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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Ghaleon vs Necrosaro Magus (Janus Zeal) vs Jecht Lenus vs Juan Elly van Houten vs Milich Oppenheimer
Albedo vs Kuja Surt vs Ryu Gafgarion, Gaff vs Cait Sith Nina Wyndia vs Lucied
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Ghaleon (Lunars) Ghaleon vs Necrosaro Necrosaro (DW4)

The master of evolution versus the Magic Emperor. So who wins?

Ghaleon, of course. Not even Saro can beat that old time rock'n'roll.

Ghaleon: 19
Necrosaro: 15

[insert reference to Darwin]

...and *that* is why Necrosaro wins.

Albedo (XS) Albedo vs Kuja Kuja (FF9)

Kuja has higher base speed. Albedo can boost his speed to be higher.

Kuja has boss-immunity to Soul S. Albedo, having no level, is immune to Flare Star.

Kuja has crap healing with Curaga. Albedo has nasty damage with Fallen Angel.

Kuja has Reflect. Albedo's spells are not reflectable.

Kuja dresses like a slutty little girl. Albedo...well, we all know what he does to little girls.

So, Kuja has slightly more lasting power, nullifies Albedo's 3rd strongest attack, and gets first turn. Albedo keeps his best damage, nullifies Kuja's primary damage dealer, and has higher speed after first turn.

Geez, when you're facing a barrage of ~80+% attacks and all you have is 3HKO damage, you need more than a slight durability edge to win. For Kuja's sake, I just hope that Albedo can actually tell that he isn't a little girl (I know that I sure as hell couldn't when I first saw him, though, so I think monkeyboy might be having a busy night too).

Albedo: 24
Kuja: 19

Magus (Janus Zeal) (CT) Magus (Janus Zeal) vs Jecht Jecht (FFX)

Jecht, the gigantic Final Aeon, stood gloating over the diminutive Prince of Zeal.

"Bwhahaha! I'm the best, you pale little pretty-boy. What makes you think you can beat me?"

Magus stood, and smiled. Out of his cape he pulled a small bag, from which he took out bottle after bottle of assorted booze: Smirnoff, Jack Daniels, Tequila, among others. Jecht stood in awe, his mouth watering.

"All yours," Magus said, "if you forfeit the match. It's a lifetime supply of alcohol."

A few minutes and several dozen bottles later, Jecht lay unconscious on the ground, yet another failed AA member. And somewhere in the stands, a blonde-haired teenage cried out in frustration at the drunk man sprawled on the ground.

Magus (Janus Zeal): 31
Jecht: 21

Surt (VP1) Surt vs Ryu Ryu (BoF2)

Anyone whose played D&D should easily know who wins here. Dragons are a much higher difficulty level than giants are, being not only a higher level, but with more intelligence and defensive stats. Seriously...the d20 is on Ryu's side here.

Surt: 11
Ryu: 28

Lenus (LoD) Lenus vs Juan Juan (S3)

Hard to launch a flurry of fatal blows when you're encased in ice.

It's also hard to do anything but bleed when you get wave after wave of dark magic thrown at you. What a rude way to end someone's nap.

Lenus: 19
Juan: 12

Gafgarion, Gaff (FFT) Gafgarion, Gaff vs Cait Sith Cait Sith (FF7)

metriod composite
Well Gafgarion vs Cait Sith seems close, untill you realize


CAIT SITH IS THE OVERPOWERED MAIN OF FF7! But what about that SpikyHair dude, you say? Pfft, Aeris just put him in charge because she thought he was hot (and who wouldn't? Even Sephiroth wants him). No, clearly Cait Sith is the main of FF7. Who decides the group should collect huge materia? Cait Sith. Who decides to save Midgar from the weapon? Cait Sith again. Who saves Tifa and Barret from Shinra? Cait Sith. Who manages to attain ownership of an airship? Cait Sith once more. Who finds a way to extract the black materia from the runes? Cait Sith. Just about everything the party does is dictated by Cait Sith, but the rest of them don't notice since they're all too distracted by Cloud's scizophrenia, and thus are simply fooled by the easily manipulable puppet "leaders" such as Cid installed by, you guessed it, Cait Sith.

"So what about the overpowered bit?" you ask. Well Cait Sith starts with this uber-powerful Transform materia which can turn Gafgarion into a Frog, even in Gaffy's boss form! Isn't that overpowered enough for you?

So...brutally overpowered main, or random human boss who you dispatch partway through Chapter 2? I think the winner is obvious.

Gafgarion, Gaff: 27
Cait Sith: 31

Elly van Houten (XG) Elly van Houten vs Milich Oppenheimer Milich Oppenheimer (S1)

Elly entered the ring with her typical tipsiness, having been out drinking Geblar Gyro sause like she does before every match. Milich, on the other hand, looked troubled, but still had a cocky swagger in his step.


Milich raised his blade upwards and shouted, "By the power of Gay Thkull!" The spirits of every member of the Flamer squad, including Milich, came forth and pummeled Elly, knocking her down to 1 HP and inflicting her with sleep, confusion, berserk, stop, slow, paralysis, blindness, and silence all at once.

Unfortunately for the Flower General, the spirits all disappeared to another dimension. His body now an empty cast, Milich was considered dead by default.

On a related note, He-Man and Skeletor recently found a common nemesis.

Elly van Houten: 34
Milich Oppenheimer: 11

Elhaym is part of Mother, and has extremely potent ether abilities, perhaps only matched by Id, technically, or the other half of Mother, Miang. Milich is just as the description says: Big and Gay.

Elly has to hit Milich to put him to sleep, which is nigh impossible since Elly SUCKS ASS.

Nina Wyndia (BoF3) Nina Wyndia vs Lucied Lucied (WAs)

Nina takes one look at her first non puny opponent, and winces. Then fires off one of her trademark spells, and gets blasted to hell and back by Large Moon.

Nice to see Nina back to her old (losing) ways.

Nina Wyndia: 11
Lucied: 32

Rodent Revenge
Jogurt vs Big Joe
~Sir Donald

Tylor H
Jogurt is mighty, and in any test of strength is indeed greater than his supposedly 'great'opponent. However, Big Joe is both exciting and dynamic. And how can an overgrown rodent ever hope to compete with that?

Jogurt: 22
Big Joe: 27

Jogurt is a god. Big Joe has no chance.

Big Joe calls his fans and they all gangkill Jogurt.