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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Jenna Angel vs Xenobia Hilda Valentine vs Regal Bryant Teddie vs Ashton Anchors Mallow vs Jogurt
TimeLord vs Kuja Kary vs Janus Cascade Adray Lasbard vs Lun Euram Barows vs Jin Uzuki
Nel Zelpher vs Xorn Nina Wyndia vs Nash Rumack Kraken vs Joachim Valentine Dean Stark vs Laguna Loire
Asellus vs Ghaleon Glenn vs Lede Setzer Gabianni vs Yulie Ahtreide Draggy vs Alonso
Week 2 - Eliminations

Jenna Angel (DDS) Jenna Angel vs Xenobia Xenobia (Lunar1)


"... Magus ..."

"... Magus ..."

"...WAKE UP, YOU LAZY CAT-FOR-BRAINS!" Marle screamed into his ear. "You're missing it all- wow, that was a nasty left hook!"

Magus yawned. "Come on, it's just Jenna and Xenobia pulling cheap tri-"

The arena was massively impacted. Ruins and debris lay everywhere as the two fighters raged at each other, wrestling and pinning and blasting away with magic straight into each other's faces. Magus blinked.

And then blinked again.

"Wait, neither Jenna nor Xenobia are trying dirty tricks?"

"They originally just planned a slugfest, but then Xenobia spiked her fist with magic, so Jenna Debilitated her and the match devolved from th-...OW." As Jenna's Bhairava went straight through Xenobia's chest, Marle whistled. "Damn, guess that makes Jenna the winner. Shiny fight, though."

"...shiny?" Magus muttered, before reporting the match results.

Jenna Angel: 25
Xenobia: 13

TimeLord (Saga) TimeLord vs Kuja Kuja (FF9)

"Hmph." "Hmph."

The two stood, calmly facing each other.

"Hmph." "Hmph."

"..........." Yuna simply stared, dumbfounded, as Rikku played with a yoyo. "Isn't this... the seventh hour...?"

"Yup. You didn't miss much, Paine's out for her break." Rikku yawned a bit, walking the dog. "So. Neither's moved."

"...this is inane." Yuna muttered, sitting in her chair.


"...isn't there a time limit on matches?" Rikku wailed. Paine, reading Hot Rump, did not immediately respond, prompting further wailing from Rikku. She had already rebraided her hair. Three times.


"Do these two have nothing better to do...?" Paine grumbled, eyeing the clock as midnight swept past. "I'd like to make them hurt, but... can't interfere in the damn match... feh."


"Got any eights?" "Go fish. Rikku, got any fives?" "Hehe, go fish!" "Feh..." "Yunie, got any jacks?" "Go fish." "Awww."


Rikku looked over at the dozing Paine at the judges' desk. "How can she fall asleeeep here, Yunie?"

"You expect me to know?" Yuna shrugged. "Let's just hope this damn thing resolves sometime within the next centur- wait. Where'd they go? And where's Timelo-"

"I'm over here." The two jumped and turned toward the door to see Timelord drop an unconscious Kuja on the floor. "He fell asleep. Thus, I believe I am the victor?"

"Sure, whatever." Yuna blurted out. "You can win. But how did you stay standing for so long?!"

"...So long? It was but a few minutes." Timelord grinned. "Even his ego cannot stand for that lon-"

As Timelord ducked Paine's blade, Rikku rolled in and grabbed Timelord's head. "A FEW MINUTES?!?! YOU'VE HAD US HERE FOR FIFTEEN HOURS, YOUUUUUUUU---------!!!"


Timelord was reported the victor, but had to be resurrected due to having been turned to a pile of smoldering nuclear ash. Kuja, comparatively, was lucky.

TimeLord: 36
Kuja: 10

Nel Zelpher (SO3) Nel Zelpher vs Xorn Xorn (G3)

"HUGS AND FLUFFY KITTENS FOR ALL!" Xorn's new campaign, recommended by his PR agent, had taken everyone by surprise. Most of all, his current opponent Nel.

...who was buried in a pile of magically conjured kittens before she could move. Unable to fight, the win went to Xorn.

...alas, the time after the match during which he tried to follow up on his promise of hugs was the fastest thing to empty the Arena seats since drunk naked dancing Brahne had broken in.

Nel Zelpher: 9
Xorn: 32

Asellus (Saga) Asellus vs Ghaleon Ghaleon (Lunars)

In the Godlike arenas, if you strain your ears a bit, you could almost hear a light tap tap tap as Ghaleon impatiently waited for his opponent while a growing murmur spread amongst the guys in the audience.

"And that's time. Ghaleon wins thanks to a no-show" Chaos sighed. "Bah, figures the one time I referee, the newbie Godlike chickens out of her ceremonial beating."

Sighing at what turned out to be a waste of time, Ghaleon teleported his way out of the arena as a roar of boos started from the more rowdy and suicidal of men in the audience. He wondered where his opponent went.

He also wondered where the females that usually made up a good chunk of his audience went.

Asellus: 9
Ghaleon: 36

Hilda Valentine (SH3) Hilda Valentine vs Regal Bryant Regal Bryant (ToS)

Today is a happy day. Regal comes into the arena and doesn't even get time to blather before Hilda Grand Slams him well outside of hearing distance. If only she was in ToS to spare everyone the pain of his blather.

Of course, knowing Regal's luck, he'll complain about some long lost something no one cares about while wrestling with a meteor in low earth orbit before he crashes into a pillow factory, unharmed.

Hilda Valentine: 25
Regal Bryant: 10

Kary (FF1) Kary vs Janus Cascade Janus Cascade (WA3)

"A fiend? Feh!" Janus fehed. "Why should I be afraid of a no style villain from some backward planet? I had toyed around with the heroes of my world, trounced her rival, strung around my employees, took out their nigh-invlnerable robot guardian, and would have gotten away with becoming the king of the world if it wasn't for that literal diabolus ex machina. Tell me, what advantage could you possibly have over ghhk!"

"For one thing, I dont talk too much," Kary said as she pulled her blades out of Janus sideways, "and I know when to go straight for the kill."

And with that she slithered away as the Drifter fell behind her in pieces.

Kary: 34
Janus Cascade: 19

Nina Wyndia (BoF2) Nina Wyndia vs Nash Rumack Nash Rumack (Lunar1)

Normally, you'd think Nash wins this with silence and moves on, right? Well, no, see, Nina's not dumb. not only does she know she can't win, but being part bird, she has a natural fear of crossbows...Needless to say, she just forfeits before any further embarrasment can be struck.

Nina Wyndia: 18
Nash Rumack: 34

Glenn (CC) Glenn vs Lede Lede (FFT)


"Beware demon assassin, and prepare for defeat." Glenn intoned as he readied his blades "Your dreaded Stop Breath attack shall be of no use here for I, Glenn, had trained to hold my breath for ten minutes!"

Nodding, Lede Shadow Stitched Glenn in place, struck his chest using her Stop Breath technique, then pulled out a book to wait out ten minutes and one second.

Glenn: 10
Lede: 49

Teddie (Pers4) Teddie vs Ashton Anchors Ashton Anchors (SO2)

"Oh, they're so kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!" Teddie squealed, scratching Ururun's neck. "How'd you get these? Can I get two, too? Oh, I do so want some! I can't bear this, hehehehe!"

Teddie ended up throwing the match, defeated and awed by the power of "kyute" the dragons possessed. Ashton, clueless, still accepted the win willingly.

Teddie: 19
Ashton Anchors: 20

From what I remember, Ashton can't hit worth a damn, so Teddie will probably outlast him.

Adray Lasbard (SO3) Adray Lasbard vs Lun Lun (S5)

"Oh hell no!" yelled Lun as Adray went into father mode on her, as a long suffering Clair stood testimony as to the catostrophic results of something like that "Now I have to deal with not one, but two overbearing male figures!? Forget it" With that Lun turned high tails from the arena and fled as fast and as far away from Adray as possible. We wish her the very best of luck. The old man may be slow but when he sets his mind to something he's as stubborn as a rock.

Adray Lasbard: 30
Lun: 8

Kraken (FF1) Kraken vs Joachim Valentine Joachim Valentine (SH2)

Joachim's muscles strained as his well-oiled body fought against the coiling tentacles of Kraken. With a loud grunt he managed to pull himself free and land with a grunt as the sweat on his flesh glistened from the lights in the arena, most of his clothes having long been torn away during the battle. Watching Kraken tense up, he readied himself for the worst but was unprepared for the inky fluid that the fiend squeezed out of its appendages and splattered all over his face. As the beautiful vampire wiped the drippy liquid out of his eyes, Joachim cried out in surprise as Kraken was on him again, the water demon's many limbs squeezing him tight in a powerful embrace.

...and in Asellus' castle, a legion of female voices went SQUEEEE as a multitude of wide-screen holographic terminals showed the fight in high-definition and every possible angle that could be imagined, complete with stereo surround sound.

"The moment I heard about this match, I had Time Lord to set up several scrying points in the arena then asked Lucca to hook them up to the best video and audio technology that I could reasonably obtain with some assistance from Belial just in case she needed to alter the fabrics of reality to get it done. You must admit, this IS better than getting the ceremonial welcome to Godlike."

Sierra let out a laugh, "True. Though a question: Don't you swing the other way?"

"I do." Asellus answered as she let her gaze rest on one of the many beauties she had invited to watch in her castle.

Sierra could only shake her head in amusement as she got back to watching Joachim's futile, yet strangely erotic, struggles against the tentacled Kraken.

Kraken: 28
Joachim Valentine: 22

Setzer Gabianni (FF6) Setzer Gabianni vs Yulie Ahtreide Yulie Ahtreide (WA4)

"To harm a beauty as fair as yours...? I cannot do it, not in this way. Let us settle this with a coin flip, mademoiselle?" Setzer crooned. Yulie, for her part, was offended.

"Look, I don't know what you want from me, but stay the hell away!"

"Come now. It's simple. Call it in the air-" Setzer flipped the coin- "Heads, or taOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW"

Yulie finished digging her heels into Setzer's foot. "You are a piggish man and should be ashamed of yourself!"

"...m-my-myfoo-fooooot..." Setzer muttered, clutching it in pain.

"Hmph. Get out of here, and do not return! I don't want to see your face again!"

Setzer left the field post-haste, leaving Yulie the victor.

Setzer Gabianni: 19
Yulie Ahtreide: 39

Mallow (SMRPG) Mallow vs Jogurt Jogurt (SF1)

There's a mathematical theory involving Jogurts. How many of the little rodents -does- it take to win a fight? Against someone with MT, it is an known. Perhaps an infinite number of Jogurts, stretching endlessly across the DL universe with deadened eyes and murder in their hearts could perhaps literally drown a foe in mighty helmet covered hamster corpses.

All this flashed through Jogurt's mind before Mallow squashed him with a symbol and claimed a free win. Welp. Maybe Jogurt ought to look into a new helmet.

Mallow: 48
Jogurt: 8

Euram Barows (S5) Euram Barows vs Jin Uzuki Jin Uzuki (XS2)

Euram regains his sense of honor and dignity at the end of the game, in several touching scenes. Jin... let's not go there, but it's bad. What Euram never gained was the ability to actually -fight-. While his swordsmanship may scare the mighty Jogurt and perhaps a Suikodog or two, it won't do much more than get a belly laugh from Jin- and the usual brutal beating Euram gets every time he tries to fight.

Euram Barows: 6
Jin Uzuki: 34

Dean Stark (WA5) Dean Stark vs Laguna Loire Laguna Loire (FF8)

Unfortunately, Dean was unable to show up in battle.

Jack had sued Dean for using the names of Black Fenril and Meteor Dive. Their court hearing was scheduled today.

Not that Jack minded the Copyright Infringement, after all, many weapons and moves in the multiverse are called the same.

But using those sacred names for his shovel!? Well, there are some things that even he couldn't let past.

Dean Stark: 18
Laguna Loire: 23

Draggy (CC) Draggy vs Alonso Alonso (G3)

Alonso, proving what a man he is, beats up a baby dragon in an attempt to impress everyone with his wit and power.

Much like the last time he tried to use either, it made him look like a complete jackass and a bully to boot. I hope you enjoy the lynch mob after you for hurting poor Draggy, loser!

Draggy: 12
Alonso: 29