonne! You weren't supposed to reveal that yet...
Flonne: Oops
Aurum: I see... so you were prepared for me, then? Well, then I shall reveal my last resort!
Emizel: Oh no, the last resort of a Super Hero! What could it be?!
Aurum: RUN AWAY!!!
Etna: Ah. He ran off.
Val: Mmm. I see. Yes, a Hero's last resort would be the "Run" Command, I suppose.

The gang catches up to Aurum
Aurum: I’ve been waiting
Etna: Don’t you “I’ve been waiting” me! You ran off like a crying baby!
Aurum: Haha, I did not “Run”, I used my Last Resort.
Aurum: Behold!

Aurum: Awaken, Overlord of Violence, Killidia!
Aurum: He has the power of one of the Five Great Overlords in this form! This is the place you will all die!

After a Boss fight with Awakened Killia:
Emizel: Ugh, he's so strong. Is this the power of the Five Great Overlords?
Etna: Ehehe... yeah, we might actually be in trouble here
Fenrich: If only my Lord had his full power, this would be no problem!
Val: Fear not, Fenrich, I have the power of Sardines on my side!
ethereal prinny voices: Not only Sardines, dood! You have US too!
Val: What’s this... light?

Emizel: It's those Prinnies from before!
ethereal prinny voices: Lord Valvatorez, please use our power and help out our beloved-but-cruel Master Etna in our stead, dood!
Fenrich: My Lord, that form-!
Flonne: Wow, did you hear that Etna? I can really feel those prinnies' strong love for you!
Etna: oh, those guys... you didn't have to make such a big deal out of it...
Etna: Still, I can feel their energy. It's been a long time since I used my true power.

Flonne: Wow! Majin Etna and Tyrant Valvatorez are powering up to 100000000%!
Flonne: So Player, which one will you ask for help?

Blog Note: Okay, so, I think this is pretty interesting to consider Disgaea Power Levels. This part of the story seems to frame Majin Etna and Tyrant Valzy as roughly equal in power. And both of them as roughly equal to Awakened Killia.
I also think it's interesting that Aurum gives Killia the title of "one of the Great Five Overlords".
I guess this implies that the events of D5 turned its main cast into something of legendary figures themselves.

After the fight, Killia’s like “uhh where am I?”
Aurum runs off, and apparently the captured Prinny souls he had found their way back to their skins?
Prinnies: Thank you everyone. We appreciate you keeping your promise to us, Instructor Valvatorez
Val: Of course, promises must always be kept.
Prinnies: And Master Etna, we appreciate you actually fighting seriously for us, too. We won't forget that.
Etna: Oh please, it wasn't anything special. I just wanted to blow off some steam.

Then everyone congratulates Player on being so reliable
But suddenly Lamington shows up!

Lamington: Player, you have done well to have endured such trials thus far. I’ll say it plainly: I want you to save the world.

Episode 5 End

Blog Note: Funny aside - no one actually takes the time to tell Killia what’s going on.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:47:46 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2020, 08:36:11 AM »
Episode 6 gallery: (parts of this are out of order)

Main Story Book 1, Episode 6

Lamington: I've been watching from Celestia. What has transpired here... it's too terrible. Player, you have done well to endure the trials you have faced thus far. Most Humans would've just died under such circumstances. I had expected the same of you.

Etna: Huh. And after we worked so hard to find a useful human.
Flonne: Oof. The Seraph didn't think we could pull it off...
Etna: Yeah, I don't appreciate the lack of confidence. Flonne, I'm gonna kill 'im.
Flonne: Miss Etna, please don't joke around, the Seraph looks serious...

Lamington: I'll say it plainly, Player. I want you to save this realm. To that end, I would have you revive the Five Great Overlords.

In the Netherworld "Blood Parch":

Flonne: So, the Original Five Great Overlords... I hear that they're amazing Overlords who brought about a great peace in the Netherworlds for a long time!
Etna: But that story's ancient, right? How are we supposed to revive them even if Mr. High-and-Mighty told us to? They're already all dried-up mummies by now, right?

Killia: Don't worry, I'm not quite a mummy yet.
Flonne: Aah! Y-you're-!?
Etna: Tyrant Overlord Killidia!!
Killia: I heard about the situation from the Seraph. It sounds like I owe a bit of a debt to you guys. You won't mind if I help you to repay it?

As they travel, Flonne asks about the Original Five Great Overlords.
Flonne: The Gorgeous Overlord Princess Seraphina, the Scorching Flame Overlord Red Magnus, the second Overlord of Toto Bunny Usalia, the Revitalized Ultimate Demon Technique's Founder Zeroken... And the Tyrant Overlord Killidia! I can't believe I'm meeting one face-to-face!
Killia: It's just 'Killia' now. During my time as a Tyrant, I was nothing more than a force of destruction. But since that time I've gained irreplaceable comrades, and that's not who I am anymore. To them, I was just "Killia".
Etna: Irreplaceable comrades? What kinda demon can say that with a straight face?
Flonne: Oh, you're just how I imagined such legendary demon heroes of ages past would be! Such a different mindset from some Overlords I know!

Elsewhere, jump-cut to Laharl playing video games...

Laharl: Aaa-choo! I sense someone's talking about me! Well, nevermind. More importantly, today's the day I can get Pleinair in my game file!

Back to Killia's conversation...

Etna: So hey, Killia, you've been alive for hundreds of thousands of years by now, right? Just how old are you?
Killia: Hmm... Indeed, I never expected I'd really live this long.
Etna: ...what kind of old-man answer is that, dodging the question!
Flonne: Miss Etna, please be more respectful to the living legend in front of us!
Killia: Alma Ice Sculpture - it's a mysterious Overload power that can freeze time for anything.
Etna: Freeze time? So then...
Killia: Right, we've all been in Cold Sleep for many many years.
Etna: Whaat? Lame, so that's your boring secret for eternal youth? What a let down.
Flonne: Miss Etna, watch your tone!
Killia: Oh? What were you going to do with Eternal Youth anyway?
Etna: Isn't it obvious? I'd live a carefree life eating sweets and doing whatever I wanted everyday!
Flonne: Oooh! That sounds cool! I'd probably use the time to watch every episode of Prism Rangers in existence! And when I finished those, all of the sequel series! And then move onto to transforming hero Anime too!
Killia: Well those are... also ways to live.
Etna: Heehee, could it be that you're not happy with your life?
Flonne: Ah! Mister Killia, is that true?! We have to help you find a happy purpose for your life!
Killia: Eh, no, please don't go to any trouble. I'm kind of scared how that would turn out.

Flonne: So Mister Killia, Master Lamington ordered us to revive you Five Great Overlords. But I was wondering if you had any idea of where to look for the others? ...Um. Mister Killia? Hello?
Etna: Hey, old man. Are you even listening?
Killia: Hmm? Oh, sorry. I just had something on my mind.
Flonne: Well, about the other four Great Overlords...?
Killia: The Netherworld of Scorching Flame is nearby, so its Overlord Red Magnus may be there. I can guide you.
Etna: Wow, he's out of it. Heehee, I sense trouble brewing~
Flonne: Etna, could you at least try not to sound so happy when you say that?

Upon arriving in Scorching Flame Netherworld...

Etna: It is hotter than the Sea of Gehenna here!! Hey, Prinnies, go fetch me some ice-cream. You, exceptionally-well-muscled red prinny, hurry it up.
Glowy-eyed Red Magnus: ......
Etna: Hm? Well I've never seen a Prinny that looks like you before.
Killia: That's no Prinny. He's the Overlord of Scorching Flame, Red Magnus.
Etna: What? We found him already?!
Killia: Hmm... he's acting strange. I wonder if he's also been...
Killia: Oh by the way Etna, here's your ice-cream. It's a specialty fire-resistant ice-cream made from Overlord Dodurian Fruit and Fire Dragon Breath, Doduri-Icecream.
Etna: Wow! Thanks, Killia!
Flonne: This isn't the time to be eating Ice-cream!! Player, this is just like when we fought Mr. Killia. We have to open Mr. Magnus's eyes with a beating of friendship!

After several boss fights with glowy-eyed Red Magnus...

Flonne: Oh, thank the Lord! It seems Mr. Magnus has finally woken up.
Red Magnus: Ow-ow-ow! Hey, that SUPER-hurt, ya jabronis! Ya can't just go barging into people's netherworlds and beatin' em up while they're asleep like that! If ya SUPER-want a fight, then how about taking on these huge muscles of mine fair and square! C'mon, put 'em up!
Flonne: Oh no, he's still under the violent mind control!
Killia: No, sorry... he's just like this.
Etna: Wow, this isn't going to be annoying at all...
Killia: I apologize, Player, but it looks like there's a little more fighting left.

Red Magnus: Gah Ha ha hah! That battle was Super-Hype! That was a great way to start my morning. Long time, no see, Killia! With a fight like that, you and I are now evenly matched.
Killia: You haven't changed a bit, have you?
Red Magnus: Hmm... something wrong, Killia?
Killia: We can talk about it later. It seems that you-know-who is back.
Red Magnus: You-know-who?! It can't be! ...wait, who now?
Etna: Hey Killia, are you sure we can rely on this old geezer?
Killia: Heh, don't worry. There's no one I would rather have on my side in a battle.
Red Magnus: Wow, Killia. You making me Super-Blush over here.
Flonne: Oh, isn't it amazing? Mr. Killia and Mr. Magnus have that kind of friendship where they instinctively trust eachother to have their backs in battle!
Killia: Yes, precisely.
Red Magnus: Gah Ha ha hah! Well, whatever! Whether it's You-know-who or Who-knows-what, I'll Super-Beat 'em all up with ya!

Etna: So Flonne, do you think we can stop with all this "You-know-who" nonsense?
Flonne: Absolutely not, Miss Etna! It's a tried and true method of conveying how scary a threat really is!
Killia: She's right, this gives more weight to the seriousness of this fight.
Etna: Well that's fine, I guess it'll be all the more rewarding when Player finally wins, then.
Red Magnus: Gah Ha ha hah! I like the way you think, little girl! You Super-get it!
Etna: Oh? Do we unexepected agree on something?
Red Magnus: It makes sense, we're both Red demons, so of course we both Super-Think the same way on things!
Etna: Uh... I'm not sure I want to Super-Think the same way as you.
Killia: Stop arguing you two. You can bet that You-know-who will take advantage of that.
Red Magnus: Oh yeah. Guess I was being a jabroni and Super-Forgot about that.
Etna: Me too. Well, not the jabroni part. But I Super-Forgot about why we're so worried about You-know-who.

Flonne: Oh, Player... I know we told you that you were brought here to raise the Strongest Overlord. But I really wanna tell you the real reason we told you all of that! I just... can't yet.
Etna: What if I told you that it's because you have to kill... "The Tyrant Overlord Baal"!
Flonne: Miss Etna!! Why did you reveal it so soon!!?
Etna: Oh come on, you already revealed that the Player was "our trump card for the final battle against the ultimate evil!" didn't you?
Flonne: But I didn't go so far as to spoil the Final Boss's name! Didn't you notice how careful I've been to use "You-know-who" and "That person" instead?!
Etna: The Final Boss is Tyrant Overlord Baal, the Final Boss is Tyrant Overlord Baal, the Final Boss is Tyrant Overlord Baal. There, I said it. It's done.
Flonne: You're such a child! Now that you've spoiled the ending, will people even tune in to watch our show to the finale?
Red Magnus: Oh, I Super-get it now! So "You-know-who" was Tyrant Overlord Baal? Well, I Super-knew that all along.
Killia: ...Yep, you definitely didn't seem surprised at all just now.

Flonne: So you see, Player, you were chosen as our trump card for the final clash against the incarnation of destruction, Tyrant Overlord Baal.
Etna: Oh come on, it's too late now to put on such a decisive expression and announce that now.
Flonne: It's your fault for spoiling the plot too early. I hadn't finished preparing my speech...
Killia: Do you think you guys could... take this all a little bit more seriously?
Etna: Nope. Denied.
Flonne: Of COURSE WE WILL! ...hmm? Hey, where's Mr. Magnus?
Killia: He got bored and went home.
Flonne: What?!
Killia: Sorry, that's a joke. He said that he had to go off to 'super-train' his 'magnificent body' for the upcoming battle. But he left this for you, Player, as a souvenir. It will help you in his place.

It appears to be a "Red Magnus SUPER Muscle Suit". It's twitching with power. It might be your imagination, but it also seems to be glistening with sweat.

Etna: I have some very deep concerns. I'm definitely not wearing it. Killia, you do it.
Killia: Ah.. me?!
Flonne: Of course, it's filled with your friend's love and comradery.
Narration: Killia suddenly found himself in an unprecedented crisis. The conclusion to this tragedy was too terrible for the censors, and must be left to the viewer's imagination.

Etna: Well, then, Player, let's ignore all that and head out to go kill that Tyrant Overlord Baal jerk!
Killia: ugh...
Flonne: No no no, you can't just go skipping all the steps in the process! Clearly Mr. Killia and Etna can't be trusted to follow the tropes correctly. We have to perform all the quests in order! Master Lamington gave us orders to get all of the Five Great Overlords in our party first!
Etna: Sounds like work.
Flonne: Would you please stop blowing off important orders from the Seraph!!?
Killia: I also think it sounds like work.
Flonne: Oh no, has Miss Etna's slacker attitude become a bad influence on even the super-serious Mister Killia?!
Etna: ...Killia. You seem to be in quite a hurry to take out Tyrant Baal, too, for some reason.
Killia: You're not wrong. Let's hurry then.

Flonne: So are you gonna tell us the reason you're in such a hurry? I know Etna's in a hurry because she wants revenge for what Tyrant Baal did to King Krichevskoy.
Killia: Revenge, huh?
Flonne: We've all got our reasons. Player wants to raise the Strongest Overlord, and Etna's well...
Etna: You talk too much, Flonne.
Flonne: Well, it's just because I want us to be more careful and I don't want any of you to get hurt.
Etna: Oh come on, no fair saying stuff like that so I can't tease you. But you don't have to be so scared.
Killia: Etna. I, too, am seeking revenge. However, if you live your entire life only for revenge, there is only darkness without end waiting for you.
Etna: ...I know. But this is a responsibility I have to take care of.

Flonne: So the remaining Five Great Overlords were looking for are: Seraphina-sama, Usalia-sama, and Zeroken-sama. Right, Killia?
Killia: ........
Flonne: Um... Mr. Killia?
Etna: I think there’s a bug in his program. Hey, Killia!
Killia: Huh? Oh sorry, I was thinking about something.
Flonne: Mr. Killia... what are you so distracted by all the time?
Flonne: If there’s something you’re worried about, you should talk about it. If there’s any way we can help, we will!
Etna: Yeah yeah, like we can always get the Player to beat up more things for ya!
Killia: Ah... no, I wouldn’t want to bother you all with my problems.
Etna: Eh? What a pain... demons aren’t supposed to be serious. Don’t be so timid.
Killia: ‘Serious’? Me?
Etna: Wow, do you even know what game series you’re from? You’re way too serious!
Killia: Ah, I see... so what should I do?
Etna: Leave it to me. First we’ll start with having you end all your sentences with “dood” and sending you off to buy sweets for me!
Killia: Understood, dood.
Flonne: Making Mr. Killia act like a Prinny...!? Etna, please stop teasing him, it’s not helping him with his worries at all.
Flonne: Mr. Killia, we’re comrades who have fought many battles together, aren’t we? Those aren’t just pretty words to people like us, you can really feel our bonds in your heart, right? Please trust us with your worries.
Killia: ... I see. Well, the truth is...
Killia: When I woke up, the person who I’d gone into cold sleep with was missing.
Flonne: The person you went to sleep with?
Killia: Yes, her name was Liezerota.
Etna: Whoa! She’s your missing lover?!
Flonne: Whoa, a steamy couple!
Etna: A forbidden relationship that can’t be shared because of the censors?!
Killia: Really, this is my own fault for thinking I could have a serious conversation about this.
Etna: I get ya, I get ya! So Killia-kyun and Liezerota-tan are in loooove. You went to sleep together, but she wasn't there when you woke up, eh? Are you sure she's in the arms of another man? Heehee.

Blog Note: These are really cutesy nicknames. Something like “oooh, Killi-billie and Missy Lieze are in L-O-V-E~!”

Killia: Player, you might want to back up a little? (Killia transforms into his Awakened Form with an angry expression on his face.)
Flonne: A-ah... Now now, of course we understand how worried you must be that your one true love is missing, possibly even kidnapped by some strange man!
Killia: Hmm... you may be right. Lieze might've been taken by someone.
Etna: Heh, then it sounds like it's already decided.
Killia: What has?
Etna: Ooh, what a scary face. But what I'm saying is we should just search together. Right, Player?
Flonne: She's right, Mr. Killia. I'm sure if we can beat Tyrant Overlord Baal and his underlings, we'll be able to find your true love Miss Liezerota!
Killia: Etna... Flonne...
Etna: However, don't think I'm letting anyone else get the pleasure of finishing off Tyrant Overlord Baal.
Killia: Heh... Okay then, you have a deal. Player, everyone. I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart.
Flonne: Wow, did you hear that, Miss Etna? He said the word "gratitude"!
Etna: I heard it too! He even added "from the bottom of my heart"! Can you imagine hearing those words come out of the mouth of a certain other Overlord we know?

Elsewhere, Laharl sneezes.

Laharl: AAH CHOOO! Hey, is someone badmouthing me again?! Whatever, that's not important, I've got a Game to clear! Today I'm definitely gonna beat that Overlord Priere boss fight!

Killia is reminiscing at the site of where he first fought Overlord Baal.

Killia: So this where it all began... It is said that Baal was borne from the original darkness here. He would sit and watch the rest of the world from that deep cold darkness. And he hungered to consume it all... Those of us that first noticed him - Seraphina, Red Magnus, Usalia, Zeroken... We five knew we had to defeat him in the fiercest battle of our lives. It was relentless, we fought for such a long, long time...

Killia continues his story...

Killia: The battle with Tyrant Overlord Baal went on so for so many nights. On the eve of the 666th night, we finally drove him back. But by that point, we didn't have the power left to truly finish him off. So I decided to use my last resort and released the power of 'Alma Ice Sculpture' to freeze him in stopped time. We realized during the fight that our power alone would not be enough to finish him for good... But we knew someday that a power able to slay Tyrant Overlord Baal would appear, and we agreed to freeze ourselves in time to wait for it. And now, after thousands of years, it's you, Player.

Flonne: We had no idea that such a terrible battle had been unfolding all this time...
Etna: Okay, I get it now. But Killia, that story... was WAY TOO LONG!! This is what I mean about you being too serious!!
Etna: Well, guess there's no choice. I'll just have to set a good example for you.


Overcoming the tragic death of his comrades, Killia prepares for the final showdown with Tyrant Overlord Baal!! But in the heated clash, Baal reveals a hidden True Form!! What's this! Tyrant Overlord Baal was secretly Killia's lover Liezerota all along!

Lieze: Oh Killia. Even though I'm like this, would you still make me your wife?
Killia: Yes. Of course, Lieze. If we're together, I would even conquer the world for you.

Next time, on "DISGAEA" - "A Honeymoon That Takes Over The World!?"
See you next time!!

Etna: ...yeah, just basically do something like that.
Killia: Sorry. Not happening.

Flonne: According to an ancient history tome I borrowed from Master Lamington, the Tyrant Overlord Baal is an existence that transcends dimensions. There in the dark lies Tyrant Overlord Baal. Even if defeated and defeated, it shall not die. It shall always revive in a new dimension, stronger than before...
Etna: What the heck. What a completely overpowered cheat character. Though I guess King Krichevskoy wouldn't have lost to anything less...
Flonne: That might have been the first time anyone really noticed Baal in a long time.

Etna (thinking): But why, why wouldn't you let me go with you to face him... If I had been there, and I'd had my full power, then maybe you wouldn't have had to... C'mon, please tell me what I should do. Your majesty...

Further along, Etna senses someone following them.

Etna: Hey, you in the shadows, stop hiding and come on out. I can feel the murder-vibes from here.
Zeroken (with glowy red eyes) : ......
Killia: Zeroken? It's you!
Flonne: Oh, is this Mr. Zeroken?
Killia: Yes, the man who spread the teachings of the Ultimate Demon Technique fighting school all over the Netherworlds. He's also... my disciple.
Etna: Ooh, Killia's disciple? Sounds like a fun fight to the death!
Flonne: No, no fights to the death! We're supposed to be reviving the Five Great Overlords! Reviving!
Etna: Heehee. Okay, then a fight to the half-death.
Killia: No. There's no need to hold back, Etna. The Ultimate Demon Technique isn't to be taken lightly.
Etna: You heard him, Player. Looks like we can set our weapons to 'kill'.

From the shadows, Vulcanus is watching.

Vulcanus: That blasted Player... Ruining my scheme to make all of the sleeping Five Great Overlords into my pawns...
Voice: Then why not just erase the problem?
Vulcanus: What, what are you doing here...?
Voice: Your only job is to take care of the interlopers. If you can't even handle that, maybe I should just let Tyrant Overlord Baal erase *you*?
Vulcanus: Eep.
Voice: Hwahahahahaaah!

Episode 6 End

Blog Note: It's pretty exciting to see what became of Killia and the other D5 characters. It's also nice having official confirmation of where D5 takes place in the timeline. Red Magnus seems back to being a goofball, which is nice after his character assassination in D5's later chapters. Also, Killia himself is far better utilized as the 'straight man' part of a comedy duo when he's playing off of Etna, someone who isn't constantly fawning over how great he is.

The Role of the Player-as-Character in the game is a little weird in that cloying way that gacha games are so prone to, but it's inoffensive mostly. It's nice that it's being used as a throughline for the mini-arcs in the story thus far, but now that it's taking a little more prominence, I'm a little disappointed that there's not an actual character in this role. Killia himself seems to be serving as the 'stand-in' for when the Player themself should be doing something, so I'd have almost preferred Killia as the main character again - hahaha, just kidding, that would be awful.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:53:48 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: DisgaeaRPG Translation/Summary Blog
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2020, 01:30:08 PM »
Episode 7 Gallery:
Episode 7:

Possessed Zeroken: ......
Flonne: Oh no, Killia, your precious disciple seems to have been brainwashed by the enemy! Maybe we can get through to his heart with a passionate speech about friendship?
Killia: No, Flonne. We can’t afford to hold back.
Flonne: B-but... friendship... You really think we should hold back nothing?
Killia: Nothing. Your opponent is the master of the school for the Ultimate Demon Technique. He’s a warrior who deserves our full power as fellow warriors.
Etna: What is this? Sparta? Well, he doesn’t look so tough to me. Player, try not to kill him?

After a battle with Zeroken:
Zeroken: ooogh.. Whoa! Ow, my ribs... Mommy!!
Flonne: Hmm... I know he's the master of the reformed school of the Ultimate Demon Technique, but... the reality doesn't quite match my mental image.
Etna: What kinda Overlord starts sobbing and crying for his Mommy...?
Killia: Hey, Zeroken...
Zeroken: Hmm? Oh, it's you, Big Bro!

Zeroken Profile:
The progenitor of the reformed school of the Ultimate Demon Technique.
Originally a frail boy who tried to simply imitate the Demon Fist Goldion,
he grew into a strong Overlord with a Netherworld in his Heart.
All of the martial arts forms currently practiced in the modern Netherworld
originated from this reformed Ultimate Demon Technique.
This is an incredible achievement that he isn't even aware of.

Flonne: Well, I guess we did it, Player! We've now revived the third of the ancient Overlords!
Etna: Hey, maybe we can get some free lessons in the Ultimate Demon Technique, too, eh Player?

Flonne: So I've heard that all of the current special techniques currently practiced in the Netherworld originate from the Ultimate Demon Technique. I'm so honored to meet the one who founded that martial arts school, Mr. Zeroken!
Zeroken: Eh hehe, you're making me blush.
Etna: Hmm... every technique in the Netherworld? So then does even my patented Sexy Beam originated from the Ultimate Demon Technique?
Etna: Hey Killia, you should try it too. Sexy Beam!
Killia: S-secksy Beem?
Etna: Yeah, like this: Sexy Beeeaam!

Zeroken: Wowee! It's perfect, wonderful! You're a full master of the art!
Flonne: Oh yeah? Well, Master Zeroken, please watch my special technique, too!
Zeroken: Hmm? Okay, go for it!
Flonne: Flonnezilla!
Zeroken: Oh, you definitely pass! I also deem you a full master!
Killia: this what has become of the Ultimate Demon Technique after so many thousands of years?

Killia: Hey, Zeroken?
Zeroken: What's up, Big Bro?
Killia: What were you doing when spreading the secrets of the Ultimate Demon Technique that we now have Sexy Beams and Giant Lizard attacks as part of the school?
Zeroken: Well, I just did my best to spread the teachings of the master. As part of the distance-learning course, I encouraged the students take inspiration from Anime, Movies, Light Novels, Manga, and Games. They incorporate this mixed media into their time in the Fitness Gym... And to spread the appeal to the masses, we introduced a song and dance competition to the Annual Netherworld Fighting Tournament! Oh, and a swimsuit contest! And then we...
Killia: No... no. That's enough. I see where the Sexy Beam and Giant Lizard came from now...
Etna: See, Killia? It's legit! So c'mon, it's Sexy Beam time!
Etna: Ready... go! Sexy Beeeaam~!
Killia: Cut it out!!
Flonne: Aww... I kinda wanted see Killia do a Sexy Beam...
Zeroken: Right? I wanted to see it too.

Zeroken: So, Big Bro... Etna, Flonne, and you, Player! It's time to say goodbye for a while. If we're gonna be taking on Tyrant Overlord Baal, I need some time to prepare. I'm pretty rusty after all that sleep.
Killia: Ah, I understand. I'll be counting on you, Zeroken.
Zeroken: Hehe. Leave to me, the Silver Wolf with the speed of a tempest, the Gale Force Overlord Zeroken!
Flonne: Oh Master Zeroken, let's practice together again the next time we meet!
Zeroken: Yeah! But don't stop practicing on your own. Next time we meet, instead of a normal Flonnezilla, you'll be ready to learn how to transform into Mecha Flonnezilla!
Etna: Oh, and you'll think of a technique to help me make my Sexy Beam even sexier, right?
Zeroken: I don't think that's possible for your body-type.

- Etna fires a bunch of gunshots.

Zeroken: Oh, you said 'Sexier'?! OK. Well, with your superb aptitude for that, I'm sure I can think of a new technique for you... ehehe.
Etna: Aw, thanks, Zeroken sweetie.
Zeroken: Oh, I almost forgot. Player, here's something I wanted to give you as thanks for waking me up.

- And so, the Player received a "Secret Scroll of the Ultimate Demon Technique" from Zeroken!!

Flonne: Oooh! That's great, isn't it, Player?
Etna: Pretty fancy. With that, I guess you also get your full mastery license.

- However, upon reading the fine print, it says "Trial License Only". ...It seems it's just a free promo version.

Flonne: So... there's only two Ancient Great Overlords left to find. Miss Usalia of Toto Bunny and Miss Seraphina of Gorgeous, right?
Killia: Mmhm. Just a little more.

-Seraphina and Usalia immediately show up, eyes glowing red.

Killia: !!? Seraphina! And Usalia too!!
Flonne: Wait, really? These two are the ones!?
Etna: Wow, how convenient we didn't have to go looking for them.
Flonne: Oh come on! The remaining two of the Great Overlords just appearing like that, that's unreasonably convenient!
Killia: Flonne's right, but let's just snap them out of this trance, alright?

-After a fight

Sera & Usa: ........
Etna: Wait up, Killia. This doesn't seem to be working at all. Are you maybe... holding back?
Killia: .....
Etna: I knew it!! You didn't seem so timid when we were beating Zeroken black and blue. How sexist!
Killia: Ah... sorry.
Flonne: Mr. Killia, I understand how you feel. But if you hold back, we won't be able to save them, right?
Killia, transforming into his Awakened form: ...You're right. I'll need to use all my strength. Let's go, Player.

-After another battle

Sera: ....
Usa: ....
Flonne: They still aren't waking up! Something's seriously wrong!
Etna: Oh well, it can't be helped. Sorry, you two. Fixing brainwashing is too much trouble, time for homicide!
Flonne: No, not time for homicide!
A.Killia: It's strange... Why? Why won't they wake up...? ...Ah!? Wait, could it be, the Overload power "Broken Faith Magia"?!!

-Narration: Let's explain! The Overload ability "Broken Faith Magia" is a technique that allows the user to pour their mana power into a victim's wounds and take complete control of their free will and manipulate them as they please. The Corpse Master Overlord, Demon General Majorita once used this technique and it has been handed down for generations since.

Usalia (red-eyed): ...C... Cu... cu...
Etna: What? Oh man, they're acting even weirder now.
Usalia (red-eyed): ...Cur...ry....
Flonne: Huh? Curry?
Usalia (red-eyed): Grr... Must have curry, plip!! Killia's specialty mild curry... I must have it, plip!!
Seraphina (red-eyed): Grr... I only need one thing... Sir Killia! Must become... my servant!! Must love only me for eternity!!
Killia: ....Hey, c'mon guys. How long have you really been awake?

Seraphina: Ohohohoho! In all the confusion, I saw a perfect opportunity to take Sir Killia for own. Oh well, I suppose my plan failed again.
Usalia: What a nice long rest that was! Usalia requests Curry for breakfast, plip! I don't suppose I really can get some of Killia's Specialty Curry?
Killia: ....Heh. It's been a while, but I can try to make some.
Flonne: Oooh! Curry! Did you hear Etna? He's gonna make curry!
Etna: Well, curry sounds nice and all but... What was all that about "Broken Faith Magia"?!! Killia, you were talking all that nonsense and got us all hyped up!
Killia: ...Ah, sorry. Please forget all that.

The group continues their journey

Flonne: Om nom nom. Oooh, this curry is exquisite!! I knew Mr. Killia would be good at this!!
Seraphina: Isn't he though?! You, you're Miss Flonne, right? It's good to see you understand. My dear Sir Killia's only strength isn't simply his good looks, he's also a world-class cook. Every house needs such a skilled servant. But of course, Sir Killia belongs only to me. I won't give up to anyone else. Ohohohoho!
Etna: So Seraphina is completely Killia-brained... And over here we have Usalia, a complete Curry-brain.
Usalia: Om nom nom nom. Munch. Nom nom nom.

-Narration: Usalia is completely and unwaveringly focused on eating her curry.

Flonne: Yes, it seemed the Legendary Five Great Overlords all have their own little... quirks, doesn't it?
Seraphina: Ohohohoho! No need to shower us with such praise!
Etna: Even Killia's got a lot of gimmicks. He's a powerful Tyrant Overlord, his Overload can stop time, and he's even good at cooking! ...Really, he kinda seems like a broken cheat character.
Seraphina: Oh, isn't he just? So now you understand why I want to make Sir Killia my servant!

-Narration: And so Player and the group enjoyed a brief rest on their journey to have some curry.

Seraphina: Whoo... Sir Killia's curry rejuvenated me, body and soul. So now Usalia and I shall be heading out.
Etna: Huh? Wait a sec, Seraphina. You're leaving already? You said you'd teach me the secrets of "Balor Gaze" to bend all men to submit to my will!
Seraphina: Ohohohoho! That shall have to wait for another time, Miss Etna.
Flonne: Oh? You seem like you're in a hurry. Wait, I get it! You're off to search for the next delicious curry, right!?
Usalia: That's exactly right, plip!
Seraphina: What? No. We're off to find a certain person.
Killia: A 'certain person'...?
Seraphina: Sir Killia. Your mind's been on Miss Lieze this whole time, right?
Killia: Ah, Sera... you noticed? Sorry, I guess I'll leave it to you.
Seraphina: Well then, you'd better be able to focus now! Good luck, everyone!
Usalia: Oh, Player!! Miss Flonne, Miss Etna! Let's all eat curry together again soon!
Flonne: Going off to search for Miss Liezerota, her supposed enemy in love... Wow! Miss Seraphina is so mature, even in front of the man she loves!
Etna: Right? If I had an enemy in love, I'd bury them before they knew what hit 'em.

Continuing on

Flonne: Hey, by the way, Mr. Killia... I thought I heard that Miss Seraphina and Usalia had some present for you as thanks for waking them up?
Killia: Ah, that's right. They asked me to give it to Player.
Etna: Oooh! What exciting treasure are we gonna see?

-Narration: Player received "Usalia's Bunny Ears"! Now, you can became a Bunny Girl anytime, anywhere!
-Narration: Player received "Seraphina's Special Album"! Unfortunately, the racy photos within exceed our age rating!

Killia: I'm not sure what to say... Sorry, Player.
Etna: No need to be sorry, Killia. We'll just have you use them.
Killia: Huh?
Flonne: Oh of course! Mr. Killia will look great with bunny ears. Let's have him equip the items, heehee!
Killia: Eh? What?
Etna & Flonne: C'mon....!
Killia: Gyaaaah!!!

-Narration: And on that historic day, a blackened scar was carved into Killia's heart. After surviving the harrowing experience, he vowed to keep what happened on that day a secret he would take to his grave.

Further along:

Voice: That meddling Player... So you've finally gotten all of the Five Great Overlords on your side, eh? Will you stop at nothing to get in the way of my plans...?
Etna: Hey! Who's out there!?
Vulcanus shows himself.
Etna: Whaaat? You again? Why am I not surprised?
Flonne: Oh? Master Vulcanus, you're still alive?
Vulcanus: Of course I'm alive! Stop acting like I should be dead! Player! A meddler like you is the one who should die! Come forth, O Dark Sun!!
Etna: Huh? A Dark Sun again? Didn't we already defeat that miniboss?
Vulcanus: Geheheh. Oh, you think it will be that easy?

-The sky fills with falling Dark Suns

Flonne: I- it's a Dark Sun Meteor Shower!!
Etna: ...Seriously?!

Flonne: So that's...! Am I really seeing a Dark Sun Meteor Shower?!!
Etna: Yeeeah. This might be seriously bad. I suppose you've earned a little bit of my time for this stunt!
Vulcanus: Geheheh! You finally understand your place. Before the might of our organization led by Tyrant Overlord Baal, you scum are all...
Etna: Hey you.
Vulcanus: What is it, girl? Begging for your life?
Etna: Don't you guys have a better name for your little organization? It's really inconvenient not having anything to call you guys.
Vulcanus: Geheheh! A fine question! Of course we do! I thought long and hard of the greatest name that would even make Tyrant Overlord Baal say "It's Perfect!" As we are the harbingers of Destruction and Death, our name is "The De-"
Etna: Got it! "The Final Boss Squad!!"
Vulcanus: Huh? N-no! Such a simplistic name is no good, we are "The De-"
Etna: Re-jected. Final Boss Squad.
Vulcanus: As. I. Said. We're...
Etna: The Final Boss Squad.
Vulcanus: Noooo!!

- Narration: Please pardon the wait, a long exchange is in progress. After over an hour has passed...

Vulcanus: ...ugh, I'm out of breath.
Etna: ...guess I win!
Flonne: What kind of victory is that!?
Vulcanus: Geheheh. You think you can buy time by provoking me with meaningless nonsense?
Flonne: Well yes, actually! We managed to buy a whole hour! Thanks for your cooperation!
Vulcanus: You willful pests! Stop fooling around, this is your end!!
Etna: You're up next, Player! Hit him with our best vassals!

After a fight:

Vulcanus: Urrrgh...! You continue to be a thorn in my side! But this is it for you!!
Etna: Well, this is a serious damper on my day.
Flonne & Etna being hit by a blast: Aaaaaaagh!!
Etna: Aaa... huh? I'm in a one piece.
Flonne: Whoa, all those countless Dark Suns are almost all wiped out!!
Laharl appears: Looking pretty worn out there, Player.

Flonne: Laharl!!
Laharl: It's my policy as an Overlord to come and save my Vassals when they're in over their heads. Obviously, I'm going to be winning the award for First-Place Overlord this year! Haaaahahahaha!!
Mao shows up: Player! You are a valuable research specimen. You can't go getting killed without my permission!
Adell shows up: It's my style to show up when others are in a pinch! So let me in on the fun, too, Player.
Valvatorez shows up: Listen up Everyone! I'm here to make sure you've all been eating your sardines properly!

Flonne: Mao, Adell, and even Mr. Valvatorez!! Along with Mr. Killia... All of the candidates for the Strongest Overlord have finally gathered!!!!
Etna: Geez Flonne, your hype is practically burning...

After the battle:

Vulcanus: Urrgh!! You... meddling... pest...!
Etna: Oh, still alive? Such cockroach-like durability!
Vulcanus: It can't end like this...
Flonne: Everyone! Be careful! He might have some secret plan up his poofy sleeves!
Vulcanus: Secret plan: I'm telling the Tyrant Overlord on all of yoouuu!!
Vulcanus runs off.
Etna: ...hmm, what a pain. I blame whoever chose that guy to be an Archangel in the first place.
Lamington shows up: Indeed, I have no excuse.
Flonne: Seraph Lamington!!
Etna: Oh, you were here? You could've maybe helped us out earlier.
Lamington: No, if I had stepped in, we'd have never gotten Tyrant Overlord Baal's Final Boss Squad to reveal themselves in earnest.
Etna: Oh, hey, looks like the name "Final Boss Squad" has caught on!
Flonne: Hey hey, Etna! The Seraph liked your name!
Lamington: The time has come, the great battle for the fate of the world has begun!!

As they journey on:

Flonne: Laharl, Adel, Mao, Valvatorez, Killia. And finally, you, Player! By Master Lamington's decree, it'll be us versus Tyrant Overlord Baal's "Final Boss Squad"... Hmm. That name really is corny.
Etna: Hehe, my bad. I think it suits them.
Flonne: Well anyway, the great battle for the end of the world with Tyrant Overlord Baal's forces has come! With everyone together, we'll save the Netherworld with our own hands!! Netherworld Rangers Disgaea V (Vee) - move out!!
Etna (narrating) : And thus, Warriors representing all three dimensions of Celestia, the Netherworlds, and the Human Worlds gathered together to face off against the forces of Tyrant Overlord Baal in a climactic final battle. However, little did anyone know at that time but this was the start of an unforeseen tragedy...
Flonne: Wait! Miss Etna! Please don't interrupt with such an ominous-sounding monologue!

Blog Note: The Japanese here is "Makai Sentai Disgaea V (Bui)", they specifically add the pronunciation for "V" in parentheses there. Anyone who has half an interest in Japanese media probably knows what "Sentai" means, but I went ahead and used "Rangers" instead of "Squadron" or "Troop" to get across the Tokusatsu naming scheme.

Etna: Heh, so "Netherworld Rangers Disgaea V (Vee)", eh? Gee, Flonne, where do you get your naming inspiration from? I can't tell at all.
Flonne: Teeheehee. With such an amazing Dream Team assembled, I stayed up for 3 days straight to come up with this naming masterpiece!
Etna: So, what role do I play in the Netherworld Rangers? Let me guess, I get to be Pink?
Flonne: No no. Obviously you'd be the Evil Lady Boss.
Etna: Y'know, I can't argue with that... and yet, I want to smack you.

Etna: So anyway, this Netherworld Rangers Disgaea V thing sounds great and all, but everyone's already gone off on their own.
Flonne: It's true, everyone's teamwork isn't quite there yet. They only seem able to behave properly when Player is around to discipline them.
Etna: What are they, grade schoolers?
Flonne: In particular, Mr. Killia seems completely unable to focus when he's worried about looking for Miss Liezerota... So for the time being, it's probably best to let them prepare how they want before the final battle with Tyrant Overlord Baal.
Etna: Great... So it looks like we're all relying on the leadership skills of our very own Player. I guess that makes Player the shot-caller of the Netherworld Rangers Disgaea V.
Flonne: Aww... But I wanted to be the Leader... Oh well! I'll just have to become the mysterious newcomer who shows up to save the heroes in a pinch, Justice Flonne!
Flonne: So Player... It seems our carefree fun times together will soon be over. The next trial is our final one!
Etna: It's gonna get serious, so try not to die, okay, Player?

Blog note: Given that this is where the majority of the game's features are completely unlocked, I kind of expected there to be more of a resolution in this episode, but it looks like they are gonna stretch this out after all. I *do* like the tidbits about how Zeroken's unorthodox anime-based training methods are the reason that every demon's skills look like they were ripped straight from an anime. And it's nice to see that Seraphina really has had some character development in the time since Disgaea 5. She still puts on the air of being a selfish brat, but deep down she really cares about and respects Killia's feelings when it matters. I'm glad to see that DRPG manages to make the D5 cast a little more humorous than their maingame roles were. I think Disgaea is best when it's not taking itself quite so seriously as D5 did... it really helps the otherwise-cliche plot beats feel a lot more fun and ironically less corny.


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