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Unicorn Overlord (complete)

8/10 game, I'm honestly extremely satisfied with this one and am willing to play it again at some point, but overall have some issues with the pacing in places.  I can accept a ho-hum writing job in a gameplay game, which this very much is, but there's just enough little problems I have that add up to some gripes overall.  I like the hell out of this game, I just think it could be better.

Probably the biggest is that it tries to have its cake and eat it too regarding the order in which you can deal with neighboring countries; giving you the illusion of freedom on that front while it's very much implying that you are supposed to go in a specified order.  This frankly could have been done better if they had gone further in either direction.  Either go for a fixed scenario order where you can have more in-depth storytelling or embrace the more open world approach they were teasing at.  Either could have worked, frankly.

I'm going to also take this time to vent a bit about how some of the localized chapters' stories played out.  Drakenhold's was probably the best fleshed out one.  The others didn't have enough time to cook - Bastorias could have gone from good to great if everything regarding Elgor and the Rat Bestrals wasn't constrained to a couple of encyclopedia entries and a last-chapter reveal.  Albion could have been decent had it expounded upon the small bit of local plot it got.  Elheim...good god Elheim was honestly the lowest part of the game, I don't know what the hell that needed.  I think ironically, Elheim and Albion suffered more from tying too much into the rather bare "collect the macguffins to do the big plot" aspect and not having enough of their own internal plot.  It also feels like the game needed one more chapter, so to speak where you could deal with the enemy using combined arms setups, but that may just be me.

Also Agrias Oaks syndrome is in full force here, don't act surprised.  Outside of a core few (mostly Scarlett, Lex, and Yahna), characters will disappear from the plot after the chapter they were introduced in is over, no surprises here.

I feel obligated to take a bit here to expound on just how much of a miracle it is that this game made it out in this level of quality.  Unicorn Overlord had a ten-year dev cycle, having originated as a PSVita title and going through not one but two large-scale refactors.  It basically limped across the finish line only because Kamitani funded the end of it himself.  I suppose to that end I can't blame its faults too much because there was barely enough money to make the game with by the end, so it had to be shipped out soon.

You know what games usually come out of those cycles?  Duke Nukem Forever.  Anthem.  Suicide Squad:Kill The Justice League.  Games that are just fucking terrible and out of touch with everything.  Shambling monstrosities that should have been put down years ago.  It's amazing that Unicorn Overlord basically beat the odds here and came out in the state that it did.

It's flawed, but I love it all the same.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Division Rankings rambling.
« on: February 14, 2024, 03:41:08 AM »
One may call this a necropost, but given I stat topicked the game, I feel this post is valid.

Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark (Generics)

Mercenary: Absolutely monstrous durability, backed up by counters, debuffs that make the durability stretch further, and ways to ignore evasion and counters.  After landing a debuff, the PDUR goes up to 2.39 and the MDUR to 2.03, and while their damage is nothing special, it doesn't have to be considering how consistent it gets.  Easily Heavy.

Ranger: Above-average speed, okayish evasion, Don't Move (with the melee immunity it entails) and an absolute nuke of a skill on turn 4 are what Ranger brings to the table.  The damage is average otherwise, with the durability below.  If they survive to turn 4, though, Sniper Shot is an easy 1.12 PCHP OHKO.  Normally won't live that long, though.  Middle.

Scoundrel: Sneak Attack is precisely what saves them from a 4HKO.  One could argue stacking bleed from Arterial Cut and the poison from Worm's Tooth (which amounts to roughly 32.5% mHP damage a turn) could wear some down, but they give up 3HKO base damage to try for this.  I guess they can counter buffers by stealing said buffs, which is a niche spoiler trick, but not enough to get them out of Middle.

Peddler: I'll just be up front, traps are an interp nightmare.  They are carried by Item Potency and Patented Usage, hard.  However, those aren't a joke.  Two shots of full healing and three shots of ~55% healing are pretty big.  Also Rock for the Throw Stone meme value.  Fairly average outside of that, but that is some of the best healing in FS, I'd argue a high Middle.

Mender: lol slapfight healer and the strong heal only hits about 60%.  Get thee to Light.

Plague Doctor: Spoils those reliant on basic elements!  As well as anyone leveraging Poison status!  A fire/ice/lightning caster can get completely walled.  Unfortunately, the damage is 5HKO at best, they're relying on poison most of the time, the healing sucks, and the durability is only above-average.  I'm going to say Light, though maybe borderline Middle.

Wizard: For the fact that they're slow and frail (literally getting 2HKO'ed by barely above average physical damage), they don't really hit hard.  Wizard kind of sucks, though rod+robe means they can still mess with elements.  Light

Gambler: Cards are unpredictable, but that's not what gets them where they are.  Allure can be used every turn, and Initiative gives them one turn if they're outsped, or two if they're not.  Pile On lets them do rude things as well, and while not a fatal status, Charm is fairly nasty here considering it's not the most common ailment.  Heavy is my gut check here.

Gadgeteer: Gadgeteer disappoints me.  It disappoints me because they have an amazingly varied toolset and can't use half of it in a duel, reducing them to an above-average durability, low 3HKOing slugger with a dispel and a surprisingly competent MP-buster.  They're still good enough to hover around Middle.

Knight: Knights are dicks.  No Flank gives them a deceptively high amount of durability, and Taunt will absolutely destroy battle strategies with 100% rate berserk.  Combine this with regenerating an effective 0.23 PCHP a turn (0.14 raw) and they can spoil, hard.  Heavy.  That strategy is just too reliable most of the time.

Templar: Templars a weird spot.  Slow, and less tanky than expected.  On the other hand, Evade Attack makes them the bane of so many duellers, and once they can hit that 24 MP threshold, just about anything can threaten a 2HKO thanks to Righteous Blade's absolutely cracked values.  Or they can just Rapturous Chant one up to well above.  Heavy is where I'd kneejerk them, though probably on the lower end.

Duelist: oh god.  Resourceless 2HKOs that only get stronger with use, running off of above-average speed.  Also the more Duelist attacks, the harder they hit, ensuring they will eventually break heal locks.  Heavy.

Reaver: They threaten a 2HKO off of any of their general-use abilities.  Also Desperate Blow hits OHKO at about the 70% mark for them; if you can't chip around that, you're dead.  Heavy

Gunner: The variety of their statuses is solid, and the disabling ones are at an arguable borderline turn 1.  The durability is subpar at best, though, speed is only barely above average, and their best damage is a 4HKO.  Having access to both Mute and Cripple can lead to some shenanigans, though, so I figure Gunner's in Middle.

Fellblade: Evade Magic.  Really that's most of what needs to be said.  Also a reasonable variety of disabling and debilitating statuses off of high accuracy thanks to Malice, the ability to wring better odds out of status daggers, and a lifedrain spell.  And Chaos Slice for the rest.  Honestly though, I'd still say they're more of a borderline Middle/Heavy.

Assassin: Mirage alone is enough in this case, off of their speed.  2HKOing on top of that just makes things worse.  Heavy, and can spoil some Godlikes.

Alchemystic: Their best damage is a 5HKO, but frankly I'm going to rule the same as Assassin.  Heavy.  The gimmick is just too good, and unlike Assassin, they don't have to dedicate turns to it.

Sorcerer: They take two turns minimum to cast a spell that does 3HKO damage, between which they have 8HKO staffwhacks.  You know exactly where they go.  Go lose slapfights with Mender in Light.

Druid: Everything about Druid is frankly average at best.  Magic damage is average, durability is below-average to average, speed is just below average.  Waste of a high MND stat and one of the universally best abilities in JRPGs, truly.  Middle.

Warmage: You will think that the just below-average speed means that Warmage will lose the first turn and in most cases be fighting to get a 2HKO.  And technically, yes, that is the case.  Haste counters mean that that second turn may well come before the opponent's, though, and that will lead to some guaranteed pain as they leverage said 2HKO.  Heavy would be my kneejerk.

Werewolf: For the most part, Werewolf has some problems, mostly on the durability side.  Blood Trophy means that they threaten a 2HKO with basic physicals, though, with Focused Rage letting them have an upper limit to how long an opponent can stall out with healing, and that plus just above average speed means I have a hard time putting them above Middle/Heavy.

Vampire: They wish they had the Scoundrel skillset honestly.  Night Embrace hits like a truck and will sleep anyone who gets hit as well, but in order to get that Bleed conditional, they have to spend MP, making it Turn 4 in effect.  Mute counters are a nasty trick, but honestly I don't feel I can, in good faith, place it any higher than Middle.

Lich: High risk high reward duelist, and they rely on burning their own HP for spells.  On the plus side, those are some of the strongest spells in the roster, nearly able to crank out an OHKO (and under the single-action average, does.Middle/Heavy.

Vessel: Look, I'm just going to be honest.  It doesn't matter how hard you hit.  If you're slow, have sub-0.8 durability on both fronts, and can't OHKO, you're not getting out of Light.

Princess: Total Shield Counters make them more durable than they look, but not much more so.  And while the healing is strong, the damage is...okay.  They really wish they had actual MP to leverage Double Cast II, especially considering they have only a basic offensive spell to cast at a surplus.  She really wishes a Holy-boosting weapon existed.  Middle, and probably just carried by Equip All more than anything else.

Lord: Honestly, Lord is "Mercenary but with more flash and more hoops to jump through".  They can bury the other guy in enough debuffs that they actually get close to Mercenary's durability (and Total Shield counters help), but their damage never really gets above 3HKO and they start out a lot squishier.  I'd put them as Middle, possibly borderline considering Equip All allows for dumb spoiling shenanigans.

Tournaments / Re: Futurama 2023 Week 5 + Rankings!
« on: February 07, 2024, 12:18:52 AM »

Yuna (Final Fantasy X) vs Belial (Wild ARMs 4) - You know my stance on 4D Pocket outside of RPGVO.  And in RPGVO, Yuna wouldn't have access to Aeons anyway.


Minoriko Aki (Labyrinth of Touhou: Gensokyo and the Heaven-Piercing Tree) vs Dedue Molinaro (Fire Emblem Three Houses) - While Minoriko can safely attack (Warm-Color Harvest is MT), the problem is that she's going to be put on the defensive the entire time - she's not OHKOing (WCH is firmly in 3HKO territory) and Owotoshi is needed so she doesn't risk getting one-rounded.  ...even then her terrible HP means she gets heal-locked until either Owotoshi's buffs decay too far for her to heal, or she runs out of MP.  She's not doubleturning enough to make up that difference.  Good run for the harvest goddess but it ends here.,

- iffy on P1.
- If ranking P5, Joker is firmly in DNR territory.  Wildcards can fuck all the way off.  The rest are fine, I suppose, albeit with some interp hell.
- I don't see any real issue with TriStrat ranking, sure.  Rank it.

Tournaments / Re: Futurama 2023 Week 4
« on: January 25, 2024, 12:02:28 AM »

Heat (Digital Devil Saga) vs Yuna (Final Fantasy X) - I don't allow Aeons as per the party substitution proxy clause, and all of Heat's parts immune Holy.  (Before you say that Expel is just gravity, Xanadu exists).  Beatdowns ensue after several stat breaks, possibly sooner if Freeze lands off of Gelid Torrent.
Goddess (Final Fantasy VI) vs Belial (Wild ARMs 4) - From everything I'm seeing in the topics, yeah.  Splortched by tanks.


Mei-ling (SaGa Frontier) vs Kyra Tierney (Phantasy Star IV) - Telele doesn't hit SaGa gun damage?  Ouch.


Minoriko Aki (Labyrinth of Touhou 2) vs Divine Punisher Shaman (Etrian Odyssey V) - Punisher gets a taste of her own medicine.  Minoriko immunes average magic damage before buffing, and has a magic damage adjustment mod of -0.922 PCHP after *one* use of Owotoshi Harvester.  Considering Mana Oracle inflicts its damage over five hits, Minoriko has little to fear here.  And she goes first.  There is no universe in which the popoto makes it out alive against the potato harvest goddess.

Data Mine

Bravely Default II - Have started, need to play more of
Chained Echoes - Have not played
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance - Have not played
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny - Have not played
Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless - Need to play
Fire Emblem Engage - Have not played
Labyrinth of Touhou: Gensokyo and the Heaven-Piercing Tree - Cleared, Stat Topiced.
Octopath Traveler II - Played, need to clear.
Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess - Have not played
Rhapsody III: Memories of Marl Kingdom - Have not played
This Way Madness Lies - Have not played
Triangle Strategy - Played

Tournaments / Re: Futurama 2023 Week 3
« on: January 12, 2024, 09:20:20 AM »

Heat (Digital Devil Saga) vs Lamington (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness) - Heat reflects Lamington's best damage, and status won't be landing on Heat.  Feels pretty clear-cut.  Oh and any counter hype can die in a fire because pre-5 Disgaea counters only apply to basic attacks. [EDIT] i'm an idiot who misremembered shit, nevermind me.
Belial (Wild ARMs 4) vs Ryu (Breath of Fire IV) - RPGVO rules are not in play, 4D Pocket is in.


Mei-ling (SaGa Frontier) vs Mystic Knight (Final Fantasy V) - I'm feeling quite certain light sword parry is a good counter to MK's bullshit.
Temenos Mistral(Octopath Traveler II) vs Kyra Tierney (Phantasy Star IV) - This one is open to interps either way pending on which average you take for OT2 damage (I go for the three-turn one myself.  Your mileage and/or interps may vary, of course).

Kyra herself at worst is going to be swapping over to the Reflect Robe, and under 3TA, will actually want to ditch the Psy-Shield for a slasher.  Under that, her MDUR drops to 1.09, meaning Temenos will need ~8573 damage.  Bindwa for four turns of course means that Temenos is just not getting anything out of his debuffs.  And unfortunately for Temenos, even the biggest setups he can do for a  Heavenly Shine at max BP can either be healed off in a single Res casting (80 HP recovery versus ~64 PSIV HP in the case of a 2BP Holy Light), or just misses the one-round KO (Hasted 0BP Holy Light->3BP Heavenly Shine does 8182 to the necessary 8573 to kill under these averages).

Which would in turn put Temenos at a bit of a problem.  Her healing runs deeper than his damage (52 shots of Holy Light versus 57 shots of Res and 24 shots of Medice), the threat of Heavenly Shine only diminishes as the match goes on, and only one of them has their physical damage not absolutely nulled by a stacked PSIV DEF buff/ATK debuff.  Very good match.

(Notes for other setups: Kyra swapping to Reflect Robe and a second Reflect Shield gives her a MDUR of 1.338.  Missing the all-important number of 1.337 by a thousandth aside, this would mean she needs, pending on average, anywhere from 8359 to 10523 OT2 damage to take down strictly via magic.  On the other hand, this also now makes her subject to the possibility of running out of offense entirely, which could lead to a stalemate.)

Byakuren Hijiri (Labyrinth of Touhou) vs Anna Pascal (Triangle Strategy) - Unfortunately, Byakuren's duel setup here is set up specifically for her physical skills, and her only multitarget is Magic Milky Way, which is more used for debuffs than damage.  She's also slower and the physical weakness doesn't help one bit.


Minoriko Aki (Labyrinth of Touhou 2) vs Createur Rosenqueen (Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess) - i have precisely no idea of what Createur's statline is even like, I can't vote on this without some info.
Rinkah (Fire Emblem Fates) vs Divine Punisher Shaman (Etrian Odyssey V) - Rinkah is very antiphysical, going by the stat topic.  A single Mana Oracle will overkill her through that 0.64 MDUR, without needing Ruinous Prayer's boosting.
Dedue Molinaro (Fire Emblem Three Houses) vs Kyrie (Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark) - This one's tricky, though I do suspect that the Slow counters and MDEF-targeting beams tilt this one in Kyrie's favor.


Mediator (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Heather (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) - I'll buy Threaten hype.
Vitali (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters) vs Zelkov (Fire Emblem Engage) - Vitali eating a bad matchup now after getting carried by a Best one last match.  Such is the fate of Soul Nomad duellers.

Unranked Games / Fell Seal Arbiter's Mark: Generic Character Averages
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:38:05 AM »
Mercenary: 563 (158.2%)
Reaver: 457 (128.4%)
Gadgeteer: 409 (114.9%)
Plague Doctor: 405 (113.8%)
Fellblade: 390 (109.6%)
Lord: 390 (109.6%)
Knight: 378 (106.2%)
Mender: 368 (103.4%)
Peddler: 353 (99.2%)
Templar: 353 (99.2%)
Duelist: 353 (99.2%)
Lich: 353 (99.2%)
Druid: 347 (97.5%)
Warmage: 347 (97.5%)
Werewolf: 342 (96.1%)
Ranger: 336 (94.4%)
Scoundrel: 335 (94.2%)
Gambler: 332 (93.3%)
Gunner: 331 (93%)
Wizard: 325 (91.3%)
Vampire: 322 (90.5%)
Assassin: 312 (87.6%)
Alchemystic: 312 (87.6%)
Princess: 306 (86%)
Sorcerer: 304 (85.4%)
Vessel: 228 (64.1%)

Knight: 408 (eff. -0.14)
Templar: 397 (-0.069)
Mercenary: 319 (-0.022)
Lord: 314 (-0.019)
Gunner: 306 (-0.014)
Gadgeteer: 298 (-0.010)
Gambler: 297 (-0.009)
Vessel: 295 (-0.008)
Vampire: 294 (-0.007)
Plague Doctor: 293 (-0.007)
Peddler: 292 (-0.006)
Duelist: 279 (+0.002)
Scoundrel: 278 (+0.002)
Fellblade: 276 (+0.003)
Mender: 269 (+0.008)
Druid: 268 (+0.008)
Ranger: 266 (+0.009)
Alchemystic: 264 (+0.011)
Warmage: 256 (+0.015)
Assassin: 252 (+0.018)
Werewolf: 252 (+0.018)
Reaver: 250 (+0.019)
Princess: 243 (+0.023)
Wizard: 239 (+0.026)
Sorcerer: 233 (+0.029)
Lich: 201 (+0.048)

PDUR (vs. average damage):
Mercenary: 1.675
Knight: 1.634
Reaver: 1.226
Templar: 1.198
Gadgeteer: 1.178
Plague Doctor: 1.158
Lord: 1.151
Fellblade: 1.087
Mender: 1.015
Peddler: 1.007
Duelist: 0.988
Gunner: 0.965
Druid: 0.956
Gambler: 0.954
Warmage: 0.939
Scoundrel: 0.936
Ranger: 0.923
Vampire: 0.922
Werewolf: 0.920
Lich: 0.885
Wizard: 0.859
Alchemystic: 0.854
Assassin: 0.84
Princess: 0.813
Sorcerer: 0.796
Vessel: 0.654

Alchemystic: 360 (-0.051)
Sorcerer: 322 (-0.033)
Princess: 317 (-0.031)
Wizard: 309 (-0.027)
Druid: 280 (-0.013)
Plague Doctor: 275 (-0.011)
Mender: 273 (-0.010)
Vessel: 265 (-0.006)
Lich: 260 (-0.003)
Peddler: 259 (-0.003)
Knight: 256 (-0.002)
Vampire: 255 (-0.001)
Templar: 252 (+0)
Fellblade: 247 (+0.003)
Gadgeteer: 243 (+0.005)
Lord: 235 (+0.008)
Mercenary: 234 (+0.009)
Ranger: 230 (+0.011)
Scoundrel: 227 (+0.012)
Warmage: 223 (+0.014)
Werewolf: 220 (+0.016)
Gunner: 218 (+0.017)
Gambler: 215 (+0.018)
Assassin: 210 (+0.020)
Duelist: 197 (+0.027)
Reaver: 189 (+0.030)

MDUR (vs. Average):
Mercenary: 1.548
Reaver: 1.194
Plague Doctor: 1.169
Gadgeteer: 1.136
Fellblade: 1.089
Lord: 1.073
Knight: 1.067
Mender: 1.06
Druid: 1.008
Peddler: 1.000
Lich: 1.000
Templar: 0.991
Wizard: 0.979
Warmage: 0.942
Princess: 0.932
Duelist: 0.93
Werewolf: 0.925
Ranger: 0.919
Scoundrel: 0.913
Vampire: 0.907
Gunner: 0.893
Gambler: 0.893
Assassin: 0.834
Vessel: 0.65

Assassin: 181 (126%)
Scoundrel: 173 (120.4%)
Vampire: 172 (119.7%)
Alchemystic: 166 (115.6%)
Ranger: 155 (107.9%)
Gambler: 153 (106.5%)
Peddler: 150 (104.4%)
Duelist: 150 (104.4%)
Lord: 150 (104.4%)
Werewolf: 149 (103.7%)
Gunner: 146 (101.6%)
AVERAGE: 143.65
Druid: 143 (99.5%)
Warmage: 143 (99.5%)
Princess: 143 (99.5%)
Fellblade: 142 (98.8%)
Gadgeteer: 140 (97.5%)
Mender: 138 (96.1%)
Reaver: 133 (92.6%)
Mercenary: 132 (91.9%)
Vessel: 129 (89.8%)
Plague Doctor: 128 (89.1%)
Templar: 127 (88.4%)
Wizard: 126 (87.7%)
Sorcerer: 123 (85.6%)
Knight: 122 (84.9%)
Lich: 121 (84.2%)

Damage (First Turn)
Warmage (199)
Lich (182)
Reaver (179)
Werewolf (!64)
Assassin (156)
Duelist (151)
Scoundrel (113)
Knight (109)
Druid (105)
Mercenary (104)
Ranger (102)
Templar (102)
Fellblade (102)
Lord (102)
Vampire (100)
Gambler (99.25)
Princess (92)
Gadgeteer (91)
Vessel (91)
Wizard (87)
Gunner (82)
Peddler (80)
Alchemystic (68)
Plague Doctor (61)
Mender (57)
Sorcerer (44)

Killpoint: 271.4

Damage (3TA):
[Lich: Dark Locus x2->Dark I (236), no proration]
[Reaver: Reckless Blow x3, raw (210)]
Warmage: Infused Edge:Elemental Boltx2->Infused Edge:Elemental Burst (210)
Duelist: Elemental Flourish x3 (181.2)
Reaver: Reckless Blow x3 (178.92)
Vessel: Attack->Ippokampos x2 (171.7)
Templar: Emboldening Chant->Attack->Righteous Blade (169.3)
Werewolf: Attack x2->Focused Rage (164.6)
Assassin: Attack x2->Assassinate (162)
Lich: Dark Locus x2->Dark I (161)
Scoundrel: Sneak Attack x3 (113)
Knight: Defensive Hit x3 (109)
Princess: Holy I x2->Holy II (107.3)
Fellblade: Chaos Slice->Black Blade->Chaos Slice (106)
Druid: Boosted Element I x3 (105)
Mercenary: Attack x3 (104)
Lord: Scorpio Ballista/Aries Ram x3 (102)
Ranger: Attack x3 (102)
Wizard: Boosted Element I x2->Boosted Element II (101.6)
Vampire: Attack x3 (100)
Gambler: Wild Card: Club x3 (99.25)
Peddler: Attack->Patented Usage:Rock x2 (93.3)
Gadgeteer: Surpriser-Plus x3 (91)
Gunner: Attack/Magic Bullet x3 (82)
Sorcerer: Attack->Darkstorm->Attack (73.6)
Alchemystic: Attack x3 (68)
Plague Doctor: Poison x3 (61)
Mender: Attack x3 (57)

Killpoint: 294.8

Averages Up Top:


HP:342 (96.1%)
Max MP:74

ATK:266+140 (406)
DEF:147+105 (252)
RES:172+48 (220)
SPD:146+3 (149) (103.7%)
EVA:5+2 (7%)

CRT:29%+2% (31%)


Equipment: Daggers, Swords, Light Armor

- Dendrite Sword: ATK+100, +100% Holy Resist
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Attack: Range 1/v3.  114 Physical damage with a 31% chance to critical for 171.  Average damage of 132.
Focused Rage: Consumes all MP.  Noted benchmarks include: 142 Physical (crit 214, average 164) (10 MP), 171 Physical (256 crit, average 197) (20 MP), 199 Physical (299 crit, average 230)  (30 MP), up to a maximum of 325 Physical (Crit: 487, average 375) at 74 MP.

Bite (6 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 114 Physical damage to the target and has a 62% chance of inflicting Poison.
Leap (8 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Area 3/v2 cross.  Character moves to the target tile and inflicts 85 Physical damage to all adjacent tiles.  Facing is determined before usage.
Regenerate: Grants self Renew, removes Poison, Bleed, Blind, Root, Mute, and Weaken.  (Renew value: 43 HP/turn)
Fetid Breath (10 MP): Range 1/v3, area 2/v2 Cone.  Inflicts 14 Magical damage and has a 75% chance of inflicting Weaken.
Cunning Slash (8 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 85 Physical damage to the target.  ITE, ignores reactions.
Howl (10 MP): Radial ability.  Area 5/v3 cross.  Inflicts 15 Magical damage in the AoE and has a chance of inflicting Root.
Blood Trophy (18 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 205 Physical damage to the target.  If this would land a killing blow, Rebirth is ignored and the target cannot be raised for the encounter.

Counter: Cripple: Counters any offensive action taken against the character by inflicting Cripple
Focused Rage: Regular attacks may expend all current MP to inflict bonus damage equivalent to 2.5% per MP spent
Know Weakness II: +25% Critical Rate.

Comments: Werewolves are fairly vicious.  If the crits weren't bad enough, Blood Trophy is also a looming threat for anyone around average physical durability.  Above-, if only just above, average speed ensures that the one-two will go off first against many.


HP:287+35 (322) (90.5%)
Max MP:159

ATK:212+122 (334)
DEF:197+97 (294)
MND:207+22 (229)
RES:197+58 (255)
SPD:162+10 (172) (119.7%)
EVA:4+3 (7%)

CRT:6+3 (9%)


Dark Resist: 5%

Equipment: Dagger, Rapier, Gun, Bow, Robe, Light Armor

- Joyeuse: ATK+86, MND+22, SPD+7, EVA+3, CRI+3%, Immune Slow
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Notes: Monarch is there in case extra power is needed, with the Yoichi Bow being an option if counter evasion is desired.  Also robes, element blocking, you know the drill.

Special notes: Vampire, courtesy of Bat Form, can teleport.  I'm going to allow this to count for enabling back attacks.  If you don't allow this, reduce the damage by 1/6.

Attack: Range 1/v3.  100 physical damage.

Thrown Dagger (6 MP): Range 1-3/v8.  Inflicts 75 Magical damage vs. DEF and has a 75% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Blood Nova (14 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Inflicts 88 Magical damage vs. RES in the AoE and has a 62% chance of inflicting Bleed to all targets.
Shakedown (10 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 85 Physical damage and attempts to steal a Component from them.
Blood Suck (10 MP): Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 32 Magical damage vs. RES, Parasitic healing.  If the target has Bleed, inflict 51 damage instead.
Soul Suck (4 MP): Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 13 Magical damage vs. RES to the target's MP, Parasitic healing.  If the target has Bleed, inflict 26 damage instead.
Charm (16 MP): Range 1/v2.  Inflicts Charm on the target at a 100% rate.
Night Embrace (30 MP): Range 1/v3.  If the target has Bleed, inflicts 320 Physical damage to the target and inflict Sleep.

Counter: Mute: Counters any offensive action by inflicting the attacker with Mute
Execute: +45% damage against targets below 50% HP
Bat Form: Transforms into a swarm of bats when moving: may move through enemies and terrain, and ignore heights.  Functionally a teleport.  (I consider this to allow back attack mods, as a result)

Comments: Vampire plays a much meaner version of Gambler's game.  they lose Initiative, but they have some of the best speed in the cast, and 100% rate Charm means you just lose if you don't block it.  Their damage is largely carried by having a teleport, but Night Embrace actually just hurts, and Charm lets them just wait for a double to set it up.


HP:353 (99.2%)
Max MP:155

ATK:184+64 (248)
DEF:141+60 (201)
MND:305+102 (407)
RES:139+121 (260)
SPD:121 (84.2%)


Dark Resist: 5%+100%


Equipment: Scythe, Rod, Staff, Robe

- Ebony Rod: ATK+64, MND+46, Dark Elemental, +100% Dark Resist, +25% Dark damage
- Scholar Robe: DEF+48, MND+16, RES+79
- Black Hat: DEF+9, RES+30, MND+16
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Attack: Range 1/v2.  58 Dark damage to one target.

Dark I (57 HP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2 cross.  142 Dark damage to targets in the AoE. (prorated: 119)
Dark II (99 HP): Range 0-3/v14, Area 3/v4 cross.  212 Dark damage to targets in the AoE. (prorated: 153)
Dark Locus (127 HP): Range 0-4/v18.  283 Dark damage to the target. (prorated: 182)
Reanimate (127 HP): Resurrects a dead enemy as a Cadaver under AI control equal to the dead enemy's level.  This prevents resurrection.  Useless in a duel, but has some sadistic uses in team matches.
Darkstorm (183 HP): Inflicts 109 to 167 Dark damage to all enemies, damage increasing with proximity.
Dark Burst (113 HP): Radial effect.  Area 5/v4 cross.  161 Dark damage to all targets in the AoE.
Nightmare (127 HP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 5/v2 Cross.  142 Dark damage and 62% chance of inflicting Poison to all enemies in the AoE.

Counter:Poison: Counters any offensive action by inflicting the attacker with Poison
Chilling Touch: Offensive actions have a 75% chance to inflict Slow on the target
Blood Magic: Spend HP instead of MP for abilities, at 2% HP per 1 MP.  This is not a choice. (credit to Snowfire for this)

Commentary: one of the rare cases where I wouldn't bother giving it the Royal Crown.  Lich doesn't want that.  Lich wants enough power to try and oneshot whoever the hell they're fighting, and in some cases and interps they can actually manage that.  Good thing, too, since one shot is all they're going to get; they're slow, frail, and wholly mono-elemental.  Turn 1 Dark Locus off of that MND and with an Ebony Rod, though?  They're playing a different game from the other casters for sure.


HP:228 (64.1%)
Max MP:313

ATK:208+58+86 (352)
DEF:193+102 (295)
MND:297+42+74 (413)
RES:199+66 (265)
SPD:122+7 (129) (89.8%)
EVA:1+3 (4%)

CRT:2+3 (5%)


Fire Resist: 5%
Water Resist: 5%
Earth Resist: 5%
Thunder Resist: 5%

Equipment: Scythe, Rapier, Crossbow, Light Armor, Shield

- Joyeuse: ATK+86, MND+22, SPD+7, EVA+3, CRI+3%, Immune Slow
- Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
- Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12
- Black Cowl: DEF+19, RES+24, MND+8
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Attack: Range 1/v3. 91 Physical damage.

(note: most of these abilities are neither skills nor spells.  Thus, they are not subject to abilities that block either.)

Nameless One (12 MP): Range 0-3/v14.  Inflicts 131 (HM:190) Holy damage to a single target.
Ippokampos (14 MP): Range 1/v10, Area 2/v2 Cone.  Inflicts 173 (HM:251) Water damage to all in the area of effect.
Avernaal (18 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Inflicts 168 (HM:244) Fire damage to all in the area of effect.
Quetzalcoatl (20 MP): Range 1/v6, Area 99/v3 Line.  Inflicts 163 (HM:236) Lightning damage to all in the area of effect.
Psyhie (18 MP): Radial effect, Area 3/v2 Cross, excludes user.  Heals 172 (HM:249) HP to all in the AoE, and restores 5 MP.
Fafnir (22 MP): Range 0-5/v12.  Inflicts 242 (HM:350) Earth damage to the target.  ITE.
Immortal Souls (30 MP):  Range 0-3/v14, Area 3/v2 Square.  Inflicts 210 (HM:305) Magical damage to all in the area of effect.

Hallowed Soul: Gain resistance to the last element struck with.
Hallowed Mind: After using a regular attack, gain a bonus to healing/damage based on the weapon used (0.45x for melee, 0.35x for ranged)
Hallowed Body: ATK increased by 20% of MND (58), MND increases by 20% of ATK (42)

Comments: Those spells hurt.  Especially with Hallowed Mind.  Hell, their basic attacks aren't even bad.  Pity they combine low speed with cast-worst HP by a huge margin.  0.64 PCHP is nothing to be proud of.


HP:271+35 (306) (86%)
Max MP:266

ATK:160+72 (232)
DEF:147+96 (243)
MND:276+98 (374)
RES:238+79 (317)
SPD:140+3 (143) (99.5%)
EVA:1+10 (11)


PDUR:0.813 (DEF Up: 0.888)
MDUR:0.932 (RES Up: 1.037)

Fire Resist: 0+100%
Holy Resist: 5%

Equipment: Technically Rapier, Rod, Staff, Robe.  Equip All is in play, however.

- Blazing Rod: ATK+72, MND+54, Fire Elemental, +100% Fire Resist
- Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
- Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Attack: Range 1/v2.  40 Fire damage to a single target.

Holy 1 (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2 Cross.  92 Holy damage to targets.
Revive 1 (14 MP): Range 1-3/v4.  Revives target ally with 25% mHP.
Heal II (12 MP): Range 0-5/v18.  Restores 212 HP to the target.
Holy II (14 MP): Range 0-3/v14, Area 3/v4 Cross.  138 Holy damage to targets.
Holy Locus (18 MP): Range 0-4/v18.  184 Holy damage to the target.
Quicken (14 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Gives the target an immediate turn.
Mass Heal II (20 MP): Range 0-3/v18, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Restores 212 HP to all targets.

Equipment Options: They in fact exist.  It is worth noting though that despite having Equip All, Princesses are still first and foremost a casting class, and thus they are going to be selecting their gear in that fashion.

Counter:Total Shield: After being targeted by any damaging offensive action, gain DEF Up and RES Up
Equip All: May equip anything
Double Cast II: The character may use two spells per turn.  MP restrictions apply.

Comments: Another class with a comprehensive skillset, hamstrung by system details and a lack of special modifiers.  Princess has a lot of options at their disposal, including a superior version of Doublecast, but gets precisely nothing for the purposes of boosting their spell damage, and being forced to start the fight before their turn at 0 MP like everybody else undercuts their potential by a lot.


HP:355+35 (390) (109.6%)
Max MP:99

ATK:227+120 (347) (ATK Up: 416)
DEF:212+102 (314)
MND:209+58 (267) (MND Up: 320)
RES:178+57 (235)
SPD:147+3 (150) (104%) (Haste: 200)


PDUR:1.151 (DEF Up: 1.312) (ATK Down: 1.64) (Both: 1.986)
MDUR:1.073 (RES Up: 1.151) (MND Down: 1.41) (Both: 1.547)

Holy Resist: 5%

Equipment: Technically Sword, Mace, Rapier, Heavy Armor, Shield.  With Equip All: Any.

- Heavy Rod: ATK+92, MND+42
- Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment Options: Yes, Lords have equipment options.  Many of which are good.  I don't know really what more to say.  Equip All is about as bullshit as you would think it is.

Attack: Range 1/v2.  89 (Br 103, Ra 118, Bt 133) Physical damage.

Scorpio Ballista: Range 1-3/v6.  Inflicts 102 (Br 115, Ra 130, Bt 143) Physical damage and has a 75% chance of inflicting DEF Down.
Gemini Flail: Range 1/v2, Area 2/v2 Cone.  Inflicts 91 (Br 102, Ra 115, Bt 127) Physical damage to the area and has a 75% chance of inflicting ATK Down.
Mass Heal I (12 MP): Range 0-3/v16, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Restores 91 (Ra 106) HP to targets in the area.
Sagittarian Cavalry (8 MP): Range 1-2/v5, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Inflicts 102 (Br 115, Ra 130, Bt 143) Physical damage in the area and has a 62% chance of inflicting MND Down.
Rally (20 MP): Radial effect, area 3/v2 Cross.  Grants ATK Up, MND Up, and Haste to the user and all adjacent targets.
Aries Ram (6 MP): Range 1/v2, area 4/v2 Line.  Inflicts 102 (Br 115, Ra 130, Bt 143) Physical damage and has a 62% chance of inflicting RES Down.
Holy Burst (14 MP): Radial effect, area 5/v4 Cross.  Inflicts 100 (Br 113, Ra 127, Bt 140) Holy damage to all targets in the AoE.  Ignores facing.

Counter:Total Shield: After being targeted by any damaging offensive action, gain DEF Up and RES Up
Equip All: May equip anything
Cleave: Gain a free turn upon striking a killing blow.  Only applies once per natural turn.  No MP is gained.  Does not trigger from Rebirth.

Comments: Honestly, the better of the two gender-locked classes.  Lords don't get as strong of healing, but they're instead able to stack stat buffs and debuffs while inflicting damage and generally not being bottlenecked by MP.  Basically a showier Mercenary.  Except, well, Mercenary's just better at base, go figure.

Unranked Games / Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark: Generic Characters Pt. III
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:17:03 AM »
Averages Up Top:


HP:355+35 (390) (109.6%)
Max MP:118

ATK:227+112 (339)
DEF:174+102 (276)
MND:217+60 (277)
RES:174+73 (247)
SPD:139+3 (142) (98.8%)



Equipment: Sword, Dagger, Rapier, Robe, Light Armor, Shield

- Enhancer: ATK+84, MND+44
- Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Options: Hey, it's time to bring up the whole thing about elemental blocking again, especially with Robes+Shields+Swords.  More notable, however, is the fact that Malice's +10% infliction rate also applies to dagger status, which means the Kunai in particular can put in work disabling all the guys who Evade Magic doesn't shut down thanks to that weapon's Cripple rate being upgraded to 72%.  Also the Joyeuse is still there in case Fellblade needs Slow immunity or some extra speed.

Attack: Range 1/v3.  85 Physical damage.

Poison Slice (8 MP): Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts 97 Physical damage to the target and has an 85% chance to inflict Poison.  Counts as a basic attack.
Sleep Slice (12 MP): Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts 91 Physical damage to the target and has a 72% chance of inflicting Sleep.  Counts as a basic attack.
Decay Slice (8 MP): Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts 91 Physical damage to the target and has a 100% chance to inflict Weaken.  Counts as a basic attack.
Miasma (4 MP): Range 0-2/v7.  Inflicts 35 Magical damage vs. RES to the target and spreads all the center target's ailments to the other targets.
Health Siphon (16 MP): Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 55 Magical damage vs. RES to the target, parasitic healing.  Inflicts 34 more damage for each debuff the target is afflicted with.  Despite being a Spell, is subject to facing and is purely ATK-based.
Chaos Slice (8 MP): Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts 102 Physical damage vs. DEF to the target, and has a 110% chance to inflict a random debuff to the target.  The debuff infliction is in fact smart insofar that it will not inflict a debuff that the enemy blocks.  Counts as a basic attack.
Black Blade (12 MP): Range 1/v3, Area 2/v2.  Inflicts 114 Physical damage vs. RES to targets in the area and has an 85% chance of inflicting Blind.

Evade Magic: Perfect evasion versus magic.
Malice: +10% Debuff infliction rate (already factored in)
Versatile: Skills and Spells can inflict critical hits.  When inflicting a Critical Hit, recovers 5% of max MP (minimum 5, maximum 15)

3TA: Chaos Slice->Black Blade->Chaos Slice (106)

Comments: The other premier status slinger of the game, Fellblades don't have the disabling kit of Gunners, trading it for extremely accurate status options via Malice.  And they can technically emulate it by equipping one of the status daggers, using it better than anyone other than the next class on the list can.  Also don't even think of using magic on them.


HP:312 (87.7%)
Max MP:94

ATK:209+112 (321) (Listed value: 401)
DEF:152+101 (252)
RES:163+47 (210)
SPD:164+17 (181) (126%)
EVA:5%+6% (11%)

CRT:3%+6% (9%)


Equipment: Dagger, Bow, Robe, Light Armor

- Worm Tooth: ATK+80, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 75% chance to Poison on hit
- Worm Tooth: ATK+80, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 75% chance to Poison on hit
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment Options: Robe access means, of course, basic elemental blocking.  In addition, other status options for daggers are viable (and turn 1 due to having baseline turn 2 rates off of dual-wielding).  Bows aren't as notable but can be used if desiring to get more damage out of Assassinate or trying to avoid melee counters.

Attack: Range 1v2.  Two attacks of 78 damage for a total of 156.

Blind Powder (6 MP): Range 1-4/v5.  Inflicts 47 Physical damage and has a 75% chance to inflict Blind
Dispel Powder (6 MP): Range 1-3/v5.  Inflicts 47 Magical damage and removes all buffs from the target.
Sabotage (4 MP): Range 1-4/v14.  Swaps position with the target.  Ignores immunity, evasion, and reactions.
Sleep Powder (8 MP): Range 1-3/v4, Area 3/v1 Lateral.  Inflicts 39 Physical damage to the area and has a 50% chance to inflict Sleep.
Collect Bounty: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 62 Physical damage to the target.  If the target is human and a killing blow is struck, ignores Rebirth, disables revival, and returns a rare component.
Mirage (4 MP): Gives the user Mirage status.
Assassinate (24 MP): Range 1-3/v8.  Inflicts 174 Physical damage to the target, and has a 50% chance of inflicting Poison, Bleed, and Blind.  Ignores facing.

Critical:Mirage: When in Critical HP after taking damage, gain Mirage.
Cautious Step: Immune to Traps, Root, and Slow
Dual Wield: Can equip two weapons or two shields.  When using skills, only the first weapon is considered.

3TA: Attack x2->Assassinate (162)

Comments: Assassin combines the highest natural speed in the cast with a similarly high damage output, and sole access in the generic cast to Mirage, a buff that will negate the next incoming attack.  ITE, ITR, it doesn't god damned matter, it will not hit.  It's basically SRW Alert but it takes an action to cast.  ...which means that they're just going to wait for doubles to take attacks in most cases.


HP:312 (87.7%)
Max MP:158

ATK:172+126 (298)
DEF:161+103 (264)
MND:207+20 (227)
RES:222+92+46 (360)
SPD:156+10 (166) (115.6%) (Haste:~221)
EVA:1%+4% (5%)


PDUR:0.854 (DEF Up: 0.945)
MDUR:1.006 (RES Up: 1.147)

Equipment: Staff, Crossbow, Robe, Light Armor

- Aerolus (Range 5): ATK+90, MND+20, Accuracy +5%
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Flash Cap: DEF+19, RES+25, SPD+10, EVA+4
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Attack: Range 5/v20.  68 Physical damage to one target.

Mass Shield (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Grants DEF up to all in the AoE for three turns.
Mass Aegis (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Grants RES up to all in the AoE for three turns.
Mass Barrier (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Grants Barrier to all in the AoE.
Mass Renew (12 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Grants Renew to all in AoE for 3 turns. (Alchemystic will regen 39 HP a turn under Renew)
Haste (8 MP): Range 0-4/v10.  Grants Haste to the target for 3 turns. (Effective speed under Haste: 220)
Mass Insight (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Grants MND Up to all in the AoE for three turns.
Refresh (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Refreshes buff duration on all targets in the AoE.
Mass Haste (16 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Grants Haste to all in the AoE.
Soul Tendrils (22 MP): Range 0-4/v10, Area 3/v2.  Inflicts 63 (MI:86) Magical damage to all enemies in the AoE.

Mystic Shield: HP damage is instead inflicted to any existing MP first.  Will negate an attack's damage as long as there is at least 1 MP.
Side Effects: Buffs applied gain an additional 0.3x healing (24, MI:27).  Debuffs applied gain an extra 0.25x damage.
Resistance Expert: Increases base RES by 32+1.5xLevel (92).

3TA: Attack x3 (68)

Commentary: Alchemystics are, to say the least, extremely rude duellers.  They do not bring anything particularly damaging to a fight, but between having haste access and the war crime that is MP Switch in a system with per-turn MP regeneration means that you either have to outspeed them, somehow status them out (Barrier is an obstacle here), or run multihits.  And multihits are a decidedly uncommon enough thing that they can spoil some Godlikes with no problem.


HP:269+35 (304) (85.4%)
Max MP:246

ATK:156+64 (220)
DEF:169+64 (233)
MND:259+86 (345)
RES:208+114 (322)
SPD:120+3 (123) (85.6%)



Equipment: Rod, Robe

- Ebony Rod: ATK+64, MND+46, Dark Elemental, +100% Dark Resist, +25% Dark damage
- Scholar Robe: DEF+48, MND+16, RES+79
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Equipment Options: literally *just* the elemental blocking options from Rods and Robes.  And, of course, the other element-boosting rods if the enemy can resist or block Darkness.

Attack: Range 1/v2.  44 Dark damage.

Hailstorm (16 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 66-98 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.
Firestorm (16 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 66-98 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.
Meteorstorm (16 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 66-98 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.
Thunderstorm (16 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 66-98 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.
Darkstorm (18 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 87-133 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.
Holystorm (18 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 66-98 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.
Voidstorm (19 MP): Hits all enemies.  Inflicts 70-107 damage to all enemies, increasing with proximity.

Counter: Root: Counters any offensive action by inflicting the offender with Root.
Eruptor: For each turn the character does not inflict damage, they gain a stacking 18% bonus (max 72%).  This resets upon dealing damage.
Economy: All MP costs are reduced to 2/3 (factored in)

3TA: Attack->Darkstorm->Attack (73.6)

Comments: Sorcerers just do not translate well to this format.  Full-field spells are nice in a SRPG but they have to wait two turns to throw out what is essentially high 3HKO damage in between 8HKO staffwhacks.  And that's with Economy.


HP:312+35 (347) (97.5%)
Max MP:141

ATK:196+52 (248)
DEF:172+96 (268)
MND:218+54+78 (350)
RES:201+79 (280)
SPD:140+3 (143) (99.5%)
EVA:2%+10% (12%)


PDUR:0.956 (DEF Up: 1.059)
MDUR:1.008 (RES Up: 1.103)

Fire Resist: 5%
Water Resist: 5%
Earth Resist: 5%
Thunder Resist: 5%

Equipment: Rapier, Rod, Staff, Robe, Light Armor, Shield

- Earth Rod: ATK+52, MND+34, Earth Elemental, +25% Earth Damage
- Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
- Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Equipment Notes: Yep, another three-element spoiler here if nothing else.

Attack: Range 1/v2.  58 Earth damage.

Heal I (6 MP): Range 0-4/v18.  Restores 115 HP to the target.
Bleed (6 MP): Range 0-4/v10.  Inflicts 75 Magic damage to the target and has a 75% chance of inflicting Bleed.
Earth I (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Inflicts 105 Earth damage to all in the AoE.
Panacea I (4 MP): Range 0-4/v18.  Cures Poison/Bleed/Blind/Root/Mute/Cripple/Sleep/Berserk/Charm from the target.
Thunder I (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Inflicts 83 Thunder damage to all in the AoE.
Water I (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Inflicts 83 Water damage to all in the AoE.
Dispel (6 MP): Range 0-3/v18, Area 3/v2.  Removes all buffs in the AoE.
Fire I (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  Inflicts 83 Fire damage to all in the AoE.
Total Shield (6 MP): Range 0-4/v18.  Gives DEF Up and RES Up to the target.

Adaptive Affinity: When dealt (or absorbing) elemental damage, gains a buff that increases their own damage output by 35% with that element.
Mind Expert: Increases MND by 14+Level (54)
Double Cast: Can cast two spells per turn, but at 75% power each.

3TA: Boosted Element I x3 (105)

Comments: Druid has an extremely varied skillset.  Unfortunately, it is nothing but level 1 spells, Dispel, and Total Shield, and the decent MND value is not enough to compensate for the low mods.  Doublecast isn't enough when the class is kneecapped by the MP generation mechanics.


HP:312+35 (347) (97.5%)
Max MP:143

ATK:219+92 (311)
DEF:172+84 (256)
MND:230+78 (308)
RES:163+60 (223)
SPD:140+3 (99.5%)


PDUR: 0.939
MDUR: 0.942

Equipment: Scythes, Maces, Rods, Robes, Light Armor

- Heavy Rod: ATK+92, MND+42
- Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Attack: Range 1/v2.  74 damage and generates 7 MP.

Infused Edge (4 MP): Range 1/v2.  Perform a regular attack upon the target, and then follow it up with a single-target version of any spell known.  This overrides the spell's original targeting.  The initial attack benefits from Leech Mana as well.
Water Bolt (6 MP): Range 0-2/v10.  Inflicts 83 (EM:125) Water damage to the target.
Fire Bolt (6 MP): Range 0-2/v10.  Inflicts 83 (EM:125) Fire damage to the target.
Earth Bolt (6 MP): Range 0-2/v10.  Inflicts 83 (EM:125) Earth damage to the target.
Thunder Bolt (6 MP): Range 0-2/v10.  Inflicts 83 (EM:125) Thunder damage to the target.
Water Burst (14 MP): Radial effect, Area 5/v4.  Inflicts 105 (EM:158) Water damage to all in the area.
Fire Burst (14 MP): Radial effect, Area 5/v4.  Inflicts 105 (EM:158) Fire damage to all in the area.
Earth Burst (14 MP): Radial effect, Area 5/v4.  Inflicts 105 (EM:158) Earth damage to all in the area.
Thunder Burst (14 MP): Radial effect, Area 5/v4.  Inflicts 105 (EM:158) Thunder damage to all in the area.
Pulsar (18 MP): Range 0-3/v10.  Inflicts 146 Magical damage to the target.

Counter:Haste: When targeted with any damaging offensive action, gain Haste
Leech Mana: Converts 10% of damage dealt by basic attacks into MP.  This is not true parasitic and has no regard for overkill or effects like Mystic Shield
Elemental Mastery: If the target's resistance is less than immunity, treats resistance as lowered for Fire, Water, Earth, or Thunder damage.  (If target's resistance is between 0 and 99, reduces it by 50.  If it is less than 0, reduces it by 25.  This can reduce elemental resistance below 0, but cannot take it below -150)

Comments: JFC.  Infused Edge combined with Elemental Mastery and their own stats gives them a good 2HKO to be used every round.  Counter: Haste is also deceptively rude, letting them get two turns before the average opponent gets their second.

Unranked Games / Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark: Generic Characters Pt. II
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:14:47 AM »
Averages Up Top:


HP:332 (93.3%)
Max MP:89

ATK:219+134 (353)
DEF:173+124 (297)
RES:152+63 (215)
SPD:150+3 (153) (106.5%)
EVA:3%+17% (20%)

CRT:6%+10% (16%)


Equipment:Dagger, Spear, Light Armor, Shield

- Heavy Lance: ATK+102, DEF+7, CRI+3%
- Teorite Shield: DEF+16, RES+16, EVA+10
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Notes: Are you tired of hearing that shields can block elemental damage?  Also the usual cases of knives for more directed status infliction.  Honestly viable here considering the degenerate bullshit they can pull.

Attack: Range 2/v7.  91 Physical damage to one target, 16% chance to crit for 137.  Averages to ~98 damage.

Wild Card:Spade: Range 1-4/v6.  Has a 51% chance to inflict one debuff on a target, 27% chance to inflict two, 16% chance to inflict three, and a 6% chance to give a buff instead.  Ignores evasion but does not ignore immunity/resistance.
Wild Card:Diamond: Range 0-4/v6.  Has a 51% chance to give one buff to a target, 27% chance to give two, 16% chance to give three, and a 6% chance to debuff the target instead.  The debuff ignores evasion but not immunity/resistance.
Wild Card:Club: Range 1-4/v6.  Has a 6% chance to inflict 500 damage, 9% chance to inflict 200, 25% to inflict 100, 45% to inflict 50, and 15% to inflict 25 damage.  Average of all results in effect: 99.25.  This is unavoidable true damage, but cannot kill.
Wild Card:Heart: Range 0-4/v6.  Has a 6% chance to heal 500, 9% to heal 200, 25% to heal 100, 45% to heal 50, and 15% to heal 25.  Average of all results in effect: 99.25.
Pile On (8 MP): Range 0-3/v6, Area 3/v2.  Refreshes the duration of all debuffs on targets in the AoE.
Allure (10 MP): Range 1-3/v4.  Has a 75% chance of inflicting Charm on the target for 2 turns.
Quicken (14 MP): Range 0-3/v6.  Gives the target an immediate turn.

Counter:Fleet of Foot: After any damaging offensive action, grants Fleet of Foot and removes Root (Move+1)
Initiative: Gains a free turn at the start of a fight.  If they are faster than the enemy, the Gambler will get two turns at the start, back to back.
Lucky: Positively influences the odds of better results on gambler abilities (this is unlisted and incredibly vague even within the internal system texts but I suspect it adds a 5% bonus to all positive outcomes and a 5% chance reduction to negative outcomes).  +5% to EVA, Crit, and Accuracy

3TA: Wild Card: Club x3 (99.25)

Comments: The combination of Initiative, Allure, Pile On, and the varied Wild Cards is one of the most evil things I can think of in a duel.  Block Charm or prepare to lose.  Absolutely vicious PC killer.


HP:354+55 (409) (114.9%)
Max MP:120

ATK:197+172 (369)
DEF:193+105 (298)
RES:195+48 (243)
SPD:137+3 (140) (97.5%)
EVA:2%+2% (4%)

CRT:3%+2% (5%)


Equipment: Maul, Mace, Light Armor, Shield

-Flattener: ATK+132, HP+55
-Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
-Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Notes: Usual note about shields and elemental spoiling, though that requires a notable ATK drop to switch to a Pernach.  Holy Mace also exists to spoil mono-dark types.

Attack: Range 1/v4.  98 (113) Physical damage to the target.

(Note: Gadgets are not counted as Spells or Techniques, and therefore are not subject to effects such as Silence and Cripple.  The Gadgeteer is never a target for his own Gadgets, even via AoEs.)
Springger (6 MP): Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 88 (102) Physical damage vs. DEF and pushes the target away by one space.
Impalotron (10 MP): Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 82 ITD physical damage.
Harmonizer (12 MP): Range 1/v4, Area 5/v2 Cross.  Has a 62% chance of inflicting Sleep in the AoE.
Shockerotron (24 MP): Range 1-2/v6.  Gives Rebirth to the target.
Speed Generator (18 MP): Range 1-2/v6, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Grants Haste to all targets in the AoE.
Demoralizer (8 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Inflicts DEF Down and RES Down to the target at 100% rate.
Energizer (8 MP): Range 1-2/v4.  Restores the target's MP by 20.
Surpriser-Plus (10 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Inflicts 91 (104) Magical damage vs. RES to the target and inflicts Weaken.
Molecular Infuser (8 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Grants ATK Up and MND Up to the target.
Reflectotron (4 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Grants Thorns to the target.  lol.
Absorber-Plus (4 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Inflicts 50 (58) Magical damage vs. RES to the target's MP.
Electroconstrictor (8 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Inflicts 88 (102) Magical damage vs. RES to the target and has a 50% chance of inflicting Root.
Demolecularizer (12 MP): Range 1-3/v6, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Inflicts 32 (43) Magical damage in the AoE.
Dispelotron (8 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Removes all buffs from the target.
Healbot-3000 (10 MP): Range 1-3/v6.  Restores 61 HP to the target and grants Renew.

Absorb Mana: When targeted by an offensive ability that inflicts damage, with a MP cost, gains the same amount of MP that was used in the process.
Perfect Focus: +0.32x additional damage/healing when at full HP
Mana Expert: Starts the battle with 15 MP instead of 0.

3TA: Surpriser-Plus x3 (91)

Comments: Look at that kit.  It has just about everything.  Damage, healing, buffing, status, all not subject to silence or cripple...just one problem.  Gadgeteers can never be the target of their own devices, so they lose out on over half of what they can leverage; ultimately they're just going to be mediocre in a duel.  Minorly bulky at least, for all that's worth, and the MP busting is legit.


HP:378 (106.2%)
Max MP:72

ATK:196+94 (290)
DEF:242+166 (408)
RES:201+55 (256)
SPD:122 (84.9%)
EVA:1%+10% (11%)


PDUR:1.308 raw (1.634 with No Flank)

Equipment: Sword, Spear, Robe, Heavy Armor, Shield

- Partisan: ATK+94, DEF+12
- Teorite Shield: DEF+16, RES+16, EVA+10
- Royal Armor: DEF+84, RES+15
- Royal Helm: DEF+34, RES+18
- Plate Glove: +10 DEF, +3 RES
- Plate Glove: +10 DEF, +3 RES

Equip Options: Elemental spoiling options as usual.  The Dendrite Sword can block Holy as well, and if wanting to leverage something other than Defensive Hit, the Heavy Lance gives better damage on basic attacks.

Attack: Range 2/v7.  65 Physical damage to one target.

Defend: Self-target.  Take half damage from all attacks until next turn and recover 24 HP.
Protect: Range 1-4/v4.  User takes hits in place of the target ally as long as they are not also a target of the incoming ability.  Useless in a duel.
Defensive Hit: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 109 Physical damage vs. DEF to one target, based on user's DEF.  Counts as a basic attack.
Taunt: Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts Berserk on the target at 100% base rate.
Chivalrous Spirit (18 MP): Self-targeting.  Grants Rebirth.
Heavy Hit: Range 2/v7.  Hits the target for 1/3 current HP.
One for All (16 MP): Ends user's turn.  Every time an ally takes a single-target offensive action against a target within weapon range, make a basic attack upon the target.  (0.75x damage when used with ranged weapons).  Godlike in a duel.

Thorns:Adds Thorns to the character after being targeted with any damaging offensive action.
No Flank: Treats all attacks as if from the front.  (In effect, against physical attacks this is a further 20% reduction of incoming damage)
Life Font: Recovers 4+Level/4 HP with each step taken (14/step, up to 56 per move action)

3TA: Defensive Hit x3 (109)

Comments: Knight is a dickish class.  They get a 3HKO with Defensive Hit, sure, but that's not what they're really bringing to the table.  Highest DEF aside, Knight runs this with No Flank to further give damage reduction for physically-inclined sorts, Life Font for some okayish regen, and Taunt to shut down anyone thinking of doing anything else.  Have fun with those staffwhacks, mages.


HP:353 (99.2%)
Max MP:96

ATK:219+158 (377) (452 under ATK Up)
DEF:175+92+130 (397)
RES:216+36 (252)
SPD:127 (88.4%)



Holy Resist: 5%

Equipment: Scythe, Sword, Mace, Heavy Armor, Shield

- Day's Harvest: ATK+134, +25% Crit Damage, 62% chance of Bleed on hit
- Royal Armor: DEF+84, RES+15
- Royal Helm: DEF+34, RES+18
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Options: Shields, Swords, and Mace access mean that Templar can, if desired, block up to two elements if desired (one of the base four set and one of Light/Dark).  If more durability is desired, Day's Harvest can be traded for the Pernach and Magic Shield for almost no loss in efficacy on most abilities, or more likely the Aegis Shield for Auto RES-Up, considering that unlike Knight they don't have any real way to shut down mages.

Attack: Range 1/v4.  102 physical damage (EC:134)

Holy Chant (8 MP): Radial abliity, Area 3/v2.  Inflicts 58 (EC:69) Holy damage to all in the AoE.
Soothing Chant (8 MP): Radial ability, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Heals 70 HP to all in the AoE, user included.
Cleansing Blade (8 MP): Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 51 (EC:67) Magical damage to the target and dispels all buffs, inflicting ~36 extra damage per buff dispelled.
Siphon: Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts 58 (EC: 69) Magical damage and absorbs 19 (EC:23) MP from the target.  Ignores facing.
Emboldening Chant: Radial ability, Area 3/v2.  Gives ATK Up to all in the AoE for three turns.
Rapturous Chant: Kills user to heal all allies and remove all debuffs from them.  Does not incur an Injury.
Righteous Blade (24 MP): Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 284 (EC:374) Holy damage to the target.

Evade Attack: Perfect evasion versus Regular Attacks, and skills that are treated as Regular Attacks.
Resilience: All debuffs suffered by this character last 1 less turn
Defense Expert: Base DEF increased by 32+Level*1.5 (92)

3TA: Emboldening Chant->Attack->Righteous Blade (169.3)

Comments: 24 MP.  That is the point at which a near-OHKO grade nuke of a holy hand grenade starts to rear its head.  And they can get this online by turn two thanks to Siphon.  Even if they don't get oneshot by it at base, Emboldening Chant can crank it up to one regardless.  Bullying every runeless suikoscrub and pre-3H Fire Emblem dueller in existence with Evade Attack is just the icing on top of the cake.


HP:353 (99.2%)
Max MP:49

ATK:241+126 (367)
DEF:174+105 (279)
MND:150+22 (172)
RES:149+48 (197)
SPD:140+10 (150) (104.4%)
EVA:3%+5% (8%)



Equipment: Dagger, Rapier, Light Armor

- Joyeuse: ATK+86, MND+22, SPD+7, EVA+3, CRI+3%, Immune Slow
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Notes: In order to get some extra status out of basic attacks, it is possible to use knives, but on average this will be a loss.

Attack: Range 1/v3. 97 Physical damage.  Heals user for 32.

Falcon Flourish: Range 1-4/v10. 73 Physical damage.
Revival (14 MP): Range 1/v2.  Revives an ally on the given tile with 35% mHP.
Crippling Flourish: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 88 Physical damage and has a 75% chance of inflicting Cripple.
Flowing Flourish: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 151 Water damage to target, and has a 25% chance to inflict Slow.
Blazing Flourish: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 151 Fire damage to target, and has a 25% chance to inflict Blind.
Earthen Flourish: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 151 Earth damage to target, and has a 25% chance to inflict Root.
Thundering Flourish: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 151 Thunder damage to target, and has a 25% chance to inflict Mute.

Evade Skill: Perfect evasion versus Skills.
Leech Life: Basic attacks become pseudo-parasitic, healing the user for 1/3 of the damage inflicted, regardless of the target's HP.  This applies even when the damage is absorbed by Mystic Shield.
Blood Mark: Cumulative 20% damage bonus each time they attack the same target as last turn.

3TA: Elemental Flourish x3 (181.2)

Comments: Above average speed, and damage that starts at 2HKO before scaling up to massacre anyone who thought they could get away with heal-locking.  Not that it matters, as all of their offensive options are at-will and hit disgustingly hard.


HP:402+55 (457) (128.4%)
Max MP:50

ATK:259+172 (431)
DEF:145+105 (250)
RES:141+48 (189)
SPD:130+3 (133) (92.6%)
EVA:1%+2% (3%)

CRI:6%+2% (8%)


Equipment:Maul, Axe, Light Armor

- Flattener: ATK+132, HP+55
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment Notes: Dark Reign can be used instead of Flattener if Reaver needs to counter a mono-Dark opponent.  That's about all of note, though.

Attack: Range 1/v4.  140 Physical damage to one target.

Primal Cry: Range 1/v2, Area 3/v2 Lateral.  Inflicts 75 (ITF:84) Physical damage in the AoE and has a 50% chance of inflicting DEF Down.
Whirling Blow: Radial effect, Range 3/v2 Cross.  133 Physical damage to all targets in the AoE.
Spread Pain (10 MP): Range 1-2/v4.  Inflicts 7 Magical damage and transfers all the user's debuffs to the target at a 100% rate.
Primal Blow (6 MP): Range 1-4/v6.  Inflicts 112 (ITF:126)  Physical damage to the target.
Reckless Blow: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 210 Physical damage to the target, but at the cost of 53 backlash damage.
Desperate Blow (16 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts fixed damage equal to missing HP.
Primal Wave (8 MP): Range 1-3/v4, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Inflicts 100 (ITF:112) Physical damage within the AoE.

Critical:Rebirth: Grants Rebirth when HP is critical after taking damage, automatically coming back to life after falling in combat.
Into the Fray: Increased damage and healing inflicted for every adjacent enemy.  +0.125x/+0.32x/+0.55x/+0.85x for 1/2/3/4 respectively.
Bloodlust: Damage inflicted increases the lower the character's current HP is.  Scales up to +80% at 32% HP.
(thanks to Snowfire for the numbers on these abilities)

3TA: Reckless Blow x3 (178.92) (Prorated)  (210 Raw)

Comments: Everyone talks a big game until someone hits you in the face really hard with a hammer.  Not much else that needs to be said, Reckless Blow is a high 2HKO before Bloodlust, and those with higher defenses are still going to worry about the threat of Desperate Blow, which at low HP will hit OHKO level with fixed damage.


HP:331 (93%)
Max MP:51

ATK:216+110 (326)
DEF:203+103 (306)
MND:154+10 (164)
RES:172+46 (218)
SPD:136+10 (146) (101.6%)
EVA:1%+4% (5%)



Equipment: Guns, Light Armor

- Hell Muzzle (Range 7): ATK+74, MND+10
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Flash Cap: DEF+19, RES+25, SPD+10, EVA+4
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Attack: Range 7/v30, 82 Physical damage to one target.

Focus (6 MP): Gives Focus status to the user.  The next non-Item attack or healing action will use Focus up and double the magnitude of any damage or healing effects.
Slowing Bullet (6 MP): Range 7/v30.  Inflicts 65 Physical damage to the target and has a 50% chance of inflicting Slow.
Crippling Bullet (6 MP): Range 7/v30.  Inflicts 69 Physical damage to the target and has a 75% chance of inflicting Cripple
Silencing Bullet: Range 7/v30.  Inflicts 69 Physical damage to the target and has a 75% chance of inflicting Mute.
Enraging Bullet: Range 7/v30.  Inflicts 61 Physical damage to the target and has a 50% chance of inflicting Berserk.
Opportunistic Bullet: Range 7/v30.  Inflicts 65 Physical damage to the target.  Damage increases by ~41 per debuff on the target
Magic Bullet: Range 7/v30.  Inflicts 82 Magical damage vs. RES to one target.  This is treated as a basic attack.

Teleport Other: Teleports an adjacent attacker to a random safe location on the map.  Efficacy is random.
Concentration: Increases accuracy of non-Steal offensive actions by 20%
Height Advantage: +5% damage inflicted for each point of height over the target, up to a cap of +40%.  Use your own interpretations on this one, I'm not going to even start on this one given how often duels are white-room.

3TA: Attack/Magic Bullet x3 (82)

Comments: Gunner's focuses on range and positioning do not translate well to the DL.  Fortunately, they can run both Mute and Cripple off of good odds, denoting just what kind of fighter they are.  Their goal is simple: disable you, and then pick you off with impunity via Opportunistic Bullet.  That is, however, about all they're good at.

Unranked Games / Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark: Generic Characters Pt. I
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:12:07 AM »
Averages Up Top:


HP: 508+55 (563) (158.2%)
Max MP:69

ATK:219+164 (383)
DEF:202+117 (319)
RES:171+63 (234)
SPD:129+3 (132)
EVA:1+12% (91.9%)


PDUR:1.675 (ATK Down: 2.39)
MDUR:1.548 (MND Down: 2.03)

Equipment: Maul, Sword, Axe, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields

- Flattener: ATK+132, HP+55
- Teorite Shield: DEF+16, RES+16, EVA+10
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment options: Mercenary has some baseline elemental spoiling options.  Shields exist if they want to block Fire/Ice/Lightning/Earth, the Dendrite Sword is available to block Holy, and the Dark Reign can block Darkness.  The last two do come at a cost in both damage and durability, though.

Attack: Range 1/v4. 104 Physical damage.

Forceful Strike: Range 1/v2. 88 Physical damage to a target and pushes them one space.
Field Aid: Range 0-1/v2. Restores 34 HP to the target and cures them of Poison, Bleed, Mute, Cripple, and Sleep.
Power Strike: Range 1/v4.  88 Physical damage to the target and inflicts ATK Down.
Mind Strike: Range 1/v4.  88 Physical damage to the target and inflicts MND Down.
Precise Strike: Range 1/v4.  99 Physical damage to the target.  Ignores target evasion.
Flash Strike: Range 1/v4.  93 Physical damage to the target.  Ignores all reaction abilities.
Stunning Strike:  Range 1/v4.  83 Physical damage to the target and delays target by 60% of its current progress to their next turn.

Counterattack: Counters any adjacent attacker with a Regular Attack for 83 Physical damage.
Health Expert: Base maximum HP+25% (Factored in)
Sturdy Grip: Can equip a shield alongside a melee two-handed weapon, and allows Shield use regardless of class.

3TA: Mercenary: Attack x3 (104)

Comments: Mercenary is probably the most baseline you're getting here.  Which is hilarious because their over 1.5 PCHP puts them as anything but baseline on the durability front; something they only reinforce with Mind Strike and Power Strike.  They have low speed, but Counterattack lets them get way more damage in than you would suspect.  They don't have any fancy tricks, they just drag you down below their level and start outslugging you.  Flash Strike and Precise Strike let them deal with pesky counters and evasion in turn.


HP: 336 (94.4%)
Max MP: 94

ATK:203+140 (343)
DEF:161+105 (266)
RES:182+48 (230)
SPD:152+3 (155) (107.9%)
EVA:18%+2% (20%)

CRT:28%+7% (35%)


Equipment: Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Light Armor

- Yoichi Bow (Range 5): ATK+100, CRI+5%
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment Options: Ranger can swap out the Yoichi Bow for a Dark Reign.  This forces melee combat (disabling Countershot) and lowers defense, but gives +10 ATK and lets them spoil Darkness.  The Quarreler exists to spoil healers, and the Thunder Crossbow allows them to hit Lightning element if needed, albeit both at damage penalties.

Attack: Range 5/v20. 87 Physical damage with a 35% chance of inflicting 130 Physical damage (averages out to 102 Physical).  With Crit Up, the damage average changes to 112.
Rooting Shot: Range 5/v20. 74 Physical damage to a target with a 75% chance of inflicting Root for two turns.
Balm (6 MP): Range 0-1/v4.  Cures the target of Poison, Bleed, Blind, Root, Mute, Cripple, Sleep, and Weaken.
Scout (6 MP): Reveals all traps within 6 tiles of the user and grants Critical Up for 3 turns.
Collect Pelt: Range 5/v20.  69 Physical damage to the target.  If this results in a killing blow on a Monster target, Rebirth is ignored, the target cannot be revived, and the user gains a rare Component.
Rain of Arrows: Range 1/v7, Area 4/v10 Line. Inflicts 78 Physical damage to all in the AoE.
Multishot: Range 5/v7, Area 3/v2 Cross. Inflicts 74 Physical damage to all in the AoE.
Sniper Shot (36 MP): Range 5/v20.  Inflicts 331 Physical damage to the target and inflicts Root on the user for two turns.

Countershot: Counters any non-adjacent attacker within weapon range for 70 Physical damage.
Know Weakness: +25% Critical Rate (Factored in)
Evasion Up: +13% Evade (Factored in)

3TA: Attack x3 (102)

Comments: The passive crit boosting is enough to get them to 3HKO damage, and just that.  Rooting Shot can give them melee immunity for a bit, though, and frankly if they live long enough to get Sniper Shot off, you deserve the OHKO you're facing down.  Pity they can't use shields with their axes, on that note.


HP:335 (94.2%)
Max MP:115

ATK:239+120 (359)
DEF:173+105 (278)
RES:170+57 (227)
SPD:163+10 (173) (120.4%)
EVA:6%+2%+2% (10%)

CRT:5%+2%+2% (9%)

PDUR: 0.936
MDUR: 0.913

Equipment: Dagger, Crossbow, Light Armor

- Worm Tooth: ATK+80, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 75% chance to inflict Poison on hit.
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Options: Quarreler exists for berserk, and the Aerolus is there to get around Melee FE Counters, whereas the Kunai and Tongueslicer exist to inflict (turn 2) Cripple and Mute.

Attack: Range 1/v2.  94 Physical damage, 75% Poison chance.

Steal GP: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 70 Physical damage and steals money from the target at an 85% rate..
Dirty Hit: Range 1/v2.  75 Physical damage with a 62% chance to inflict Blind and a 75% chance to inflict Poison on hit.
Steal Item: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 70 Physical damage and steals a consumable from the target at a 70% rate.
Fleet of Foot: Self.  Grants Fleet of Foot (Move +1) and removes Root.
Steal Buffs: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 70 Physical damage and steals all buffs from the target at a 75% rate.
Arterial Cut: Range 1/v2.  80 Physical damage with a 62% chance to inflict Bleed and a 75% chance to inflict Poison on hit.
Steal Component: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 70 Physical damage and steals a component from the target at a 50% rate.
Sneak Attack (6 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 45 damage from the front, 113 damage from the side, or 158 damage from the back.

Counter:Steal: Counters an offensive action from an adjacent unit by stealing a component from them.  In a duel.
Attack Expert: Boosts the character's ATK by 24+Level (64)
Exploit Weakness: +50% Critical Hit damage.

3TA: Sneak Attack x3 (113)

Comments: Scoundrels are saved by Attack Expertise and Sneak Attack.  The rest of their damage is crap, and they'll be relying on Worm Tooth and Arterial Cut for damage otherwise.  And even Sneak Attack only amounts to a 3HKO unless you let them interp their way into a back attack for a comfy 2HKO.

...they won't get enough of those to really get out of 3HKO land anyway.


HP: 353 (99.2%)
Max MP: 134

ATK:185+142 (327)
DEF:193+99 (292)
RES:198+61 (259)
SPD:147+3 (150) (104.4%)

CRI:2%+2% (4%)


Dark Resist: 0+150%

Equipment: Dagger, Axe, Crossbow, Light Armor, Shield

- Dark Reign: ATK+110, DEF-18, Dark Resist +150%
- Teorite Shield: DEF+16, RES+16, EVA+10
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment Options: Shield options exist for elemental spoiling, and there is a variety of knives for status options.  The Aerolus sacrifices the shield, but gives back more defense than any shield could give, and is an option for avoiding melee counters.

Attack: Range 1/v4, strikes an enemy for 80 Physical damage.

(A note on traps: traps have two effects in short.  The infliction effect I have seen dodged, but the automatic turn-ending effect is guaranteed.  Effective hitrate is something that warrants more discussion and one's own interpretations, as the mental math for that is something I do not wish to undertake in this thread.)
Lacerating Trap (6 MP): Creates a trap that inflicts Bleed and ends the turn of anyone who steps on it.
Immobilizing Trap (8 MP): Creates a trap that inflicts Root and ends the turn of anyone who steps on it.
Painful Trap (10 MP): Creates a trap that halves the HP and ends the turn of anyone who steps on it.
Alluring Trap (12 MP): Creates a trap that inflicts Charm and ends the turn of anyone who steps on it.
Critical Expertise (6 MP): Range 0-2/v2.  Grants Critical Up to the target.
Sales Pitch (12 MP): Radial, area 3/v2.  Grants Haste to all in the AoE.
Patented Usage (14 MP): Range 0-3/v6, Area 3/v2.  Select an item, its use is applied over the given area.  This cannot be used with Phoenix Ashes or Mana Stones.  Items usable wtih this are as follows.
- Potion (3x): Heals 200 HP
- Heavy Potion (1x): Heals 600 HP
- Full Potion (1x): Heals 1998 HP
- Corrosive Bomb (3x): Inflicts DEF Down on the target(3 turns)
- Noxious Bomb (3x): Inflicts RES Down on the target(3 turns)
- Rock (2x): Inflicts 100 fixed damage, ignores evasion.
- Remedy (3x): Cures all status effects.

Critical:Quicken: Grants the character an immediate turn when in Critical HP, plus Exhaustion for two turns.
Item Potency: Doubles the numerical effect of all items.  Already factored into the list on Patented Usage.
Quick Fingers: Situational commands are a free action.  Useless in a duel.

3TA: Attack->Patented Usage:Rock x2 (93.3)

Comments: Peddlers are...weird.  Traps are typically invisible to the enemy, but your interp of how they'd work would have to dependon how you let them play.  Traps aside, they have a few shots of really good healing, debuff, and ITE fixed damage.  It's not turn one, but it is something more than their 4HKO physical can give.


HP:333+35 (368) (103.4%)
Max MP:180

ATK:159+114 (273)
DEF:172+97 (269)
MND:217+34 (251)
RES:197+76 (273)
SPD:135+3 (138) (96.1%)



Equipment: Staff, Robe, Light Armor

- Gatekeeper: ATK+78, MND+34, RES+18, EVA+1, Spell Range+1.
- Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
- Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equipment Options: Robes, elemental spoiling, you've heard it here a few times already.  Also the Miter exists to block Silence if needed.

Attack: Range 1/v3, 57 Physical damage to one target.

Panacea II (8 MP): Range 0-5/v18. Cures all statuses from the target.
Heal I (6 MP): Range 0-5/v18.  Heals 87 HP.
Mass Heal I (12 MP): Range 0-4/v16, area 3/v2.  Heals 87 HP in an area.
Revive I (14 MP): Range 1-4/v4.  Revives a fallen ally on the target tile at 25% mHP.
Heal II (12 MP): Range 0-6/v18.  Heals 152 HP.
Revive II (22 MP): Range 1-4/v5.  Revives a fallen ally on the target tile at full HP.
Rebirth (24 MP): Range 0-5/v5.  Gives Rebirth to the target (lasts until triggered).

Counter:Renew: Grants Renew after being subject to any damaging offensive action.  (will regenerate 41 HP a turn)
Blessed One: Receive half the healing given to others.  Useless in a duel.
Mana Font: When moving, recovers 1 MP for each step taken.

3TA: Attack x3 (57)

Comments: Oh hey it's a healer who can only kill with 6HKO staffwhacks.  ...okay honestly 6HKO isn't even the worst but you know where this slapfighter's going.


HP:370+35 (405) (113.8%)
Max MP:138

ATK:185+72 (257)
DEF:197+96 (293)
MND:208+98 (306)
RES:196+79 (275)
SPD:128 (89.1%)



Equipment: Mace, Rod, Staff, Robe, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield

- Glacier Rod: ATK+72, MND+54, Water Elemental, +100% Water Resist
- Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
- Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12
- Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
- Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Equip Options: Oh boy, where do we start.  Owing to the fact that they can equip Rods, Robes, and Shields, Plague Doctors have almost unrivaled elemental spoiling ability, being able to block any combination of three of Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, and Dark.  They can also swap out the Loraca Mentis for a Scholar Robe and Black Cowl for a Black Hat in order to juice up their magic defense, and swap out to a physical setup (Heavy Rod, Lorica Musculata, Ninja Hood, Gauntlet, Gauntlet) should they desire to win through staffwhacks instead of spells, albeit at the cost of healing potency.  Lastly, the Miter exists in the case Silence needs blocking.

Attack: Range 1/v2.  51 Water damage to a single target.

Recovery (6 MP): Range 0-2/v10/Area 3/v2 Cross. Restores 51 HP and heals Poison, Bleed, Blind, Mute, Cripple, Sleep, and Weaken from all in the area of effect.
Poison (4 MP): Range 0-4/v10.  Inflicts 61 Magical damage and has a 75% chance to Poison the enemy.
Mass Slow (8 MP): Range 0-2/v10, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Has a 75% chance to inflict Slow in the AoE.
Mass Thorns (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Grants Thorns to all in the AoE.
Mass Weaken (8 MP): Range 0-2/v10, Area 3/v2 Cross.  Inflicts Weaken in the AoE.
Poison Burst (10 MP): Radial ability, Area 3/v4 Square.  Inflicts 61 Magical damage to all in the AoE and has a 62% chance to inflict Poison.
Heal Burst (14 MP): Radial ability, Area 5/v4 cross.  Restores 112 HP to all in the AoE.

Counter:Barrier: Gains Barrier after being targeted by any offensive action.  While Barrier is up, the next offensive status placed on them will be negated.
Fortitude: Immune to Injuries, Poison, Bleed, and Weaken
Permanence: +1 turn duration for applied buffs and debuffs

3TA: Poison x3 (61)

Comments: Elemental spoiling via equipment is the best thing Plague Doctors have, sadly.  Their healing is sad, their damage is sad, and they mostly just have Slow and Poison to work off of.  They're bulky for a mage, but if they don't land poison, they're punching at a 5HKO level no matter what they do.


HP:290+35 (325) (91.3%)
Max MP:201

ATK:148+52 (200)
DEF:151+88 (239)
MND:239+70 (309)
RES:242+67 (309)
SPD:123+3 (126) (87.7%)



Equipment: Rod, Robe, Light Armor

-Earth Rod: ATK+52, MND+34, Earth Elemental, +25% Earth Damage
-Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12
-Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
-Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
-Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
-Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES

Equip Options: Wizards can use rods and robes for elemental spoiling.  Rods of choice can also be used for boosting a different element if needed; they're not locked to the Earth Rod, it's just the least commonly resisted element of the four in the DL.  The Miter also exists as a Silence blocker.

Attack: Range 1/v2. 33 Earth damage.

Fire I/Water I/Earth I/Thunder I (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3/v2.  70 (boosted: 87) Fire/Water/Earth/Thunder damage vs. RES to all enemies in the AoE.
Fire II/Water II/Earth II/Thunder II (14 MP): Range 0-3/v14, Area 3/v4.  105 (boosted: 131) Fire/Water/Earth/Thunder damage vs. RES to all enemies in the AoE.
Fire Locus/Water Locus/Earth Locus/Thunder Locus (18 MP): Range 0-4/v18.  139 (boosted: 174) Fire/Water/Earth/Thunder damage vs. RES.

Counter:Magic: Counters any offensive spell with a non-elemental return, off of the caster's stats.  No cost.
Smart Casting: Offensive abilities will not target allies, support abilities will not target enemies
Boon: Upon killing an enemy, the next action will guarantee a critical hit.  This can apply to abilities that normally do not critical.

3TA: Boosted Element I x2->Boosted Element II (101.6)

Comments: Wizard is, on its face, a fundamental spellcaster class, and definitely the first offensive mage class you get in the game.  Unfortunately, it's a class that gets phased out both in the game and here, as it's slow, frail, and only comes out to averageish damage.  Counter Magic lets them slug against other casters a bit better but the general rule here is that this is a game where you want to stack mods on top of high skill bases, and Wizards can't do enough of this to get out of mediocrity.

Unranked Games / Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark: Story Character Averages
« on: January 03, 2024, 04:05:04 AM »
Anadine: 525
Kyrie: 518
Reiner: 434
Kairu: 373
Yates: 332
Katja: 315

Anadine: 310 (-6.5 damage)
Katja: 287 (-2.1 damage)
Reiner: 279 (-0.4 damage)
[Average: 277]
Kyrie: 277 (+/-0 damage)
Kairu: 272 (+1 damage)
Yates: 238 (+8.6 damage)

Yates: 338 (-16.1 damage)
Kyrie: 252 (-1.8 damage)
[Average: 242]
Kairu: 241 (+0.03 damage)
Reiner: 239 (+0.3 damage)
Katja: 208 (+5.6 damage)
Anadine: 178 (+11 damage)

Katja: 174 (116.3%)
Reiner: 160 (106.9%)
Kairu: 154 (102.9%)
[Average: 149.6]
Kyrie: 144 (96.2%)
Yates: 142 (94.9%)
Anadine: 124 (82.9%)

Damage (Single-action):
Katja: 226
Reiner: 216
Kyrie: 189.72
[Average: 182.578] (2.5HKO killpoint: 456.445)
Yates 167
Anadine: 153.75
Kairu: 143

Damage (3TA):
Katja: 226
Yates: 222.6
Reiner: 216
Anadine: 214.16
[AVERAGE: 204.46] (2.5HKO killpoint: 511.15)
Kyrie: 189.72
Kairu: 158.3

Unranked Games / Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark: Story Characters
« on: January 03, 2024, 04:04:15 AM »
Averages up top:
HP: 416
DEF: 277
RES: 242
SPD: 149.6
Damage (single action): 182.6 (Killpoint: 456.4)
Damage (3TA): 204.5 (Killpoint: 511)


(Leveling Note: Starting 10 levels in Mercenary, 30 in Marked.)

HP:483+35 (518) (124.5%)
Max MP:161

ATK:246+140 (386)
DEF:175+102 (277)
MND:227+30 (257)
RES:179+73 (252)
SPD:141+3 (144)


Holy Resist: 155% (55% Absorb)
Dark Resist: 5%

Equipment: Maul, Sword, Spear, Rod, Robe, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield

-Excalibur: ATK+112, MND+14, Holy Elemental, +150% Holy Resist, Auto-Renew. (Auto-Renew will give her a regen value of 65 HP a turn)
-Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
-Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
-Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Options: Kyrie may opt for the Flattener if she needs to hit physical damage, or the Dendrite Sword if she wants to do so while still blocking Holy.  Ebony Rod is an option if she needs to block Darkness at a not insignificant damage hit.  Shields and Robes also exist for elemental spoiling as needed.

Attack:Range 1/v3.  158 Holy damage (assuming Penumbral Mastery to neutral)

ANCIENT POWER (Damage factors in Penumbral Mastery against a target with no Holy/Dark resist.)
Dark Bolt (8 MP): Range 1-3/v13, Ignores Facing.  inflicts 138 Dark damage vs. DEF.
Wrathful Blow (4 MP): Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 253 Dark damage vs. DEF.  Kyrie takes 25% cHP as backlash damage. [Prorated value: 189.72]
Wrathful Beam (12 MP): Range 1/v2, Line 4v2.  Ignores Facing  Inflicts 138 Dark damage vs. RES to all targets in the target line.
Holy Bolt (8 MP): Range 1-3/v13, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 130 Holy damage vs. DEF.
Drain Health (14 MP): Range 1/v4, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 57 Magical damage vs. RES and absorbs the damage inflicted as HP.
Drain Soul (2 MP): Range 1/v4, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 23 Magical damage to target MP vs. RES and absorbs the damage inflicted as MP.
Wrathful Burst (16 MP): Range 0, area 5/v4 burst, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 166 Dark damage vs. DEF to all targets in the burst area.  Kyrie takes 25% cHP as backlash damage. [Prorated value: 124.5]
Holy Beam (12 MP): Range 1/v2, Line 4v2.  Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 130 Holy damage vs. RES to all targets in the target line.
Holy Burst (16 MP): Range 0, area 5/v4 burst, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 159 Holy damage vs. DEF to all targets in the burst area.

Forceful Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 90 Physical damage vs. DEF and pushes the target back 1 space.
Field Aid: Range 0-1/v2. Heals 53 HP and cures Poison, Bleed, Mute, Cripple, and Sleep.
Power Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 84 Physical damage vs. DEF and inflicts ATK Down on the target.
Mind Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 84 Physical damage vs. DEF and inflicts MND Down on the target.
Precise Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 100 Physical damage vs. DEF, ITE.
Flash Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 95 Physical damage vs. DEF, bypasses all Reaction abilities.
Stunning Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 79 Physical damage vs. DEF and delays target by 60% of its current progress to their next turn.

Three-turn average: Wrathful Blow x3 for 189.72

Counter: Slow: Counters any offensive action by inflicting Slow on the attacker at 100% rate.
Counterattack: Counter any adjacent attacker with a Regular Attack

Execute: Damage from offensive Abilities is increased by 0.45x when target's HP is below 50%
Avenger: Gain 0.2x bonus damage and 0.125x damage reduction per fallen ally.  Useless in a duel.
Penumbral Mastery: If the target's resistance is less than immunity, treats resistance as lowered for Holy or Dark damage.  (If target's resistance is between 0 and 99, reduces it by 50.  If it is less than 0, reduces it by 25.  This can reduce elemental resistance below 0, but cannot take it below -150).
Health Expert: Base maximum HP+25%
Sturdy Grip: Can equip a shield alongside a melee two-handed weapon, and allows Shield use regardless of class.

Commentary: Kyrie is practically carried by Penumbral Mastery being as good as it is, and by her plot sword giving her auto-regen.  Hitting neutral with Penumbral Mastery means you're actually hitting for +50%, and you don't often see someone who can block Holy and Dark.  Unfortunately, even with that, her damage is subpar.  She has a workable stall game, though; Slow counters plus Delay Strike can bog the opponent down by a significant degree, and compounding this with Power Strike, Mind Strike, and Excalibur's innate regen allow for her to snowball better than she'd appear to at first glance.  And by the time she does get the opponent down to half, Execute kicks in if there's a limit below that to chip around.

Demon Knight/Mercenary

(Leveling Note: Starting 10 levels in Mercenary, 30 in Demon Knight)

HP:420 (525) (126.2%)
Max MP:55

ATK:282+158 (440) (with ATK Up: 528)
DEF:180+130 (310)
MND:163 (with MND Up: 197)
RES:142+36 (178)


Dark Resist: 10%

Equipment: Scythe, Axe, Heavy Armor

-Day's Harvest: ATK+134, +25% Crit Damage, 62% chance of Bleed on hit
-Royal Armor: DEF+84, RES+15
-Royal Helm: DEF+34, RES+18
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Notes: she can trade off Equlibrium for Sturdy Grip, allowing her to use a shield without swapping her current gear.  This lets her get the anti-element shields.

Attack: Range 1/v4.  128(143 R, 166 DM, 180 Bt) Physical damage.  62% chance of Bleed on hit.
Focused Rage: Range 1/v4.  Scales linearly from 128 to 305(143-340 R, 166-394 DM, 180-428 Bt) damage from 0 to 55 MP. (adds a 2.5% damage bonus per MP spent)
(max mod of 2.375x)

Enraged Blow: Range 1/v4.  205(229 R, 265 DM, 289 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF to target.  Anadine takes 25% cHP backlash damage. [Prorated values: 153.75 base, 171.75 R, 198.75 DM, 216.75 Bt]
Vicious Push: Range 1/v4.  109(122 R, 141 DM, 153 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF to target and pushes them away one tile.
Rend: Range 1/v4.  122(136 R, 157 DM, 171 Bt) Physical damage to target vs. DEF and inflicts DEF Down.
Vicious Slash: Range 1/v4, hits a 3v2 line laterally.  128(143 R, 166 DM, 180 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF to all targets in area.  Damages Anadine by 1/6 cHP. [Prorated value: 96 base, 107.25 R, 124.5 DM, 135 Bt]
Demonic Might: Self-targeting.  Gives ATK Up, MND Up, and Renew to Anadine.  Damages Anadine by 20% cHP.
Wrathful Burst (16 MP): Range 0, area 5/v4 burst, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 102(115 R, 130 DM, 144 Bt) Dark damage vs. DEF to all targets in the burst area.  Anadine takes 25% cHP as backlash damage.
Corrupted Blade (24 MP): Range 1/v4.  385(429 R, 497 DM, 541 Bt) Dark damage vs. DEF to target.  Anadine takes 25% cHP as backlash damage. [Prorated values: 288.75 base, 321.75 R, 372.75 DM, 405.75 Bt]

Forceful Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 109(122 R, 141 DM, 153 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF and pushes the target back 1 space.
Field Aid: Range 0-1/v2. Heals 37(43) HP and cures Poison, Bleed, Mute, Cripple, and Sleep.
Power Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 103(114 R, 133 DM, 144 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF and inflicts ATK Down on the target.
Mind Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 103(114 R, 133 DM, 144 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF and inflicts MND Down on the target.
Precise Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 122(136 R, 157 DM, 171 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF, ITE.
Flash Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 116(129 R, 149 DM, 162 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF, bypasses all Reaction abilities.
Stunning Strike: Range 1/v2.  Inflicts 96(107 R, 124 DM, 135 Bt) Physical damage vs. DEF and delays target by 60% of its current progress to their next turn.

Three-Turn Average:
Rend->Enraged Blow->Corrupted Blade: 214.16

Counter: Mute: Counters any offensive action by inflicting Mute on the attacker at 100% rate.
Counterattack: Counter any adjacent attacker with a Regular Attack

Focused Rage: Allows Anadine to consume all MP to use a boosted basic physical (+0.025x per MP)
Cleave: Anadine gets another turn after killing an enemy.  Once per natural turn, does not gain MP.  Does not trigger if the target has Rebirth.
Health Expert: Base maximum HP+25%
Equilibrium: Restores 12% of Anadine's Max HP (63) when most buffs or debuffs ends on her.  This is calculated per buff or debuff.
Sturdy Grip: Can equip a shield alongside a melee two-handed weapon, and allows Shield use regardless of class.

Commentary: Anadine is a study in extremes, and given time to set up can do horrific damage; Corrupted Blade under the full set of mods she can give it is OHKO-level.  Unfortunately, she suffers a lot from having the worst stat in something you can have a bad stat in in the DL; speed.  Her speed is flat-out terrible, and there's no way to remedy it, especially with Fell Seal continuing the time-honored trend of making heavy armor absolute crap.  Mute counters (or just plain counterattacks if she's up against a physical fighter) are still very good, mind, and the former can spoil mages trying to play anything on her.  But she's just too damn slow.

(Leveling Note: Reiner gets 15 levels in Scoundrel, and 25 in Spymaster.  Spymaster is technically an optional class, but it is unique to him and more favorable than further Scoundrel levels)

HP:344+90 (434) (104.3%)
Max MP:125

ATK:272+168 (440)
DEF:182+97 (279)
RES:181+58 (239)
SPD:157+3 (160)

MOV:4(S, Teleport)

Fire Resist: 5%
Water Resist: 5%
Earth Resist: 5%
Thunder Resist: 5%

Equip: Any (by class: Sword, Dagger, Staff, Crossbow, Shield, Light Armor)

-Flattener: ATK+132, HP+55
-Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
-Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Options: ...where even to start?  Reiner can basically gear up for encounters in just about any way necessary outside of dual-wielding.

Note: due to Reiner's ability to teleport, I allow him access to back attacks as opposed to side attacks, which gives him a 1.5 multiplier on many of his facing-relevant abilities, as opposed to a 1.25

Attack: Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 154 Physical damage to the target.

Pandora's Box:Range 1-4/v10.  Literally can use any attack.
Exemplar (14 MP): Self-target, area 3v2 cross.  Copies all non-permanent buffs to all targets in the area.
Mirror Trick (8 MP): Use the last non-boss ability that was used in the fight, using Reiner's stats.
Spry Step (8 MP): Self-target.  Gain Haste and Fleet of Foot.
Doppleganger (10 MP): Copies the primary moveset of any non-boss combatant.  If used on another character, will replace the old set.

Steal GP: Range 1/v3. Inflicts 116 Physical damage vs. DEF to the target and attempts to steal GP from them at a 85% rate.
Dirty Hit: Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 123 Physical damage vs. DEF to the target and has a 62% chance to inflict Blind.  Counts as a Regular Attack.
Steal Item: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 116 Physical damage vs. DEF to the target and attempts to steal a consumable from them at a 70% rate.
Fleet of Foot: Self-only.  Removes Root and grants Fleet of Foot.
Steal Buffs: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 116 Physical damage vs. DEF to the target and attempts to steal all the buffs from a given target, at a 75% rate.
Arterial Cut: Range 1/v4.  Inflicts 131 Physical damage vs. DEF to the target and has a 62% chance to inflict Bleed.  Counts as a Regular Attack.
Steal Component: Range 1/v3.  Attempts to steal a Component from the target at a 50% rate.
Sneak Attack (6 MP): Range 1/v4.  Attacks the enemy with increased damage for facing.  Frontal attacks will hit for 62 damage, side attacks will hit for 154, and back attacks will hit for 216, all vs. DEF.

3-turn average: Sneak Attack(Rear) x3 for 216.

Counter: Weaken: Counters any offensive action by inflicting Weaken on the attacker
Counter:Steal: Counters an offensive action from an adjacent unit by stealing a component from them

Shadowstep: Changes movement type to Teleportation.  On that assumption, it is fair to estimate that Reiner will be able to get Back Attacks instead of Side Attacks like most will.
Equip All: Reiner can use any equipment.
Attack Expert: Boosts the character's ATK by 24+Level (64)
Opportunist: +20% damage per debuff on targets.
Exploit Weakness: +50% Critical Hit damage.

Commentary: Reiner is hard to actually place his actual effectiveness, as he has the ability to steal any non-boss' moveset for himself.  Half the time he won't need to.  Shadowstep's teleportation gives him a reasonable argument for getting back attacks instead of side attacks (turns out taking two spaces rather than four to get to somebody's back is good), which gives him absolutely cracked uses of Sneak Attack.  With a maul.  Having access to any equipment he wants lets him run some horrid spoiling games if so desired.  Oh and he can haste himself.

(Leveling note: 10 levels of Mender, 30 of Anatomist.  He gets to start in Anatomist, to favorable stats)

HP:297+35 (332) {297} (79.8% {71.4%})
Max MP:203

ATK:179+64 (243)
DEF:174+64 (238) {+60 (234)}
MND:256+86 (342) {+102 (358)}
RES:210+128 (338) {+121 (331)}
SPD:139+3 (142){139}


Dark Resist: 5%

Equipment: Rod, Staff, Robe

-Ebony Rod: ATK+64, MND+46, Dark Elemental, +100% Dark Resist, +25% Dark damage
-Scholar Robe: DEF+48, MND+16, RES+79
-Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3   {Black Hat: DEF+9, RES+30, MND+16}
-Wizard Glove: DEF+1, MND+8, RES+4
-Wizard Glove: DEF+1, MND+8, RES+4
-Wizard Glove: DEF+1, MND+8, RES+4

Attack: Range 1/v2, 84 Dark damage (factoring in Penumbral Mastery)

ANATOMY (All factor in Legendary Healer and Penumbral Mastery and assume 0% resist at base in the latter.)
Reanimate (18 MP): Resurrects a dead enemy as a Cadaver under AI control equal to the dead enemy's level.  This prevents resurrection.  Useless in a duel, but has some sadistic uses in team matches.
Heal I (6 MP): Range 0-4/v18. 163 {169} Healing.
Dark 1 (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, Area 3v2 cross.  111 {119} Dark damage (167 {178} with Penumbral versus neutral)
Panacea II (8 MP): Removes all debuffs from the target.
Dark II (14 MP): Range 0-3/v14, Area 3v4 cross.  167 {178} Dark damage. (250 {267} with Penumbral versus neutral)
Heal II (12 MP): Range 0-5/v18. 285 {296} Healing.
Dark Locus (18 MP): Range 0-4/v18.  223 {237} Dark damage. (334 {356} with Penumbral versus neutral)

HOLY MAGIC (All factor in Legendary Healer)
Panacea II (8 MP): Removes all debuffs from the target.
Heal I (6 MP): Range 0-4/v18. 163 {169} Healing.
Mass Heal I (12 MP): Range 0-3/v16, Area 3v2 cross.  163 {169} Healing.
Revive I (14 MP): Range 1-3/v4.  Revives a fallen ally on the selected tile with 25% mHP.
Heal II (12 MP): Range 0-5/v18.  285 {296} Healing.
Revive II (22 MP): Range 1-3/v5.  Revives a fallen ally on the selected tile with full HP.
Rebirth (24 MP): Range 0-4/v5.  Gives the target Rebirth.

Three-Turn Average: Dark I->Dark Locus->Dark I for 222.6 {237.3}.

Counter: Cripple: Counters any offensive action by inflicting Cripple on the attacker
Counter:Renew: Grants Renew after being subject to any damaging offensive action.

Legendary Healer: Healing is boosted by 0.45x
Pain Points: Damage from all attacks is increased by 0.45x against targets below 50% HP.
Penumbral Mastery: If the target's resistance is less than immunity, treats resistance as lowered for Holy or Dark damage.  (If target's resistance is between 0 and 99, reduces it by 50.  If it is less than 0, reduces it by 25.  This can reduce elemental resistance below 0, but cannot take it below -150).
Mana Font: When moving, recovers 1 MP for each step taken.
Blessed One: Receive half the healing given to others.  Useless in a duel.

Commentary: Yates' efficacy can be boiled down entirely to the fact that he stacks a 1.875x modifier on anything he does against Dark-neutral targets.  Also the fact that his healing is comparably cracked out courtesy of Legendary Healer.  He is, however, slow and frail, a frequent unfortunate condition that mages suffer from.  Counter Cripple can shut down more technically-inclined fighters at least, and he has Counter:Renew for anyone who won't be meaningfully affected by the former, albeit to...minor effect.

Bounty Hunter/Assassin
(Leveling Note: Katja gets 5 levels of Assassin, owing to having a very high amount of starting AP in it.)

HP:315 (75.7%)
Max MP:85

ATK:226+134 (360)
DEF:172+115 (287)
RES:161+47 (208)
SPD:171+3 (174)


Equip: Dagger, Spear, Gun, Shield, Light Armor

-Heavy Lance: ATK+102, DEF+7, CRI+3%
-Heavy Lance: ATK+102, DEF+7, CRI+3%
-Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
-Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip Notes: Katja can sacrifice dual-wielding to instead use a shield for elemental spoiling purposes.  She may also swap to daggers for status options or speed twinking.  (If she really needs it, she can swap to the Flash Cap and two Flash Knives for an extra +47 SPD among other things.)  If more range than 2 is needed, she can swap to guns, albeit at a significant damage penalty.

Attack: Range 1-2/v#. Two attacks for 94 Physical damage each, total 188.  40% chance per attack to crit for 142, overall average of 2x113, or 226.

Net: Range 1-4/v6.  Inflicts Root on the target.
Boomerang Bounce: Range 1-4/v4. Inflicts 66 (avg. 79) Physical damage and knocks the target back one tile.
Shakedown (10 MP): Range 1/v3. Inflicts 80 (avg. 96) Physical damage and steals a component from the target.
Collect Trophy: Range 1-2/v#.  Inflicts 71 (avg 85) Physical damage to a target.  If this would kill, the target gives a rare Component, cannot be raised, and Rebirth is bypassed.  Does not work on bosses.
Pick Off (12 MP): Range 1-2/v#.  Inflicts 151 (avg. 181) Physical damage to a target.  Greatly reduced for each adjacent ally the target has (94 for 1, 38 for 2, 0 for 3+)
Garrote (8 MP): Range 1-3/v7.  Inflicts 71 (avg 85) Physical damage to a target and has a 75% chance of inflicting Mute
Shadowstrike (16 MP): Range 1-2/v#.  Inflicts 94 Physical damage, 40% chance to crit for 142, overall average of 113.  Gives Mirage to Katja.

Blind Powder (6 MP): Range 1-4/v5.  Inflicts 57 (avg. 68) Physical damage vs. DEF to the target, 75% chance of inflicting Blind.
Dispel Powder (6 MP): Range 1-3/v5.  Inflicts 57 (avg 68) Physical damage vs. DEF to the target and dispels all existing buffs.
Sabotage (4 MP): Range 1-4/v14.  Swaps position with target.  Ignores evasion and reactions.  Hilarious but duel-useless.
Sleep Powder (8 MP): Range 1-3/v4, Area: 3v1 horizontal line.  Inflicts 47 (avg 56) Physical damage vs. DEF to the targets, 50% chance of inflicting Sleep.
Collect Bounty:
Mirage (4 MP): Range Self.  Gives Mirage to Katja.
Assassinate (24 MP): Range 1-3/v8, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 211 (average 253) Physical damage vs. DEF and has a 50% chance of inflicting Poison, Bleed, and Blind, checked separately.

Three-turn average: Attack x3 for 226

Counter: Bleed: Counters any offensive action by inflicting Bleed on the attacker
Critical:Mirage: When in Critical HP after taking damage, gain Mirage.

Know Weakness II: +25% Critical Rate
Impetus: Gain +5% Speed per turn, to a maximum of +30%.
Dual Wield: Can equip two weapons or two shields.  When using skills, only the first weapon is considered.
Vicious Criticals: Criticals inflict Poison and Bleed.  Skills and Spells can inflict critical hits.
Cautious Step: Immune to Traps, Root, and Slow

Comments: Did you like Alert spam from SRW?  Did you want a character of it who has that alongside above-average speed at worst?  No?  Too bad, you get it anyway.  Fastest among the plot characters even before Impetus kicks in, Katja quickly dictates the tempo of the fight with Mirage, and she is all too happy to wait for a double to attack if that's necessary.  Shadowstrike letting her set up more Mirage while doing damage only makes things worse for the other guy, and Net and Garrote let her hard counter melee and casters as desired anyway.

Also Dual-Wield putting in as much work as you'd expect in a FFT-like, and she has a 64% chance to crit at least once per round.  Which means a 64% chance to stick the other guy with 32.5% mHP damage over time.

The Exiled
(Leveling note: He joins too late to do anything but straight-class Exiled, and only gets enough AP to reasonably max that out by the end of the game.  He'll probably have starting AP for some skill picks from the first half of Mender and Fellblade but I will leave that up to your own judgment as to whether or not he'll get either)

HP:338+35 (373) (89.7%)
Max MP:259

ATK:238+47+112 (397)
DEF:172+102 (272)
MND:236+47+60 (343)
RES:168+73 (241)
SPD:151+3 (154)
EVA:1+10 (11)


Equip: Sword, Shield, Robe, Light Armor, Heavy Armor

-Enhancer: ATK+84, MND+44
-Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16
-Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3
-Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
-Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES

Equip notes: Kairu's locked to swords.  However, he does have access to Robes and Shields for elemental spoiling, and he can use a Dendrite Sword to block Holy if needed.

Attack: Range 1/v3.  Inflicts 110 (143) physical damage.  Has a 75% chance to inflict Slow to the target.

Leap (8 MP): Range 1-3/v6, area 3/v2.  Leaps to the selected space and attacks all viable adjacent targets to the landing point for 91 (front:73) Physical damage.  Inflicts 8.3 (6.6) per extra space moved in the leap, as per Stampede.  Facing is determined from the original position of the attack, not the position of landing.
Water I (8 MP): Range 0-3/v10, area 3/v2.  Inflicts 81 (105) Water damage to all targets in the area.
Dash Strike: v2, travels in a line to the first target.  At point blank, inflicts 93 (front: 75) physical damage to the target.  Adds 9.3 for each space moved (front: 7.5) as per Stampede, up to a maximum of 148 (front: 120) for a total of six spaces having been moved.
Wrathful Beam (12 MP): Range 1/v2, area 4/v2 line, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 110 (143) Dark damage within the area of effect.
Hailstorm (24 MP): Attacks all enemies.  Inflicts 65-98 (85-127) Water damage to targets based on proximity.
Averian Thrust (16 MP): Radial effect, area 5/v2 burst, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 88 (114) Physical damage within the area of effect.
Holy Burst (14 MP): Radial effect, area 5/v4 burst, Ignores Facing.  Inflicts 128 (166) Holy damage within the area of effect.

Three-Turn Average: Attack->Holy Burst x2 for an average of 158.3

Counter:Pounce: Counters any offensive action from a non-adjacent character by leaping next to them and attacking for 66+6.6 per space moved Physical damage.  Not applicable for characters who are underwater.

Hallowed Body: ATK increased by 20% of MND (47), MND increases by 20% of ATK (47)
Chilling Touch: Kairu's regular attacks have a 75% chance to inflict Slow on the target.
Stampede: Gain +10% damage inflicted for each step moved on a given turn.  Resets on new turns, naturally. (Maximum of +60%, numbers here in parentheses will assume +30% unless otherwise noted)

Commentary: Behold the cast scrub.  In-game he's basically FFT Cloud; a lategame-joining character with very little in the way of actual gained experience.  In the DL...he's basically a janky and much weaker version of Kyrie.  All isn't really lost on him; having Slow on his basic attack can lead to some bullshit, but he's decidedly worse than anyone else.

Before I begin, I'd like to extend special thanks to Snowfire and the Fell Seal wiki.

Fell Seal:Arbiter's Mark is a Tactical RPG made in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics, developed by 6 Eyes Studio.  It is available on PC, PS4, XBOne, and Switch.  Like FFT, you have a large variety of classes that can be unlocked to learn active, reactive, and passive skills from, to ultimately mix, match, and create horrifying combos with.

As this is being released early to give a reference to Kyrie, who is currently in Futurama, they will not be covered individually yet, and we are sticking to non-Bzaro plot characters.

Also I am currently dosed up on theraflu in order to not feel like absolute hell from an upper respiratory tract infection so some mistakes may occur.

The battle system, akin to FFT, runs on a clocktick situation with the frequency of turns is dictated by the character's speed.  Higher the speed, more frequent the turns, the influence is well-worn on its sleeve.

HP: Run out of these and you...don't exactly fall down with a digitized death scream.
MP: MP here works closer to Tactics Advance rather than Tactics Vanilla; you start at 0 by default, and gain 10 every turn.  The listed MP stat for each character is the possible maximum they can hold.
ATK: Impacts the efficacy of your physical attacks, be they basic or technique, as well as composite effects.
DEF: Impacts the efficacy of physical attacks on you.
MND: Impacts the efficacy of magic attacks, composite attacks, and healing.
RES: Impacts the efficacy of magic attacks on you.
SPD: How quickly you get a new turn.  Speed is directly linear; a unit with 200 speed will act twice as often as a unit with 100 speed.
EVA: Unit's chance to evade.  This directly opposes accuracy.

Move: How far a unit can move.  Largely DL-irrelevant unless you want to make some arguments for kiting FE characters.
Jump: How high a unit can jump.  Even more DL-irrelevant because of the white room nature of DL fights.
Crit: Unit's chance to critical.  Unless otherwise noted, characters in Fell Seal can only critical on basic attacks.
Elemental Resistance: Percentage reduction taken from elemental attacks, taken per element.  All human characters innately have these as 0, barring bonuses from class masteries.  Equipment can modify these, however.

Attacks in this game have eight possible typings: Physical, Fire, Water (includes ice), Thunder, Earth, Holy, Dark, and Magical.  Resistances largely do not exist for Physical and Magical, but those to the other six named elements do.

Fell Seal also has a number of named statuses, positive and negative.  Notably, statuses in this game have a duration based on the status, not the originating ability.  As such, effects will have their duration listed alongside their description:

ATK Down: -20% ATK (3 turns)
MND Down: -20% MND (3 turns)
DEF Down: -25% DEF (3 turns)
RES Down: -25% RES (3 turns)
Slow: -34% SPD (3 turns)

Poison: Character loses 20% max HP per turn.  Cannot kill. (3 turns)
Bleed: Character loses 12.5% max HP per turn.  Cannot kill and stacks with Poison. (5 turns)
Blind: Character suffers -50% accuracy. (2 turns)
Root: Character cannot move. (2 turns)
Mute: Character cannot use Spells. (3 turns)
Cripple: Character cannot use Skills. (3 turns)
Sleep: Character will not evade or act.  Wears off upon taking damage. (3 turns)
Berserk: Character loses control and will only make basic attacks against the nearest target. (2 turns)
Charm: Character cannot be controlled and will act in the enemy's best interests.  Removed with damage. (2 turns)
Weaken: Character cannot receive direct healing. (3 turns)
Exhaust: Character cannot benefit from Quicken effects.  This is applied whenever a Quicken effect is and cannot be blocked. (2 turns)

ATK Up: +20% ATK (3 turns)
MND Up: +20% MND (3 turns)
DEF Up: +25% DEF (3 turns)
RES Up: +25% RES (3 turns)
CRIT Up: Flat +25% Crit (3 turns)
Haste: +33% SPD (3 turns)

Thorns: Returns damage inflicted to the attacker, regardless of distance or source. (negligible quantity) (4 turns)
Renew: Character recovers 1/8 of their max HP at the end of their turn. (3 turns)
Rebirth: Upon death, character will revive immediately with 20% mHP.
Mirage: Character will automatically evade the next attack regardless of accuracy. (3 turns, Until expended)
Elemental Affinity(type): Character will inflict +35% damage with the specific element. (3 turns)
Fleet of Foot: Character gains +1 Move. (3 turns)
Focus: Character inflicts 2x damage on their next attack or ability. (functionally next turn)
Boon: Character's next non-item attack or ability will automatically crit.  Overrides the restriction on crits.  (functionally next turn)
Elemental Aegis(type): +75% resistance to the specified element.
Dark Barrier: +25% resistance to Fire/Water/Earth/Thunder/Dark.  Not relevant for PCs because it only really results from a boss ability, but I'm listing it here for completion's sake.

Attacks have their damage modified by what direction it comes from; 1x for frontal, 1.25x for side, and 1.5x for back.  As per DL standard, it will be assumed that damage will be calculated from a side attack, barring teleportation or flight (which will allow access to back attacks, barring being able to land Sleep.)  Counterattacks will always be calculated assuming frontal damage.


Characters have six equipment slots.  Of those, they are allowed to equip the following: One weapon (unless dual-wielding), one shield, one headgear, one body armor, and however many accessories they want.  Since there is a lot of unique endgame equipment, that is admittedly not allowed.  Endgame gear is thus to be restricted to the following storebought equipment:

Energy Scythe:ATK+106, MND+28, +25% Crit Damage
Day's Harvest: ATK+134, +25% Crit Damage, 62% chance of Bleed on hit

Flattener: ATK+132, HP+55

Icebrand: ATK+78, MND+8, Ice Elemental, +50% Ice Resist
Flamebrand: ATK+78, MND+8, Fire Elemental, +50% Fire Resist
Stonebrand: ATK+78, MND+8, Earth Elemental, +50% Earth Resist
Boltbrand: ATK+78, MND+8, Lightning Elemental, +50% Lightning Resist
Enhancer: ATK+84, MND+44
Ebony Sword: ATK+90, MND+8, Dark Elemental, +50% Dark Resist
Dendrite Sword: ATK+100, +100% Holy Resist
Excalibur*: ATK+112, MND+14, Holy Elemental, +150% Holy Resist, Auto-Renew.

*Kyrie has a middling plot claim to Excalibur due to it being obtained in an optional battle pertaining speifically to her, storywise.  It is not explicitly given to her but the connection is there.  She is the only character who has this claim, making it a unique one in her case.

Tongueslicer: ATK+56, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 62% chance to Silence on hit
Teorite Dagger: ATK+62, RES+4, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 62% chance to inflict Root on hit
Kunai: ATK+68, MND+4, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 62% chance to inflict Cripple on hit
Janbiya: ATK+74, SPD+10, EVA+3, CRI+3%
Flash Knife: ATK+64, SPD+20, EVA+2, CRI+2%
Worm Tooth: ATK+80, SPD+7, EVA+2, CRI+2%, 75% chance to Poison on hit

Dark Reign: ATK+110, DEF-18, +150% Dark Resist

SPEARS (all Range 2):
Partisan: ATK+94, DEF+12
Heavy Lance: ATK+102, DEF+7, CRI+3%

Holy Mace: ATK+76, MND+18, MP+19, DEF+4, RES+4, CRI+8%, Holy Elemental, +100% Dark Resist
Pernach: ATK+92, MND+24, MP+27, DEF+6, RES+6, CRI+8%

Joyeuse: ATK+86, MND+22, SPD+7, EVA+3, CRI+3%, Immune Slow
Monarch: ATK+96, MND+26, Immune Weaken

Water Rod: ATK+52, MND+34, Water Elemental, +25% Water Damage
Fire Rod: ATK+52, MND+34, Fire Elemental, +25% Fire Damage
Earth Rod: ATK+52, MND+34, Earth Elemental, +25% Earth Damage
Thunder Rod: ATK+52, MND+34, Thunder Elemental, +25% Thunder damage
Ebony Rod: ATK+64, MND+46, Dark Elemental, +100% Dark Resist, +25% Dark damage
Heavy Rod: ATK+92, MND+42
Glacier Rod: ATK+72, MND+54, Water Elemental, +100% Water Resist
Blazing Rod: ATK+72, MND+54, Fire Elemental, +100% Fire Resist
Quake Rod: ATK+72, MND+54, Earth Elemental, +100% Earth Resist
Surge Rod: ATK+72, MND+54, Thunder Elemental, +100% Thunder Resist

STAVES (All give Spell Range+1)
Black Staff: ATK+72, MND+30, RES+18, EVA+1, Dark Elemental
Gatekeeper: ATK+78, MND+34, RES+18, EVA+1

Hell Muzzle (Range 7): ATK+74, MND+10

Mach Bow (Range 5): ATK+86, SPD+10
True Flight (Range 7): ATK+80
Yoichi Bow (Range 5): ATK+100, CRI+5%

Thunder Crossbow (Range 5): ATK+76, MND+8, Accuracy +5%, Thunder Elemental
Quarreler (Range 5): ATK+80, MND+8, Accuracy +5%, Dark Elemental, +50% Dark Resist, 25% chance to Berserk on hit
Aerolus (Range 5): ATK+90, MND+20, Accuracy +5%

Flowing Robe: DEF+36, RES+61, +100% Water Resist
Molten Robe: DEF+36, RES+61, +100% Fire Resist
Sand Robe: DEF+36, RES+61, +100% Earth Resist
Spark Robe: DEF+36, RES+61, +100% Lightning Resist
Scholar Robe: DEF+48, MND+16, RES+79
Embroidered Robe: DEF+51, RES+85

Lorica Speculo: DEF+72, RES+33
Lorica Musculata: DEF+72, RES+18, ATK+12
Lorica Mentis: DEF+72, RES+18, MND+12

Old Armor*: DEF+75, RES+15, +50% Earth Resist
Royal Armor: DEF+84, RES+15

*Anadine has a strong plot claim to the Old Armor.  She only really wants it for Earth Resist though.

Miter: DEF+9, RES+28, Immune Silence
Black Hat: DEF+9, RES+30, MND+16
Royal Crown: DEF+13, RES+37, HP+35, SPD+3

Black Cowl: DEF+19, RES+24, MND+8
Ninja Cowl: DEF+21, RES+27, ATK+4, SPD+3, EVA+2, CRI+2%
Flash Cap: DEF+19, RES+25, SPD+10, EVA+4

Royal Helm: DEF+34, RES+18

Teorite Shield: DEF+16, RES+16, EVA+10
Water Shield: DEF+6, RES+12, EVA+7, +150% Water Resist
Fire Shield: DEF+6, RES+12, EVA+7, +150% Fire Resist
Earth Shield: DEF+6, RES+12, EVA+7, +150% Earth Resist
Thunder Shield: DEF+6, RES+12, EVA+7, +150% Lightning Resist
Aegis Shield: DEF+9, RES+9, EVA+2, Auto RES-UP
Magic Shield: DEF+9, RES+16, EVA+10, MND+16

Gauntlet: +8 ATK, +4 DEF, +1 RES
Wizard Glove: +1 DEF, +8 MND, +4 RES
Exo Gauntlet: +7 DEF, +7 RES, +3 EVA
Plate Glove: +10 DEF, +3 RES
Glasses: +2 CRI, +10 ACC

Statusblocker accessories:
Sharp Glove: +5% Crit, Immune Bleed
Pure Band: +4 DEF, +4 RES, Immune Poison
Shining Band: +4 DEF, +4 RES, +3 SPD, Immune Blind
Clarity Band: +4 MND, +9 RES, Immune Berserk
Oath Band: +4 ATK, +9 DEF, Immune Charm
Vigil Band: +4 ATK, +3 DEF, +4 MND, +3 RES, Immune Sleep
Sapphire Earring: +3 DEF, +3 RES, Blocks Bleed, Blind, Root, and Slow

Characters are taken at Level 40, which I found to be properly endgame.

Tournaments / Re: Futurama 2023 Week 2
« on: December 31, 2023, 09:38:37 AM »

Odie (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters) vs Byakuren Hijiri (Labyrinth of Touhou) I did a whole lot of picking apart the fight in chat but the big points in relevance are as follow:
 - Byakuren probably draws a neutral matchup at worst with Odie, and is swapping out Vajra Shield for Mental Focus to juice her MND up every turn.
 - I don't see True MT provoking SN counters, therefore Byakuren could start laying down debuff hell with Magic Milky Way and Odie couldn't counter
 - Odie's accuracy is bad enough that I can see Byakuren's modest evade giving him at least one miss.
 - Magic Milky Way's debuffs stack up pretty quickly to Odie getting 5-2'd by Byakuren, and at that point she's pretty close to taking him out at her leisure.
Rofel Wodring (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs Anna Pascal (Triangle Strategy) - I'll have to think on this one myself.


Axl (Mega Man X Command Mission) vs Kyrie (Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark) - the story character section of the FS stat topic I'll try to get out before the week ends.  Things of note, however:
- Kyrie can equip a Thunder Shield to null Axl's biggest damage moves.
- Axl goes first and can just pop Hyper from the get-go, giving him...what was it, two turns of invincibility?  Kyrie's coasting on her plot sword's regen until that wears off.
Yeah, I figure if the others who understand Axl better are going to vote Kyrie's way, she claims a win through blocking Axl's best damage and just tanking and spanking her way through the rest.
Yulie Ahtreide (Wild ARMs 4) vs Tiki (Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem) - wait right I forgot that Quicken would lead to an instadouble.  That changes the momentum notably from there.

Vitali (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters) vs Frederica Aesfrost (Triangle Strategy) - Vitali gets best matchup before considering Frederica is running into his RES and healing.  Man, feels like a lot of the unrankeds have some meatgrinders of matchups.
Big Joe (Xenogears) vs Velkov (Fire Emblem Engage) GREEEEEEAT!  DYNAAAAAAAMIC!

Tournaments / Re: Futurama 2023 Week 1
« on: December 27, 2023, 04:40:20 AM »

Heat (Digital Devil Saga) vs Marisa Kirasame (Labyrinth of Touhou) - Master Spark can't hit Heat while the tentacles are up, which means she's screwed.  Bad luck on Marisa's part for sure.
Lamington (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness) vs Ronin (Etrian Odyssey Nexus) - Okay, will have to get to this one later but this is looking like a particularly rough matchup for Ronin.  Boss with notable damage cutting directly impacts Ronin's ability to upkeep via Bloodthirsty Blade, can't be statused out with any of their three options.  Ronin's skills being skills and not basic physicals mean that counters are avoided but that's not going to be enough in this case.  A possible argument could be made for Stone applying as the one Ronin status without a Disgaea analogue, but that one's flimsy on its own.
Yuna (Final Fantasy X) vs Satanail (Star Ocean: The Last Hope) - going to have to math this out considering I don't allow Aeons.


Mystic Knight (Final Fantasy V) vs Harbinger (Etrian Odyssey Nexus) - Aaand Harbinger runs into its bane.  Accurate status.
Olberic Eisenberg (Octopath Traveler) vs Temenos Mistral(Octopath Traveler II)
Kyra Tierney (Phantasy Star IV) vs Xander (Fire Emblem Fates) - this is a hilariously gross mismatch.  Kyra eats opponents like this for breakfast.


Empoleon (Pokémon) vs Minoriko Aki (Labyrinth of Touhou 2) - kneejerking.  Minoriko makes sport of Empoleon's SP attacks but LoT2 has no real answer for Confuse, so it's questionable whether she'll even get a turn past her first.
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4) vs Divine Punisher Shaman (Etrian Odyssey V) - Divine Punisher has good MDUR even before buffing, goes first, and can healstall in order to wait out any thoughts of Miori Shirt cheese.  The fact that an ice-aspected Mana Oracle will kill Yukiko in one shot without any boosts just seals it.


Thief (Final Fantasy V) vs Cordelia (Suikoden Tactics) - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Tournaments / Re: Futurama 2023 NOMS
« on: December 24, 2023, 10:08:51 PM »
Me inserting my own assholery into the nomination pool of course.


Rika (PSIV)
Belial (WA4)
Timelord (SaGa)
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)
Heat (DDS)
Goldrake (WA4)

Gespent (WA3)
Worker 8 (FFT)
Kyra Tierney (PSIV)
Rufus (VP2)
Rofel Wodring (FFT)
Id (XG)

Therion (OPT)
Koromaru (P3)
Leehalt Alceste (WA3)
Ose (WA3)
Albel Nox (SO3)
Agrias Oaks (FFT)

Thief (FF5)
Palmer (FF7)
Jogurt (ShF)
Big Joe (XG)
Paula (EB)
Jane Doe AX (WA4)

UNRANKED (wherein I attempted to follow the usual restrictions as per ranked but gave up 2/3 in)

Ronin (EON)
Reisen Udongein Inaba (LoT2)
Yuugi Hoshiguma (LoT2)
Ezel Granada (SRW:OG:EF)
Henne Valkyria (SRW:OG:EF)
Sanger Zonvolt (SRW:OG2)

Adell (Dis5)
Flying Falcon Rover (EO5)
Harbinger (EON)
Kasen Ibaraki (LoT2)
Aya Shameimaru (LoT2)
Suzuka (SRW:OG:EF)

Drumdawn (Dis5)
Imperial (EON)
Parsee Mizuhashi (LoT2)
Divine Punisher Shaman (EO5)
Phantom Duelist Fencer (EO5)
Katina Tarask (SRW:OG2)

Izuna (Dis5)
Arcanist (EON)
Sovereign (EON)
Elemancer Warlock (EO5)
Nazrin (LoT2)
Ibis Douglas (SRW:OG2)

Unranked Games / Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2: Appendices.
« on: November 05, 2023, 08:59:24 PM »
A post to organize extra details that don't really fit elsewhere.

Appendix A: Species

LoT2 has, as noted with some of the passive slayer skills, differing species for enemies.  Enemies can belong to multiple species, and having multiple slayer skills on the frontline does stack.  Here's the relevant skills as they would pertain to the DL.

Youkai Buster (Reimu, Sanae, vs. Youkai): In-game, Youkai is a generally...arbitrary category for enemies.  For the ones that it isn't, it's either character bosses who are canonically so, or others that fall into the category of mystical or supernatural beings.  It's a broad net, though; Remilia and Flandre, as vampires, also count as part of this family.

Weird Creatures Knowledge (Rinnosuke, vs. Other): "Other" in this case largely means Slimes and Kedamas.  Also the odd eldritch abomination here and there.  Not very DL-practical.

Tengu's Watchful Eye (Momiji, vs. Flying): "Flying" here generally covers the category of anything with functional wings.  You get a couple of other outlier cases involving things that levitate, but for the most part it's anything that has and uses wings on a very regular basis.

Netherworld Dweller (Youmu, Yuyuko, vs. Ghost): Ghosts, shades, and anything haunted...about what you'd expect.  It's not very DL-applicable outside of bullying Pamela.

Youkai's Knowledge (Rumia, vs. Humanoid): Humanoid covers most things, well...humanoid.  Most character bosses, as well as some less human things like dolls and the armors.  For DL opponents, if you have to ask (unless they're like pure divinity or that level of divergent from humanity), they likely *are* under this family.

Symbol of Harvest (Minoriko, vs. Plant): This one's straightforward.  Plant beings (so mostly grass-type pokemon and a few outliers like Spar).

Kappa's Ecology Observation (Nitori, vs. Aquatic): Fish, Frogs, anything with an inherent attachment to aquatic or amphibious living.

Insect's Commander (Wriggle, vs. Insect): Another straightforward one.  This one works on big bugs.  Which are not common past the early strata. pokemon again.

Ability to Guide Animals (Kasen, vs. Beast): Beasts...largely cover any sort of land-based or flying animal.  This also extends to individuals with animal features (in-game, Ran falls under this banner, as well as some others in postgame), so it's a fairly broad category.

Bishamonten's Blessing (Nazrin, vs. Divine): Aside from the usual, Divine here also seems to cover things like elemental spirits.  Still not going to come up regularly in the divisions Nazrin fights in.

Manipulation of Dolls (Alice vs. Inorganic): Works on dolls, armors, and the larger-than-expected number of inanimate objects out to kill you in the labyrinth, as well as some slimes.  Could probably be extrapolated to work on robots.


1:Komachi: 9314 (205.1%)
2:Yuugi: 6781 (149.3%)
3:Remilia: 6636 (146.1%)
4:Meiling: 6609 (145.5%)
5:Youmu: 6124 (134.8%)
6:Kasen: 6064 (133.5%)
7:Mokou: 6047 (133.1%)
8:Momiji: 6019 (132.5%)
9:Aya: 5752 (126.6%)
10:Byakuren: 5691
11:Rinnosuke: 5519 (121.5%)
12:Eirin: 5476 (120.6%)
13:Suika: 5407 (119.1%)
14:Reimu: 5164 (113.7%)
15:Eiki: 5120 (112.7%)
16:Flandre: 4967 (109.4%)
17:Satori: 4951 (109%)
18:Iku: 4754 (104.7%)
19:Kogasa: 4524 (99.6%)
20:Nitori: 4514 (99.4%)
21:Yuyuko: 4509 (99.3%)
22:Kanako: 4508 (99.3%)
23:Yuuka: 4498 (99%)
24:Utsuho: 4425 (97.4%)
25:Sakuya: 4354 (95.9%)
26:Keine: 4309 (94.9%)
27:Alice: 4243 (93.4%)
28:Mystia: 4237 (93.3%)
29:Wriggle: 4180 (92%)
30:Ran: 4004 (88.2%)
31:Yukari: 3963 (87.3%)
32:Nazrin: 3805 (83.8%)
33:Sanae: 3702 (81.5%)
34:Tenshi: 3599 (79.2%)
35:Hina: 3562 (78.4%)
36:Reisen: 3551 (78.2%)
37:Cirno: 3391 (74.7%)
38:Parsee: 3366 (74.1%)
39:Minoriko: 3172 (69.8%)
40:Chen: 3171 (69.8%)
41:Rin: 3066 (67.5%)
42:Rumia: 2834 (62.4%)
43:Marisa: 2436 (53.7%)
44:Suwako: 2319 (51.1%)
45:Kaguya: 2202 (48.4%)
46:Patchouli: 2082 (45.8%)


Momiji: 4731 (-0.388)
Yuugi: 4415 (-0.336)
Tenshi: 4069 (-0.278)
Rinnosuke: 3877 (-0.247)
Meiling: 3535 (-0.191)
Remilia: 3381 (-0.165)
Wriggle: 3334 (-0.157)
Youmu: 3307 (-0.153)
[Yukari effective value: 3202 (-0.136)]
Kanako: 3016 (-0.105)
Yuuka: 2896 (-0.085)
Parsee: 2858 (-0.078)
Keine: 2850 (-0.077)
Kasen: 2845 (-0.077)
Hina: 2709 (-0.054)
Eiki: 2626 (-0.041)
Nitori: 2481 (-0.017)
Byakuren: 2408 (-0.005)
Sanae: 2397 (-0.003)
Suika: 2370 (+0.002)
Mokou: 2353 (+0.005)
Yukari: 2353 (+0.005)
Eirin: 2350 (+0.005)
Cirno: 2319 (+0.01)
Sakuya: 2319 (+0.01)
Reimu: 2158 (+0.037)
Mystia: 2140 (+0.04)
Iku: 2132 (+0.041)
Alice: 2077 (+0.05)
Ran: 2048 (+0.055)
Utsuho: 2007 (+0.062)
Aya: 1878 (+0.083)
Reisen: 1874 (+0.084)
Nazrin: 1848 (+0.088)
Chen: 1697 (+0.113)
Rumia: 1664 (+0.118)
Flandre: 1632 (+0.124)
Rin: 1516 (+0.143)
Kaguya: 1508 (+0.144)
Yuyuko: 1450 (+0.154)
Minoriko: 1357 (+0.169)
Komachi: 1328 (+0.174)
Marisa: 1323 (+0.175)
Satori: 1219 (+0.192)
Suwako: 1206 (+0.194)
Patchouli: 608 (+0.293)


Parsee: 5617 (-0.469)
Minoriko: 5315 (-0.419)
Patchouli: 4567 (-0.296)
Yuyuko: 4086 (-0.216)
Yukari: 4052 (-0.211)
Hina: 3978 (-0.199)
Marisa: 3793 (-0.168)
Kaguya: 3689 (-0.151)
Rumia: 3649 (-0.144)
Sanae: 3452 (-0.112)
Alice: 3394 (-0.102)
Wriggle: 3292 (-0.085)
Tenshi: 3267 (-0.081)
Iku: 3220 (-0.073)
Kanako: 3096 (-0.053)
Remilia: 3064 (-0.048)
Kasen: 3021 (-0.041)
Suika: 3005 (-0.038)
Meiling: 2959 (-0.03)
Eiki: 2899 (-0.020)
Keine: 2889 (-0.019)
Ran: 2814 (-0.006)
Rin: 2791 (-0.003)
Reimu: 2709 (+0.006)
Reisen: 2688 (+0.014)
Nazrin: 2611 (+0.027)
Eirin: 2610 (+0.027)
Momiji: 2584 (+0.032)
Yuuka: 2505 (+0.045)
Byakuren: 2408 (+0.061)
Nitori: 2405 (+0.061)
Kogasa: 2319 (+0.075)
Utsuho: 2207 (+0.094)
Sakuya: 2189 (+0.097)
Mokou: 2169 (+0.1)
Mystia: 1973 (+0.132)
Rinnosuke: 1955 (+0.135)
Cirno: 1856 (+0.152)
Youmu: 1672 (+0.182)
Satori: 1585 (+0.196)
Suwako: 1429 (+0.22)
Komachi: 1297 (+0.244)
Aya: 1268 (+0.249)
Yuugi: 1245 (+0.253)
Chen: 1076 (+0.281)
Flandre: 1008 (+0.292)


Chen: 255 (136.6%)
Aya: 243 (130.1%)
Rin: 231 (123.7%)
Cirno: 224 (120%)
Reisen: 216 (115.7%)
Sakuya: 215 (115.1%)
Marisa: 210 (112.4%)
Remilia: 210 (112.4%)
Nazrin: 207 (110.9%)
Minoriko: 206 (110.3%)
Mystia: 206 (110.3%)
Sanae: 201 (107.6%)
Ran: 196 (105%)
Byakuren: 196 (105%)
Alice: 195 (104.4%)
Flandre: 195 (104.4%)
Suwako: 192 (102.8%)
Kasen: 191 (102.3%)
Rumia: 189 (101.2%)
Iku: 188 (100.7%)
Reimu: 186 (99.6%)
Eirin: 186 (99.6%)
Momiji: 185 (99.1%)
Utsuho: 185 (99.1%)
Youmu: 183 (98%)
Hina: 183 (98%)
Keine: 180 (96.4%)
Parsee: 180 (96.4%)
Kogasa: 179 (95.9%)
Nitori: 178 (95.3%)
Mokou: 178 (95.3%)
Suika: 178 (95.3%)
Wriggle: 170 (91%)
Yuugi: 165 (88.4%)
Meiling: 165 (88.4%)
Eiki: 165 (88.4%)
Rinnosuke: 163 (87.2%)
Yuyuko: 163 (87.2%)
Komachi: 162 (86.8%)
Yukari: 162 (86.8%)
Kaguya: 161 (86.2%)
Kanako: 157 (84.1%)
Yuuka: 157 (84.1%)
Satori: 154 (82.5%)
Tenshi: 154 (82.5%)
Patchouli: 144 (77.1%)

ONE-TURN DAMAGE (single-action, repeatable 3x, optimal damage-to-delay ratio.  No stat buffs or effects like Fighting Spirit assumed.):

(Flandre: Starbow Break(Raw) (41001))
Patchouli: Silent Selene (31871)
Flandre: Starbow Break(Prorated) (27880)
Kaguya: Bullet Branch of Hourai (27658)
Rumia: Moonlight Ray (27537)
Sanae: Night of Bright Guest Stars (25476)
Meiling: Mountain Breaker (24573)
Eiki: Last Judgement (23331)
Remilia: Spear the Gungnir (22557)
Yuugi: Supernatural Phenomenon (21669)
Iku: Elekiter Dragon Palace (21518)
Marisa: Magic Missile (21247)
Ran: Soaring En no Ozuno (20663)
Sakuya: Killing Doll (20465)
Kogasa: A Rainy Night's Ghost Story (20294)
Kanako: Beautiful Spring like Suiga (20246)
Reisen: Mind Starmine (20004)
Kasen: Higekiri's Cursed Arm (19637)
Minoriko: Warm Colour Harvest (19308)
Rin: Former Hell's Needle Hill (19219)
Momiji: Rabies Bite (19169)
Yuyuko: Deadly Swallowtail Lance (18957)
Yuuka: Flower Shot (18203)
Yukari: Hyperactive Flying Object (18227)
Alice: Artful Sacrifice (18025)
AVERAGE: 17661
Suika: Throwing Mt. Togakushi (16419)
Utsuho: Intense Nuclear Reaction (16345)
Nazrin: Gold Rush (15727)
Aya: Peerless Wind God (15300)
Byakuren: Master of the Trichiliocosm (15167)
Komachi: Ferriage in the Deep Fog (14886)
Mokou: Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- (14468)
Mystia: Poisonous Moth's Dark Dance (14177)
Chen: Phoenix Spread Wings (13958)
Nitori: Kappa's Illusionary Waterfall (13678)
Cirno: Diamond Blizzard (!3599)
Eirin: Mercury Sea (13338)
Parsee: Midnight Anathema Ritual (12536)
Youmu: Present Life Slash (12164)
Reimu: Fantasy Seal (12921)
Suwako: Moriya's Iron Ring (12484)
Tenshi: World Creation Press (12014)
Hina: Old Lady Ohgane's Fire (11431)
Wriggle: Firefly Phenomenon (10260)
Keine: Ancient History -Old History- (8789)
Satori: Attack (10973)
Rinnosuke: Attack (4081)

THREE-TURN AVERAGE (based specifically on turns, not ATB.)

(Flandre Raw: 50925)
1: Flandre (41086.66)
2: Yuugi (40891.33)
3: Marisa (37831.9)
4: Patchouli (36120.66)
5: Hina (35906)
6: Suwako (31672)
7: Utsuho (29710.66)
8: Kaguya (27658)
9: Rumia (27537)
10: Meiling (27030)
11: Eiki (25664.66)
12: Remilia (25495)
13: Sanae (25476)
14: Suika (24222)
15: Iku (23475)
16: Kanako (22942.66)
17: Yuuka (22423.66)
18: Minoriko (21875.33)
19: Kasen (21600.7)
20: Nitori (21373.33)
AVERAGE: 21261.44
21: Yuyuko (21133)
22: Ran (20663)
23: Sakuya (20465)
24: Yukari (20399.66)
25: Kogasa (20294)
26: Reisen (20004)
27: Byakuren: (19461)
28: Rin (19219)
29: Momiji (19169)
30: Alice (18025)
31: Chen (17537)
32: Youmu (16148.66)
33: Nazrin (15727)
34: Aya: 15300
35: Mokou: 15191.78
36: Komachi: 14886
37: Reimu: 14643.66
38: Mystia: 14177
39: Cirno: 13599
40: Eirin: 13338
41: Parsee: 12536
42: Tenshi: 12014
43: Satori: 10973
44: Wriggle: 10260
45: Keine: 8789
46: Rinnosuke: 4081

Unranked Games / Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2: Kanako through Eiki
« on: November 02, 2023, 03:35:22 AM »
Averages Up Top:

HP: 4542
DEF: 2380
MND: 2775
SPD: 186.7
EVA: 42 (30% raw, 16% adjusted)
One-Turn Average (raw, no OPB actions or actions with excess delay): 17662 (Killpoint: 44155)
Three-Turn Average (All): 21261 (Killpoint: 53154)
Three-Turn Average (No Kaguya, Patchouli, or Suwako): 20525 (Killpoint: 51313)

Kanako Yasaka
Level 92 Independent and Inflexible God

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:4508 (99.3%)
MP:28 (30)
ATK:772 (895)
DEF:2704 (3016) (-0.105 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3452 (8778)
MND:2454 (3096) (-0.053 PCHP adj.)
SPD:157 (84.1%)
EVA:4 (3% raw, -15% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:15
MP Recovery:2


Fire:90 (114) (111%/88%)
Cold:90 (114) (111%/88%)
Wind:200 (224) (50%/45%)
Nature:90 (111%)
Mystic:116 (196) (86%/51%)
Spirit:116 (196) (86%/51%)
Dark:90 (170) (111%/59%)
Physical:116 (140) (86%/71%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Majesty Lv2: Kanako gains a 6% buff to ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD every turn
Desperation Lv2: When Kanako is below 60% HP, all of her stats (including ACC and EVA) are increaesd by 25%.  For relevant stats, this increases her base DEF to 3770 (-0.229), MAG to 10972, MND to 3870 (-0.18), and SPD to 196 (104.9%)

Attack (3000 delay):5278 (Desp: 7273) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):
Mad Dance on Medoteko Lv5 (3 MP, 4400 Delay): 15794 (Desp:21254) MAG/DEF Spirit damage to one target.  Has a 100% base chance of inflicting Heavy(10000) to the target.
Misayama Hunting Ritual Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): ACC+30. 12658 (Desp:17222) MAG/DEF Physical damage to all enemies.
Beautiful Spring like Suiga Lv5 (6 MP, 5200 Delay): 20246 (Desp:26986) MAG/SPI Cold damage to one target.  Has a 100% base chance of debuffing the target's ATK and MAG by 18%.
Virtue of Wind God Lv1 (8 MP, 7000 Delay): 20758 (Desp:27477) MAG/SPI Wind damage to all enemies.

Three-Turn Average: Beautiful Spring like Suiga x3 for 22942.66

Comments: In-game, Kanako is a tanky mage who hits hard in spite of her unimpressive stats, and is easily the better of the two picks.  In a duel, however, she lacks access to Sky Creation to crank up her damage, and while she is a tanky mage, that does not make her an actual tank, and her speed is some Kaguya-level trash.

And this all changes when she drops below 60% HP.  Desperation cranks her speed up from sluggish to solid, her defenses from tanky for a mage to just generally tanky, and ups her damage considerably.  This stacks multiplicatively with her passive boosts from Majesty, so if she's taken a couple of turns by then, she immediately starts ramping up.

Suwako Moriya
Level 92 Substantially Titular God

Main Equip:Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:2319 (51.1%)
MP:28 (29)
ATK:3853 (9084)
DEF:1206 (+0.194 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3853 (5038)
MND:1206 (1429) (+0.22 PCHP adj.)
SPD:178 (192) (102.8%)
EVA:48 (32% raw, 18% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:5
MP Recovery:2

SHK:60 (108)

Fire:116 (212) (86%/47%)
Cold:116 (86%)
Wind:90 (130) (111%/77%)
Nature:200 (50%)
Mystic:90 (130) (111%/77%)
Spirit:90 (111%)
Dark:116 (86%)
Physical:90 (111%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Froggy Power! Lv2: If Suwako is on the front line, the party inflicts +30% more Nature damage.
Nimble Lv1: Suwako calculates speed debuffs as if they were buffs of equal magnitude.

Attack (3000 delay): 5584 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 4 MP
Moriya's Iron Ring Lv5 (5 MP, 4500 Delay): ACC+20. 12484 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.  Has a 104% chance to inflict Paralysis(7200) upon the target.
Long-Arm and Long-Leg Lv5 (6 MP, 8400 Delay): ACC+24. 31672 ATK/DEF Nature damage to one target.
Froggy Braves the Elements Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 4764 MAG/MND Cold damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% base rate of debuffing the target's MND by 36%
Mishaguji-sama Lv2 (5 MP, 6500 Delay): ACC+32. 9308 MAG/DEF Nature damage to all enemies.  Has a 92% base chance to debuff the target's DEF by 20%.

Three-Turn Average: Long-Arm and Long-Leg x3 for 31672.  She's not getting that long to use that in a duel, she's sitting with Kaguya and Patchouli.

Comments: Not going to lie, Suwako didn't find much use in-game for me.  She's a split attacker, which in LoT2 means she has to pick which stat she wants to work with, locking out half her skillset.  For a duel, however, it's the return of the paralock, as Moriya's Iron Ring has the best paralysis in the entire game.  She'd better get that first turn, though, because Suwako has the durability of wet tissue paper.  Oh and she can't leverage Earth Creation just like Kanako can't use Sky Creation.

...also it took three tries to highlight her name so I'm going to assume she did something to make it hard to click things with my mouse

Tenshi Hinanawi
Level 96 Girl of Hisouten

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor

HP:2888 (3599) (79.2%)
MP:19 (23)
ATK:2818 (6601)
DEF:3130 (4069) (-0.278 PCHP adj.)
MAG:524 (607)
MND:3078 (3267) (-0.081 PCHP adj.)
SPD:154 (82.5%)
EVA:1 (33) (24% raw, 9% adj.)
ACC:100 (132)

HP Recovery:16
MP Recovery:2


Fire:132 (156) (76%/64%)
Cold:132 (156) (76%/64%)
Wind:182 (206) (55%/49%)
Nature:132 (76%)
Mystic:107 (93%)
Spirit:182 (55%)
Dark:107 (93%)
Physical:182 (206) (55%/49%)

TP Boost Lv1: Increases maximum TP by 2.
Affinity Boost Lv5: Increases all elemental affinities by 32.
Resistance Boost Lv5: Increases all status resistances by 15.
Sword of Hisou's Owner Lv2: Tenshi's attacks have a 40% additional chance to dispel buffs per enemy.  Rolled per buff.
Murakumo's Former Owner Lv1: If Tenshi has a debuff or ailment on her turn, she recovers 5% mHP.
Free from Worldly Thoughts Lv2: When Tenshi is on the front line, the party takes 30% less Physical damage.
Enduring Celestial Lv1: Tenshi starts each battle with a 33% buff to DEF and MND.  This starts her out at 5412 DEF (-0.501 PCHP adj.) and 4345 MND (-0.261 PCHP adj.)

Attack (3000 delay):
Concentrate (5000 delay):
World Creation Press Lv1 (3 MP, 4000 Delay): 12014 ATK/DEF Nature damage to one target.  Has a 92% base chance to debuff the target's ATK by 12%.
Violent Motherland Lv1 (6 MP, 5000 Delay): 7958 ATK/DEF Nature damage to all enemies.  Has a 92% base chance to debuff the enemies' MAG and SPD by 12%.
Sword of Hisou Lv3 (5 MP, 4600 Delay): ITE. 9899 ATK/DEF Spirit damage to one target.  Has a 32% base chance (modified by Sword of Hisou's Owner to 72%) to dispel the target's buffs, rolled per buff.
State of Enlightenment Lv5 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): Buffs Tenshi's DEF and MND by 140% (caps at 100%).  Has a 96% base chance (modified to 41% after resistances) to inflict Paralysis(8000) and Heavy(16000) to Tenshi.  This raises her DEF to 8138 (-0.951 PCHP Adj.) and MND to 6534 (-0.623 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: World Creation Press x3 for 12014

Comments: Local Celestial is Fucking Invincible.  No really, Enduring Celestial starts her with immunity to low 2HKO damage and solid magic resistance, and State of Enlightenment turns her into a DBZ villain as it cranks those up to where it takes OHKO-level physical damage to so much as scratch her.  Even without that, she's immensely difficult to get to physically, only taking about a third from physical element attacks in total.  Offensively, she's unimpressive, but when your entire strategy revolves around Just Not Taking Damage, she can get away with mediocre damage.

Flandre Scarlet
Level 92 Diabolic Wave

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Water Cutting Sword
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:4612 (4967) (109.4%)
ATK:5252 (11817)
DEF:1632 (+0.124 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3629 (5025)
MND:1008 (+0.292 PCHP adj.)
SPD:180 (195) (104.4%)
EVA:20 (16% raw, 0% adjusted)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:10
MP Recovery:2

PAR:72 (92)
SIL:0 (20)

Fire:360 (28%)
Cold:32 (92) (313%/109%)
Wind:64 (144) (156%/69%)
Nature:64 (156%)
Mystic:244 (364) (41%/27%)
Spirit:32 (313%)
Dark:160 (63%)
Physical:64 (156%)

ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Smoldering Madness Lv2: When Flandre receives a turn, all active party members receive an 8% ATK buff.
Impact Attack Lv1: Adds a 25% chance for all attacks to add Shock to the target.
Vampiric Wrath Lv1: If Flandre takes damage from an attack she is elementally weak to, sll of her stats are buffed by 25%

Attack (3000 delay):8317 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Starbow Break Lv5 (6 MP, 4500 Delay): ACC-16. 41001 ATK/DEF Dark damage to one enemy.  Takes 32% mHP backlash damage regardless of whether or not they hit. (This cannot kill Flandre)
Forbidden Fruit Lv1 (9 MP, 5200 Delay): ACC+40. 20544 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.  Allies lose 1 MP and have their ATB reduced by 10%.
Laevatein Lv5 (13+2 MP, 10000 Delay): 52470 ATK+MAG/DEF Fire damage to all enemies.  Allies have their ATB reduced by 20%, all frontliners lose 2 MP and have their stats reduced by 10%.

Three-Turn Average: Starbow Break x2->Laevatein for 41086.66 (50925 without proration).

Comments: Hoo boy, Flandre.  As you can see, her damage is some flavor of overkill in just about any category, and she has the speed and durability to get at least one shot off, provided the enemy doesn't one-shot her with an elemental weakness.  If she does survive a hit to one of those (possible in the case of physical, nature, or post-equipment cold), her stats do get cranked up by a lot, alongside her 8% ATK buff per turn.  Though frankly, the other guy may just want to focus on making sure she doesn't live past that one hit; Laevatein off of +33% ATK and +20% MAG is not prospects I'd want to face down myself, and even if fire blocking was there, Starbow Break is still looming in the distance.

Yuyuko Saigyouji
Level 95 Ghost Girl in the Netherworld Tower

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3806 (4509) (99.3%)
MP:36 (37)
DEF:1450 (+0.154 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3715 (9188)
MND:3715 (4086) (-0.216 PCHP adj.)
SPD:162 (163) (87.2%)
EVA:2 (1% raw, -17% adjusted)

HP Recovery:7
MP Recovery:3

TRR:50 (90)
SIL:50 (90)
DBF:25 (65)

Fire:76 (132%)
Cold:168 (60%)
Wind:76 (132%)
Mystic:76 (116) (132%/86%)
Spirit:256 (296) (39%/34%)
Dark:168 (208) (60%/48%)
Physical:124 (81%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Netherworld Dweller Lv2: While Yuyuko is on the front lines, the party inflicts 20% more damage to Ghosts.
Majesty: When Yuyuko gets a turn, she gains a 6% buff to ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD.
Ticket to the Ageless Land Lv1: For each member in the party less than 12, Yuyuko regenerates 2% mHP a turn (22% mHP regen per turn in a duel)

Attack (3000 delay):5688 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 6 MP
Ghostly Dream's Butterfly Lv4 (5 MP, 4600 Delay): 17736 MAG/MND Spirit damage to one enemy.  Lowers enemy ATB by 1/3 (boss ATB by 1/6) even on miss, and has a 62% chance to instantly kill the target.
Deadly Swallowtail Lance Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 18957 MAG/MND Dark damage to an enemy row.  Has a 33% chance to instantly kill targets.
Ghastly Dream Lv1 (7 MP, 7000 Delay): 13108 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.  Lowers enemy ATB by 1/4 (boss ATB by 1/12) even on miss, and has a 74% chance to instantly kill targets.
Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana Lv5 (10 MP, 9400 Delay): 31061 MAG/MND Dark damage to all targets.  Has a 128% chance to instantly kill the targets.

Three-Turn Average: Deadly Swallowtail Lance x3 for 21133

Comments: Yuyuko is a study in contrast to Komachi.  Half the HP, remarkably higher Mind, and her spells pack a bite.  At the cost of having notable trouble with physical damage.  She doesn't care against anyone she can nail with ID: Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana will just instakill.  Ghostly Dream's Butterfly is unique insofar that its ATB cut is wholly independent of anything, including whether or not the move even hits.  And she does 20% more to ghosts in order to bully other ghosts, if the holy/dark damage split or high ID doesn't.  Also check that 200 Death resist.  She literally can't be instakilled by anything, ever.

Yuuka Kazami
Level 94 Flower Master of the Four Seasons

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:4498 (99%)
MP:35 (40)
ATK:1532 (2022)
DEF:2353 (2896) (-0.085 PCHP adj)
MAG:3832 (9241)
MND:2048 (2505) (+0.045 PCHP adj.)
SPD:157 (84.1%)
EVA:4 (3% raw, -15% adjusted)

HP Recovery:10
MP Recovery:2


Fire:54 (102) (185%/98%)
Cold:100 (148) (100%/68%)
Wind:76 (124) (132%/81%)
Nature:288 (35%)
Mystic:200 (240) (50%/42%)
Spirit:100 (140) (100%/71%)
Dark:144 (184) (69%/54%)
Physical:76 (124) (132%/81%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
MP Boost Lv2: Increases Maximum MP by 2.
Magic Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 2.
Extra Attack Lv2: Yuuka has a 32% chance on actions to repeat the initial action, repeated once again checking per repeat until it fails.  If the action cost MP, the repeat action will cost half of the original cost.  Effective rates per turn are roughly 68% for one attack, 22% for two attacks, 7% for three attacks, 2% for four attacks, and 1% for five attacks, totaling to a 1.464x modifier to effective damage.
Majesty Lv2: Yuuka gains a 6% ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD buff on her turn.
Encounter with a Strong Foe Lv1: On any action that does not kill an enemy (and isn't Formation Change), Yuuka gains a 7% buff to ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD.  This applies multiple times if Extra Attack procs.
Gensokyo's Eternal Flower Lv1: When Yuuka takes a turn, she will regenerate MP based on her missing HP, and HP based on her missing MP. (HP restored is (4+(% of missing MP)/5)%, MP restored is equal to (1+(100-HP%)/25)
Tormenting Nature Lv1: Yuuka does extra damage the lower the target's HP is, scaling linearly to +40% at 1 HP for the target.

Attack (3000 delay):5741 (EA:8009) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recpvers 4 MP
Flower Shot Lv1 (2 MP, 3800 Delay) ACC+50. 12434 (EA:18203) MAG/MND Nature damage to one enemy.
Gensokyo's Reflowering Lv1 (5 MP, 7000 Delay) 11699 (EA:17127) MAG/MND Nature damage to all enemies.  Restores 10% max HP to all frontliners independently of anything else.
Beauty of Nature Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay) 11482 (EA:16809) MAG/MND Wind damage to all enemies.  Increases duration of existing ailments on targets by 25% (12.5% for Paralysis).

Three-Turn Average: Flower Shot x3 for 22423.66.  This is a very rough estimate adjusting both the damage and stat gains for Extra Attack: Encounter with a Strong Foe triggers per attack that hits, so her actual three-turn average is near impossible to pin down.  Consider this value to be extremely volatile in both directions, though with a fixed minimum of 15317.

Comments: Yuuka is...odd.  On the surface, she comes off as slow with average durability.  If she's not put down as quickly as possible, though, she will start snowballing.  Her base damage is unimpressive, but she combines Encounter with a Strong Foe, Extra Attack, and Majesty to jack up her stats as the fight goes on longer - and it is very possible for her to get a solid +21% or higher off of lucky Extra Attack reprocs.  Tormenting Nature stacks with this as well, for a fixed damage bonus as the fight goes on.  She is...very difficult to really predict in a fight, though, and the RNG can easily go against her.  Gensokyo's Eternal Flower is also tough to make use of, since she really needs to use her higher-cost spells to take advantage of it, and those have some bad recovery.

Yukari Yakumo
Level 94 Youkai that Lurks Within the Boundary

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3874 (3963) (87.3%)
MP:35 (38)
DEF:2353 (effective 3202) (+0.005 PCHP adj raw, effective -0.136 PCHP adj)
MAG:3372 (9053)
MND:3117 (4052) (-0.211 PCHP adj.)
SPD:162 (86.8%)
EVA:12 (10% raw, -7% adjusted)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:8
MP Recovery:2


Fire:88 (114%)
Cold:132 (76%)
Wind:132 (76%)
Nature:132 (76%)
Mystic:66 (186) (152%/54%)
Spirit:188 (308) (53%/32%)
Dark:144 (264) (69%/38%)
Physical:88 (114%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
MP Boost Lv5: Increases Maximum MP by 5.
Mind Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Manipulation of Boundaries Lv2: When Yukari takes a turn, she has a chance to inflict a 12% DEF debuff on all enemies
Border of Power and Magic Lv1: When Yukari is on the front line, any frontliner who is defending with their weak defense instead uses the average of both defenses.
Border of Wounds and Cures Lv1: When Yukari takes a turn, she recovers half of her missing HP.
Majesty Lv2: When Yukari takes a turn, she gains a +6% buff to ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD.

Attack (3000 delay):5553 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP
Mesh of Light and Darkness Lv1 (5 MP, 5000 Delay) 8836 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.  Has a 54% chance to inflict Paralysis(3800) and to debuff the enemy's SPD by 25%.
Hyperactive Flying Object Lv1 (5 MP, 5000 Delay) 18227 MAG/MND Wind (low MND factor) damage to an enemy row.
Shikigami "Ran Yakumo+" Lv1 (5 MP, 4500 Delay) 12844 MAG/DEF Physical damage to one enemy.  Notably increases based on Ran and Chen's presence and position in the party.
Yukari's Spiriting Away (34 MP, Variable Delay) Sets ATB of all other frontliners in the party to 10000.  Consumes all of Yukari's MP.  Delay is reduced by 400 for every MP above 34 spend.
IN Quadruple Barrier Lv3 (7 MP, 5500 Delay) Buffs the DEF and MND of the party by 50%.  Post-buff DEF is 3529 (-0.19 PCHP adj) (eff. 4803 (-0.4 PCHP adj.)), post-buff MND is 6078 (-0.547 PCHP adj.).  Due to Majesty, the buff will eventually settle at +30% indefinitely, for 3059 (eff. 4163) DEF (-0.294 PCHP adj.) and 5267 MND (-0.413 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: Hyperactive Flying Object x3 for 20399.66

Comments: Yukari's...uh, Yukari.  You can tell with the notes by her stats that Yukari already plays by her own rules, with a set of unique skills that turns everything sideways for her, be it by replacing her DEF with an average of MND and DEF, or regenerating half the HP she's taken as damage, or how Majesty in this case acts to cut the decay of her own barrier spell, placing her somewhere where average damage gets cut by nearly 75% and she walls average magic after the rest of the protection wears off.  Also it's kind of fitting that her strongest duel spell is the single most frustrating spellcard to deal with in IaMP.

Byakuren Hijiri
Level 92 Sealed Great Magician

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:4916 (5691) (125.3%)
ATK:3104 (7307)
DEF:2204 (2408) (-0.005 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3104 (3582)
MND:2204 (2408) (+0.061 PCHP adj.)
SPD:188 (196) (105%)
EVA:36 (52) (34% raw, 21% adjusted)
ACC:100 (141)

HP Recovery:15
MP Recovery:3

SHK:60 (84)

Fire:84 (132) (119%/76%)
Cold:84 (119%)
Wind:84 (124) (119%/81%)
Nature:84 (119%)
Mystic:148 (188) (68%/53%)
Spirit:148 (68%)
Dark:148 (68%)
Physical:148 (68%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
MP Boost Lv1: Increases maximum MP by 1.
SPD boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Sutra - Herculean Strength Lv1: Byakuren's ATK is buffed by 12% per turn.
Sutra - Vajra Shield Lv1: Byakuren's DEF is buffed by 12% per turn.
Sutra - Enhanced Chant: Byakuren's MAG is buffed by 12% per turn.
Sutra - Mental Focus: Byakuren's MND is buffed by 12% per turn.
Sutra - Sturm und Drang Lv1: Byakuren's SPD is buffed by 12% per turn.
Sutra - Ultra Recovery Lv1: Byakuren restores 12% mHP per turn.

Attack (3000 delay):3807 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 6 MP.
Skanda's Legs Lv1 (2 MP, 4000 Delay): ACC+16. 6322 ATK/DEF Wind damage to one target.  Buffs Byakuren's SPD by 16%.
Master of the Trichiliocosm Lv1 (7 MP, 4000 Delay): 15167 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.  Has a 50% base chance to inflict Shock to the target.
Magic Milky Way Lv1 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): ACC+40. 1621 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.  Has an 88% base chance to debuff the enemies' ATK, MAG, and SPD by 22%.
Star Sword Apologetics Lv1 (5 MP, 5200 Delay): ACC+32. 13216 ATK+MAG/MND Spirit damage to one target.  Has a 60% chance to debuff the target's ATK and DEF by 24% and a 60% chance to inflict Silence(10000).
Sutra - Duplicating Chant Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): Gives 40% of Byakuren's current buffs to the target ally.

Three-Turn Average: Master of the Trichiliocosm x3 for 19461.  It's a testament to how strong 12% buffs are that she hits this hard despite having ATK only in the mid-7000s.

Comments: Byakuren's a strange case of a dueller who can and wants to change her passives to fit the opponent.  Most notably, she will want to swap Vajra Shield for Mental Focus if she's up against mages.  Her damage is unimpressive, but Skanda's Legs exists more to let her start building steam quickly between its low cost and self-SPD buff, and Master of the Trichiliocosm lets her play Rin's game momentarily, especially after speed-buffing.  The big thing, however, is that she regenerates 12% off of each turn and is going to be cranking up her speed for a while, eventually overwhelming her opponent.

Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu
Level 97 Supreme Judge of Hell

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:3559 (5120) (112.7%)
MP:20 (24)
ATK:3894 (9017)
DEF:2056 (2626) (-0.041 PCHP adj.)
MND:2899 (-0.020 PCHP adj.)
SPD:165 (88.4%)
EVA:8 (56) (35% raw, 23% adjusted)
ACC:100 (148)

HP Recovery:8
MP Recovery:2


Cold:158 (63%)
Nature:120 (83%)
Mystic:76 (132%)
Spirit:174 (57%)
Dark:144 (69%)
Physical:88 (114%)

ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Cleansed Crystal Mirror Lv2: When Eiki is on the frontline, the party reduces all elemental damage taken by 10%.
Majesty Lv2: When Eiki gets a turn, her ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD are buffed by 6%.

Attack (3000 delay):5517 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP
Last Judgement Lv4 (6 MP, 8000 Delay) ACC+20.  23331 ITD ATK-based Spirit damage to one target.
Trial of the Ten Kings Lv1 (7 MP, 8800 Delay) 4519 MAG/MND Dark damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% base rate to debuff targets' ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD by 6%
Wandering Sin Lv9 (6 MP, 8000 Delay) 3397 MAG/MND Dark damage to all enemies.  Has a 74% base chance of inflicting Paralysis(2000), Shock, Death, Poison(8000), Heavy(8000), Silence(8000), and Terror(8000)

Three-Turn Average: Last Judgment x3 for 25664.66.  Full ITD.

Comments: Eiki is a one-trick pony in a duel format.  Her durability is average (albeit bolstered by Cleansed Crystal Mirror being an effective 10% reduction of all damage taken), but...Wandering Sin is absolutely disgusting, giving a full status cocktail.  Last Judgment hurts, but even with being fully ITD isn't nearly as strong as the likes of what Yuugi or Flandre can bring to the fore.  Having these two is good because her delays are all the thing of nightmares given that she has no active and only mediocre defenses worth noting.  Truly, her matches are a matter of black and white, just how she would prefer them.

Unranked Games / Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2: Yuugi through Sakuya
« on: November 02, 2023, 03:31:17 AM »
Averages Up Top:

HP: 4542
DEF: 2380
MND: 2775
SPD: 186.7
EVA: 42 (30% raw, 16% adjusted)
One-Turn Average (raw, no OPB actions or actions with excess delay): 17662 (Killpoint: 44155)
Three-Turn Average (All): 21261 (Killpoint: 53154)
Three-Turn Average (No Kaguya, Patchouli, or Suwako): 20525 (Killpoint: 51313)

Yuugi Hoshiguma
Level 95 Rumored Unnatural Phenomenon

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:4752 (6781) (149.3%)
ATK:4693 (10811)
DEF:3458 (4415) (-0.336 PCHP adj.)
MND:1245 (+0.253 PCHP adj.)
SPD:165 (88.4%)
EVA:10 (58) (36% raw, 24% adj)
ACC:100 (168)

HP Recovery:15
MP Recovery:2


Fire:144 (69%)
Cold:72 (139%)
Wind:144 (69%)
Nature:72 (139%)
Mystic:144 (69%)
Spirit:72 (139%)
Dark:72 (139%)
Physical:144 (69%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
Physical Counter Lv3: 99% chance to counter any direct attack (anything that uses ATK in the formula) from enemies with a basic attack.
Ruinous Super Strength Lv2: When Yuugi is on the frontlines, the party inflicts 30% more Physical damage.
Hoshiguma Dish: When Yuugi takes a turn, her SPD is buffed by 3% for each enemy past the first, and her ATK is buffed by 3% for each enemy less than 5.  (for duels, she gets a 12% ATK buff, in short)
Adamant Helix: Yuugi inflicts more damage the lower her health is, maxing at a 66% bonus at 1 HP.  No bonus at max HP.

Attack (3000 delay): 9504 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one enemy
Concentrate (5000 delay):Restore 4 MP.
Supernatural Phenomenon Lv1 (2 MP, 4200 Delay): 21669 ATK/DEF Nature damage to one enemy.
Knockout in Three Steps Lv3 (7 MP, 10000 Delay): 54220 ATK/DEF (low DEF factor) Physical damage to one enemy.
Irremovable Shackles Lv1 (3 MP, 4500 Delay): ACC+25. 9139 ATK/DEF Spirit damage to one enemy.  Has an 86% chance to inflict Paralysis(3000), and a 66% chance to inflict Heavy(10000) and Silence(10000)

Three-Turn Average:Supernatural Phenomenon x2->Knockout in Three Steps for 40891.33

Comments: Yuugi is an absolute monster.  On paper already, she's one of the hardest-hitting characters in the game, and even in spite of her abysmal MND can take hits back of either variety.  This is compounded by all of her skills either letting her hit harder or hit more often.  Adamant Helix is a linear scaling effect, so that is a +33% bonus at half HP, to note.  Her speed isn't great, but it is better than the likes of Kaguya or Satori.

Hong Meiling
Level 102 Chinese Girl

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Pride

HP:4854 (6609) (145.5%)
MP:19 (23)
ATK:3536 (8554)
DEF:2984 (3535) (-0.191 PCHP adj.)
MND:2709 (2959) (-0.03 PCHP adj.)
SPD:165 (88.4%)
EVA:18 (50) (33% raw, 20% adj.)
ACC:100 (132)

HP Recovery:15
MP Recovery:2

SHK:0 (24)

Fire:88 (136) (114%/74%)
Cold:88 (114%)
Wind:144 (69%)
Nature:136 (74%)
Mystic:72 (139%)
Spirit:144 (69%)
Dark:88 (114%)
Physical:88 (114%)

TP Boost Lv1: Increases maximum TP by 2.
Defense Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
Mind Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Gatekeeper's Duty Lv2: When Meiling receives a turn, the frontline's DEF is buffed by 12%
Guts Lv2: When Meiling hits 0 HP, she has a 50% chance of spending 10 TP and surviving with 1 HP.  Not usable if she doesn't have the TP to use this.
Natural Lv2: Boosts healing received by 66%
China Qigong Lv5: When Meiling receives a turn, increase the counter by 1, up to 5.  When attacking, burn all stacks to add a 10% bonus to all stats per counter.  If Concentrating, burn all stacks to heal 10% per counter.

Attack (3000 delay):5054 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Brilliant Light Gem (2 MP, 2000 Delay): 12177 ATK/DEF Spirit damage to one target.
Mountain Breaker (3 MP, 5200 Delay): ACC+32. 24573 ATK/DEF (Low DEF factor) Physical damage to one target.
Colorful Rain (4 MP, 6400 Delay): 3866 healing to self (6418 healing after Natural)
Healer (1 MP, 3500 Delay): 1547 healing to a target.  Also cures Poison, Paralysis, and Silence (2567 healing to self after Natural)

Three-Turn Average: Mountain Breaker x3 for 27030

Comments: Meiling is characterized here by amazing skill bases and mediocre offensive stats.  This doesn't really hurt her too much.  Mountain Breaker is absolutely ridiculous, Brilliant Light Gem hits faster than it has any right to, and China Qigong lets her boost her strength to chip past a limit - and +50% to all stats for the attack is notable.  She also has solid all-around durability.  Strong all around, she can be compared to Yuugi with less of a focus on extremes and explosive power.  The plentiful self-healing doesn't hurt.

Alice Margatroid
Level 98 Rainbow-Colored Puppeteer

Main Equip: Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip: Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip: Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip: Forbidden Tablet

HP:4243 (93.4%)
MP:26 (27)
ATK:687 (906)
DEF:2077 (+0.05 PHCP adj.)
MAG:3562 (9411)
MND:3086 (3394) (-0.102 PCHP adj.)
SPD:180 (195) (104.4%)
EVA:72 (92) (47% raw, 37% adj.)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:3


Fire:110 (91%)
Cold:110 (91%)
Wind:110 (190) (91%/53%)
Nature:110 (91%)
Mystic:110 (230) (91%/43%)
Spirit:110 (150) (91%/67%)
Dark:160 (200) (63%/50%)
Physical:78 (128%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Manipulation of Dolls Lv2: When Alice is on the frontlines, the party does +20% damage to Inorganic enemies.
Doll Guard Lv2: Alice gains +64 Evasion.
Final Blow Lv2: When Alice attacks an enemy affected by an ailment, she does +32% damage.
Enhanced Doll Mobility Lv4: Alice ignores 40% of enemy defenses when attacking.

Attack (3000 delay): 7311 (9651) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 6 MP.
Artful Sacrifice Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 18025 (23793) MAG/DEF Fire damage to one target
Little Legion Lv1 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): 15549 (20525) MAG/DEF Physical damage to all enemies.
Hanged Hourai Doll Lv1 (5 MP, 6400 Delay): 18386 (24270) MAG/MND MYstic damage to an enemy row
Trip Wire Lv2 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): 13029 (17198) MAG/MND (high MND factor) Physical damage to all enemies.  Has an 80% base chance to inflict Paralysis(4000) and Heavy(16000), and a 100% base chance to debuff Speed by 24%.

Three-Turn Average: Artful Sacrifice x3 for 18025

Comments: If Marisa is the brute force caster, Alice is the finesse caster with a variety of tricks, particularly as the first caster who has the ability to hit both defenses with the same stat.  Doll Guard in particular lets her have a non-negligible amount of evasion, and her damage gets notably higher with Trip Wire and Final Blow in play.  She doesn't have any showstopping tricks, but she is well-rounded.

Patchouli Knowledge
Level 92 Girl of Knowledge and Shade

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:1757 (2082) (45.8%)
MP:44 (45)
DEF:608 (+0.293 PCHP adj.)
MAG:4303 (10542)
MND:4152 (4567) (-0.296 PCHP adj.)
SPD:144 (77.1%)
EVA:1 (0% base, -18% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:6
MP Recovery:2

SIL:100 (140)
DTH:64 (104)
DBF:128 (168)

Fire:164 (61%)
Cold:164 (61%)
Wind:164 (61%)
Nature:164 (61%)
Mystic:196 (236) (51%/42%)
Spirit:112 (152) (89%/66%)
Dark:112 (152) (89%/66%)
Physical:92 (109%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases MP by 5.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Affinity Boost Lv5: Increases all elemental affinities by 32.
Grand Incantation Lv2: After using Concentrate, the next attack's damage or healing will be multiplied by 2.4x
Girl of Knowledge and Shade Lv1: If the enemy resists something, treat the affinity as roughly 1/3 of its over-100 value (50% resist becomes roughly 25%, 66% becomes ~40%, and 75% becomes 50%, for some easy references to resistance values)
Passive Philosopher's Stone Lv2: When Patchouli uses a Spellcard or Attack, she receives 70% less damage from that spell or command's element until her next turn.

Attack (3000 delay): 7042 (16901) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one enemy.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Royal Flare Lv2 (6 MP, 6800 Delay):ACC+60. 19030 (45,672) MAG/MND Fire damage to all enemies.
Princess Undine Lv1 (5 MP, 5600 Delay):ACC+10. 15863 (38071) MAG/MND Cold damage to all enemies.
Djinn Gust Lv1 (5 MP, 5600 Delay):ACC+20. 14953 (35887) MAG/MND Wind damage to all enemies.
Satellite Himawari Lv1 (5 MP, 5600 Delay):ACC+20. 14738 (35371) MAG/MND Nature damage to all enemies.
Silent Selene Lv7 (6 MP, 5000 Delay):31871 (76491) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one enemy.

Three-Turn Average: Concentrate->Silent Selene x2 for 36120.66.  She gets to join Kaguya in mucking with the averages.

Comments: hahahahahahahahaha she's even slower and more frail than kaguya.

Eirin Yagokoro
Level 96 Brain of the Moon

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:4534 (5476) (120.5%)
MP:34 (39)
ATK:824 (1087)
DEF:2350  (+0.005 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3702 (8810)
MND:2610 (+0.027 PCHP adj.)
SPD:172 (186) (99.6%)
EVA:16 (13% raw, -3% adj.)

HP Recovery:10
MP Recovery:2

TRR:95 (115)
SIL:75 (95)
DTH:55 (75)
DBF:35 (55)

Fire:140 (71%)
Cold:140 (71%)
Wind:140 (220) (71%/45%)
Nature:140 (71%)
Mystic:100 (180) (100%/56%)
Spirit:70 (143%)
Dark:140 (71%)
Physical:70 (143%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Resistance Boost Lv5: Increases all status resistances by 15.
People of the Moon Lv1: When Eirin takes a turn, she has a 75% chance of losing 1 MP.  Her attacks ignore 50% of enemy defenses.
Healing Limit Break Lv1: When Eirin heals somebody, if the healing would exceed their max HP, temporarily set their HP to the new value.  The character may not benefit from this again until the overhealed HP is depleted.
Pharmacist's Poison Mixing Lv1: All of Eirin's attacks gain a Poison effect (25% chance, 5000 strength)

Attack (3000 delay):7060 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Mercury Sea Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay):13338 MAG/MND Cold damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% base rate to debuff enemies' ATK by 20%.
Omoikane's Device Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay):ACC+25. 13233 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% base rate to debuff enemies' MAG by 20%
Hourai Elixir Lv5 (5 MP, 5100 Delay): Heals the target for 50% mHP(Eirin for 2738), and cures all ailments and debuffs.
Astronomical Entombing Lv3 (8 MP, 8200 Delay):19898 MAG/MND Dark damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% base rate to inflict Heavy(20000)

Three-Turn Average: Mercury Sea x3 for 13338

Comments: a weird case.  In-game, she absolutely wants the Healer subclass, just to get a source of healing that isn't percentile in nature.  Here?  She's...okay.  Healing is present, and her offensive spells carry debuff riders.  Helped more by the fact that everything she has gives high defense penetration, albeit at the cost of bleeding out MP.  Her fights are going to be slow in general and she can't chip well, but she can defensively snowball between debuffs and overhealing.

Reisen Udongein Inaba
Level 100 Lunatic Lunar Rabbit

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3551 (78.2%)
MP:28 (33)
ATK:487 (621)
DEF:1874 (+0.084 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3416 (8908)
MND:2444 (2688) (+0.014 PCHP adj.)
SPD:193 (216) (115.7%)
EVA:24 (19% raw, 3% adj.)

HP Recovery:14
MP Recovery:2


Fire:120 (83%)
Cold:150 (67%)
Wind:90 (170) (111%/59%)
Nature:90 (111%)
Mystic:240 (360) (42%/28%)
Spirit:56 (96) (179%/104%)
Dark:160 (200) (63%/50%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
People of the Moon Lv1: 75% chance to spend 1 MP per turn.  Reisen's attacks ignore 50% of enemy defenses.
Final Blow Lv2: When Reisen attacks an enemy affected by an ailment, she does 32% more damage.
Broad Mind Modulation Lv2: When Reisen takes a turn, she has a chance to inflict a 12% MND debuff on all enemies.
Wavelength of Insanity Lv2: When Reisen is on the front line, the party takes 30% less Mystic damage.
Intense Vertigo Lv1: While Reisen is on the front line, the party ignores a flat 20% of enemy status resistances.

Attack (3000 delay):7158 (9449) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Restores 4 MP.
Lunatic Red Eyes Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): +60 ACC. 15132 (19974) MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies. Has a 100% base chance of debuffing the target's MND by 40% and a 66% chance of inflicting Terror(12000) and Silence(12000).
Mind Starmine Lv1 (6 MP, 6400 Delay): +30 ACC.  20004 (26406) MAG/MND Mysic damage to all enemies.  Has a 56% base chance of inflicting Shock.
Discarder Lv1 (4 MP, 4600 Delay): 15010 (19813) MAG/MND Dark damage to one enemy.  Has a 100% base chance of debuffing the target's ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD by 12%
Gas-Woven Orb Lv1 (1 MP, 3400 Delay): 6089 (8038) MAG/MND Nature damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% base chance of inflicting Poison(6600).
Grand Patriot's Elixir Lv5 (5 MP, 200 Delay): Buffs Reisen's ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD by 40%.  After one use, Reisen will be at 2623 DEF (-0.04 PCHP adj.), 3763 MND (-0.165 PCHP adj.), and 302 SPD (161.9%).  After two consecutive uses, Reisen will be at +72%, putting her at 3223 DEF (-0.139 PCHP adj.), 4623 MND (-0.307 PCHP adj.), and 371 SPD (198.9%)

Three-Turn Average: Mind Starmine x3 for 20004

Comments: what Part 2.  200 Delay on Grand Patriot's Elixir.  200 god damned Delay.  Reisen has next to no reason for her first two actions of the fight to not be cranking her stats into the stratosphere.  Even when she burns through 12 of her 33 MP to do so, unless she's outsped, she will have very few fights where her stats aren't riding on massive buffs.  Always bet on bnuny, I guess.  Oh, and 50% defense piercing, 115% base SPD, Final Blow with a whole array of statuses, so on.  The rest is just a cherry on top.

Sanae Kochiya
Level 98 Modern Living God

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3702 (81.5%)
MP:27 (32)
ATK:412 (543)
DEF:2397 (-0.003 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3562 (9411)
MND:3138 (3452) (-0.112 PCHP adj.)
SPD:185 (201) (107.6%)
EVA:8 (7% raw, -11% adj.)

HP Recovery:9
MP Recovery:2


Cold:80 (125%)
Wind:172 (252) (58%/40%)
Nature:136 (74%)
Mystic:80 (200) (125%/50%)
Spirit:172 (212) (58%/47%)
Dark:60 (100) (167%/100%)

DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Power of the Living God Lv2: When Sanae is on the front line, the party inflicts 30% more Spirit damage.
Youkai Buster Lv2: When Sanae is on the front line, the party inflicts 20% more damage to Youkai enemies.

Attack (3000 delay):5911 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one enemy.
Concentrate (5000 delay):
Night of Bright Guest Stars Lv7 (4 MP, 5200 Delay):ITE. 25476 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.
Moses's Miracle Lv1 (3 MP, 4200 Delay): ACC +20.  14321 MAG/MND Cold damage to enemy row.
Yasaka's Divine Wind Lv1 (4 MP, 6000 Delay): 12046 healing to one ally, cures all debuffs and ailments.
Miracle Fruit Lv5 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): Buffs target's ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD by 42%.  After one use, Sanae is at 3403 DEF(-0.169 PCHP adj.), 4901 MND(-0.353 PCHP adj.), and 285 SPD(152.8%)

Three-Turn Average: Night of Bright Guest Stars x3 for 25476

Comments: Sanae is easy to overlook considering exactly *who* comes right before her on the list.  Miracle Fruit, while being a poor man's Grand Patriot Elixir on the basis of having 5000 delay instead of 200, is still a rainbow buff.  In this case, on somebody who can heal herself to full with a single casting of Yasaka's Divine Wind.  Night of Bright Guest Stars hits disgustingly hard for its bases thanks to Power of the Living God, and her non-HP durability is solid.  She's the Haste Healer of this game, and that can still pull a non-negligible amount of weight here.

Iku Nagae
Level 98 Beautiful Scarlet Cloth

Main Equip:
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:4352 (4754) (104.7%)
MP:21 (22)
ATK:616 (714)
DEF:2132 (+0.041 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3562 (9192)
MND:2927 (3220) (-0.073 PCHP adj.)
SPD:180 (188) (100.7%)
EVA:20 (16% raw, 0% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:14
MP Recovery:2


Fire:75 (133%)
Cold:125 (80%)
Wind:200 (50%)
Nature:75 (133%)
Mystic:75 (133%)
Spirit:90 (111%)
Physical:125 (80%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Magic Counter Lv3: 99% chance to counter magical enemy attacks that inflict damage (anything using the MAG stat) with a boosted basic attack for 13488 damage.
Hagoromo Like Sky Lv2: Iku's basic attacks will ignore 80% of the enemy's DEF/MND and inflict 40% more damage.  This affects Magic Counter's damage as well.
Flexibility Lv1: Iku calculates DEF/MND debuffs as if they were buffs of equal magnitude.

Attack (3000 delay):11889 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):
Elekiter Dragon Palace Lv5 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 21518 MAG/MND Wind damage to one target.  Has a 100% base chance to debuff enemy DEF by 70%, and an 88% base chance to inflict Paralysis(5000).
Light Dragon's Sigh Lv1 (5 MP, 5500 Delay): 13116 MAG/MND Wind damge to all enemies.  Has a 100% base chance to debuff enemy DEF by 36%.
Thundercloud Stickleback Lv5 (4 MP, 3400 Delay): Buffs the target ally's ATK and MAG by 68%, and has a 88% base chance to inflict Paralysis(6000) to the target.
Whiskers of the Dragon God Lv1 (3 MP, 4000 Delay): Buffs the target ally's SPD by 56% and has a 140% chance to debuff their DEF and MND by 44%.  On Iku, this boosts her DEF to 3070(-0.114 PCHP adj.), her MND to 4636(-0.309 PCHP adj.), and her SPD to 293(157.1%)

Three-Turn Average: Thundercloud Stickleback->Elekiter Dragon Palace x2 for 23475.

Comments: Those damage values on her basic attack are not a joke.  She easily hits like that in-game, especially with Sorcerer attached.  As-is, Iku only has a pair of monstrous single-target buffs that she ignores the downsides of completely, and her pick of strong Wind damage or high-speed defense-piercing Mystic damage.  Oh, and she counters magic attacks.

Suika Ibuki
Level 92 Tiny Pandemonium

Main Equip:Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:3949 (5407) (119.1%)
ATK:4201 (9631)
DEF:1856 (2370) (+0.002 PCHP adj.)
MND:3005 (-0.038 PCHP adj.)
SPD:175 (178) (95.3%)
EVA:52 (120)  (54% raw, 45% adj.)
ACC:100 (168)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:3


Fire:72 (139%)
Cold:144 (69%)
Wind:72 (139%)
Nature:144 (69%)
Mystic:72 (139%)
Spirit:144 (69%)
Dark:144 (69%)
Physical:72 (139%)

ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Resistance Boost Lv5: Increases all status resistances by 15.
Ibuki Gourd Lv2: Every time Suika takes a turn, she will recover 20% HP, recover 2 MP, or buff one of her Attack, Defense, Mind, or Speed by 20%
Free-Spirited Oni Lv1: Suika deals higher damage the lower the target's HP is, linearly scaling to a 66% bonus when the target is at minimum HP.
Fog Labyrinth Lv2: When Suika is on the front line, the party's accuracy and evasion are increased by 20% (factored in)
Art of Oni Binding Lv3: When Suika takes a turn, she has a 60% chance to inflict Paralysis(1500) on all enemies.  Against Oni enemies, the chances is 100% for Paralysis(2400).  Unlike other sources of paralysis, this stacks with any pre-existing paralysis.
Encounter with a Strong Foe Lv1: When Suika attacks an enemy, concentrates, or uses auxiliary spells, she gains a 7% buff to all stats.

Attack (3000 delay):6131 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 6 MP
Throwing Mt. Togakushi Lv1 (3 MP, 3800 Delay): 16419 ATK/DEF Nature damage to one enemy.
Throwing Atlas Lv1 (7 MP, 8000 Delay): 24904 ATK/DEF Wind damage to one enemy.
Gathering and Dissipating Lv1 (4 MP, 5250 Delay): 0 MAG/MND Wind damage to an enemy row.  Has an 88% base chance to debuff the target's ATK and MAG by 25%
Missing Power Lv1 (6 MP, 8000 Delay): Buffs Suika's ATK by 80%, and her DEF and MND by 50%.  Debuffs her SPD by 100% (caps at -50% debuff).  After use, Suika will be at 3555 DEF(-0.194 PCHP adj.), 4507 MND(-0.288 PCHP adj.), and 89 SPD(47.7%)
Art of Segaki Binding Lv1 (3 MP, 4500 Delay): ACC+25. 7664 ATK/DEF Dark damage to one enemy.  Has an 86% chance to inflict Paralysis(3000), and a 66% chance to inflict Heavy(10000) and Terror(10000).

Three-Turn Average: Missing Power->Throwing Mt. Togakushi->Throwing Atlas for 24222.  Not practical but she can hit hard.

Comments: Suika is a weirdly slippery combatant in several ways.  Fog Labyrinth lets her get solid evasion already, and a lot of her kit revolves around snowballing and miring the opponent down.  Art of Oni Binding has a low strength, but does not take a turn at all and essentially locks the enemy up for 15% of an average turn.  Encounter with a Strong Foe triggers per hit, so that is a free 7% boost to all stats per turn she hits, and Free-Spirited Oni lets her hit harder the lower the enemy is on HP at similar rates to Adamant Helix.  Throwing Mt. Togakushi is a disgustingly fast skill for its strength, and Art of Segaki Binding, while not able to paralock in ways that other skills can, helps to trip them up.  Missing Power's general use is to combo with Throwing Atlas as a way of blowing past limits.

Ran Yakumo
Level 94 Scheming Nine-Tailed Fox

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3666 (4004) (88.2%)
MP:30 (35)
ATK:2473 (2605)
DEF:2048 (+0.055 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3627 (9193)
MND:2558 (2814) (-0.006 PCHP adj.)
SPD:188 (196) (105%)
EVA:9 (8% raw, -10% adj)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:2

TRR:50 (70)
SIL:50 (70)
DTH:50 (70)
DBF:0 (20)

Fire:125 (80%)
Cold:50 (200%)
Wind:125 (165) (80%/61%)
Nature:125 (80%)
Mystic:75 (155) (133%/65%)
Spirit:175 (215) (57%/47%)
Dark:75 (115) (133%/87%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Shikigami Defense Lv1: When Ran is attacked, there is a 50% chance to halve the received damage at the cost of 1 MP.  Even if Ran has 0 MP, this will trigger.

Attack (3000 delay):5693 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser Lv3 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): 14430 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.
Princess Tenko Lv1 (4 MP, 5600 Delay): 11902 MAG/MND Nature damage to all enemies.
Soaring En no Ozuno Lv7 (4 MP, 3120 Delay): 20663 ATK+MAG/DEF Physical damage to the target row.
Banquet of General Gods Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): Buffs the party's ATK and MAG by 24%
Eighty Million Holy Boards Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): Buffs the party's DEF and MND by 24%.  After using this, Ran will be at 2539 DEF(-0.026 PCHP adj.) and 3489 MND(-0.12 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: Soaring En no Ozuno x3 for 20663

Comments: Yukari's shikigami.  Ran has an extensive buffing suite that can be upgraded to buff the entire party, but the skill of note here is Soaring En no Ozuno.  Legitimately good damage for barely more delay than a basic physical.  Her options for when she has to do magic damage aren't as good, but they're serviceable.  Not much more I can really say on her, she's a straightforward mage who is very competent at what she does, it's just not varied in a duel.

Remilia Scarlet
Level 92 Vampire of the Heavy Fog

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Pride

HP:5324 (6635) (146.1%)
MP:14 (18)
ATK:4253 (10045)
DEF:2854 (3381) (-0.165 PCHP adj.)
MND:2805 (3064) (-0.048 PCHP adj.)
SPD:204 (210) (112.4%)
EVA:20 (52) (34% raw, 21% adj.)
ACC:100 (132)

HP Recovery:16
MP Recovery:2

SHK:60 (84)

Fire:60 (108) (167%/93%)
Cold:128 (78%)
Wind:128 (78%)
Nature:128 (78%)
Mystic:90 (111%)
Spirit:60 (167%)
Dark:180 (56%)
Physical:128 (78%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
Speed Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Majesty Lv2: When Remilia takes a turn, her ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD are buffed by 6%
Impact Attack Lv1: Remilia's attacks have a 25% chance to inflict Shock.
Adversity Lv2: While Remilia is afflicted by n ailment or debuff, her damage will be increased by 20%

Attack (3000 delay):6545 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Spear the Gungnir Lv7 (3 MP, 4500 Delay): ACC+24. 22557 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one enemy.
Curse of Vlad Tepes Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): Buffs Remilia's ATK, DEF, MAG, and MND by 50%.  Has a 128% chance to inflict Poison(16000), Paralysis(8000), and Heavy(1600) upon her.  After using this, Remilia will be at 5071 DEF(-0.444 PCHP adj.) and 4596 MND(-0.303 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: Spear the Gungnir x3 for 25495.  Majesty puts in work.

Comments: Remilia, the Embodiment of One-Dimensional Skillsets.  Truth be told, she has no reason to be even touching Curse of Vlad Tepes, considering how brutal LoT poison is.  However, it is fair to also assume that she doesn't need to.  High stats on all relevant fronts, combined with a reasonably fast, strong, and accurate spellcard let her just bulldoze what's in her way.

Sakuya Izayoi
Level 97 Perfect and Elegant Servant

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Water Cutting Sword
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:4043 (4354) (95.9%)
MP:25 (29)
ATK:3686 (8791)
DEF:2319 (+0.01 PCHP adj.)
MAG:2740 (3372)
MND:2004 (2189) (+0.097 PCHP adj.)
SPD:201 (215) (115.1%)
EVA:30 (23% raw, 7% adj.)

HP Recovery:13
MP Recovery:2

PAR:30 (50)
SHK:50 (74)
SIL:40 (60)

Fire:100 (148) (100%/68%)
Cold:100 (160) (100%/63%)
Wind:114 (154) (88%/65%)
Nature:114 (88%)
Mystic:114 (154) (88%/65%)
Spirit:114 (88%)
Dark:114 (88%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
An Eye for an Eye Lv2: When Sakuya takes damage from an attack, she receives a 10% ATK boost.
Flashing Murder Lv1: All of Sakuya's attacks have a 25% chance to inflict Paralysis(5000).
Piercing Attack Lv2: Minimum damage from Sakuya's attacks will be equal to 40% of the pre-defense pre-multiplier damage, regardless of the enemy's DEF/MND
Dexterity Lv1: Sakuya calculates ATK/MAG debuffs as if they were buffs of equal magnitude.
Extra Attack Lv2: When Sakuya takes an action, she has a 32% chance to repeat that action.  A repeated action has an equal chance of being repeated again until it doesn't.  If the action cost MP, the repeated action costs half the original action's cost (minimum of 1 MP).  Effective rates per turn are roughly 68% for one attack, 22% for two attacks, 7% for three attacks, 2% for four attacks, and 1% for five attacks, totaling to a 1.464x modifier to effective damage.

Attack (3000 delay):5291 [EA:7746] ATK/DEF (Minimum:3516 [EA:5147]) Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Misdirection Lv1 (1 MP, 2000 Delay): +25 ACC. 3803 [EA:5567] ATK/DEF (high DEF factor) (Minimum: 2321 [EA:3397]) Physical damage to all enemies.
Killing Doll Lv1 (3 MP, 5200 Delay): +50 ACC. 13979 [EA:20465] ATK/DEF (high DEF factor) (Minimum: 3094 [EA:4529]) Dark damage to one enemy.
Soul Sculpture Lv1 (5 MP, 6560 Delay): ITE. 12952 [EA:18961] ATK+MAG/DEF (Minimum: 4900 [EA:7173]) Wind damage to all enemies.
Lunar Clock Lv2 (8 MP, 7000 Delay): Buffs the party's SPD by 35%.  After use, her speed will rise to 290 (155.3%)
Private Square Lv1 (16 MP, 7000 Delay): Inflicts a special Paralysis(2000) to all enemies.  This ignores Paralysis Resistance and cannot be altered in any way.

Three-Turn Average: Killing Doll x3 for 20465.  God damn, Extra Attack puts in work here.

Comments: Sakuya seems to have had trouble bouncing back since her days in PCB and IaMP, and this is another example.  She's fast...but not much else.  Flashing Murder and Extra Attack lets her get more hits in, but those hits are unimpressive.  She doesn't have the raw power or speed to make her kit really work, and her durability isn't that great either.

Unranked Games / Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2: Parsee through Satori
« on: November 02, 2023, 03:25:12 AM »
Averages Up Top:

HP: 4542
DEF: 2380
MND: 2775
SPD: 186.7
EVA: 42 (30% raw, 16% adjusted)
One-Turn Average (raw, no OPB actions or actions with excess delay): 17662 (Killpoint: 44155)
Three-Turn Average (All): 21261 (Killpoint: 53154)
Three-Turn Average (No Kaguya, Patchouli, or Suwako): 20525 (Killpoint: 51313)

Parsee Mizuhashi
Level 101 Jealousy Beneath the Earth's Crust

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:2472 (3366) (74.1%)
ATK:3122 (7518)
DEF:2412 (2858) (-0.078 PCHP adj.)
MND:5142 (5617) (-0.469 PCHP adj.)
SPD:180 (96.4%)
EVA:18 (50) (33% raw, 20% adj.)
ACC:100 (157)

HP Recovery:11
MP Recovery:2

SHK:39 (63)

Fire:90 (138) (111%/72%)
Cold:90 (111%)
Wind:90 (111%)
Nature:90 (111%)
Mystic:180 (56%)
Spirit:66 (150%)
Dark:240 (42%)
Physical:120 (83%)
Void:200 (50%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases MP by 5
Mind Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1
Resistance Boost Lv5: Increases all status resistances by 15
Two-Way Curse Lv2: If Parsee is afflicted by a status, she inflicts 24% more and takes 24% less damage
Final Blow Lv2: When Parsee attacks an enemy affected by an ailment, the attack's damage is increased by 32%
Ability to Manipulate Jealousy Lv1: Parsee gains a +5% bonus to all stats for each debuffed character on the field.
Flames of Jealousy Lv2: When Parsee is on the frontlines, increases party's Dark damage by 30%.
Emergency Recovery Lv1: When Parsee is below 66% HP, Concentrate will consume 3 TP and restore 66% HP.

Attack (3000 delay):4018 (5303) ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.  If Parsee is below 2221 HP, she spends 3 TP and restores 2221 HP.
Large Box and Small Box Lv1 (5 MP, 4500 Delay): Inflicts 9835 (12983) ATK/DEF Physical damage to one enemy.  Has a variable chance to instead inflict 29506 (38948) damage.
Midnight Anathema Ritual Lv5 (3 MP, 3500 Delay): Inflicts 12536 (16548) ATK/DEF Dark damage to one enemy.  Has a 78% chance to inflict Terror(50000) and Silence(40000) each.
Grudge Returning Lv1 (4 MP, 5200 Delay): Inflicts 13054 (17232) ATK/DEF Dark damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% chance to inflict Terror(14000)
Jealousy of Kind and Lovely Lv1 (6 MP, 6800 Delay): Inflicts 65616 ATK/DEF Dark damage to all enemies that have Terror, and then removes Terror from affected targets.  The damage increases by 1% for every 2500 ticks of TRR the enemy has.  Maximum possible damage Parsee can get from this on her own is 77427 for casting the turn after Midnight Anathema Ritual.

Three-Turn Average: Midnight Anathema Ritual x3 for 12536

Comments: Parsee is below average speed and her HP is not great.  She can also easily two-shot you with either Terror inducer into Jealousy of Kind and Lovely, the latter of which is capable of Master Spark levels of damage.  Midnight Anathema Ritual also has Silence on it, but Parsee is built for bullying mages in general anyway.  Just look at that Mind value.

Wriggle Nightbug
Level 102 Bug of Light Wriggling in the Dark

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor

HP:4180 (92%)
MP:22 (26)
ATK:3096 (7622)
DEF:2709 (3334) (-0.157 PCHP adj.)
MAG:640 (844)
MND:2709 (3292) (-0.085 PCHP adj.)
SPD:170 (91%)
EVA:50 (33% raw, 20% adj)

HP Recovery:15
MP Recovery:2

SHK:66 (90)

Fire:60 (156) (167%/64%)
Cold:80 (128) (125%/78%)
Wind:132 (180) (76%/56%)
Nature:188 (53%)
Mystic:120 (83%)
Physical:90 (138) (111%/72%)

Defense Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
Mind Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Evasion Boost Lv5: +30 Evasion
Kodoku Queen Lv1: +5% to all stats (ACC/EVA included) per poisoned unit on the field.
Insect's Commander Lv2: When Wriggle is on the frontline, the party does +20% damage to Insect enemies.
Poison Touch Lv2:  When Wriggle is hit by an attack, she has a 70% chance to counter with a basic attack (4122 damage) that has a 90% chance to inflict Poison(10000) and Paralysis(4000).

Attack (3000 delay): 4122 (4503) ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Restores 4 MP
Comet on Earth Lv5 (3 MP, 4000 Delay): 9520 (10206) ATK/DEF Nature damage to one target.  Has a 112% chance to inflict Poison(40000)
Firefly Phenomenon Lv1 (4 MP, 5200 Delay): 10260 (11060) ATK/DEF Nature damage to all targets.  Has an 88% chance to inflict Poison (24000).
Nightbug Tornado Lv5 (6 MP, 6400 Delay): 10999 ATK/DEF Nature damage to all targets.  If the targets are poisoned, it instead inflicts 23666 damage.

Three-Turn Average: Firefly Phenomenon x3 for 10260

Comments: Wriggle is...well, she's very focused on inflicting poison.  She has reasonably good defenses all around, but if she can't land poison, she is going to be very sad.  On the other hand, LoT2 poison is some of the most disgustingly good poison out there.  Full to 1 HP in two turns, seriously.  Also I guess Nightbug Tornado isn't bad damage with its conditional.

Kaguya Houraisan
Level 92 Sinner of Eternity and the Instantaneous

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:1859 (2202) (48.5%)
DEF:1508 (+0.144 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3554 (8625)
MND:3354 (3689) (-0.151 PCHP adj.)
SPD:159 (161) (86.2%)
EVA:2 (1.9% raw, -17% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:6
MP Recovery:1

TRR:50 (90)
SIL:50 (90)
DTH:66 (106)
DBF:50 (90)

Fire:136 (74%)
Cold:136 (74%)
Wind:136 (74%)
Nature:136 (74%)
Mystic:154 (194) (65%/52%)
Spirit:154 (194) (65%/52%)
Dark:154 (194) (65%/52%)
Void:80 (125%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases MP by 5.
Magic Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Mind Boost Lv5: Increasese MND growth by 1.
Royal People of the Moon Lv1: 75% chance to spend 1 MP at the start of Kaguya's turn.  Kaguya's attacks ignore 90% of enemy defenses.
Robe of Fire Rat Lv2: When Kaguya is on the frontline, reduces fire damage to the party by 30%

Attack (3000 Delay): 8576 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 Delay):Recovers 2 MP.
Dragon's Neck Jewel Lv1 (4 MP, 6000 Delay): 15335 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.
Buddha's Stone Bowl Lv5 (7 MP, 6800 Delay): 14203 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.  Has a 100% chance to debuff DEF and MND by 23%.  Buffs Kaguya's ATK/DEF/MAG/MND/SPD by 18%.  After this, Kaguya goes to 1779 DEF (+0.099 PCHP adj.), 4353 MND (-0.263 PCHP adj.), and 189 SPD(101.3%)
Swallow's Cowrie Shell Lv1 (5 MP, 6300 Delay): 16033 MAG/MND Nature damage to all enemies.  Halves Kaguya's debuffs and ailment durations.
Bullet Branch of Hourai Lv5 (8 MP, 8500 Delay): 27658 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.

Three-Turn Average: Bullet Branch of Hourai x3 for 27658.  She's never getting this off in a fight but she gets to sit there and screw up the damage averages like an asshole.

Comments: You know, I could talk about Kaguya's very consistent magic damage.  Or the bullshit she can play off of Buddha's Stone Bowl and its buff combo.  Or her good all-around defenses (Void aside).  Or her ability to ignore 90% of magic defense.

But it's not going to matter because Kaguya's going to get laid out in one punch.  Likely before she can move.

Fujiwara no Mokou
Level 96 Human Form of Hourai

Main Equip:Tin Watering Can
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:4638 (6047) (133.1%)
TP:30 (35)
ATK:3754 (9039)
DEF:1986 (2353) (+0.005 PCHP adj.)
MND:1986 (2169) (+0.1 PCHP adj.)
SPD:178 (95.3%)
EVA:16 (48) (32% raw, 18% adj.)
ACC:100 (157)

HP Recovery:22
MP Recovery:4

SHK:24 (48)

Fire:200 (248) (50%/40%)
Cold:70 (143%)
Mystic:116 (86%)
Spirit:116 (86%)
Dark:80 (125%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
TP Boost Lv5: Increases Maximum TP by 10.
Attack Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
Regeneration Lv2: Mokou automatically restores 20% mHP (1294) a turn.
Resurrection Lv3: When Mokou is reduced to 0 HP, she has a 90% chance of consuming 6 TP and reviving to 33% HP.  When she revives in this way, her ATB is reduced to 0 as if she had used a 10000 delay move.  Cannot activate if she does not have TP to use on this.
Blazing Lv2: When Mokou is on the front line, the party inflicts 30% more Fire damage.
Fighting Spirit Lv2: When Mokou gets a turn, she gains a Fighting Spirit stack that remains until she switches out (maximum 6).  Damage inflicted is increased and damage taken is reduced by 5% per stack.

Attack (3000 delay): 5539 (-> 7201) ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 8 MP
Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- Lv1 (2 MP, 4100 Delay): 14468 (-> 18809) ATK/DEF Fire damage to a single target.
Tsuki no Iwakasa's Curse Lv4 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 10329 (-> 13428) ATK/DEF Wind damage to all enemies.  Has a 99% chance to reduce enemy ATK and MAG by 15%.
Fujiyama Volcano Lv1 (7 MP, 8000 Delay): 22374 (-> 29086) ATK/DEF Fire damage to all enemies.

Three-Turn Average: Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- x3 for 15191.78

Comments: Mokou easily adapts better to the duel format than Kaguya.  Sporting 20% regen, above-average HP, and a scaling boost to her damage output and reduction the more a fight goes on, Mokou gathers steam and then becomes notably difficult to get rid of.  While the ATB hurdle is a real one to get over, Resurrection does give her a solid amount of extra lives to work with; some may run themselves out of resources trying to put her down.

Aya Shameimaru
Level 97 Traditional Reporter of Fantasy

Main Equip:Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip:The Arch
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:4201 (5752) (126.6%)
MP:19 (20)
TP:20 (21)
ATK:3580 (8000)
DEF:1586 (1878) (+0.083 PCHP adj.)
MND:1268 (+0.249 PCHP adj.)
SPD:224 (243) (130.1%)
EVA:90 (166) (62% raw, 54% adj.)
ACC:100 (156)

HP Recovery:8
MP Recovery:2


Wind:200 (50%)
Nature:150 (67%)
Mystic:75 (133%)
Spirit:75 (133%)
Dark:90 (111%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
Evasion Boost Lv5: Boosts Evasion by 30
Nimble Lv1: When Aya receives a Speed debuff, she calculates it as a buff of the same magnitude.
Gensokyo's Fastest Lessions Lv2: Aya has a 100% chance to start with her timebar at 20000 (functionally, this gives her a free turn at the very start of battle)
Tengu's Wind Lv2: When Aya receives a turn, all active party members receive an 8% SPD buff.
Ability to Manipulate Wind Lv2: When Aya is on the frontline, the party receives 30% less Wind damage.

Attack (3000 delay):4500 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 4 MP
Wind God's Fan Lv3 (2 MP, 4600 Delay): 9867 ATK/DEF Wind damage to the target row.
Peerless Wind God Lv5 (4 MP, 3400 Delay): 15300 ATK/DEF Wind damage to one target.  Buffs Aya's SPD by 32%.  After one use, Aya's SPD will stabilize at +40% (340 SPD, 182.3%)
Sarutahiko's Guidance Lv1 (3 MP, 2500 Delay): Buffs the target's SPD by 40%.
Divine Grandson's Advent Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): Instantly fills a target's timebar to 10000, giving them an instant turn.

Three-Turn Average: Peerless Wind God x3 for 15300

Comments: what.  First Strike with that level of self-speed buffing is just unfair.  Especially when that buffing is attached to Aya's best damage.  It's possible she gets three turns in before her opponent gets one.  And her overall durability package is solid enough that even if hits get through her solid evasion, she can take one or two.

Mystia Lorelei
Level 104 Night Swallow Youkai

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:3400 (4237) (93.3%)
MP:26 (30)
ATK:3211 (8064)
DEF:1807 (2140) (+0.040 PCHP adj.)
MND:1807 (1973) (+0.132 PCHP adj.)
SPD:201 (206) (110.3%)
EVA:32 (64) (39% raw, 26% adj.)
ACC:100 (132)

HP Recovery:11
MP Recovery:2

SHK:0 (24)

Fire:88 (136) (114%/74%)
Cold:88 (114%)
Wind:144 (69%)
Nature:136 (74%)
Mystic:72 (139%)
Spirit:144 (69%)
Dark:88 (114%)
Physical:88 (114%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases MP by 5.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Singing in the Silence Lv1: Mystia gains +10% to all stats for each silenced target in the battle (maximum +50%).

Attack (3000 delay): 4564 (5370) ATK/DEF physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 4 MP.
Ill-Starred Dive Lv1 (2 MP, 3500 Delay): +20 ACC. 9883 (11430) ATK/DEF Wind damage to one enemy.
Poisonous Moth's Dark Dance Lv7 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): 14177 (16231) ATK/DEF Nature damage to all enemies.  Has an 88% chance to inflict Poison(15000) and Paralysis (5000) to targets.
Midnight Chorus Master Lv7 (5 MP, 9400 Delay): 21385 (24659) ATK/DEF Wind damage to all enemies.  Has a 120% chance to inflict Silence (32000) to targets.
Mysterious Song Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): Cures Silence to one target.  Has a 64% chance to cure Paralysis and Heavy.  If it cures a status, heals 40% mHP to the target.

Three-Turn Average: Poisonous Moth's Dark Dance x3 for 14177

Comments: Mystia is the blanket status specialist of the game.  While Poisonous Moth's Dark Dance doesn't paralock like Yin-Yang Orb or Diamond Blizzard do, it still has a solid amount of paralysis alongside adding poison.  Midnight Chorus Master hits hard but is more notable for letting Mystia benefit from Singing in the Silence, giving her a modest boost to all stats.  For the most part, though, she'll be spreading the misery.

Kasen Ibaraki
Level 96 One-Armed, Horned Hermit

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:4693 (6064) (133.5%)
MP:25 (29)
ATK:3858 (9334)
DEF:2402 (2845) (-0.077 PCHP adj.)
MND:2766 (3021) (-0.041 PCHP adj.)
SPD:191 (102.3%)
EVA:25 (57) (36% raw, 23% adj.)
ACC:100 (132)

HP Recovery:14
MP Recovery:2

SHK:40 (64)

Fire:144 (192) (69%/52%)
Cold:144 (69%)
Wind:144 (69%)
Nature:144 (69%)
Mystic:88 (114%)
Spirit:70 (143%)
Dark:70 (143%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
TP Boost Lv1: Increases maximum TP by 2.
Speed Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Ability to Guide Animals Lv2: When Kasen is on the frontline, the party gains +20% damage versus Beasts.
Guts Lv2: Kasen has a 50% chance when hitting 0 HP to instead spend 10 TP and survive with 1 HP.  This cannot proc if she does not have the TP.
Fighting Spirit Lv2: When Kasen gets a turn, she gains a Fighting Spirit stack that remains until she switches out (maximum 6).  Damage inflicted is increased and damage taken is reduced by 5% per stack.
Adversity Lv2: Kasen's damage is increased by 20% when she is inflicted with an ailment or debuff.
Thankful Preaching Lv1:Kasen's attacks have a 25% chance to add Silence(5000)
Impact Attack Lv1:Kasen's attacks have a 25% chance to add Shock

Attack (3000 delay): 5834/7001/8401 (-> 7584/9101/10921)
Concentrate (5000 delay):
Higekiri's Cursed Arm Lv1 (5 MP, 4200 Delay): ACC +40.  19637/23564/28277 (->25528/30633/36760) ATK/DEF Dark damage to one enemy, with a 100% base chance to inflict Terror(16000) and debuff the target's ATK and SPD by 18%
Echo of the Nine Forest Gods Lv1 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): ACC +24.  13055/15666/18799 (->16971/20366/24439) ATK/DEF Nature damage to all enemies.
Diving Waltz of the Raijuu Lv1 (4 MP, 4000 Delay): 13535/16242/19490 (->17595/21114/25337) ATK/DEF Wind damage to one enemy.  Has a 100% base chance to inflict Paralysis(5500), and a 100% base chance to debuff the target's MND by 24%.
Breath of the Hermit Lv4 (4 MP, 2400 Delay): Buffs Kasen's ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD by 36%.

Three-Turn Average: Higekiri's Cursed Arm x3 for 21600.7

Comments: So it just seems to be a general rule in any LoT: Oni are going to be good, and Kasen is no exception.  Breath of the Hermit is a fast buff that lets her crank up all her stats.  It's not as great as ones to come but she can get some serious mileage out of it within the average time of a turn.  That aside, it lets her build Fighting Spirit up faster as well, and her spellcards all hit strong and fast.  Oh and she can paralock as well.

Level 97 Little Dowser General

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3559 (3805) (83.8%)
MP:21 (22)
ATK:711 (938)
DEF:1848 (+0.088 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3424 (8771)
MND:2373 (2611) (+0.027 PCHP adj.)
SPD:191 (207) (110.9%)
EVA:54 (35% raw, 23% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:2


Cold:76 (132%)
Wind:124 (204) (81%/49%)
Nature:148 (68%)
Mystic:124 (244) (81%/41%)
Spirit:172 (214) (58%/47%)
Dark:76 (116) (132%/86%)

MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
EVA Boost Lv5: Increases Evasion by 30.
Bishamonten's Blessing Lv2: When Nazrin is on the frontline, the party does +20% damage to Divine enemies.
Eyes that Perceive Reality Lv1: Nazrin ignores the stat buffs of enemies she is attacking or attacked by.
Bishamonten's Protection - MAG Lv4: Increases MAG growth by 1.2

Attack (3000 delay): 5271 (6325) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):
Gold Rush Lv1 (3 MP, 4500 Delay): 15727(18872) MAG/MND (low MND factor) Physical damage to one enemy.  An enemy defeated by this drops 66% more money.
Rare Metal Detector Lv1 (3 MP, 3200 Delay): 12291(14749) MAG/MND Wind damage to one enemy.  An enemy defeated by this has a doubled item drop rate.
Nazrin Pendulum Lv1 (3 MP, 4500 Delay): 13526(16231) MAG/MND Cold damage to one enemy.  An enemy defeated by this gives 66% more EXP.

Three-Turn Average: Gold Rush x3 for 15727

Comments: I've made it clear how I generally don't care for characters who exist more for the very specific purposes of farming and item acquisition.  Nazrin is, at the least, not incompetent at her job when built for a duel, though.  Above average speed helps a lot, and having both a high-speed and a MND-piercing option gives her some flexibility.  She doesn't have much else, but what is there is competent enough, if a bit bland.  She exists, which is good enough.

Hina Kagiyama
Level 102 Nagashi-bina of the Hidden God

Main Equip: Source of Magic
Sub Equip: Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip: Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip: Tisiphone Edge

HP:3562 (78.4%)
MP:20 (24)
ATK:428 (633)
DEF:2709 (-0.054 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3317 (8332)
MND:3978 (-0.199 PCHP adj.)
SPD:165 (183) (98%)
EVA:28 (21% raw, 6% adj.)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:2


Fire:90 (111%)
Cold:90 (111%)
Wind:90 (210) (111%/48%)
Nature:120 (83%)
Mystic:180 (300) (56%/33%)
Spirit:60 (167%)
Dark:180 (56%)
Physical:90 (111%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1.
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1.
Two-Way Curse Lv2: If Hina is affected by an ailment, she inflicts 24% more damage and takes 24% less damage.
Curse Reversal Lv1: When Hina is affected by a debuff, it is treated as a buff at twice the magnitude.
Spinning More Than Usual Lv1: When Hina takes a turn and she has Heavy, Silence, or Terror on her, those effects get removed and she recovers 10 MP and receives a 33% buff to all stats.
Role of Nagashi-Bina Lv2: When Hina takes a turn, she receives a 12% debuff to all stats that have not been buffed.

Attack (3000 delay):4832 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):
Misfortune God's Biorhythm Lv5 (3 MP, 4000 Delay): 102% chance to inflict a 33% debuff to ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD to all combatants.
Pain Flow Lv3 (5 MP, 6000 Delay): 8998 MAG/MND Dark damage to all enemies.  Damage is increased by 150% of the total magnitude of all of Hina's debuffs (maximum 375%).  (At maximum debuff level between the debuff conversion and skill mult, Hina will hit for 80,610 assuming none of these hit the enemy.)  Purges all of Hina's debuffs afterwards.
Old Lady Ohgane's Fire Lv1 (4 MP, 5500 Delay): 11431 MAG/MND Fire damage to enemy row.  Has a 80% chance to debuff ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and/or SPD by 25% with a 1/3 chance for each (?!?!)

Three-Turn Average: Misfortune God's Biorhythm->Old Lady Ohgane's Fire->Pain Flow for 35906

Comments: Hina is disgusting, full stop.  Not just the literal curses she is suffused with, but the mechanics of how she fights are dirty.  The intersection of Curse Reversal, Role of Nagashi-Bina, and Misfortune God's Biorhythm makes Hina absolutely monstrous in a duel.  By the end of the first turn, she gets a functional +90% boost to all her stats - which stabilizes at +100% by her third turn given how debuffs scale.  Take her out before she can move or prepare to get crushed in short order.

Rin Kaenbyou
Level 98 Hell's Traffic Accident

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:2730 (3066) (67.5%)
MP:21 (25)
ATK:3403 (8168)
DEF:1388 (1516) (+0.143 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3138 (3621)
MND:2555 (2791) (-0.003 PCHP adj.)
SPD:214 (231) (123.7%)
EVA:40 (56) (35% raw, 23% adj.)
ACC:100 (116)

HP Recovery:18
MP Recovery:2

SHK:22 (46)

Fire:192 (240) (52%/42%)
Cold:56 (179%)
Wind:132 (172) (76%/58%)
Nature:56 (179%)
Mystic:96 (136) (104%/74%)
Spirit:152 (66%)
Dark:152 (66%)
Physical:96 (104%)

ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75.
Two-Way Curse Lv2: If Rin is affected by an ailment, her damage done is increased by 24% and damage taken decreased by 24%
Final Blow Lv2: When Rin attacks an enemy affected by an ailment, her damage done is increased by 32%
Extra Attack Lv2: When Rin performs an action that is not Formation Change, she has a 32% chance to immediately repeat the action.  The repeated action itself can be repeated at the same 32% rate.  If the action costed MP, the repeated action costs half of the original cost (Minimum cost, 1).  Effective rates per turn are roughly 68% for one attack, 22% for two attacks, 7% for three attacks, 2% for four attacks, and 1% for five attacks, totaling to a 1.464x modifier to effective damage.

Attack (3000 delay): 4668 (6161) [EA:6834 (9020)]  ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
Cat's Walk Lv6 (1 MP, 1600 Delay): 8471 (11182) [EA: 12402 (16370)]  ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.  This attack has a 60% chance of inflicting Shock.
Vengeful Cannibal Spirit Lv1 (4 MP, 4000 Delay): 9284 (12254) [EA: 13591 (17941)] ATK+MAG/DEF Dark damage to one target.  This attack has a 40% chance of inflicting Terror(10000) and a 50% chance of debuffing the target's DEF by 25%.
Former Hell's Needle Hill Lv1 (4 MP, 4800 Delay): 13128 (17329) [EA: 19219 (25369)] ATK/DEF Physical damage to an enemy row.  This attack has a 60% chance of debuffing the targets' DEF by 25%.
Blazing Wheel Lv1 (6 MP, 7000 Delay): 9954 (13139) [EA: 14572 (19235)] ATK+MAG/MND Fire damage to all enemies.

Three-Turn Average: Former Hell's Needle Hill x3 for 19219

Comments: Rin works on a single trick; a variant of the paralockers' game of "You Don't Get To Act".  But it's a pretty good trick - Cat's Walk runs on an extremely short cooldown and Rin is fast enough that she can indefinitely crater her opponent's ATB if they don't block Shock in some way.  Extra Attack only makes this faster, and should she buy herself enough time, Former Hell's Needle Hill or Vengeful Cannibal Spirit can let her hit harder between the DEF debuffs and Final Blow.

Utsuho Reiuji
Level 92 Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Demon Core
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3848 (4425) (97.4%)
MP:30 (31)
ATK:618 (716)
DEF:2007 (+0.062 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3853 (9455)
MND:2007 (2207) (+0.094 PCHP adj.)
SPD:178 (185) (99.1%)
EVA:12 (10% raw, -7% adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:6
MP Recovery:2

TRR:24 (44)
SIL:24 (44)
DTH:24 (44)
DBF:24 (44)

Fire:220 (45%)
Cold:50 (200%)
Wind:144 (184) (69%/54%)
Nature:70 (143%)
Mystic:144 (224) (69%/45%)
Spirit:70 (110) (143%/91%)
Dark:100 (140) (100%/71%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2.
MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Blazing Lv2: When Utsuho is on the front lines, the party inflicts 30% more fire damage.
Overheating Lv1: When Utsuho uses an offensive ability, she adds an Overheating counter (max 5) that lasts as long as she remains on the frontlines.  Each stack increases her damage by 15% and MP costs by 1.
Fighting Spirit Lv2: Whenever Utsuho gets a turn, she adds a Fighting Spirit counter (max 6) that lasts as long as she remains on the frontlines.  Each stack increases her damage dealt and reduces her damage taken by 5%
Sheer Force Lv1: When attacking with a resisted element, she treats the target's affinity as half the excess over 100.  200 affinity would become 150, 300 would become 200, and so on.  Treats all affinities above 500 as 500 for the purposes of this ability.

Attack (3000 delay):5955 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP
Giga Flare Lv4 (8 MP, 8200 Delay): 25833 MAG/MND (extremely low MND factor) Mystic damage to all targets.
Intense Nuclear Reaction Lv1 (4 MP, 5200 Delay): 16345 MAG/MND Fire damage to all targets.  Increases Utsuho's MAG by 20% and debuffs her DEF and MND by 12%, and her SPD by 8%
Hell's Tokamak Lv1 (4 MP, 6000 Delay): 15040 MAG/MND (high MND factor) Fire damage to all targets, with a 112% chance to debuff the target's MND by 20%

Three-Turn Average: Uncontrollable Nuclear Reaction x2->Giga Flare for 29710.66

Comments: Being Utsuho is suffering.  She suffers the fate of being just below average at almost everything - HP, defense, speed.  What she does have the advantage of, though, is the fact that the more she acts, the harder she's going to hit.  Fighting Spirit and Overheating stack multiplicatively, not additively, and ideally for her, she builds that up before going to burn the other guy down with one of her spells.  The longer she lasts, the harder she can hit.

Satori Komeji
Level 93 Girl that even the Vengeful Spirits Fear

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:4581 (4951) (109%)
MP:24 (28)
DEF:1219 (+0.192 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3590 (9432)
MND:1219 (1585) (+0.196 PCHP adj.)
SPD:154 (82.5%)
EVA:10 (9% raw, -9% adj.)

HP Recovery:8
MP Recovery:3


Fire:130 (77%)
Cold:130 (77%)
Wind:90 (111%)
Nature:90 (111%)
Mystic:150 (270) (67%/37%)
Spirit:150 (270) (67%/37%)
Dark:70 (190) (143%/53%)
Physical:70 (143%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases maximum MP by 5.
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1.
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1.
Eyes that Perceive Reality Lv1: Satori ignores buffs on enemies that she is attacking or attacked by.
Trauma Recollection Lv2: When Satori is in the frontlines, all frontliners do 24% more damage when hitting elemental weaknesses.
Spell Card Recollection Lv5: Satori can cast any ability that any ally on the frontline with her can use, but at +1 MP cost.

Attack (3000 delay):5932 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Restores 6 MP.
Brain Fingerprint Lv5 (4 MP, 6000 Delay): ITE. 10973 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.  Has a 56% chance to inflict Silence(20000) to affected targets.

Three-Turn Average: Brain Fingerprint x3 for 10973

Comments: See Spell Card Recollection there?  That's useless in a duel.  And it's her actual main benefit in-game.  Without it, she just has a middling Silence infliction skill to work with.  Oh, and her basic attack.  Compounding this, she is slow and frail.  She's not Rinnosuke bad...wait no she kind of is.  At least Rinnosuke can heal.

Unranked Games / Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2: Reimu through Nitori
« on: November 02, 2023, 03:19:24 AM »
Averages Up Top:

HP: 4542
DEF: 2380
MND: 2775
SPD: 186.7
EVA: 42 (30% raw, 16% adjusted)
One-Turn Average (raw, no OPB actions or actions with excess delay): 17662 (Killpoint: 44155)
Three-Turn Average (All): 21261 (Killpoint: 53154)
Three-Turn Average (No Kaguya, Patchouli, or Suwako): 20525 (Killpoint: 51313)

Reimu Hakurei
Level 102 Flying Mysterious Shrine Maiden

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Water Cutting Sword
Sub Equip:Water Cutting Sword
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:4069 (5164) (113.7%)
ATK:2545 (3093)
DEF:2158 (+0.037 PCHP adj.)
MAG:2984 (7002)
MND:2709 (+0.011 PCHP adj.)
SPD:178 (186) (99.6%)
EVA:8 (7.4% Raw, -11% Adj.)
ACC:100 (125)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:3


Fire:110 (91%)
Cold:110 (230) (91%/43%)
Wind:110 (150) (91%/67%)
Nature:110 (91%)
Mystic:66 (106) (151%/94%)
Spirit:180 (56%)
Dark:144 (69%)
Physical:110 (91%)

HP Boost Lv5:Increases HP growth rate by 2
MP Boost Lv5:Increases MP by 5
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth rate by 1
Grand Incantation Lv2 - The next attack or spell after Concentrating will have 2.4x damage or healing
Armored Yin-Yang Orb Lv2 - When Reimu is on the front lines, the party takes 30% less Spirit damage.
Youkai Buster Lv2 - When Reimu is on the front lines, the party does 30% more damage to Youkai.

Attack (3000 delay): 3502 (8405) MAG/MND Spirit damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 6 MP.
Yin-Yang Orb Lv5 (2 MP, 4000 delay): 7537 (18089) ATK+MAG/DEF Spirit damage to a single enemy.  85% chance to add PAR(4000) to the target.
Fantasy Seal Lv1 (5 MP, 5000 delay): 12921 (31010) ATK+MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.
Exorcising Border Lv1 (8 MP, 6800 delay): 4621 healing to all allies.
Great Hakurei Barrier Lv5 (7 MP, 5200 delay): Buffs all allies' DEF and MND by 58%.  After using this once, Reimu will have 3409 DEF(-0.17 PCHP adj.) and 4280 MND(-0.251 PCHP adj.).

Three-Turn Average: Concentrate->Fantasy Seal->Fantasy Seal for 14643.66 damage

Comments: Reimu generally lacks her standard role in-game here, as most of her strengths pertain to party support - Exorcising Border and Great Hakurei Barrier are costed the way they are because they target the whole party.  However, this is not to say she does not have her upsides in a duel.  Most notably, Yin-Yang Orb is capable of paralysis-locking an opponent indefinitely should they be unlucky enough, and she's durable enough to be able to take a hit or two.  Grand Incantation lets her crank up her damage should she need to chip around a limit.

Marisa Kirisame
Level 97 Ordinary Black Magician

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:2436 (53.6%)
MP:35 (41)
ATK:307 (356)
DEF:1323 (+0.175 PCHP adjustment)
MAG:3686 (9926)
MND:3161 (3793) (-0.168 PCHP adjustment)
SPD:201 (210) (112.4%)
EVA:40 (28% raw, 14% adj.)

HP Recovery:9
MP Recovery:3


Fire:88 (114%)
Cold:88 (114%)
Wind:88 (128) (114%/78%)
Nature:88 (114%)
Mystic:200 (320) (50%/31%)
Spirit:164 (244) (61%/41%)
Dark:164 (244) (61%/41%)

MP Boost Lv5: +5 MP
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75
Sheer Force Lv1: When attacking somebody with a resisted element, their affinity above neutral is treated as halved. 
Sudden Impulse Lv2: Expands randomization factor for Marisa's moves from 90-110 to 80-130.  Provides an overall 5% bonus to damage, but makes it more volatile.
Magic Training Lv2: When Marisa is on the front lines, the party inflicts 30% more Mystic damage.

Attack (3000 delay): 8771 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recover 6 MP
Magic Missile Lv1 (2 MP, 4200 Delay): Inflicts 20281 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one enemy.
Asteroid Belt Lv1 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): Inflicts 17721 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.
Master Spark Lv5 (27* MP, 10000 Delay): Consumes all of Marisa's MP to inflict 64283 MAG/MND Mystic damage to all enemies.  Gains a 2% bonus for every MP in excess of the initial cost. (at current stats, this would scale up to 82282 at full MP)
Concentration Lv3 (3 MP, 1200 Delay): Buffs Marisa's own MAG by 30%.

Three-turn average:Concentration x2->Master Spark for 37831.9.  Master Spark itself is doing well over 100,000 there.

Comments: Marisa is extremely simple and straightforward in her strategy.  Try to either go first or survive a turn, and then one-shot her opponent with Master Spark, and she's banking on the former.  She is above average in speed at least, and should she go up against a fellow caster, she is magically durable enough to survive some spells.  She crumples instantly to average physicals, though, and is absolutely screwed should someone be able to stop, evade, or otherwise no-sell Master Spark.

Rinnosuke Morichika
Level 100 Unmoving Used Goods Seller

Main Equip: Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip: Luster Candy
Sub Equip: Luster Candy
Sub Equip: Luster Candy

HP:3718 (5519) (121.5%)
ATK:3307 (7581)
DEF:3036 (3877) (-0.247 PCHP adj.)
MND:1955 (+0.135 PCHP adj.)
SPD:162 (163) (87.2%)
EVA:4 (72) (41% raw, 30% adj.)
ACC:100 (148)

HP Recovery:16
MP Recovery:2


Fire:132 (76%)
Cold:132 (76%)
Wind:80 (125%)
Nature:80 (125%)
Mystic:80 (125%)
Spirit:80 (125%)
Physical:144 (69%)

ATK High Boost Lv5 - Increases ATK growth by 5
DEF High Boost Lv5 - Increases DEF growth by 4
MAG High Boost Lv5 - Increases MAG growth by 5
MND High Boost Lv5 - Increases MND growth by 4
Weird Creatures Knowledge Lv2: Rinnosuke's party does +20% damage to Other-type enemies while he is on the frontline.  This mostly applies to slimes and kedamas, though it also applies to some eldritch abomination style enemies as well.
Attack Debuff Add-On Lv2: When Rinnosuke takes a turn, he has a chance to inflict a 8% ATK debuff on each enemy
Magic Debuff Add-On Lv2: When Rinnosuke takes a turn, he has a chance to inflict a 8% MAG debuff on each enemy

Attack (3000 delay):4081 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP.
First Aid Lv1 (1 MP, 3000 delay): Heals target for 1907.  Cures Poison and Terror.
Battle Command Lv3 (2 MP, 3400 delay): Buffs target's ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, and SPD by 14%.

Three-Turn Average: Attack x3 for 4081.  lol.

Comments: Oh god here's our memelord of the game.  Rinnosuke is, uh...not meant for fighting in-game, so it makes sense he's not great here either.  He is at least durable, and can tweak his boosts and equipment in order to optimize his attack and defense for his opponent.  Not that it'll help him.  The guy probably risks losing slapfights in Light just off of his absolute lack of damage.

Keine Kamishirasawa
Level 98 Half Beast of Knowledge and History

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Old Model Power Armor

HP:3863 (4309) (94.9%)
MP:30 (36)
ATK:738 (856)
DEF:2555 (2850) (-0.077 PCHP Adj.)
MAG:3244 (8099)
MND:2290 (2889) (-0.019 PCHP Adj.)
SPD:180 (96.4%)
EVA:12 (10% raw, -7% adj.)

HP Recovery:10
MP Recovery:2


Fire:120 (144) (83%/69%)
Cold:120 (144) (83%/69%)
Wind:120 (144) (83%/69%)
Nature:120 (83%)
Mystic:120 (200) (83%/50%)
Spirit:120 (200) (83%/50%)
Dark:60 (140) (167%/71%)
Physical:120 (144) (83%/69%)

MP Boost Lv5: Increases max MP by 5
MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1
Firm Defense Lv2:When Keine takes damage from an enemy attack, she receives a 10% buff to DEF and MND
Teacher's Command Lv2:When Keine takes a turn, the active party receives a 12% MND buff.
History Accumulation Lv2: When Keine uses a Three Treasure spell, increase the appropriate buff by 1.  ATK and MAG are boosted by 10% per Sword counter.  DEF and MND are boosted by 12% per Mirror counter.  The combined cap for counters is 2.

Attack (3000 delay): 4599 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay):Recovers 4 MP
Ancient History -Old History- Lv1 (5 MP, 4880 Delay): 8789 MAG/DEF Dark damage to all enemies.
New History -Next History- Lv1 (5 MP, 4880 Delay): 8789 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all enemies.
Three Treasures - Sword Lv2 (5 MP, 4000 Delay): Buffs the frontline's ATK and MAG by 27%
Three Treasures - Mirror Lv5 (5 MP, 4000 Delay): Buffs the frontline's DEF and MND by 36%.  After using this once, Keine goes, including History Accumulation, up to 4341 DEF(-0.324 PCHP adj.) and 4400 MND(-0.27 PCHP adj.)

Three Turn Average: Ancient History -Old History- x3 for 8789.

Comments: Keine's strats here are simple.  Buff her defenses to the heavens with Mirror and then try to outlast the opponent.  This does work more effectively against mages, as Teacher's Command stabilizes her MND buff should it go up to 60%, but she can manage this against fighters somewhat.  History Accumulation helps with this.  Her damage is just...never going to be good, though, and she's on the slow side.  Surprisingly durable once she gets started courtesy of her defensive buffs.

Momiji Inubashiri
Level 99 Petty Patrol Tengu

Main Equip:Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Pride

HP:4830 (6019) (132.5%)
ATK:3918 (9433)
DEF:3705 (4731) (-0.388 PCHP adj.)
MND:2366 (2584) (+0.032 PCHP adj.)
SPD:185 (99.1%)
EVA:24 (76) (43% raw, 31% adj.)
ACC:150 (182)

HP Recovery:15
MP Recovery:2


Cold:70 (143%)
Wind:132 (76%)
Nature:132 (76%)
Mystic:70 (143%)
Physical:132 (76%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1
DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1
Ability to See Far Distances Lv2: When Momiji is on the frontline, all active members' accuracy is increased by 50%
Tengu's Watchful Eye Lv2: When Momiji is on the frontline, the party gains +20% damage versus Flying enemies
Accelerate Lv1: Momiji receives a 10% SPD buff when she gets a turn.
Eyes that Perceive Reality Lv1: Momiji ignores the stat buffs of an enemy she is attacking or attacked by.

Attack (3000 delay):
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 4 MP
Rabies Bite Lv5 (3 MP, 4000 Delay): 19169 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one enemy.
Expellee's Canaan Lv3 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 13989 ATK/DEF Wind damage to all enemies.

Three-turn average: Rabies Bite x3 for 19169

Comments: Momiji is perhaps the single most honest LoT2 dueller there is.  No crazy buffing games, no gimmicks, no status tricks.  She just hits you with Rabies Bite.  ...oh and she has enough defense to almost completely null average physical damage.  Sometimes there is beauty in simplicity.

Youmu Konpaku
Level 97 Half-Human Half-Phantom Gardener

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:4498 (6124) (134.8%)
ATK:3686 (8706)
DEF:2792 (3307) (-0.153 PCHP Adj.)
MND:1531 (1672) (+0.182 PCHP Adj.)
SPD:183 (98%)
EVA:20 (52) (34% raw, 21% adj.)
ACC:100 (157)

HP Recovery:10
MP Recovery:3

SHK:32 (56)

Fire:72 (120) (139%/83%)
Cold:132 (76%)
Mystic:72 (139%)
Spirit:200 (50%)
Dark:188 (53%)
Physical:132 (76%)

ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1
DEF Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1
Regeneration Ability Lv1: Youmu regenerates 10% mHP (612) every turn.
Netherworld Dweller Lv2: If Youmu is on the frontline, the party does +20% damage to Ghost type enemies.
Dexterity Lv1: Youmu calculates ATK/MAG debuffs as buffs of equal magnitude.
Meikyo Shisui Lv2: When Youmu takes a turn with full MP, she receives a +12% buff to all stats.
Desperation Lv2: When Youmu has less than 60% HP, all of her stats (including ACC and EVA) are boosted by 25%.  For relevant stats, this boosts her ATK to 10882, DEF to 4133 (-0.289), MND to 2090 (+0.113), and SPD to 228 (122.1%)

Attack (3000 delay):5206 (Desp: 7382) ATK/DEF physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 6 MP
Present Life Slash Lv1 (4 MP, 4330 Delay): 12164 (Desp: 16429) ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Slash of Eternity Lv2 (10 MP, 8200 Delay): 17891 (Desp: 23649) ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
God's Slash of Karma Wind Lv1 (11 MP, 4400 Delay): 13759 (Desp:18772) ATK/DEF Wind damage to all enemies.
Slash Clearing the Six Senses Lv1 (9 MP, 6000 Delay): 10412 (Desp:14764) ATK/DEF Nature damage to all enemies.

Three-Turn Average: Attack->Slash of Eternity x2 for 16148.66.  This empties her MP but is the absolute best she can get for raw damage in three turns.

Comments: Youmu's intended duel strategy is...unusual.  She wants to hold off on her spellcards as long as possible so she can build up stats off of Meikyo Shisui.  Basic attacks also help her get turns faster, which lets her leverage her 10% regen.  Desperation gives her a much better statline all around when she hits below 60% HP, but she's held back by skill bases and her MND frankly never[/b] gets good.

Kogasa Tatara
Level 103 Cheery Forgotten Umbrella

Main Equip:Recovery Armband
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:The Arch

HP:3653 (4524) (99.6%)
MP:20 (24)
TP:14 (15)
ATK:3736 (9081)
DEF:3013 (-0.104 PCHP Adj.)
MND:1957 (2319) (+0.075 PCHP adj.)
SPD:172 (179) (95.9%)
EVA:40 (64) (39% raw, 26% adj.)
ACC:100 (124)

HP Recovery:12 (16)
MP Recovery:8

SHK:128 (176)

Fire:75 (171) (133%/58%)
Cold:175 (57%)
Mystic:125 (80%)
Dark:200 (50%)
Physical:75 (133%)

ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1
EVA Boost Lv5: Increases EVA by 30
Ability to Surprise Humans Lv1: All attacks can inflict Terror, attacks that can already inflict Terror have their rate increased by 25%
Easygoing Lv1: When using Concentrate, restore 32% mHP (1447)
Sheer Force Lv1: When attacking with a resisted element, treat the enemy's elemental affinity as half of its deviation from neutral (in effect: 50% resist would become 33%, 67% would become 50%, and so on).  In addition, she treats her enemies' status resistances as 2/3 normal.
Troubled Forgotten Item Lv2: When Kogasa attacks an enemy affected by Terror, she recovers 2 MP and receives a 20% buff to all stats.
Astonishing Ghost Umbrella Lv1: Reduces damage taken from enemies affected by Terror by 40%.
Waterproof Ghost Umbrella Lv1: +33% damage inflicted to targets affected by Terror.

Attack (3000 delay): Inflicts 5581 (7423) ATK/DEF Physical damage, has a 25% chance to inflict Terror(5000)
Concentrate (5000 delay): Recovers 16 MP and 1447 HP.
Karakasa Surprising Flash Lv1 (5 MP, 5800 Delay): Inflicts 9085 (12083) ATK/DEF Nature damage, has a 65% base chance to inflict Terror (12000) and 40% chance to inflict Shock.
A Rainy Night's Ghost Story Lv4 (4 MP, 5050 Delay): Inflicts 20294 (26,992) ATK/DEF Dark damage, has an 80% base chance to inflict Terror (23600) and a 100% base chance to inflict a 39% MND debuff.
Drizzling Large Raindrops Lv1 (3 MP, 3380 Delay): Inflicts 11777 (15663) ATK/DEF Cold damage, has a 25% chance to inflict Terror(5000)

Three-Turn Average: A Rainy Night's Ghost Story x3 for 20294.

Comments: Kogasa comes off as unremarkable, but she fights surprisingly dirty.  Everything about her kit is focused around inflicting Terror, and then capitalizing on it, either with a massive surprise damage buff or running it into a surprisingly vicious stalling game pending on which she feels like surprising the opponent with.  Troubled Forgotten Item lets her snowball surprisingly harder once Terror lands, and Easygoing gives her a surprising infinite-use heal.

Level 102 Youkai of the Dusk

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:2834 (62.4%)
MP:22 (27)
ATK:428 (564)
DEF:1664 (+0.118 PCHP adj.)
MAG:3372 (9027)
MND:3314 (3649) (-0.144 PCHP adj.)
SPD:175 (189) (101.2%)
EVA:32 (24% raw, 9% adj.)

HP Recovery:10
MP Recovery:2

SIL:40 (50)
DTH:40 (50)

Fire:124 (81%)
Cold:144 (69%)
Wind:144 (224) (69%/45%)
Nature:124 (81%)
Mystic:180 (300) (56%/33%)
Spirit:88 (128) (114%/78%)
Dark:224 (264) (45%/38%)
Physical:132 (76%)

MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75
Affinity Boost Lv5: Increases all elemental affinities by 32 (except, presumably, Void)
Realm of Eternal Darkness Lv2: When Rumia is on the frontline, the party takes 30% less Dark damage.
Youkai's Knowledge Lv2: When Rumia is on the frontline, the party does +20% damage versus Humanoid enemies.
Piercing Attack Lv2: Minimum damage from any attack is equal to 40% of the attack's pre-defense, pre-multiplier damage, regardless of the target's DEF/MND

Attack (3000 Delay):5527 (6632) (Minimum: 3611 (4333))  MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 Delay): Recovers 4 MP.
Moonlight Ray Lv5 (3 MP, 3400 Delay): 27537 (33044) (minimum 6499 (7799)) MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Dark Side of the Moon Lv5 (3 MP, 4000 Delay): 10832 (12999) ITD MAG Dark damage to all enemies.
Demarcation Lv1 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): 3009 Healing to all allies, and reduces their existing debuffs by 60%

Three-Turn Average: Moonlight Ray x3 for 27537

Comments: What the actual hell, Rumia.  Rumia herself has decent stats, but it's the bases on Moonlight Ray that stand out.  Piercing Attack lets her, in theory, do some damage to enemies who could wall her, but...seriously.  The fact that she gains a free dmage bonus against humanoids - a classification that a vast majority of opponents here would fall under - is only icing on the cake.  Hell, unlike Marisa, she even stands a chance at surviving a turn against physical fighters should they get a turn.  Demarcation...exists but if she has to rely on it in a duel, she's probably screwed.

Level 107 Small Fairy of the Ice

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Water Cutting Sword
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge
Sub Equip:Tisiphone Edge

HP:2844 (3391) (74.7%)
MP:20 (24)
ATK:3010 (6809)
DEF:2319 (+0.01 PCHP adj.)
MAG:2953 (4089)
MND:1856 (+0.152 PCHP adj.)
SPD:201 (224) (120%)
EVA:36 (26% raw, 11% adj.)

HP Recovery:18
MP Recovery:3


Fire:56 (179%)
Cold:272 (332) (37%/30%)
Wind:156 (236) (64%/42%)
Nature:132 (76%)
Mystic:156 (236) (64%/42%)
Spirit:156 (64%)
Dark:108 (93%)
Physical:108 (93%)

Speed Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75
Affinity Boost Lv5: All affinities +32
Beloved Tomboyish Girl Lv2: When Cirno takes a turn, she has a chance to inflict an 8% SPD debuff to all enemies.
Giving You Wings Lv1:
Ability to Manipulate Ice Lv2: When Cirno is on the front line, the party takes 30% less Cold damage

Attack (3000 delay): 3309 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 delay): Restores 6 MP
Icicle Fall Lv5 (3 MP, 4700 Delay): Inflicts 10019 ATK+MAG/DEF Cold damage to a target, and has a 122% base chance to reduce the target's SPD by 44%
Diamond Blizzard Lv5 (6 MP, 6200 Delay): Inflicts 13599 ATK/DEF Cold damage to all targets, and has a 105% base chance to inflict Paralysis(6800)
Perfect Freeze Lv1 (5 MP, 5400 Delay): Inflicts 6262 ATK+MAG/DEF Cold damage to all targets, and has a 75% base chance to reduce the target's SPD by 32%
White Album Lv5 (5 MP, 3000 Delay): Buffs Cirno's DEF and MND by 70%. After one casting, Cirno goes to 3942 DEF (-0.258 PCHP adj) and 3155 MND (-0.065 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: Diamond Blizzard x3 for 13599

Comments: LoT1 Cirno managed to play well in Heavy.  LoT2 Cirno is a good deal of the same; massive speed crushing on Icicle Fall, and Diamond Blizzard can manage a paralysis lock better than what Reimu can manage.  She has some MP problems, though; Diamond Blizzard is not cheap, and if her opponent has ice resistance worth a damn, she easily starts having some problems.  White Album lends her to a degree of survivability, especially against fighters.

Minoriko Aki
Level 104 Symbol of Abundance and Harvest

Main Equip:Source of Magic
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet
Sub Equip:Forbidden Tablet

HP:3172 (69.8%)
MP:35 (42)
DEF:1357 (+0.169 PCHP adj.)
MAG:2818 (7338)
MND:3715 (5315) (-0.419 PCHP adj.)
SPD:206 (110.3%)
EVA:8 (7% raw, -11% adj.)

HP Recovery:20
MP Recovery:4


Fire:50 (200%)
Cold:70 (143%)
Wind:160 (63%)
Nature:240 (42%)
Mystic:100 (220) (100%/45%)
Spirit:120 (240) (83%/42%)
Dark:90 (210) (111%/48%)

MAG Boost Lv5: Increases MAG growth by 1
SPD Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75
Resistance Boost Lv5: +15 to all status resistances
Symbol of Harvest Lv2: When Minoriko is on the front line, the party inflicts 20% more damage to Plant enemies.
Regeneration Ability Lv1: Minoriko restores 10% mHP (317) when taking an action
Ability to Control Harvests Lv2: When Minoriko takes a turn, the party receives an 8% MAG buff.

Attack (3000 Delay): 3838 MAG/MND Mystic damage to one target.
Concentrate (5000 Delay): Recovers 8 MP.
Autumn Sky Lv5 (3 MP, 3000 Delay): 14270 MAG+MND/MND Nature damage to one target.
Warm Colour Harvest Lv1 (10 MP, 4500 Delay): 19308 MAG+MND/MND Nature damage to all enemies.
Sweet Potato Room Lv1 (4 MP, 4600 Delay): Heals one ally for 11995.
Owotoshi Harvester Lv5 (3 MP, 3000 Delay): Buffs one target's DEF and MND by 57%.  After one casting, Minoriko has 2130 DEF (+0.041 PCHP adj.) and 8345 MND (-0.922 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: Warm Colour Harvest x3 for 21875.33

Commentary: Who the hell would have thought Minoriko would be such a magic tank?  Should she get the first turn, Owotoshi Harvester is a strong defensive buff that she can cheaply stack, and she has incredibly efficient delays.  Physical damage faster than her gives her nightmares, though.

Komachi Onozuka
Level 95 Dropped and Low-Plateaued Shinigami

Main Equip:Tracking Orbitars
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:6273 (9314) (205.1%)
ATK:3767 (8462)
DEF:1040 (1328) (+0.174 PCHP adj.)
MND:1297 (+0.244 PCHP adj.)
SPD:162 (86.8%)
EVA:8 (56) (35% raw, 23% adj.)
ACC:100 (173)

HP Recovery:14
MP Recovery:3


Fire:80 (125%)
Cold:144 (69%)
Wind:80 (125%)
Nature:80 (125%)
Spirit:144 (69%)
Dark:188 (53%)
Physical:124 (81%)

HP Boost Lv5: Increases HP growth by 2
ATK Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1
MND Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1
The Shinigami's Work Lv1: All attacks can now inflict Death, and those that do have their chances improved (25% rate)
Flexibility Lv1: When Komachi receives a Defense/Mind debuff, it is instead calculated as a buff of equal magnitude
Regeneration Ability Lv1: Komachi restores 10% mHP (931) when she gets a turn.
Edokko God of Death Lv1: When Komachi takes damage, she ahs a 25% chance to counter with an attack against all enemies for 7985 ATK/DEF Spirit damage.  If the attack has an added Death effect or is multitarget and kills somebody else in the same attack, she instead has a 100% chance to counter with an attack against all enemies for 26868 ATK/DEF Spirit damage.
An Eye for an Eye Lv2: When Komachi takes damage from an enemy's attack, she gains a 10% ATK buff.

Attack (3000 delay): 4692 ATK/DEF Physical damage.  25% chance to instantly kill the target.
Concentrate (5000 Delay): Restores 6 MP
Short Life Expectancy Lv1 (3 MP, 4200 Delay): 11911 ATK/DEF Physical damage to a single target.  65% chance to instantly kill the target.
Ferriage in the Deep Fog Lv5 (5 MP, 4600 Delay): 14886 ATK/DEF Cold damage to a target row.  89% chance to instantly kill the target.
Narrow Confines of Avici Lv1 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): 1276 MAG/MND Spirit damage to all targets.  Has a 60% chance to debuff ATK, DEF, MAG, MND, SPD by 16%.  Has a 57% chance to instantly kill.  Has a 40% chance to inflict Paralysis(3333).  Has a 60% chance to inflict Terror(16000)
Scythe that Chooses the Dead Lv2 (6 MP, 6000 Delay): 17145 ATK/DEF Spirit damage to a single target.  Has a 25% chance to instantly kill the target.

Three-Turn Average: Ferriage in the Deep Fog x3 for 14886

Comments: Here we have the first ID specialist.  Don't mind the laughable defenses, Komachi compensates with a generous HP pool, 10% regen, and very reliable death infliction.  She's only okay outside of the ID, but Ferriage in the Deep Fog is real solid, and she has the bulk to get it off at least once.


Level 110 Shikigami of the Shikigami of the Youkai

Main Equip:Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip:The Arch
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:2316 (3171) (69.8%)
MP:16 (17)
TP:24 (25)
ATK:2735 (6522)
DEF:1432 (1697) (+0.113 PCHP adj.)
MND:1076 (+0.281 PCHP adj.)
SPD:235 (255) (136.6%)
EVA:78 (154) (60% raw, 52% adj.)
ACC:100 (132)

HP Recovery:20
MP Recovery:2


Cold:40 (250%)
Wind:124 (81%)
Nature:148 (68%)
Mystic:90 (111%)
Dark:90 (111%)

Attack Boost Lv5: Increases ATK growth by 1
Speed Boost Lv5: Increases SPD growth by 0.75
Evasion Boost Lv5: +30 Evade.
Accelerate Lv1: Chen gains +10% speed when she takes a turn
Idaten Lv2: When Chen is on the frontline, the party has a 40% lower chance of being inflicted with Heavy, and its duration is reduced by 40%.

Attack (3000 delay): 3022 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 delay): Restores 4 MP
Flight of Idaten Lv5 (2 MP, 1200 Delay): Inflicts 6979 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target.
Phoenix Spread Wings Lv5 (3 MP, 3400 Delay): Inflicts 13958 ATK/DEF Fire damage to a row.
Kimontonkou Lv5 (4 MP, 500 Delay): Buffs Chen's ATK by 120% (caps at +100%) and debuffs her DEF and MND by 40%.  After one casting, Chen is at 1018 DEF (+0.225 PCHP adj) and 646 MND (+0.35 PCHP adj.)

Three-Turn Average: Kimontonkou->Phoenix Spread Wings x2 for 17537

Commentary: Ran's shikigami.  You would take one look at Chen and think she is going to die in one hit.  And you wouldn't...entirely be right.  She can survive precisely one average hit...if they can hit her.  Between that and the sheer number of attacks coming from her (look at the delay on Flight of Idaten), she stands a good chance at wearing her opponent down before they can land a decisive strike.

Nitori Kawashiro
Level 101 Aquatic Engineer

Main Equip:Long Fall Boots
Sub Equip:Pride
Sub Equip:Luster Candy
Sub Equip:Luster Candy

HP:2808 (4514) (99.4%)
ATK:2958 (8216)
DEF:1812 (2481) (-0.017 PCHP adj.)
MND:2030 (2405) (+0.061 PCHP adj.)
SPD:178 (95.3%)
EVA:15 (119) (54% raw, 45% adj.)
ACC:100 (164)

HP Recovery:12
MP Recovery:2

SHK:48 (96)

Fire:98 (194) (102%/52%)
Cold:244 (41%)
Wind:144 (69%)
Nature:180 (56%)
Mystic:132 (76%)
Spirit:112 (89%)
Dark:112 (89%)
Physical:132 (76%)

Defense Boost Lv5: Increases DEF growth by 1
Mind Boost Lv5: Increases MND growth by 1
Affinity Boost Lv5: +32 to all elemental affinities
Maintenance Lv1: Doubles stat bonuses from equipment
Ability to Manipulate Water Lv2: When Nitori is on the front line, increases Cold damage output by 30% for the party
Kappa's Ecology Observation Lv2: When Nitori is on the frontline, party inflicts 20% more damage against Aquatic type enemies.
Overheating Lv1: When Nitori uses an offensive ability, adds a counter (max 5) until she switches out.  Each stack of Overheating increases her damage by 15% and MP costs by 1.

Attack (3000 delay): 4716 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one target
Concentrate (5000 delay): Restores 4 MP.
Kappa's Illusionary Waterfall Lv1 (4 MP, 5000 Delay): 13678 ATK/DEF Cold damage to all enemies.  Has a 60% chance to debuff targets' DEF by 24%
Exteeeending Aaaaarm Lv1 (4 MP, 6000 Delay): 11203 ATK/DEF Nature damage to all enemies.
Super Scope 3D Lv5 (15 MP, 10000 Delay): 37148 ATK/DEF Physical damage to one enemy.
Portable Versatile Machine Lv2 (2 MP, 1680 Delay): Buffs Nitori's ATK/DEF/MAG/MND/SPD by 17%.  After use, Nitori is at 2902 DEF(-0.086 PCHP adj.), 2813 MND(-0.008 PCHP adj.), and 208 SPD(111.4%)

Three-Turn Average: Attack->Portable Versatile Machine->Super Scope 3D for 21373.33

Comments: Maintenance is broken.  Her base stats are terrible but gear affects a lot.  Had I allowed endgame gear, she'd be far better.  As-is?  Still strong.  Kappa's Illusionary Waterfall and Overheating play well into setup for Super Scope 3D as a finisher, and her evade is way better than it has any right to be.

Before we begin, special thanks to Reiska and MagicFanatic for some help regarding some of the special abilities, alongside the Touhou Wiki for their incredibly thorough documentation of the game's formulas, without which this topic would not be possible.

Labyrinth of Touhou 2, available on Steam as Labyrinth of Touhou, is a dungeon crawler with several unique mechanics.  A massive cast size, a battle system with a focus on managing delays and your frontline of four with a backline of eight (and a total number of forty-six maingame characters to pick from).  Also this is the largest rankable cast of Touhou characters yet.

Yeah, this is going to be a huge one.

The battle system is an ATB one.  ATB starts at 5000 at the start of the fight and ticks up based on speed, with combatants acting at 10000 ATB.  They are then delayed by how long the action selected takes, and repeat the process.  For the sake of assumptions, an average turn's length is assumed to be 5000 ATB.

HP: Run out of this to go PICHUUN and fail your attempt at 1CCing the run.
MP: Run out of this because you listened to BOMB MORE too much.
TP: Run out of this, and you leave the dungeon after the fight.
Attack/ATK: Used for Direct Attacks and Composite Attacks.
Defense/DEF: Used to defend against Direct Attacks of all varieties.
Magic/MAG: Used for Spell Attacks and Composite Attacks.
Mind/MND: Used to defend against Spell Attacks of all varieties.
Speed/SPD: The rate at which you generate ATB per clocktick.
Evasion/EVA: Your ability to dodge, graze, and otherwise not have your hitbox intersect with a bullet.
Accuracy/ACC: Your ability to make one or more bullets intersect with somebody else's hitbox.
HP Recovery: Affects the percentage of HP recovered per turn when in the backline.
MP Recovery: Affects the rate of MP recovered per turn while in the backline.  Concentrate recovers MP equal to twice this value.

Status Resistances: There are eight general statuses in LoT2, and every character has their own innate resistances to each one.  Resistance values go up to 200 in effect, with the following traits
- Resistances directly subtract from the infliction rate of a given status.
- Resistances (for PCs) subtract 5% from an inflicted status' duration for every 10 points.  This translates into 200 equating to perfect immunity, even for statuses that do not have durations.
- Resistances affect the rate at which non-Debuff statuses tick down by a 15% increase in speed per 10 points.

When applying a status to somebody with that status, the higher of the two durations is used.

For the overview of statuses below, some have different effects based on whether they are affecting PCs or enemies.  I will leave it to personal interpretations as to which to apply when.
Poison: At base rate, poison ticks down 1% of a character's maximum HP per 100 ATB, or ~50% per turn.  While LoT2 poison cannot kill, this will reduce somebody's HP to 1 in two full turns.  Against PCs, this is resisted by the rate at which poison clears faster from inherent resistances.  Against bosses, poison inflicts .06% mHP per 100 ATB.
Paralysis: Paralysis freezes the sufferer's ATB as long as it remains.
Heavy: Heavy, for PCs, prevents characters from swapping out.  For enemies, it reduces SPD by 12% and DEF by 50%.
Shock: Shock instantly halves the target's current ATB and does nothing else.  Analogous to FFX Delay, Grandia cancels, etc.
Terror: Terror reduces all of the target's stats by 8%.  In addition, for PCs, they lose (Duration/10000+1) MP per turn.
Silence: PCs with Silence cannot use Spellcards.  Enemies with Silence suffer -20% MAG and -50% MND.
Death: Instant Death.  Use your imagination.
Debuff: The character's stats are reduced by a specific amount.  Debuffs follow their own recovery, detached from normal status recovery rates.

Buffs and Debuffs: Buffs and Debuffs decay at a rate of 20% of their current magnitude, or more precisely ((Buff Magnitude/5)+1)%.  This decay effect triggers on the beginning of the character's turn, before any other automatic effects kick in.

Buffs cap at +100% for any given stat.  Debuffs cap at -50% for any given stat.  Unlike normal status, reapplications of buffs and debuffs can stack up to these caps.

Elemental Affinities: All characters have elemental affinities to the nine given elements.  Eight of these are standard and can be altered by equipment.  The ninth is fixed and cannot be altered (and doesn't come up much prior to postgame).

Elemental affinities factor into resistance or weakness as a multiplier of 100/X, where X is the affinity value in question.  Affinities go from 1 to 500.

Fire: Is fire.  Burning, so on.
Cold: Covers both ice and water effects.
Wind: Covers both wind and lightning effects
Nature: The affinity for earth, plant, and poison related effects.
Mystic: "Magic" energy.  The magical analogue to physical, the best parallel I can think of is PSIV's "Energy" element.
Spirit: Spiritual-based attacks.  Analogous to Holy in other games.
Dark: Darkness-based powers.  About what you'd expect.
Physical: About what you'd expect.
Void: Essentially a "non-elemental" element.  Resistances for this are fixed.

Characters are taken at 2767378 EXP.  This is enough for Rinnosuke and Reisen, who have base 1.00 leveling rates, to hit Level 100, the intended level for fighting the final boss.

Library Bonuses are taken at +80.  This is perhaps the most reasonable value for endgame I could use for PCs without overleveling.  It could be taken at (Level*1.2) but frankly, +80 is expensive enough, and enough for a vast majority of the game.

Equipment includes all storebought Main and Sub equipment, and the majority of craftable equipment.  Excluded from the set include the Getitup V, Lambda Driver, Star of the Just, Wash Basin Set, Meteor Drive, Olzhas Shamshir, and War Mask of the Butcher.  The former four for being too homogenizing as they are all-stat boosters, the latter three for being notably disproportionate to other crafted gear without having the other gear in their echelon readily available.

Main Equipment available:
-   Tracking Orbitars: ACC+25
-   Long Fall Boots: EVA+20
-   Tin Watering Can: TP+5
-   Source of Magic: MP+4
-   Recovery Armband: HP Recovery Rate+4

Sub Equipment generally available and/or seen in use:
-   Water Cutting Sword (HP/ATK/MAG +20%, CLD+60, PAR/SIL+20)
-   Demon Core (HP/MAG+24%, TRR/SIL/DTH/DBF+20)
-   Luster Candy (HP+32%, ATK/DEF+24%, ACC/EVA+16)
-   Pride (ATK+48%, MND+24%, FIR+48, SHK+24)
-   Damascus Dread Shield (DEF+32%, MND+30%, EVA+12, PHY+30)
-   Old Model Power Armor (DEF+30%, ATK/MAG/MND+16%, FIR/CLD/WND/PHY+24)
-   Tisiphone Edge (ATK+16%, MAG+40%, SPD+24%, WND/MYS+40)
-   Forbidden Tablet (MP+1, MAG+56%, MND+26%, MYS/SPI/DRK+40)

-   Poison Resistance Ring (PSN+50)
-   Nitroglycerin (PAR+50)
-   Talaria (HVY+50)
-   Steadfast Ring (SHK+50)
-   Two Face's Coin (TRR+50)
-   Yamabiko Necklace (SIL+50)
-   Courtesan's Sorrow (DTH+50)
-   Kazu's Amulet (DBF+50)
-   LOVE Machine 3322 (FIR+100)
-   Lv70 Lover Snapper's Scale (CLD+100)
-   Card[Ruler of the Heavens] (WND+100)
-   Green Dream (NTR+100)
-   Star World Bracelet (MYS+100)
-   Intama (SPR+100)
-   Dark Magic Grimoire (DRK+100)
-   Button of Aegis (PHY+100)

Lastly of note: You will often see "(+ PCHP adjustment)" next to defensive stats.  LoT2 features very notable subtractive defense and I see neither reason nor desire to try and convert its defense to the standard divisive system, something I see as a fool's errand.  This value denotes how much more or less damage a character would take from an average attack in terms of PCHP, with the assumption that average damage inflicts 0.4 PCHP.

Discussion / Re: Ranking characters by in-game use: obscura edition
« on: October 21, 2023, 11:45:23 PM »
Labyrinth of Touhou 2.  Disclaimer that I've only been as far up as Floor 17, so it's only covering most of the maingame, things may change at 19-20.

Reimu Hakurei: Reimu very much fills the role she did in LoT1.  That is to say, while she can contribute damage early on (and the ability to hit both defenses helps), her main role later into the game is to make sure the party does not god damned die to the next oncoming full-party nuke the boss is inevitably leveling their way.  She can also help protect you from Spirit damage in particular, reducing it for the whole party by up to 30%.  Between the best multitarget healing in the game and the partywide defense buff, I'm giving her a solid 8/10.  It's overkill at times, but god damn is it nice to be handed the good full-party heal.

Marisa Kirisame: Marisa, on the other hand, is very much the definition of an earlygame unit who falls off later.  It's not just that she's a mono-Mystic character, since she gets some ways to work around that like Sheer Force, but that she also has no access to defense-piercing, something that is very necessary in the later game with the flood of enemies who have significantly high Mind.  Master Spark is big and impressive, but it falls off somewhere around Floor 9, due to that comparably lacking defense penetration.  She's fast, at least, but not much else, and she falls off a damn cliff.  I give her a solid 5/10.

Rinnosuke Morichika: It's not really fair to judge Rinnosuke by the metric of other characters; on his own, he has a rainbow buff and a small heal.  His real benefit once you start getting party members is to hang in the back and give you increased money and item drop rates, and he is...convenient.  He also gets better stat boosts than anyone else, natively, and this can lead to some optimization with subclasses, possibly, but it's going to be a hell of a time getting there.  He pulls double duty on money and items, and the former absolutely helps as you build characters up.  Using one of the eight reserve slots on him during exploration isn't that much of a hassle, but kick his ass out the second a bossfight comes up.  6/10.

Keine Kamishirasawa: serviceable starting out, being able to hit both defenses of an enemy group.  In a bossfight, though, she is almost always guaranteed to be in the role of buffer, since she lacks anything in her skillset with any real punch.  Lowish delays help, though, and she's got the best party-wide attack buffing in the entire game, so I don't have problems there.  Plus Disk tries to give her more offensive functionality when she gets done buffing with History Accumulation, but you need absolutely stupid amounts of SP to actually max it out, and it's not as much of a fix on its own.  Still feels like a good 6.5/10.

Momiji Inubashiri: Momiji is your first tank, with a bent on speed and offensive support.  She's got solid attack stats for a tank, and the best raw defense in the game.  The key here being raw; she needs help to buff it, and...the farther in you get, the more her set of passives wears on her.  She gets a strong passive accuracy buff, species advantage versus flyers, and the ability to ignore buffs, alongside being able to act immediately upon being swapped in.  However, Floor 12 is roughly the last place she's useful, and she falls off sharply after that, between a flood of magic-focused bosses and no real way to keep up.  A pity because I really do like her design.  5/10

Youmu Konpaku: Youmu is...a bit confused in her build.  She doesn't know whether she wants to be a bulky attacker or a hit-and-run specialist, and her kit seems to fight itself.  Dexterity, Desperation, and Regen read as her wanting to stay in, while Meikyo and Sword Spirit support a hit-and-run style.  Her costs relative to her MP do not help one bit, though she does have reasonable physical coverage.  5/10, I honestly didn't touch her after I got Yuugi.

Kogasa Tatara: Surprise!  Probably your first status specialist, and likely one of the better ones in lategame.  Kogasa's whole kit largely is built around Terror; inflicting it and abusing enemies who've been hit with it. Sheer Force helps a lot for that, and she gets sustain between Troubled Forgotten Item and the Umbrella skills from Plus Disk.  She has to pick one, but it's solid.  Sheer Force also means she is an extremely solid pick for the Toxicologist subclass, since cutting enemy resists by a third can lead to some magic, and the extra skills she gets there all add statuses she doesn't get.  6/10 normally, I can see her jumping up to 7/10 with Toxicologist.

Rumia: I'm going to be brutally honest.  Rumia feels like she absolutely stomps Marisa's ass in single-target nuking, and this is in spite of having generally worse stats across the board.  Moonlight Ray is way too good of a spell for its cost and delay, to the point that Rumia easily keeps pace with one of our main heroines despite being so much farther behind.  Her other two spells are situational, but they're situations that come up more and more as the game goes on; Dark Side of the Moon is one of a rare few true ITD spells - for the same cost as Moonlight Ray, even - and Demarcation is a multitarget heal that trades potency for clearing debuffs.  Though frankly, it being a multitarget heal at all is impressive in its own right.  Youkai's Knowledge and Piercing Attack only seal the deal for her, especially in the first half.  6.5/10, if she had better stats she'd easily be hitting an 8/10.

Cirno: Cirno only really has one job.  She has always only had one job.  It is, however, a very good job: speed debuffing.  As anybody here knows, speed manipulation is king, and Cirno is extremely good at kneecapping an enemy's speed.  She...also does cold damage but off of ho-hum stats and largely unremarkable formulas.  She's honestly not even expected to do anything after she's done her job; it shows, too.  She even has a trait that lets her just place an unresistable speed debuff on everyone when she gets killed.  And she will get killed.  I don't even think the flood of cold-weak enemies in floors 13-15 really help her case for damage, you have better options for cold damage at that point, but her speed debuffing is second to none.  6/10.

Minoriko Aki: Minoriko is best described as Reimu-Lite.  She's got offensive spells of two varieties, a heal, and a defense buff.  Just that the former are Nature-element rather than Spirit, and her buffs and healing are single-target.  That's not a bad thing, though; she's way more efficient as long as she's not using Warm Colour Harvest, which will bottom her MP out in two uses.  Offensively, she's amazing against Komachi, and on floors 4-6, where the vast majority of enemies are weak to Nature element. Offensively, she's better than Reimu in fights where the boss is going to spend most of their time hammering on one person, and she's guaranteed to be your first source of regular Nature damage.  And like Reimu, the damage falls off later, but the support doesn't.  7/10

Komachi Onozuka: Komachi has an extremely poor track record in her playable incarnations across, and as someone who unironically mained her in Hisouten, I honestly feel bad for the girl.  Thankfully, this may be her best incarnation yet.  She retains her sponge tank archetype from LoT1, but the important thing here is that she gets a lot more going for her than a massive bloated HP score.  The Shinigami's Work cranks her death rates up to where they're reliable in the vast majority of random encounters (handy for the second half of the game where you start running into enemies that you need piercing or ID to dispose of), Regeneration Ability gives her some more durability in long fights, and Edokko God of Death lets her get some solid hits in in return.  Especially if the other guy killed someone else or used an attack with an ID rider. She's never really pivotal to a fight, but she has very seldom been dead weight.  I'm giving her a 7/10, easy.

Chen: Chen reprises her role from the original almost perfectly.  High speed, near-nonexistent cooldowns, frail as hell, but now taken to further extremes.  Chen gets the same Accelerate skill that Momiji possesses, and can leverage it better courtesy of Kimon only having 500 delay and Flight of Idaten having 1200.  Yakumo Clan means that when Ran and Yukari join in, she gets up to a 32% bonus.  And lastly, Instant Attack lets her instantly act when she is brought out of the backline, allowing the assault to continue faster and longer.  She still is largely dependent on Kimontonkou for defense penetration given her poor attack stat, which means she struggles more and more as she gets later in.  You generally need to know which fights to bring her in for.  6/10.

Nitori Kawashiro: Nitori on the surface is terrible outside of Super Scope 3D having some of the highest stat mods in the game, even after being nerfed in Plus Disk.  This also doesn't matter because Maintenance is the single best passive skill in the game.  Double stat bonuses from all equipment means she is able to punch well above her weight class, and she only gets stronger the further in you get.  I honestly have nothing else I feel I need to say.  Easy 8/10.

Parsee Mizuhashi: Parsee's effectiveness is practically binary in nature.  If she's unable to land Terror, she's only going to be mediocre at best.  If, and if she can, however, Jealousy of Kind and Lovely does absolutely preposterous damage output, and if you can land it on multiple targets, you can see a screen full of 4-5 digit numbers.  Parsee also has a large number of damage buffs; Final Blow lets her hit targets afflicted with Terror even harder, Jealousy Manipulation lets her hard-counter enemy debuffers or follow up your own debuffing even harder, and Flames of Jealousy is a strong Dark damage boost.  I think the dev realized this, too, because everything worth landing Terror on becomes an absolute nightmare to land Terror on, to the point that you may as well not try unless you're running both Reisen and Kogasa to dedicate your entire party to landing Terror.  And if that doesn't happen, then she instead runs into massive walls of Dark resist.  I absolutely enjoy her, she has been good, but with how she falls off, unless she catches back up in the very endgame I can't in good faith give her more than a 5/10.

Wriggle Nightbug: Wriggle is a lot like Cirno, a one-trick pony.  That trick, in this case, being poison.  And to be fair, that poison is accurate and long-lasting.  Comet on Earth, her main infliction skill, inflicts 40,000 ticks of poison.  This is a lot.  Unfortunately, this is about all she can do, and I see poison come up as an option less and less as the game goes on.  Poison can't kill and Wriggle's own attack stats are terrible.  She gets poison and paralysis counters as well, and you could make a case for her tricks letting her synergize with Remilia, but that's stretching.  I have to give her a 4/10.

Kaguya Houraisan: Hooo boy.  Kaguya is tough to place because you have two places where you could get her, as with the next entry, and it is a rather sadistic choice.  Kaguya has one major trick up her sleeve compared to any other mages, and only one: Royal People of the Moon.  In exchange for a 75% chance to lose 1 MP a turn, she gets the ability to ignore 90% of her targets' defenses in her spells.  This is more notable the later in you get, where more and more magically hard targets pop up, especially in fights.  The drawbacks to her are not minor, though.  She's slow, she's frail (even with good elemental affinities all around), and her MP recovery is some of the worst in the game, meaning that if someone pops her with Destroy Magic (or god forbid, the spell formerly known as Djinn Storm), she is useless for the rest of the fight.  Her magic comes in three varieties but her biggest spell is Spirit element, though 316.84% MAG vs. 8.9% MND is a pretty big nuke.  There's only a couple of targets this is relevant for before F10, however.  I'm going to give her a 6.5/10.

Fujiwara no Mokou: Probably the better choice of the two feuding girls from IN, Mokou is at first glance a nondescript but competent attacker.  This is an easy mistake to make, as Resurrection lets her have durability that is completely disconnected from her HP score.  It has, at max rank, a 90% chance to proc every time her HP hits 0 and only costs 5 TP.  And that TP score can go well over 30, giving her something along the lines of seven lives.  Keep her from getting knocked back down when she gets up, and she can regen 20% max HP a turn.  She's as good at fire damage as Utsuho down to having Blazing, so no need to run the two at the same time.  The guts-tanking is still so good that it can absolutely trivialize a hilarious number of finishers and boss gimmicks, and the majority of things on floors 7-9 are weak to Fire or Wind.  8/10, easy.

Aya Shameimaru: oh holy fucking shit what.  No, really.  Aya is unfairly good here for an obvious reason.  Gensokyo's Fastest Lessons gives her a guaranteed free turn at the start of the fight.  She's already one of the fastest in the game, so the majority of fights start with her just triple-turning because she popped anything other than Divine Grandson's Advent and so has her delay anywhere from 5400 to 7500 rather than the 5000 that all the plebs have to contend with.  Speaking of, Sarutahiko's Guidance is a haste spell on an extremely short cooldown, and Divine Grandson's Advent is Quick.  She could do no damage and still be stupidly good off of this, but no, she actually can do okay damage as well, while being faster than Chen.  9/10, easily the most useful character in the game.  Only reason I can't give her higher is because she can't entirely carry the party throughout the game, but I am finding very, very few reasons to not let her have one of your slots.

Mystia Lorelei: So...I've honestly never tried using her.  You'll likely get her late in the second stratum unless you're good at taking down FOEs as they come in the earlygame, and by then her numbers come off as...okay.  Her passives largely revolve around Silence, but her one Silence inflictor has 9500 delay, even with a not terrible MP cost.  She comes off as a generalized status-slinger, which can be useful in and of itself at least, and Paralysis is always nice to have around in Poison Moth's Dark Dance.  She does okayish damage, but being able to throw around three ailments at respectable rates is her real boon.  Also she gets Instant Attack for the shenanigans related to that.  6/10, one of these should be able to stick most of the time.

Kasen Ibaraki: It takes twelve wipes to recruit her, so you are likely getting her probably somewhere within the second stratum.  Saying that, it's honestly worth pancaking yourself on the Floor 2 FOE or something twelve times just to recruit her faster.  She's jacked in general.  Solid stats all around, good attacks that hit reasonably hard and have good infliction rates across three elements and two statuses, and a self-buff that is a slightly worse Grand Patriot's Elixir make her an absolute monster to bring along, and she even scales reasonably well, albeit at the cost of having less than great MP recovery compared to how quickly she burns through it.  Also her passives are kind of awkward and scattershot outside of Fighting Spirit, I guess that's an issue.  If I have to nitpick her active set, it'd be that Echo of the Nine Forest Gods is saddled with compensation for multitarget when Kasen's a bossfighter like the rest of the oni.  Still worth a 7.5/10.

Nazrin: I won't hold the event reqs involving her against her (that's for someone else).  I can, however, say that I really don't like her setup.  Nazrin is designed for a very specific type of farming where instead of sitting in the backline like Rinnosuke, she is meant to be out in front.  But she's geared with nothing but single target spells that I have found often struggled to kill what they hit.  Even if they do, she's burning through a lot of MP in short order if you get Extra Steps because the spells are all single-target, and she doesn't really have much outside of that.  4/10 and I feel like I'm being nice.  At least Wriggle had a hypothetical use in bossfights.

Hina Kagiyama: Hina is extremely gimmicky.  But god damn, that gimmick can pay off against the right targets or with the right party.  Whatever you do, don't get her any debuff resist.  She wants to get all of that misfortune for herself, after she spreads it herself with Misfortune God's Biorhythm.  So she can then turn around and either ride the high of treating them as buffs of double magnitude, or use them to fuel Pain Flow for more utterly preposterous damage.  Get party members who either are resistant to debuffs, or don't care about them in one way or another, and she can pull some absolute bullshit - and debuffs are far less often resisted than other status.  I have trouble fitting her into parties but I absolutely respect the strats she can pull off in the best way. 7/10.

Rin Kaenbyou: I've tried to use her.  I really have.  And to my frustration, Rin has only really felt "okay" in practice.  Semi-composite attacker with good speed and the ability to leverage Extra Attack (which is notable; EA can proc multiple times on the same action since it checks not only for the initiating attack, but for every extra attack procced by it), but she basically needs Extra Attack for any of the rider effects on her skills to reliably proc against neutral, nevermind actual resists.  She's very much an auxiliary attacker in practice, meant to focus down enemies who've been statused or otherwise handle formation juggling.  You could probably get more out of her with her cast synergy skill, since those delays running at a 32% stat bonus can lead to some good stuff, but her specific synergy gets...awkward.  More on that later.  5/10, though i may be rating her low.  May need a second run to really get a good viewpoint on her.

Utsuho Reiuji: Okuu here is, in short, the mage for people who don't want to actually care about elements.  Utsuho gets Sheer Force alongside some Kaguya-level near-ITD in Giga Flare, which means she is always getting something out of that spell.  And compared to Kaguya, she packs better bulk and speed.  Definitely a winning trade.  And if you didn't take Mokou, she's going to be your first major fire-using character, which means she performs amazingly in stratum 3.  Fire damage comes and goes with the stratum, but Giga Flare is evergreen.  Intense Nuclear Reaction and Hell's Tokamak have their sub-uses (self-buffing with the former, MND debuffing with the latter), but in general she is there to nuke, and there's enough resistant bosses going forward that I can appreciate this.  7/10

Satori Komeiji: Satori will take a bit to wrap one's head around.  Her gimmick is unique, as she's got almost a mime-style build going on.  Spellcard Recollection is the core of her kit, and it lets her use any other native spell (read: not subclass) that any of her allies possesses.  The trap here is to look at that, look at the ATK/MAG split, and try to build her at being able to do anything.  Don't do that.  Instead, you want to build her based on the party you're running, in two regards.  First of all, Trauma Recollection is a straight up boost to hitting weaknesses that stacks with the element boosters.  If you're on a second attempt at a boss or otherwise know what you're up against, bring her in and optimize her the best you can do what your desired attacker is doing, she'll behave as a force multiplier.  The second is to look at all those high-powered spells running off of poor stats, or by individuals who won't have the offenses to back it up due to role.  Moonlight Ray, Mountain Breaker, and World Creation Press are all easy routes to high damage with her, as are the likes of Chen's skillset.  Or grabbing high-power MAG attacks off of physical attackers who aren't expected to build MAG.  Or Jealousy of Kind and Lovely running off of better ATK.  The point is, Satori is a remarkable force multiplier for your party.  Don't try to make her do everything, just make her do one thing well.  7/10.

Yuugi Hoshiguma: I'll spare the gushing, since Yuugi is probably one of my favorite Touhou characters to begin with.  Really, there's not much that needs to be said though.  Second highest ATK in the entire cast.  Enough bulk to take hits.  Knockout in Three Steps has one of the best ATK to DEF ratios even with the problems it has.  Between its bases, Yuugi's own raw stats, and her passive skills.  Adamant Helix gives her a scaling damage bonus up to 66% based on her lost HP (have fun with punishing any HP-to-1 attacks), Ruinous Super Strength is a flat-out 30% physical damage boost, and Last Fortress is amazing as long as you keep her alive through a bossfight where everyone else is dropping.  Hell, Supernatural Phenomenon hitting weakness will crush just about as hard as Ki3S under the right circumstances.  One of the best attackers in the game if you ask me, the sheer damage she puts out is disgusting, even if she starts having some more survivability problems later on because of the flood of magic-oriented bosses.  8/10, easily.

Hong Meiling: People who are familiar with LoT1 are probably expecting her to be a tank.  And to an extent some of her traits do play into that; between Natural and Gatekeeper's Duty.  But then you look into things like Brilliant Light Gem being some Chen-level bullshit, or how Mountain Breaker is basically Knockout in Three Steps with only 5200 delay instead of 10000, an accuracy bonus rather than a penalty, and less than half the cost.  An offensively-built Meiling is a thing of absolute nightmares.  And even if you don't, Satori can just yank those spells for herself because they have similar ATK values and only one of the two is going to be expected to tank in any capacity.  I can't really give her any less than an 8/10.

Alice Margatroid: I'm docking her a point for how god damned infuriating her recruitment bossfight is.  Alice isn't the greatest when it comes to raw magical power, but she's very much a finesse pick.  This is the first character since Reimu we've had who can reliably hit both defenses with the same offensive stat, which means that there is very little she can't do.  Hell, Enhanced Doll Mobility and Doll Guard give her even more bullshit all around.  6.5/10.

Patchouli Knowledge: Patch is a study of extremes.  Best magic stat in the game, a whole array of wide-area nukes running off of that magic stat.  Oh, and Silent Selene.  Grand Incantation is something she shares with Reimu that lets those nukes hit even harder, and she can gain extremely high elemental resistance from whichever spell she deigns to cast.  Girl of Knowledge and Shade is an improved version of Sheer Force at that.  Her downsides?  Slow, frail, and can't really do much about high defenses herself if she can't overpower them with a big enough MAG score.  Not to my taste, but I imagine there's some people who would enjoy her.  Not sure I'd give her more than a 6.5/10 though.

Eirin Yagokoro: Eirin is...what do I even say about her.  People of the Moon lets her get some defense penetration at least, but her actual noteworthy skill is Healing Limit Break.  Which basically means she is going to be locked to the Healer subclass because her only native heal is a fixed 50% mHP restore.  Hourai Elixir at least does also cure all ailments and debuffs, but she needs subclasses to take advantage of her overhealing trait on people not named Komachi, and that's...all that stands out.  And Healer's class skill is single-target anyway.  I guess she gets debuffs as well, but she's going to be compared to the next entry on that, and she's...not great.  Okay, I'll give her that Astronomical Entombing gives the best Heavy status in the game and she's got a competent MAG score, there.  Kneejerking 4.5/10, probably 5.5/10 with Healer.  I've never really found myself wanting to use her, though.

Reisen Udongein Inaba: Mokou keeps winning.  If you pick Mokou on floor 5, you get her on Floor 7 instead of Eirin, and she's honestly better than Eirin in most ways that matter.  Higher speed, better costs and delays, and perhaps most important here: Intense Vertigo.  This just passively cuts all enemy resistances by 20%, and enables other ailment-users to do their work.  Discarder is also a solid debuff infliction option: enemies have split debuff resistances by type, so having the rainbow debuff makes sure something sticks.  Intense Vertigo's the real winner here, though, since ailment and debuff resistance come up more often the later in you get. Don't expect too much else out of her, but it's an amazing feature that nobody else gets.  Oh yeah, and when she gets the MP to afford it, Grand Patriot's Elixir is still one of the best stat buffs in the game. 6.5/10

Sanae Kochiya: Sanae's probably best seen as a counterpoint to Reimu.  Reimu focuses on offensive flexibility across defenses and partywide defensive support, whereas Sanae has slightly better elemental diversity and more powerful single-target support.  Honestly, advantage Reimu; while Sanae has Power of the Living God to boost Spirit damage, she's not the main one to be able to take advantage of it; Spirit is not an element generally known for particularly high-power attacks, and by lategame, you generally want to ensure everyone's survivability, rather than go full FGO and crank up one person to the heavens.  Still, the rainbow buff is real solid if you can throw it down on someone.  7/10.

Iku Nagae: Holy shit, Iku has a rather comprehensive package going on here.  Good speed, Elekiter Dragon Palace hits disgustingly hard, and between Flexibility and her own affinities, she can self-buff without suffering the drawbacks.  Those aren't the main draw here, though.  Hagoromo Like Sky, one of her passives, is the real draw, and changes her from a Wind-element offensive buffer/defensive debuffer specialist to a Mystic-element blender.  Changing her basic attacks from essentially 100% MAG-50% MND to 140% MAG-10% MND is almost unfair, especially with Sorcerer giving the option of jumping that up even further for the paltry cost of 1 MP per attack.  Considering basic attacks run off of 3000 delay instead of 5000, Iku will generally proceed to shred everything.  Oh, and Magic Counter exists too.  Magic damage becomes more common as the game goes on, so you will in fact see this come up a lot.  8/10.

Suika Ibuki: I think it's just a hard and fast rule in LoT that you'll be damn good if you're an oni, and Suika is no exception.  She'll drain your money for the first nine floors to get her recruitment items, but she's in fact worth it, particularly in the lategame where she can start tanking through magic attacks reasonably well.  Gathering and Dissipating is a lost cause, but Throwing Mt. Togakushi is another strong Nature attack off of deceptively low delay, and Throwing Atlas is one of the strongest Wind attacks in the entire game.  Art of Segaki Binding...exists, but it's got a rather vicious status cocktail to delay an enemy while you do setup or recuperate.  Free-Spirited Oni is an inverted Adamant Helix based on the target's health than the attacker's, but the two bigger strengths in Suika's kit are Fog Labyrinth and Art of Oni Binding.  The latter gives a free chance of Paralysis every time Suika gets a turn, and while the strength is low, the added delays add up.  The former is a 20% accuracy and evasion buff for the entire party, and evasion is an extremely valid tactic for lategame survival.  Suika's never quite going to hit Yuugi levels of damage, but she doesn't need to.  7.5/10.

Ran Yakumo: Ran here is a general all-rounder, and in a vacuum, presumably a straight upgrade to Keine.  Trades defense for speed, better MP economy, three elements available, and Soaring En no Ozuno is a solid option to hit physical defenses with.  The buffs are comparable, but while Keine gets a secondary self-buff as of Plus Disk, Ran can instead buff the backline.  This is deceptively good, as buffs do *not* decay on backline party members.  Even at double cost for the spells and half efficacy for the backliners, this is solid if you can afford the patience to do so.  The only thing I can say against her in this is that bosses may not be willing to give her the time to juice everyone up, so you'll probably be running Reimu alongside her to keep the buffing line alive while you prep everyone else to drop nukes.  7/10.

Remilia Scarlet: Remilia is the embodiment of...solving your problems by throwing a giant pile of stats at them.  She has precisely one offensive spellcard to her name.  Fortunately, Spear the Gungnir is serviceable enough between its speed, power, and accuracy bonus.  The real draw to her is that she has extremely high marks in every stat that is not Magic and MP.  The latter of which she is fairly efficient on anyway, and the former of which she doesn't use unless you force her to via subclasses.  High speed, high defenses in both categories, good ATK, and these all compound with Majesty and its automatic 6% buff to all stats every turn she gets.  However, her simplicity is also her problem, as she only has the one spellcard, and is thus mono-physical.  Curse of Vlad Tepes is a self-buff that is, unless you bring the likes of Eirin, Sanae, or Meiling along, more of a problem than it's worth.  7/10, you could definitely do much worse.

Sakuya Izayoi: And much worse.  Sakuya ate some hell with the Plus Disc's nerfing of Extra Attack, but frankly a lot of her skills are...unimpressive, and the only real use I've largely gotten out of her was clearing out random enemies while exploring.  She's not even great at that.  Aya outdoes her speed buffing despite only being single-target, and Jack the Ludo Bile is both way overpriced and inefficient for what it is.  Don't bother bringing her for bosses.  4.5/10, and that .5 is out of pity because Sakuya doesn't deserve to be put on the same exact rung as Nazrin.

Kanako Yasaka: Floor 10 brings you round two of the Kaguya vs. Mokou choice, albeit without another linked pair, this time between Sanae's two goddesses.  And to be quite honest, Kanako is by far the better of the two picks.  She's not just tanky for a mage, she is tanky, period.  Majesty adds on top of that.  Sky Creation means she does monopolize your fourth slot over someone who could probably use the targeting reduction, but it's a 32% damage boost.  Like Alice, Kanako targets both defenses with one stat, and has all-around solid spell options; Beautiful Spring like Suiga is one of the stronger Cold spells in the game and it has a fairly short cooldown at that.  7.5/10, definitely one of the best general-use mages out there.

Suwako Moriya: Suwako is a super-frail double-stat attacker.  And if this were a different game, she'd be really good within that niche.  Unfortunately, Labyrinth of Touhou is a game that rewards hyperspecialization as far as stats go, so Suwako has the option of doing everything terribly, or locking herself out of one half of her skillset (or making Satori use it).  She's going to be constrained to a hit-and-run style if she wants to get the most out of her setup considering she gets a 24% damage bonus from being in Slot 1, and I suppose for what it is worth, Froggy Power lets her get extra Nature damage.  In practice, though, I'd rather just load up on oni.  Moriya's Iron Ring is probably the actual best thing she brings to the table; faster than average delay, and one of the better Paralyzes in the entire game, but paralyze-locking bosses is typically not a common strat.  I guess you could use her magic options for trash clearing,, she hasn't impressed me for the most part.  6/10.

Tenshi Hinanawi: Tenshi is the last proper tank you get, and she takes it to an extreme.  Unlike Momiji and Meiling with their more balanced approaches, Mokou throwing extra lives at the problem, and Komachi going all in on HP, Tenshi goes to the extreme and goes high on both DEF and MND, doing her best to re-enact every "No Damage" hit from GBA Fire Emblem.  Anything that does punch through will put her down in short order.  Fortunately, she does her best to make that difficult; Free from Worldly Thoughts just cuts physical attacks by another 30%, and Enduring Celestial gives her a free 33% DEF and MND buff at the start of battle, no matter where she is in the formation.  Contrary to her defensive focus, she has some notable use in her spells, most notably Sword of Hisou, which has a dispel effect boosted to 80% by Sword of Hisou's Owner - the single best counter to when bosses stack buffs, and this happens enough in the following floors to be worth it.  World Creation Press, on the other hand, is likely better off grabbed by Satori unless you're building her offensively and working her support with Iku.  7/10 overall.

Flandre Scarlet: Loses two points for recruitment alone: you need 300 BP with all the other SDM characters, 30 FOEs down (which means deliberate backtracking), and 60 achievements to even get to her recruitment fight. honestly not too bad compared to a couple of the ones who come up.  Flandre herself is...a bit of a mean joke in NG if you ask me.  Her damage is monstrous, especially running off of her high stats, but it all comes with notable drawbacks; Forbidden Fruit and Laevateinn both eat MP from your other party members as well as reducing their ATB, while Starbow Break instead deletes 40% of Flandre's maximum HP.  Smoldering Madness is the one upside she gives the party, giving them an 8% ATK buff whenever she gets a turn, and good luck making Vampiric Wrath work, ever, without her getting reduced into a fine paste.  Probably the worst part is just that her elements of choice are of questionable use once you enter the first stratum after she joins.  4/10, though if the final stratum is better about any of these, she may recover comparably.

Yuyuko Saigyouji: Yuyuko takes Komachi's instant death specialization and takes it up to eleven.  Reasonably strong magic in Spirit and Dark aside, her real boon is just that her instant death rates start at 33% and go all the way up to 108% base.  However, and this is probably a controversial opinion here: I don't think her trades are good for this.  Komachi's death is good enough, while she is remarkably bulky and fast.  Yuyuko, on the other hand, has to deal with the usual mage problems of being slow and frail.  Still, anything without Death immunity will more likely fall than not, and Gelatinous Cubes and the like crumple fairly quickly to ID.  Not sure I'd bring her to bossfights unless I really needed strong Spirit magic, 6/10.

Yuuka Kazami: Yuuka is getting two points docked off for her recruitment being obnoxiously byzantine; needing BP from four characters, two of whom are only the most tenuously connected is already nasty enough.  Yuuka herself has an impressive statline herself, with high marks in just about every stat except Mind and Speed.  While she has three spells, all three of them have their uses (and Flower Shot is perhaps one of the single most economical spells in the game), and the combination of Extra Attack, Majesty, and Encounter with a Strong Foe (which will proc on every instance of Extra Attack as well) means she will punch way higher than her skill bases suggest. However, not only is she slow, but she has the unfortunate luck of being in the part of the game where major bosses either resist magic or nature, leading to her just giving a lackluster performance overall, and she just leaves a feeling of disappointment overall  3.5/10.

Yukari Yakumo: Yukari is...frankly quite difficult to talk about because she is the master of edgecase bullshit and weird shenanigans.  Running a Kanako-lite setup statwise, Yukari is bulky and reasonably strong on magic, but slow.  She can offer defensive party support if Reimu is busy healing (or just double up on DEF/MND buffs with her, it's literally the same damn spell in practice).  She helps mono-focused tanks, well, tank better with Border of Power and Magic if you're willing to sink in the twenty-four skillpoints to use it.  She also has a panic button in the form of Yukari's Spiriting Away that instantly gives the rest of the party a turn; strong, but say goodbye to any of her MP.  Shikigami Ran Yakumo+ is possibly one of the single strongest spells in the game (576% MAG - 120% DEF), but if you want to actually leverage it you may as well go in on the Yakumo Clan synergy skill; it requires both Ran and Chen up front with her.  She's got good elements for where she joins and a defense-piercing option, though, so I think I'll give her a 6.5.  She's good, but you have to play to those edgecases.

Byakuren Hijiri: So I know Byakuren's got her fans here but I'm going to have to start out docking her two points for recruitment.  One of the four items is based on a random drop (though I did get sufficiently lost in F14 that it dropped anyway) and the other three require a shitload of BP with Nazrin.  You know how I feel about Nazrin.  Onto Byakuren herself...she's good, but feels geared towards postgame in particular.  Her passives are all regen/auto-buffing options that cost 18 SP apiece to juice that stat (or restore HP) by 12% a turn.  Majesty on steroids, really.  She can build for magic, but frankly it's better to pretend Magic Milky Way is just a debuff spell and focus on ATK with her.  And to her credit, Skanda's Legs and Master of the Trichiliocosm are lightning-fast, especially with the speed buff the former gives.  Star Sword Apologetics comes with its own debuffs and is a composite.  Duplicating nerfed in Plus Disk alongside the rest of her kit.  She used to be broken, but now is simply good.  5/10

Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu: Two points off for recruitment.  Komachi is good enough and comes early enough that it's not that hard to get 400 BP with her, but requiring seventy two achievements is a god damned war crime.  Shiki's statline plays at wanting to be a hybrid, but as anyone knows at that point in this game, you don't do that.  Either build her for crowd-clearing with Trial of the Ten Kings, or Spirit-element single-target ITD with Last Judgment.  Wandering Sin is there for the disgusting status cocktail it gives.  Cleansed Crystal Mirror does shore up her defenses a bit more than they appear, but Eiki still has mediocre durability and the combination of poor speed and some of the worst spread of delays possible.  True ITD off of an actually good attack stat is good at least, but she will need a lot of babysitting.  Can't give her more than 4/10 here, sadly.

Grand Finals: Match Results


T260G (SaGa) || vs. Belial (WA4)


Emelia (SaGa) | vs. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)


Red XIII (FF7) || vs. Byleth Eisner (FE3H)


Virginia Maxwell (WA3) | vs. Heather (FE10)

Congratulations to T260G, Emelia, Red XIII, and Virginia Maxwell for winning RPGVO 2023.  A followup post will probably be put up tomorrow discussing the future of this tournament and giving some explanation.  However, to all who voted in or nominated for it, I hope you had fun.

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