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Isolde Schelling vs Luis Virgil Artea vs Ike Gafgarion, Gaff vs Guy Luke fon Fabre vs Vincent DeBoule
Cloud of Darkness vs Heat Ness vs Edea Kramer Noa vs Sharon Karyl Sheeden vs Tia
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Isolde Schelling (MK) Isolde Schelling vs Luis Virgil Luis Virgil (XS1)

Virgil learned a lot in his unlife.
Shion was an even bigger idiot than he imagined.
Those who rule the universe are largely douches interesting in seeing people suffer over and again.
There really are no therapists.
And most importantly, that sometimes the best move is to look ahead, see the incoming trainwreck, and exit stage left at the middle of the story.
What was this trainwreck? Well, considering that the winner of his match gets to face the undisputed Lord of the Tentacle Monsters in the finals? I think we can all take a good guess at the general shape of the carnage.

Isolde Schelling: 20
Luis Virgil: 4

Lezard Valeth
"Can we please stop having these bizzare matches," Nina (2nd) complained. "It's okay for the first time but this is getting out of hand."

In front of him is the usual baseball match involving Isolde, her mana as the bat and virgil as the ball.

".....," Ryu(2nd) noded in agreement.

"Do you want us to stop them?, Mika ask Ryu."

"......," Ryu said.

"Oh okay, after the match is done".

The next day, Isolde was found naked and beaten black and blue. Everybody suspects that Mika and Grave were behind this incident but none can prove it.

As for Virgil? He was grinning ear to ear when he read the news at the DL infirmary.

Cloud of Darkness (FF3) Cloud of Darkness vs Heat Heat (DDS)

I bet you're all expecting a tentacle sex joke here, aren't you? Well TOO BAD. This was a perfectly clean and straightforward fight, which Cloud of Darkness just so happened to win.

Cloud of Darkness: 14
Heat: 9

Artea (Lufia2) Artea vs Ike Ike (FE9)


He fights for his friends.
He's an elf.
Buddy cop show in the making? You bet.
Of course, we all know that the passionate cop who fights for the little guy and to keep his friends and family safe is, perhaps ironically, the loose cannon, the violent cowboy cop who likes the Bad Cop routine a little too much and, during the really dramatic bits, shoves his partner against the wall and dares, DARES him to "say that again".
Ike, being unaccustomed to acting, and Artea, being efficient, decided to practice their routine now, on the battle field. Afterall, DL medics were standing bye in case Ike got a little lost in the role. Which of course he did, winning the match, but really, that's nothing compared to a 5 year, multi-million television contract, right?

Artea: 12
Ike: 15

Ike: "I fight for my...."
Artea then blasts Ike with a Zap Spell. Seems like the developers forgot to give Ike something called "Magic defense"

Ness (EB) Ness vs Edea Kramer Edea Kramer (FF8)

Unfortunately, Edea burned up on re-entry on the way to the arena.

Well, roughly in that direction. Probably wouldn't have landed there.

It turns out that all the instant kill moves in the world won't save you from a random little girl blasting you skywards with a frying pan. You have to be careful with the ones with the quiet girlfriends.

Ness: 14
Edea Kramer: 13

Gafgarion, Gaff (FFT) Gafgarion, Gaff vs Guy Guy (FE7)

Drain! Drain! Drain! It's an endless cycle! How can you escape it?! How can you win if your opponent can feast on your own life?! How? Slay 'em in one blow! One overwhelming critical and Gafgarion's cut in twain. Night Sword won't heal up being cut in half, will it?

Gafgarion, Gaff: 19
Guy: 22

Noa (LoL) Noa vs Sharon Sharon (S3)

Wanting a break from the constant fighting, Sharon and Noa decided to settle this match with an exciting fishing contest! Let's go to our man on the scene, Richmond, for live coverage of this thrilling event.

- - -

"Do you have any threes?"

"Go fish."

"Hey, it's a three! I get another turn! Do you have any fives?"

"Yeah, here. I think you just won."

"Yeah, looks like it. Do you want to play again?"

"Sure! I'll shuffle."

"Okay. Um...what's with that guy in the trenchcoat over there?"

"I dunno, I think he's sleeping. Anyway, I'm done shuffling, so you can deal."

- - -

Um...right. So, that's all for our...exciting live coverage of the match. In a...stunning upset, Sharon won three games to Noa's one before they got thrown out of the arena to make room for something more bloody.

Noa: 11
Sharon: 13

Luke fon Fabre (TotA) Luke fon Fabre vs Vincent DeBoule Vincent DeBoule (S2)

Vincent entered the arena, waving to his many fans in the audience. With a flourishing bow and a sparkling smile, he greeted his brutish opponent in true gentlemanly fashion.

Luke said nothing, but merely readies his weapons. His trusty sword in one hand, and some manner of spray can in the other.

...wait, spray can?

Indeed, no sooner had the fight started then Luke charged at his opponent and sprayed some manner of masculine perfume right in his eyes(and all over most of the rest of him as well).

Recognizing the scent instantly, Vincent DeBoule turned on his heel and fled the arena with great haste...though whether it was to quickly take advantage of the legendary attractive properties of this substance before it wore off or to wash it off himself before any icky girls accosted him, no one was quite sure.

MORALE OF THE STORY: Being a narcissistic fop is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an AXE to the face.

Luke fon Fabre: 25
Vincent DeBoule: 6

Karyl Sheeden (ToD) Karyl Sheeden vs Tia Tia (Lufia2)

The whips.

The knives.

The...scanty see-thru dresses.

All of that and it was Tia's strength that saw her through this match.

Specifically it was Tia casting Strong over and over while Karyl ignored all of those things and tried to kill her.

Sometimes, even when you win, you lose. But in this case it's the kind of losing where you burn all the little pieces of the person left on the arena while muttering in rage, crying and wondering why you are completely invisible to everyone even remotely male.

Karyl Sheeden: 9
Tia: 17