Author Topic: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)  (Read 424585 times)

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #900 on: October 25, 2009, 01:05:42 AM »
Lionel Gates

Took a few tries.  None of the resets were due to Talk Skill, however, to the disappointment... of... well, everyone who insists on FINGER GUARD.  Gafgarini gets his weapon stolen, cries, then dies.

Ramza vs. A gigantic tub of lard


All the damage done to my team was done by the Zombie Knights.  Quek just hung back and used Bio2 until his pathetic MP was gone.  Wizard proceeds to steamroller Quek with Bolt3.

Goland Coal City

More steamrolling.  Ramza drops a Titan on the people on the roof, Wizard zaps pretty much everything else.


More epic.  Geos can't kill off Alma, Ramza/Wizard/Archer can and do kill off pretty much everything handily.  ZALMO just hangs back and tries to engage in damage control, but is soon sent packing.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #901 on: October 25, 2009, 04:20:59 AM »
Logtastica for the Lagtastica.

Zaland Fort City (I REMEMBER NAMES GUIZE) - AKA where the power of Laggy Costello turns everybody into OK

For this fight, I get Junk into Bard. This easily proves to be one of the vital factors to make this fight -utterly trivial-. I get a reset because Mustadio manages to get himself OHKOed by a Wizard I just couldn't reach, but on the second fight I say "no saving Musty" and it proves hilariously unnecessary. Setup is Wizard/Time Mage Ramza, Oracle/Priest Anton, Bard/Thief Junk and Lancer Timothy. Ramza opens with Haste 2 just for something to do, while two of the Wizards very conveniently line up facing against each other, right in the position for Anton to nail them with some world-ending statusy goodness. As such, they both eat Silence Song and are now useless, while Timothy moves smoothly to smash some faces. At this point, the Bard unleashes Nameless Song and the entire party feels what it is to have MT, free MBarrier forever. Seriously, this is the shit. The archers manage to even kill Anton once, but Reraise kicks in (which is crucial, since he's my only reviver in this field otherwise) and he manages to heal himself back to full and continue his deadly statusin' spree. Once Timothy and Ramza enter the stronghold, with Ramza OHKOing everything but the Knights with Bolt2s (and OHKOing a lot of things with Bolt <_<), the fight's as good as won. I stalled a bunch for crystal/treasure abuse, which left me with overkill JP on Junk. Very simple.

Bariaus Hill - Holy shit people can have -that many- statuses piled onto them?

Fight looks scary as fuck on paper, but in practice, it sorta couldn't stand to the might of Summon and Dance. Setup is Wizard(now with MAU)/Time Mage Ramza, Priest/Mediator Nena (I LEARNED HER NAME GUIZE), Dancer/Monk Alicia, Summoner/Mediator Eva. The fight starts rather typically - Geos confuse Agrias, which is swiftly fixed by a staff thwack from Ramza, and Nena remains on the back flanks in order to Preach/Praise people and back up with healing whenever necessary. However, the fight starts moving once Eva comes up and drops a fatal Ifrit on one of the Lancers and two of the Geomancers. Right afterwards, Alicia unleashes Nameless Dance, which confuses one of the Summoners and debilitates everybody else in variously hilarious manners once it goes off. The living Lancer goes down to thwap the confused Summoner on the left (...) and deals far more damage than she'd like. At this point, Mustadio simply snipes her out and the other Summoner has the brilliant idea of PHYSICALLING EVA FOR FROG STATUS. It fails and she eats an Ifrit to the face. At this point, the fight is basically done, particularly since the remaining Geo is at critical, berserked -and- Don't Act'd, the Summoner is dead and the Lancer got eaten as well. Impressive work with Dancer/Bard, Laggy, and I haven't even seen the better dances and improved equips yet.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #902 on: October 25, 2009, 06:35:39 AM »
Testing the new disc, I decided to continue an old playthrough.  Starting just after Bethla, I thought I had managed to get all the prereqs for the Coliary.  Turns out I hadn't.  Well, given how many randoms I got into just reaching Lesalia, screw going through the Bariaus region again.  So I instead head towards the plot battles beckoning me, and get a flower.  Then, it's off to face a couple of plot battles against randoms with lines.

My party for Germinas has Guts Samurai Ramza joined by a Materia Blade swinging, Archer Agrias, and a Basic Skill packing female Lancer with a Holy Lance snagged off of Sopko.  The other side has my faithful Math Priest backing up McNeil, a Monk with Elemental.  Things start badly as a thief manages to get through Ramza's Blade Grasp, and the other side sees OK determined to right the wrongs of the universe, starting by pulling out his Silver Bow and giving McNeil a nose.  Sadly, the nosectomy proves fatal, but their is a priest nearby, with the power to raise McNeil from the dead (likely by removing the nose).  He then gets knived by a thief.  Fortunately, Ramza's side fairs better, killing the ninja, and leaving one of the thieves in easy kill range of Agrias.

It's at this point that the Bard in the back resolves his Nameless Song, followed up by the chemists doing their thing, bringing back the guy I dropped, and healing the injured guy.  Still, no big deal for Ramza, as he draws out and...  I accidentally select the healing katana instead of Heaven's Cloud.  And hey...  it hits enemies now...  damn!  Fortunately, Agrias can hit two of them with a Holy Explosion, and the lancer can...  run away, get next to the bard, and land a jump on him for the OHKO.  Of course, by this point, the Bard and one of the chemists is Reraised, and a couple of thieves are hasted.  That said, previous HE one shotted the reraise chemist.  It's at this point that an enemy thief manages to toss a star at Agrias and kills her after she drops the second chemist for good.  I only have one reviver.  She has been busy spending all her time tossing 66% Raises at McNeil, who has been busy getting knived to death before he can get a turn.  At this point, she abandons the freshly dead McNeil to try and revive Agrias.  However, Agrias is just one panel too far away for her to be reached in two turns of walking, leaving a dead turn.  As well, around this time the bard is finished off for good, and Ramza teams up with the newly raised Agrias to kill OK.  But, there's still a fully healed thief letting all of the 1  hit point wonders scatter to the four corners of the map.  It seems I can't finish this battle in time, as even a miracle teleport won't let Ramza reach the last straggler.  So I toss a Raise at him.  And it whiffs.  At this point I clock the thief that caused me all this trouble, but I still can't reach the last one...  And so I toss another Raise, hoping I have time to resolve it before he crystalizes.  And the timer counts down, and the Raise animation starts, and....  blue numbers appear.  Crisis averted!

At this point, he finally gets a turn, so I call him back to join my buddies so I can get some crystals.  But when ol' jackass McThief hops up with a reraise I didn't notice, and guts the monk again.  I say screw that and just slaughter the enemies straight up.

Poeskas Lake

Monky McMonkerson got rightfully replaced here with Blaze Gun Mustadio, sporting a lovely Item skillset to back up being in Mediator.  Also swapped the Math Priest for the Master Priest, and Agrais out for Rafa.  Rafa... manages to be surprisingly useless, as he Ivory Rod never petrifies, and her Truth Skills go out of their way to buck the odds.  Damn.  However, Master Priest has access to Cure 4.  Which leads to the first round over with the three ghosties dead, and my entire party healed thanks to its ridiculous range.  The next threat is the Summoner, which is dealt with by noticing she has 40 Faith.  Next up the Mediators...  one of them faiths himself, Mustadio says thanks and blasts the loser.  Another enters negotiations with Master Priest and then gets a Raise 2 to the face.  And the third starts charging something, but I don't really care what as Ramza ports next to him while he's charging and cuts him in half.  This leaves the Archer, the Archer with an annoying tendancy to using Charge +10.  Ok, so he wasn't really a threat either.  But it was fun when he nearly got one off on Rafa and I had my lancer chuck a rock at him right before it resolved.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #903 on: October 25, 2009, 06:57:22 AM »
Zigolis Swamp - AKA why Laggy lowered Slow Dance from 100% to 67%

This fight was a pile of lollerskates. And the enemies wore them. Basically, I decided to do some more Dance testing, and brought Alicia - now a Monk with Dancer - along with Nena, Eva, Ramza and Tim. Ramza now sports MAU and is generally very dangerous with his 81 Faith Bolt 2 castings (seriously, he could OHKO -every single enemy in the field-), Timothy does his hard-hitting thing and stuff. I brought Tim and Ramza to the front, where both got promptly Shadow Stitched by the ghosts (laggy you whore). This was rather inconsequential, though: as soon as Alicia began dropping Slow Dance, things started getting really pathetic. 100% hit rate on full MT Speed -1, particularly at a point in the game where enemies don't have more than 06 Speed in general, is really ridiculous and worth the setup - which honestly shows the issue with Knight's Speed Break even after the nerf to 67% hit rate, because the effect is too prominent when it's affecting a whole battlefield. By the second turn Alicia was dancing, my party was getting about 1.5x more turns than the enemies, and that's before accounting for Ramza's Haste 2. At some point, I was seeing 1 Speed Skellies, and that just went into pathetic territory. Since the enemies were getting more or less uniformly OHKOed by Ramza and Timothy, the mopping was simple. Useful for raising Alicia's Brave, though.

Goug Machine City - The March of the Calculating Dancers, or where I curse FFT's braindead equip optimization

I swap to Calculator Ramza here for some fun testing times. Primary Math, secondary Black Magic because I can has Death. Setup is Ramza/Anton/Junk/Alicia/Timothy, proving I like living dangerously due to one reviver. Ramza almost fails to get a turn (seriously, THREE SPEED?), but Anton manages to heal him in time to teleport away and drop an enemy dead with an instant casting of Death while Junk piles up the Cheer Song cheese and Alicia drops Nameless Dances for happy times. In the first dance turn, one of the Thieves gets charmed and one of the Summoners gets confused - which pretty much seals the fight right there since the other thief decides to pummel the Summoner, silencing (...) him in the process. The archer proves to be the most dangerous element in the fight: he managed to OHKO Alicia and Junk, and what kept things under control was Ramza being recovered in MP before Junk died with a timely Angel Song, thus giving him the means to kill the Archer. Anton provided timely revival, however, and in no time flat the battle was back under control, with only a thief alive (and he sorta raped the rest of the battlefield before uncharming). The thief met an unfortunate fate by being turned into a Frog, then FOXBIRDED into oblivion. Seriously, dancers and bards are now amazingly evil and I approve. I still need to figure out what to do with Timothy, though: he's effective, but rather boring.

Bariaus Hill - AKA I Started Something I Couldn't Fi-FUFUFU~

Absolutely hilarious trainwreck that resulted in a completely baffled - if ultimately rather simple - victory on my end. Setup was Dancer Alicia, MIME MUSTADIO, Oracle Anton, Monk Timothy, Black Mage Ramza. Ramza gets killed by the Oracle shortly after OHKOing a Knight (...........), which makes me think things will get grim fast. Choosing Slow Dance as my first action feels somewhat unwise as well, until Musty... uh... well... MIMES Alicia once it goes off, thus causing enemies to suddenly start failing a lot more at getting turns. Anton and Timothy have to handle the Priest and Oracle and move to the other side, lest I want Ramza to perma-die - this is not a problem due to Float on Anton, though, and Anton efficiently Silences the Oracle on his side, while the Priest gets punched in the face. Agrias repeatedly haxes and Stops one of the Knights and the Oracle, keeping the other Priest busy. Then, I decide to be cute with Alicia after two turns of Slow Dance (averaging -3 speed on the enemies across the board) and put in a round of Nameless. This proves to be murderous, as -one third of the field turns into a Frog, two people get Charmed and one other eats Don't Act-. Oh, and Mustadio mimes this. Before making the crossover to revive Ramza (which would actually happen in time, fancy that), Anton targets a Petrify on the living Oracle (a Priest had already killed the other Oracle and the other Priest was dead. Both Knights, frogged and worthless, were picked apart by Alicia and a bare-handed Mustadio. Sad). As it fires off, it successfully petrifies the Oracle... and Mustadio, who was in range of the only remaining enemy, that charmed Priest, fires off a mime'd Petrify, ending the battle. I really have no words.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 08:02:02 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #904 on: October 25, 2009, 07:18:58 AM »
Oracle SCC Early Chapter 1


2 resets

"You don't have to start till Dorter" they say.  Bah to that, completely skillless Oracle rod-beats can prevail.  Eventually.  Only one thing stands in their way - the freaking Red Panther and its freaking Steal Heart.  Coincidentally enough the panther is placed on the side of the map where the PBF numbering starts, so if it runs up and charms anyone, it'll be the first person in your lineup and they'll spend a charmturn before you can knock them out of it.  That's a reset.  Fortunately, the panther's AI sucks and it doesn't realize Steal Heart is one of the best skills in the game.  If it can reach a unit, it will prioritize closing to melee and using Poison Nail of all things.  It won't hang back, it won't steal heart, it won't even use Cat Kick or Scratch.  Poison Nail.  Okay then. 

The second reset was more legitimate (so to speak) and came through the miracle of multiple enemy squires spawning with Bow Guns.  This is Bad.  Third try was much more successful, the corner rock chokepoints and some careful corpsewalling carried the day.

Sweegy Woods
Too many resets.  At least ten.

Two people are capable of casting Confusion Song, no other skills.  Delita and Algus are Squires with Potion.  Enemy offense here is just too good with the improved monsters, particularly the bombs.  It's hard to stop the guests from hitting a bomb, and once they do the bomb will spam Shock and it's bad times all around.  Confusion Song is useless as all the enemies have 0 damage attacks to hit each other out of it with.  The Black Gob and the bombs toss AoE damage around like they're breaking a pinata of murder, and the bombs have their cute little reraise antics.  Even the red goblins can't be taken lightly, as they have ghetto Shock and confusion of their own.   Can't even win most Mandalia randoms. 

This sucked.  A lot.  I don't remember what happened differently on the winning run, I think Spark added Reraise to Algus and the guests started behaving moderately intelligently for once.

Dorter Slums
Five or six resets, something like that.

Actually got skills now, everyone has Confusion Song and Spell Absorb and a couple people have Zombie and Paralyze.  (Zombie?  With precious earlygame JP?!  YES!)  After a few abortive attempts, the guests both become Knights with Potion as I give up on trying to make Delita use Wish.

The basic plan here is to run everyone up the building except for Ramza, who lingers a turn.  Two ladies toss Confusion up on the bow and fist archer, Delita potions whoever the bow archer hit at the start, and the enemies move up.  Crossbow archer breaks confuse on punch archer, who in turn breaks it on Bow archer.  However my third lady just moved and waited, and gets her turn again in time to reapply confusion to both archers.  Ramza's turn comes up as well, and the enemy knight is just close enough for him to panel-target Zombie and beat a retreat up the building.  Delita and Algus hang around the two entry points of the building, one engages the Knight (with 30 damage Potion instead of ~10 damage physical - this is the reason for Zombie) and the other generally mucks around taking up space and hopefully getting shot at and cast at.

This is the BASIC plan.  This stuff happens 100% of the time.  After that it breaks down.  If someone moves too far forward, the wizards lock spells on them and that's probably a reset.  If you don't dispose of the archers up top in a timely fashion, the crossbow archer will ruin your day, either by removing their confusion or simply shooting and killing someone who's taken a random confused hit.   If Zombie misses the knight you're in a heap of trouble as the engaging guest no longer takes them down a timely fashion and may in fact lose the fight.  The wizards are creeping doom that must be dealt with somehow, and everyone has around 16 MP so you can only cast Confusion Song every other turn or even every three turns.  Someone watching the stream commented that "This is the longest Dorter fight ever"... on an attempt that eventually failed.

The winning run came via a risky move outwards to Confuse the crossbow archer and a wizard.  It worked, they ran up and did useless things.  The final wizard came up bearing a potentially lethal spell, but was shut down by Ghetto Silence Song. (aka Spell Absorb x2)

Sand Rat Cellar
Another good 5-10 resets here.

It was clear that I would need more firepower here, so a couple of heavily milked randoms took place and various party members learned Petrify.  I would say this fight was horrible were it not for Sweegy Woods reminding me it could be so much worse.

Anyhow, the basic plan is to abuse the map's chokepoints and walls to throw Confusion Song and when possible Petrify on everything, staying far far away from dangerous power physicals and baby eating communist Australians.  Several runs ended for various reasons, mostly lack of caution on my part and/or terrible luck with hit rates and confused actions.  In the final analysis the Archer is the most dangerous unit on the map.  Everyone else can be kited but he'll pick someone off unless you do something.  Confusing him doesn't really work.  Rushing forward at the beginning and locking some 30-40% petrifies on him does, once you get lucky.  With the archer stoned and Algus still alive, confusion spam finally started kicking in and the guests helped mop up the remainder.  The winning run ended with the archer and all three knights petrified.  I claimed I wanted a Grefter statue but really I was afraid that he might break out and kill someone and then refuse to die.  Blasted five move.  Anyway, it was an ugly run but it got the job done.

Thieves' Fort
Zero resets!  Yay!

I expected this to go very poorly, and it sure seemed like it would when the first action of the fight was a Priest locking Bolt 2 on to my party for OHKO damage all around.  Fortunately, daring staff beats disposed of that, and then confusion hit the thieves and they actually behaved nicely and did things like run back and Quick Attack Miluda instead of killing my people.  The other priest was also confused, and threw a Cure 4 and a Protect at my party.  Miluda threatened to kill a squishy, but Paralyze showed her what's up and made her run back to a far corner.  Delita pursued and broke her helmet, armor and shield.  Petrified a thief, kept confusion going on the others, threw a ton of spells around, the usual.  Slow going but it works.   A zombied thief took full advantage of undead revival to... fail to kill anyone and then die again in two hits.  Naked paralyzed Miluda was whittled down in time. 

Main factor saving my bacon here is that the map is a horrible chokepoint that does the enemies no favors whatsoever.  The plateus flanking the central ramp on the PC side are powerful locations.

As of this writing everyone has Spell Absorb, Confusion Song, Paralyze and Petrify.  This forms a nice core skillset for the early game. 
Confusion Song is the bread and butter ability, apply it to enemies as often as possible to make them hit each other instead of you and/or do generally stupid things. 
Paralyze is handy for when you need a certain enemy to get off your back and can't risk another enemy unconfusing them, or in combination with confusion.  (Little known fact: a unit with both Don't Act and Confusion applied to it will always wait without moving when its turn comes up!  Exploit this if you run Yin Yang, folks.) 
Petrify is obviously useful as a range 4 50%ish instant death spell, and it really shines in LFT much more than the original game.  The only change to the spell itself was a slight CT drop, but it is vastly more valuable now thanks to increased Knight durability and a lot of monsters like bombs and undead that you're better off stoning than killing by damage.
Speaking of undead, Zombie has seen a surprising amount of use so far.  It'll drop off a bit once there are no guests to throw potions, naturally, but even then it'll be quite nice on maps with enemy healers.  Also good as a buff on your own party - even if something goes wrong you can hope for undead revival!
Spell Absorb has been a necessity in chapter 1 for keeping the MP supplies flowing, since early on you can only cast a "real" spell once before running dry.  That's extended to two or three spells per person with linen robes, but MP concerns won't go away entirely until a ways in yet.    It's also good for JP grinding, of course, since you're guaranteed to be able to cast it thanks to Move MP Up and a successful cast will always get you the appropriate amount of MP even if your target is dry.  Most interestingly, though, it is now of great offensive use against mages as a sort of Ghetto Silence Song.  Two hits will knock out all their MP, no matter what.  I suspect this will come in handy later on when enemies start blocking Silence.

Life Drain is pretty blah now, learned it but not much use.  I was never really a fan even in vanilla, and the range nerf is a huge deal for an SCC.
The real Silence Song hasn't seen play yet since there aren't any threatening enemy mages until Zeakden.  Ditto for Dispel Magic, except more so.
Pray Faith is nice on paper, but 300 JP is too much for a single target hit rate buff this early on - and frankly if I'm buffing I'd rather Zombie up for 50% uber revival hax than boost hit rates of things I could just reset for anyway. 
Doubt Faith is useless for the SCC.  Blind Rage is generally not something the SCC wants to cast either. 
Foxbird is another decent on paper skill, but in practice... it takes two castings to disable an enemy for several turns, why do that when you've got Paralyze and Konfusion for "get off my back right now" and Petrify as a more permanent solution? 
Sleep is now inferior to Konfusion in almost every way - slower, costs nearly twice as much MP, same range, same area, same hit rate, takes targets out of commission but you don't get the infighting.  I don't forsee ever really using this unless I'm sure the confused enemies will unconfuse each other trivially.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #905 on: October 25, 2009, 05:49:22 PM »
10/25 update - didn't intend to do this but I realized I hadn't put in OPTIONAL SUPERBOSS Farfetch'd yet and the Vancouver group was about to forage into the fight it was to be in, so it has to be done.

(Note to Excal: your version doesn't include the dance/holy sword changes, if those ever become relevant to you, you may want to grab the download here)

Slow Dance - dropped from 12CT to 10CT. mc was pointing out to me that 12CT 67% is clearly worse than 8CT 50% (original FFT stats), and original wasn't that overpowered. I tend to agree.
Crush Punch and Split Punch - now work without a sword. That's right! They're PUNCHES. And gives an actual reason to use them over the other stuff. (Geo Axe-Agrias, anyone?) Makes Wiegraf 1 not cry when you break his sword anymore. (P.S. Power Break still works fine)
Optional superboss Farfetch'd (with sidekick optional superboss Zapdos) - Tremble in fear if you ever visit Nevelska.
Monster changes - minor tweaks I went over with Tonfa.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #906 on: October 25, 2009, 05:58:23 PM »
Slow Dance - dropped from 12CT to 10CT. mc was pointing out to me that 12CT 67% is clearly worse than 8CT 50% (original FFT stats), and original wasn't that overpowered. I tend to agree.
This may or may not be where SD ends up long-term.

I missed the whole discussion where it got nerfed.  I can see how it might come up, though: at 100% with high CT, although it took a while, it very consistently got the entire battle under control.  Where it'll end up may well be the opposite end of the spectrum just because of this: something like 35%-40% hit rate, and 6ctr.  Still drops a lot of speed, but may not hit the target you want it to hit.  Also: while it'll drop a fair bit of speed at first, it'd take a long time to neuter the entire battle (because there will be those one or two enemies who keep dodging).


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #907 on: October 25, 2009, 07:28:56 PM »
I'll go along with that, forgot about Slow Dance's speed when I suggested the change.

Not sure that 8 wouldn't be reasonable again with the change, in fact, although I don't really see a need; Dance has a good solid niche at this stage, and one that is still solidly useful lategame now, unlike before where you might screw around with Nameless Dance some but it wasn't reaaaaaallly all that worth the slot. (67% randostatus vs 50% randostatus is essentially boosting it's debilitating chances up to "Still somewhat below Petrify but usable because it hits fullscreen." from "Just hit Sleep on two people and you probably have just as good of chances of debilitating as much of the battlefield as you used to, and you're more likely to get people that are relevant.". Dance was really only good if the map gave you a couple of turns by construction, and not of lot of maps did that; Now it's still biased that way, but worth using at short range maps, but requires more thought to use due to the damage boost.)

Anyways, let's go for a general rambling:


Orbonne Intro Stage:

I got Ramza killed. Yay!


Easier than normal. Got a Squire with Accumulate starting(Hey that doesn't normally happen!), got guaranteed knockback so it was easier to manage area control-the only real problem on that map-to kill things faster. Enemies never got a chance to stack up, they simply died. Fun fun.

Mandalia Plains:

Almost wiped to this. I'd been watching some LFT, and naturally I assumed the Panther was the dangerous one. Hell, the Panther is the dangerous one on normal runs.

No, the Thief's just as nasty, I just had somehow never really seen it. He butchered Algus and I barely managed to take him out. On the upside the Panther caused no problems as both of his Charm shots missed. Statistically unlikely. I've had good luck. I managed to get the Thief under control, but both Delita and Algus were dead by then and I needed to heal a bit before taking out those Squires.

Sweegy Woods:

No problems...because I ground a bit and got some more jobs because I can't really get the same feel for jobs on paper as I can in-game. Silly quirk. Anyways, I had up to date equips on everyone-my usual earlygame stopping point for grinding, and I tend to not park on maps so I get more cash killing more maps-and had enough healing to go around to prevent any real problems from the map. I don't really recall the team, but I can't say I had actual problems.

Sand Rats Cellar:

One reset. Invite never hit, Charge +7 took everyone's faces off that it targetted(;_;) and things just went downhill. I think a lack of bought Phoenix Downs sealed it so I bought more.

The second try nearly was lost too, it became Mediator Ramza blocks door and frantically Invites people while Sage sighs at his White Magic primary/secondary people being all out of MP and his Chemist being...I think she was critical and in Grefter's range(I forget exact setups at this stage, still.). Then I Invited Grefter.

Who promptly went around and Spin Fisted three critical hiding enemies to death, vastly speeding up the battle and preventing the last death that I couldn't really deal with.

Grefter also had 3k Knight JP. I ditched my Thief, gave Grefter the crystal and used Grefter from there on out instead as my melee cannon. Yay!

Thieves Fort:

Grinding kicked in again, I'm afraid. I had a Dancer for this.

Lenalia Plateau:

And this.

Windmill Shed:

Annnnd I had a Mime here and a Bard.

Fort Zeakden:

And this!

No, really, the rest of C1 was mostly that simple. Dance this early is a pain to get but it always paid off around this big. It's sorta hard to balance around. Both Fort and especially Lenalia are very, very badly built to deal with Dance, as the enemies tend to start a while away, to boot. Windmill Shed I recall potentially being threatening right until Delita broke Weigraf's sword. Oops. (I left Delita as a Knight with Cure/Raise for the entire chapter. Worked pretty well.) Fort starts WAY off and I had my Mime abuse mimicked physicals to butcher things. Was fun. Ditched the Mime after this, not because of lack of use, but because I don't like jobs that gain JP.

Dorter 2:

One reset. Maybe I should've kept the Mime.

Okay, okay, I went with Polka Polka, didn't start Singing for a bit for...some reason, and things kinda collapsed. Agrias and Gaffy had hideously bad AI, both not healing me, not reviving me, Gaffy spamming Poizn(I liked Poison on him. I didn't like him using it repeatedly to hit two people.) was...bad luck as well as me not taking the fight seriously enough. My bad.

Second time was still not a cakewalk though. My Dancer and Priest repeatedly and horribly died due to Andrew while everyone else got killed around him. It was surreal.


I can haz dance goblinz who start way away?


Yeah, this ended the same way. I can't imagine what this would be like if I was abusing the 100% Slow Dance version.

Zaland Fort City:

I saved Musty. This was due to him having the best AI I've seen on any playthrough and parking his ass right above the gate. I expected this decision to cost me a reset; Nameless Dance isn't good at these things.

Incidentally, I'd like to point out that every one of these made-easy-by-Dance fights took a while because my team is spectacularly offensively anemic. When you see me talking about multiple revivers and Dance and Song and a Mime, the offense that's left over is exactly what you'd think; Grefter stabbing people in the face. It's not perfect.

Barius Hill:

Okay, this should have been harder. I didn't bring in the Dancer(Read up if you want to see why. It's Barius Hill, I should restart at least once before doing that to honor it's noble legacy of bending over SCCs and reaming them.). Did bring in the Bard.

Hey, guys, Bards are broken too.

Add in some other stuff; First, Agrias Guest gets Gained JP Up innate. So, she got Holy Explosion before this.

Why HE? I've never gotten HE on Guest Agrias. <_<

So she walks up, hits a Geomancer as the battle starts, confuses him, Geo turns around, axes the Archer behind him in the face, high variance, slow.

Summoners react by both training Moogle on the duo.

This is the most spectacularly good start I've seen to Barius Hill in...what, a dozen playthroughs or something? Yeah.

I had good luck throughout too, and Cheer Song just kicks ass. (Incidentally, I like Slow Dance being nerfed because Cheer Song is an excellent option for the same effect, but has less impact overall due to how FFT speed functions. It should have something on Slow Dance, and 100% rate of kickon vs a less reliable 66% gives it that something.)

Zigolis Swamp:

*yawn* Musty had Seal Evil for this. I don't think I brought in the Dancer-again-so the fight actually required me to think a lot, but my setups by this point were pretty damned solid(I think Grefter's a Ninja by now, I had a good Lancer setup, and two Priests.), so I wasn't worried much. I mean, it's LFT, it's miles upon miles better than the original fight, but. Also, I think my overleveling from Dance/Sing is showing around now.

Goug Machine City:

1 Reset. I played this fight several days after Zigolis and forgot who my Dancer was. Oops. So I moved that Oracle forward instead of backwards, shrugged and Danced anyways.

Now, you're thinking "Ha ha his Dancer got OHKOed.".

No, his Dancer got Charmed, danced Nameless Dance, and Charmed his Bard.

...that says enough I think.

Second run I abused Song/Dance into the ground.

And that's where I am now. Generally I have to say I really approve of the battle changes, despite my comments the stages put up far, far harder fights than they would have in vanilla FFT against the same strategy, boosts to Song and Dance notwithstanding. I definitely had people die even with those boosts on a lot of those stages, and I don't say a Dancer could solo them, that'd be stupid. Dance is just awesome early.

General job thoughts so far:

Squire: Not...actually that good of a carrier. Looks great on paper. Sounds great on paper. However, most carriers have better skillsets still. Geomancer gives you a sniper weapon. Calc is Calc. Samurai gives you Draw Out, Wizard gives you Black Magic, Oracle gives you Move Gain MP innate...I mean, I could go on, but the problem is, fundamentally, every other carrier got made better around them as well.

My suggestion would be to improve Basic Skill. It's a decent carrier, but the skillset still has holes. Replenish sounds better than it is, Chakra runs off the main stat and heals PA*(2.5*1.5 with Martial Arts) MP over an area. Chakra's just a part of the skillset(a good part, but just a part) and also HP heals. For Squire after C1, Replenish, Yell, Heal and Reinforce(And maybe Accumulate once every great while, but Yell's better ignoring the lack of self target.) are. Yell's okay, but it competes with Song/Dance for the most part now. Replenish is okay but Chakra is better. Reinforce sounds good but Reraise tends to be a lot more practical due to much cheaper JP costs and actual range. Heal is one range status curing, same thing with Esuna.

Basically it's an unfocused, hodgepodge skillset(Instead of no skillset, admittedly a large improvement.). Yell's good enough at what it needs to do, but the other three could use a boost on range, AoE(I liked the idea of making Replenish 1 range 2v0 Effect myself, as this directly competes with Chakra better, is basically better than it to make up for the fact that it's a skill with more of a requirement to be good due to Monk's larger skillset-not that anyone uses Monk as a carrier, but anyways.), that sort of thing. The effects are good, but they're just a little too limited in practice as it is, I think.


Is a great class where everyone got better around it. Worked out fine. Only thing I recall noting is that Phoenix Down would probably be better served a little lower in JP than 300; The idea was to make Phoenix Down not something you can just pick up, but 250-200 would do that just as well, and a Chemist without Phoenix Down's a pretty useless Chemist. Priest gets Cure/Raise 50% of the time off the bat, Chemist takes a fight to get something more than Potion. Not so bad if you just use one of the default Chemists from Gariland, but if you want one later it's conceptually annoying.


Is awesome, much better balanced, serves a great niche, etc. Love the changes. Battle Skill feels like it could use some details hashed over but I'm not sure that skillset is reasonably able to be 100% balanced in practice(Speed Break for instance should be like -1.5 Speed was my assessment when looking at it. Obviously *that* doesn't work.).


Also awesome, great niche, needs no changes. Haven't used it much. <_< What, I just didn't feel like it.


Interesting changes here. Frog feels very much like an odd skill out, as Death, despite it's hefty downsides, basically is more worth the trouble, to me. I almost feel like Frog should be radically changed, maybe make it more expensive than Death for JP/MP and 2v0 AoE or something. (Sure, it's a debilitating status and a permanent one, but the skillset already has a 8 range sniper one. Despite Death's downsides, somehow it just feels better in practice. I'll rescind this if you can find someone who's used Frog much in LFT though, it may just be observations being off.) Otherwise the changes are...Death/Poison are great, Flare is still Flare, I have no clue about the main offensive spells. Low end ones feel similar but the heavily changed high end ones...


Replaced Chemist.

Until it runs out of MP.

._. MP.

No, seriously, this is about how I feel. Better healing, better revival, positive status, better status healing, high damage spell...then it runs out of MP and can't do any of it. Better be careful. I'm not sure that balances it, after the early game I didn't really run out of MP much, but it does make you play a lot more strategically and with thought than Chemists, who can just spam items forever, especially later.

Also, there's the subtle thing where Priests being so good makes low Faith impractical. This is...interesting and perhaps balances them against Chemists. It's very subtle.


Monks feel about the same but their skillset feels much improved. How does that work? Mostly it's cheaper and the role of Monk is still weird niche stuff. It works. Better than it used to, obviously.


It's like you take a Thief and you give it twice the damage.

Wait, that's exactly what happened. They went from horrible offense miserable classes to the terror of the early game.

There's still not a huge amount of long term point to them, they steal crap, Steal Heart, and have one more skill they didn't have before that...mostly is quirky, although it's good on paper. I'm not sure how you could ever make thieves really spectacular physical fighters, so this works.


Mmmm. Much better status spell balance. Paralysis, Sleep and Petrify were always good niches, Zombie, Confusion Song and(to a lesser extent) Foxbird and Blind join them. Spell Absorb healing 50% MP instead of 33% makes it more useful as an MP restorer, although it's still not spectacular. Life Drain probably needed the nerf. Dispel Magic and Blind Rage still feel like odd spells out(mmmm Blind Rage probably would have been better served by making it AoE but leaving the lousy hitrate, the skillset doesn't actually have a skill that's low hit rate but AoE does it? As it is I'd rather just Confuse enemies. However, that's ignoring the buff part of Blind Rage-which I always do, I don't like Berserk as a buff, but many people do. So I dunno.).

It's probably one of the more interesting set of job changes that didn't actually radically change the base job's build.

Time Mage:

Haven't really messed with them much. Think I need their higher end skills before I can really say.


Worked out well. Functionally they're about as same as always, but they have more useful status options.

Insult kinda sucks though. Except, again, as a buff(Unless I'm radically wrong and it is AoE). Maybe one or the other of them should get the AoE so the other can work more like a buff. (Insult would make more sense as the ST high hit rate one, as nothing but Zodiac can impact it.)


Same old Geo, just better, is my impression of it, though I haven't used them much. Nothing wrong with that, they were a cool build.


Great damage, accessable earlier in practice due to earlier Javelin, and tend to do very well as an early game job. Dunno about later, their edges don't seem like they'd hold up spectacularly but they're still probably pretty damn good. Armor Break on spears is nice.


One of the few jobs that feels nerfed, rather than everyone else getting better around them. Still pretty good, good AoEs on spells that Wizards no longer have and they still have the general utility. They're just slow. And frail. And the usual for Summoners, except that their edges don't *completely* shatter you caring about these things anymore.

On the upside, Summon's a lot less boring, better internal balance between high end spells.


Feels...worse but it's sorta negligably worse. 1 PA or so isn't going to crush their dreams. The durability feels more signifigant-they were frail already-but all in all it's still Ninja.


Better job, worse skillset. Skillset isn't hugely worse though, so that's okay. Neat job, actually, good balance of physical and magical stats and basically feels like Geos except with less status and range and more damage. I like the changes. Do miss ignore-allies DO though. (Not that it's not a reasonable change...I just miss it.)


Only job I don't have yet. Soon enough though.


Songs are awesome early. The MA boosting song still feels trashy, but everything else is basically okay to good on these guys. Cheer Song is so much fun to abuse. ^_^ They don't feel terribly different, but I don't have any harps yet, so I'll have to wait on serious comment.


See my comments about Dancer? Yeah they did that already, ignore them. The real change is that I might actually use bloody Polka Polka over Slow Dance or Nameless Dance(Not the MA dance, that still sucks. Oh well.). Add in Last Dance being okay and basically you've got far better balance. Also they get Attack Up. That's cool. I haven't tried to abuse it but it's cool.


Is Mime. Is better Mime, but still Mime.

The real change is that it's unlock is some time this year. Screw the old reqs, 4/4 feels perfectly reasonable for these guys. Kinda broken early, sure, but so's Dancer. >_>
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #908 on: October 25, 2009, 09:49:26 PM »
UBS, Second Floor

More uneventful smashing.

Ramza vs. Izlude, Warrior in Despair!

Used Summoner Ramza/Wizard/Lancer/Samurai/Archer for this, shit died.  Enemy archer did manage to take out Ramza with Earth Slash, but by that time, the battle was already won.

Ramza vs. Wiegraf, Round 2!

In fairness, this battle probably would have gone better if I had a faster team that didn't fall prey to the initial round of AoE pain that Wiegraf and his two geomancers bring.  Unfortunately, I didn't have enough Green Berets for everyone to outspeed the Geos with, so I reset a few times for things to go my way and feed Wiegraf a couple of Split Punches and a Bolt4.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #909 on: October 26, 2009, 12:27:08 AM »
In Front of Lionel Castle Gates - The Romeo and Juliet Edition

This fight was sort of a trainwreck. Wizard Ramza/Mediator Nena/Bard Junk/Summoner Eva/Priest Anton. Bard begins charging a song. Gets killed by Archer+Monk doing shit. In hindsight, not the wisest idea. Gafgarini gets to 2HKO Ramza with a Night Sword, but that proves fruitless: a Bolt 2 OHKOs Gaffy. A Bolt 3 1.5x overkills or something. Thus, Bolt 2, Gaffy explodes. By this point, after reviving Junk, Nena has died - and Anton has been Death Sentence'd. Eva at least manages to OHKO like three people with a summon (it's amazing how fucking broken this shit is even with the nerfs). Anton proceeds to revive Nena, Junk gives up on singing and just BLOODY HARPS THINGS WITH RECKLESS ABANDON. This proves quite fruitful, as he 2HKOs the entire field and the parasitic healing is a life saver. Afterwards, Eva dies and most of the field is alive. However, the field is also nearly entirely hugging the castle gates and Ramza's sitting at the balcony like a good Juliet. And like a good Juliet, he Bolt2s heathens to their unfortunate lol ohko fates. After a few bolty parting is such sweet sorrows, Ramza finally gets sniped by the only living summoner in the field, but it's just too late by then: Eva is back up and Junk just finished maiming the final Archer. After that, it's a mere matter of cleaning up the remains.

Queklain - The Rise and Fall of Mr. Potatamoto

The fight went to hell for Quekly before it even began. Opening with Bio 3 wasn't the wisest idea: it failed to OHKO anyone in the field, and all it could inflict was Undead. Ramza with Counter Magic responded by casting Bio 3 back and making the Knights undead and ripping 1/3 of Quek's life off. This made the fight pretty simple: the Knights killed (Priest) Nena and Eva, who didn't even manage to let off an Ifrit. However, Anton could Cure 2 the Knights and heal himself, while Timothy the punching mistress dropped Charge+5 punches on Queky. Before Quek could get a third turn (he OHKOed Ramza with a physical with it), he ate a punch to the stomach and turned to glitter. A shame.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #910 on: October 26, 2009, 01:01:49 AM »
Bariaus Valley:

One reset. Hilarious one, objectively, although it annoyed me at the time.

See, one of the Knights had Talk Skill.

So he;

Death Sentenced Grefter, killing him, all the way at the far corner of the map.

Slept the healer with him on that side of the river.

Slept the two healers that went to heal him.

Directly led to him being crystallized.

Now that's a dick move.

Second time I switched up the people on the far side to my Ninja and my Dancer with Float so they wandered right across the river. The Dancer sat her butt on that little island in the middle and Danced the whole time. Poor map, but I was annoyed. (Didn't bring the Dancer the first time, either.)

Golgo 13 x WoT Rand Crossover Fanfiction Hentai Website:

Four resets, as much as the entire game up to that point.


First two were due to the logical, but bad, assumption that my Dancer would be safer in the group of two under the archway.

Possibly true, but completely worthless. See, Laggy didn't directly improve the map, but the TMs gained a lot of versatility.

Specifically they gained the ability to drop 90%+ Stops on people.

The second time, my Dancer(Who is an Oracle with Dance secondary, or was) tried to drop a 92% sleep on her before that. It missed.

Mutter. I think a revive missing and a Haste 2 hitting two archers and Gaffy sealed that one.

Third time I had it fine except I missed my Samurai getting crystallized. oops.

Fourth time was a redux of Bariaus, as all three Archers wailed on my Summoner under the arch, managed to kill her just barely, then everyone started spamming DM/Stop on me to keep me from getting there to revive her. This literally came down to a Slow casting(SLOW CASTING) preventing my Item user from walking up to her about 20 CT before crystallization and reviving her. Augh.

Fifth time I managed to avoid the Summoner/White Magic secondary caster from dying under the archway, managed to get Agrias and her over to the corner, and had Priest/Bard Ramza and Ninja Grefter smash the crap out of everyone that tried to hurt my corner-hiding Dancer. This actually worked, although I was playing spectacularly paranoid by that point.


Gate of Lionel:


Suddenly it occurs to me that the "ghost train" setup Tonfa used was at the Gate of Lionel.



If you don't get it look it up.

Anywho, this fight was entertaining.

Priest Ramza dropped Holy on Gaffy, overkilling him. That part was easy.

Less easy: The front side, where three people got DSed and the fourth got ripped in half. Fortunately I managed to have Ramza revive people from across the door, which led to a humorous "DSed people do as much damage as they can, die, get revived just before CT, do damage, die" setup that ultimately took three times longer than it needed to due to an annoying Monk that spammed Spin Fist and Repeating Fist. Worked though!

Queklain's Happy Fun Time Hour:

No resets either.

Man Cure reams those Knights. I mean seriously it high 2HKOs them.

Salamander on my Summoner/White Mage was no fun for Quek, meanwhile, as he ate over 200 damage from it(and countered with it, for...60-80.). After that everyone spread out, then two people cornered him and beat the crap out of him.

No one even died. I've had worse runs than that in standard FFT. Pretty good luck there.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #911 on: October 26, 2009, 02:55:29 AM »
Hi-Ho, Ex the Cal here!

Anyways, first wave of Nelveska is completed.  Zapdos is hilariously effective.  As said by the Elf, Well played, Cyril.  Well played.  Farfetched also had us terrorized.  Fortunately, Poison + Don't Move put an end to their tyrrany.  Just like Height 4 Doubt Faith took out the summoners for a good chunk of time before they could move.  Shaker the Knight, with his twin blades has broken the Worker to a small incompetent pile of scrap.  Orlandu killed things while Jasmin and Fargus kept us alive.  And, in the lull between the waves, Cyril is threatened by Orlandu and then with 1 Brave goes to get Sasuke's Katana with faith!  And gets an Elixir.

Will report more later.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #912 on: October 26, 2009, 03:20:49 AM »
Alright, Phase 2/3 were both over quickly.  Their speed?  Good Lord!  Their HP?  Not so hot.  So they each get one action and then die horribly.  Gained 1x Blood Lance and Paladin's Shield, and soon the Nagrarock will be ours.  At which point this battle will be over.

EDIT: Nagrarock GET!  Battle over.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #913 on: October 26, 2009, 03:38:08 AM »
Goland Coal City - The Boy With The Time In His Side

Everybody got Stopped when Olan dropped Galaxy Stop. Battle over. I had the Dancer Nameless for the lulz while Ramza and Eva the Time Mage with Summon Magic mopped the leftovers. Trivial.

Lesalia Imperial City - Zalmo is fucking worthless

Another pretty trivial battle. Geomancers derped on AI, which meant Alma got hit -once- for 18 damage. lol ensues from there, as Ramza moves back and Haste 2s while I position my peons for maximum effectiveness. Alma also moves back and Mbarriers, at which point the enemies just move close enough for murder and I begin sweeping. Anton spams status (mainly Zombie and Paralyze) and healing while Ramza OHKOs anything that moves. Jesus christ, did Wizard feel -this- retarded in FFT? I know FFT vanilla Wizard has higher magic and a better MAU, but holy shit Bolt is so fucking evil. Eva also contributes to the lol ohko department with MAU and Thunder Rod-powered Ramuhs, dropping the odd Haste for grindans now and then. Geomancer Agrias swept the Geomancers by herself, and before I noticed, only Zalmo was alive, and his most remarkable action was CHARGE +2 on Eva. Um yeah. I Foxbird him twice for laughs, weep as he doesn't turn into a chicken and proceed to get him killed by Lightning Stab beats. Amazing.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #914 on: October 26, 2009, 03:51:46 AM »
Well that's weird. They're supposed to have like 9000+ HP.

I suspect they may have overflowed... >_>
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #915 on: October 26, 2009, 04:11:01 AM »
Were they supposed to have any attacks besides an 80~ damage physical?

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #916 on: October 26, 2009, 04:13:56 AM »
Yes actually. SIGHABLE. They were supposed to spam Dark Whisper.

Unfortunate you missed out on that, but congrats nonetheless. The birds really did amuse me.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #917 on: October 26, 2009, 04:15:45 AM »
The birds ruled. Good job on them.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #918 on: October 26, 2009, 07:20:06 AM »
Okay, this covers quite a fair amount of fights.

Orbonne Monastery - When Kain Fangirls and Spinpires Attack

This one got me a couple resets always due to underestimating the Lancers. With such a mage-heavy party, the OHKOs fly rather impunely. One of the losing runs even involved me killing everything but a confused lancer that killed my Mediator/Priest as she was charging to revive Alicia at 0. The results were predictable. The winning run was made on the defensive: wait until the lancers come to me (only takes a turn) and pile up the Haste 2/Protect 2 train as they come up, leaving Alicia to dance for Nameless so enemies can be proper fucked. Party was Ramza (Wizard/Time Mage)/Eva (Summoner/Time Mage with Short Charge)/Anton (Oracle/Priest)/Alicia (Samurai/Dancer)/Timothy (Ninja/Knight). Once the Lancers approach, I'm ready for them: Eva and Ramza dole out their magical deathery. Once Nameless goes off once, Alex eats Sleep, and now it's time to exact revenge: Timothy assassinates Alex and finishes off one of the Lancers in the meantime, Anton Petrifies a Time Mage and once the spells all go off, all that's left is... a Confused Time Mage who I whore out with Speed Break+Stop+Slow in order to collect crystals.

Orbonne Monastery 2 - A Bit About Gate and Toro The Comedy Show

I deserved a reset here, but that didn't fly due to how badly I abused Izlude coming to the forefront. I brought Junk the Bard and made the mistake of putting him to sing - which at least didn't get him killed. I place the buffs and take Ramza and Eva to snipe the farthest summoner, while Agrias goes to meet Gate and Tai and Izlude. This proves to save my ass later, as I would fail the map if she didn't manage a crack at Izlude then. One of the Knights also DON'T ACTS NENA FUCK and there I'm thinking I'm going to reset. The Summoner does die, but he also takes Eva in the process, and Ramza soon gets sniped by an archer. Victory comes from Junk thwapping Izlude with a harp twice: once with Charge +4 and once with a straight bitchslap. The archer that could've stopped that crap decides to finish Nena off instead, giving Junk another turn to finish Izlude off. Had I missed even one harp smack, I'd have been fucking dead. Go figure.

Orbonne Monastery 3 - The Great lol ohko Caper or Wiegraf Needs to Get Laid

First two attempts: Wiegraf goes before my whole bunched party and overkills half of my losers while the remainders get ingloriously picked off by the Geomancers because mage durability is just -that awesome-. Okay no. Third time, I equip a Green Beret on Timothy so he suicidally baits Wiegraf into getting to bumrush range, and it works wonders. The Geomancers and archers suck at killing off anyone else this time. Ramza and Eva step up, charge a Ramuh+Bolt 4s double tech on Wiegraf and Ramza simply lol ohkos his bestest friend with bolty death. We now resume our normal schedule.

Grog Hill - The Chansey and Onix Equational Dilemma

What an annoyingly sad battle. Setup was Ramza (Wizard/Time Mage as usual)/Eva (Summoner/Time Mage)/Alicia (Samurai/Dancer)/Junk (Bard/Archer)/Nena (Priest/Mediator). The primary problem was that everybody in this field had -horrible- Faith, making the brunt of my offense terrible (as in now I was only 2HKOing things, so perspective, perspective. The good offensive magic is rather horrifyingly stupid for cannoning), and the Chemists -love- tossing X-Potions around the block. This is the first fight where Alicia's primary class makes it to the forefront, though, since it becomes clear that she deals pretty good damage with Koutetsu and can take a hit to get there. Doesn't stop her from starting with a Nameless Dance, though, while Junk tries to charge for Cheer Song. Eph is an ass and OHKOs him with high variance on the second turn, though. In fact, the first turns where things happened involved Ramza and Junk dying unfortunate deaths. However, as soon as things got into range and that Nameless Dance went through, I managed to change the tides: Nena revived Ramza, who proceeded to Haste 2 and now Eva impunely swept the enemies in range. Eph was still threatening to be an ass, however, so I had to take a risk. This risk involved Ramza casting Frog at Eph and succeeding at like 35% odds, which made the whole thing impossible to lose now that the Thief and Archer were dead and the Chemists were legally retarded (you have Phoenix Down and you cast a 20% chance Raise on the Thief? um kay), and a Hasted Alicia proceeded to swiftly chop heads with spear thwacks (what? <_<) and Koutetsu madness. Eph was kept alive for a long time further for crystal whoring, and then got finished by a Death Sentence from Nena.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 09:43:02 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #919 on: October 26, 2009, 08:01:14 AM »
Grog Hill - Abusing deserters for fun and profit!

First thing I do is look at enemy Br/Fa values and laugh.  Eph and Magey the dual katana-wielding thief were the biggest threat on the map, but Eph kinda got critsmacked and died and Magey has his swords stolen.  I then decide to forgo the usual steamrollering and swipe a bunch of stuff from the deserters.  Was it good stuff?  Eh, not really, but I needed a change from lol Wizard and someone else smash shit.

Yardow Fort City - Rafa and the Exploding Frog

One reset here because... Xer randomly started with Elemental and used Hell Ivy on Rafa.  Which landed Stop on her.  Yeeeeeeah.  Second time sees no such hax and is summarily curbstomped.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #920 on: October 26, 2009, 08:02:13 AM »
Reinforce sounds good but Reraise tends to be a lot more practical due to much cheaper JP costs and actual range.
Reinforce honestly needs to cost less JP if it were being costed only as an ability.  It was introduced when we were trying to think up high JP Squire abilities partially because Squires don't have things to do with their JP, so you didn't feel like leaving people in the class.

I liked the idea of making Replenish 1 range 2v0 Effect myself, as this directly competes with Chakra better
It's not supposed to directly compete with Chakra, and I don't see why you'd kill the vertical tolerance to remove the differentiation between the moves.  If anything it competes with the Chemist Hi-Ether (notably a skill I've set item for on Mages to help with running out of MP--and also note that Replenish heals more MP than Hi-Ether).  There's also thematic issues; Squire fetches supplies for their Knight.  0 vertical making it actually hard to hit other people with it is just...all wrong thematically.  More range would be fine, though.

Speed Break for instance should be like -1.5 Speed was my assessment when looking at it.
No, definitely not.  We've actually had people argue that Speed Break needed even further nerfing (so -1 with less than 100% hit rate).  We didn't nerf it that way, but we have gone out of our way to nerf it (Zodiacs can't be dropped below 4 speed).

Interesting changes here. Frog feels very much like an odd skill out, as Death, despite it's hefty downsides, basically is more worth the trouble, to me. I almost feel like Frog should be radically changed, maybe make it more expensive than Death for JP/MP and 2v0 AoE or something.
Frog is relevant for the following reason: If you get turned into a Frog, you can still cast the Frog spell to un-Frog yourself.  For that reason, as long as you have JP to spare and are using Black Magic, you basically always want the ability.

Also note: consider Petrify, that spell in Yin Yang magic that's considered pretty good for the SCC in vanilla FFT?  Frog's twice as fast and just as accurate.  It's not bad, and in vanilla FFT if you did no changes except move it to Yin Yang, I'm sure it would have been considered a good spell, probably one of the best in Yin-Yang.

The problem is that it has to compete with Fire/Fire2/Fire3.  As for "well...make it like Death with really wild stats", we...could, but damnit that makes it much worse at self-targetting and un-frogging yourself.

It's like you take a Thief and you give it twice the damage.
More than that since we buffed Daggers a lot.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #921 on: October 26, 2009, 08:09:13 AM »
Actually, I'd be okay with Frog being range 1 but high hit rate.  Improves un-frogging, but doesn't make the ability look ridiculous next to Oracle's Petrify.


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #922 on: October 26, 2009, 09:20:44 AM »
IMHO, Reinforce and Replenish worked like a charm for me this latest run.

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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #923 on: October 26, 2009, 12:55:50 PM »
An improvement to 3 range would make Reinforce more appealing. Frog changes I'm ambivalent on, it got some play on my previous playthrough against Knights. High rate melee range would be interesting considering the skillset it is on, though.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: LFT: An FFT mod (complete and available for download!)
« Reply #924 on: October 26, 2009, 03:59:33 PM »
Interesting?  Given the number of other options Wizards have that have actual range I would guess it would become almost totally unused except for removing Frog status.