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Lady vs Loki Decus vs Feena Tengaar vs Hahn Mahlay Jewel vs Erk
Week 5 - Semifinals

Lady (SH3) Lady vs Loki Loki (VP1)

A stunned gasp.

A slow, slumping to the ground.

Loki's hands convulsively clutching the Dragon Orb.

And then releasing it, as he slid into death...


"...I swear, I have to do this entirely too often. And this particular job? I have to do it again!? You people are horribly irresponsible." Lenneth muttered, as she made preparations.

"I keep trying to tell you, it's not my fault! I'm just one of the survivors!" Demi sighed.

"Well, the judges really shouldn't have let a force of pure and complete Malice-based destruction pick up the Dragon Orb." Lenneth sighed. "Or even be within a mile of it. Now I'm having to do the same job over again. What's next? Is Lezard going to ruin everyone's lives again?"

"No, that was just Zidane, I believe." Wren noted.

Lenneth ignored him, and continued her annoyed rant, as she prepared to reconstitute the Duelling League's world.



"...so. Uh. I keep wondering." Killer began to Lady.

Lady tilted her head at him, curiously.

"Is...you know. Is it actually as fun as I think it is to destroy the world?" Killer asked, almost shyly.

Lady smiled.

"Damnit. You're a bad influence on me. Now I'm going to have to get my hands on that thing."


Fourty-three destructions of the local universe by various joy-riding villians later, Loki finally said to hell with it and bought a safe for the Dragon Orb.

The remarkable thing is that this didn't happen earlier, really.

Lenneth's taking a vacation. If she has to remake this universe one more time, she's going to scream.

Lady: 34
Loki: 14

Decus (SO2) Decus vs Feena Feena (G1)

Rule 1: Fire burns.

Rule 2: Bosses who use fire aren't going to be outburned by a PC.

Rule 3: Decus is a boss. Feena is a PC.

Rule 4: Feena barbeque, anyone?

Decus: 32
Feena: 18

Tengaar (Suikos) Tengaar vs Hahn Mahlay Hahn Mahlay (PS4)

Hunter Sopko
Hahn had heard all about Tengaar's little contest against Alice, and he was going to have none of it. He deftly avoided the girl from the Warrior's Village all week, much to her frustration. She'd had the perfect contest to win over the schoolboy too! She didn't mind pounding his face in, but it felt much better to outwit people, as she discovered this season.

Much to Tengaar's disappointment, Hahn seemed to have his own little game. As she stepped out into the arena, she noticed him sitting behind a table, with two glasses sitting on it. She sat down carefully, wary of traps.

Hahn simply smiled. "Since you seem to enjoy playing games to win these matches, I decided to play one of my own. There are two glasses, one of them has a powerful poison in it. Choose which one you will drink. Care to try it out?"

Tengaar thought about it, then nodded.

"Excellent! Though I warn you, it's not advisable to go in against a Motavian when death is on the line."

Tengaar simply smirked and went into deep thought regarding her choice...


Yuri had enjoyed the match immensely, and insisted on throwing a party for Hahn after his win. Having to be embarassed by his contest with Hix didn't sit right with Yuri, so a win for Hahn was as good as a revenge in his book. But there was one thing that he needed tell Hahn.

"I'm actually rather impressed. You put the poison in your own glass. Takes guts to do that."

Hahn just smiled. "Oh, that? There was no poison. I just cast Vol under the table while she was distracted by drinking."

Yuri's eyes went wide. "Wow. Thats pretty underhanded."

Hahn kept the smile. "Hey, I DID warn her. Don't go in against a Motavian when death is on the line."

Tengaar: 26
Hahn Mahlay: 27

Jewel (S4) Jewel vs Erk Erk (FE7)

When your claim to power is a WATER RUNE and you're in light, you know you're a Suikoscrub. Compared to a blastin', thrashin' wizard like Erk and you see why Jewel goes down in flames.

Jewel: 25
Erk: 26

Unheralded Battles of the Lion War: True Calculators vs. The Zombie Pirates


Aside from having to rely on Algus not failing, Balthier soon discovered that the Calculators had another very strange strength that made his goal difficult. Every time he seemed to be winning, successfully whittling them all down and barricading Algus safely in a corner, the universe mysteriously reset itself. He could have sworn that this same "luck" was on his side when fighting tough Hunts in his own time, but no more. Had Ramza calculated the Eternity Equation that would enable him to control time, space, and causality itself? Had fate abandoned the protagonist of our tale?

The answer: Yes. Yes it had. It's always easier to win when every time your opponent gets lucky and has his steals actually work, you just reload the game. At least Balthier learned the price for teaming up with one such as Algus.

Zombie Pirates: 19
True Calculators: 31

Ahhhh, Algus.

You died as you lived.

Getting punked by a bunch of people with sticks, while the player looks on and laughs.

Well, maybe that only happened in SCCs...

And maybe the player wasn't Balthier, who decided to just say the hell with it and let "Argath" get his ass kicked...

But the point is, Algus always gets what he deserves out of life.

Namely, getting his ass kicked by a bunch of scrubs, no matter how good he gets.