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Zophar vs Rolf Landale Ted vs Marcello Rutee Katrea vs Cecile Kwanda Rosman vs Joker
Lavos vs Jenna Angel Hilda Valentine vs Lassic Dart vs Gale Ricardo Gomez vs Serph
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Zophar (Lunar2) Zophar vs Rolf Landale Rolf Landale (PS2)

The power of anger.

A dangerous, relentless, unstoppable force.

As one person was soon to find out.


The explosion was monumental.

Waves of energy smashed the front rows of the stands to ashen rubble.

The arena center was naught but a crater.

And only one figure stood.

Zophar laughed maniacally.

"Never call me a transvestite to my face." Zophar stated simply, as he walked out of the arena.

Naturally, Zophar's proud of his title. It means his(?) beauty truly is that outstanding.

But villians have a reputation to keep up, you know?

Zophar: 37
Rolf Landale: 8

Lavos (CT) Lavos vs Jenna Angel Jenna Angel (DDS)

Two creatures.

Both indeterminate of sex and sanity.

Both capable of unspeakable deeds to get their way.

Both, in their own ways, horrific monsters.

There was only one way to settle such a match.

A pole-dancing contest!


"And remember," Jenna said calmly, tossing the Profound Darkness' battered hulk back into the judges box. "You really need to have enough power to enforce these kinds of matches." She said calmly.

Zio and Endora nodded dumbly in response.

Oblivious to the change of plans, a well-oiled giant-spiney-shelled beast attempted to wrap it's self around a fifty-foot-wide pole.

Ultimately, Lavos lost simply for being unable to adjust to plans quickly, as a Bhairava during it's pole dance proved.

Sadly for Lavos, he lost more when he was voted the Duelling League's Least Sexy Shelled Being.

As of now, Lavos is currently attempting to find and kill Bowser.

Lavos: 12
Jenna Angel: 34

Yeah I got nothin other then hey I voted Lavos I think he can do it... it'll be intense fight but he won't win... but hey go Lavos anyways

Ted (S4) Ted vs Marcello Marcello (DQ8)

Marcello shook his head, stunned.

One blow?

He'd been struck down by one, single attack?

How was this possible?


As Marcello slid to the ground, his grip on the cane in his hand loosening, he knew there was only one way to right this indignity.

With the last ounce of strength he had, he hurled his staff into the stands...


"Duelling League police are thankfully for the vigilante attempts to subdue the violent beast." Chisato reported, from the ruins of a recently-used arena. "After all, they're currently chronically underfunded, largely volunteer, and this message is entirely unrelated to them taking out ads on this station asking for more charitable donations."

"To recap: Currently the dark monster that rampaged through the arena, shredding Ted's body into lifelessness, has been subdued, and authorities are confident that the beast will not prove a serious threat for some time to come. Marcello has been repremanded for such a punative event, though arguably the dark powers in his staff are not technically his fault, as his lawyers are stating. While the beast is still at large, Duelling League residents are not truly at very much more danger than normal." Chisato finished. "That's a rap. I hate days with actual news." She sighed. "...Damn it, Gilgamesh, I told you to save some of those donuts." She added as the camera was belatedly cut off.


"Poshu-SHU! My dark reign will shatter all of those puuuny fools soon!" The evil beast, injured, bellowed into the night sky from her secure, high mountain cave. "They will learn to mess with the power of evil! POSHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"

Ted: 35
Marcello: 15

Hilda Valentine (SH3) Hilda Valentine vs Lassic Lassic (PSs)

Have you ever seen a demon in flight?

Of course you have, it's a common cliche.

Even the demonically possessed, those of great evil power, can fly easily.

In Lassic's case, he can not only fly, but survive in space.

Sweet, chubby Hilda, however, hadn't really put much thought to the subject, as she proved with her mighty Grand Slam.

An hour later, after being informed patiently four times that it wasn't actually a ringout until the opponent fell, Hilda was very depressed, and crushed.

After Lassic steered the Air Castle into the arena.

Hilda Valentine: 11
Lassic: 31

Rutee Katrea (ToD) Rutee Katrea vs Cecile Cecile (S3)

This fight was a dilemma. For both sides.

On Cecile's side was the knowledge that any damage she dealt could be healed.

Rather a depressing thing, when you don't deal that much damage to start with; Cecile was saddened by the idea of fighting for hours.

Rutee was similarly depressed.

After all, she had to tink away at armor several thousand times to defeat her opponent. A recipe for exhaustion, if not carpal tunnel.

So, with some discussion, both sides were able to make a satisfactory bargain that skipped hours of needless toil and made everyone happier, as befitting these two fighters.

Of course, loading up Thomas with aphrodesiac was not only highly immoral, but worked remarkably poorly, but hey, at least Cecile has finally gotten him to kiss her. And in the end, that's all that really matters. To them.

And only them.

If that's all that really matters to you, don't tell me. I don't want to know about it. Seriously.

Rutee Katrea: 30
Cecile: 15

Dart (FE7) Dart vs Gale Gale (DDS)

A wise man once said "What's in a name?".

Perhaps this match is an example of this.

After all, one would assume that a powerful gale would blow away a small projectile.

Such a object would be struck violently by the whimsey of the wind, quite probably harmed greatly, and would struggle to even strike the mark at all.

Certainly, the dart would have a chance, but by no means would it be large. It would require luck and skill, and the wind would, most of the time, be triumphant anyways.

Of course, names have nothing to do with reality. There's nothing to a name...

But sometimes coincidences are really cool like that, aren't they?

Dart: 18
Gale: 26

Kwanda Rosman (S1) Kwanda Rosman vs Joker Joker (S3)

Kwanda Rosman.

Impenetrable wall of a man, towering figure in pure steel.

Wielding the unstoppable axe, he was a force to be reckoned with, capable of striking a man to his doom with a well placed blade to the cranium before he know what had hit him.

Fearless, intelligent, courageous, a hero.

Kwanda Rosman.

Dead of heat stroke within a minute of the match starting.

No matter how much you have going for you, you don't take fire well in full plate mail.

Kwanda Rosman: 3
Joker: 54

Ricardo Gomez (SH3) Ricardo Gomez vs Serph Serph (DDS)

See Serph.
See Serph meet Ricardo in battle.
Fight, Serph, fight.

See Ricardo.
See Ricardo set fire to Serph's face with Hot Blood.
Laugh, Ricardo, laugh.

Ricardo Gomez: 27
Serph: 17

Rising Waters

What could possibly go wrong with a plan like Gobi's? He had thought through every POSSIBLE contingency!

Well... not really, but blind luck saved the day. The Duelling League was now submerged and all Gobi's naysayers had only EbbX-style punishment to look forward to.

Beware Light, the day of reckoning is coming...

(To Snowfire: Awesome bonus!)

Ashe: 19
Heroes: 10
Gobi: 24