
Author Topic: Breath of Fire (Full)  (Read 11790 times)


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Breath of Fire (Full)
« on: August 27, 2008, 04:28:06 PM »
EDIT: Some stuff up top, since I can never find this otherwise. First of all, there are two sets of stats in this thread, Elfboy's and Meeple's. Meeple's are quite a bit higher-levelled (generally agreed as overlevelled, now, but I'm not going to delete them in case anyone feels differently). Let's do averages first!

Lower-levelled averages
HP: 245
AP: 158
Def: 264
Act: 87 (standard deviation: 50)
Damage, with crits factored in: 215 (kill point of 538)
Damage, before crits: 192 (kill point of 479)

Higher-levelled averages (note: there are some mechanical errors and sub-optimum weapon choices here)
HP: 308
AP: 183
Def: 293
Act: 113
Damage, with crits factored in: 207 (kill point of 517)

Lower-levelled stats (for skillsets, look at the higher-levelled stats)

385 Attack, 425 Defence, 112 Act
240 damage physical, 16% crit; 320 damage Rudra, 16% (?) crit

123 Attack, 269 Defence, 88 Act
76 damage physical, 20% crit; 108 after Atk-Up

HeroBw (best overall): 328 Attack, 228 Defence, 92 Act
205 damage physical, 14% crit
DwarfBw: 258 Attack, 276 Defence, 94 Act
161 damage physical, 14% (?) crit

215 Attack, 194 Defence, 157 Act
134 damage physical, 24% crit

176 Attack, 221 Defence, 27 Act
110 damage physical, 30% crit

369 Attack, 274 Defence, 13 Act
230 damage, 12% crit

178 Attack, 261 Defence, 138 Act
70 physical damage, 18% crit; 400 damage BoltX/Comet

221 Attack, 245 Defence, 69 Act
138 damage physical, 12% crit

Avg Def 264, Avg Act 84~87

HP: Deis (361) > Bo (287) > Ox (264) > Ryu (245) > Karn (230) > Gobi (206) > Nina (201) > Mogu (164)
Average: 245

AP: Deis (497) > Nina (241) > Ryu (135) > Karn (126) > Gobi (83) > Bo (74) > Mogu (67) > Ox (45)
Average: 158

STRENGTH: Ryu (120) > Ox (114) > Bo (108) > Mogu (101) > Deis (78) > Karn (75) > Gobi (66) > Nina (41)

VIGOUR: Bo (111) > Ox (109) > Ryu (107) > Gobi (94) > Deis (93) > Nina (79) > Mogu = Karn (67)

WISDOM: Deis (209) > Nina (149) > Gobi (99) > Karn (94) > Ryu (89) > Bo (80) > Ox (59) > Mogu (58)
Average: 104

CRITICAL RATE: Gobi (30%) > Karn (24%) > Nina (20%) > Deis (18%) > Ryu (16%) > Bo (14%) > Mogu (12%) = Ox (12%)

ACT: Karn (157) > Deis (138) > Ryu (112) > Bo (92) > Nina (88) > Mogu (69) > Gobi (27) > Ox (13)

Damage, with crits
Deis (400) > Ryu (278) > Ox (257) > Bo (233) > Karn (166) > Mogu (154) > Gobi (143) > Nina (91)
Average: 215

(Dragon Ryu 371, Atk-Up Nina 129)

Damage, no crits
Deis (400) > Ryu (240) > Ox (230) > Bo (205) > Mogu (138) > Karn (134) > Gobi (110) > Nina (76)
Average: 192

(Dragon Ryu 320, Atk-Up Nina 108)

Effective Speed (using 1 SD = 25% speed)
Karn (135%) > Deis (125.5%) > Ryu (112.5%) > Bo (102.5%) > Nina (100.5%) > Mogu (91%) > Gobi (70%) > Ox (63%)

Damage*speed, or effective offence (AKA why Elfboy doesn't respect Ox):
Deis (502) > Ryu (313) > Bo (239) > Karn (224) > Ox (162) > Mogu (140) > Gobi (100) > Nina (91)

Effective physical durability
Ryu (0.62) > Deis (0.69) > Ox (0.89) > Bo (0.99) > Nina (1.20) > Gobi (1.42) > Karn (1.45) > Mogu (1.61)
(Dragon Ryu 0.44, Fort Nina 1.11)

Effective magical durability (read, inverted HP compared to average <.<Deis> Bo (0.85) > Ox (0.93) > Ryu (1.00) > Karn (1.07) > Gobi (1.19) > Nina (1.22) > Mogu (1.49)
(Deis and Nina half all elements (all magic?) with their default armour, so in practice they're 1 and 2 at taking magic.)

Higher-levelled stats, with 100% more Meeple rants! Also skillsets

The Following Equipment were things I kind of had to "Tweak" to let them on some characters, well, ok, its only the FlameAR, since now I learned the WorldAR is buyable, making if it was an issue to Be Illegal or longer an issue.

Mogu's FlameAR: Only Ryu can use this otherwise, but Ryu has absolutly NO REASON whatsoever to use FlameAR. DragonAR, for example, weighs less, gives MUCH higher Defense (like 30 points or so), as well as give him fire protection (oddly, FlameAR does not give Fire protection...)
Whether you agree with this accomodation or not is up to you.

A Few notes:
All BoF1 characters do higher damage when they are in the Critical stage (HP is Red) with Physical Attacks
Though Magic Defense doesn't actually exist in BoF1 due to magic having SET Damage, there is a Magic Defense stat (play BoF1 on GBA, you'll see its listed as Mag. Def.), so I decided to use that
THe stats listed are from the SNES version, which I don't know how it varies, if at all, from the GBA version.
There were a few stat boosters used, but they only raise stats by 1, and 1 point in stats is pretty much pointless. Even if you were to give all stat boosters to ONE character, at best, they'd MAYBE have +3 in each stat (shows how rare said items are), so its pretty much negligible.
The Stats listed are also ALL the ones based off Equipment. Why? Simply put, the other stats are all just bases for the ones I used.

Here's what each stat means:
HP: Duh
AP: BoF's version of MP
ATK: Physical Power
DEF: Physical Defense
ACT: How fast said character is (Does AGL - Equipment Weight)
MAG: Magic Defense
INT: Have yet to figure out, just listing it anyway
FATE: Not entirely Sure, defintly not Critical hit Rates, I think its Evade and Counter Attacks though

Anyway, here they are. Stats and Levels were taken RIGHT after I beat Jade, So its safe to say these are End game Levels.
Physical damage tested on Myria's Crying Girl form (the NON Plot one), who seems to have Sara/Zog level defense, which I considered Average. Critical hits do 2x damage, so yeah, I'll just list the Critical hit rates and such, so you can figure out average damage >_>

LifeAR (DragonAR)

Lvl 35:
HP: 326
AP: 171
ATK: 415
DEF: 461 (456)
ACT: 123 (131)
MAG: 120 (122)
INT: 121
FATE: 124

Attack: 167, 50% chance of Critical
Rudra: Turns Ryu into Kaiser Form. Full healing and recovery from Status effects. While in Kaiser form, he's Immune to all status effects except Instant Death, Increases defense by 140%, and attack by 130% (though, that part is worthless (sadly))
Rudra's Attack: 320, Non Elemental, 20% chance of Critical
NOTE: Despite being Non Elemental, Rudra applies Elemental Weaknesses if any exists. Thus, I guess you'd call it "Universally Elemental"
Agni: Gives Ryu 999 HP and attack always does maxed Damage. Reduces Physical damage by 50%
NOTE: Agni is only listed in case you feel he should be allowed to use it. Personally, I don't allow it, since if one Character is dead, or Karn is fused, Agni cannot be used, meaning he needs party members do it. And its DISGUSTINGLY overpowered to boot

Notes: Ryu reduces Fire damage by 33%. His Transformations happen with Innitiative, meaning they go before anything, unless that ability has an initiative itself. Also, in human Form, Ryu can Counter Attack. For those who haven't played BoF1, Ryu1 can stay in Dragon form as long as he wants. The Ring that Ryu has on is a personalized "etc" (aka Accessories) that only he can equip, which boosts power his attack by 10 (Its already included in the Attack, so don't worry, just point it out)
Note2: Ryu has an odd means of healing, though it takes 2 turns. He can Revert out of Dragon form and back into it and get his Full HP back. Thanks to his inniative dragon Transformation, this isn't as hard to pull as one would expect. Though, he can only do this 2x, so I might list some of his other forms to conserve AP for such a strategy.

Evaluation: Low God Like. His defense is massive already, and he's got good physical damage. Dragons make his damage better, and defense...even more massive, meaning anyone trying to win a physical war is in trouble. Best strategy is to fight as long as he can in human, then switch to Dragon form for a 2nd bar of HP. Good speed helps too.


EvilRB (AngleAr)

Lvl 46
HP: 277
AP: 353
ATK: 152
DEF: 275 (261)
ACT: 145 (143)
MAG: 219
INT: 244
FATE: 144

Abilities and Damage:
Damage: 75, 20% Critical Hit Rate
Cura3: Heals 250, 15 AP
Cura4: Completely Restores HP, 20 AP
Fort: Increases Defense by 20, 6 AP
Wall: Causes next Attack Spell to Null out, and Nina to counter with Same spell at Half power, 15 AP
Atk Up: Increases ATK by 50, 15 AP
Physical Damage w/ Attack Up: 90, 20% Critical hit rate
Ag-Up: Increases her ACT by 20, 8 AP
Luk-Up: Raises her FATE by 20, 6 AP
Hold: Paralyzes the Enemy, Lasts 1 to 5 turns, 8 AP,
Idle: Lowers enemies speed based on the Concept "Faster you are, Slower you end up" concept, (IOWs, if both Tir Mcdohl and Ghaleon were hit with this Spell, Ghaleon would now be faster than Tir...) 5 AP
Shield: Reduces Magic Damage based off Magic Defense (near as I can tell), in Nina's case, by 55% (She takes 45% damage, IOW), lasts for 3 Turns, 8 AP
Heal: Heals all status effect, 5 AP
Dispel: Nulls out Next Spell, regardless of type (this includes Healing Magic), 20 AP
Hush: Gives the Silence Status to enemy (unable to cast spells), Lasts 2 to 5 turns, 6 AP

Notes: Any spells that are Positive Spells (Target Nina/Her Allies) have inniative, and ALWAYS go first. Nina has 2 Armor set ups. Her EvilRB reduces elemental damage by 50%, and this DOES stack with her Shield to make her reduce Fire Damage by a total of 67% (means a Fire spell doing 99 damage normally would do 33 to her) AngleAR, while sporting less defense, gives Nina an auto Magic Counter aspect. The rate of this counter is 100% to any Offensive spell, including status spells. The spell she counters with is half the power of the spells base, that means before taking Magic Defense or Elemental Affinities into account.
NOTE2: If your curious. I consider the EvilRB generally more useful (and she has the Wall spell to boot) and probably the better equip in general, so for RPGmon, I'd consider that her Default. AngleAR is just a neat alternative in case she fights someone whose entirely Magic Reliant, having no Physicals, were she could win merely by counter attacking and healing.
Note2: None of Nina's stat buffers are Stackable. Take the actual increases with a grain of salt, at least in the case of Fort, since in game, damage is decreased by a larger amount than 20 points would imply.

Evaluation: Heavy. If your slower than her, and not immune to Hold, you've lost. Simple as that. Hold, Idle, Ag-up, Atk Up, reapply Hold, continual stabs, she'll eventually win. Yes, fights take forever, but still. She's also quite a mage slayer having with game best Magic Defense, Hush, a few armors that screw mages over, Reflect, and a Magic immunity move. The healing is good for attempting to out last opponents. Pity she lacks anything resembling damage, though, which is her only real flaw.



Lvl 35
HP: 347
AP: 77
ATK: 284
DEF: 298
ACT: 108
MAG: 94
INT: 86
FATE: 71

Abilities and Damage:
Attack: 159, 10% Critical hit rate
Cura: Heals 50 HP, 3 AP
Frost: 60 Ice Damage, 9 AP
Fry: 80 Thunder Damage, 10 AP
Flame: 40 Fire damage, 6 AP

Notes: I have no clue why, but despite how much weaker the attack is, the DwarfBW does more damage (lower critical hit rate, but not by enough to matter) than the HeroBW. Considering this, and that the DwarfBW is 1 Handed while the HeroBW is 2 Handed....yeah...
He can opt for the IcySH, which resists Ice by 25%, but at a cost of 18 Defense. He can use the QuartzAR for 25% resistance to Ice, Lightning and Explosion, and 2 ACT but at a cost of 30 defense. He can lastly opt for the WorldML, sacrificing 5 defense for 33% Resistance to Earth.

Evaluation: Low Middle. He's...not bad in any one regard, but he's not good either. Passable damage, solid stats, but utterly worthless Skillset.



Lvl 33
HP: 267
AP: 159
ATK: 234
DEF: 229
ACT: 187
MAG: 127
INT: 108
FATE: 163

Attack: 142, 50% Critical hit Rate
Karn has fusion abilities, which are useless when he's alone, so yeah, shame too, its what makes him such a kick ass character in game.

Notes: The DarkBR Karn has equipped is a Personalized "Etc." which boosts his Fate by 20, ACT by 20, and Mag by 5. The DarkDR Karn has equipped is usable also by Ryu, but, Ryu has MUCH stronger weapons than it, thus, Karn deserves it. Karn also has the ability to Counter attack, though it happens rarely (about 5%)
Karn resists Lightning, Earth and Explosive damage by 25% due to his armor. He can also resist Ice by 25% with the IcySH, at a cost of 10 Defense, and 1 ACT.

Evaluation: Low Middle. His damage is above average thanks to his Critical hit rate, which helps, and he's got obscene speed. His flaw? Completely lacking in any form fo Durability. To be blunt, he's reliant on getting lots and lots of turns on the characters and hoping they fall before that bad defense kills him. This set up seems a bit too effective in Light, I feel, and might win a few matches in middle, but he shouldn't go very far at all.



Lvl 35
HP: 249
AP: 90
ATK: 194
DEF: 252
ACT: 54
MAG: 106
INT: 124
FATE: 140

Attack: 103, 25% Critical Hit Rate
EcoX: 100 Damage, Usable only underwater, 10 AP
The only time I see EcoX having use is if he's in a fight where Mog uses Water Rondo (which changes the Terrain to underwater), since I can't think of any other potential underwater situations beyond Bonus Matches

Notes: Gobi's SpineCL raises his Attack by 10, just pointing that out (its already included in the Attack) One of his equips, I'm guessing his shield (based on its name) gives him 25% Resistance vs. Ice. At a loss of 10 Attack, and 10 Defense, he can use the QuartzAR for 25% resistance to Lightning, Earth and Explosive damage, and gains 1 ACT as well.

Evaluation: Light. Come on, its friggin GOBI. Crap stats, subpar damage, durabilty envied only by Mogu, slow, and...well, yeah, he just outright sucks.



Lvl 34
HP: 380
AP: 49
ATK: 419
DEF: 320
ACT: 47
MAG: 64
INT: 69
FATE: 42

Attack: 278, 4% Critical hit rate
NOTE: I honestly don't know why he does so much more than Ryu, despite being only about 5 points higher in Attack. I'm guessing the Mallet has some sort of special feature to it that raises his damage, that, or something to do with one of his other equips (like his Shield, explaining maybe why Bo does more with DwarfBW)
Cure3: Heals 250 HP, 15 AP
Heal: Heals any status effect, 5 AP

Notes: Ox can opt for the WorldML which lowers his Defense by 5, Magic Defense by 1, and ACT by 2 but now reduces earth elemental damage by 33% (note that I originally claimed the WorldAR did this too, doesn't.) For a loss of 30 Defense, he can opt for QuartzAR, which resists Lightning, Explosive and Earth damage by 25%. For a Helmet, Ox can opt for the Gaiamask instead of HornHT and lose 1 point in defense for 2 points in ACT.
He can also use the FlameSH over MystSH for 25% Fire resistance, in exchange for 10 Defense and 3 ACT. IcySH exists for 25% Ice Resistance , but at a loss of 18 Defense.

Evaluation: Middle. The damage is excellent, as is the HP, high defense, and 3 shots of good healing to complement his tankishness. However, like all other Tanks, he's got 2 fatal flaws. One is he lacks anything resembling Speed. This guy could arguably lose a foot race with the likes of Ragnar. The 2nd is his magic defense really sucks.


EvilRB (AngleAR)

Lvl 41
HP: 362
AP: 488
ATK: 181
DEF: 259 (245)
ACT: 141 (139)
MAG: 198 (197)
INT: 219
FATE: 114

Attack: 72, 20% Critical hit rate
BoltX: 400 Thunder Elemental Damage, 30 AP (means she can cast it A LOT)
FireX: 350 Fire Elemental Damage, 30 AP
IceX: 250 Ice Elemental Damage, 48 AP
NovaX: 300 Non Elemental Damage, 54 AP
Comet: 400 Non Elemental Damage, Multi Target 75 AP
Sap: Drains Enemies HP, can fail, 1 AP
Drain: Drains Enemies MP, can fail, 2 AP
Rub: Instant Death attack, 50% hit rate, 20 AP

Notes: Like Nina, she can opt for one of 2 Armors, for same Reasons, though for some reason, the AngleAR on her lowers her Magic Defense by a point O_o? Meh, BoF1 Magic Defense is wierd like that *Shrugs* Contrary to what I was told, the Domino does NOT halve Magic Damage, so yeah, her Equipment more or less has the same effects as Nina, having the same Shield and Armors.

Evaluation: Heavy. Good speed, some decent Instant Death (nothing stellar) are nifty, but what makes her great is her damage. That's game best, period. Even if the person is immune to Lightning, Comet is a nice supplement, only inferior since its more expensive, albeit, not quite OHKO on an average durability PC though, IMHO. Halving all Elemental damage, or being able to counter any magic attack make her quite a force to be rekoned with. And to think, this is her WORSE form.


Lvl 32
HP: 231
AP: 72
ATK: 242
DEF: 257
ACT: 84
MAG: 69
INT: 65
FATE: 45

Attack: 101, 5% Critical hit rate.

Notes: Despite its name, the FlameAr does NOT reduce Fire damage. As if Mogu could get any worse. He CAN however, resist Fire by 25% with the FlameSH, losing 10 Defense and 3 ACT. IcySH exists for 25% Ice Resistance , but at a loss of 18 Defense as well.
He can use QuartzAR for 25% resistance to Lightning, Earth, Explosive Damage, but loses a hefty 32 Defense, and gains 1 ACT. For a loss of 7 Defense and 1 ACT, he can get that same Earth resistance through the WorldML.

Evaluation: Light. Worse than Gobi in..just about every Regard, sans speed, where he's still bad. A bit sluggish, utter shit for damage (worse than Nina1 after Atk Up? Eewww), and dies to a sneeze...yeah. You know, being game worst dueler is one thing, but being game Worst Dueler, in a cast that has GOBI, says something about you. Really crappy character...

Stat Comparisons:

First turn Damage output:
1. Deis 400 (BoltX)
2. Ox 289 (Attack)
3. Ryu 250 (Attack)
4. Karn 213 (Attack)
5. Bo 175 (Attack)
6. Gobi 128 (Attack)
7. Mogu 106 (Attack)
8. Nina 90 (Attack)
Average: 207

Comments: Wow, Karn is above average damage and Bo is below average damage, Doesn't that just beat all </Rei>

Later Battle damage outputs:
1. Deis 400 (BoltX)
2. Ryu 384 ("Kaiser Breath")
3. Ox 289 (Attack)
4. Karn 213 (Attack)
5. Bo 175 (Attack)
6. Gobi 128 (Attack)
7. Nina 108 (Attack after Atk Up)
8. Mogu 106 (Attack)
Average: 225

Comments: The very fact that Nina manages to outpower Mogu, even taking Atk Up into account, shows how bad he is.

1. Ox 380
2. Deis 362
3. Bo 347
4. Ryu 326
5. Nina 277
6. Karn 267
7. Gobi 249
8. Mogu 231
Average: 305

Comments: Evenly Spread out, if you asked me. 4 characters above, 4 below.

1. Deis 488
2. Nina 353
3. Ryu 171
4. Karn 159
5. Gobi 90
6. Bo 77
7. Mogu 72
8. Ox 49
Average: 183

Comments: Note that half the characters have no use of thier AP. only characters who should use AP are Deis (Her main offense), Nina (all those nifty spells), Ryu (Dragon Forms), and Ox (healing), and in DESPERATE situations, Bo (...yeah...) Gobi's spells can't be used on land, and suck anyway, Mogu's ability is useless in a duel (go Dig!), and Karn's are just downright illegal under this setting (Shame too)

1. Ox 419
2. Ryu 415
3. Bo 284
4. Mogu 242
5. Karn 234
6. Gobi 194
(Nina after Atk Up 192)
7. Deis 181
8. Nina 152
Average: 264
NOTE: For actual physical damage, check the actual character themselves. You'll find the attack stat doesn't mean as much as it claims.

(Ryu as Rudra 638)
1. Ryu 456 (O_o)
2. Ox 320
3. Bo 298
4. Nina 275
5. Deis 259
6. Gobi 257
7. Mogu 252
8. Karn 229 (-_-)
Average: 293
...Nina's Below Average, that sounds...wrong. Blame Ryu for destroying the Average...Also, Ryu is listed with his DragonAR defense here, so I'm listing his Stats using a DragonAR set up (Chances are, he'd rather use that for the Speed Boost, which is greater than the Defense boost from LifeAR)

1. Karn 187
2. Nina 145
3. Deis 141
4. Ryu 131
5. Bo 108
6. Mogu 84
7. Gobi 54
8. Ox 47
Average: 113

Magic Defense:
1. Nina 219
2. Deis 198
3. Karn 127
4. Ryu 122
5. Gobi 106
6. Bo 94
7. Mogu 69
8. Ox 64
Average: 125
Comments: Wow, a stat Ryu is NOT great in. Blame Nina and Deis for raising the Curve Tremendoulsly...

1. Nina 244
2. Deis 219
3. Gobi 124
4. Ryu 121
5. Karn 108
6. Bo 86
7. Ox 69
8. Mogu 65
Average: 130

Comment: Would make a comment on this (more like how the girls destroy the average again), but I have no frigging Clue what this stat does...

1. Karn 163
2. Nina 144
3. Gobi 140
4. Ryu 124
5. Deis 114
6. Bo 71
7. Mogu 45
8. Ox 42
Average: 105
NOTE: Fate apparently is NOT indicative of Critical hit Rates. Nina who has High Luck has about a 10 to 20% chance of a Critical hit, meanwhile, Ryu's Critical Hit rate is pretty darn high, and he's not that far above Average. Though, besides those oddities, Karn and Gobi who have high Luck both have massive Critical Hit rates, while Ox and Mogu almost never see one (after playing a whole game with Ox, I can safely say he has poor Critical hit Rate)

Now, I know ALOT of you are wondering why Nina and Deis are much higher leveled than other characters. Well, this is why I can't do average End Game level. See, when you first get Deis, anybody who's played BoF1 will notice she starts off lower leveled, but will level up like crazy (like once every 3 fights) and then stop for a while. Same goes for Nina later on, and for a longer Stretch. BoF1 leveling is wierd like that, so to get all characters at Equal Levels would be far beyond End game levels.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 10:02:24 PM by Dark Holy Elf »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 04:38:38 PM »
I was thinking about replaying the game, and suddenly realized we don't have a formal boss stat topic, or even formal boss stats for the ranked bosses (...of which there are 4, so yeah...) so figured this would be a good time to get things going!

Things to note before I begin:

EDIT: I was wrong, Critical Stage is total BS. Apparently Elfboy was right in the original BoF1 topic and bosses just get a damage boost when their RAW HP hits a certain level, which is around 10%. The boost seems to be anywhere between 33% to 50%, but general BoF1 randomness makes it tough to call in some cases.
Bosses have 3 "stages" of HP. These are as follows:
Normal: As name implies, this is standard. Bosses start out at this, etc.
Injured: When Boss hits about 25% of their HP Bar, their name turns Red (note that before this, their HP Bar becomes Purple at about 30%, though this seems to have no noticeable effect.) This seems to only really matter when a Boss has healing, as its going to trigger now.
Second Wind: When a Boss loses all their HP, some of them won't actually die, but rather give a message like "Frog seems alright" indicating they are still alive. This happens at set HP scores, and they have a set amount of HP left. I am indicating when that occurrs. Technically, if a boss has a Second Wind, you cannot OHKO them. You can knock that boss to just before the Second Wind stage, and then try to overkill it, it'll not surpass the HP they have. Second Wind *ALSO* ends a turn entirely, so if Ryu smacks the boss and they hit their Second Wind, and Nina, Bo and the Boss still haven't gone, it won't matter; the turn ends there. Make of this as you will.
Noteworthy aspects about Second Wind is that the AI sometimes changes (Gremlin, for example, always uses his Breath attack at this point) and any boss that had healing loses it entirely.
For the record, when a boss goes into Second Wind, the rest of the turn is finished. So even if you still have half your team to go, should Ryu knock a boss into Second Wind, the turn ends there. Also, you can't exceed Second Wind HP, as in, once they hit their second wind, any HP beyond that is reduced to 0. Think of it as pseudo Form Chaining, and one form can't be hurt until the other is killed, and the damage doesn't carry over. Basically, any boss with "Second Wind" is literally impossible to OHKO, from a pure technical standpoint. Make of this as you wiil.

So yeah, boss layout looks as follows:

HP: Obvious, do note that this DOES factor in Second Wind HP, so this is the raw total HP.
Speed: How fast they are relative to the team at the time, I'll be giving notes about just how fast those characters are that he's being compared too (like if boss faster than Karn, and Karn is the fastest PC, I'll be sure to make note of that)
Average HP: HP of party at the time, so you know just how good the damage is
Second Wind at x HP: When boss loses x amount of HP, that's when their Second Wind occurs. So if x is 200, and the boss has 250 HP, that means after they lose 200 HP, they'll have their Second Wind stage kick and they'll have 50 HP during that.

Self explanatory.

Damage's done to him/her:
List of damages done. Note that Magic Damage is always the same due to BoF1 using set damage, so unless nailing a weakness or a specific resistance (like Mote's weird pixelated vs. clear form thingy that resists magic occasionally) this damage isn't changing, hence no need for how their defense is vs. average.
Physical...figured it'd be easier rather than saying "Defense: Average" above and such, I'd just list the damage done to them, and then following it, damage done to average. If their defense is average, no second value would be listed. So for example, if you see something like:
Ryu's Physical: 100/250
That means he does 100 to the bosses defense, and 250 to average random encounters around the time, which means the boss has rather high defense naturally. If only one value was listed there (say only the 250), that means the bosses defense was practically equal to random encounters.

Phew, lots of weird stuff, I know, but anyway, onto the bosses!

"Erooo, Grooooow Get out!"
HP: 180
Speed: Faster than Ryu, even with his lightest stuff.
Ryu's HP: 41
Second Wind At 170 HP

Tongue Smack: 6 damage, physical
Spit Up: 6 damage, physical
Body Slam: 11
Cura: Heals 10 HP, usable at Critical and Injured only

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 18

Comments: Takes hits fine and is fast, and 4HKOs. Impressive really, considering he's the first boss in the game, and these things tend to have 10HKO damage.  High Light maybe???

"I am taking over the world with this machine…and no one can stop me!"
HP: 390
Speed: Slower than Ryu
Ryu's HP: 57
Second Wind at 350 HP

Attack: 9 damage, about 5% Slam rate (if that), damage increases by 33% at Critical and Second Wind, seems to miss about 10% of the time
Spark: 20 Magic Damage, Lightning Elemental
Cura2: Heals 40 HP, usable at Critical and Injured only 

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical (LongSD): 17/30
Ryu's Physical (BronzeSD): 13/22

NOTE: You get a single B.Stn and an F.Stn before this fight, which are expendable items that do 80 and 40 damage respectively.  Make of this, as you will.

Ryu's weapon is debatable to what he'd be using.  LongSD is available in Nanai, but a bit overpriced (you shouldn't be able to afford it when you first get to Nanai), albeit, you do get a chest of 650 Zenny early in the dungeon, which should allow you to afford that (meaning leaving the dungeon and getting the sword isn't too unreasonable), hence why I listed two values.  Its also worth noting that the BronzeSD covers 350 of it or so through trading, so you are actually closer to buying it than it might seem at first. 

Comments: Slow, and damage could be better, but its hard to deny the durability.  Against damage only about 25% higher than what Frog faces, he has over double the HP, and a significant defense score too.  In essence, he's like an early game Sara, so Middle works for him. 

Note: At this point, we lose Ryu a bit, and Nina joins along with her two loser guards.  I am *NOT* equipping the Guards with anything since it’s a waste of money, while Nina will be upgrading, so if anything, Morte and Mortea's damages are high.

"Go away! Nobody's home!"
HP: 120
Speed: Slower than Nina (whose fast), faster than Sr-2 (Whose slightly above average)
Average HP: 55
Second Wind At 111 HP

Attack: 14 damage, 50% increase at Critical and Second Wind, seems to miss about 10% of the time, 5% Slam rate

Damage's done to him:
Nina's Physical: 3/8
Nina using E. Key like she should probably be doing: 30 damage
Sr-1's Physical: 5/16
Sr-2's Physical: 7/18

Note: I forgot to add them in, but Attack Up does exist, so Sr-1 and Sr-2's physicals could be potentially higher after the buff.  Its also generally not worth using given how long the fight lasts.  As with Knight, F. Stn and B. Stns exist, along with the newly introduced C. Stn (60 Damage), but they're expendable and not in the most common of supply.

Comments: The physical defense offsets the scrubby HP, but he kind of explodes to magic.  Damage could stand to be better, though his speed isn't half bad.  A bit better than Frog I guess, so Light/Middle

"My brother was watching the gate, what did you do to him?"
HP: 230
Speed: Slower than Nina (whose fast), Faster than Sr-2 (whose 1 point above average)
Average HP: 56 (Nina gained a level OMG?)
Second Wind At

Attack: 22 damage, damage increases by 50% at Critical and Second Wind

Damage's done to him:
Nina's Physical: 3/8
Nina using E. Key like she should probably be doing: 30 damage
Sr-1's Physical: 5/16
Sr-1's Physical w/ Atk Up: 13/37
Sr-2's Physical: 6/18
Sr-2's Physical w/ Atk Up: 16/41

More or less the same stuff applies to Mortea as did to Morte, so see above.

Comments: Better than Morte in everyway, mainly in damage and HP.  Enough to push him up an entire division too, probably!

"A Warrior of the Dragon clan! The Xenon gas won't effect you… …but you will soon know the wrath of my magic powers!"
HP: 180
Speed: Faster than Ryu (who is 5 points slower than Nina, for reference, and 6 points faster than Sr-2)
Ryu's HP: 65
Second Wind At 170 HP
Wizard can evade physicals about 20% of the time

Spark: 10 Magic damage, Thunder elemental
Cold: 15 Magic damage, Ice elemental
Fort: Raises Defense by 20

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 24
Ryu's Physical after Fort: 12
Ryu using E. Key which makes his physical damage pointless: 30

Again, the usual items exist here, etc.  You know, I'm going to stop saying that at this point cause its lame.  For the record, I tend to not really consider those items until you fight Gremlin, given the vast HP difference between him and the bosses beforehand, but that's an aside; just remember they exist.

Comments: Again, another fast boss! This one uses Magic instead of physicals so not hurt by evasion! …pity his damage just sucks, as its 5HKO at best, and by easily resisted elements.  Buffing defense helps compensate for the not special HP against fighters, I guess, as does the evasion.  Most healers should rip him in half though.  Back to Light bosses we go, I guess?

Pog got up
HP: 280
Speed: Goes First
Average HP: 77
Second Wind At 230 HP

Head Smack: 8 damage, physical, can be used twice a round, will always be used twice a round during Second Wind, misses about 10% of the time
Fire Ball Attack: 12 damage, physical, will never be used during Second Wind
Ice Ball Attack: 12 damage, physical, will never be used during Second Wind
Near as I can tell, the above two are the same move with different animations

Damages done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 39/21
Ryu's Physical w/ Attack Up: 60/34
Nina's Physical: 11/7
Nina's E. Key: 30

As usual, Stn's Exist.  In fact, pretend they exist until everyone starts doing more damage than they do (F. Stn does 40, C. Stn does 60 and B. Stn does 80, for the record), and decide how you view them from there.
Note that from now on, I'm only listing the best Item Cast damage for Nina; this is pretty much always going to outclass her physical.  The exception of this is against Undead bosses, where Nina gains the Zom spells to hurt them with.

Comments: I think the damage and durability speaks for itself.  Well, physical side isn't bad, and he's fast! Still Light.

"I was just messing around before, but now we're gonna rumble!"
HP: 250
Speed: Goes First
Average HP: 71 (Bo joins under leveled, hence the HP drop)
Second Wind At 150 HP

Physical: 17 damage, low critical hit rate

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 39/21
Ryu's Physical w/ Atk Up: 60/34
Nina's E. Key: 30
Bo's Fry: 80

Comments: More or less identical to Pog in practice…with less HP…and you just got Bo, whose damage is uber currently.  Brilliant boss here, though seeing as he can be fought directly after Pog, it'd be mean to make him, you know, competent. A worse Light than Pog

"I'm the Boss that guards the key. You wanna test your strength?"
HP: 730
Speed: Slower than Bo (Slowest PC) w/ Ag-Up, faster than Nina (Fastest PC), note that Nina has only 10 less ACT than Bo w/ Ag-up (and reminder that Ag-up is +20 ACT
Average HP: 93

Charge: 17 damage
Energy Ball: 11 damage, physical, MT, ignores evade

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 29/16
Ryu's Physical w/ Atk Up: 43/26
Nina's E. Key: 30
Bo's Fry: 80

Note: Enemy defense sort of spiked a bit, and Ryu's weapon hasn't changed, hence why his damage Is lower here.

Comments: Fast and durable, damage is something he lacks though. In esscence, he's Sara, with less damage, not weak to magic, and much faster. Middle

General, the return!
"I control the Stone Robot! Give me that key!"
HP: 250
Speed: Same as Wisp
Average HP: 95
Second Wind At 150 HP

Physical: 14 damage, low critical hit rate

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 29/24
Ryu's Physical w/ Atk Up: 43/37
Nina's E. Key: 30
Bo's Fry: 80

Comments: It’s the same guy…unscaled. I'll let you figure out how THAT goes.

"So you've got the Ring? And I see your Schw…eer…I mean, well, we're gonna to have to take it away!"
HP: 1120
Speed: Goes after Nina w/ Ag-up, but before Ryu w/ Ag-up, note they have literally 2 points of difference in speed
Average HP: 101
Second Wind At 600 HP

Charge: 14 damage
Energy Ball: 21 damage, physical
Breath: 21 damage, physical, MT, ignores evade

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 33/15
Ryu's Physical w/ Atk Up: 47/25
Nina's E. Key: 30
Bo's Fry: 80

Comments: He's fast, and he's got great HP and defense, but the damage could be a lot better. Another Middle probably, not much different than Wisp.

"You'll have completed this step, if you can survive this test."
HP: 600
Speed: Faster than Ryu
Ryu's HP: 109 (Solo fight, HP is unchanged otherwise)

Charge:12 damage

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Physical: 33/15
Ryu's E. Key: 30

Comments: More or less the same mold as the previous NONFAIL bosses…except since it’s a duel, his HP is worse. Make of this as you will, etc.

At this point, Ryu gets Dragons.  These take a turn to use, as a reminder, but the output from them tends to dwarf his physical so its worth it.  While this first turn debatably hurts Ryu's damage, the fact that he can critical while the other 2 characters cannot should offset this.  I am still listing at least one physical, mind, so you can get an idea of the defense he's facing, that is, until I get a different PC that primarily uses physicals.

Sandworm got up
HP: 1600
Speed: Faster than Nina (tied for game best) w/ Ag-Up
Average HP: 114
Second Wind At 1200 HP

Breath Attack: 20 physical damage, ignores evade, low Critical Hit rate, does 1.5x damage at Critical and Second Wind (uncertain, I idiotically saved before realizing I forgot to test this)

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr Physical: 130
Bo's Physical: 33/55
Bo's Physical w/ Atk Up: 57/76
Bo's Fry: 80
Nina's E. Key: 30
Nina's Physical w/ Atk Up: 33/45

Comments: Scrub.  HP isn't bad, nor is the speed, but for once he doesn't have high defense, but low, and damage still sucks. Middle still works or something.

"Another intruder slipped past me, but you're not so lucky!"
HP: 1600
Speed: Faster than Nina (tied for game best) w/ Ag-Up
Average HP: 114
Second Wind At 1400 HP

Eye Launching: 19 physical damage, low critical hit rate
Lstorm: 25 Lightning damage, usable at Injured and Below.

NOTE: Throughout the fight, EyeSpy loses eyes that surround him; he loses allow of them once he hits Injured State, which is the point he starts using nothing but Lstorm.  Due to how the animation of "Eye Launching" requires the eyes, I personally hold this AI against him, but mileage may vary. 

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr Physical: 130
Bo's Fry: 80
Nina's E. Key: 30
Nina's Physical w/ Atk Up: 33/19

Comments: Usual BoF1 boss mold. I'll let you figure out the division here.

At this point, Karn joins.  Now, this plays a bigger role than it seems, since it means a whole bunch of new equips appear.  Obviously, stuff in Winlan and the cave between Auria and Bleak are fair game; that's just simply remembering they exist.  Similar to the FlameSH in Agua (though worth noting the FlameSH does have a drastic def increase over the shields at this point.) is just remembering there were locked doors there.  However, in Agua, there's also the IcyDr and LifeAR which are well hidden.  LifeAr can be easily ignored by me just taking damage against someone like Nina (she's generally average), but IcyDr is a significant boost to Karn's Offense.  As such, Karn will be listed with 2 values; one with the IcyDr and one with the next best weapon for the time (that would be the Dart at this point), so yeah.

"Aint no getting off this train we're on!"
HP: 1400
Speed: Faster than Karn (fastest) w/ Ag-up, but slower than Bo (slowest) w/ Ag-up after Idle
Average HP: 150

Flame: 40 Fire elemental damage
Fry: 40 Lightning elemental damage
3.5: 45 Earth elemental damage

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr Physical: 130
Bo's Fry: 80
Nina's FlameRP: 90
Karn's Physical (IcyDr): 50/20
Karn's Physical w/ Atk Up (IcyDr): 70/28
Karn's Physical (Dart): 38/15
Karn's Physical w/ Atk Up (Dart): 58/23
Karn's E. Key: 30

Comments: Slightly better than the usual BoF1 Boss given his damage is 4HKO instead of 5HKO! Somewhat worse HP (not much on paper til you realize the FlameRP is now added in), though brutal defense.  Still Middle if a better one.

"Screw the rules I have money!"
HP: 450
Speed: Goes Last
Average HP: 152

Physical: 12
Spark: 25 Lightning elemental damage

Damage's done to him:
I don't think I need to this, his HP says everything <_<

Comments: I don't think I need to explain this one.

"You can't beat me, I've got a better ship!"
HP: 1000
Speed: Faster than Karn even with Idle and Ag-up in effect
Average HP: 158
Second Wind at 750 HP
Weak to Lightning

Charge: 38 damage, physical
Ink Shot: 21 damage, physical, ignores evade
Multi Ink Shot: 21 damage, physical, ignores evade

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr Physical: 195
Bo's Fry: 120
Nina's FlameRP: 90
Karn's Physical (IcyDr): 53/28
Karn's Physical w/ Atk Up (IcyDr): 73/37
Karn's Physical (Dart): 41/21
Karn's Physical w/ Atk Up (Dart): 61/31

Comments: Back to the usual trend, but hey, his 5HKO is at least a high 5hKO, right? …except the HP just sucks in this case. Light/Middle

"If I go down, I'm taking you with me!"
HP: 1800
Speed: Goes Last
Average HP: 160
Second Wind at 1580 HP
Weak to Lightning

Charge: 38 damage, physical
Ink Shot: 21 damage, physical, ignores evade
Multi Ink Shot: 21 damage, physical, ignores evade, multitarget

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr Physical: 195
Bo's Fry: 120
Nina's FlameRP: 90
Karn's Physical (IcyDr): 53/41
Karn's Physical w/ Atk Up (IcyDr): 73/62
Karn's Physical (Dart): 41/34
Karn's Physical w/ Atk Up (Dart): 61/51

Comments: The HP is better, but the defense is worse.  He's also much slower.  Basically, its Squid in a different mold, so yeah, same ranking or something <_<

At this point, Gobi's shop is open.  Things…can get a bit haywire here.  Worth noting initially is the AngleAR which raises Nina's defense significantly (76 defense this early = o.o, albeit, its no LifeAR <_<).  The next best armor, ignoring Ryu, is Gobi's SpineCL (which is normal store bought) at 60 defense, to give you an idea.  I personally allow this, but your mileage may vary.  In any event, enemy physical damage might be a bit low if you disagree.  As a random fun side note, Gobi already has his best DL Legal defensive gear <_<

"Shorts are comfy and easy to wear!"
HP: 1450
Speed: Slower than Bo, Faster than Ryu, note that they have a total of 4 points of speed difference
Average HP: 147 (Gobi lowers the average some)
Second Wind at 700 HP
Undead, Weak to Fire and Fish

Sickle Strike of Doom: 22 damage

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr: 130
Ryu's FlmDr: 172
Karn's Physical (IcyDr): 53
Karn's FlameRP: 90
Bo's Fry: 80
Gobi's Eco: 105
Nina's Zom: 120

Not going to bother listing Karn's other damages; just look up and you'll see why <_<

Comments: Clearly Godlike. I don't have to explain why, he just is.

At this point, Karn's fusions are available.  I'll be assuming them at all points given there's no reason to use the characters un-fused.  As such, expect to see them based on the fusion name, and to not see the un-fused character from here on in.  Also, taking 2 HP averages since some people allow fusion forms; the fused HP average does not factor in any characters used in the fusion (in this case, Bo and Gobi are ignored), since its as though they don't exist.  Make of this as you will.

"THIS is what I call frue destruction!"
HP: 2300
Speed: Slower than Karn (Game best with 89), faster than Bo (#2 in speed)
Average HP: 164
Fused Average HP: 252
Second Wind at 1850

Spit Up: 45 damage, 50% more damage during Critical and Second Wind
Tongue Smack: 45 damage, 50% more damage during Critical and Second Wind

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr: 130
Shin's Physical (IcyDr): 108/54
Shin's Physical (TriDr): 91/45
Shin's ThunderRP: 80
Ox's Physical: 98/49
Ox's ThunderRP: 80
Nina's FlameRP: 90

NOTE: ThunderRP can be bought in infinite supply at Gobi's shop, albeit, is a bit of a rare item. Its also Nina's strongest weapon at the moment, though this matters a lot less.  How many of these you allow is up to you.  I'll be listing their existence anytime someone does less damage than them though.

Comments: About as standard as you can get for a BoF1 Boss.  Middle still works.

Due to how many characters there are now, speed is going to be listed in as exact a value as I can grab it, and the average speed of the party below it. Do note that BoF1 speed is subjective to an extent due to the usual BoF weight system.

"Caw! Caaaw!"
HP: 2000
Speed: Between 77 and 80
Average Speed: 53
Average HP: 170
Fused Average HP: 259
Second Wind at 1250

Spit Up: 18 damage
Flame: 75 damage, Fire elemental, magical

Damage's done to it:
Ryu's ThrDr: 130
Shin's Physical (IcyDr): 113
Shin's Physical (TriDr): 96
Ox's Physical: 101
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Comments: HP is a bit worse, the defense is average, but the speed is good and the damage isn't half bad (though nothing stellar.)  Middle/Heavy for now.


SlimeX has 2 forms.  The first is actually 3 bosses you have to kill.  When all 3 are dead, they fuse into one boss, which then becomes the second form.

Party stats against him:
Average HP: 172
Average Fusion HP: 268
Average Speed: 54

Form 1
HP: 600
Speed: 87-94

Attack: 20 damage

Damage's done to it:
Ryu's ThrDr: 130
Shin's Physical (IcyDr): 113/135
Shin's Physical (TriDr): 96/114
Ox's Physical: 101/121
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Form 2
HP: 1200
Speed: 87-94

Slime Shot: 30 damage

Damage's done to it:
Ryu's ThrDr: 130
Shin's Physical (IcyDr): 113/135
Shin's Physical (TriDr): 96/114
Ox's Physical: 101/121
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Technically, Wisp and Cloud appear again after this, however, they are literally the same fights they were before completely unscaled, so yeah, there's really no point in getting them.  That said…

"Sorceress, its time to wake up!"
HP: 1100
Average HP: 180
Average Fusion HP: 275
Speed: 45-58 speed
Average Speed: 58

Fireball: 40 damage, Fire elemental, magical
Lstorm: 40 Damage, Lightning elemental, magical
Chill: 40 Damage, Ice elemental, magical
3.5: 30 Damage, Earth elemental, magical
Cura3: 150 Healing, usable in Injured status

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr: 130
Shin's Physical (IcyDr): 113/55
Shin's Physical (TriDr): 96/45
Shin's ThunderRP: 80
Ox's Physical: 101/50
Ox's ThunderRP: 80
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Comments: IF you're wondering why he looks an awful lot like Cloud, well, in game, he basically is Cloud, if all of Cloud's damage was MT.  Yeah, he's crap, Light etc.

At this point, the PowerDr is available, which while still weaker than the IcyDr, is close enough in power that the damage won't really matter.  As such, just assume IcyDr from here on in, until specified otherwise.

"You've destroyed my battalion. You'll pay for that!"
HP: 1000
Average HP: 174 (Deis joining lowers the average)
Speed: 0 (he's actually SLOWER than Ox…)
Average Speed: 57 (see above)
Second Wind at 380 HP
Weak to Lightning

Crab Hammer: 31 damage
Lstorm: 95 damage, Lightning Elemental

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's ThrDr: 195
Bo's Fry
Ox's Physical: 106/20
Ox's ThunderRP: 80
Nina's FlameRP: 90
Gobi's EcoX: 100
Deis' Fry: 120
Deis' Boom: 105
Karn's ThunderRP: 80

Comment: Well, we FINALLY get a boss with 2HKO damage…and he sucks in every other way barring physical durability, go figure. Middle

"Attention duelists! My hair is assaulting you!"
HP: 1800
Ryu's HP: 188
Speed: 75~
Ryu's Speed: 87 w/ B. Rang, 69 w/ DragonSD

Attack: 18 damage
Do note that he fights Ryu solo, and Ryu has an obscene defense score (he has all his ultimate equipment but the DragonSH, and his Ultimates are leagues above everyone elses anyway), so raise this damage if you wish

Ryu's Damage to it:
ThrDr: 130
Ryu's Physical w/ DragonSD: 110/36

Comments: Pretty self explanatory if you ask me. Light

Note that Gobi's second shop opens up now.  If you're wondering why Karn's damage just went through the roof, its cause he got his ultimate weapon.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 04:39:54 PM »
K. Roach
"Are you here to steal food? I hate humans! You always cause trouble."
HP: 3000
Speed: Faster than Karn, which is to say, VERY FAST
Average HP: 188
Average Fusion HP: 263
Second Wind at 700

Charge: 25 damage

Damage's done to them:
Shin's Physical: 999
Ryu's Physical: 420
Ox's Physical: 600
Deis' Physical: 180
Nina's Physical: 250

NOTE: Yes, their defense is so low I'm not bothering listing average <_<

Comments: HP isn't bad, but the defense more than mocks that.  As in, their defense is low enough that Deis can do almost as much as Dragon Ryu against them.  Bad damage too! Light

"Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Lovely Spam! Its Wonderful spam!"
HP: 1400
Speed: Slower than everyone but Ox and Gobi, who are much slower than the rest of the cast
Average HP: 188
Average Fusion HP: 263
Demon Class

Energy Ball: 35 damage
Breath: 35 damage, physical, MT, ignores evade

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Shin's Physical: 177
Deis' Blast: 110
Ox's Physical: 97
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Comments: I don't need to explain this. Really, I don't. I'll let you decide its rating.

G. Fly
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
HP: 1200
Speed:  High enough that Idle makes him have 0 speed
Average HP: 193
Average Fusion HP: 291
Second Wind at 900 HP

Megahorn: 30 damage

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Shin's Physical: 177/125
Ox's Physical: 97/72
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Comments: Sadly, he's not awesome at all outside of godly speed. Wants his BoF2 form.

HP: 2900
Speed: Slower than all but Gobi and Ox
Average HP: 199
Average Fusion HP: 298
Second Wind at 2600 HP
Demon Class

Vine Whip: 60 damage
Poison: Adds Poison status, magical (is countered by AngleAR, etc.)

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Shin's Physical: 160/323
Ox's Physical: 101/155
Nina's FlameRP: 90

Comments: HP is back to being decent again at least! Damage is back to being 4HKO! He can poison too! …um, yeah, standard BoF Mid game boss, as such, Middle

At this point, RugaX appears…except he's completely unscaled and exactly like before, so yeah. Well, one difference is you don't have Deis, but that's about it.  Moving on…

"I'm crushing your head, I'm crushing your head!!!"
HP: 4000
Speed: 67-81
Average HP: 195 (Deis rejoins and thus average lowers)
Average Fusion HP: 272
Average Speed: 65
Second Wind at 2500 HP
Demon Class

Body Slam: 55 damage, stops using this during Second Wind
Quake Slam: 40 damage, ignores evade, physical, usable only during Second Wind

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Shin's Physical: 160/178
Ox's Physical: 101/70
Nina's FlameRP: 90
Deis' Blast: 110

Comments: For the first real plot boss in god knows how long…well, he fails to impress.  He's not horrible with decent HP and speed, but 5HKO damage lacks respect. Middle

"Fighting in the dream world is not the same as the real world!"
HP: 3500
Speed: 78-92
Average HP: 217
Average Fusion HP: 284
Average Speed: 77
Second Wind at 2500 HP
About 33% evasion to all physicals

Poison: Adds Poison
Hold: Adds Stop
Rub: Instant Death, 80% accuracy

Damage's done to him:
Deis' BoltX: 400
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Nina's FlameRP: 90
Mogu's ThunderRP: 80
Shin's physical: 154
Ox's Physical: 102

Comments: Um, yeah, the HP is now somewhat worse since Deis got her best spell.  Otherwise, it takes guts to make a boss with absolutely no damage! Status is nice at least. Middle/Heavy

"I'm making a glorified cameo!"
HP: 9000~ (Its very hard to estimate given how much damage he takes from physicals)
Speed: Faster than Karn, speed twinked, w/ Ag-up, which is to say, his speed is probably close to Myria's UNSCALED
Average HP: 232
Average Fused HP: 361
Second Wind at 5600
Demon Class

Charge: 45 damage, 10% Critical hit rate
FireX: 90 damage, Fire elemental, magical
FireX: 150 damage, Fire elemental, magical
Char: 90 damage, Fire elemental, magical
(Yes, he has two versions, don't ask why)

Form Changing: Mote starts the fight completely pixilated.  While pixilated, he takes 1/20th damage from all magic, yet his defense is lowered dramatically (we're talking takes about 2x that of an average enemy.)  Every time he's hit physically, he gets less pixilated. Once clear, he takes Magic damage normally, and lowers physical damage dramatically (to about 1/3rd of what average enemies take.)  When hit with Magic, he gets more pixilated.  Its hard to say just how much it requires to make him un-pixilated, though.
He has a total of 15 Pixilated levels it seems, and starts off with that maxed. One physical removes one level, one spell adds two more.  Personally, I scale his levels down in a vain similar to scaling the HP, but your mileage may vary.

Due to form changing, its hard to give an estimate on damage.  For the most part, it’s the same as Mothro, HOWEVER, one drastic change occurred, that being the arrival of Puka.  Puka's average damage is roughly 250% that of Shin's considering the damage boost AND Rollout…um, yeah, Puka is awesome like that <_<.  Oh, Karn gained a level or two, so the damage boosts even more!
Well, ok, I also got the Trident, which raises Mogu's damage from 80 to 95 effectively.   

Comments: Can we say Spoiler? I know I can! He mocks mages, and while he takes physicals badly, unless you have magic to back it up, you'll run into his pixilated state eventually, as he has the raw HP to last that long.  Oh yeah, he also has high 2HKO damage (though elemental), and is really fast. Low Godlike

"Engrave it on your soul!"
HP: 2700
Speed: 100~
Average HP: 248
Average Fused HP: 382
Average Speed: 93
Demon Class

Claw Slash: 31 damage
Slash All: 17 damage, Multitarget, ignores evade
Petrify: Raises defense by 20, this has next to no effect on damage though

Damage's done to her:
Puka's Physical: 352
Puka's Rollout: 704
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Deis' BoltX: 400
Nina's Trident: 95
Mogu's FlameRP: 90

Comments: I don't need to explain this one.  Really, I don't. Light is generous…

Note at this point Gobi's 3rd shop opens, however it has nothing really worth noting. At most, defense goes up a bit, though not a huge amount, and Ox and Nina get a bit faster; if you want, add about 2-3 points to average speed or so.

"Oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner, for that is what I truly want to be~"
HP: 3000
Ryu's HP: 249
Speed: Faster than Ryu

Spit Up: 50

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's BltDgn: 225
Ryu's Physical: 130/50

Comments: 5HKO damage but good speed and defenses! HP…depends on how you scale Solo fights.

"The world is mine. No one stands in my way!"
HP: 16000
Average HP: 251
Average Fusion HP: 387
Speed: 50
Average Speed: 97
Second Wind at 8000 HP
Takes 50% more damage from any Magic Attack
Demon Dragon Class

Headbutt: 62 damage
Breath Attack: 31 damage, ignore Evade, Multitarget
Char: 180 damage, Fire Elemental, Magical
Gale: 130 damage, Lightning Elemental, Magical

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Rudra: 480
Deis' BoltX: 600
Nina's Trident: 95
Mogu's FlameRP: 90
Puka's Physical: 254/420
Puka's Rollout: 508/840
D. Hrt: 5000 damage, OPG, note that this can be used on one other boss in the game

Comments: Slow and lowish defenses, but the HP more than makes up for the last part, and the damage is pretty darn good. Heavy but we knew this already.

"If you do not seek death, then hide yourself away!"
HP: 15000
Average HP: 252
Average Fusion HP: 393
Speed: 60
Average Speed: 98
Demon Dragon Class
Takes 50% more damage from magic

Eraser: 110 damage, ignores evade
Gale: 55

Damage's done to her:
Ryu's Rudra: 480
Deis' BoltX: 600
Nina's Trident: 95
Mogu's FlameRP: 90
Puka's Physical: 254/382
Puka's Rollout: 508/762
D. Hrt: Lowers her HP to 1, OPG, yes, she's the other boss this works on

Comments: Zog with worse damage, but slightly faster and a bit better physical defense. Losing trades given how much a damage drop it is. Middle though again, nothing new.

"Good ol' rock, nothing beats that!"
HP: 13000
Average HP: 256
Average Fusion HP: 397
Speed: 60
Average Speed: 97
Second Wind at 5500

Rock Slide: 82 damage, ignores evade
Earthquake: Pretty sure he has this, but never used it, and idiotically saved over that file beforehand -_-

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Rudra: 320
Puka's Physical: 400/240
Puka's Rollout: 800/480
Deis' BoltX: 400
Nina's Trident: 95
Mogu's FlameRP: 90

Comments: Lower HP is offset by higher defenses compared to Sara, but he clearly has worse damage too. Middle bait.

"ITS OVER 9000!!!!!"
HP: 25000
Average HP: 256
Average Fusion HP: 397
Speed: 100
Average Speed: 97
Second Wind at 21500
Demon Class

Ball Shot: 106 damage, 10%~ Critical Hit rate
Raining Balls of Doom: 53 damage, multitarget, ignores evade
Chill: 100 Ice elemental magic damage, Multitarget
BoltX: 400 damage, thunder elemental, magical
Rub: Instant Death, 50% rate (hard to estimate, he REALLY hates using this move)

Damage's done to him:
Ryu's Rudra: 320
Deis' BoltX: 400
Puka's physical: 400/327
Puka's Rollout: 800/654
Nina's Physical: 78/50
Nina's Trident: 95
Mogu's FlameRP: 90

I got Nina's damage since Karn's seems to be all over the place in this fight.  Like, in ways that don't even make sense.  This is just to give you an idea.

Note about BoltX: Before anyone complains about it, no, it is very clearly not OPB.  Much like any other attack in BoF1, it is totally random.  I saw him use it 4 times in my second test run, within 12 turns of each other, against a full party.  Not the most common of things, but it is very clearly just a randomized action; its possible the AI makes him use it rarer than others, but it is also not his rarest move either (Rub happens a lot less.)

Comments: Nothing we didn't know. BoltX kills, HP is just silly, physical is passable enough considering that, speed isn't standout one way or another, and Rub helps against specific fights. Godlike

"Did you come here to have your wish granted?"
HP: 28000
Average HP: 258
Average Fusion HP: 397
Speed: 80
Average Speed: 98
Demon Class

Spirit Bomb: 120 damage
Chill: 100 damage, Ice Elemental, Magical

Damage's done to her:
Ryu's Rudra: 320
Deis' BoltX: 400
Puka's physical: 400/343
Puka's Rollout: 800/646
Nina's Physical: 78/44
Nina's StarHR: 400
Mogu's EmporSD: 180

Again, the weirdness of Puka is making physicals go all over the place this fight (weird cause it didn't with Zog/Sara…), hence Nina

Comments: Jade, slightly faster, much worse damage, but slightly more durable! …yeah, Heavy maybe?

Thankfully, she has…

"Please be my friend?"
HP: 31000
Average HP: 258
Average Fusion HP: 397
Speed: 220
Average Speed: 98
Second Wind at 1950 HP
Demon Class

Tongue Smack: 150 damage
Holocaust Breath: 220 damage
Big Crash: 70 damage, Magical

Damage's done to her:
Ryu's Rudra: 320
Deis' BoltX: 400
Puka's physical: 400/165
Puka's Rollout: 800/367/I]
Nina's Physical: 78/23
Nina's StarHR: 400
Mogu's EmporSD: 180

See note about Puka deciding to not make sense with damage <_<

Comments: Fast, hellishly tanky, especially to physicals, deals good damage, and Big Crash cannot be denied its awesome. High Godlike

AND HERE IT ENDS or something.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 04:43:04 PM »
Breath of FIre at Lower Levels, taken based on stuff we know better...BY ELFBOY!!!!

I finished BoF1 at lower levels... and find Meep's unreasonably high (he had... double my EXP, roughly, and I didn't run from fights or use Mrbl3's except very rarely, and did manage to get lost on a few occasions). So... yeah, here are my levels, and the stats that come from them.

ALSO, I've messed with things to reflect new equipment setups and the like. The entire stat topic could probably use an overhaul, but I want to finish all testing first.

Pointless stats ahead:

STRENGTH: Ryu (120) > Ox (114) > Bo (108) > Mogu (101) > Deis (78) > Karn (75) > Gobi (66) > Nina (41)

VIGOUR: Bo (111) > Ox (109) > Ryu (107) > Gobi (94) > Deis (93) > Nina (79) > Mogu = Karn (67)

WISDOM: Deis (209) > Nina (149) > Gobi (99) > Karn (94) > Ryu (89) > Bo (80) > Ox (59) > Mogu (58)
Average: 104

HP: Deis (361) > Bo (287) > Ox (264) > Ryu (245) > Karn (230) > Gobi (206) > Nina (201) > Mogu (164)
Average: 245

AP: Deis (497) > Nina (241) > Ryu (135) > Karn (126) > Gobi (83) > Bo (74) > Mogu (67) > Ox (45)
Average: 158

CRITICAL RATE: Gobi (30%) > Karn (24%) > Nina (20%) > Deis (18%) > Ryu (16%) > Bo (14%) > Mogu (12%) = Ox (12%)

385 Attack, 425 Defence, 112 Act
240 damage physical, 16% crit; 320 damage Rudra, 16% (?) crit

123 Attack, 269 Defence, 88 Act
76 damage physical, 20% crit; 108 after Atk-Up

HeroBw (best overall): 328 Attack, 228 Defence, 92 Act
205 damage physical, 14% crit
DwarfBw: 258 Attack, 276 Defence, 94 Act
161 damage physical, 14% (?) crit

215 Attack, 194 Defence, 157 Act
134 damage physical, 24% crit

176 Attack, 221 Defence, 27 Act
110 damage physical, 30% crit

369 Attack, 274 Defence, 13 Act
230 damage, 12% crit

178 Attack, 261 Defence, 138 Act
70 physical damage, 18% crit; 400 damage BoltX/Comet

221 Attack, 245 Defence, 69 Act
138 damage physical, 12% crit

Avg Def 264, Avg Act 84~87

ACT: Karn (157) > Deis (138) > Ryu (112) > Bo (92) > Nina (88) > Mogu (69) > Gobi (27) > Ox (13)

Deis (400) > Ryu (278) > Ox (257) > Bo (233) > Karn (166) > Mogu (154) > Gobi (143) > Nina (91)
Average: 215

(Dragon Ryu 371, Atk-Up Nina 129)

I think I treat BoF1 speed as approximately linear + 65, which means add everyone's speed to 65 and divide 'em by 150 to get their actual speed. Karn's about 50% above average, Ox just under 50% below. Works for me. (EDIT: I now use the SD system of course, normalising everyone a bit, but hey.)

Effective Speed
Karn (1.48) > Deis (1.35) > Ryu (1.18) > Bo (1.05) > Nina (1.02) > Mogu (0.89) > Gobi (0.61) > Ox (0.52)

Damage*speed, or effective offence (AKA why Elfboy doesn't respect Ox):
Deis (540) > Ryu (328) > Karn (245) > Bo (244) > Mogu (137) > Ox (133) > Nina (92) > Gobi (87)

Effective physical durability
Ryu (0.62) > Deis (0.69) > Ox (0.89) > Bo (0.99) > Nina (1.20) > Gobi (1.42) > Karn (1.45) > Mogu (1.61)
(Dragon Ryu 0.44, Fort Nina 1.11)

Effective magical durability (read, inverted HP compared to average <.<Deis> Bo (0.85) > Ox (0.93) > Ryu (1.00) > Karn (1.07) > Gobi (1.19) > Nina (1.22) > Mogu (1.49)
(Deis and Nina half all elements (all magic?) with their default armour, so in practice they're 1 and 2 at taking magic.)

Boss notes, first impressions:

(EDIT: I now see all the HP figures at about double this. Just didn't want to believe how good their HP actually was on paper.)

ZOG has about 2.6x PCHP or so. Char is very powerful, we're talking 80% PC HP here (I didn't even realise it was that strong, until I thought about it). Gale is wussier (barely 2HKO). His physicals blow. (5HKO? If he's using them he's screwed). (EDIT: Nah, 4HKO. Still not much.)

Seemed slow to me. 50 Speed doesn't deserve any respect, even three or so hours before endgame.

I treat his weakness as crappy magic defence.

SARA is probably 2.4x PCHP or so. (Yes, endgame BoF bosses are durable.) Gale... um, 25% PCHP? Sucks. Physical is 3HKO, 40% or so (EDIT: bit more. Even I managed to underrate her, damn anti-hype). Otherwise, see Zog.

JADE is around 3.75x PCHP. Pretty good if not GODLY! defence, a 1/3 reduction or so. I treat BoltX as OPB, unlike most... I had a brutally long battle with him and only saw it once. It does about 1.6-1.7x PCHP though, which is INSANE. I was also much more impressed with his physical than most... we're talking 2/3 average PCHP here, solidly 2HKOing. (EDIT: Actually, his physical's about equal to Sara's, barely above his Chill. Oops on my part.)

He was noticeably above average speed for me. He's basically endgame, so compare his 100 to my stat notes.

MYRIA... yeah, about 4.5x PCHP, which... probably isn't more durable than her BoF3 form to me. Defence is absolutely ridiculous... she takes half what Jade does, meaning 1/3 average. Speed is also insane... Kefka area. Very, very powerful dueller. I described her in chat as "Brahms who trades Bloody Curse, and the theoretical if not realistic ability to be defeated physically, for about 5-6x the magical durability"; THIS IS A GOOD TRADE.

Damage is probably the least impressive thing about her... her physical is better than Jade's, yes, but not dramatically or anything. I don't think I give its accuracy much credit, given the nature of the game.

Since she's very fresh in my mind I'll be voting on this form for now, but this may change in the future.


More stuff by Elfboy, this time, ITS MECHANICS RELATED!

All right, did a bunch of tests today.

-Silence blocks Dragon transformation.

-Boss physicals! All of 'em hit me about at least ten times or so, and all tests are to Nina and Deis, who have roughly average Defence. Ox and Bo are comparable (well, in my file, Bo was frailer, due to no shield), Ryu is tankier, the others take hits worse. Karn's fusions take over double in general, and Ryu takes about half after being dragonised.

Zog: ~70
Sara: 90~100
Goda: ~80, but varies a fair bit
Jade: Slightly over 100 on average. When he grins fearlessly this rises by 50%, but by then he's very nearly dead (his "second wind" is very short, only 15% of his total or so).
Myria: 160~180 with her common physical. The green ball o' doom is about 200, but varies more widely.

Average HP rises from around 220 (Zog) to 245 (Myria). For me, anyway.

It doesn't make sense that Jade outdamages Sara or Goda outdamages Zog according to the boss stats I've seen, but *shrug* This is what I got.

Yes, Goda sucks.

-Boss defence:

Goda and Jade are above average. Goda by about 20% or so, Jade by more (30% reduction?). Myria reduces physicals to about 30% of their normal damage, or what I consider normal (which is roughly what Zog and Sara took).


Surprise, surprise... This spell isn't just Slow, it's also Blind. Both Zog and Myria hit slightly under half the time after being hit it. Also, both got much slower. Zog must have been around 25 Speed, Myria... was still faster than Gobi but slower than Nina, which puts her anywhere in the 30-88 range, not too helpful. I should have brought out Mogu but forgot. Can you blame me?

Idle is also >>> Myria in-game. Mwahaha.



Breath of Fire Damage Algorithms

1. Basic Physical Damage

When a character physically attacks, there are five possible damages he or she will deal to any given enemy, assuming no Slam occurs. Arranged in ascending order, these will be referred to as Damage1, Damage2, Damage3, Damage4, and Damage5. They are calculated thus:

Damage5 = (Attacker's ATK stat) * (Defender's Defence Multiplier)
DamageN = Damage5 * (7 + N) / 12

If you prefer, calculate Damage3 as 5/6 of Damage5, then the five possible Damage values are -20%, -10%, equal, +10%, and +20% of this value.

There appears to be a bias towards the central values; it is not just a 20% chance of each.

Note that some roundoff errors occurred (unexplained), but overall this is a very reliable formula if you don't mind being off by a point here or there.

2. Defence Multipliers

After reading the above formula, you're probably wondering just what these are. Simple enough: they are, in effect, a stat everyone has, and are the surface representation of Defence in the algorithms. Enemy Defence multiplierss can be empirically tested, with the knowledge of the above formula. Here are some:

Slime: 10.0 (theorised to be based off of 0 Defence, the lowest possible)
Blurb, Creep: 8.6
Flea: 7.5
Gloom: 5.45
Zombie: 2.4

Golem: 1.7
Gargoyle: 1.2
ICU: 1.0
Claw: 0.85

Zog: 0.9
Sara: 0.8
Goda: 0.55
Jade: 0.5
Myria, form 2 "Crying Girl": 0.48
Myria, form 3 "Hydra": 0.24 (!)

For PCs, modifiers are based on their defence stats in an inverse relationship. Meaning, a character with 400 Defence has half the Defence multiplier of a character with 200 Defence, and as such takes half as much damage.


Based on RPGClassics' take on Sara's ATK (320) and Zog's (240), as well as tested values, a more accurate damage formula can be possibly derived.

Damage5 = Attack / Defence * 90

If this is correct, the exact Defence stats of the final five bosses (for examples) are as follows:

Zog: 100
Sara: 112
Goda: 160
Jade: 180
Myria: 375

3. Additional damage modifiers

-Slams: ATK stat of attacker is doubled. These happen with variable probability based on both the attacker and the defender. On the attacker's side, probability is definitely based on the character's FATE stat, though other factors may play a role.

-Species weakness: Various weapons will hit a species weakness. Known examples are the Rangs (and likely Bo's bows) against flying enemies, or Ox's Mallet against "evil" enemies (such as Zombies, Jade, and Myria). In all known cases, hitting a special weakness causes damage dealt to be multiplied by 150%.

-Desperation: Not fully tested, but if a character is at low enough HP (compared to max), he or she gets his or her damage multiplied by 4/3 for any physical attacks. Enemies also receive this bonus (in the case of bosses, only before they're about to die "for real", not before their second wind). The exact "desperation range" has not yet been determined, but it is probably around 10%.

-Fusions, the good: Karn's fusions seem to cause his attacks to gain a damage bonus. The only one tested at the moment is Doof. Karn as Doof does 250% of his normal damage. Other fusion tests pending.

-Fusions, the bad: Karn's fusions also cause Karn himself to take more damage from physical attacks. The bonus is 150%, but this has only been formally tested with Doof.

-Rotten defence: Characters affected with the "rot away" or "zombie" status have a Defence of 10. Later in the game this causes them to take up to dozens of times more damage than they would normally.

Rotten offence: Characters affected with the above status also do far less physical damage (the amount can usually be called negligible), but exactly how this works is not yet determined.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 04:46:09 PM »

All right, latest update is in:

-It's not Gobi's fault he was taking double physical damage; rather, it's a flaw in his (up until now) best helmet, the PowerHT. Karn would also have a similar problem.

The PowerHT, near as I can tell, is just a terrible piece of equipment and should not be used. My own notes are updated to reflect a new choice of equipment, the HornHT, for both Gobi and Karn.

-Another equipment change: Bo now defaults to the HeroBW (and thus, no shield).

It gives him about 25% more damage, and he only takes about 17% more from physicals (yeah, I tested this). This is a winning trade against fighters, and an obvious choice against mages. It also allows him to put more pressure on healers.

-Figured out exactly how Idle works, the "Slow" part anyway.

Normally, it's -20 Act. However, when the target has an Act of 148 or greater at the time the spell hits (this includes any stat boosters in place, namely Ag-Up), Idle instead sets their Speed to zero. Ouch.

With a combination of Ag-Up (both on herself and the enemy if necessary), and Idle, Nina can get faster than any opponent in the DL. Which basically means you either kill her before she acts, immune against paralyse, or die. We basically knew that already, though.

-Narrowed down boss speeds to within a few points (parentheses include my take on their speeds):

Zog: 50 (~80% average)
Sara: 60 (~86% average)
Goda: 60 (~84% average)
Jade: 100 (~110% average)
Myria: 200 (faster than damn near anyone)

-Got more accurate readings on boss physicals yet again. I'm not 100% sure on Goda, so I'll skip him (he's well below Sara, but probably above Zog). Here are the rest, i.e. their Damage3 value taken against Nina/Deis.

Zog: 77
Sara: 102
Jade: 105
Myria: 212

Interestingly, Zog is exactly 75% as strong as Sara, and this is backed up by RPGC listing them as 240 and 320 Attack, respectively. However, extrapolating this causes RPGC to underestimate Jade (by about 20%) and Myria (by about 50%) for physical power... this could be the result of multipliers on J&M's physicals, or RPGC could just be wrong.

ANd then, Twil comes in with a bunch of important stuff ripped from the game's coding mumbo jumbo that I'm sure only some of us will actually understand, but here it is anyway!

Twil Post #1!
Just some exact numbers. The ROM is still resisting my search efforts so these are from RAM, and I don't have any earlier saves, so I can't look at any of the earlier bosses at the moment. They all have zero magic and intelligence, not that those matter.

Attack: 234
Defence: 220
Speed: 60

Attack: 280
Defence: 240
Speed: 100

Myria Girl
HP: 28,000
Attack: 300
Defence: 250
Speed: 80

Myria Hydra
Attack: 510
Defence: 510
Speed: 220
Also she has 31,000 HP, not 30,000, for all the difference that makes.


Some random stuff...

Basic damage is (Attack x Variance) / (Defence x Karma Coefficient) if you ignore rounding errors due to taking out constants and the specific order it's done in, pretty much similar to what was already assumed. KC at the end of the game will be 1 so it's irrelevant DL-wise. For those interested; you will be perturbed because I can't be bothered playing through to get all the changeover points, so all I have is:

Opening to Crossing Winlan Bridge - 0 Karma - KC = 10
Winlan Bridge to ??? - 1 Karma - KC = 8
??? to ??? - 2 Karma - KC = 6
??? to ??? - 3 Karma - KC = 4
??? to ??? - 4 Karma - KC = 2
??? to Endgame - 5 Karma - KC = 1

Critical Triggering consists of taking a random number from 0 to 500 (technically a random even number from 0 to 510, but that should be close enough) and checking to see if it's under the characters fate. If the character is in the ultra-critical stage ( < 12.5% HP) then it uses 128 in place of the character's fate, so effectively 25% critical rate. Even if their normal rate would be higher...

...interlude by myself first though!

If its possible, could you list defenses of enemies in Pagoda and Obelisk (the last two dungeons)? Maybe even Scande, it'd help get an idea of what's average, and just how good defenses are (actually, this is probably something more helpful in the boss stat topic.)

In any event, based on that, supposed Critical Hit rates for each PCs are...

Using my numbers:
Ryu: 24%
Nina: 28%
Nina after Luck Up: 32%
Bo: 14%
Karn: 32%
Gobi: 28%
Ox: 8%
Deis/Bleu: 22%
Mogu: 8%

I'd get values with Elfboy's numbers but he didn't list Fate scores. They should be lower than what I have listed, ideally (Barring Deis, due to her level wonkiness), but this should give people at least a decent idea of what Crit Rates are like, I guess.


Defences in Pagoda:
Entity - 152
Ghoul - 80
Zombie - 50
PincherX - 170
Buzzer - 40
Widow - 100
ICU - 120
Nautulis - 80
Sara - 220

Defences in Obelisk:
BlazeX - 80
Gargoyle - 100
PincherX - 170
Warlock - 100
D.Knight - 180
Golem - 70
Claw - 142
Ruga - 34
Goda - 220
Jade - 240

Considerably incomplete stat dump of the entire enemy list up at if you're into that sort of thing.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 04:47:35 PM »
And now for something *NOT* in the original topic but will be stated anyway:

Yes, this topic is a bit outdated in some regards, however, what's there is not unsalvagable, and I WILL update it with the new info IN DUE TIME.  For now, you'll just have to deal with all the spread out stuff and work from there.  I apologize for the inconvenience.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 04:55:18 AM »
I don't know if this makes any difference to anyone but I was looking up some other mechanics and found some interesting facts on Jade. Apparently all bosses in Breath of Fire 1 have certain probabilities to use their attacks.

Special attack: [Particle Rain]
Aiming: All characters
Evasion and counterattack: Disabled
Probability: 56.25%

Special attack: Chill
Power: Default (100)
Aiming: All characters
Probability: 25%

Special attack: BoltX
Power: Default (400)
Aiming: Westernmost character
Probability: 12.5%

Special attack: Rub
Aiming: One random character
Probability: 6.25%

So in case anyone wondered why BoltX and Rub were rarely seen...

Sara's is apparently 50%, and Myria's is apparently 25%, 25%, 25%, 50%, but it doesn't mention what, exactly, the moves are that the percentages pertain to.


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Re: Breath of Fire (Full)
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2019, 08:20:47 AM »
So, a bunch of BoF weapons secretly are elemental but the game never tells you about it. 

Novalia Spirit's FAQ at lists them.  Since the notice at the bottom of the document asks not to reproduce the contents without permission, I've opted to link to the FAQ rather than list them directly in the thread.

Additionally, the secondary guide at has detailed spell effects (including status ailment and buff mechanics).
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 08:23:04 AM by Reiska »