Season 17, Week 3
Runeless and proud of it, Sylvina struck a blow for weaklings everywhere by actually winning a match last week. Sure, her foe was Gobi, known for being a bye for practically any dueller. Yes, Grey's an excellent damage dealer with good defense. It doesn't mean that the living suit of armor will deter Sylvina. The proud Elf girl shall stand tall and defend her puniess, and make Grey feel like he's at least been in some sort of minor skimish.



Grey comes into this match with a smile…well, he would if he had a visible face. Sylvina may be able a capable warrior when she has a rune, but RPGDL procedures have stripped her of magic. This means that the match will be a pure physical slugfest. And who do you think will win in a slugfest: the giant suit of armor with a massive broadsword, or a little elfin girl with what might as well be a toy bow?


Suikoscrub vs. VP character whose only real use is to send to Aesir doens't really make much of a interesting match, does it?

So, as Grey's superior firepower overcame the frail elf, nobody really took notice except for Sylvina's beau, who swore revenge against the swordsmen.

Of course, he's just as bad as his girlfriend, so Grey really wasn't inconvinenced.

Sylvina: 10
Grey: 54