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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Kyogre vs TimeLord Riou vs Crono Oscar vs Boyd Jet Enduro vs Soren
Royce vs Cloud of Darkness Georg Prime vs Grahf Beowulf Kadmus vs Anastasia Romanov Rude vs Miranda
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Kyogre (PKMN) Kyogre vs TimeLord TimeLord (Saga)

As mighty of a sea beast as Kyogre is, mastery over time is unfortunately a bit too much for mastery over water. Better luck next time, fishface.

Kyogre: 8
TimeLord: 31

Royce (Lunar1) Royce vs Cloud of Darkness Cloud of Darkness (FF3)

Royce frowned. This would be a difficult matchup, indeed, Why, the Cloud of Darkness had the audacity to be even more... daringly... dressed than she! Clearly, she needed to appeal to a different demographic... and the crystal ball would grant her the insight she needed..


"And so that's why she's dressed as Zidane." Deis finished with a grin.

Jessica and Terra eyed Deis, before glancing to the battle, where Cloud of Darkness was frantically bashing a comatose Royce. "I get why Cloud of Darkness is trying to wipe Royce from existence - some things shouldn't be seen." Jessica commented with a shiver. "But why didn't Royce see that this would be a stupid maneuver?"

Terra chuckled at this. "That'd be because Locke, ah, 'discovered' her crystal ball six days ago. I see why you asked me to have that done, now."

Deis nodded happily. "We can't let a girl like Royce ruin all our scantily-clad reputations, after all."

"...So you let someone even less-well dressed step in?"

"She isn't human, Jessica." Deis shrugs.


Royce: 15
Cloud of Darkness: 23

Riou (S2) Riou vs Crono Crono (CT)

Just what the hell is Riou doing in heavy anyways. You can hype Crono's minor holy res[debatable as it is] all you want, Forgiver Sign just does too much damage.

Riou: 40
Crono: 10

Georg Prime (Suikos) Georg Prime vs Grahf Grahf (XG)

What does the Seeker of Power has that could tempt Georg? Riches? Power? HA. Georg's already one of the best swordfighters in his universe, only eclipsed by Luca Blight and possibly Ferid Falenas. What need does Georg have for money? His adventures across his world has given him all the material things he needs, including a rather sharp sword used to end countless evildoers.

Grahf may be able to take down gears with his bare hands, but taking down Georg Prime in a fair fight? Not happening.

Georg Prime: 29
Grahf: 17

Oscar (FE9) Oscar vs Boyd Boyd (FE9)

The crowd was teeming with fangirls, cheering on either brother as the two grimly faced each other down. Deis slid into the spectator's box right in front, with Jessica and Terra close behind. "Meanwhile, our avid supporters have gathered in this arena, in protest of the perversion that was the Godlike match-"

"Deis, we helped -propogate- that perversion." Terra said tiredly.

"Well, yes, but casualties must be made for the greater plan." Deis smiled as Alice came up, whistle in hand to start the match.

"Greater plan." Jessica repeated, flatly.

"Yes." Deis smiled. "Now, keep your eyes on the prizes, ladies..." she murmured as she raised a camera, ready.

Both Jessica and Terra shot her a confused look. "Prizes? What do you mean, pri-"

Alice blew the whistle. The arena was quiet for a very short moment, the only motion Deis' grin widening still further and Oscar and Boyd's sprint toward each other... suddenly stopping.

Then all hell broke loose. Camera flashes went off as fangirls swarmed into the arena, covering Boyd and Oscar completely within seconds. Deis lowered her own digital camera before grinning at Terra and Jessica. "Isn't magic grand, my friends?"

Jessica spoke first. "A... whistle that disrobes the combatants. I'm impressed."

"... I guess the metaphor is 'eighteen charisma under the hood'." Terra said, face rather flushed.

"Indeed. Who says the male perverts get to have all the fun, after all?" Deis hummed, putting the camera away. "Impressed enough to sign on?"

The two slowly nodded. "Sure, why not." "Hey, means I get to torture the male pervert's league. Can't be all bad."

Deis gave a cheshire grin. "Excellent. Shall we retire to Creation Cafe? Lenneth's providing the coffee and Alice is bringing donuts."

Terra shot Deis a confused look. "Alice's a member? Doesn't that conflict with Yuri..."

"The two seem to have come to an agreement." Deis shrugs. "One that involves whipped cream on both of them. Off we go, then."

Oscar: 6
Boyd: 33

Really, I COULD make a joke about axes being planted into faces here, but that's all old and done. Clearly I should make some crack about how Boyd can plant BOWS in peoples faces.

Beowulf Kadmus (FFT) Beowulf Kadmus vs Anastasia Romanov Anastasia Romanov (SH2)

Clear Tranquil
Achoo! Achoo! Sneezed Beowulf. Upon hearing she’d be facing the status pimp Beowulf for this round Ana arrived at the arena packed with as many status blocking accessories that she could think of. However nobody told her that in the meantime Beowulf had been feeling rather under the weather and thus started the match packed with the flu.
“Eww gross!” the young mage exclaimed “I’m not fighting that!”
Afraid of getting too close to Beo in case she caught the flu Anastasia produced a white flag from somewhere and waved it as she sauntered off. Somehow she managed to pull this off with as much dignity as possible. She is a royal after all.
Shortly afterwards though she lost all dignity as she passed out snoring on a random DL bench (she didn't think anyone was looking!) SH status blockers might help with some illnesses but they can’t help with the fatigue of flu. Somehow Beowulf’s sleep strategy ended up working after all just in case Ana changed her mind about fighting the match. She slumbered well past the match time limit anyway and Beowulf was declared the unanimous winner upon which he promptly collapsed himself. It’d taken every ounce of will power to start the match despite his illness but oh it had been worth it. Especially the look of horror on Anastasia’s face.
Don’t worry though as usual the DL hospital will have both fighters ready for their next matches. Bwhahaha!

Beowulf Kadmus: 32
Anastasia Romanov: 16


Ana is a princess photographer with mystical unexplained magic powers and an egg.

Beowulf is a templar with mastery over arcane sword techniques designed to ruin the day of the enemy via usage of non-traditional means of incapacitation.

Gee, I wonder who's better equipped for a duel?

Jet Enduro (WA3) Jet Enduro vs Soren Soren (FE9)

Lezard Valeth
Jet Vs Soren is another case of never ever bringing a staff or a mage into a gunfight.

"How come they never learn", Jet asked as he walked Away from the bullet ridden corpse of Soren.

Jet Enduro: 22
Soren: 16


Rude (FF7) Rude vs Miranda Miranda (G3)

Scientific fact: Cool shades are superior to disproportionately youthful mothers.

Rude: 28
Miranda: 17