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Fou-Lu vs Zophar Sierra Mikain vs Artea Tristan Zenobia vs Blaziken Tony vs Opera Vectra
Week 5 - Semifinals

Fou-Lu (BoF4) Fou-Lu vs Zophar Zophar (Lunar2)

Fou-Lu vs. Zophar, uber GOD vs. uber GOD The duel to end all duels, as well as everything else more then likely.



-Powerful magic attacks? Check! (*see Zophar's spell list and Fou's Mag Def)

-Quick and powerful magic? Check! (*see Blue Pillar, Gold Flash)

-Powerful fire and other elemental magic? Check! (*see Fou-Lu weaknesses)

-An attack with the power to OHKO GLs? BIG Check!

-Good durability and endurance with astronomical HP? Check!

-Good healing? Check!


*Zophar gets, no, TAKES his revenge on Fou.

Fou-Lu: 26
Zophar: 30

Fou-Lu wins, further showing off that none in the godlike are a match for the immortal unstopable Endless

Fou-Lu the wind benath your wings mate

It's Fou-lu, 'nuff said.

All hail the strongest Godlike final ever!

Sierra Mikain (S2) Sierra Mikain vs Artea Artea (Lufia2)

Let's look at the facts here. Artea and Sierra are both pale skinned weirdos who shun the company of most humans. Now, we know Sierra is a vampire, so what does that make Artea? A emo goth, naturally. You know what happens when an emo goth sees a vampire? That's right, boys and girls!

Artea is an instant groupie of Sierra. Oh sure, that holy magic will irritate Sierra at first, but what vampire turns down a willing groupie? Especially one with tasty blood and who would make a lovely little vampiric helper. So with that mindset, do you think Artea's gonna even -try- resisting Sierra's attack in the arena? Arty's going to be making poetry about the vampire girl in front of him or welcoming her 'embrace'.

I feel bad for whomever gets to sort that mess out.

Sierra Mikain: 28
Artea: 25

Sierra is a badass.

Tristan Zenobia (OB) Tristan Zenobia vs Blaziken Blaziken (PKMN)

This was to be an epic battle. It was to finally discover who would win between a well trained General Prince and a Flaming Kick Boxing Chicken. Yes, everyone expected it to be one of the finest middle matches of all time!

...until it was revealed by the judges that the match was to be decided in a round of Jeopardy.

And since neither Mewtwo or Lugia were around to translate, Blaziken not only couldn't really answer much outside of his name, but also failed to answer in the form of a question, giving Tristan the win by default.

Tristan Zenobia: 27
Blaziken: 14

Blaziken is a pushover.

Tony (WA4) Tony vs Opera Vectra Opera Vectra (SO2)

Opera smiled.

She knew her opponent.

Maligned constantly, beaten up by children despite mechanical support...why, even in his run in the League, he'd had a terrible life.

He'd be putty in her hands. A little leg shown, a sultry glance, a casual grin...those fools that thought their lives were horrible always were willing to think that, like a B-movie, love and perfect happiness was around the corner.

Sure, it was a little mean of Opera, but overall, so was shooting him in the face with a cannon. How could she feel bad about it?


Tony stared down at Opera in shock.

He'd be so furious, so angry at everything, that, as per his custom recently, he'd taken it out on his opponent the moment he could.

It wasn't until the haze of his anger cleared that he realized she was...hitting...on...him?

A glimmer in his eyes, he marched solemnly out of the arena, Light Champion. But with a great sadness in his heart.

Sometimes, when you win, you lose.

And sometimes, when you win, you think you lose, but have won more and are accidentally deluded into thinking the silver lining has a cloud, ruining your day anyways.


...Well, maybe that's just Tony.

Tony: 29
Opera Vectra: 28

DL team battles: Round I

Sometimes, people have to face up to facts. Facts like how the only two things eternal are death and taxes. Or how people will likely not win the lottery.

...or in the case of Crono's team, how very limited resources hinder you against -truly- powerful opponents. How all the spiritedness and willpower you may have holds nothing compared to someone who is just plain better in every way. How discretion is the better part of valor. How it was a bad idea to laugh after Cyril started shouting "Dead Long Fuun!" when casting Wind of Destruction...

...It didn't take them past the first Earthquake to realize that what can go wrong, will. Too bad the three didn't have much longer to live to ponder on that point.

Team Indalecio: 38
Team Crono: 15

Tylor H
Why Team Crono? Because one of their hallmarks is that they work as a team, through thick and thin, to ensure that they are victorious together. As for Indy and Cyril? Cyril's gonna be looking for the first chance to stab his 'master' in the back, and that's gonna cost them the match.

...where's the option for Cyril to give Indalecio the finger and switch over to Team Crono and help them kill Indalecio? And then kill Team Crono since they're weakened from the battle? (And then rule the universe. Somehow.)