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Orlandu, Cidolfas vs Purim Emily vs Alena Bowman Jean vs Warlock Rikimaru vs Gadget Z
Geshp vs Zog Zeno vs Knight Jude Maverick vs Porom Mustadio Bunanza vs Jin Uzuki
Odd Eye vs Altima Nina Wyndia vs Jaheira Midboss vs Blanca Roy vs Rufus Shinra
Magus (Janus Zeal) vs Myria Maya Schroedinger vs Rose Berserk vs Kukuru Aeris Gainsborough vs Virginia Maxwell
Week 2 - Eliminations

Orlandu, Cidolfas (FFT) Orlandu, Cidolfas vs Purim Purim (SoM)

Orlandu waited patiently as the young lass entered the arena. "Well, then, my lady... Care to resign now, and save us all some time?" The girl shook her head, then motioned to the judges to start the match. Orlandu laughed, and hefted his sword.

Only to get mowed down by Ultima, Fire 2, and Drain spells from the suddenly flying warrior maiden.


"You dyed Terra's hair and sent her in for you? Man, and you call me cheap!" Popoi muttered.

"Oh, shush. Terra wanted to have some fun, so I decided, hey, why not?" Purim chuckled as she leaned back in her recliner and watched the massacre.

"...So. What was the deal?"

"She gets to mow down Orlandu, and I get to date that man with the cute moustache." Purim said. "He's dreeeeeeeeeamy..."

"Cyan wouldn't go anywhere near you, girl." Popoi scoffed.

"Who said anything about Cyan?!?" Purim yelled angrily. "Keep your opinions to yourself!"

"...Right. I'll be... ah, over here, by the, ah, window." Popoi scurried away, leaving Purim to her fantasies. "Mmmm, Banon..."

Orlandu, Cidolfas: 66
Purim: 19

...I pity Purim, I really do.

Geshp (SF2) Geshp vs Zog Zog (BoF1)

You know the saying the simplest solution is always the best? Well, ZOg applied that very same logic here, and after transforming into his large dragon form, he simply ATE Geshp, and got a victory as such. Its nice when your mouth is larger than your oponnent, eh?

Geshp: 22
Zog: 38

In D&D, dragons are generally regarded as one of the highest-level creature types. Sporting massive quantities of HP, and more raw power than you could shake a +3 longsword at, they tend to be feared.

Demons are arguably amongst the things that are stronger, possessing myriads of stupidly powerful abilities, innate weapons that disappear when they die, and the fact that players fear them that much more when they come upon that entry in the Monster Manual.

Come on. It's more interesting than a description of how Geshp pretty much blasts Zog's abysmal MDEF to death with doublecast Freeze 4 spells, you have to admit that.

Odd Eye (SF2) Odd Eye vs Altima Altima (FFT)

Ahhh, Odd Eye.

A blind man, against a demoness.

Truly, this would be a difficult match for him.

Who but the blind could see Altima's inner beauty? Her character? Her strength? Her very soul, as twisted as it may be, must still have some warmth in it, must it not?


"AUUUGGHHHHH!" Odd Eye shrieked into the heavens, as he blasted Altima with a murderous combination of beam attacks and vicious sword slices.

Altima had not a chance.

"...Why do you think he reacted like that?" Jaha asked, curiously, as he watched (and rooted for, albiet with mixed feelings.) one of his cast members.

"Did you know that Altima founded the Society For Terrible Game Awareness?" Peter said. "The first game she spread was Hydlide."

"...What does that have to do with anything?" Chester said, confused.

"Oh, I'm just thinking out loud." Peter said. "Never mind. ...Wow, I didn't know you could do that with wings."

Odd Eye: 36
Altima: 30

Magus (Janus Zeal) (CT) Magus (Janus Zeal) vs Myria Myria (BoFs)

"Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up to the sky with hope!" and with those words Myria descends into the arena and lo Magus trembled in fear in the face of the godess he couldn't handle a god of Lavos's standards far below the standings of the great godess Myria and in that moment Myria obliterated him the first step to being the first godlike to 4 Crowns even the crazed dimension creator belial trembles in fear of the coming battle nothing stands between Myria and the crown... nothing

Magus (Janus Zeal): 43
Myria: 48

Magus, to put it bluntly, rules! with a double star-level speed and magic with 999 HP he's not going to go down anytime soon, stacked with elixers and his best possible armor Magus does a repeated physical, heal, Darkmatter, and repeats.

Emily (S3) Emily vs Alena Alena (DW4)

Joou Ranbu
Emily and Alena, being fairly good friends outside the arena, felt that it was unfair to have to beat each other unconscious in a big fight. After all, it's a lot more fun to endlessly pound at an infinitely Uppered Cristo all day long than go for a big fight to the death. So, they proposed a compromise to the judges in the arena, and they aceded.

So, they decided to duke it out in an exciting Zidane Pon Pon Blast! contest. It consisted of beating Zidane up relentlessly for ten minutes. After the time expires, the judges take pictures of Zidane's state after being pounded into barely living matter. The one who manages to make the resulting Zidane remains more similar to Big Joe's chin wins.

(It doesn't make sense and is kinda generic, but you really shouldn't argue with judges in the subject of beating Zidane.)

The result was that Emily's pounding resulted in Zidane looking vaguely like Deathevan's porn stash, which oddly consisted of nothing but Big Joe naked pictures. Alena herself sculptured something similar to Brey's wrinkles once she was done. By default, the victory went to Emily.

Sounds pointless, no? It is. Until we remind you that Alena won the right to use Zidane as an official punching bag during her spar sessions with Emily. Cristo, needless to say, cheered.

Emily: 49
Alena: 10

Zeno (BoF5) Zeno vs Knight Knight (FF1)

Knight strode into the arena, armor glistening, blade at the ready. This would be his finest moment, his best chance to stride into the ranks of DL glory with his head held high! He entered the arena, glistening with an air of cocky surety.

Zeno stood at the opposite side of the arena, arms crossed, smiling a bit. She nodded, as if confirming something, as Knight came in. "I've no intention of fighting you, you know. It'd be a waste of my time." She then proceeded to stroll out of the arena, much to the surprise of everyone there.

Then a series of tanks fell on Knight, crushing him.


"Hmph. Teach him to be less cocky next time." Zeno poured another glass of wine and passed it to Belial. "A fine first moment for the DL Womyn's Equality Front."

"I still don't understand, though. You lost the fight by forfeit. How does that help our cause?"

"Well, I likely would've lost anyway, despite it being a close fight. Call it revenge before the fact."

Belial shook her head, then downed a quarter of her glass. "Whatever."

Zeno: 29
Knight: 34

Nina Wyndia (BoF4) Nina Wyndia vs Jaheira Jaheira (BGs)

Two strong, independant women.

Could they do what the other had?

Could they struggle with the live the other had lived?

Evidently not, as this match showed.

While Nina had no real problem chewing out a half-elf, being a tree-hugger, healing and bludgeoning things with a stick, and generally being taciturn, Jaheira completely failed at being embarressed, generically sweet, a powerful wind mage and flying.

Especially the flying.

Actually, she broke both legs within about ten minutes of trying to live out Nina's life, via falling down a cliff.

So, Nina won thoroughly.

Jaheira's only satisfaction was clubbing Khalid, after he mentioned liking Nina better.

Nina Wyndia: 42
Jaheira: 9

for nina's match

it runs in the family

Maya Schroedinger (WA3) Maya Schroedinger vs Rose Rose (LoD)

*A day before the match, onboard the Space Station Zelan.*

"What do you mean, we're picking up garbage?" Demi asked. "We're in orbit around a low-overall-technology sub-planet. There's nothing that we could possibly be picking up."

Wren shrugged. "Look for yourself." Wren said, as he pulled up a secondary display screen.

"...Oh, those. I'd not thought about that... Kefka shipped all of them into low orbit." Demi said. "It was in the massive sheaf of warnings they shipped us when we parked Zelan in orbit around the Duelling League planet."

"We really shouldn't have taken this job." Wren noted, shaking his head at the "garbage" piling up on the outside of the space station.

"Well, this place needed weather control, this station wasn't useful where it was...we both know it made sense at the time." Demi said. "Well, let's just gather all of this up and launch it back to the planet."

"...Do you think they'll be able to handle that?" Wren noted curiously.

"They're made out of a composite of NPC and Mascot genetic material. They'd survive being thrown into a supernova. Let's get started." Demi nodded, satisfied.

*A day later.*

"You know, there's one problem." Demi noted, as she watched Wren arm the rocket designed to take the load of "trash" home.

"What?" Wren asked.

*WHAM.* "That. They keep moving around in there." Demi said. "It'll screw up the aim."

"Hm. Do you think that's a problem?" "Not particularly. The odds are vastly against any vital sites being struck. Besides, no one will ever be able to trace it back to us." Demi noted dryly. "You've been around Rika too much." Wren said, as he armed the rocket. "Let's get back inside, before this melts us."


"Hah! I'll show you." Maya said, grinning. "You think you can just walk in and step all over me?"

"Well, you are a lunatic, so no." Rose noted.

"...Hey! I resent that. I'm going to show you one of my newest techniques." Maya added, as she held up...a CD.

Then promptly changed into Dragoon form.

"What do you think of this?" Divine Dragoon Maya said, grinning. "Isn't it your worst nightmare? You're weaker than me, you're slower than me, and you can't kill me in one shot! You're finished!"

"Is that legal?" Rose called up to the judges box.

"Kupo?" "Kupo. Kupopo!" "Kupo!?" "Kupo." "Kupo." "Kuuupo!" A legion of moogles happily argued over the legality.

"...Why do they have a policy of making so many random people judges? I can see some of this, but why a bunch of random moogles? Just because that group's popular..." Rose sighed. "Alright. Let's see what you've got, then."

Maya, grinning broadly, rose into the air.

"Ahhhh! Divine Dragon Can-URG." Maya cut off in mid-attack, as a massive ball of flaming red crushed her to the earth.

"...is it always like this here?" Rose asked curiously.

A chorus of ten kupos answered her.

Maya had been crushed by several thousand Moombas and a half-ton of shredded rocket parts.

"...Eheh? They came back?" Kefka said, stunned, as he watched the Moombas flood out of the arena. "Well, I guess I just have to send them back up! Eeeeheheheheheh!" Kefka said, racing to gather up the stray Moombas.

"...well, she's out. So do I win?" Rose asked.

Another chorus of affirmative kupos answered her, along with several hundred Moomba squeaks.


"Hah! Dragoons. I know where the real power is, now. Their fierce, mighty paws, their adorable stature, their flaming red hair...clearly Moomba-style battle is the ultimate in fighting techniques!" Maya said weakly, from her bed.

"...Does anyone want to mention how bad her concussion is?" Shady asked.

"Not really." Alfred replied, as Maya rambled on about Moombas.


Ultimately, Kefka against Moomba was a terrifying struggle.

But in the end, it was a total rout.

Kefka never had a chance. The lack of the element of surprise doomed him.

Laguna's pretty happy now, though. He never has to work a day in his life, now that the Moombas are back.

And in the end, isn't Laguna's happiness all that really matters?

Maya Schroedinger: 23
Rose: 32

Bowman Jean (SO2) Bowman Jean vs Warlock Warlock (S4)

Orson Carola
Normally you'd think pharmicists are weak when it comes to combat, but Warlock has hideously weak defense to physicals. Even ol Jeff down at the corner store can wreck havok on Warlock, so what do you think the result of a fighting pharmicist is? Match to Bowman.

Bowman Jean: 41
Warlock: 18

Jude Maverick (WA4) Jude Maverick vs Porom Porom (FF4)

Jude's magic defense is the thing of the legends. Porom's physical defense is also the thing of the lengends. Both can hit each other's weaker defensive stat. The difference?

Jude is faster.

That's enough to buy him the first turn and a one-two punch combo with a physical and Silver Launcher. Hence, Jude shoots first. Welcome to Middle Porom.

Jude Maverick: 49
Porom: 30

Midboss (Disgaea) Midboss vs Blanca Blanca (SH2)

(Hah. Look at you. You're pathetic.) Blanca jaunted into the arena, grinning as only a canine can. (Those ridiculous clothes, that ego, that voice...worthless.)

"Ah! I see you appreciate my beautiful physique, my canine friend. Please, please, stare as long as you wish, I'm quite willing to delay as long as you want." Vyers, the Dark Adonis, said, posing under Blanca's scrutiny.

(...No.) Blanca shook his head rapidly, glaring. (I'm mocking you, not admir-)

"Ahahahah! Ahhh, it is a shame that a dog is one of the few to truly appreciate my brilliant stature. Yes, yes, dear dog, you are winning my heart!"

(...that is so incredibly perverted.) Blanca "said" to little purpose, as he began growling with hackles raised at Midboss.

"Haaaahahahaha! Yes, yes, you are willing to even fight for me! How incredibly noble! I cannot fight such an intelligent beast! I will forfeit this match, and instead show you a small token of my esteem!" Midboss promptly picked up Blanca, ignoring the attempted mauling, and carried him out of the arena.

(...what have I gotten myself into now?) Blanca howled desperately, as he was carried out of the arena.


(...don't ask. Just don't ask, Yuri, for the love of god, don't ask.) Blanca said, attempting to ignore Yuri as he passed him in the halls.

Blanca, himself, was decked out in a small, open vest and tight fitting pants.

"...Blanca, why the hell are you cosplaying me badly?" Yuri asked curiously, as he passed Blanca. "The vest, the pants, it's all wro-"

Blanca promptly lept on top of Yuri and began mauling him.

Midboss: 26
Blanca: 48

Not often taken into account when he battles is the fact that Blanca is wind elemented character in the game Shadow Hearts. While wind elemented characters in Shadow Hearts are often the coolest they are also often useless in an actual fight. Thus it is with a heavy heart that I must succeed the battle to Mid Boss, AKA vyers, AKA King Krechevskoy.
On a related side note Laharl is still catatonic from the news of this.

Berserk (WA) Berserk vs Kukuru Kukuru (AtLC)

Lezard Valeth
Belselk (Berserk) will simply smash kukuru with his morning star. After all he is the strongest of the quarter knight.

Berserk: 34
Kukuru: 22

Rikimaru (S2) Rikimaru vs Gadget Z Gadget Z (S3)

Orson Carola
Rikimaru was sure he'd be able to win with no trouble. He even went so far as to sharpen his already razor-sharp blade. But is this why he was in the middle of the arena, hacking away at a machine made of wood that can't DIE? This better not be his loss. He's Rikimaru! He's got 1337 hunger skills...that's it! Trees are plants and plants are sometimes veggies, so maybe eating Gadget Z would win it for him? He immediately started biting into Gadget Z, who felt nothing, because of being a robot. After some 6 minutes of dinnertime, Rikimaru was stuffed...but then a horrible pain erupted from his stomach. Turns out maybe eating a barrel isn't the most advisable of methods, and he soon learned this lesson after his stomach filled with splinters and machine parts, causing a hole in Rikimaru to open up, allowing what little was left of Gadget Z to appear again. Since the main module still showed signs of activity, Gadget Z was given the win.

Rikimaru: 19
Gadget Z: 50

Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) Mustadio Bunanza vs Jin Uzuki Jin Uzuki (XS2)

Things looked grim for Mustadio. Sure, he might harry Jin with mildly annoying shots for awhile, but as long as Jin kept stocking up and healing, eventually Mustadio would be sent soaring into the air for a sound thrashing... if Jin closed, that is.

Jr., at least, was impressed with Mustadio's handiwork. "That's a... fascinating battlefield, Jin. I wonder how many artifacts he had to part with to arrange this? And how come I never got to pull something like this?"

The arena had been changed such that it was only a massive corridor stretched out. Only one person wide, there would be no room for dodging, and it was long enough that the ol' run & gun strategy could be pulled for some time.

Jin had diligently researched his opponent, of course. "Hmm. According to Daravon's official compendium of fighting speeds, Samurai move at 3 so-called 'spaces' per turn, while Engineers can motor out 4- perhaps even 5 with the help of Move+1. This may require... trickery."


On the day of the match, Mustadio was quite confident in his victory. Everything started as he imagined; Jin advanced, stocking up, but not nearly quickly enough. And then-

"Air Slash!" Jin yelled, fast-drawing his sword. Mustadio had nowhere to dodge and was promptly knocked out by the wave of power.

Meanwhile, Claude enjoyed going on his rampage through the Cave of Trials with his new AWMS he'd earned for a mere hour of instruction in a simple level 3 skill. Talk about a deal.

Mustadio Bunanza: 22
Jin Uzuki: 41

An epic match this truely is. Considering that Mustadio can barely deal even half average damage with his dinky peashooter, this means Jin gets enough turns to pull off possibly more than one full Stock/Air combo. Said combo is actually decent on damage, although it requires charging.

For those of you that are a bit slow, this is a dish of massive failure that can only be brought possible by the non-wondertwins Engineer of FFT-dom.

Not being able to move or act means you're probably not going to win either. Better luck next time, Jin.

Roy (S5) Roy vs Rufus Shinra Rufus Shinra (FF7)

Victory by fandom
By Arthur, RPGDL Times

Roy just can’t keep his mouth shut. After a few disparaging comments to the press about his opponent’s(Rufus Shinra) fighting ability, fashion sense, parentage, and a few other touchy subjects, the young bandit was seen fleeing at top speed from a non-descript black car being driven by a stone faced bald gentleman in a black suit. Reports conclude that Roy did manage to get away, as witnesses saw the bald man standing in front of an alleyway too small for his car, talking on a cell phone.

However, other witnesses later reported a white haired young man in fancy clothing being beaten and manhandled into a van by a blonde woman and a red haired man.

“It was hilarious!” states Melfice(name used with permission), owner of the Taste of Valmar restaurant, outside of which the van was parked, “These couple of peons came out and started beating up this kid who wouldn’t talk. He already paid so it wasn’t my problem, but he didn’t need me anyway. Soon as they got him in that van, get this, it exploded. Then this little wench whipped out a giant knife and started cutting up the two losers while the silent kid was curb-stomping the other guy with a shotgun that was in there. Best laugh I’ve had all week.”

When later asked for a comment about these events, Lyon had only this to say, “Oooh, that Roy! How dare he get the Prince in this kind of situation!? I’m going to give him such a slapping!” Refusing to comment further, she stalked off with the Twilight Rune glowing rather ominously. Prince Freyjadour, of course, had no comment.

The match later that afternoon had neither contestant showing up, causing a double disqualification and leaving the decision of who to advance entirely up to the judges. The judges, unable to reach a decision, left it up to popularity vote from the attending crowd, causing a landslide victory for the president of Shinra(it seems his entire fanclub was in attendance).

Roy: 35
Rufus Shinra: 39

Lezard Valeth
Rufus bribes his opponent. It's cheap but hey you got to do what you got to do.

Aeris Gainsborough (FF7) Aeris Gainsborough vs Virginia Maxwell Virginia Maxwell (WA3)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
In a point and click observation of Aeris VS. Virginia, there is one thing to make clear:

Limits are not charged going into this.

With that said, Virginia proceeds to dodge Aeris' weaker staff thrusts, reloads before weakening her to 50% or less, then Gatlings Flower Girl into oblivion.

Spiffy Commentaries are overrated. :-D

Aeris Gainsborough: 24
Virginia Maxwell: 62

In most instances, Virginia Maxwell has always been very appreciative of her originalty in being a main RPG character who doesn't wield a sword. Much to her misfortune she faces an opponent who has a DIRE weakness to swords. Thus was Virginia quite frankly astonished when Aeris used seal evil to cast stop on virginia (who being a PC was not immune to stop) and then proceeded to beat to blue hell out of Virginia one HP at a time. Kick some ass Aeris!

Don't quit your day job 2

Florina with a bunch of guys- Shes curled up in a ball in the corner

Noel even if he tried to cut a tree, his attack is so bad it would take 20 turns

Jet cant learn people skills, your either born with them, or you have to spend the rest of your life learning them

Luc's physical is bad, but his Golems Physical is decent enough. and what are golems made out of? Bricks. Luc has his golems dismantle other golems and uses them to build things, all while lounging around eating chips and donuts, like all other construction workers.

Florina: 20
Noel: 2
Luc: 35
Jet: 14


It's pretty simple really. Three of these people are being forced to do jobs that go against their beliefs and personalities. Noel is more likely to strap himself to a tree in protest than cut one down himself, manual labor is so beneath Luc that he'd walk out in disgust after taking one look at a hard hat, and Jet gaining people skills is only a little more impossible than Jogurt winning a Godlike championship.

Florina, however, is being asked to keep prisoners in check. Not look after them as a maid or handle them with care, but keep them in check. If anything, her fear of men will be a boon here, because the moment one of them gets anywhere near her, her immediate reaction would be to pound and stab them repeatedly with her spear then have Huey stomp them a few times for good measure.

Looks like someone's going to earn a few brownie points from her green haired love interest.

Florina is the best prison guard because the prisoners have long since given up on getting female attention, thus making her job rather easy without any 'lecherous' distractions. Her biggest trouble is keeping the prisoners from 'killing' eachother.

Lezard Valeth
florina, well somehow her pegasus manage to squeeze into the prison and help her with the inmates. That, and some help from the DL God-like to keep things cool.

Tough choice between Florina and Luc.