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Messages - DragonKnight Zero

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Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: March 29, 2013, 11:07:26 PM »
Shyguys and their variants use Exploder in their counter scripts.  Groove Guys may randomly use it on turn 3 if they retain Balloon's AI script.

Prinny classes also seem to use Exploder randomly (dood).  Prinny Sgt didn't in my few encounters and is actually more dangerous for it.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Meeple Fantasy 6
« on: March 28, 2013, 11:58:07 PM »
Picked this up out of curiosity and like it enough to sink 40+ hours in. Some things appear to not work as intended and the game has been otherwise stable.  Some of this I've already brought up in previous correspondence and repeating it here is only for ease of cataloging.  The praise takes even longer.

- Exploder restores targets MP.  Adds unintentional depth since I would try to get the monsters that could use it to cast it on characters that had depleted MP.
- Athos gives working +2 Strength on level up
- Lenneth using Fiery Rage, Aqua Wisp, and Terra Roar while under AI control such as Monster Pit.  Which reminds me, S Lake works without a compatible weapon under AI control (which is an existing bug from the original game)
- Fou-lu targeting himself with Reinfleche and Deadly Fingertips.  Not complaining given his strength, just guessing this isn't intentional.
- Life Armor's HP Stroll appears not to work.
- Vyse never learns all S Moves by any plot trigger.  Already addressed.
- Osmose still appears in a few counter scripts and cast by a Confused enemy.  Pack Mute.  The confused enemy thing has little effect either being that A) inflicting the status involves an element of randomness and B) this only occurs in random battles

MP not being refilled at defend Lugia caught me on my blind run.  This is not a hack specific bug; the original game also does this.  However, Rolf and Lenneth have a reason to use MP before this point in their scenarios (Terra too, except that she gets a full heal here) and will have no chance to recharge in the snowfield .  Nothing broken here, it's more of an side effect of the character changes.

Really liking the twinking options in the WoR.  There's rarely a clear best weapon; the statistically strongest weapons usually have some tradeoff whether with automatic MP criticals in a game without easy access to MP restoration, elelmental attack which can be snuffed by resistance, or something else.  Great stuff.

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