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Sephiroth vs Chaos Seed vs Maya Schroedinger Beowulf Kadmus vs Fiora Garet vs Luna
Luis Virgil vs Rashidi Rosa Harvey vs Elc Kyra Tierny vs Mia Rico Banderas vs Cyan Garamonde
Week 4 - Quarterfinals

Sephiroth (FF7) Sephiroth vs Chaos Chaos (FF1)

And so, Chaos screws up.

It was a simple match.

Too simple.

Sephiroth uses his trademark magics, Chaos heals, the battle repeats infinitely until the judges get bored and call it against Chaos because he's the one that hasn't done enough damage to kill the opponent a few trillion times over.

Unfortunatly, Chaos had a bright idea.

Send the Fiends back in time, and ressurect him there. It worked last time. After all, it made him hundreds of times more powerful. Then he could be teleported back forward to finish the battle.

Unfortunatly, the Temple of the Fiends never existed anywhere near the world of the DL. Which was required to ressurect him. He never thought that through.

But, hey, the Fiends tried anyhow. And, as Chaos fell, another shape appeared in the arena.

The form of the strongest fighter that the Fiends could actually find a thousand years ago, with Chaos' spirit inside of it's body.

Unfortunatly, to understand what happened next, you'd have to realize that the planet the DL arena was on wasn't actually there a thousand years ago. It was contructed. So, really, they just grabbed the first living thing they saw when they were floating around in space.

So, when a Lavos Spawn appeared, attacked Sephiroth, and was summarily blasted through a wall, no one had a damned clue what happened. Except Chaos, who had his poor spikey shell embedded in the wall, and was planning massive amounts of pain for his servants when his old body was revived and he was moved back into it.

Moral of the story: If you're a villian, always research your nefarious plans.

Then throw the plan away and just try fighting normally. You'll come out ahead, on average.

Sephiroth: 40
Chaos: 32

Bah, so you've got me hooked. Again. Sephiroth wasn't THAT hard, I mean really. He's just shoddy, overhyped rubbish.

Wow, there are a lot of matches I couldn't vote in because of the "you have to have played both games rule".

Anyway, Sephiroth doesn't even deserve to be in the same page as Chaos, Chaos could destroy him.

Luis Virgil (XS1) Luis Virgil vs Rashidi Rashidi (OB)

"...Mm. And I'll expend all of my mystic energy battling Sephiroth, and yet, I am unable to best Virgil?" Rashidi stared at his crystal ball. It spoke truly, and yet... "If I'm going down, it shall be on my own terms."


Sephiroth raised Masamune overhead, it's gleaming blade covered in Chaos's blood. Victory had not been easy, but it hadn't been the hardest thing Seph had done in his long, glorious Duelling League career. His post match interview had been going well, until the mics had cut off without warning.

To his surprise, an older looking man walked into the center of the ring, with a wry smile on his face. "You're the one they call Sephiroth?"

Seph merely nodded at this, and wondered who this feeble old man was. As soon as his head stopped moving, the old man's hands began glowing with bright energy.

Sephiroth was soon surrounded by six shifting colors. Looking annoyed Seph slashed fulitely against the barrier. "Ah.. young man, I'm afraid you can't escape quite that easily." The barrier quickly closed in on Sephiroth, and split into six different colors. The red part of the barrier seared Seph's skin upon contact, while the blue part of the barrier froze his flesh solid upon touching. The purple part crackled with the power of lighting, while the green part seared with the power of the very physical wind. At the very top of the barrier swirled pure light, which charred at a mere touch, and darkness at the bottom, which consumed any parcel of light or matter that entered it.

The barrier stood like that for a minute, closing in and making Sephiroth suffer, while the arena sat in stunned silence. The colors began swirling and closing in extremely quickly, to the point where Sephiroth was no longer visible.

In a sudden flash of blinding light, the barrier closed into a single point of nothingness, then exploded in a hue of colors.

As the air cleared, there was only one man standing in the ring. Rashidi stood, obviously out of energy and worn out from his incredible display of power. Sephiroth was nowhere to be seen, nor was the few pieces of the ring that had survived that incredible spell.

The Wiseman raised his hand in the air, and laughed briefly. He then dropped to the ground, dead from the effort it took to create such an incredible spell.


Virgil sat in the bar reserved for Godlikes, nursing a beer. The viewscreen set up showed the carnage in the ring from Rashidi's sudden assault... well, what was left of the ring. The sounds of wild cheering where heard in the backround, as people celabrated the painful fate of long time powerhouse Sephiroth. It wasn't often he got burned like that.

Rashidi's foe cared not at all for that. He had seen a great show, and possibly, a weakness in his foe next week. Virgil tipped his drink at the viewscreen which focused in on Rashidi, who obviously wasn't going to be able to show for his match. Virgil smijed, and said the four words that summed up that entire event.

"Hell of a trick."

Luis Virgil: 29
Rashidi: 22

Seed (S2) Seed vs Maya Schroedinger Maya Schroedinger (WA3)

The battle began normally enough, with fire and bullets filling the skies with heat and lead as Seed's sharpened sword and Maya's hardened staff clashed repeatedly.

During the course of the battle, the Harmonian knight was able to unbalance the drifter with a powerful slash, and his blade down swung down for the kill...

...only to stop a few inches in front of Maya's face, which now bore an uncanny resemblance to Culgan (she had read Marlowe's books on the Dunan Unification War, for those wondering).

Then Seed broke down and cried.

After a few proddings from Maya (who had switched back to normal form out of sheer bewilderment), the swordsman started blubbering about how he and Culgan had an argument, and how they're now not talking to each other anymore and how he tried to spike Culgan's drink like how Rosa told him during Chisato's interview but he found he couldn't do it because he loved him too much and how he really misses misses and their various moments together, sparring naked, relaxing in one of the many baths, or simply watching the sunset on the dl arena rooftop while cuddling together, and so on and so forth...

...which only pissed off Maya who went on her own tangent about how Culgan at least acknowledged their relationship, unlike Virginia, who still actively denies to everyone that they have a thing together, going out and having a very public, very fake date with the uninterested Jet in an attempt to keep a straight profile, even though the two of them had already shown their feelings for each other and she had told her the it's okay to be gay in the DL, but no, she still wants to keep their relationship a secret, making her feel like some sort of tramp on the side which makes her want to cry...

Which she eventually did, in some sort of dissonant harmony with Seed's sobs, eliciting a response from Aldo, who had jumped into the arena from the audience, and causing him to rant angrily about how at least they have a chance with their significant others. His love, on the other hand...

And that was how one of the biggest angstfests occured in the DL, as every single character with a yaoi/yuri relationship problem converged in the ring to ramble, rant, and grieve in a very Livejournal Communityesque way. This would have normally ended in a draw, or at least a postponement of the match, but the judges who consisted of Seifer (I lost Squally to Rinoa... Rinoa!), White Rose (Doesn't Lord Asellus know that my heart aches everytime she charms another woman?), and Gremio (Young master, why did you leave me after Master Ted joined the league?), were too busy joining the rest of the fighters in the community weep.

Free wine flowed as Agnes cried about how Miss Elenor doesn't notice all that she was doing for her while Agrias comforted the young strategist, telling her how she understood all too well. Kain angsted about how his Cecil was drugged and stolen from him while Dias listened patiently before responding how he understood too well, after that Selene woman bought his Ashton during that Auction House incident many seasons ago. Lucius wailed to a nodding (Suikoden) Lucia about the difficulties of trying to maintain a relationship with somone so cold. Marivel sighed as she spoke with Joachim about the difficulties of being a vampire in love.

And as the day went on until the sun had set, two people who had been watching the entire spectacle entered the arena.

And the gathered people just watched as, like some sort of bad, feel-good fanfic, Culgan and Virginia walked over to their respective lovers, and without saying anything, gave them a passionate embrace.

And the people gathered there clapped and cheered for the two couples, for while their problems may still be unresolved, at least these four had a happy ending in the end.



...oh right, the match.

The drifters stepped off the ring a few seconds before the knights, so Seed wins.

Seed: 33
Maya Schroedinger: 11

Rosa Harvey (FF4) Rosa Harvey vs Elc Elc (AtLC)

You know, there's one big problem Rosa's had, her entire life.

She attracts spearmen.

She has no clue why.

(Maybe she attracts the kind of man that overcompensates with a large lance, though that doesn't explain why Cloud hasn't hit on her yet.)

So, as Elc, totally ignoring glares from Lieza, asked Rosa out to dinner, Rosa decided this was a easy out on the match, and told him she would if he'd call the match. He accepted.

Then Cecil and Kain tried to kill him.

...And he beat both.

From there...well, if you've seen a tabloid recently, you probably know the rest. Suffice it to say that Cecil hasn't spoken to Rosa in a few days, and that Elc and Rosa's tempestous love affair has been the talk of the Duelling League.

In fairness, she traded up to someone more masculine, at least.

Rosa Harvey: 24
Elc: 21

Beowulf Kadmus (FFT) Beowulf Kadmus vs Fiora Fiora (FE7)

Ah, poor Beowulf. I don't think he ever saw it coming.

Fiora's lancework was brilliant. Already, she had scored several blows on Beowulf, and was swooping in for the kill, when Beowulf attempted the skill that was his only hope; Namely, Break, in the hopes that he could petrify Fiora.

And Fiora promptly lept out of the saddle as the spell finished.

Which left a massive stone pegasus hurtling down at Beowulf.

From there, the results were a bit painfully obvious. Beowulf was crushed by a ton or so of high-velocity granite.

Poor pegasus, though. It had to have a lot of healers after it even after it was given a Soft. What kind of Pegasus can fly with chipped wings?

Beowulf Kadmus: 27
Fiora: 38

Kyra Tierny (PS4) Kyra Tierny vs Mia Mia (GS)

"Bla...blast..." That sound had been haunting Kyra all day. Whenever she left her room, the voice rang out at her.


It was truly puzzling. She had killed the turtle in a single casting of Tandle last week, and had even healed him after the match as an apology! Why was he seemingly stalking her? She had no time to worry about that, as her big match was coming up..

Kyra eyed Mia with no small amount of distaste. "How can she still be healing?!?"

The two healers had been exchanging equally feeble blows for the past several hours, and neither looked to be running out of healing any time soon.

Kyra turned away from Mia, summoning the energy to use Nafoi, yet again. Instead of a view of the crowds behind her, she had an impression of a rather large shell heading her way..


.. A giant, drunken battleturtle jumped on her chest, and began nuzzling her. "Blassssssssssssst!"

Amazingly, Kyra healing Blastoise had been the first nice thing anyone had done to him in a long time. He took that as a sign of affection..


And that was that. Unfortunately for Mia, his blow caught Kyra completely off guard, knocking her out cold. She was disquailifed for this, of course.

“You.. stupid turtle!” Mia charged Blastoise in an annoyed rage, and punted him all the way out of the arena. The crowd was understandably stunned by this, as Mia's kick was the first sign of actual offense either girl had shown all day.
“Bla...blast...” Blastoise stood outside the arena, with a bottle in hand. Cagnazzo was at his side, and also looked wasted.

“You said it, Blastoise. Women..”

Kyra Tierny: 27
Mia: 14

Garet (GS) Garet vs Luna Luna (Lunar1)

"Wha...humnnahem?" Garet sputtered, as Luna entered the arena.

His reaction was understandable. Luna had, for whatever reason, decided to change outfits.

To a rather more infamous one. Namely, a certain, rather scanty outfit that she put on near the end of her adventures...

After being duly warned that any use of plot powers would lead to Luna's instant disqualification, the match began. And Luna walked forward, swaying her hips.

Garet was pole-axed. "I...uhm....I....huh?...Wha?....ISSAC! What should I do!?" he said frantically, glancing up into the arena stands...

...Where Isaac slumped, unconcious. Along with the entire Golden Sun cast.

A smiling Ghaleon waved down, and called out to Luna "It's nice to see you get your taste in clothes back. Pity about your taste in men.".

Garet, still stammering, backed away from Luna, who was still sauntering towards him, until he slammed up against the back wall of the arena.

At which point Luna walked up to him, pressed up against him, took his head in her hands and kissed him. For about 30 seconds.

Then Garet fainted, winning Luna the match.

Overall, it worked out pretty well, for Luna, what with her not having to hurt anyone at all, yet still getting to have some fun.

Though Alex is still shaking his head at the whole thing. Not her kissing another man, he's too smart to think Luna would fall for Garet...no, just her wearing that outfit in public. He thought it was just for him...

Garet: 24
Luna: 25

Rico Banderas (XG) Rico Banderas vs Cyan Garamonde Cyan Garamonde (FF6)

Wrestler + Tin Can = Crushed Tin Can

Wrestler = Arena Battler = Rico
Tin Can = Steiner = Knight = Cyan
Rico + Cyan = Crushed Cyan

As of this writing, they're still trying to pry the Doman's flattened remains out of his compacted armor.

Rico Banderas: 35
Cyan Garamonde: 29

Tyrant vs. Tyrant
The Showdown

~Xeroma, OblivionKnight

You know, these two are pretty similar, even beyond the obviousness of insanity.

Both are very talented fighters.

Both have defeated both angelic beings and demons.

Both summon meteors with their best attacks for some reason.

Both work through others, largely.

The only real problem is this.

The others Dryst works through are his vassals, a fair amount of Rune Knights and a lot of various monsters. And a Bahamut, one of the most feared monsters in Forsena.

Laharl? He works through a bunch of vassals capable of shredding a massively powerful Alternate Overlord without a sweat. Lazy ones, but hey.

So much for Dryst.

Laharl: 37
Dryst: 18

Draco Ignifer
Ah, matters of scale... be it managing to bungee jump straight into the dirt by converting meters and feet on a one-to-one basis, or missing the moon because of improper rounding, disaster always strikes when one is imprudent about measurement.

And, of course, this little debacle will be no exception... Laharl's battles exist on a tactical scale, after all, whereas Dryst's are designed for a strategic one. In plainer terms, one of Laharl's entire battlefields is probably the equivelant of one, perhaps two, of Dryst's hexes.

Thus, the Supreme Overlord of the Neatherworld is soundly and humiliatingly defeated by the long ranged capabilities of a single Bahamut.

It could have been worse, though... the last tragic miscalculation of this magnitude caused two empires just as mighty as his to end up serving to provide a small dog with a light snack.

The best way to compare these two tyrants is in skillset, or what they share.. an ability to drop meteors on a target. Laharl's Meteor ability is a modestly powerful move that caps off his skillset. Dryst's Meteor Doom is an incredible attack that's best known for wiping out armies with a few simple castings.

On top of which, Dryst has the hat. You can't go wrong with the hat.

Laharl will pwn him, he can beat ancient demons and archangels!