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Messages - Hunter Sopko

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 182
1. Aquarius - Atelier Shallie: Yet again, I haven't played the game where this originates from so couldn't tell you the context in which it's used.

It's a battle track, almost unique? Plays for one of the superbosses, probably more. I feel like for Dusk Trilogy if it's zodiac/myth named it's a clear sign it's a battle track.

General Chat / Re: Music, Listening, 2019, Etc.
« on: June 30, 2019, 02:09:09 AM »
Blackway & Black Caviar (Into the Spiderverse OST)- What's Up Danger?

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: June 15, 2019, 03:38:39 PM »
* Speaking of mocking Sopko, I know he said that he thought the game should have played up  the possibility that Yosuke was the killer a bit more.  I'm not seeing it; Shadows are all extreme oversharers bent on embarrassing their normal selves as best I can tell, so if Yosuke used normal mortal means to kill Saki, you'd think his Shadow would be eager to guilt-trip him.

Yukiko. Yukiko was the killer early in production.Don't think I ever pitched the theory it was Yosuke.

Discussion / Re: Suikoden line counts
« on: May 28, 2019, 09:21:09 AM »
That's pretty sad...

Suikoden 2: With 50% more Grenseal lines than before!

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: April 16, 2019, 12:23:08 AM »
Pokemon Let's Go Eevee

Indeed. Everything CK just said about the game is valid, but I just finished it too so I might as well give my rundown.

I will very much miss the roaming pokemon. It's adorable to watching them wander about the map even if it isn't super complicated. I won't miss the catching. It is harmless for 90% of the game, ditching random encounters for just straight catch mechanics makes some sense tying into Pokémon Go. For the first half, it's great honestly. Reduces the tedium quite a bit since it still gives you XP. But it catches up with the game. Most status movesets become pointless on most pokemon because you don't need them for wild catches. And endgame/aftergame you're just tossing a dozen Ultra Balls for each catch and it doesn't feel like berries do much to help, so it becomes actively annoying and flips to an exercise in tedium. The sole exception to this is the rare encounters like Snorlax and the legendaries, you have to fight and KO them first before going into the catch mechanic- all with a 5 minute time limit. This worked honestly! But I don't want to get frustrated throwing Ultra Balls at an Electrodude for 5 min.

While as CK noted, the game is super duper easy, the mechanics updates really bring the charm back to the RBY formula. It's a great nostalgia trip.


Partner Eevee: What CK said. I found myself running Psychic and Dark, with the third slot for whatever gym or dungeon I needed. Ice for E4 Dragonslaying. The only move I kept after the move tutor became available was Swift for neutral damage. They also make sure Eevee is goddamn adorable.

Victreebel: Almost all Grass and Bugs are Poison, one of those Gen1 quirks, so the Poison side not much use, but for a Grass attacker worked very well. Power Whip is pretty great.

Nidoqueen: Works quite well as a Ground attacker once she evolves, even if she relies on non-STAB attacks mostly until she evolves. Have wanted to eventually use one of Queen or King, so it was good to finally have the chance. MVP of mid-late game since I gave it the Mt. Moon Moon Stone, but didn't get to do much in E4.

Clefable: It does take a bit to really notice the tankiness (after it evolves, an issue since the second Moon Stone is a bit into the game), but it does its job. Very few Steel types to threaten it and non-STAB damage generally isn't a worry, so you're only looking out for Poison damage, which only really gets threatening in late game. Moonblast is pretty strong and works as a Dragon slayer.

Raichu: Very useful, even if there aren't quite as many Water types in play still plenty of Flying as well. Considering I didn't use a Psychic type and ran it on Eevee, maybe I should have gotten the Alolan Raichu, but it would've been a huge level hit so I just skipped it. I committed all my Rare Candies to...

Omastar: Of course I'm running Lord Helix. As CK mentioned its great that it joins at a much better level and evolves immediately, but I still had to invest a decent amount of Rare Candies into it to catch it up to the rest of my team. Mostly used it as a Water attacker honestly, I didn't need to use the Rock side much.

ITT: Andrew hates all new pokemon except the hooker-mon.

For Burmy, I always got the sense that it's supposed to be another one of those Cocoon types and the swirly part is the bit connecting it to a tree or something

Also its mane beard makes me think of the amish. 1/5

Tis a fine barn, but tis no evolution, English.

Anyway, agreed mostly on Shinx. The first stage is just kinda dumb. But I do think it gets better. Luxio scrapes 2/5 and Luxray borders on 3/5.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: January 21, 2019, 05:04:03 PM »
His experience makes sense. I didn't get the SP Restoration equips until Dungeon 3, so depending on your Confidant progression Dungeon 2 can be relatively tough or breezy. It's still not going to be on the same level as Dungeon 1 though yeah.

Spheal is an adorable round boi you heretic

General Chat / Re: 2018 Miscellaneous Links: It's an Albany expression
« on: November 02, 2018, 10:03:28 PM »
Following on the heels of the Double Dare oral history article is this gem:

Fucking fantastic bit of nostalgia.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: October 22, 2018, 11:30:36 PM »
Republicans are usually more likely to vote early (overall, it can vary by state/locality) , believe it or not. This is not really a change. It'll be interesting to see the breakdowns afterwards though of how much the numbers have changed though, both Democratic increase/decrease in early voting, possible Republican increase/decrease, etc. Historically, Republicans have better turnout in Midterm years and Dems in Presidential election years, so there will be benchmarks to refer to.

And yes, while registered Independents have been a growing group, GSS and NES surveys have pretty much confirmed the majority of them tend to vote exclusively for one party or the other. Very few of them (<=20%) actually vacillate between parties.

General Chat / Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« on: October 05, 2018, 09:09:45 PM »
What do you think is the most common cause for back pain among anime girls?

The huge jugs or the incredibly uncomfortable posing?

General Chat / Re: 2018 Miscellaneous Links: It's an Albany expression
« on: August 28, 2018, 08:10:14 PM »

Talk about being screwed by the government.

General Chat / Re: Books
« on: July 12, 2018, 10:26:49 PM »
Grefter has Young Miles and the next book in his collection. Read more Bujold in Aus ::Nods::


So the house Democrats should basically strip this dude of seniority and demand his resignation, but instead we're probably gonna tip one of the bluest districts in the country to whatever nazi the RNC sent in because he was deluded enough to think he could pull it off.  Because god forbid anyone over there try to rebuild bridges between the Democrats and the left, gotta burn the ashes harder and put one more nail in the coffin of humanity.

I know we've had our differences, but I agree with this 100%

White Wolf publishing in general is weird.   White Wolf do the new WoD setting and stuff, but there is a branch of stuff with a bunch of people that used to work at White Wolf that have a license to publish stuff for old World of Darkness stuff called Onyx Path Publishing.   They on the other hand are apparently pretty damn cool and well worth watching.

So.... just be careful with stuff and check who is putting out the work if you are looking into it.  It is all over the shop.

Yeah, they make that distinction in the article, but it's still kind of a thing.

::Nudges Shale to change his lead if he's gonna be on Team Alfonse::

General Chat / Re: Books
« on: June 02, 2018, 09:56:01 PM »
Flowers for Vashnoi- Vorkosigan short story. Enrique was a fun character to revisit and it was neat enough even if I'm not a huge fan of Kat. Related: Why is it that the most unquestionably positive mental image you get of Piotr in the series remains from freaking Cordelia?

I enjoyed it. Not fantastic, but very solid which is welcome after Gentleman Jole. Ekaterin is just fine when you can be in her mind, not so great out of it. FfV is sort of like her own personal Mountains of Mourning, if not quite as viscerally personal, affecting, and formative as that was for Miles. Seeing Enrique again was great though.

As for Piotr... she's the only character we really get to see interact with Piotr in any real extent other than the one chapter with Miles in the beginning of Warrior's Apprentice. You see all his different features as a person, positive and negative, and through Cordelia's eyes it is relatively unvarnished by a lens of filial relationship or responsibility. Miles is the one who lets Piotr's expectations for him weigh on him. We never get inside Aral's head. And no one else in the series that gets a viewpoint knew him or had a very close relationship with him. Plus you know, he was a complicated, stubborn man who lived a rough life at most of its stages due to repeated tragedies and war, and his redemption to his family came in a time period we skipped over. Not a whole lot of opportunity there.

Honestly I love Spoink. It's so stupid, but in an adorable way. One of the few that manages to register as "cute" for me, i guess.

Also this. Spoink and Spheal are my two favorite names and they're both just so goofily adorable looking

Without the balloon on its head Spoink is 4/5 on name alone.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:32:23 AM »
I had the exact opposite experiences honestly. Infinity War felt mostly predictable but still better than most Marvel, and Deadpool was just as good as the original and the best jokes/easter eggs weren't in the commercials.

I got the dirtiest looks when I started laughing like a loon during the whole Take On Me bit

Discussion / Re: DLCon 2018 Travel Topic
« on: May 18, 2018, 07:32:44 AM »
United 2032
August 14th
Leaves Orlando MCO 7:10AM
Arrives Newark EWR 9:44AM

United 991
August 21st
Leaves Newark EWR 3:38PM
Arrives Orlando MCO 6:18PM

Torkoal does feel like a more natural evolution to Numel than Camelrupt.

Discussion / Re: DLCon 2018: The Big Apple
« on: May 09, 2018, 02:34:21 AM »
Are tickets still absolutely ungettable unless a year in advance?

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