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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Ash Lambert vs Tir McDohl Id vs Augustine Albert Serdio vs Clive Imoen vs Genis Sage
Rika vs Arc Eda Ricolne Maya Amano vs Marcy Ruprecht vs Locke Cole Thomas vs Lulu
Endora vs Masaji Kato Volk vs Isaac Lemina Ausa vs Maxine Chu-Chu vs Mogu
Miguel vs Fou-Lu Agrias Oaks vs Hugo Hellion vs Jerin Ward Zabac vs Draggy
Week 2 - Eliminations

Ash Lambert (VH) Ash Lambert vs Tir McDohl Tir McDohl (Suikos)

Say what you want about him, but Ash Lambert knows how to talk to a silent main. As Tir entered the arena (just in time for his match to begin immediately, as it just so happened), he was treated to a question in a familiar format.

"Care to settle this match in a classic Suikoden duel?
- All right
- Not really"

Tir McDohl was puzzled. Why would he ever agree to something like that? Ash was clearly a lot stronger than him physically, and he was guaranteed an immediate victory if he just played by the rules and stuck to his Deadly Fingertips strategy. As soon as he selected the second option, however, Ash responded immediately with "I really think you should consider it," and then repeated his initial question. Tir considered his two options yet again and then realized what Ash had done.

It was a rigged question. He could pick "Not really" as many times as he liked, but the question would always be repeated and he couldn't cast any spells during dialogue. As soon as he selected "All right," the duel would begin and he'd be robbed of his match-winning abilities. To get out of it, Tir would actually need to say something of his own, and, well, let's just say he wasn't willing to do that. After a moment of deliberation, he selected the first option, then watched the crowd fade away as the Vandalier and True Rune Bearer became the sole inhabitants of a newly-stark background setting.

Ash Lambert does indeed know how to talk to a silent main, which would prove to be his downfall a few moments later. What he hadn't remembered about Suikoden duels is that the Tenkai Star's opponent always has to shout something to completely give away his next move, allowing the hero to overcome vast physical disadvantages by carefully manipulating the game of rock-paper-scissors.

Ash might have been able to predict his opponent's moves the same way, except "..." really doesn't tell you much.

After the one-sided slugfest, McDohl was swamped by reporters asking him if he'd like to say anything to his potential Godlike competitors about his ability to win matches without relying on the notorious power of the Soul Eater. Tir had no comment.

Ash Lambert: 15
Tir McDohl: 60

Ash Lambert. He's destined to go somewhere. He's destined to BE somebody. It's just that he's not destined to win this match. A very poor draw for him, Tir wins this without breaking a sweat.

Ash could've defeated Kefka, Shame.

Ash Lambert could almost certainly beat McDohl in melee combat. Too bad the Soul Eater is the great equalizer and then some.

Klayne Feirwyn
Oh I saw Tir McDhol as a chance de win vs Ash.

Rika (PS4) Rika vs Arc Eda Ricolne Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)

Poor Arc. He thought that if Elc could take down a powerful end-boss using a plethora of magic tricks and Invincible, he could take down Rika with a plethora of magic tricks and Invincible.

What he forgot was that durability, damage, and speed tend to help with that winning thing. Looks like all Arc can look forward to is a quick loss followed by a certain younger protagonist mocking his fifth DL defeat.

Rika: 33
Arc Eda Ricolne: 27

Rika a godlike? It's quite puzzling even with spells that enhance status and a pretty good aray of healing, though her stats arent anything special she should still be able to defeat Arc.

Endora (OB) Endora vs Masaji Kato Masaji Kato (SH2)

It was a lightly popluated match. While Endora and Kato both had plenty of fans, it was considered to be a dull match by godlike standards, especially with Fou-Lu returning to action in the arena over at the same time. Endora looked at the crowd, a bit dissapointed. People were going to miss a show. Without skipping a beat, she focused in again on her opponent.

"You seek to challenge me, youngling? Look here! We're on the outskirts of Godlike, surrounded by much tougher enemies. Let's work together. Here's a gesture to prove my words." Endora waved her hands to the outside of the ring. Standing in the front row stood none other than Kawashima! "H..how?" Without another word, Kato ran out of the ring and hugged her. Endora simply collected her win without another word, and left the arena.

Hours later


Endora looked up from her spellbook. "Seems the illusion spell lasted longer than I thought." Without another word, Endora set extra guards in front of her door and went to go enjoy a victory celebration, as far away from Kato as possible.

Endora: 39
Masaji Kato: 22

Miguel (CC) Miguel vs Fou-Lu Fou-Lu (BoF4)

Lurking Registered User
Miguel has two options: Cast TurnBlack to make Fou-Lu vulnerable to the Holy Dragon Sword, and take a full-force Dark Wave, or whack Fou-Lu for *much* lesser damage and take a slightly less powerful Dark Wave. Either way, he's toast.

Miguel: 16
Fou-Lu: 75

Holy Dragon Sword < Royal Sword
Sorrie Miggie.

Id (XG) Id vs Augustine Augustine (S3)

Id kept the most inconvenient memories of Fei, right?

All locked up tight inside a ball of seething rage and random flowing bishie red hair.

But there are some memories that were too horrible for even him to remember.

As Augustine entered the arena, his feminine good looks and grace wowing some of the stranger parts of the audience, Id took one look, screamed in the purest horror and rage, and beat the everloving hell out of him.

It turns out that Miang had gone to some interesting lengths to test Fei's reactions as a child. One of those ways had been dressing him up as a little girl, calling him nothing but Felina, and generally treating him like a precious, cute little wonderful girl, then stopping for no reason.

Actually, it wasn't really a test. She was just doing it for kicks. But don't tell Id that.

At any rate, now Id has regressed into the depths of Fei's mind, cowering in a corner, and trying to repress urges to put on makeup.

Let us pray that he succeeds. For all of our sakes. There are some things far more horrific than blowing up a city.

Id: 42
Augustine: 39

Maya Amano (Pers2) Maya Amano vs Marcy Marcy (CC)

Like so many girls her age, Marcy had been enamored with the adventures of the Sailor Scouts growing up. Of course, living in an RPG world, her dreams of being a super-powered magical girl were far more achievable, and so we have the Ice Blast spamming youth she is today.
Of course, this also left a residual awe of the power of the Moon in her. So after a little prodding from her friends, Maya decided to spread the (completely true) rumor that Maya had full mastery over the MOON and could draw on the power of a great Moon Goddess. Naturally, Marcy didn't show up for the match, since in her eyes she had no real chance to win. Granted, a few creeps showed up with cameras hoping to catch a fanservicey transformation sequence, but since Katsuya was on-hand to bust them, it was probably the least eventful match in ages, a strange but welcome change of pace for dear Ma-ya.

Maya Amano: 42
Marcy: 21

Volk (AtL4) Volk vs Isaac Isaac (GS)

Volk had been working himself in a rage all day. He was finally looking forward to taking revenge on all humans. They had killed his precious wife and children! Never mind that they had been on human turf in a very stupid move! Irrelevant! Well, Volk eventually got himself so angry that he became rabid. He never showed up at the battle because he was too busy frothing at the mouth and chasing squirrels. Isaac won by default. Unsurprisingly, he had no comment.

Volk: 18
Isaac: 39

Agrias Oaks (FFT) Agrias Oaks vs Hugo Hugo (S3)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Let's ignore for a second that Hugo is not only faster, but hits just as harder or even harder than Agrias. Let's also forget that Hugo gets a retinue of Fire Magic, cheap Healing, and did I mention the speed difference?

When Hugo hears about Lulu's inevitable defeat, there is going to be all sorts of Hell to pay.

Yes, that's a captial 'H.' It's that bad. Agrias, we hardly knew ye...

Agrias Oaks: 27
Hugo: 66

Albert Serdio (LoD) Albert Serdio vs Clive Clive (Suikos)

Being the natural bookworm he is, Albert intended to study his opponent thoroughly before the match. Pouring all the resources of Serdio into the problem, he managed to snag a working copy of Suikoden II from EBay. He elected to play it himself (really, it's not a big change from how he usually spends his time) and to do so without the aid of advisors.
Reaching the end of the game, he realized he had not, in fact, encountered Clive at all. So he played again. This time he met the young gunman, but could not recruit him.
Again and again Albert played, never able to fully see all the information about his opponent. First he missed Eliza in Muse. Then he overshot the timed sequence by double. Then by a couple hours.
Frustrated beyond anything he had ever known and awake for an unknown number of days straight, the time for the match came and Albert struggled to the arena.
Then he saw his opponent, the very blonde that had caused him such grief. Howling like the damned, he tore into his opponent with a fury that shamed even greats like Luca Blight. The medics are debating just creating a new Clive from blood samples rather than trying futily to find larger remains, except Albert also took out the first few rows of the audience as well.
The amusing part is that no one really cared. Even the medics had to be bribed most heftily to put so much effort into the matter. And thus the universe finally hands out the most deserved "SCREW YOU" in the history of RPGdom. And it was good.

Albert Serdio: 44
Clive: 29

Ruprecht (SO2) Ruprecht vs Locke Cole Locke Cole (FF6)

Lurking Registered User
Ruprecht walked into the ring. Locke still hadn't showed up, and the spectators were getting impatient.

"I, Ruprecht, do hereby forfeit the match," Ruprecht said, and walked out, giving Locke the match.

Once he got out of sight, 'Ruprecht' removed his clothes and, whistling a jaunty tune, wandered off to hunt some treasure.

Meanwhile, the real, stark naked, Ruprecht finally got up the nerve to make a break from the Arena's locker room and back to his quarters, where he could get some more clothes. After all, everyone else would be in the Arena stands, so he wouldn't encounter anyone on the way back, right?

With his confidence thus bolstered, Ruprecht slammed the door open and ran... smack into Lenneth. In front of a huge crowd of RPGDL females returning from the disappointingly short 'match.' And a horrified Lezard Valeth.

The resulting violence was of a sort usually only experienced by Zidane, and will therefore be summarized simply as 'Legendary.'

Ruprecht: 29
Locke Cole: 56

Ruprecht and Locke go at it, Locke at first glance looks to be a clear loser, he's from what looks like a late 19th/early 20th century period, isnt a machine, or quite as powerful, but he does have dispel, cure3, and life3, all of which should be useful, though dispel isnt needed it will nontheless make the match go by faster, and Ragnarok would cast flare, causing additional damage, and the Marvel shoes and economizer should prove to be valuable.

Lemina Ausa (Lunar2) Lemina Ausa vs Maxine Maxine (S4)

The natural thing to assume here would be that perverts would gravitate to this match like honey.

Certainly, everyone else expected it.

Lemina had hired hundreds of guards, and both Maxine and Lemina had carefully chosen clothes that were tear resistant, undergarments that were as little revealing as possible, and had gone to every effort to look their best.

(Well...if all else fails, it's best to not have people shuddering at you if you end up in a mud pit, isn't it?)

Unfortunately, Piastol had, without warning or notice, shot all the perverts out a cannon into deep space.

As it turns out, the Sister Ray can easily be retrofitted into a high velocity railgun. A few additional modifications, and you can even use it as a spaceship catapult that would allow people to be lofted into space with a mere 85% casualty rate. So, a special party held by proxies, some well drugged food, and voila, no more pervert problem.

Naturally, Edge was the proxy. Well, Piastol had told him to do it or die. Edge didn't let on that he would have paid her to launch Sten into deep space.

Unforunately, no one had really bothered to aim the cannon.

And, so, the warefaring high-velocity cannon shell sheared into the orbital weather-control space station, Zelan, which had been moved into Duelling League orbit around the time of it's founding, to control the weather.

And so, it rained clothes-eating acid rain for about twelve days after this. Eventually, Wren and Demi managed to kill most of them and ship them back to the League, to Piastol's great joy. She was sick of wearing a heavy rain coat all the time, and taking it out on someone would be nice.

As for the match?

Well, Maxine had seen that it was cloudy that day, and that they had an outdoors arena. So, she brought a raincoat. It looked silly, and it felt silly, but she figured, with perverts on the move, it still wasn't really a bad idea.

Lemina didn't.

And so, Lemina fled the arena, leaving Maxine the victor.

Lemina Ausa: 27
Maxine: 38

Hellion (S1) Hellion vs Jerin Jerin (Lufia1)

In a defensive battle such as this, you'd expect it to be as boring as watching paint dry.

You'd be right! Jerin's fighting style is uninteresting, dull, and pretty repetitive. I'm sure it'll comfort Hellion that she's the cooler dueller while she heals up from the indiginity of getting beaten up by Elf physicals.

Hellion: 17
Jerin: 51

Imoen (BGs) Imoen vs Genis Sage Genis Sage (ToS)

Calling down the wrath of heaven on someone so closely assosiated with Bhaalspawn is funny. Torching the frail Imoen with a taste of her own medicine is funnier. Kicking her body to the curb while Lloyd cheered him own was even funnier. Who'd have thunk Genis would manhandle the sister of a god like that?

Too bad Raine wasn't amused by his victory celebration. Getting spanked in front of a whole arena isn't very fun.

Imoen: 22
Genis Sage: 38

Genis has crazy damage... And his Casting speed isn't bad with the right EX Spheres... Why the hell is he light?

Thomas (S3) Thomas vs Lulu Lulu (S3)

It was considered to be something of a snoozer match. A clearcut fight between castmates and young men. Certainly nothing that would end in carnage. That all changed when Lulu ran up to Thomas, whispered something into his ear, and shoved a piece of paper. Before anyone could hear what was said, Thomas screamed, and charged Lulu. Blood quickly splattered the arena wall. Lulu stood in the center of a horrific pile of maimed limbs and gore, obviously dead from the attack. Nearby stood Thomas, covered head to toe in blood. His sword was still in it's sheath. Without saying another word, he left the arena.

Later on, it was found that Lulu, in his infinite wisdom, had called Cecile a Zidane lover, and provided a rather poorly done picture to 'prove it'. Luca Blight later rated the match a 10/10 fight, and gave Thomas the Iron Cross of the Highlands for noble work in 'slaughtering a really, really stupid pig.'

Thomas: 80
Lulu: 7

Chu-Chu (XG) Chu-Chu vs Mogu Mogu (BoF1)

Based on the unique looks of the competing contestants and the fact that a battle match between Chu Chu and Mogu would put 50% of the arena to sleep, the judges of this match decided on a different set-up: Adoption competition. The mole and the...chu...would be placed in a pet shop in the DL mall and whoever was bought first would be declared the winner. All the judges quickly agreed, seeing that these competitiors would probably be worth more sold off anyways.

And so Chu Chu and Mogu were put into a pet store window, trying to entice passerbys to buy them. The first people to saunter by were Florina and Lyn. Florina was babbling about her pretty pink ponies. Lyn was pantomiming strangling herself.

"Look, Lynniepoo! Isn't it cute!?" Florina screamed, running into the pet shop. She picked up Chu Chu and hugged her close.

"What...is it? A mop head?" Lyn studied Chu Chu with a puzzled look on her face. "What a hideous creature."

"What!? How can you say that?! Look at its beautiful pink fur! It's loving eyes!"

"I think it has Down Syndrome."

With that Florina collasped into tears. Lyn had to quickly usher to out of the store before she made a scene. Luckily, Florina noticed some pretty pink stickers in the Sanrio shop and promptly forgot about Chu Chu.

8 hours later, and both creatures were still sitting in the sore window. Chu Chu and Mogu had been derided by nearly all passersby. It was almost closing time, and no winner had been declared yet.

Finally, Ramza entered the store with Alma trailing him. He had a genius idea. He was sick of hunting all over Ivalice looking for rare poaches. Why do all that work when the pet shop might have just what he needed? Unfortunately for Chu Chu, rare pink Chu fur could now net someone a Lionheart, and Ramza was itching to try out the legendary sword. 5 bucks later and Chu Chu was on her way home with Ramza. The judges were going to declare it the winner, but Ramza said that she went missing. Oh well.

Chu-Chu: 47
Mogu: 31

Ward Zabac (FF8) Ward Zabac vs Draggy Draggy (CC)

Draggy thought he had this won. He had draconic power, draconic toughness, and most importantly, the ability of the average Chrono Cross character to dance around their opponent's limit.

But he forgot one tiny detail regarding this match...


To be more specific, his opponent's mass.

To be even more specific, his opponent's mass compared to his own.

He remembered it during this match though, after he rammed Ward's knee, causing the large, bulky man carrying the large, bulky anchor to fall on top of the baby dragon. Poor Draggy was pinned to the floor until he sufocated from muscleman B.O.

Ward Zabac: 45
Draggy: 42

Lurking Registered User
I don't give CC characters generic elements.

I don't give FF8 characters GFs. Or spells.

Sad as it is, this means Draggy probably KOs Ward in two turns.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and beat my head against something sharp for voting Draggy.

Ward got it right in FFVIII when noone else did. Being tongueless in a game as overdramatic as that was probably the best thing that could ever happen to him.