Season 17, Week 3
Dark Force
(Phantasy Star Series)
The King of Terrors displayed only a fraction of his power in sending the warrior Scias to his death last week. Now, he fights a similarly powerless mortal, in the form of the Admiral Galcian. This fight with the Valuan will be a pure exchange of blows, but fortunately that's just the way the tankish scourge of Algol likes his fights! With deadly attacks like Flare Shot and Shadowbreath at his disposal, the incarnation of evil enjoys a clear damage advantage, and is prepared to demonstrate once again that mere mortals are no match for the power of Darkness.



While he is a powerful warrior, it is unlikely that Galacian has ever battled a creature like Dark Force - a god of evil and destruction who longs for nothing more than the destruction of planets. Despite his own evil inclinations, and his deeply held belief that destruction solves any problem, Galacian will be no friend to Dark Force. After all, theright to rule and destroy belongs to him, not some generic evil from a distant galaxy. And even though his powerful Eternum spell is useless against this interstellar threat, Galacian’s dreaded Terminal will allow him to shred Dark Force’s body, while his own durability will allow him to weather the foul beast’s attacks. Galacian may have failed in his conquest of the world, but he will not fail in his conquest of Godlike.

Ryu Hayabusa
Shouts of "Long live Valua! Long live Lord Galcian!!" erupted from the crowd as Galcian strode into the Arena. Casting an imperious glance toward his opponent, he was surprised to see only a tiny ornate box on the ground.

"What's this?" he thought. "Has Dark Force forfeited the match and left me some sort of peace offering instead?"

The crowd held its breath as Galcian flung open the box...

...and then all Hell broke loose as massive swirling shadows exploded from the box, whispering maniacal heresies, predictions of death and various rock lyrics played backwards. The crowd screamed in panic as the shadows swirled around them, projecting their worst nightmares into their minds. Only Galcian stood unmoved and steadfast, as the shadows coalesced in front of him into the towering, monstrous Dark Force.

"You have opened Pandora's box!" Dark Force roared. "I am Dark Force - I return every thousand years to wreak havoc on the RPGDL! Your hatred, fear and sorrow give me strength - so prepare to die, pathetic mortal!!"

In answer, Galcian drew his sword and attacked. Valuan steel tore into the physical manifestation of evil with flawless, devastating blows. Dark Force howled in anger and returned the damage in spades, but Galcian hardly flinched. He fought like a man possessed, ducking and weaving around Dark Force's attacks and punishing the demon relentlessly. Suddenly it seemed that Dark Force was weakening, faltering before Galcian's onslaught - and then Galcian gasped and took a step back as a multitude of hideous Dark Force heads swarmed around him, clawing at his mind, tearing at the very foundation of his sanity.

"Fool!" Dark Force laughed. "Your own mortal weaknesses shall betray you!!"

Galcian suddenly forgot where he was and what he was doing here. Only one thing stood out in his mind - money! All of his wealth and military power, that had never satisfied him to begin with, now seemed much too little, dangerously so. Basically, Galcian got greedy. With supernatural quickness he loped out of the Arena, and proceeded to pulverize Zidane, who had been placidly chewing a sandwich in the stands. Taking the thief's money pouch, Galcian continued to slaughter the spectators one by one, pocketing their wallets and purses in the process. Thus Dark Force was declared the winner by a ring-out, and vanished back to the foul pits of the abyss where it lived.

Dark Force: 31
Galcian: 16

Galcian has Eternum. Dark Force doesn't care.
Galcian resists status. Dark Force doesn't care.
Galcian has Terminal. Dark Force has attacks stronger than Terminal. Galcian cares.