
Author Topic: What games are you playing 2022: No to stat bloat since the turn of Millenia  (Read 9329 times)


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Mega Man Zero 4- yeah I did the thing and just straight facerolled this in cheat mode because I'm a bit ready to move on.  But gosh, game's good.  Not quite as brutal (mostly) Zero 3, so I probably could have done fine legit, but yeah, just feeling finished here.

It's weird to not have that edge of goofy half-sarcasm when talking about Mega Man Plot!! so... probably gonna just leave that for later. It's shockingly effective between the four games.

Um.  Yeah this doesn't have quite the same punch as Z3 and I don't think the boss slate is quite as good, but I do like that it feels like a proper sequel and plays around with new ways of doing things, even if it's a bit of a mixed bag overall.  The weather system is a neat idea, and let them do some more wild stage design, but I have a feeling I was probably happier playing in cheat mode and not having to engage with item farming to get The Good Stuff.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Mega Man X- my quest to clear out backlog nonsense continues.

Wow so I'm told that dash became default after this and I can't imagine having played the whole game not knowing Chill Penguin was the stage you did first if you knew what was good and fun.  That first stage was... a lot, having come off all the Zero games.

Anyway so this legacy collection doesn't have the checkpoint system which... I do get it, MMX just isn't as hard as any given zero game, but gosh I missed it.  Otherwise yeah, this is a good game what holds up decently well, and it's fun to kinda get a sense of what these games would be like if you played it no upgrades because... it'd be classic mega man, the design sensibilities are all classic mega man, but X himself is so much stronger as you go.  It's a neat bit of symmetry between the conceit and the actual game feel.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Mega Man X4- I think this shall be the cap of this Mega Man journey.

Played Zero because, after the previous game, I missed a lot of Zero's tools and yeah.  It is a bit of a shame to lose the armor hunting game I guess, but on the other hand I didn't even get a subtank in this game because they are both bad to get.  Yeesh.

Anyway I set it to easy mode, which seems to just like quarter incoming damage or so.  So well bye all the things meant to balance Zero >.>  yeah.

It's funny because as best as I can tell, the consensus rankings on the series is something like 1>4>2>5>3>6>7, with 8 too divisive to reliably place, but also as best I can tell the series didn't really form it's distinct identity until this game.  So basically it peaked exactly when it became more distinct from Classic mega man, which probably is also why they've made 3 classic games and no X games in the past 15 years.

Anyway, since I was playing Zero the emphasis is on just knowing your business anyways, but yeah being on easy I was super able to just faceroll all the bosses and get away with it, but I do think the overall stages were friendlier than X1.  Well, except for the damn jetski level.  However they're also less interactive and not quite as fleshed out for exploration as in X1, so I can definitely see where that's considered stronger overall.

But yeah it's... interesting where with Zero I was pretty keyed up to get to the next one once Zero 3 was also a good video game, but in X... yeah, I'm good I think.  Good games, not gonna go nuts trying to play all of them.  I dunno why Zero makes all the MEGA MAN PLOT work but... it kinda does.  It's still weird.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Triangle Strategy: Beat the Golden path on NG+.

8/10. Outstanding gameplay and writing; by far the best title this team has done. I dock it a little for the polish/transparency issues, but it's hard to complain about a tightly balanced SRPG with completely customizable challenge.

My final team was the core eight+Julio and Decimal. Decimal is nuts.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe

Finished it up.  Well mostly (there's some super-obscura stuff that's skippable as usual), but got the "Test Achievement Please Ignore" achievement, which I figure is close enough.  Recommended!  25 dollars might be a little pricy but if you own the original you get a discount, and eh, it's still worthwhile.  The writers haven't lost their touch, and now they can have some fun with sequels / nostalgia / etc.

Unfortunately, per reputation, it's truly a game best experienced, so not gonna talk a lot!  I guess given that we're RPG fans here, there's one surprisingly effective part of the game that's rather Shin Megami Tensei-esque?  But SMT is a big series so that could mean anything from "Mara penis chariot" to "Stanley visits a Japanese high school".  You'll know it when you're there.

Triangle Strategy:
Took a hack at this.  I'm enjoying it; there's definitely some cheeky tactical stuff you can do that's a good once-in-a-while option that makes you feel like a badass, most notably anything involving roofs and Hughette / Anna.  Up to C13 or so on Hard.

Gameplay wise, my one comment is that this is a rare game where item use is truly balanced by budget.  Healing items are extremely good - vital even, given that resurrection isn't a thing and enemy damage is high.  One character running a distraction and chugging potions while entertaining multiple other characters is a very solid strategy to give the rest of the team time to finish off their foes, and this is gonna put a strain on item reserves.  Meanwhile, the amount of items you can buy is limited, and doesn't refill after every mission (it's every 2 missions or so instead?), meaning you could theoretically get a bit stuck if you too-aggressively used your healing items and there aren't more for sale.  Anyway, the result is that buying out the merchant's stock is pretty important, and all the Other Stuff to spend money on lies unbought.  (Attack items are useful too of course, but see above for budget problems - definitely a once-in-awhile thing, although good on Frederica after she gets her Fire damage up passive, since that works with Firestones and she needs to take turns off spellcasting sometimes.)  It works out, I guess (makes the choice of when to use items important!), but it's definitely a bit unusual - most games would have weaker but more plentiful items.

Writing wise, I think this is definitely shows the effect of Game of Thrones, specifically the TV version.  This might be a little unfair (the War of the Roses and the like certainly existed for FFT to be based on), but the terminology borrowings ("ser"), untrustworthy nobles (more so than the books), teleporting armies, a banquet that is actually a betrayal, a public execution of a leader by beheading...  seems kinda direct.  I do respect that similar to Suikoden V, the narrative takes some time to introduce the political situation before upsetting the apple cart, for all that I kinda wish it better established / explained one key part of the plot.  Specifically, how the heck did Aesfrost invade so easily to set things off?  I guess if the country really is tiny per later thoughts, or at least sparely populated, they could just float down the river with 100 guys and win, but I wish that Our Heroes would either establish that this sudden victory was shocking and weird and implied far more traitors than just the nobles in the castle allied with Patriette.  It's very bizarre with everyone acting like Aesfrost is the huge unstoppable favorite vs. Glenbrook in C5-C10 or so, but nobody seemed to think that was the case in C1-C4.  France had their king captured and could fight on just fine in the 100 years war!  And how big is the land (including all 3 in-game nations)?  The differing landscapes suggest some size, but everything else makes it seem more like the size of one country - and not even a particularly big one (England at most, probably more like the Netherlands / Israel), it's less than a day from the Wolforts home to the capital and less than a day to the mines as well.  Also, the backstory of the earlier war still doesn't make tons of sense, but maybe that will change later.  Anyway, will maybe write more once I actually finish a route.

I'm running the core 8 + Rudolph + currently Archibald usually (although for the mission where you're trapped in a ravine, I took LadderMan instead whose name I forget).  Rudolph is pretty funny - the "Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes" strategy works pretty well for the last part of the fight as traps are extremely good vs. single powerful enemies who waste their turn stepping on a trap, and he's weirdly tanky for an archer.  One aspect of the system is that for some gimmick characters, they basically just want to spam their one good move over and over - LadderMan couldn't fight, but he could use a high-accuracy delay move, so I guess after dropping your ladder then removing it after everyone's escaped up it, you just spam that the rest of the battle.  But I guess this isn't new, certainly plenty of FFT characters / classes that basically just spam their one money move.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 04:43:41 AM by SnowFire »


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Transformers Devastation- Sure was a Platinum B Team game.  Well, that's slightly unfair, it has flashes of their good stuff but yeah, you can tell this was a budget title made because it was income.  Still has some good stuff, but honestly the first mission is a drag and it's like... a third of the actual total game for some reason?  It's weird.

Pretty alright.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Lufia 2 boss crush:

  So after a long stretch without substantial boss battles, Lufia 2 dishes out several in quick succession.  This is where paying attention to its battle mechanics sees payoff.  Fights were done in the 40-45 range; I didn't intentionally seek out levels.

Venge Ghost was always a breather boss as it wastes half its turns doing nothing.  This time I had 3 party members outfitted to hit its light weakness and the only reason I didn't have a 4th was because I didn't want to spend the cash.  Wasting half your turns doing nothing will not end well when the fight is over in 4 rounds.  Preying on the light weakness took the fight from "easy win" to "obliteration."

White Dragons: OK, this is a regular encounter but tied to plot and has boss music.  The only difficulty was setting up my party to one-round it.  Unless all 3 use Cold Stream, I think my team will be fine.  Spent the 20000 to give Selan Firebird for this only for it to turn out unnecessary as Artea with Fire Ring does enough to enable my one-round win.

Fire Dragon: That humble Pearl Brace from way earlier in the game is Selan's best shield for this fight thanks to its unlisted fire resistance.  This boss pretty much only uses fire damage (yes the physical is fire element).  Other preparation include giving Selan the Ice Ring along with teaching her Ice Valk, Artea sleep immunity, Maxim the Dragonslayer, and Guy the Fly Ax.  Artea is on heal duty, everyone else is hitting a weakness.
  I kind of goofed with my preparation where the boss was faster than everyone and I had no Agility buffing on my team.  But the fight ended before anything bad happened due to the Agility woes.  Selan is doing 600 a cast and the muscle men were do over 1500 with their weapons IP or around 500 with regular physicals.  So that 7500 HP went down in about 4 rounds.

Ghost Ship: Hahaha, undead boss.  Selan and Guy used healing IP that did 3964 damage to its 10,000 HP.  Valor from Artea hits for 934.  It was down in two rounds.  Only reason I didn't one-round kill is because I was too cheap to pick up a Tough Hide for Maxim as its healing IP is good for maybe 2000 (didn't check this game).

Tank: OK don't really have much to say about this one.  I didn't have that many options on hand for exploiting the armored trait and even then they weren't that powerful.  Maybe the patch removed that attribute.  Just made sure Artea was silence protected.  I remembered to teach Artea Fake before coming but I don't think he needs the Agility for this one.  It will be relevant on the next fight.

DragonKnight Zero

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Team Punchboy punches their way through Ivalice:

     Turns out coming up with silly theme names for the team was enough to get to start a Monk SCC.  Hopefully I don't put myself into a corner later in the game while rushing through.  Ramza gets named Kenshiro who is known for punching things hard enough to make them explode.  I guess I could have used his actual birthday but was too lazy to look it up.  Anyways made him a Scorpio.  I know I didn't want Capricorn or Taurus as that makes Lionel Gate more difficult than it needs to be but didn't want bad compat with Gemini and Sagitauras which show up often in assassination missions.  So my usual Virgo Ramza is no go.  Plus Scorpio gets good compat with Zombag who's going to be baited into Hamedo.

Gariland: Yep, this gets a writeup.  I stalled it out so that Delita could gain enough JP for Throw Stone for future use.  Got a crystal for Ramza and two boxes before ending the fight.

  Time to hit up the Soldier Office.  I'm looking for male units with 67 or more Brave and anything 50 Faith or below.  Zodiac I'll settle for anything.  This goes faster than I had anticipated which is welcome.  Recruit Axel (Capricorn), Captain Falcon (Capricorn), and Jin (Taurus)  I settle for 66 Brave on Axel planning to use story fights to make up the difference.  Other two I rolled lucky with 70 Brave on both with Jin having the perfect 70/40 for a melee class SCC.  This bankrupts my War Funds.  Last recruit will wait a bit until I'm less broke, plus I can only bring 3 into Mandalia.  Teach all 3 recruits and Ramza Throw Stone and nothing else.  Yes I am living dangerously.  I give Delita Item secondary.

Mandalia Plains: Even though I don't need Algus alive, I want him around at least long enough to pick up Throw Stone.  This can be troublesome as Algus seems to be suicidal charging into the biggest concentration of enemies.  I didn't stall for crystals/chests though looking back it may have been better to do so given how broke I was.  Anyways, all 4 of my units reach job level 2 to unlock Knight.  Ramza also has enough extra Squire JP for Gained JP up so I teach him that too.

  The money situation is felt hard here since I don't want to wander into a random with 4 naked Knights.  I sell some of the starting consumable items that aren't likely to see use and some extra weapons and scrape up enough to get two sets or armor and a second Long Sword.  The first random I only bring in Ramza and Jin as shieldless Knights with 3 of the starting generics.  They get enough actions to unlock Monk during that first battle.  Turn them into Monks, Axel and Captain Falcon's turn to go through Knight.  Pick up what gear upgrades I can after each fight.  2-3 more randoms later, I feel I can finally spare the cash to hire the last punchboy.  Balrog (Libra) is the last member of the SCC team.  3 more battles before he unlocks Monk and at this point, I remove all non-Monk skills I had been leaving on the others.  This process netted enough JP for everyone but Balrog to pick up Wave Fist.  I also have just enough cash to get up to 6 sets of Battle Boots though I am short a Leather Outfit.  Feel I can get away with cutting corners and move on.

Sweegy Woods: Jin sits out having the highest EXP out of the SCC group besides forced Kenshiro.  Delita and Algus are both Squires with Throw Stone and Item secondary.  Between here and Dortor, I plan to have Delita scrape up enough Squire JP for Gained JP up so I do stall a bit after 2-3 enemies have died to let them get more actions.  Finish with Delita about 20 JP away from Gained JP up which is close enough.

Could go back and buy more armor now that I have cash but choose to cut corners and press on.  Surely that 5 HP won't matter?

Dortor (0 resets): The first map of the challenge.  Same group as the last battle and same setups.  Kenshiro and Balrog advance on the ground while Axel and Captain Falcon go up towards longbow Archer.  The longbow archer gets one turn and a pair of Wave Fists down it before it can get a second.  Knight has Defend, nearby Wizard does not.  So Wizard is lured into casting a spells and gets oneshotted midcharge by Balrog's fist.
   Now I goofed because the second Wizard had Defend and I failed to stay in sync with its CT.  So it moved after Kneshiro had punched someone and fried him.  Wasn't able to get him to safety and he fell.  Monk offense, Delita, and Algus were able to finish thins before the countdown expired.  Balrog has enough JP for Wave Fist now so no more suffering with skillless Monks.

Sand Rats (0 resets): Lots of Wave Fisting enemies through walls.  Delita is in Knight with Guts secondary and Gained JP up with the hope I can get him enough Knight JP for Equip Armor before the end of the chapter.  Despite Algus being the only source of restoration, wasn't really difficult.

Got into some randoms between here and Thieves Fort which is welcome for the JP.  No one with Chakra yet.

Thieves Fort (0 resets): This time it's Captain Falcon who sits out.  I had considered giving Algus Move +1 for this but forgot and just played it out.  Black magic Priest stayed close enough to Wave Fist it midcharge and dropped a Thief as well in the first round.  Other than needing to keep Balrog away from Miluda after she hit him once for 36 of his 72 HP, didn't have any trouble.  The other Priest tried to Raise someone but it missed and she didn't do anything else before falling to punchboy fists.  Kenshiro picks up Chakra after this.  He's also the only one at Lv 5 for the next PA point.

Lenalia Plateau (0 resets): First round is about taking out the mages.  An ill-timed critical pushed one Wizard out of reach from the second Wave Fist that would have finished him off.  This is made up for by a second critical which oneshots the Time Mage when normal damage wouldn't have been enough.  After that, it's just careful positioning so that no one gets ganged up on.  The terrain makes it difficult to get people to flat ground for Kenshiro to heal.  Anyways, with three people having good compatibility with Virgo, only takes a few Wave Fists to finish off Miluda.

Delita has over 300 Monk JP from spillover so I teach him Move-HP up for giggles and general survivablilty.  Hike back to Gariland for new armor and Igros to upgrade Delita.  Got another random which is welcome as I'm still hungry for JP to learn more abilities.

Windmill Shed (1 reset): First attempt, Delita gets Stopped.  I try to save his hide with Chakra.  That was a bad idea because Kenshiro gets gangbeaten.  I'm not able to reach Wiegraf with enough Wave Fists before crystalization.  Next attempt, I'm wiser and willing to leave Delita to his fate if it comes to hit.  No Stop proc this time and I don't bother trying to heal him yet knowing he'll get a turn to retreat to safety.  Boco needs to go down first and I also end up taking out the Monks before really bringing my attention to Wiegraf.  Kenshiro is on heal duty first and attacking second.  Although Axel gets one-shotted by Crush Punch ID, this time momentum was enough in my favor to land the 3 Wave Fists I need to send Wiegraf running.

DragonKnight Zero

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Monk SCC punches on

  Delita turned up about 100 JP short for Equip Armor.  Darn.  So I leave him in Knight with Guts secondary.  Axel still hasn't gotten his next PA point like the rest of the team.  Jin has the JP to learn Chakra so I teach it to him.

Fort Zekaden (0 resets):

  Balrog sits out and I take all the Capricorn/Taurus punchboys.  Axel starts on Kenshiro's side.  The close Wizard locks a Fire 2 on Kenshiro and a midcharge punch would only take off 75 out of 80 HP.  And Axel is too far away to help.  I could walk up and attack and have the redirect finish her off but then Kenshiro would be within reach of a Knight who would likely finish him off.  So opt for a midcharge Wave Fist instead which keeps him out of Knight melee range.  Algus is smart and shoots Delita from a position that Delita cannot hit him with a physical.  This is what I want since that means Algus is more likely to come close chasing Delita.  Delita climbs on the fort and chucks a rock.  Auto-Poiton.  Oh well, it's only 5 damage erased.  Jin and Captain Falcon come from behind the fort to help out.
   Things get dicey when Knights gang up on Axel and KO him.  Uh-oh, the race is on.  Algus is so dead set on Delita he leaves himself in reach of two good compatibility Monks.  Captain Falcon punches his back.  60 damage, no Auto-Potion.  Jin reaches him with a Wave Fist.  48 damage, no Auto-Potion.  The other Wizard has caught up and fries Jin and Delita as well as the Knight that smacked Jin and now Jin is down.  But Captain Falcon can get close enough to Algus to Falcon Punch past the evade for the kill.

At the end of the chapter, Axel is still at Lv 4 and 6 PA; everyone else hit their 7 PA point.  Kenshiro is the high level member at 6 and the others mill around at 5.

Dortor 2 (0 resets):

   Gafgarion, Agrias, and punching anything within reach.  And lots of Chakra.  Since my punchboys are still at 6 Speed, that gives them chances to midcharge Wizards if they can get close enough.  Individual enemies don't do lots of damage so as long as I take care not to have both Wizards get spells off on the same guy, I feel safe.

Buy armor and with no reason to shop at Igros, head straight for Araguay.

Araguay Woods (0 resets):

  Wave Fist > goblins  I don't think I took any damage here.  One goblin was dueling Gafgarion but kept getting denied by shield before dying.  And Boco was smart and didn't let the Black Goblin corner him.  Only bit or strategy used was having a target available for Agrias each time her turn came up to let her rack up as much JP as I sanely could.

  Take off Gaf's sword and accessory before the next map.  Looking back, I wish I'd removed his shield too just so Ovelia could club him better if he ever catches up with her.  Agrias becomes a Knight with Holy Sword secondary.  I actually downgrade her to a Long Sword in the hope she'll get more actions to unlock Monk.  (this is also why I let Gaf keep his armor)

Zirekile Falls (0 resets):

  Joke fight, of course with most enemies more interest in attack Delita or Ovelia than chasing my low HP Monks.  I killed maybe 2 Knights myself and leave the rest for Agrias and Delita.  I wanted to Chakra Ovelia so she could contribute MBarriers but between my lack or mobility and her often staying off level ground, didn't get much chance.  Agrias came up a bit short on Knight JP finishing with 198.  On the plus side, she did get enough spillover base class JP to pick up Move +1, a welcome aid for Zeland.

  But before I go there, it's back to Dortor for armor upgrades and then a hike to Igros to get a stronger sword for Agrias.  I run into the overlevelled Archer at Araguay and after a tense fight of trying to keep anyone from dying, kill it off.  Got very lucky and it dropped its Wizard Outfit.  Yay, extra 6 HP for someone over the best buyable armor.  I got into several more randoms going to and from Igros, which are welcome for JP and EXP.  Kenshiro has saved up enough to pick up Earth Slash and I do so even if it's not that powerful at 7 PA.  Everyone has Wave Fist and Chakra by now.

Zeland (2 resets):

  Choose to save Mustadio since I have Chakra and want the extra Brave.  Balrog, Captain Falcon, and Jin are the recepiants: Axel is already at 70 Brave and going from 70-72 makes less difference than going from 68-70 (Balrog) or 72-74 (Captain Falcon and Jin)  Kenshiro and Jin have their Lv 8 Speed point whereas the other two do not.  This suits me fine as it provides the possibility of punching Wizards midcharge.

Attempt 1: Mustado goes left.  Kenshiro Earth Slashes a Wizard through the wall.  Jin Wave Fists the other Wizard as I do not want them bunching up.  Both Wizards lock spells on Kenshiro and run.  I'm not able to kill off either of them and Kenshiro dies.  And I haven't taught anyone Revive.  Well, crap.  Was able to reach one with a midcharge Wave Fist but it wasn't enough.  My 7 PA punchboys... don't punch all that hard with 7 PA and Kenshiro crystalizes.

Attempt 2: Mustado goes right.  Geomancer Knight nicks him with Hell Ivy.  Wizard takes off the rest of his HP with a good compatibility, high Faith, Ice Rod boosted Ice2.  Ouch.

At this point, I think maybe it's time to stop hoarding JP and teach someone Revive.  Forgot to do so before making the next attempt.  Mustadio goes right and this time the Wizards go after different targets.  Hooray, I can play the map now.  From here on out, main focus is keeping everyone alive with offense as a secondary priority.  Kite the hell out of the Knights, Wave Fist through the wall a lot. don't try to hit Archers if it puts someone within reach of one or both Knights.  Got a few crystals/boxes since 40 damage Wave Fists don't finish things that fast.

Despite how drawn out this became, Axel still don't reach Lv 8 for the Speed point.  Heh.  My units have enough JP for Earth Slash or Revive but not both.  After some thought, teach Axel and Jin Revive and Balrog and Captain Falcon Earth Slash.  Agrias class changes into Knight for the extra PA, buy Mustado better equipment for HP and off to the next map.

Baraius Hill (1 reset):

   Kenshiro and Captain Falcon have 7 Speed so they go before the generics.  Kenshiro lobs an Earth Slash at the left Summoner while Captain Falcon takes an Earth Slash potshot at one of the Archers.  Enemies go.  Knights can't reach anyone; one Archer shoots Captain Falcon, the other starts charging on Mustadio.  My other two Monks get their turns now; they land two midcharge hits on the charging Archer and drop him.  Summoner launches Ramuh at Kenshiro and Mustdio, no kills.  Lots of scrambling for survival in the next set of moves.  The second Summoner snipe Balrog  down.  I almost forget to get Axel over to him while dealing with the Summoner and when I do remember, Revive misses and Balrog crystalizes before I get another chance.  Reset.

  On the next attempt, I move Kenshiro's companions a bit to far out on the hill and the left Summoner tags all three.  It looks like I'm headed for another reset when a Knight takes a swing at a weakened Axel.  He dodges the fatal deathblow at 80% and lives on.  This time, the second Summoner eats Stop from Stasis Sword and my punchboys are able to finish her off without any Summons being sent my way.  Got a few crystals/chests while slowly wearing down the last of the enemies.

DragonKnight Zero

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Monk SCC punches on:

Drop off Agrias and Ovelia and then it's a quick detour to Zeland for gear upgrades.  Got into a random during the trip there and back which is still welcome as I'm hoarding JP for Hamedo.  Changed Mustadio into a Chemist with Snipe secondary.

Zigolas Swamp (0 resets):

  Mustadio has Seal Evil so this was always going to be a joke fight.  He's a Chemist for spillover JP just because I can.  Ended up with only one statue since I kept leaving low HP enemies around when Mustadio turns comes around so he opted for direct gunshots.

Goug (0 resets): Took a while to kill anyone due to my 7 PA and those Summoners.  It got off to a good start with Mustadio disabling a thief and the other thief having worst compatibility with Mustadio so he only ate one 15 damage stab.  This draws both Archers to him instead of my team as the 5 Speed Summoner blasts 3 of my monks with Ifrit.  Still hadn't killed any enemies after round 2.  But the slow Summoner only had enough MP for one attack Summon and the other only knew Moogle.  So with the enemy damage so low, it's just a matter of careful positioning and liberal Chakra use to keep anyone from dying.  Eventually wore them down.  Got 3 crystals/chests even though I wasn't stalling since 40 damage Wave Fists and 30 damage Earth Slash is low offense at this point.

Shrugged and taught Kenshiro HP Restore and Move HP-up since I plan to use them both at Lionel.  It does delay Hamedo learning but this felt more urgent.

Baraius Valley (1 reset):

   Jin and Balrog go with Kenshiro in the first squad while the two Capricorns go in the second squad.  (This is dumb as the only unit with Revive in the first squad has worst with Kenshiro)  Lost the first time as the Lightning Bow Archer had best compat with Kenshiro procced a Bolt 2 which took him from full HP to zero.  There was no level ground by him and he crystalized.
   Even the winning attempt was messy.  It took a while for squad 2 to off the Wizard as the Archer kept feeding it Potions to undo my damage plus he dodged a few attacks while gleefully pelting them with 36 damage Bolt 2s.  Even though I wasn't screwed over by wacky random zodiac comptat, Kenshiro's squad still need to be careful with positioning as both Knights attacking the same guy is a kill.  (I hadn't picked up Hamedo yet).  Agrias did more damage per attack than my 7 PA punchboys.  Balrog got to close to Knight sword stabs and dropped at one point but succeeded in keeping Jin safe enough and got him back into action eventually.  It was a slow win with Jin cornering the Archer on the elevation and slowing punching her out at 50 a shot while Kenshiro and Balrog spent more turns using Chakra than attacking.

Axel had the 1200 JP for Hamedo after the battle and is the only unit with it going into Golgorand

DragonKnight Zero

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More Monk SCC wrietups:

Golgarand Execution Site (0 resets):

  I put the two Capricorn punchboys with Kenshiro and Jin and Balrog go in squad 2.  This will become my standard distribution when the game asks me to split teams.  With only 7 PA, I don't really count on being able to take out Gafgarion fast.  So I don't bother and focus on thinning out the support.  Gaf comes over towards the first squad and Night Swords Axel.  Kenshiro Chakras Axel and I move him towards the gate keeping him 9 panels away from the Time Mage.  Axel lobs a Wave Fist at the closest Knight while leaving a clear lane for Captain Falcon to Earth Slash both Knights on the ground.  He does so and moves just far enough away so the Knight can't reach him.  Balrog snipes a Knight with Earth Slash while Jin advances without attacking anyone as that would put him where a Knight could smack him.  Knight comes so whack Axel... "Oh no you Hamedon't."  Close Time Mage Hastes herself.  This turns out good for me since she ends up with a turn before my Monks get their next turn.  Goes for a status spell on Kenshiro.  Since he has best compat with that Time Mage, he goes Hokuto Shinken on her and takes out all her HP with one midcharge punch.  It a long drawn out slow wearing down of the enemies.  At least none of my monks died.  Kenshiro stays up on the gate to attack the other Time Mage and the Archer who had climbed up there.  Other than the Time Mage harassing him with Slow, they ignore him, the Archer preferring to rain arrows on the punchboys on the ground.  Lots of Chakra usage and kiting the hell out of Knights; they never got close enough to attack other than one worst compatibility hit.  I collected a bunch of crystals and chests before swarming Gaf.  Jin picked up Spin Fist from a crystal; underwhelming as it is, it's still free.  It took more than one volley from the team due to Gaf evading.  The dragged out fight at least has the benefit of EXP and JP.  Jin and Captain Falcon both have enough for Hamedo.  Kenshiro finally reaches the 8 PA benchmark.

Lionel Castle gate (1 reset): Hamedo on 3 monks comes just in time for this map, where I'm crazy (and cheap) enough to try to do this with Battle Boots instead of Rubber Shoes.  The rough plan is to knock off the Summoner and Archers first while letting Hamedo protect from Knights.  Due to the group's low damage output, executing this plan turns out difficult.  Kenshiro has Move-HP up and HP Restore set.  Chakra heals him for 60 which is slightly more than what Gafgarion does so he heals only when he's missing 60 or more HP to use less CT.   Summoner lives long enough to launch two Titans at my team.  While this doesn't result in defeat, it means more turns spent on Revive and Chakra and not many free to attack.  Meanwhile, thanks to Move-HP up, Kenshiro occasionally has a turn where he can attack so he flings the occasional Earth Slash from his side.  I lost because I left Kenshiro too close to where generics went after him.  Archer and Knight cut me off from getting Axel over to him and he crystalizes.

  Next attempt, Summoner only gets off one summon before being brought down.  However, Geo Knight has Elemental.  Carve Model is what worries me but she didn't roll that.  Did Quicksand two Monks though and lands a Death Sentence on Jin.  Troubling but actually recoverable.  This is because my turn order is Axel, Jin, Balrog, Captain Falcon.  So when Jin does succumb, Axel can Revive him and he has a turn to do something productive.  However, more trouble strikes when Gafgarion double-turns Kenshiro when I thought he was safe.  Kenshiro had 107 HP before the double-turn.  Night Sword hurts for 54.  Do the math.  When I do get Axel over to Kenshiro, Revive misses.  Then Gaf kills him.  It was a close one getting Jin over to Revive Axel, then making sure Axel was healthy enough so that he could Revive Kenshiro.  Succeeded with Kenshiro's death counter at 0 and 83 CT.  Taking out Gaf is still a slow process as my team's damage isn't any better than the last fight.  But afterwards, everyone has reached 8 PA.  I spare 200 JP on Jin to teach him Stigma Magic in preparation for the next fight.  Everyone learns Hamedo after this and set it for the next battle.

Queklain (0 resets):

PBF used   X_MX

R is Ramza's starting position.  Jin must not be in the spot marked M.  With this PBF, Queklain will start off by tagging Ramza and the unit in spot M with Nightmare.  One Sleep, one Death Sentence.  Jin uses Stigma Magic to wake up the sleeping punchboy.  Only Kenshiro is able to get in range to Wave Fist Queklain without bunching up too much for more Nightmare.  Next comes a Bio 3 hitting 3 people and turning Captain Falcon undead.  Kenshiro gets a Chakra and attack with everyone else I can get in range without bunching up too much.  Next comes a physical on Captain Falcon, no Hamedo.  Ended up not reviving him and lobbing more Wave Fists to win.

Chapter 2 finished at Lv 13-14 for the team.

Nothing on the shopping list at the start of Chapter 3 so went directly to Goland.

Goland (0 resets):

    Olan is smart and uses Galaxy Stop on his first turn.  Thief steals his hat, which is annoying.  Mediator uses Persuade on him which is hilarious because Olan had just gotten his turn so his CT was low and because it's not like Persuade will delay the incoming Galaxy Stop.  Judo Outfit Thief lands a 81% Charm on Jin.  Yuck.  For once, the worst compatibility between Kenshiro and Jin works to my favor as Kenshiro snaps him out with a 24 damage Earth Slash.
    The rest of the battle is mostly tossing out Grand Uppers, Dash Punches, Falcon Punches, Blodia Punches, and ATATATATATATA at immobile enemies.  I do stall hoping for a Judo Outfit drop (at one point Chakra-ing the Mediator) but get two crystals and a Twist Headband instead.  Should have gone with HP Restore rather than Hamedo here as knife stabs are less of a threat than gunshots.

Lesalia (0 resets):

   One downside of making a Scorpio Ramza is that MBarrier from Alma is no longer 100%.  It drops to 95%, oh no.  Part of my plan is to keep a Monk (not Kenshiro or Jin) around Alma to feed her Chakra for MP so that I can take advantage of MBarrier goodness all fight.  Low Faith makes this somewhat less effective though.  I also went with HP Restore on most of the team with only Kenshiro and Jin getting Hamedo.  Idea was to not Hamedo Alma if she tried to help with Healing Staff.  This was a completely unneeded precaution given a party of Monks with Chakra.  Rest of the battle plan is routine: stay out of enemies' attack range unless I can gang up on them and avoid getting ganged up on.  Balrog snipes Knights with Earth Slash.  I end up taking out both Monks before Zalmo is close enough to take a few swings at.  He goes to heal himself considerately staying in range of two of my team to nail him midcharge.

Finally, Judo Outfits.  The bump from 8 to 9 PA isn't that big of a jump in damage output but I'll still take it.  At Lv 14-15 for the group, the next PA point is still quite a ways off.  I teach everyone who doesn't already know them Earth Slash, Revive, HP Restore, and Move-Hp up.

UBS2 (0 resets):

    Move Ramza from his starting position and place my units so that no Lancers can poke someone on their first turn.  Those Time Mages toss out some Haste spells.  I'm not able to kill the closest Lancer even with all 5 of my units attacking it due its 270 HP, Lancer evasion, and my lowish damage.  Well that's not good with all three Lancers in attack range and one or two Hasted.  They go and one Monk is dead after the next set of enemy turns.  And that Chemist undid some of my damage with a Hi-Potion, argh.
     But I have 5 Monks with Revive, Chakra, and Hamedo.  So they can sandbag like hell.  Which I do, taking shots when I can afford to do so.  I did get sloppy and Jin got too close to a Time Mage who tags him with Don't Move.  One Lancer goes for a fatal Jump on his immobile self.  Now my team will get turns before that Jump resolves so apparently the AI didn't see him as doomed and the other two Lancers went after him to make sure Jin was extra dead.  One goes to his right.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  Other Lancer tries for a spear poke on his left.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  The combined efforts of my team send both those Lancers into the ground without them getting any more turns.
    For added insult, one Time Mage had attack Summons and was sniping Kenshiro with Ramuh.  He had bad compatibility though and after 2 57 damage Ramuhs, didn't have enough MP for a third.  Kenshiro was hurting though since I had used his turn for Earth Slashing the Lancer on Jin's right rather than heal.  Still alive Lancer kills Jin then goes for a fatal strike on Kenshiro.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  With two Lancers down and the Summoning Time Mage under 24 MP, the opposition no longer has the means to pressure 5 Monks with Chakra, Revive, and Move HP-up.  Hasted Chemist and his Hi-Potions hangs in for quite a while before I can successfully gang up on him.  Last Lancer tries for another attack on Kenshiro.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  Only 42 damage from the counterpunch due to worst compatibiliy but still free damage.  Just a simple chase down the remaining enemies and grab any chests/crystals which appear during the process.

UBS3 (0 resets):

    I've been sticking with Battle Boots the whole time and was too cheap to pick up Germinas Boots.  Would have mattered here though since I would have been able to make the Summoner dead instead of allowing him to blast 4 of my units.  I felt smart here with my positioning otherwise getting in as many shots of Earth Slash to Izlude as I could without hitting any of my own guys in the process.  A Knight had Spike Shoes and was tossing rocks at me from turn 1 but he never got a chance for a sword whack.  Ramuh only did about 40-50 so I don't feel the need for Chakra.  Kenshiro and Axel finish off the Summoner.  The others lob more Earth Slash at Izlude.  I feel clever remembering to place someone within Izlude's move range so that he's baited into Hamedo on his third turn instead of jumping.
   Or I could hit him with enough Earth Slash that he runs before his third turn.  That works too.

UBS1 (0 resets):

    After looking at my monks' max HP, give Axel HP Restore and the others Hamedo.  Because Axel's max HP is such that he will be put into critical from full by Stasis Sword.  I also teach him Repeating Fist since he has spare JP.
    One thing I do appreciate about Monk compared to other SCCs is that something can go wrong and the situation is often recoverable.   I have enough damage to one-round Wiegraf if all 5 monks land Wave Fists through the evade but I don't expect the game to let me gang up on him with all 5 right off the bat.  Set up the PBF so no more than two units can be hit by anything Wiegraf tries.  He opens with a Stasis on Balrog an Captain Falcon landing Stop on Balrog.  Archer picks off Captain Falcon.  Wizard has Summon and plants a Shiva that will be fatal to the stopped Balrog.  So I'm down one unit with another on the way before I get a turn.  Sigh.  Kenshiro Revives Captain Falcon who gets a turn to Chakra himself and spreads out.  For the other two, I have Axel move behind Wiegraf and Repeating Fist.  105 damage, better than Wave.  Jin goes to Wiegraf's left and after a bit of thought, I have him Earth Slash for a guaranteed 64.  Shiva goes off and nukes Balrog.  Enemies go.  Wiegraf uses Stasis on Axel and Jin.  HP Restore from Axel; Jin gets Stopped.  Wizard goes for fatal Fire on Jin.  Knights do nothing but move.  Archers take shots at people, no deaths.  Axel oneshots the Wizard with a high rolling Repeating Fist midcharge.  Punchboys on the ground busy themselves healing up with Chakra not really able to get into good attacking positions without bunching up for swordskills.  And I want them spread out because when he can only hit one unit, Wiegraf will opt for his Two Hands physical which does enough damage to oneshot everyone on my team.  He goes after Kenshiro.
    "Oh no you Hamedon't."  Kenshiro lands a critical through the evade for 114 and Wiegraf is down to about 40 HP, low enough for one Earth Slash to finish him.  The generics kill off Jin and Axel and I don't bother trying to save them instead completing the Wiegraf kill.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2022, 01:58:42 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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I uh may not have started the twitter poll game.

Disco Elysium- Played this.  Sam Vimes Simulator 2019 is pretty good?  You can certainly tell eastern european socialists wrote which leads to a few odd elements but mostly pretty good.  The internet was right, it's just *nice* when you can get the little options that get Kim to smile.

I was not particularly thorough for various reasons but still got some fun quests.  I also managed to get through with a fairly minimal body count which I appreciate I think.  Weird as it is for all the cops to be so pissed about Klaasje.  Well, not weird, but weird you can't really push back against it harder.

I dunno, maybe I'll have more thoughts later, but yeah mostly it's pretty good.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Monk SCC delivering beatings.

   Finally, Power Sleeves.  This is one of the most gratifying points in the game to be a Monk.

Grog Hill (0 resets):

   The batch of deserters is the first to feel the increased power of Team Punchboy.  Took a few rounds to catch up to them to score kills though.  Balrog gets sniped down by the Chemists and Archer so it takes turns to Revive and heal him.  And one Chemist had X-Potion and used it a lot because I wasn't able to focus enough damage on any one unit for a kill in the first 3-4 rounds.  After the Thief and a Squire went down though, momentum was very much in my favor and it was just a matter of chasing the Chemists down and introducing them to multiple punchboy fists.

Yardow (0 resets):

   This is the easiest battle at Yardow I've ever had in any playthrough.  For the opening, one Ninja throws something at Rafa, miss.  One Ninja throws something at my team, miss.  The goddess of evasion was definitely blessing my side.  Rafa charges a Heaven Thunder on the two Ninjas on the ground and runs away and Malak goes for Un-Truth in her direction.  My turn.  The closer Summoner has best compat with Kenshiro so his Earth Slash takes off 110.  Axel follows it up with another 90 damage Earth Slash for a kill.  Balrog Wave Fists Malak and takes him out.  The last two units are free to lob Earth Slash at the Ninjas Rafa targetted, taking them both to critical.  Heaven Thunder goes off and in a rare display of Rafa competence, finishes them both.  Other Summoner Hastes herself.
   Surviving Ninja gets the next turn and throws something at one of my team for 99 damage.  Summoner gets next turn before my team and locks a summon on someone.  Too bad for her I can take her out in two midcharge hits.  Chakra on the Monk who was hurt, two more attacks on the Ninja.  Ninja goes and attacks but fails to kill.  Not that it would have mattered since one more attack finishes it off.  If I hadn't bothered to heal, the battle already would have been over but it's OK.  Velius is coming up and extra EXP is favorable to me.

Kenshiro has enough JP to master Monk so I do so.  Get Rafa outfitted as a Chemist.  After some deliberation, I splurge on 3 Bracers in anticipation of the Velius fight.  This pretty much bankrupts my War Funds.

Yuguo Woods (0 resets):

   HP Restore on everyone.  Earth Slash is useless here.  Still, I've got Power Sleeve Monks with low Faith so even Hasted ghosts are at most an annoyance before they go down in two attacks.  Or even one with good compatibility.  Simple matter of ganging up on anything that draws close enough. At one point, both undead Wizards locked magic onto Kenshiro then positioned themselves where he hit them both with a Spin Fist midcharge, the first time I've used Spin Fist all game.  Didn't kill either but weakened them enough that the first spell finished off the Wizard charging the second magic.  It was over before any of the undead enemies' death counters expired.

Riovanes Gate (0 resets):

   HP Restore on everyone as Archers are going to be a factor a lot longer than Knights.  Leaving Rafa a Chemist had the Archers taking her out on round 1.  Oops or smart?  Because it does get Malak out of the way as well.  Team 2 starts off by sending the far left Knight into critical with 3 Earth Slashes.  Kenshiro's team could only safely land one Earth Slash on the Knight there so they were less productive.  Earth Slash is useless on Feather Boots Knight but I land enough damage through the evasion to send it running and it only lands one 70 damage sword whack when I tried to Secret Fist him.  Lots of getting shot by Archers, Chakra usage and the occasional revival, and sniping the other Knight with Earth Slash when it came over.  Several HP Restores went off which eased the healing load.  Getting up on the parapets was a risky affair since I'm trying to keep people with level ground next to them.  And there's only one path up for my 4 Move Monks that keeps them adjacent to level ground.
  Of course, once I do get someone up there things shift.  It becomes easier to send someone else up after the first one since the first punchboy is inflicting damage.  After dropping Earth Clothes Archer, I send two of the punchboys after Feather Boots Knight who has been left alone to run into a corner all this time.  I do stall some hoping for Earth Clothes but it drops 108 Gems instead, which is at least useful later.  After the battle, Captain Falcon is at Lv 21 and has crossed the next PA point threshhold.

Velius (3 resets):

    Kenshiro must have HP Restore or Wiegraf is impossible.  I also set HP Restore on Balrog and Hamedo on the other three.  The Capricorn and Taurus punchboys get the 3 Bracers while the other 2 stick to boot for the movement increase.
     Kenshiro has 188 max HP with the Power Sleeve.  Lightning Stab does 140.  One won't put him in critical but after Chakra and moving a second one will.  I go with this since I'd rather not give up the Power Sleeve's PA boost.

Attempt #1 - HP Restore fails.  Wiegraf uses Lightning Stab.  Ramza dies.
Attempt #2 - HP Restore fails.  Wiegraf uses Lightning Stab.  Ramza dies.
Attempt #3 - Wiegraf criticals with the second Lightning Stab blowing past the critical range to trigger HP Restore.  Ramza dies.
Attempt #4 - By now I've worked out how to position Kenshiro so that Wiegraf will Stab and retreat on his second turn.  So in case HP Restore fails, I can Chakra and retreat and live to get another turn to Chakra again about 140 HP.  This time HP Restore is perfect so I get turns to attack.  Still had to be cautious and watch the AT list so I don't get bowled over by a Wiegraf doubleturn.  The 4th Earth Slash puts Wiegraf into critical.

Velius time.  Kenshiro gets the first turn and I have him retreat.  Velius goes and locks a fatal Cyclops on Axel.  Axel gets off a 315 damage punch but no one else can get close enough without walking into Cyclops' kill zone.  Demons do nothing.  I shuffle the other punchboys around and wait.  Kenshiro goes next and Wave Fists from the side for 90.  Velius moves down and clobbers Jin with a physical.  Demon locks a fatal Dark Holy on Kenshiro.  My turn.  Balrog Revives Jin.  I misplay here with Jin and have him attack the demon charging Dark Holy.  Should have either hit Velius or Revive on Axel.  Demon survives with 11 HP and nukes Kenshiro.  Captain Falcon punches Velius for 260.  Demons finish off Jin and drop a Giga Flare on the two still living punchboys.  Velius pounds Captain Falcon next.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  260 damage and battle is won.  It's a relief to get past this even after my mistake as this was a fight I was worried about not having the oomph to win.  When Cyclops could oneshot 4 out of 5 of the punchboys at max HP, having a drawn out fight is not good odds for my team.

Riovanes Roof (1 reset):

     Haven't touched FFT in over a year or two so forgot how damaging Lede is.  I had set HP Restore on everyone and she proceeded to take Kenshiro from full to zero HP with a physical.  Celia Shadow Stitches Balrog.  Elmdor had landed Confusion on Rafa and she went for Heaven Thunder next to Balrog (before he was Stopped).  Try playing it out with the other two flinging Wave Fist at Celia for 108 each.  Lede kills another punchboy; Celia Stop Bracelets Balrog.  I only have one more turn, can't reach Celia, and then Elmdor finishes off Rafa.
     Lesson learned, this time it's Hamedo on all.  Kenshiro gets a Bracer.  Elmdor Muramasa on Rafa, no confusion.  Rafa uses Truth in front of Elmdor and retreats.  Lede goes to kill Kenshiro like before.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  Kenshiro punches her face for 210.  Celia goes for a Charge +1 on Rafa.  Well sure.  I suppose if I hadn't already taken off over half of Lede's HP already, the other three punchboys would be more than capable of taking Celia down midcharge.  Kenshiro goes before them and ATATATATA on Lede taking her down to zero HP.  Battle won.

End of chapter sees my team at about Lv 20-21 range.  Kenshiro and Captain Falcon have picked up their next PA points.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 07:03:01 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

DragonKnight Zero

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Monk SCC punching through Chapter 4:

   On my way to Dogoula, I pick up 5 Earth Clothes and 3 Germinas Boots at Yardow.  Stuck to the Power Sleeves for the PA boost though.  Also got into a routine random at Yuguo.  More EXP means closer to next PA and Speed points.

Dogoula Pass (0 resets):

    Routine fight.  Hamedo on everyone.  Because I'm still at 7 Speed on everyone, close Wizard goes for a high level spell and dies to two midcharge attacks.  Priorities are other Wizard, then Lancers, then everyone else.  Chakra as needed, Revive anyone who falls.  Mostly used Earth Slash to get around evasion.  Hamedo mostly failed but worked enough to prevent a loss.
   Turns out there's one spot on the PBF the Knight can reach if it starts with Germinas Boots.  As long as Hamedo goes off though, he's merely an inconvenience.  Jin reaches Lv 21 for a PA point right in time for the next fight.

Bervania (1 reset):

  So I have a plan to assassinate Meliadoul without her breaking anything.  PBF is as follows for team 2; the first group is immaterial.


T is my Taurus punchboy.  C is the Capricorn with the highest PA.  With this setup, the Ninja will go first and Throw something at the Taurus.  Meliadoul will move onto the box.  Taurus goes and punches from the side for 160.  Capricorn will punch from Melly's front.  As long as both attacks hit, it's enough to get her to run.
   First attempt, Ninja moves onto the box and throws something at Captain Falcon.  Um, oops.  Ninja was an Aquarius and thus went after the unit she could do more damage too.  Reset.  Next attempt enemies move as predicted.  I was prepared to reset until Meliadoul's evasion fails and it happens on this very attempt.  The first group might as well use Chakra if any arrows hit them; they can't get close enough to help.

Finath River (0 resets):

   HP Restore or Counter?... went with HP Restore as I felt it more relevant for the most dangerous enemies.  4 yellows, 1 red, 1 Uribo.  My high level is 22 so not very dangerous.  The red's HP is low enough that ganging up on it with 3 punchboys takes it out and Chakra > yellow Chocobos.

Zeltenia (0 resets):

Maybe would have made sense to use some Earth Clothes here as there were times I couldn't line up an Earth Slash without hitting my own teams.  Help Delita batter the two close Knights.  Delita puts some hurt on Zalmo at one point and when Zalmo goes for a Raise 2 on one of the downed Knights, he leaves himself in range for two of my punchboys to remove the rest of his HP.

Kenshiro and Captain Falcon have reached Lv 23 here and its Speed point.

Bed Desert (0 resets):

  Power Sleeves and mobility boots as usual.  Kenshiro and Jin get HP Restore, others set Hamedo.  Yeah, I misremembered and it's Axel who has 40 Faith.  Jin is second highest of the five at 49.  PBF setup -


R is where the game initially places Ramza, S is my other 8 Speed Monk with Stigma Magic learned.  Balk will start by shooting Ramza.  Gee I wonder why.  Kenshiro Chakra's himself and moves one space in front of the empty space in the first row (bottom row on the diagram).  8 Speed Monk gets the next turn, moves behind Kenshiro, and uses Stigma Magic to remove poison from the whole group.  Generics go with the Wizard coming forth to nuke Kenshiro with something.  This is intended as two of my punchboys get close enough to Wave Fist him midcharge.  The last punchboy isn't able to get close enough to attack anyone so shrugs and Chakra on Kenshiro.
   From here on out, the strategy is to keep Kenshiro alive, take out the Archers, and only deal with Knights if they start to get in the way.  As long as Kenshiro is alive, Balk will always go after him.  One or two punchboys stay within 4 panels of Kenshiro at all times to attend to him.  He still dies a lot no thanks to Ice3 shots doing more than his max HP, Balk doubleturns, Archers picking on him, and HP Restore either failing or being blown past.  As for the Archers, Jin gets close enough Secret Fist one and takes out the other through direct damage eventually.  They mostly busied themselves with picking on Kenshiro or the other punchboys before succumbing to repeated Blodia Punches.  The Knights caught up and Hamedo didn't always work so I spent even more turns on revival and recovery.  Eventually killed one and sent the other into critical.  Got chests and crystals from the Archers and Wizard before I was able to land enough 50 damage Earth Slashes to send Balk down.  Last Knight in critical survives the fight to bear witness to what happened.  Being a 3 Move melee unit, he was nowhere near enough to endanger any of the punchboys when Balk was down to critical.

Before this fight, Kenshiro was leading the group in EXP.  Since he spent the whole fight soaking up gunshots and using Chakra on himself when he did get turns, Jin passed him as the EXP leader.

Maybe it would have been better to give Kenshiro Earth Clothes instead.  I wasn't using him for offense and the extra HP would have enabled him to survive an Ice3 at full HP.

South Wall Bethla (0 resets):

  Routine fight for the punchboys.  Set Hamedo on all.  Take the Ninja out first then the Archers though the Thief gets punched out before them.  Landed a Secret Fist on one Archer so left him doomed and went after Knights.  Got a few boxes even though I wasn't intending to draw out the fight (ninjas crystalize fast yo).  Everyone has their Lv 23 Speed point after this battle is complete, right in time for the sluice.

Bethla Sluice (1+ resets):

  Hamedo on the Ramza side punchboys to fend off Knights.  Other side goes with HP Restore.  Wizard locks a Fire 4 on team 2's side.  Only one of the punchboys can get into Wave Fist range and it isn't enough to take him out.  I reset out of gamer rage.  Spend several more resets fiddling  with the positions of team 2 on the PBF so that both can get into Wave Fist range as the AI is very good about positioning Wizardboy in the most out of reach spot it can manage.  Finally get a positioning where both punchboys are able to midcharge the close Wizard on their side and I can play the map.
   On Kneshiro's side, it generally takes more than 3 Earth Slashes to critical a Knight unless one of the punchboys gets a good critical and/or Hamedo activates and gets through the evasion.  So got to be careful about positioning when battling down there since arrows are also raining down from above so there's a real risk of people dying from enemies ganging up on them.    Sometimes opted for Secret Fist on Knights if I didn't have many attacking turns available.  Though the winning attempt, I played a bit risky and ran someone up both sides to catch the Flash Hat Wizard in an Earth Slash crossfire.  Conveniently both switch Knights can be hit by one Earth Slash though I still ended up killing everyone on the map.  Axel learns Spin Fist from a crystal, pointless as it is.  He's the last of Kenshiro's companions to do so.  (actually everyone but Kenshiro picked up Spin Fist from crystals)

TG Cid joins.  For this challenge, his only relevance is the Bracer he comes with.  Also amusing to note that the next armor upgrade is here and I not once used the 5 Earth Clothes I bought.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 05:21:56 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

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Monk SCC takes out a Sephiroth lookalike.

  Pick up 5 Black Costumes which I intend to use in Limberry.  Also grab 4 more Angel Rings, bringing my total to 5, and 3 more 108 Gems.

Germinas Peak (0 resets):

   Opted for HP Restore on everyone planning to take out Ninja and Thieves first.  The Ninja was smart and stayed far enough away that I couldn't take him out on the first round.  And when I finally do land enough attacks to send him to critical, he's still tossing Kikuichimonjis at me for 165.  This complicates my survival and slows down beating down all the enemies.  Quite a lot of Revive and Chakra to deal with the enemies' offense.  Some timely HP Restores helped out. The extra EXP is probably for the better overall as it gets my team closer to their next PA point.

Poeskas Lake (0 resets):

   The undead units were annoying but I wasn't really in danger of losing.  HP Restore on all.  Take down the ghosts first, then bait some of the other enemies closer before going after them.  The undead Oracle whiffs a 39% Paralyze and does nothing else before dropping.  Summoner leaves itself open for midcharge Wave Fists.  The Archers prove to be obnoxious being smart enough to retreat while my 4 Move punchboys try to catch up to them.  One drops and I've got the other under half HP when one of the ghosts leaves a box.  I make the crazy choice to grab it which of course lets the other enemies death countdowns expire.  Second ghost crystalizes.  Oracle and Summoner both revive but get beat down with midcharge fists when they go for magic.
   None of my team actually died.  Fairly liberal Chakra use and timely HP Restores kept them going.  Finished right around Lv 26 for everyone.

Gates of Limberry (2 resets):

   Kenshiro gets a Black Costume.  Two other punchboys get them as well.  Stick to boots for everyone the first time.  I set up the PBF intending to draw Lede for an Ultima so that I can pile on a bunch of midcharge hits.  Celia locks an Ultima on Kenshiro.  Lede goes after Kenshiro with another Ulitma.  I can't reach either of them with my team.  Well damn.  I try to get someone to Revive Kenshiro taking shots at any Apandas that wander within reach.  Disaster strikes soon after my second turn with one punchboy eating a Stop Bracelet, two more getting petrified by Bio 2, and the last getting charmed.  Letting things play out, I saw to my horror just how much trouble a charmed monk can cause.  It Revived the one Apanda I'd taken out and also Chakra'ed another who had depleted its MP.  Lede has Time Magic and Haste for added insult.  Another Bio 2 ended the last one before Kenshiro crystalized, meaningless as it is.

   Next try, only Kenshiro has a Black Costume.  Everyone else sticks to Power Sleeves.  I come up with a strategy where if one Monk Earth Slashes Kenshiro, his HP will be in critical after the first Ultima goes off.  At which point HP Restore can save him from death.  I'm also more mindful of my positioning to not allow Stop Bracelet to sneak up on me.  Kenshiro's HP Restore fails and he dies.  Apandas get really lucky with the Bio 2 and make 3 of my punchboys into statues.  Last punchboy is out of positon to help any of them and succumbs to Shadow Stitch.  Reset.

   This time, 3 of the punchboys get Angel Rings to ward of Stop Bracelet.  I also set Hamedo on them with the intent of baiting physicals from Lede.  One sticks to Germinas Boots to reach an Apanda with Wave Fist right away.  Try the same plan as before and this time Kenshiro's HP Restore activates so he lives on.  The only status that lands is a Slow on Kenshiro and one Undead from Bio 3.  Celia comes down to ground level to Ultima Kenshiro again helpfully leaving herself open for Earth Slashes.  Lede Shadow Stitches someone.  The other four units get turns before Ultima resolves and pile on enough damage to Celia to get her to retreat.

Elmdor (0 resets):

  This one I was worried about in planning trying to do it with only 9 PA.  Earth Clothes on all.  Balrog and one other get Bracers and the other 3 equip 108 Gems.  Opt not to go with HP Restore to raise my chances of drawing Ultima.  I want to pile on enough damage in one round as I'm not liking my odds of living through two rounds of enemy attacks.  I think I have enough damage if all 5 punchboys get turns but it's certainly not a guarantee since I'm wide open for Shadow Stitch.  Elmdor will Muramasa 3 units on his opening turn and Balrog will always be one of them.  Lucky for me, the Assassins see weakened units they can pick off with Ultima and use that rather than Throw.  With some crafty positioning, I'm able to line up Earth Slashes to heal those injured by the opening Muramasa and move those targeted by Ultima next to Elmdor.  Due to a lucky critical from one of the punchboys, I can do enough damage to take Elmdor to zero HP.  Have the last punchboy hurt an Assassin because I can.  Lede's Ultima goes off.  207 damage to Elmdor finishes him.  No deaths on my side, hooray.

Zarela (0 resets):

   Black Costumes are a must otherwise Zarela will unload Spell on my team.  The fight might be doable with Germinas Boots because of access to revival.  I opt to make this as hassle free as possible and go with Angel Rings on all.  Hamedo on everyone.
   This fight takes ages because of only 9 PA on the punchboys.  65 damage Wave Fists aren't taking Zarela out very fast.  Not helped by Zarela grabbing a crystal off a crystalized undead Knight and recovering the 350-ish damage I'd done to him up to that point.  It's not safe to leave sleeping Monks alone either as Zarela's physical oneshots a sleeping Balrog and comes close to murdering anyone else (225 out of about 250 max HP).  So failure to Stigma Magic a sleeping punchboy usually results in a dead one.  Another reason to wake up the sleeping is that they're bait for the undead knights and Armor Break hitting is horrendous.  Zarela mostly flits around dropping Nightmares though if he spots a weakened unit, he will swoop in for a kill with a physical or Flare 2.  Saw Confuse 2 once but only Balrog got hit and Meliadoul decided that snapping him back to sanity before he lost any turns with a 72 damage sword whack was worthwhile.
   Meliadoul came with Phoenix Down so that helped take out the support faster than planned.  Played very defensively prioritizing keeping HP up (otherwise Flare 2 takes out the weakened) and staying spread out to avoid bunching up for Nightmare.  Kind of tricky with only 3 Move.  Neutralizing the support was more important to me.  Only one Armor Break got past Hamedo and it thankfully missed.  Bone Snatch was obnoxious and kept coming back to life, costing me turns to put it down again.  I forgot that Stigma Magic can miss and had at least one instance where Jin or Kenshiro failed to wake the other from slumber.  Meliadoul died once from Flare 2 and I opted to bring her back into action just to have an additional unit pursuing Zarela. (trivia: her 90 damage swing actually outdamages my team's damage output)  By the time I finally ground down the last of Zarela's HP, Balrog and Kenshiro had lost their Reraise and everyone had eaten dirt at least once.

Most of the group reached their next PA point and on the way to Igros, got into a random and got enough EXP from it for the last holdouts reached the 10 PA benchmark.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2022, 01:34:52 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Laggy Fantasy Tactics: Wherein I blunder and bumble my way through the game with only a general recall of my last time through 4/5 of the game, half that much of an idea of what I am doing, and showing the game off to a different friendgroup.

Orbonne (0 Resets): Nothing of note here.  It's the demonstration fight, and you get to see swordskillers do cool shit.  Ramza embarrassingly got his helmet broken and nobody had any special abilities at the time.

Magic City Gariland (0 Resets): Mostly uneventful.  With one point of...notable irritation.  Enemy Chemist rolled Hi-Potion.  He eventually went down but good god he was an asshole.  It's Gariland, though, what do you expect?

Here, I grabbed Navarro(M Chemist), Sara(F Squire), and Eltiana (F Chemist) as my main generics for Chapter 1.  Navarre promoted to Priest, Sara to Knight (alongside Ramza and Delita; the defense up mods make up for the lack of armor at this point I figured) and Eltiana to Wizard.

Mandalia Plains (1 Reset?): I picked Save Algus the first time, trying to get that Brave bonus.  Algus died before anybody on my team could get a turn.  Which was hilarious.  On reset, I decided to leave the prick to his likely well-deserved fate.  Eltiana notably vaporized the Red Panther in a single hit, and other enemies did not fare much better against the black mage here.  The rest was just a beatdown.

Store updated at Igros: Algus was given a bowgun, Ramza swapped to Archer, everyone else stayed roughly the same.

Sweegy Woods (0 Resets): ...what didn't go wrong here?  I guess my positioning could have used work here.  The cat used Steal Heart, and hearts were indeed stolen.  At one point Navarro, under the effects of charm, revived the black goblin.  Who was immediately re-killed.  Sara got confused.  Hilarity continued.

Ramza switched over to Thief, and Navarro changed classes to Oracle (Priest sub) and learned Paralyze.  Why do I have a generic dude as a spellcaster?  Dunno, maybe I'll get him to Bard at some point.  Not optimal, but sure.  I got relevant offensive accessories for my generics.

Dorter Trade City (0 Resets): Incredibly stupid mistakes were made, largely in overextending Ramza to a position where he was so far from Navarro that he almost didn't make it.  70/70 Faith or good compatibility probably account for Ramza's 100% raise rate and continued survival.  Also Move-MP Up is stupidly good.  Enemy mages were unimpressive as usual, though then the knight decided to roll Item with Hi-Potion.

Eat my entire ass, Hi-Potion Knight.

Following this, Ramza learned Quick Attack, was reclassed to Squire (Thief sub) and was given a flail.  I also gave him Move-Find Item.  Eltiana learned Frog.  Algus, now with enough Squire JP to grab a break or two, swapped to Archer.  Delita learned Equip Armor and reclassed to Monk.  This was a mistake.  Sara also reclassed to Monk, without Equip Armor.  This was also a mistake.

Cellar of Sand Mouse (0 Resets): There wasn't much in the way of sand or mice.  What there was, was murder and amphibians.  Tactical mistakes were made again as I did not attempt to immediately converge the two squads into one like I should have.  Delita and Sara both proceeded to get killed in record time.  Algus only lasted longer because he sat in the corner.  For further embarrassment, Navarro missed two 80% revives.

On the other hand, Ramza with Quick Attack did 56 damage a hit, and could not miss or be countered.  Two of the knights (Grefter included) got taken out of the battle by Eltiana landing Frog on them (78% on the one, but she also landed a 37% chance on Grefter), essentially rendering them pointless.  The third knight and the archer, however, kept Ramza and Navarro in a constant cycle of reviving party members until I managed to get an opening to murder the archer, and then eventually cripple the geomancy knight.  MFI came in to hilarious effect here, though, with Bronze Armor and a Red Hood showing up for free.  Also another Bronze Helmet. 

This played hell on level sync, though, since now Ramza was two levels ahead of everyone else and basically got everything active from C1 Ubersquire aside from Yell.  Navarro also has about 450 Oracle JP that I'm considering my choices on.  Eltiana learned Bolt 2.  Delita is now a Geomancer who is wearing heavy armor...and has Regenerator slotted on reaction because why not.  Algus grabbed Equip Bow from Archer and immediately moved to Knight, essentially running 80% of his boss set as far as I'm convinced.  I'll figure out what to do with Sara, but I have an idea of what to do with Ramza.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 10:36:29 AM by 074 »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

DragonKnight Zero

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More punching their way across Ivalice aka Monk SCC

Igros (0 resets):

   Another long fight like Zarela.  Earth Clothes and Germinas Boots on everyone.  Jin gets HP Restore and I give the others Hamedo.  I feel the power loss over Power Sleeve is worth it here as Earth Slash allows me to heal off swordskill damage without bunching up.  And I absolutely do not want more than one person at a time getting hit by swordskills.  Dyce goes after my team with Stasis Sword which is preferable.  Zalbag gets two attacks in before the knights beat him up.  Counters from Zalbag send one Knight into critical, taking him out of the fight.  The rest I'm going to have to eventually deal with as my team slowly makes their way under the arch.  It's the best I could do while keeping them spread out.  Many, many Earth Slashes were used (along with the occasional Chakra) both to heal up from whoever last got hit with Stasis and to pound any Knights that got close.  Sometimes both.  Dyce procced one or two Stops which slowed down the advance but didn't endanger my team.  Knights thankfully didn't have anything in the way of secondaries that threatened my chances.  Ninja Knight had Throw but with only 3 range, simple to bait physicals which Hamedo would deny.
   Seeing Shellbust would have been a reset but Dycedarg never had any targets in the HP range where he could kill someone with it so it never appeared.  I did end up killing/criticalizing nearly all the Knights before Dycedarg got into a position I could finish him.  A punchboy did fall but it was from a Knight whack and not Shellbust so carried on.  Opted to zero out Dycedarg's HP and planned to revive the fallen monk when it was Adramelk.

   Goat king is up.  He's capable of status hell but as long as I don't bunch up for Loss, it's manageable.  Stigma Magic can undo his status anyways so I don't fear Seal.  Since I'm prioritizing bringing back the fallen punchboy, get off only one attack before his first turn.  He puts up a fight even though it's 5 on 1 pummeling groups with Bahamut and sometimes opting to oneshot Kenshiro with Holy.  I was constantly on the defensive with revival and recovery only getting the occasional chance to attack.  That 11/12% C. Evade kicked in quite a bit so I saw a number of misses too.  And even then I was constantly watching the AT list to make sure Greater Goat could never drop Loss on multiple units so I sometimes gave up attacking for safety.  After 5 Bahamuts and 2 Holies, he went for a physical on a 150ish HP Kenshiro.

"Oh no you Hamedon't"

  Hmm, interesting.  Got in what further hits I could while intentionally not healing Kenshiro.  (I think his MP was depleted but didn't consider that in the moment)  Adramelk obliges my manipulation and goes for another physical on Kenshiro.

"Oh no you Hamedon't"

The counterpunch does the remaining damage to win the fight.  Everyone gained about 2 levels from this and I'm entering Morund at about Lv 30-31 on everyone.

Outside Morund (0 resets):

  Still going with Earth Clothes and Germinas Boots.  HP Restore for all as nearly all the offense on the enemy side ignores Hamedo.  Gusty Wind lands Slow on Kenshiro.  Summoner locks Ramuh on Kneshiro for 92.  Ninja Geomancer was the only melee threat on the field with a Rune Blade and didn't get to do anything.  Couldn't do anything on turn 1 and I opted to take him out first with 4 Earth Slashes.  Jin went after a Mediator who had wandered within attack range to shoot him.  My team is synched up CT wise with the Summoner so it wasn't long before he got close enough to bury him with fists midcharge.  Tried for a Secret Fist on Geomancer, miss.  I didn't get any kills on round 2 but on round 3 things were clearly swinging my way.  Summoner went down to a fatal fisting.  (not that kind, head out of gutter)  Kenshiro hadn't died to summons + geomancy so wasn't losing turns to dead punchboys.  Jin was holding his own on the Mediators even with the Priest trying to help them out with recovery.  One Mediator soon fell once I got punchboys on the roof to help out with damage.  Meanwhile, the Mediators were just unlucky.  Because trying to take down a punchboy with 260 max HP and Move HP-up takes too long with gunshots, they tried Talk Skills.  Death Sentence, miss.  Death Sentence, miss.  Mimic Daravon, miss.  Ya know, when a giant mech is smashing you with oversized fists, maybe trying to talk it to death isn't the best strategy.  3rd or 4th Death Sentence attempt actually hits but it was too late to matter.  Only the Priest and one Mediator were still standing and both were downed before the death counter expired.  Not that would have been an issue with 5 people with revival.

  I think the Priest didn't have Raise.  All that would have done would delay the inevitable though.

Halls of Morund (0 resets):

  Swap to Power Sleeves except for Kenshiro who removes his armor.  Hamedo on Kenshiro, others don't matter.  I set the PBF so that the opposition cannot Mighty Sword anyone on their first turn.  Vormav walks forward to 3 panels away from Kenshiro and does nothing.  Rofel goes to carve up Kenshiro; "Oh no you Hamedon't."  Kletian moves behind Vormav and locks Dark Holy on Kenshiro.  Only two punchboys can get in range to Wave Fist Kletian but it's enough.  Kenshiro Earth Slashes all three Shrine Knights just because he can.  Axel and Balrog get their punch power on and drop Kletian with midcharge Wave Fists.  Enemies retreat.

Zombag (0 resets):

Kenshiro goes with Earth Clothes and 108 Gems.
Capricorns get Earth Clothes and Germinas Boots.
Last two punchboys go Power Sleeve and 108 Gems.
Capricorns set HP Restore while the others set Hamedo.  Though if all goes well, only Kenshiro's will be relevant.

  So how does trying to take out an opponent with Defense Up and Move HP-up with physicals sound?  With two people with worst compatibility with the boss and one with bad?  Yeah, my group has issues with damage output.  Move HP-up I neutralized by AI manipulation and surrounding Zombag but there's still the low damage output.  Kind of lucky I only saw Speed Save go off once.
  Open up with taking out both Archaic Demons with two Earth Slashes each.  Hurt the Ultima Demon with Kenshiro.  Ultima Demon Almagests three people including Kenshiro.  Zombag goes for a fatal physical on Kenshiro.  "Oh no you Hamedon't."  With the danger of death averted, it's a routine matter to take out the last demon and heal the wounded; generally with Earth Slash doing both.  This just leaves Zombag.
   Zalbag's AI is fixated on Ramza if he is alive and within reach.  I exploit this to draw him to a place where Kenshiro and the two Capricorns surround him and to draw physicals which are usually blocked by Hamedo.  From the beginning, I had planned Ramza's Zodiac so that those Hamedo punches would do more damage.  Zombag's evasion was on a roll though.  Out of the first 10 Hamedos I triggered, I think one actually got through.  So I opted to attack and hope that I didn't trigger lots of Speed Save.  If Kenshiro's Hamedo fails (which it did occasionally), I have Balrog and the Capricorn on Zombag's opposite side toss Earth Slash at Zombag and Kenshiro.  With damage ranging from 30 to 84 a hit depending on who's attacking and what they used, it took a lot of hits to wear down Zombag.  Was fortunate that the RNG didn't screw me over in some way.  Like Kenshiro dying and Zombag escaping the trap.  A Blood Suck strategy might have been more reliable and faster but eh, I won.

Levels are at about 32-33 for the team with Orbonne open for the final descent.  Leveling a bit is probably the safest thing to do at this juncture.  Life will be much easier with the Lv 38 Speed point and there's also a PA point coming up, though not as impactful on its own.  10 to 11 is not a big jump in Earth Slash damage.  Which will be my main go-to for all the mantle wearing enemies in the final set of fights.  Doesn't mean I will stop to level though, gotten this far without intentional leveling and tempted to go the distance.
   I buy 3 sets of Rubber Shoes and 5 extra Earth Clothes in preparation for the fights to come.  Every other key piece of gear I might want I already have.   A 5th Bracer would have been a decent investment and I had the funds but I forgot.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2022, 12:22:05 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Super Robot Wars X- fin. Did the IF route and managed every SR point, which either means this had an easier early game than T or that I’ve played too much SRW, one of those.

Honestly I sorta regret that the way I purchase the games locks me out of stuff like early adopter DLC, because god damn is this game kind to Masaki. He’s a practically necessary on Original-heavy stages.
Well until the last map. I uh maaaaaaay have stuck the Platinum Emblem on the Dai-Gurren and the Hyper Generator on the Gurren Lagann. Golems ain’t got shit when Simon decides to punch 20 of them to death in a turn.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Laggy Fantasy Tactics Death Corps Did Nothing Wrong edition:

Leaving off at Ramza getting chewed out by Dycedarg's Elder Brother, I've decided to do some extra prep and some playing around.  Ramza is now a Thief and using a Battle Axe.  If you recall before, he had obtained Quick Attack right before Zeklaus.  Now he has a PA 11 axe rather than a PA 8 flail.  Sara learns Secret Fist, Navarro learns Confusion Song and Foxbird, and Eltiana learns Bolt 2.

And so I go to faff around on Mandalia with Move-Find Item.  I don't really get *much* out of it, but a White Staff is something, as is enough JP for Navarro to learn Weapon Guard.  Sara also becomes a Geomancer, learning Carve Model.  Detour out of the way, I head to the real objective, the next plot map.

Thieves' Fort (0 resets): Allow me to preface this with the fact that the additional JP given out means primary Guest Characters (most notably Delita and Algus) can be made to be quite competent, as evidenced by the fact that Algus has 3/4 equipment breaks while being a Knight with Equip Bow and Delita is a Geomancer.  They have been genuinely useful and will continue to be useful throughout the chapter.  However, this does not change the fact that Guest AI is a callous, unforgiving prick.  You will see why.

The actual fight was not that bad; The white mage out front trying to cast an offensive spell got ganked for 99 HP by Ramza and, predictably, did not survive.  The thieves likewise went down to a combination of magic, geomancy, and Quick Attack.  The problems began when one white mage demonstrably cast Cure 4, died, and left a crystal.

...only for Algus to steal the crystal, like the absolute prick he is.  Looking forward to Zeakden.

Surprises from MFI included a Thunder Rod and an Asura Knife.  I am in equal parts approval and surprise.  If I was building Ramza towards Samurai I'd have probably grinned like a moron.  ...Keeping this in mind for potential future replays though.

Navarro learns Silence Song, Ramza learns Steal Weapon, Sara and Delita learn Hell Ivy.  Eltiana equips the Thunder Rod to go with how she has learned Bolt 2.

Lenalia Plateau (0 resets):

Miluda's rematch started quick and brutal, and then ended about the same.  The two Black Mages and one Time Mage start out prepping Fire spells...only for one of the Black Mages and the Time Mage to eat an interrupt courtesy of Silence Song.  20 MP cost be damned, that already feels like one of the best Oracle spells.  Following that, it was a vicious skirmish that eventually ended with me once again checking MFI hotspots while Miluda got beaten down.  Most notably, found a Triangle Hat and some Chain Mail.  The former, of course, found its way to Eltiana.

Delita was taken out before he could steal any crystals on that note.

Ramza gained two breaks (Head/Armor or Head/Shield, IIRC) from a crystal, and set up for the next fight with Battle Skill and two knives instead of an axe.  Navarro swapped to Priest, Sara learned Blizzard but moved back to Monk, and Delita learned...Pitfall, I believe.  Equipment upgrades were shared around, as I went into the first true bossfight of the game.

Fovoham Plains (Windmill) (0 resets):
Hi Wiegraf.  This fight was frankly a quick and brutal one.  Wiegraf starts out moving forward, Ramza advances in kind and cuts his PA by 3 with one of the two hits from Power Break hitting, ultimately crippling his swordskill damage.  The enemy Oracle attempts to Confuse Ramza, only to get stuffed once again by Silence Song.  Delita, in a fit of avian bloodlust, desire for chicken, or perhaps reminded too much of Algus by those feather colors, focuses down Boco, aided by high compatibility.  Sara gets in a slapfight with one of the other monks.

...and Eltiana does like 90% of the actual damage to Wiegraf.  This fight was madness, only made moreso by the fact that Ramza found a Wizard Robe.

Chaos aside, this ends up being the cleanest run of this fight I've had.  Wiegraf only gets off one Crush Punch, which does 24 damage to Navarro and doesn't proc Death.

Where does this leave everyone going into Zeakden?  Delita and Sara both learn Blizzard,  Eltiana is sitting on enough JP to learn Death if so desired, Navarro's still sitting on 280 Oracle JP (enough for Petrify, Blind, or Zombie).  Ramza...uh.  He's got options that I'll have to decide on.  Lancer lets him have a 64-damage attack with spears, I could work towards Ninja(albeit...slowly), or get him started on mage classes for some MA growth.

Next time I play: Algus is getting got, hats likely get thrown, and gafgarogs gafgarog.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Triangle Strategy - Did a replay, all the way through on Hard this time, and did one of the other route's. Frederica's. Game remains good and recommended.

Fire Emblem Three Houses - Currently doing yet another challenge run, which is basically "pretend I'm playing old FE". No gambits, no combat arts, no abilities beyond a few exceptions (Prowess/Breakers), and only using weapons your class is "proficient" at, so no bow wyverns. Azure Moon, up to Chaper 18. Will provide details when I'm done.

Laggy Fantasy Tactics - Doing a four-unit run with Amy (each of us using two). Final dungeon is open, we're doing the Kolliery. Lotta fun as always. Did you know LFT has now existed for longer than FFT existed without LFT? We're old.

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - Did a no-reset run, i.e. what is often referred to as ironman. Hard Classic. Definitely a very tense experience, but fun. One thing I enjoy greatly about Conquest compared to other challenging Fire Emblems is how much it feels like you, the player, own what is going on. There are no same-turn reinforcements or weird triggers or fog of war. So this results in an all-playthrough feel of "my decisions matter" and it's pretty great.

-Niles died in Chapter 10, Camilla's join chapter. Frankly losing only one unit here is a win as far as I'm concerned, for all that it did mean I missed the treasure chests in the next chapter.
-Odin (Nosferatu tank) and Jakob (who had just learned Inspiration) both died in Chapter 13 (Cheve) as I misplayed Takumi + his armour knight friends + those accursed wyvern + armour pairups who fly across the river.
-Effie died in Chapter 16 (the boat), which is okay because she was almost on the bench anyway. Less okay was Peri dying in the same map, to Shura when I had a brainfart and forgot he had Counter, go me killing myself on the player phase.
-Chapter 20... oh god. After messing some stuff up with the wind and getting Kaze + Mozu isolated near Shura, I was certain I would lose both. Kaze did indeed die, but somehow Mozu barely managed to survive, once going down to 1 HP and once dodging a fatal attack. Also dying on this map is Felicia, who had recently learned Inspiration, because that move is a curse apparently.
-Silas died in Siegbert's paralogue, which is fine because he was turning out terribly and I'm honestly a bit surprised he made it this far.
-So the roster expands in Chapter 22 (Sakura's map) and I brought in Laslow for possible Pairup stat boosts and his 1-stat rally. No I had not used him since his joining chapter. So it wasn't much loss when I failed to notice he was in range of a bow-puppet.
-Shura died in Chapter 24 (Hinoka) as someone had to bite it to 12-move pegasi in one scary turn where I couldn't stifle their move with a dragon vein. Yes, that is 3/3 for losing the natural Locktouch users in Conquest, go me. Fortunately I was using Ninja Corrin.
-Corrin's son Siegbert died in Chapter 26 to the Wyrmslayer assault troop. Did you know even Corrin's non-Kana child counts as a dragon regardless of class? If I did, I'd forgotten. Oops.

Survived but benched: Arthur, Nyx, Selena, Charlotte. A far smaller list than usual!

Unit notes on the main team:

Corrin: Female, magic, ninja. Main weapon was the Levin Sword. Stayed in the base class long enough to get Draconic Hex, then switched to Master Ninja. Fast and magic'd things to death quite well.
Elise: Strategist. Made of glass but survived 'til the end! The best of the Inspiration-bot staff users, thanks to Lily's Poise and capping magic/speed/luck so she actually had good offence when I was able to use it.
Mozu: Archer -> Sniper -> Merchant. Quick Draw + Bowfaire + Spendthrift + Rally Strength + Strength Tonic + Keaton pairup one-rounds the final boss, and Rescue enables this on turn 3. Otherwise she was accurate and had decent overall stats later as you would expect.
Azura: Danced. So glad she didn't die, god. The things she enables, particularly in Ryoma's ninja hell map, are so irreplaceable. Giving her an HP Tonic in Chapter 15 (the Valla map with just her / Corrin / Gunter) was the best decision I made all run.
Beruka: Wyvern, eventually switching to Berserker to get Rally Strength+Defence on one unit (and Axefaire, near the end). She was always competent enough but rarely stood out.
Camilla: Usual Maligknight -> Berserker -> back to Maligknight -> back to Berserker for Trample/Axefaire damage nonsense. Huge strength/speed, murdered everything, obvious MVP in her first few maps, she's great of course.
Benny: Armour until Wary Fighter, then Wyvern. In his element on this run, he is reliable. Amazing HP/Def, good res and accuracy (and a personal which makes everyone's hit better). His damage sucks but who cares. Not nearly as impressive pre-Wary Fighter, but good enough.
Leo: He existed and was solid enough. Didn't do anything exciting with him despite thinking about it. Mobile and decent magic damage, and adequate bulk. He capped speed but goodness is his speed cap as a Dark Knight bad (25?!?).
Keaton: Existed, married Camilla. Like Benny he is relatively reliable what with his class having a crit-evade boost and decent enough bulk.
Xander: Did his usual reliable tanking with 1-2 range and 8 move, along with Benny was probably one of the two "safest" people to bait out enemies late.
Kana: Corrin Jr., also used a Levin Sword, wasn't as good at it but worked okay, Draconic Hex is a neat baiting tool.
Velouria: Waited until Camilla got Trample so she could get it too. Kinda like her dad but with better offence, 6 move + 1 range lock is a bit limiting but quite solid past that.
Izana, Forrest, Flora, Gunter: Predictable filler roles. The middle two got Inspiration which is cool.

Fun times.

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Ys: The Oath in Felghana- fin

Well this was a video game.  I dunno about the original or the other complete remakes of the Ys series did, but this one definitely feels like someone took what was originally an extremely Zelda-like game and reformatted it into an action RPG.  And within that this is... y'know, alright, worth playing.  It does have a particular vibe, extremely aggro, that's pretty satisfying... annnd kinda completely at odds with the much more Zelda-like "you must master the new tool you have to best this battle" bosses.  It's not bad at that exactly, but it's such a difference in focus and you don't have quite the same tools a regular Zelda game would give you to accomplish that, so it does feel needlessly mean at times, but still a unique experience.

Not sure I'd really play any more Ys, it hits that some sorta spot MMX did where it's nice to peak into a slice of gaming I normally don't but not so compelling I need to seek all of them out.  But hey, did a thing.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Laggy Fantasy Tactics

Did a four-unit run with Amy.

Marcus (Ramza): Generally centred around Monk. Early on he ran Poison as his secondary (surprisingly good utility to add) and Equip Armour, then later he went to Thief/Ninja for dualpunching and poaching (and occasional steal, notably Balk's Blaze Gun), eventually when he returned to Monk he used Guts for Scream and Heal.

Hubert: Spent most of the game as Black/Yin Yang. Pray Faith is a very inappropriate spell but he eventually learned it, mostly he was about magical boom for much of the game transitioning increasingly into Short Charge status later. In the aftergame he dropped Black Magic and became a Chemist once we had two elemental guns.

Benedict: Mediator/Time Mage mostly. After Blaze Gun he even had good damage too. Typically ran Short Charge and Teleport. Haste 2 is a great spell, Quick has surprisingly neat utility, and otherwise there's lots of statusy goodness here between Slow / Negotiate / Mimic Daravon / etc.

Daisy: White Magic specialist, the skillset is good largely from beginning to end. Aside from when she was learning White Magic (and a bit of Time for Teleport; learned Haste 2 for free from Benedict which is cool), she spent time in various sword classes, Knight/Geomancer and finally (after Excalibur) Squire.

I believe the only maingame fights which caused multiple resets were Golgorand Execution Site and Izlude/Saika/Taishyr. Germinas Peak too? Definitely needed to re-tool our setups for more offence on that one. A scattered other set of fights caused one each.

We beat the Kolliery (again never more than one reset) and did the Deep Dungeon, but weren't able to beat Elidibs. Just too many enemies getting too many turns. Even got Chantage/Ribbon and lost. Probably would have wanted Math Skill to control more targets at once (Dispel, Slow, Don't Move, etc...).

Enjoyable as always.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - I did a bit of a "pretend this is old Fire Emblem" run. Broadly, mechanics which were introduced in Awakening onwards are banned, including:

-Combat Arts
-Equippable abilities (exception: Prowess skills and Weapon Crit+10 skills, since they mimic the weapon rank bonuses of old games)
-Using weapons or magic your class isn't "proficient" with. So for instance, Wyvern Riders can only use axes/lances.
-Commoners/Nobles can choose ONE weapon and use only that, until they change class.

These rules did not apply to out-of-combat stuff. I also allowed battalions, which could be debatable, again because they're not equipped in combat and kinda like equipment, but also because without them I feared my stats would be too awful; I was already suffering due to no Death Blow/Combat Arts/etc.

Fun because I was basically forced to fight "fair"; cheesy evasion strategies and gambits were out. Poor offence meant I had to think about how to approach enemies, too; in the later maps, one-rounding enemies was relatively uncommon, though my strongest characters could do it to certain enemy types and/or with certain weapons. Range shenanigans were still go; Bow Knight is an incredible class and I still have equipment for long-range magic.

Class notes:
Beginner tier: Monk is still good. Fighter is now the clear best physical job here, since having axes and (especially) bows is much better than just swords or just lances.
Intermediate tier: Pegasus Knight is great (swords/lances), Cavalier is kinda similar but doesn't fly, Mage/Priest are still good for usual reasons, Archer has Bow Range+, Thief has swords+bows. Other classes not very useful.
Advanced tier: Wyvern Rider still very good, Sniper/Paladin/Assassin/Warlock/Bishop all serve basically their old roles as well (though no Hunter's Volley). I also used Valkyrie on one character, although its lack of Faith is a major downside it doesn't normally have (the infantry mages are proficient in both magic types). Unlike in normal games, there's little reason to stay here past Level 30, only one character actually did (as an Assassin).
Master tier: Bow Knight and fliers are busted, not much news here. All mages went Gremory. Bow Knight I'll particularly note as even more useful than usual since its big downside compared to Sniper is gone.

Without combat arts, magic is still great (mages lose their own magical combat arts, though) and bows emerge as the clear best weapon type (even without Close Counter); Mini Bow in particular is just such a good weapon under these rules, since it's super-light and provides innate Close Counter (kinda; you can't double with it then).

Units used:

Byleth (swords -> Myrmidon -> Thief/Pegasus -> Wyvern Rider -> Falcon Knight): Mostly stuck in sword classes to have Creator Sword access, but flier for Chapter 13 was too important, so she took a break then. Anyway she got really good stats and was generally very useful.

Dimitri (lances -> Fighter -> Cavalier -> Paladin -> Bow Knight): Kinda struggled a bit at points during the Fighter/Cavalier stages because he was quite slow, but he had lots of Def so I built him for that. Thanks to his angry phase he didn't get to Bow Knight until quite late (Chapter 19?) but was good once he did; couldn't double like the others but Brave Bow hit very hard.

Felix (bows -> Fighter -> Archer -> Sniper -> Bow Knight): Nice offensive stats. One of the overall best characters; he didn't have quite as much raw damage as Dimitri, but not too far (and his Crest is always relevant in this run), and being able to double a lot of things + not being doubled was big. Also the might supports with Sylvain/Ingrid were great.

Sylvain (lances -> Soldier -> Cavalier -> Dancer): Not really planned but hey it worked. Used the Levin Sword+ as a Dancer to hand out support bonuses. Bulk let him take stray hits right up until the end, even though the dodgetank build was out.

Mercedes (faith -> Monk -> Priest -> Warlock -> Gremory): Live to Serve is good, Physic is great, Fortify is great. Spells do enough damage to be notable, wish she had 3 range though. Had great speed which was nice for both offence and defence, Res too. Possibly the least useful overall of my main three mages but all were very good.

Ingrid (lances -> Soldier -> Pegasus -> Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord): Can't do the dodgetanking thing as well (though still tapped for it on occasion, most notably against the Bolting Gremories in Endgame), otherwise pretty standard Ingrid stuff here. The speed was certainly nice.

Hapi (C3 recruit as Monk -> Mage -> Valkyrie -> Gremory): Essential monster-hunter: Banshee to control them, various spells to break them at range, and late even had to use desperation Shield of Seiros strats for her to bait them. With gambits banned these roles became very useful. Also had Physic and Warp of course, at least when she wasn't a Valkyrie, though her stats were the worst of the mages (didn't generally kill armours).

Dorothea (C4 recruit as Monk -> Mage -> Warlock -> Gremory): Good for all the usual reasons, Meteor was great for both accuracy and offence, Physic/Thoron good as always. Generally had solid stats and was extremely useful.

Catherine (C5 recruit as Swordmaster -> Assassin): Well hey there's no reason to consider backtracks with her any more! Has that jagen feel, but fortunately Assassin and her screaming speed (only person to not get doubled by Jeritza) meant she always had a niche, even if it's overall a weaker niche than that of my other characters.

Leonie (C7 recruit as Cavalier -> Pegasus -> Sniper -> Bow Knight): Kinda hopped between one good class and another. She was a bit speed-screwed but still had solid overall stats; not one of my better characters though there were times when Bow Knight was just so useful that I would have to rethink that statement.

Seteth (C12 recruit as Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord): Pretty underwhelming. Sometimes a third flier was nice to have, but his speed was just so bad, really limited him both offensively and defensively. Biggest mistake in hindsight was trying to use him as my 11th, I should have focused more on...

Maneula (C8 recruit as Priest -> Bishop): Didn't use her much until the timeskip, and even then she was often my 12th, but then I realized she had more upwards potential than Seteth. Didn't course correct in time to get her to Gremory, which was a shame since that'd have been useful. Anyway, she had poor offence, but her faith utility was nice in lategame maps: Silence was shockingly good for controlling certain mages, Ward for surviving certain things in Endgame, and Warp. She also had Bolting for the last two maps, which was beautiful even though unlike Dorothea I never used it for direct offence. Still not great, but more useful than usual for sure.

Ashe: Benched in Chapter 3 due to general mediocrity
Annette: Benched in Chapter 3 due to her good traits being banned
Dedue: Benched in Chapter 4 due to low speed
Constance: Recruited in Chapter 3, benched in Chapter 5 due to other mages having Physic.
Yuri: Recruited in Chapter 3, went Archer, benched in Chapter 8 due to just not being as good as the others.
Shamir: Recruited in Chapter 6, benched in late Part 1. Good prepromo but without combat arts there's no reason to continue using her late; the other archers all have clearly better stats.

The hardest maps were certainly Hunting by Daybreak (flying Byleth had to carry, basically, and I had to be careful which enemies I baited), and then the last three. Merceus because Jeritza was a difficult foe for my team and because the siege tome + falconknight formations were something nobody on my team could tank directly; Enbarr because husbando drops reinforcements on your head and both NotDorothea/Petra/siege weapons are all huge pains (ended up using Ward to get Mercedes in vs. NotDorothea safely, and Hapi + Shield of Seiros to tank a ninja reinforcement demonic beast); Enbarr 2 because uh yeah, obvious. Ingrid was the key tank for the siege tome reinforcements, I ran the Dark Knights out of Death using Mercedes, and Dimitri/Felix killed infinite War Masters with bows while Catherine (Goddess Ring) and Byleth (Evasion Ring) killed the final boss.

16th playthrough done, and just in time for the sequel!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2022, 03:17:55 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Elf: I am impressed that in an ironman run, you did Siegbert's paralogue.  I only did that one on Revelation where I could deploy a busted team of 10 royals if I wanted.  That Revelation run, I was doing my "Casual for battle saves but not accepting deaths" deal stolen from Eph, but I broke that rule for Siegert & Percy's paralogues and just accepted some (fake) casualties.  I've seen people online whine about how unforgiving that map is, too.  Combined with horrible rewards other than Siegbert himself, no less!

Brigandine Legend of Runersia
Did a run as Norzaleo on Hard a bit ago after getting frustrated by a loss in Triangle Strategy.  Yeah, despite starting with the fewest units, it's definitely easy modo - the fewest borders, and both Rubino and Elena are extremely good.  The one minor downside is the low-starting level, but…  whatever, wait a few turns with them at the training grounds before they go on their romantic killing spree.  Maybe an issue if you're trying for minimum conquest times but I still won in less than half the allotted time (1 year and 4-6 seasons or so?), so.  Pick was my 3rd; he's interesting and different, although prooooobably not worth the risk considering he's extremely frail.  Got a decent amount of use out of Maximilian, Schlizer, Jiu, and a few neutrals too.  Sadly, the one unit I didn't end up getting to use much was Leonora, although I know Elf praised her.  Her being good was relevant, she was just left on "scare enemy lord into not attacking while battles happened elsewhere" duty with a neutral and a retired Grados I think.

The one funny thing was Stella pulling an Ashnard and wandering off way far away while her country burned in the background.  She made it all the way to the northern end of the map on her insane raiding mission that I kept falling back from and taking the spot "behind" her as I didn't want to engage her without better units, but it didn't really help!  (Also had a brief "international conference" moment when Rubino, Stella, and Superaielman were all in the center of the map bordering each other.)

I did the other final boss in the name of variety, and yeah, despite the game trying to tell you it'd be easier, it's actually probably harder than the other option?  Not that it's Actually Hard, but I could see something going terribly wrong if you misposition and get area-nuked hard enough.  While the other final boss basically is guaranteed to get wrecked.  Not that it's a big deal, but the post-credits plot scene clearly assumes you did the route that the game wants you to pick and fought RG, so it was a little weird seeing it after an ending where Rubino succumbed to the temptation / mind-control of the rune.  Ah well.

Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright

I had a Lunatic Casual CQ run up to Takumi's map I stopped on and should technically finish some day (was using a different set of units!), but kinda lost my enthusiasm for it.  Decided to go back and play Birthright but on Classic, so no cheaty battle saves that make gambling less costly.  The challenge, given that this was BR, was rolling up randomly a team of exactly six characters (well, Corrin + 5 characters).  I actually got a pretty good team!  Jakob, Azura, Rinkah, Hinoka, and Scarlet.  Guess I'm playing as F-Corrin for that early Jakob access.  But yeah, Jakob offers heals and can make early Corrin a death tank, and Azura is always good (I swear I did not rig the randomization to get her).  The one off-beat thing I'm doing is that I elected to make Rinkah the ninja rather than Corrin…  ninja-Corrin is boring, I'll do Spear-Master Bolt Naginata Corrin eventually instead after the Dragonstone OP phase ends.

Anyway.  A brief interlude to complain about Conquest's plot - it's relevant, I swear.  One of the parts of CQ plot that actually works okay is Takumi's descent to madness and his rivalry with Corrin.  Unfortunately, CQ, as usual, shoots itself in the foot and doesn't make it quite as good as it could have been.  The game wants to insist that CQ Corrin is Right because, unironically, a magic sword chose Corrin, so whatever they do just has to be right (Azura says as much, and it appears to be played deadly straight).  This also means that Takumi's rivalry with Corrin is because he was possessed / influenced by Anankos.  The problem is that human Takumi has extremely valid reasons to hate and despise Corrin the traitor who is leading an army that is causing quite a bit of destruction, yet spirit-Takumi says that actually he's totally cool with CQ Corrin before the final battle, all that emo phase was just his possessed side.  I'm not complaining about him *eventually* getting purple goopy powers, but SnowFire the writer would have delayed that to the last second, and run with human Takumi genuinely disliking Corrin for the destruction they cause.  Make Corrin feel the consequences of their actions.

Okay, why did I bring that up?  Because through the magic of organic gameplay, I accidentally gave BR Takumi a fantastic reason to hate Corrin, despite this being the route where he gets magically cleansed by Azura!  On the Izumo map with Zola, due to the low deploy count, I have to take it really slow - that means largely staying in the starting room and blockading the entrance.  Sure, paired-up Corrin could probably survive a stroll outside, but then everyone else could get in trouble.  Takumi's crew wanders over to help as green units, but since I am way, way slower at cleaning them out than the map "expects" (the map has a stream of reinforcements headed over for the first ~14 turns or so, too!), Oboro & Hinata find plenty of angry Nohrians waiting for them, and die.  Hey, I wasn't gonna use 'em anyway, and in-character, they were too far away for Corrin to shout at or something.  I like to imagine Hinoka recognizing the bodies amongst the Nohrian dead before joining Izana's pajamas feast.  In the next map (Mohshukujin ninjas in the forest), crazed Takumi shows up, but after being cured, he doesn't seem to ask about where his retainers are.  Maybe everybody "in the know" has signed some terrible pact of silence of just pretending not to know, maybe they're still out there searching for you at the Bottomless Canyon!  They definitely aren't dead due to our own laxity!  Really!  And if Detective Takumi ever found out the horrible truth…  ah.  Then we'd truly have an excuse for an epic showdown.  Ah, organic plot.

After that map is the ship map, which is actually one of the most dangerous maps in BR.  On this map, a decent number of enemies have the cheaty 1-2 range weapons seen on many CQ bosses - why do they largely stop appearing later?!  Anyway I died here twice, the second time at the very end.  Still stuck here.  The problem is that if you wait too long, the entire map aggros and wants to kill you.  With the small deploy count, I can't really defend Azura or un-paired up Ninja Rinkah with meatshields, although the tornadoes help of course.  Sure, Corrin / Jakob are very tanky, as are Guard Naginata Hinoka / Somebody Else, but they're not completely immortal, and that leaves a 5th slot vulnerable (although I guess I could mildly cheat and pair them up with Reina).  It wouldn't be so bad if I could efficiently kill my way through the map, but the low deploy count bites me again here, making it hard to ensure I don't get overwhelmed in the final wave.  For example, there's a Kinshi Knight packing an Illusionary Yumi (+10 Res) that Dragonstone Corrin utterly fails at damaging; switching to Yato would help, but it's still only a 3HKO, and it would ruin Corrin's defenses for all the crap everywhere else.  If everyone was spread out in offense formation and I applied a shuriken debuff first, I could probably take her out quickly, but that would just get me killed by everyone else on enemy phase.  But yeah, units like that pile-up who can actually deal damage to my tanks, and then I eventually suffer a casualty and reset (although it was actually due to un-paired Rinkah dying after I couldn't meat-shield her entirely anymore).  We'll see on attempt #3, I guess!

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Re Siegbert: Interesting. It's not an easy map, of course (very little Conquest-specific is) but I don't really consider it that tough myself? Though I know you tend to play maps a bit more slowly than me, which has advantages sometimes but I imagine would make Siegbert's map harder. The one paralogue I did avoid for the reasons you cited was Ignatius's; that one I consider quite tricky without burning the four-per-file uses of Rescue.

Good luck with the ship map! There's definitely a few tricky midgame maps before the game has a bit of an easy run in the late midgame. And then... I'll definitely be interested in how you deal with the Windmire maps against Camilla, Hans, and Iago, if you stay on Lunatic.

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Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta

I did 375 since hey that sounds like a cool way to give me a balanced party.

<GILGABOT> And by "balanced", you mean "get the consistently worst job from every crystal". :)

Okay, that's not quite true, as Monk is not the worst probably, but still, check it out:

Monk, Berserker, Geomancer, Dancer

Earlygame was not a problem, Monk punches the Tule-Walse section of the game to death effortlessly (except Garula who mostly gets counterpunched instead). But from then on most every boss was a pain:

-Liquid Flame more like Liquid Pain, can't exploit the tornado form and the other two wear me down badly.
-Sandworm is ugh, I let the Berserker die and try to turtle with Charka and counters. Either I have bad luck or something is up with counter vs. Sandworm because it kicked in 0 times out of 9. Fight took over half an hour off the clock though I used emulator speedup to make it more palatable, mostly just me spamming Chakra until I gained enough HP I felt I could safely take a swing.
-Soul Cannon was a terrifying damage race, luckily on the winning run only the Berserker got hit with Old, I still used both Hi-Potions I'd acquired so far and four Elixirs.
-Titan and Manticore are just slug and prey. I beat Titan first time but not Manticore.
-Purobolos were awful. Only boss I had two resets on. Really did not have the ability to slug them down fast enough for Self-Destruct chains to not screw me over. And god forbid I miscount and trigger MT Arise, which I certainly do at least once.
-Bridge Gilgamesh was also pretty awful.

Not awful were Byblos and Adamantoise, both of whom Geomancer bailed me out against.

After that I got storebought Hi-Potions, and I could actually do something besides hope to outslug things with my not-very-good damage. The last three required bosses of W2 were still difficult; Atomos was a photo finish, Seal Guardians a lot of annoying HP counting which Berserker naturally makes even harder (one reset, on the second run I finally saw Death Sickle actually work against a boss for once), and Exdeath is definitely trickier when you only have three people to respond to his various moves with the appropriate mix of Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs. This is the type of team that almost makes me understand why someone might farm Reflect Rings (four is still a big waste of time, just protecting one PC would have trivialized the second stage; I decided not to bother at all).

And then World 3, while not easy (both Gargoyles and Melusine were a pain in the ass to get things started), I'm actually rather proud of.

So this is where, after suffering for over half of its existence, Dancer suddenly becomes worthwhile. Storebought Lamia's Tiara and common-steal Rainbow Dresses from Phoenix Tower mean Sword Dance is now 50% in the hands of a Dancer (or in my case, Geomancer as well). At first I do Barehanded Dance which leads to ~5000 damage Sword Dances or so. Okay, cool cool. But at a certain point I think bigger: Rune Axe. While it's not a particularly special weapon in Berserker's hands, Dancer has a real magic stat. Sword Dance with this does anywhere from 4000 to 9999, depending on my level and the target.

Geomancer does the same thing with Assassin Dagger + Lamia's Tiara. In the final dungeon I'm lucky enough to get a Rune Chime (1/16 drop, from admittedly a very common enemy) and suddenly wow, they've got a high 4-digit Sword Dance of their own. Equip Ribbon Monk becomes mostly the item-user at this point, Berserker is still Berserker.

Anyway for bosses, the most notable ones are past the start are Omniscient (I do the Reflect Ring Mage Masher thing), Apanda (physicals still not really the way to go against Byblos mark 2, but I prevail), Catastrophe (Earthquake one-shots the Dancer and leaves me scrambling, fortunately he decides to be nice the rest of the way), and Twintania (not hard, but notable because I need to kill the Berserker off so she doesn't trigger Tsunami counters... and because FLIRT shuts down the Gigaflare form. YES). Neo Exdeath is a big of a slog (I switch my Geomancer to back row Equip Ribbon, this might have been a mistake) with only the Dancer doing really big damage and only randomly, but Grand Cross is mostly a joke with three Ribbon users and I can survive Almagest with two PCs at least. (Possibly should have made it three with HP+30 on Geo? I was expecting to kill the Almagest part faster than I did, some bad Sword Dance luck there.)

No resets in World 3! Final level was 37. No grinding, but not much running, and the only significant source of exp I skipped was the Great Trench.

Class notes:

Monk has a good World 1, a decent enough World 2, and becomes basically useless besides an HP sponge in World 3 as weapons suddenly spike up in power. Not that HP sponging is nothing, ensured I survived Almagest for instance. For their abilities, Focus is okay (33% DPS increase compared to physicals, also triggers fewer counters), Chakra is rarely marginally useful in W1 due to being better than Potion, and HP+30% is a nice little durability push but a very expensive investment.

Berserker is the worst, and I drew no classes which can really support it (e.g. Knight for Two Hands, mages for W3 Gaia Hammer / Rune Axe). Bosses like Sandworm, Soul Cannon, and Exdeath are made challenging by their incompetence. They have bulk at least. Their speed is wretched; not only is it bad on paper, but something about the way berserk is handled makes it even worse on turn 1. The entire rest of my team instantly doubled Berserker after all got Hermes Sandals. Equip Axe is nice on someone with a magic stat.

Geomancer is a slave to what Gaia is doing at a given time. Useful against Byblos, Adamantoise, and in a few dungeons such as Ronka and Drakenvale. Vaguely acceptable in some other dungeons due to providing magic damage which my party otherwise lacked. And sometimes just a near-useless knife fighter. For skills, Gaia's the only useful one, and struggled on my team because unlike real magic skillsets it doesn't improve Magic Power when set, and the rest of my team had average to terrible magic.

Dancer is mostly just bad in World 1-2, you Dance because why not it's better than physicals on average (especially against the evasive). The W3 equips really change them, suddenly they're a damage cannon, albeit one with awful HP which does hold them back, especially because they usually want to be in the front row (though Thor's Hammer gave a nice backrow option). Equip Ribbon is nice for stat boosts and stat immunity, Dance was useful on Geomancer after Lamia's Tiara, Flirt is useful against Twintania.

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